# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.16 2020/07/03 21:12:59 sthen Exp $ COMMENT= BGP route injector (supporting flow routes, etc) MODPY_EGG_VERSION= 4.2.7 GH_ACCOUNT= exa-networks GH_PROJECT= exabgp GH_TAGNAME= ${MODPY_EGG_VERSION} REVISION= 0 CATEGORIES= net # BSD PERMIT_PACKAGE= Yes MODULES= lang/python MODPY_SETUPTOOLS= Yes MODPY_VERSION= ${MODPY_DEFAULT_VERSION_3} TEST_DEPENDS= devel/py-coverage${MODPY_FLAVOR} \ devel/py-nose${MODPY_FLAVOR} \ devel/py-six${MODPY_FLAVOR} \ sysutils/py-psutil${MODPY_FLAVOR} # Generate current version's exabgp.env in post-extract so we can patch # it rather than using a static copy in FILESDIR. The rc script uses # exabgp.daemon.env which has daemonize/logfile/etc setup, this is # separate to default exabgp.env to avoid getting in the way of ad-hoc # "foreground" configurations. post-extract: sh ${WRKSRC}/sbin/exabgp --fi > ${WRKSRC}/exabgp.env cp ${WRKSRC}/exabgp.env ${WRKSRC}/exabgp.daemon.env pre-configure: cd ${WRKSRC}; ${SUBST_CMD} \ dev/bin/python-profile \ dev/bin/pythonstats \ etc/exabgp/example-healthcheck.conf \ lib/exabgp/application/bgp.py \ lib/exabgp/application/cli.py \ lib/exabgp/application/healthcheck.py \ lib/exabgp/configuration/usage.py \ lib/exabgp/vendoring/profiler.py cd ${WRKSRC}; \ find ${WRKSRC} -type f -perm -111 -exec ${MODPY_BIN_ADJ} {} + post-install: ${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${PREFIX}/share/examples/exabgp/etc/ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${FILESDIR}/exabgp.conf ${PREFIX}/share/examples/exabgp/ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/exabgp*env ${PREFIX}/share/examples/exabgp/ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/etc/exabgp/*.conf ${PREFIX}/share/examples/exabgp/etc/ find ${WRKINST}${MODPY_SITEPKG} \( -name '*.orig' -or -name '*.beforesubst' \) -delete .for i in 1 5 ${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKSRC}/doc/man/*.$i ${PREFIX}/man/man$i/ .endfor do-test: cd ${WRKSRC}; exabgp_log_enable=false nosetests${MODPY_BIN_SUFFIX} --with-coverage ./qa/tests/*_test.py cd ${WRKSRC}; ./qa/bin/functional run .include