# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.174 2011/04/05 09:00:42 landry Exp $ COMMENT = Mozilla web browser BROKEN-sparc64 = https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=577056 # Don't forget to bump www/firefox-i18n after updates. # Don't forget to update devel/xulrunner/2.0 if patches changes. MOZILLA_VERSION = 4.0 MOZILLA_BRANCH = 2.0 MOZILLA_PROJECT = mozilla-firefox MOZILLA_CODENAME = browser SO_VERSION = 23.0 NSS_SO_VERSION = 27.0 # NOTE: Must bump minor version if any shlib's are removed from the # components dir to avoid pkg_add -r issues. MOZILLA_LIBS = browsercomps mozalloc \ xpcom xul CATEGORIES = www # mozilla public license PERMIT_PACKAGE_CDROM= Yes PERMIT_PACKAGE_FTP= Yes PERMIT_DISTFILES_CDROM= Yes PERMIT_DISTFILES_FTP= Yes # lots of logic in mozilla.port.mk MODULES = www/mozilla devel/gettext lang/python MODPY_RUNDEP = No USE_GROFF = Yes # Regression tests are too hard to adapt to run here NO_REGRESS = Yes CONFIGURE_STYLE = autoconf no-autoheader CONFIGURE_ARGS += --enable-official-branding --disable-install-strip CONFIGURE_ARGS += --with-system-libevent=/usr/ CONFIGURE_ARGS += --with-system-zlib=/usr/ --with-system-bz2=${LOCALBASE} WANTLIB += event .if ${MACHINE_ARCH:Msparc64} CONFIGURE_ARGS += --disable-tracejit --disable-methodjit .endif # --with-system-png=${LOCALBASE} # no system png : apng support not bundled in MOZILLA_AUTOCONF_DIRS += js/src MOZILLA_SUBST_FILES += config/autoconf.mk.in services/crypto/modules/WeaveCrypto.js SUBST_VARS += MOZILLA_VERSION NSS_SO_VERSION post-install: ${SUBST_CMD} -o ${SHAREOWN} -g ${SHAREGRP} -c ${FILESDIR}/mozilla-firefox.1 \ ${PREFIX}/man/man1/mozilla-firefox.1 cd ${PREFIX}/man/man1/ && ln -sf mozilla-firefox.1 firefox.1 cd ${PREFIX}/bin/ && ln -sf firefox mozilla-firefox # install desktop file ${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${PREFIX}/share/applications/ ; \ ${SUBST_CMD} -o ${SHAREOWN} -g ${SHAREGRP} -c ${FILESDIR}/${_MOZ_PROJECT_SHORT}.desktop \ ${PREFIX}/share/applications/${_MOZ_PROJECT_SHORT}.desktop ; \ .include