$OpenBSD: patch-pwsafe_cpp,v 1.2 2005/10/20 09:02:52 mbalmer Exp $
--- pwsafe.cpp.orig	Fri Sep 30 12:30:56 2005
+++ pwsafe.cpp	Sat Oct  8 22:53:08 2005
@@ -371,8 +371,8 @@ secstring operator+(const secstring& t1,
 // The name the program was run with, stripped of any leading path
 const char *program_name = "pwsafe"; // make sure program_name always points to something valid so we can use it in constructors of globals
-uid_t saved_uid;
-gid_t saved_gid;
+// uid_t saved_uid;
+// gid_t saved_gid;
 // database version
 enum Version { VERSION_UNKNOWN, VERSION_1_7, VERSION_2_0 };
@@ -893,14 +893,14 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
   try {
     try {
-      saved_uid = geteuid();
-      saved_gid = getegid();
+      // saved_uid = geteuid();
+      // saved_gid = getegid();
       // if we are running suid, drop privileges now; we use seteuid() instead of setuid() so the saved uid remains root and we can become root again in order to mlock()
-      if (saved_uid != getuid() || saved_gid != getgid()) {
-        setegid(getgid());
-        seteuid(getuid());
-      }
+      // if (saved_uid != getuid() || saved_gid != getgid()) {
+      //   setegid(getgid());
+      //   seteuid(getuid());
+      // }
       rl_readline_name = const_cast<char*>(program_name); // so readline() can parse its config files and handle if (pwsafe) sections; some older readline's type rl_readline_name as char*, hence the const_cast
@@ -918,10 +918,11 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
         const char* home = getenv("HOME");
         if (home && datname[0] != '/') {
-          char* dbname = reinterpret_cast<char*>(malloc(strlen(home)+1+strlen(datname)+1));
-          strcpy(dbname, home);
-          strcat(dbname, "/");
-          strcat(dbname, datname);
+	  size_t dbnamelen = strlen(home)+1+strlen(datname)+1;
+          char* dbname = reinterpret_cast<char*>(malloc(dbnamelen));
+          strlcpy(dbname, home, dbnamelen);
+          strlcat(dbname, "/", dbnamelen);
+          strlcat(dbname, datname, dbnamelen);
           arg_dbname = dbname;
         } else {
           // datname is already an absolute path
@@ -1130,7 +1131,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
       // save the rng seed for next time
-      if (rng_filename[0]) {
+      if (rng_filename[0] && strncmp(rng_filename, "/dev/", 5)) {
         int rc = RAND_write_file(rng_filename);
         if (arg_verbose > 0) printf("wrote %d bytes to %s\n", rc, rng_filename);
       } // else they already got an error above when we tried to read rng_filename
@@ -1619,7 +1621,7 @@ static secstring random_password() {
     snprintf(ent_buf, sizeof(ent_buf), "%d", entropy_needed);
     ent_buf[sizeof(ent_buf)-1] = '\0';
     char len_buf[24];
-    snprintf(len_buf, sizeof(len_buf), "%d", pw.length());
+    snprintf(len_buf, sizeof(len_buf), "%d", (int)pw.length());
     len_buf[sizeof(len_buf)-1] = '\0';
     switch (tolower(get1char("Use "+pw+"\ntype "+type_name+", length "+len_buf+", "+ent_buf+" bits of entropy [y/N/ /+/-/q/?] ? ", 'n'))) {
       case 'y':
@@ -2380,7 +2382,7 @@ bool DB::open(const secstring* pw_to_try
     version = VERSION_1_7;
-  if (arg_verbose > 1) printf("read in %u entries\n", entries.size());
+  if (arg_verbose > 1) printf("read in %u entries\n", (unsigned int)entries.size());
   opened = true;
   return true;
@@ -2601,7 +2603,7 @@ const DB::Entry& DB::find1(const char* r
       for (matches_t::const_iterator i=matches.begin(); i!=matches.end() && count < 3; ++i, ++count)
         printf("%s%s", (count?", ":""), (*i)->groupname().c_str());
       if (count != matches.size())
-        printf(", ... (%u more) ", matches.size()-3);
+        printf(", ... (%u more) ", (unsigned int)matches.size()-3);
       throw FailEx();
@@ -3235,26 +3237,26 @@ secalloc::Pool::Pool(size_t n) : next(0)
   top = z + ((bottom-z+pagesize+n+pagesize) & ~(pagesize-1)); // round top down to a page boundary
   // mark level..top as non-swapabble
-  int rc = mlock(level,top-level);
+  // int rc = mlock(level,top-level);
   // Redhat FC3 returns ENOMEM if not root, not EPERM, so dont bother checking for EPERM error from mlock(); treat any error to mean 'try mlock() against as SUID user'
-  if (rc && (saved_uid != geteuid() || saved_gid != getegid())) {
+  // if (rc && (saved_uid != geteuid() || saved_gid != getegid())) {
     // try again as root (or whoever saved_uid really is)
-    if (saved_uid != geteuid()) 
-      seteuid(saved_uid);
-    if (saved_gid != getegid())
-      setegid(saved_gid);
-    rc = mlock(level,top-level);
-    setegid(getgid());
-    seteuid(getuid());
-  }
-  if (rc) {
-    static bool reported = false;
-    if (!reported) {
-      if (arg_verbose >= 0)
-        fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: %s unable to use secure ram (need to be setuid root)\n", program_name);
-      reported = true;
-    }
-  }
+  //   if (saved_uid != geteuid()) 
+  //     seteuid(saved_uid);
+  //   if (saved_gid != getegid())
+  //     setegid(saved_gid);
+  //   rc = mlock(level,top-level);
+  //   setegid(getgid());
+  //   seteuid(getuid());
+  // }
+  // if (rc) {
+  //   static bool reported = false;
+  //   if (!reported) {
+  //     if (arg_verbose >= 0)
+  //       fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: %s unable to use secure ram (need to be setuid root)\n", program_name);
+  //     reported = true;
+  //   }
+  // }
 secalloc::Pool::~Pool() {