# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.77 2016/03/18 23:12:15 naddy Exp $ # XXX # util.c: implement pa_get_binary_name() # sndio: what to do with (channel) map # sndio: check sample format # sndio: support for recording COMMENT= cross-platform networked sound server VERSION= 8.0 DISTNAME= pulseaudio-${VERSION} EXTRACT_SUFX= .tar.xz REVISION= 0 SHARED_LIBS += pulse 5.0 # .19.0 SHARED_LIBS += pulse-simple 1.0 # .1.0 SHARED_LIBS += pulse-mainloop-glib 1.0 # .0.5 CATEGORIES= audio SUBST_VARS+= VERSION MAINTAINER= Robert Nagy HOMEPAGE= http://www.pulseaudio.org/ # LGPLv2.1 PERMIT_PACKAGE_CDROM= Yes WANTLIB += FLAC ICE SM X11 X11-xcb Xext Xi Xtst c crypto dbus-1 WANTLIB += execinfo gdbm glib-2.0 json-c ltdl m ogg pcre pthread WANTLIB += sndfile sndio speexdsp ssl vorbis vorbisenc xcb MASTER_SITES= http://freedesktop.org/software/pulseaudio/releases/ MODULES= devel/gettext \ textproc/intltool USE_GMAKE= Yes # XXX undefined reference to `lt__PROGRAM__LTX_preloaded_symbols'; # XXX remove -rpath from LDFLAGS when switching back to our libtool(1) # and remove the following patches: # patch-libpulse-mainloop-glib_pc_in patch-libpulse-simple_pc_in patch-libpulse_pc_in USE_LIBTOOL= gnu # needed for tests BUILD_DEPENDS += devel/check TEST_FLAGS= HOME=${WRKDIST} LIB_DEPENDS= audio/libsndfile \ audio/speex \ databases/gdbm \ devel/glib2 \ devel/json-c \ devel/libexecinfo \ devel/libtool,-ltdl \ x11/dbus # module-console-kit.so RUN_DEPENDS += sysutils/consolekit CONFIGURE_STYLE= gnu # We only enable the strict minimum for basic volume control support. # sndiod(1) is the default sound server on OpenBSD and pulseaudio is only # needed for a couple of use cases (volume control, media-keys) CONFIGURE_ARGS= --disable-atomic-arm-linux-helpers \ --disable-default-build-tests \ --with-system-user=_pulse \ --with-system-group=_pulse \ --with-access-group=_pulse-access \ --with-database=gdbm \ --with-bash-completion-dir=${PREFIX}/share/bash-completion/completions \ --without-soxr \ --without-fftw \ --disable-oss-output \ --disable-oss-wrapper \ --disable-adrian-aec \ --disable-alsa \ --disable-asyncns \ --disable-bluez4 \ --disable-bluez5 \ --disable-esound \ --disable-gtk3 \ --disable-jack \ --disable-hal-compat \ --disable-systemd \ --disable-systemd-journal \ --disable-udev \ --disable-lirc \ --disable-solaris \ --disable-tcpwrap \ --disable-coreaudio-output \ --disable-waveout \ --disable-gconf \ --disable-avahi \ --disable-orc CONFIGURE_ENV= CPPFLAGS="-I${X11BASE}/include -I${LOCALBASE}/include" \ LDFLAGS="-L${LOCALBASE}/lib \ -Wl,-rpath,${TRUEPREFIX}/lib/pulseaudio:${TRUEPREFIX}/lib/pulse-${VERSION}/modules" \ ac_cv_prog_M4=m4 FAKE_FLAGS= pulseconfdir="${PREFIX}/share/examples/pulseaudio/pulse" \ sysconfdir="${PREFIX}/share/examples/pulseaudio" ### SNDIO ### AUTOCONF_VERSION= 2.69 AUTOMAKE_VERSION= 1.15 BUILD_DEPENDS += ${MODGNU_AUTOMAKE_DEPENDS} \ ${MODGNU_AUTOCONF_DEPENDS} BUILD_DEPENDS += devel/libtool # needs needs libtoolize post-extract: cp ${FILESDIR}/module-sndio*.{c,h} ${WRKSRC}/src/modules/ pre-configure: cd ${WRKSRC} && \ AUTOCONF_VERSION=${AUTOCONF_VERSION} \ AUTOMAKE_VERSION=${AUTOMAKE_VERSION} \ autoreconf -i --force && \ AUTOMAKE_VERSION=${AUTOMAKE_VERSION} \ AUTOCONF_VERSION=${AUTOCONF_VERSION} \ aclocal && \ intltoolize --force ### END SNDIO ### ${SUBST_CMD} ${WRKSRC}/src/daemon/default.pa.in sed -i 's,/bin/bash,/usr/bin/env bash,' \ ${WRKSRC}/shell-completion/bash/pulseaudio post-install: rm ${PREFIX}/lib/pulse-${VERSION}/modules/*.a # we don't install padsp cd ${PREFIX} && rm man/man1/padsp.1 .include