# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.87 2021/02/18 15:00:12 sebastia Exp $ ONLY_FOR_ARCHS = ${CLANG_ARCHS} ${LLVM_ARCHS} # XXXTODO: Subpackage facter.jar for use with puppetserver COMMENT = collect and display system facts VERSION = 3.14.16 DISTNAME = facter-${VERSION} SHARED_LIBS += facter 3.2 # 3.2 PKGSPEC = facter->=3.0,<4.0 CATEGORIES = sysutils MAINTAINER = Sebastian Reitenbach # Apache2 PERMIT_PACKAGE = Yes MASTER_SITES = https://downloads.puppetlabs.com/facter/ MODULES += devel/cmake \ lang/ruby # Error with gcc-4.9: # http://build-failures.rhaalovely.net//powerpc/2017-11-13/sysutils/facter.log COMPILER = base-clang ports-clang WANTLIB += boost_atomic-mt boost_chrono-mt boost_date_time-mt WANTLIB += boost_filesystem-mt boost_locale-mt WANTLIB += boost_program_options-mt boost_regex-mt boost_system-mt WANTLIB += boost_thread-mt c crypto curl m pthread yaml-cpp WANTLIB += ${COMPILER_LIBCXX} cpp-hocon WANTLIB += leatherman_curl leatherman_dynamic_library WANTLIB += leatherman_execution leatherman_file_util leatherman_locale WANTLIB += leatherman_logging leatherman_ruby leatherman_util LIB_DEPENDS = devel/boost>=1.58 \ devel/cpp-hocon \ devel/leatherman>=0.12.1p1 \ devel/yaml-cpp \ net/curl BUILD_DEPENDS = devel/gettext,-tools CONFIGURE_ARGS+= -DFACTER_RUBY="${LOCALBASE}/lib/libruby${MODRUBY_BINREV}.so" \ -DRUBY_LIB_INSTALL="${PREFIX}/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/${MODRUBY_REV}" \ -DWITHOUT_JRUBY:Bool=Yes # NB: # When/if SERVER-14 is resolved, drop the `-DWITHOUT_JRUBY:Bool=Yes` # then use a pre-build target to run the ninja `facter-jruby` target # to generate the JNI header file. LIBfacter_MAJOR = ${LIBfacter_VERSION:R} LIBfacter_MINOR = ${LIBfacter_VERSION:E} SUBST_VARS += MODRUBY_BINREV MODRUBY_REV LIBfacter_MAJOR LIBfacter_MINOR CXXFLAGS += -pthread post-extract: rm -f ${WRKDIST}/cmake/FindRuby.cmake pre-configure: ${SUBST_CMD} ${WRKSRC}/CMakeLists.txt ${WRKSRC}/lib/CMakeLists.txt \ ${WRKSRC}/lib/src/facts/posix/cache.cc # Install symlinked libfacter.so so Ruby can load libfacter.so as it refuses # to load with the version appended. post-install: ln -s ./libfacter.so.${LIBfacter_VERSION} ${PREFIX}/lib/libfacter.so .include