# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.3 2019/01/27 19:37:46 thfr Exp $ # Don't bother on non-mono archs. ONLY_FOR_ARCHS = ${MONO_ARCHS} COMMENT = script to configure FNA games to run on OpenBSD DISTNAME = fnaify-1.2 CATEGORIES = games HOMEPAGE = https://www.PlayOnBSD.com MAINTAINER = Thomas Frohwein # ISC PERMIT_PACKAGE_CDROM = Yes MASTER_SITES = https://mirrors.nycbug.org/pub/distfiles/ # it may be possible to drop audio/openal and a few others when FAudio # has been disseminated to all FNA games RUN_DEPENDS = audio/libogg \ audio/libvorbis \ audio/openal \ devel/sdl2-image \ graphics/jpeg \ graphics/mojoshader \ graphics/png \ lang/mono \ multimedia/libtheora \ multimedia/libtheorafile \ multimedia/libtheoraplay NO_BUILD = Yes NO_TEST = Yes do-configure: sed -i 's,\/usr/\local,${LOCALBASE},g' ${WRKSRC}/fnaify do-install: ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKSRC}/fnaify ${PREFIX}/bin .include