# $OpenBSD: powerpc,v 1.37 2011/08/18 19:14:26 naddy Exp $ # This is the master list of subdirs used to choose powerpc packages. # Use with ${PORTSDIR}/infrastructure/package/check-plist # to create actual SUBDIRLIST to pass to ports main Makefile. net/rsync net/cvsync editors/vim,no_x11 editors/emacs21 archivers/unzip archivers/bzip2 archivers/xz net/nmap mail/procmail mail/fetchmail #net/samba shells/zsh shells/bash shells/tcsh sysutils/colorls audio/libao #audio/vorbis-tools audio/mpg321 net/curl #net/wget mail/mutt/stable #print/ghostscript/gnu #print/gv #audio/cdparanoia #net/ircII www/mozilla-firefox #textproc/xpdf print/epdfview #devel/id-utils #x11/kde/base3 #www/tidyp #x11/rxvt #x11/xpostit #x11/xdaliclock #x11/xkeycaps #lang/python/2.6 #lang/python/2.6,-tools graphics/gpicview #audio/mp3cddb #x11/xloadimage