#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # Copyright (c) 2004 Nikolay Sturm . # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE OPENBSD PROJECT AND CONTRIBUTORS # ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OPENBSD # PROJECT OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # use strict; use File::Temp; use Getopt::Std; our @FREE_HOSTS = (); our @DOWN_HOSTS = (); our $CHECK_HOSTS; our $check_host_ctr = 0; # indexed by child pid our $CHILD; use constant { HOST => 0, PORT => 1, RETVAL => 2 }; # indexed by port our %childpid = (); # dependency lists our %depend_on = (); our %prereqs_of = (); chomp(my $ARCH = `/usr/bin/arch -s`); our %FIFO = (); our $MAKE = "/usr/bin/make"; our $MAKEFLAGS = "BATCH=Yes BIN_PACKAGES=Yes BULK=Yes TRUST_PACKAGES=Yes"; our $PORTSDIR = $ENV{'PORTSDIR'} || "/usr/ports"; our $TMPDIR = $ENV{'PKG_TMPDIR'} || '/var/tmp'; our $TIMEOUT = 60; our @SSH = ("/usr/bin/ssh", "-n", "-o ConnectTimeout=$TIMEOUT"); # -A : specify architecture of build hosts # -b: build dependency file # -d: debug run, don't actually build any packages # -e: perform expensive operations to get full dependency information # -F : one host per line # -L : use instead of $PORTSDIR/logs/$ARCH # -S : use instead of all ports # -T : use instead of a temporary one # -t : use this timeout instead of the default our ($opt_A, $opt_b, $opt_d, $opt_e, $opt_F, $opt_L, $opt_S, $opt_T, $opt_t); getopts('A:bdeF:L:S:T:t:'); $ARCH = $opt_A if defined $opt_A; $opt_F = "$PORTSDIR/infrastructure/db/hosts-$ARCH" unless defined $opt_F; $opt_L = "$PORTSDIR/logs/$ARCH" unless defined $opt_L; our $LOGGER = "$PORTSDIR/infrastructure/build/portslogger $opt_L"; unless (defined $opt_T) { $opt_T = new File::Temp( TEMPLATE => 'all-depends.XXXXXXXXXX', DIR => $TMPDIR, UNLINK => 0 ); } $TIMEOUT = $opt_t if defined $opt_t; our @dead_children = (); sub child_handler() { while ((my $child = waitpid(-1,1)) > 0) { if (defined $CHILD->{$child}) { $CHILD->{$child}[RETVAL] = ($? >> 8); push(@dead_children, $child); } elsif (exists $CHECK_HOSTS->{$child}) { $CHECK_HOSTS->{$child} = ($? >> 8); } } } sub term_handler() { local $SIG{CHLD} = "IGNORE"; local $SIG{INT} = "IGNORE"; local $SIG{TERM} = "IGNORE"; foreach my $h (keys %{$CHECK_HOSTS}, keys %{$CHILD}) { kill INT => $h; } clean_up(1); } sub reap_children() { while (my $c = pop @dead_children) { update_after_child($c); } } sub mark_as_down($) { my $host = shift; print "*** lost $host\n"; push(@DOWN_HOSTS, $host); } sub mark_as_free($) { push(@FREE_HOSTS, shift); } sub check_host($) { my $host = shift; my $pid = fork(); die "fork: $!" unless defined $pid; if ($pid > 0) { # parent my $begin = time(); $CHECK_HOSTS->{$pid} = undef; child_handler(); while (not defined $CHECK_HOSTS->{$pid}) { # give ssh a chance to timeout by itself if ($begin + $TIMEOUT + 2 > time()) { sleep(1); } else { # ssh did not terminate in time, kill it kill INT => $pid; return -1; } child_handler(); } return $CHECK_HOSTS->{$pid}; } else { # child $SIG{INT} = "DEFAULT"; $SIG{TERM} = "DEFAULT"; exec @SSH, $host, "exit 0"; die "exec(): $!"; } } sub check_hosts() { # don't check hosts in debug mode and only every so often # in regular mode return if defined $opt_d or ($check_host_ctr++ % 60 != 0); # any host back up? for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#DOWN_HOSTS; $i++) { my $host = $DOWN_HOSTS[$i]; my $retval = check_host($host); if ($retval == 0) { print "*** $host is back\n"; mark_as_free($host); splice(@DOWN_HOSTS, $i, 1); $i--; } } # free hosts still alive? for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#FREE_HOSTS; $i++) { my $host = $FREE_HOSTS[$i]; my $retval = check_host($host); if ($retval != 0) { mark_as_down($host); splice(@FREE_HOSTS, $i, 1); $i--; } } # building hosts all still alive? foreach my $pid (keys %{$CHILD}) { my $host = $CHILD->{$pid}[HOST]; my $retval = check_host($host); if ($retval != 0) { my $port = $CHILD->{$pid}[PORT]; mark_as_down($host); delete $childpid{$port}; delete $CHILD->{$pid}; } } } sub update_after_child($) { my $pid = shift; return unless defined $CHILD->{$pid}; my $host = $CHILD->{$pid}[HOST]; my $port = $CHILD->{$pid}[PORT]; my $retval = $CHILD->{$pid}[RETVAL]; delete $CHILD->{$pid}; if ($retval == 0) { print "<== built $port\n"; update_prereqs_of($port); delete $prereqs_of{$port}; } elsif ($retval == 1) { print "<== failure building $port\n"; remove_port($port); } elsif ($retval == 255) { delete $childpid{$port}; mark_as_down($host); return; } else { print "*** Unexpected return code $retval from $host " . "for $port.\n"; remove_port($port); } delete $childpid{$port}; mark_as_free($host); } sub find_free_host() { child_handler(); reap_children(); check_hosts(); while (@FREE_HOSTS == 0) { sleep(1); child_handler(); reap_children(); check_hosts(); } return pop @FREE_HOSTS; } # we failed to build $port, thus no $dep can be build (recursive) # if $dep is not build, it no longer depends on $pre sub remove_port($); sub remove_port($) { my $port = shift; for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$depend_on{$port}}; $i++) { my $dep = ${$depend_on{$port}}[$i]; foreach my $pre (@{$prereqs_of{$dep}}) { next if $pre eq $dep; remove_from_list(\@{$depend_on{$pre}}, $dep); $i-- if $pre eq $port; } remove_port($dep) unless $dep eq $port; } print "*** will not build $port\n"; delete $prereqs_of{$port}; delete $depend_on{$port}; } # generate full dependency information # This is computational intensive! sub push_dep($$); sub push_dep($$) { my ($a, $b) = @_; foreach my $depends_on_a (@{$depend_on{$a}}) { foreach my $prereq_of_b (@{$prereqs_of{$b}}) { my $gotcha = 0; foreach my $p (@{$prereqs_of{$depends_on_a}}) { if ($p eq $prereq_of_b) { $gotcha = 1; last; } } next unless $gotcha == 0; push_dep($depends_on_a, $prereq_of_b) unless $depends_on_a eq $a and $prereq_of_b eq $b; } } push(@{$prereqs_of{$a}}, $b); push(@{$depend_on{$b}}, $a); } sub parse_dependency_file() { open(my $fh, "sort -u $opt_T |") or die "Could not open $opt_T: $!"; while (<$fh>) { chomp; my ($a, $b) = split /\s+/; # ensure every port depends on itself, needed by build logic # ports depending on the key $depend_on{$a} = [$a] unless defined $depend_on{$a}; $depend_on{$b} = [$b] unless defined $depend_on{$b}; # ports, the key depends on $prereqs_of{$a} = [$a] unless defined $prereqs_of{$a}; $prereqs_of{$b} = [$b] unless defined $prereqs_of{$b}; if ($a ne $b) { if (defined $opt_e) { push_dep($a, $b); } else { push(@{$prereqs_of{$a}}, $b); push(@{$depend_on{$b}}, $a); } } } close($fh); } sub parse_hosts_file() { open(my $fh, "<", $opt_F) or die "Could not open $opt_F: $!"; while (<$fh>) { chomp; mark_as_free($_); $FIFO{$_} = "$TMPDIR/dpg-$_.log"; } close($fh); } sub build_package($$$$) { my ($host, $port, $flavor, $fullport) = @_; my $pid = fork(); die "fork: $!" unless defined $pid; if ($pid > 0) { # parent $CHILD->{$pid} = []; $CHILD->{$pid}[HOST] = $host; $CHILD->{$pid}[PORT] = $fullport; $CHILD->{$pid}[RETVAL] = undef; $childpid{$fullport} = $pid; return; } else { # child $SIG{INT} = "DEFAULT"; $SIG{TERM} = "DEFAULT"; $0 = "dpb [slave] - $port"; print "==> building $port"; print ", FLAVOR \"$flavor\"" if defined $flavor; print " on $host\n"; if (defined $opt_d) { sleep(1); } else { my $arg = "cd $PORTSDIR/$port && "; $arg .= "FLAVOR=\"$flavor\" " if defined $flavor; $arg .= "$MAKE $MAKEFLAGS package"; start_logger($host); open STDOUT, '>', "$FIFO{$host}" or die "Cannot redirect STDOUT: $!"; open STDERR, ">&STDOUT" or die "Cannot redirect STDERR: $!"; exec @SSH, $host, $arg; die "exec(): $!"; } exit 0; } } sub update_prereqs_of($) { my $port = shift; return unless defined @{$depend_on{$port}}; # remove $port from lists of prerequisites foreach my $depending (@{$depend_on{$port}}) { next unless defined @{$prereqs_of{$depending}}; remove_from_list(\@{$prereqs_of{$depending}}, $port); } } sub remove_from_list(\@$) { my ($list, $entry) = @_; for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$list}; $i++) { if (${$list}[$i] eq $entry) { splice(@{$list}, $i, 1); $i--; } } } sub start_logger() { my $host = shift; unless (-p $FIFO{$host}) { system("mkfifo $FIFO{$host}") and die "Cannot create $FIFO{$host}: $!"; } my $pid = fork(); die "fork: $!" unless defined $pid; if ($pid > 0) { # parent return; } else { # child # dies on its own on EOF $SIG{INT} = "DEFAULT"; $SIG{TERM} = "DEFAULT"; exec("$LOGGER < $FIFO{$host} > /dev/null 2>&1"); die "Failed to start logger: $!"; } } sub clean_up($) { # only remove self generated dependency file unlink($opt_T) if ref $opt_T; foreach my $h (keys %FIFO) { unlink($FIFO{$h}); } exit(shift); } # MAIN $SIG{INT} = \&term_handler; $SIG{TERM} = \&term_handler; $0 = "dpb [master]"; # collect dependency data if (defined $opt_b) { my $arg = "cd $PORTSDIR && $MAKE "; if (defined $opt_S) { die "SUBDIRLIST $opt_S not found!" unless (-f $opt_S); $arg .= "SUBDIRLIST=$opt_S "; } $arg .= "ECHO_MSG=: all-dir-depends > $opt_T"; print "==> creating dependency file\n"; system($arg) and die "$MAKE all-dir-depends: $!"; } else { print "==> using dependency file $opt_T\n"; } parse_dependency_file(); parse_hosts_file(); check_hosts(); my @keys_prereqs = (keys %prereqs_of); my @keys_childpid = (); do { # sort ports by their importance, i.e. by the number of other # ports depending on them foreach my $k (sort {$#{$depend_on{$b}} <=> $#{$depend_on{$a}}} @keys_prereqs) { # only compile ports that don't have unbuilt dependencies if ($#{$prereqs_of{$k}} == 0) { my $host = find_free_host(); my ($port, $flavor); my @spec = split(/,/, $k); # do not try to build multiple SUBPACKAGEs of the same # port in parallel my $build_conflict = 0; $port = $spec[0]; # a build for a different subpackage might be running foreach (keys %childpid) { my @key_spec = split(/,/); if ($port eq $key_spec[0]) { $build_conflict = 1; } } for (my $i = 1; $i <= $#spec; $i++) { if (not $spec[$i] =~ /^-/ and defined $flavor) { $flavor = join(" ", $flavor, $spec[$i]); } elsif (not $spec[$i] =~ /^-/) { $flavor = $spec[$i]; } } if ($build_conflict == 0) { build_package($host, $port, $flavor, $k); } else { mark_as_free($host); } last; } } check_hosts(); child_handler(); reap_children(); # create new key set, taking currently building ports into account @keys_childpid = (keys %childpid); @keys_prereqs = (); foreach my $k (keys %prereqs_of) { push(@keys_prereqs, $k) unless defined $childpid{$k}; } sleep(1); } while ($#keys_prereqs >= 0 or $#keys_childpid >= 0); print "==> done, cleaning up\n"; clean_up(0);