COMMENT = GLib ICE implementation DISTNAME = libnice-0.1.21 CATEGORIES = net SHARED_LIBS += nice 4.2 # 10.13.1 WANTLIB += c crypto gio-2.0 glib-2.0 gobject-2.0 gstbase-1.0 gstreamer-1.0 WANTLIB += gupnp-igd-1.0 HOMEPAGE = DIST_SUBDIR = libnice MASTER_SITES = MASTER_SITES0 = # merged "Fix build with clang" PATCHFILES += fix-clang15-build-{commit/}f4e2838f.patch:0 # merged "Use ifr_index to fix build on OpenBSD" PATCHFILES += use-ifr_index-{merge_requests/}251.patch:0 PATCH_DIST_STRIP = -p1 MAINTAINER = Klemens Nanni # dual-licensed: MPL 1.1 + LGPL 2.1 PERMIT_PACKAGE = Yes MODULES = devel/meson BUILD_DEPENDS = devel/gobject-introspection LIB_DEPENDS = devel/glib2 \ multimedia/gstreamer1/core \ net/gupnp/igd # avoid picking up GnuTLS over LibreSSL CONFIGURE_ARGS += -Dcrypto-library=openssl # unset default [docker,veth,virbr,vnet] to respect vether(4), vnet(4/sparc64) CONFIGURE_ARGS += -Dignored-network-interface-prefix='' CONFIGURE_ARGS += -Dexamples=disabled .include # disable meson's default of using "-Wl,--as-needed" on ld.bfd arches; # build failures due to undefined references are often seen. .if !${PROPERTIES:Mlld} CONFIGURE_ARGS += -Db_asneeded=false .endif .include