# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.10 2019/07/12 20:44:07 sthen Exp $ COMMENT= generate patchsets from CVS repositories # note that this was maintained for a while by esr, who made a couple of # releases which have segfaults with OpenBSD src, and then broke diff # support, before removing diff support completely, and ceasing development. # deliberately holding at 2.1 for now. DISTNAME= cvsps-2.1 REVISION= 2 CATEGORIES= devel HOMEPAGE= http://cvsps.sourceforge.net/ # GPLv2 PERMIT_PACKAGE= Yes WANTLIB= c z MASTER_SITES= ${HOMEPAGE} do-install: ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKBUILD}/cvsps ${PREFIX}/bin ${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKBUILD}/cvsps.1 ${PREFIX}/man/man1 .include