# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.45 2013/04/27 15:44:21 ajacoutot Exp $ COMMENT-main= network-capable tape backup (client and tape server) COMMENT-client= network-capable tape backup (client only) COMMENT-doc= network-capable tape backup (documentation) DISTVERSION= 2.4.5p1 # PKGVERSION= ${DISTVERSION}p1 # Minor patched releases are usually named with a "pX" suffix. # These names can not be used with the OpenBSD ports framework. PKGVERSION= ${DISTVERSION:S/p/./} DISTNAME= amanda-${DISTVERSION} PKGNAME-main= amanda-${PKGVERSION} PKGNAME-client= amanda-client-${PKGVERSION} PKGNAME-doc= amanda-doc-${PKGVERSION} REVISION-main= 3 REVISION-client=2 CATEGORIES= misc HOMEPAGE= http://www.amanda.org/ MAINTAINER= Olivier Cherrier # BSD PERMIT_PACKAGE_CDROM= Yes MASTER_SITES= ${MASTER_SITE_SOURCEFORGE:=amanda/} # AMANDA configure looks for gtar and smbclient so that it can hard-code # the pathnames. # Configure looks for gnuplot to see if it should build amplot. BUILD_DEPENDS+= archivers/gtar \ net/samba \ math/gnuplot # There is no need to set RUN_DEPENDS, because AMANDA will run fine # without gtar, smbclient, and gnuplot. They will only be required # if the user creates a configuration that needs them, and then # AMANDA will gracefully tell them what is required. WANTLIB= c m readline termcap PKG_ARCH-doc= * WANTLIB-doc= LIB_DEPENDS-doc= MULTI_PACKAGES= -main -client -doc FLAVORS= db gpg FLAVOR?= CONFIGURE_STYLE= gnu MODGNU_CONFIG_GUESS_DIRS= ${WRKSRC}/config # Because AMANDA does not conform to shared library naming standards, # and knowing that no software outside of AMANDA attempts to use the # shared libraries, we disable the generation of shared libraries. CONFIGURE_ARGS= --disable-shared \ --libexecdir=${PREFIX}/libexec/amanda \ --with-configdir=${SYSCONFDIR}/amanda \ --with-user=operator \ --with-group=operator USE_GROFF = Yes # Use this flavor to speed things up if you have large AMANDA # databases. .if ${FLAVOR:Mdb} WANTLIB+= lib/db4/db LIB_DEPENDS+= databases/db/v4 CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-db=db CFLAGS+= -L${LOCALBASE}/lib .endif .if ${FLAVOR:Mgpg} BUILD_DEPENDS+= security/gnupg CONFIGURE_ENV+= GZIP=${LOCALBASE}/bin/gpgzip .endif LIBTOOL_FLAGS= --tag=disable-shared OLD_DOC_DIR= ${PREFIX}/share/amanda DOC_DIR= ${PREFIX}/share/doc/amanda EXAMPLE_DIR= ${PREFIX}/share/examples/amanda post-install: @cd ${WRKSRC}; \ ${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${DOC_DIR}; \ ${INSTALL_DATA} AUTHORS ${DOC_DIR}; \ ${INSTALL_DATA} NEWS ${DOC_DIR}; \ ${INSTALL_DATA} README ${DOC_DIR}; \ ${INSTALL_DATA} ChangeLog ${DOC_DIR}; \ mv ${OLD_DOC_DIR}/* ${DOC_DIR}; \ rmdir ${OLD_DOC_DIR}; \ ${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${EXAMPLE_DIR}; \ ${INSTALL_DATA} example/*.ps ${EXAMPLE_DIR}; \ ${INSTALL_DATA} example/disklist ${EXAMPLE_DIR}; \ cd example; \ for f in *.conf *.conf.chg-scsi; do \ sed -e 's,usr/adm,var,' \ -e 's,/usr/local/etc,${SYSCONFDIR},' $$f \ > ${EXAMPLE_DIR}/$$f; \ done @sed -e 's,@LOCALBASE@,${LOCALBASE},' \ ${FILESDIR}/crontab.sample > ${EXAMPLE_DIR}/crontab.sample @${INSTALL_DATA} /dev/null ${EXAMPLE_DIR}/amandates @sed -e 's,@LOCALBASE@,${LOCALBASE},' \ -e 's,@SYSCONFDIR@,${SYSCONFDIR},' \ ${FILESDIR}/gpgzip > ${PREFIX}/bin/gpgzip; .include