#!/bin/sh # Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Todd T. Fries # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any # purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES # WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR # ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES # WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF # OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. afsp=%LOCALBASE%/libexec/openafs # (borrowed from install.sub) # Ask for user input. # # $1 = the question to ask the user # $2 = the default answer # # Save the user input (or the default) in $resp. # # Allow the user to escape to shells ('!') or execute commands # ('!foo') before entering the input. ask() { local _question=$1 _default=$2 set -o noglob while :; do echo -n "$_question " [[ -z $_default ]] || echo -n "[$_default] " read resp case $resp in !) echo "Type 'exit' to return to install." sh ;; !*) eval ${resp#?} ;; *) : ${resp:=$_default} break ;; esac done set +o noglob } # Ask for user input until a non-empty reply is entered. # # $1 = the question to ask the user # $2 = the default answer # # Save the user input (or the default) in $resp. ask_until() { resp= while [[ -z $resp ]] ; do ask "$1" "$2" done } # Ask the user for a y or n, and insist on 'y', 'yes', 'n' or 'no'. # # $1 = the question to ask the user # $2 = the default answer (assumed to be 'n' if empty). # # Return 'y' or 'n' in $resp. ask_yn() { local _q=$1 _a=${2:-no} _resp typeset -l _resp while :; do ask "$_q" "$_a" _resp=$resp case $_resp in y|yes) resp=y ; return ;; n|no) resp=n ; return ;; esac done } # Logging routine # # $1 = -c or 1st arg # $2 = ... # # log all arguments sc=0 log() { if [ "$1" = "-c" ]; then shift else let sc=sc+1 fi printf "%2d " $sc echo "==> $@" } # Create a principal in kerberos. # # $1 = principal # $2 = extra arg.. # # Delete the principal first before re-adding it to make sure proper # attributes exist. kadd() { local principal=$1 log creating principal: $principal shift kadmin del $principal > /dev/null 2>&1 kadmin add \ --{pw-,}expiration-time=never \ --max-ticket-life="1 month" \ --max-renewable-life="2 months" \ --attributes="" \ "$@" $principal } # Re-try a command until success. # # $@ = full command to try # retry() { local try=1 while ! $@ do let try=try+1 log -c "try $try: $@" sleep 2 done } # Make an afs volume. # # $1 = volume name # $2 = volume mount point # # Any user can read volumes created here. mkvol() { local vol=$1 mnt=$2 log "Creating afs volume $1 to be mounted at $mnt" retry vos create $h /vicepa $vol fs mkm $mnt $vol fs sa $mnt system:anyuser rl } cat <<__EOT =========================================================================== Welcome to the OpenAFS server1 setup script! This script will assist you in setting up your first afs server. It will use OpenAFS for the AFS server, but arla's afsd that comes with OpenBSD for the AFS client. It will use heimdal KerberosV that comes with OpenBSD. It presumes you have previously successfully setup a KerberosV realm, you have the password to an administrative principal in the KerberosV realm, you are running it as root, and you have created at least one partition for OpenAFS to use for data storage. Partitions should be mounted under /vicepa, /vicepb, /vicepc, etc. =========================================================================== __EOT # # Santiy checks # # Require root. if [[ `/usr/bin/whoami` != "root" ]] then echo "Please run this script as root. Thanks." exit fi if [[ `mount|grep " /vicepa "` = "" ]] then echo "Could not find any filesystem mounted at /vicepa" echo "Without this OpenAFS will not function." echo "Please mount a partition under /vicepa" echo "A /vicepa directory will not work as" echo "OpenAFS" exit fi # # Setup site specific variables # # Ask user for variables if not passed on the command line. if ! [ "$6" ] then cat <<__EOT The hostname for this afs server should resolve in dns but definately reside in %SYSCONFDIR%/hosts. e.g. afs0.example.com. __EOT while :; do ask_until "System hostname?" "$(hostname)" h=${resp} if [[ `grep $h %SYSCONFDIR%/hosts` = "" ]] then echo "Could not find %SYSCONFDIR%/hosts entry for $h." continue fi break done cat <<__EOT The IPv4 IP address for this afs server should resolve in dns but definately reside in %SYSCONFDIR%/hosts. e.g. __EOT while :; do ask_until "System IP?" "$(host $h | \ awk '/has address/{print $4}')" ip=${resp} if [[ `grep $ip %SYSCONFDIR%/hosts` = "" ]] then echo "Could not find %SYSCONFDIR%/hosts entry for $ip." continue fi break done cat <<__EOT The cell name is typically a dns name. e.g. example.com. __EOT echo "\n$cell_blurb" ask_until "AFS Cell Name?" "${h#*.}" c=${resp} cat <<__EOT The realm name is the KerberosV REALM, typically the capitalized dns name. e.g. REALM.COM. Use something different at the expense of your sanity. Really. __EOT echo "\n$realm_blurb" ask_until "KerberosV REALM?" "$(echo "$c"|tr "[a-z]" "[A-Z]")" R=${resp} cat <<__EOT This is an existing KerberosV principal with the ability to create and delete other kerberos principals. e.g. todd/admin. __EOT user=$(id -un) ask_until "KerberosV principal for kerberos administration?" \ "username/admin" p=${resp} cat <<__EOT This principal will be deleted if it exists, and in any event created again with specific attributes. It will be used to administer afs in a similar way that \`root' can administrate OpenBSD. Tread lightly when using this principal. __EOT ask_until "KerberosV princiapl for afs administration?" "username/afs" A=${resp} else # for advanced users, this script can be started with the above # pre-populated via arguments h="$1" ip="$2" c="$3" R="$4" p="$5" A="$6" fi cat <<__EOT Confirm these look correct:" hostname : $h IP address : $ip cellname : $c realm : $R krb admin : $p afs admin : $A The next step *DESTROYS* all existing OpenAFS configuration on this system! __EOT ask_yn "Are you really sure that you're ready to proceed?" [[ $resp == n ]] && { echo "Ok, try again later.\n" ; exit ; } log prepare dirs %SYSCONFDIR%/openafs, /usr/afs, /var/openafs, %SYSCONFDIR%/afs kdestroy pkill afsd umount /afs > /dev/null 2>&1 [ -d /var/spool/afs ] && rm -rf /var/spool/afs/* if [ "$(pgrep bosserver)" ] then bos shutdown localhost -noauth > /dev/null 2>&1 fi if [ "$(pgrep bosserver)" ] then bos shutdown localhost -localauth > /dev/null 2>&1 fi rm -rf %SYSCONFDIR%/openafs /usr/afs /var/openafs rm -rf /vicep*/{V*,AFSIDat,Lock} rm -f %SYSCONFDIR%/kerberosV/krb5.keytab mkdir -p %SYSCONFDIR%/openafs/server /usr/afs mkdir -m 700 /var/openafs echo $c | tee %SYSCONFDIR%/openafs/server/ThisCell > %SYSCONFDIR%/afs/ThisCell ln -s /var/openafs/db /usr/afs/db ln -s %SYSCONFDIR%/openafs/server /usr/afs%SYSCONFDIR% if [ "$(pgrep bosserver)" ] then pkill bosserver fi log authenticating $p@$R retry kinit $p@$R kadd host/$h --random-key kadd $A kadmin ext --keytab=%SYSCONFDIR%/kerberosV/krb5.keytab host/$h chmod 0400 %SYSCONFDIR%/kerberosV/krb5.keytab #kadmin list host/$h "afs*" kadd afs/$c --random-key log creating %SYSCONFDIR%/openafs/server/KeyFile kadmin ext -k /tmp/afsv5key afs/$c ktutil copy /tmp/afsv5key AFSKEYFILE:%SYSCONFDIR%/openafs/server/KeyFile chmod 600 %SYSCONFDIR%/openafs/server/KeyFile rm /tmp/afsv5key ls -l %SYSCONFDIR%/openafs/server/KeyFile # XXX perhaps remove existing entries? log updating %SYSCONFDIR%/afs/CellServDB %SYSCONFDIR%/openafs/server/CellServDB echo ">$c # $c" > /tmp/CellServDB echo "$ip #$h" >> /tmp/CellServDB cat /tmp/CellServDB | \ tee -a %SYSCONFDIR%/afs/CellServDB %SYSCONFDIR%/openafs/server/CellServDB chmod 644 /usr/sbin/{bos,pts,vos,fs} PATH=%LOCALBASE%/sbin:%LOCALBASE%/bin:$PATH bosserver -log -syslog -noauth retry bos setcellname $h $c -noauth log creating buserver/ptserver/vlserver entries with bos retry bos create $h buserver simple $afsp/buserver -cell $c -noauth retry bos create $h ptserver simple $afsp/ptserver -cell $c -noauth retry bos create $h vlserver simple $afsp/vlserver -cell $c -noauth log setting up pts memberships, todd.afs as initial afs admin retry pts createuser -name todd -id `id -u` -cell $c -noauth retry pts createuser -name todd.afs -cell $c -noauth retry pts adduser todd.afs system:administrators -cell $c -noauth retry pts mem system:administrators -cell $c -noauth retry pts listentries -cell $c -noauth retry bos adduser $h todd.afs -cell $c -noauth retry bos addhost $h $h -noauth retry bos shutdown $h -cell $c -noauth -wait log getting status of bos config retry bos status $h -noauth -cell $c -long pkill -HUP bosserver log creating fs entry with bos bosserver -log -syslog bos restart $h -all -cell $c -localauth bos create $h fs fs $afsp/{fileserver,volserver,salvager} -cell $c -localauth log getting partition list vos listpart $h -noauth log creating root.afs retry vos create $h /vicepa root.afs -localauth -verbose log starting afs client mkdir -p /afs [ "$(mount | egrep "^/afs")" ] || mount -t xfs /dev/xfs0 /afs /usr/libexec/afsd -z --log=/var/log/afsd.log sleep 5 log authenticating $A kinit $A pts listentries # do this on reboot grep "^afs=YES" %SYSCONFDIR%/rc.conf.local > /dev/null 2>&1 || \ echo afs=YES >> %SYSCONFDIR%/rc.conf.local retry ls /afs log setting permissions/creating volumes retry fs sa /afs system:anyuser rl vos create $h /vicepa root.cell fs mkm /afs/$c root.cell -cell $c -fast fs sa /afs/$c system:anyuser rl fs mkm /afs/.$c root.cell -cell $c -rw fs mkm /afs/.root.afs root.afs -cell $c -rw mkvol user /afs/$c/u mkvol ftp /afs/$c/ftp fs mkm /afs/$c/.ftp ftp -cell $c -rw log adding replication sites for root.afs, root.cell vos addsite $h /vicepa root.afs vos addsite $h /vicepa root.cell vos addsite $h /vicepa ftp log initial release of replicated volumes vos release root.afs vos release root.cell vos release ftp log enjoy OpenAFS!