# $OpenBSD: node.port.mk,v 1.4 2013/11/05 16:21:26 abieber Exp $ # node module CATEGORIES += lang/node BUILD_DEPENDS += lang/node>=0.6.17p2 RUN_DEPENDS += lang/node>=0.6.17p2 .if ${CONFIGURE_STYLE:L:Mnpm} . if ${CONFIGURE_STYLE:L:Mext} # Node C++ extensions are specific to an arch and are loaded as # shared libraries, so set SHARED_ONLY and make sure PKG_ARCH=* is # not set. . if defined(PKG_ARCH) && ${PKG_ARCH} == * ERRORS += "Fatal: Should not have PKG_ARCH=* when compiling extensions" . endif SHARED_ONLY = Yes # All node extensions appear to link against these libraries WANTLIB += m stdc++ crypto pthread ssl z . else # Node libraries that don't contain C++ extensions should run on # any arch. PKG_ARCH ?= * . endif # The npm package repository separates packages in different directories, # so to eliminate duplication, you need to set the NPM_NAME and NPM_VERSION # variables so it can use the correct DISTNAME and MASTER_SITES. # The NPM_NAME is required anyway during the install tasks, so it may as # well be used here. DISTNAME ?= ${NPM_NAME}-${NPM_VERSION} MASTER_SITES ?= ${MASTER_SITE_NPM}${NPM_NAME}/-/ EXTRACT_SUFX ?= .tgz PKGNAME ?= node-${DISTNAME:S/^node-//} MODNODE_BIN_NPM = ${LOCALBASE}/bin/npm NPM_INSTALL_FILE = ${WRKDIR}/${DISTNAME}.tgz NPM_TAR_DIR = package WRKDIST = ${WRKDIR}/${NPM_TAR_DIR} .if ${CONFIGURE_STYLE:L:Mexpresso} TEST_DEPENDS += devel/node-expresso MODNODE_TEST_TARGET = \ cd ${WRKDIST} && ${LOCALBASE}/bin/expresso; .if !defined(do-test) do-test: ${MODNODE_TEST_TARGET} .endif .else TEST_TARGET ?= test .endif # List of npm package names to depend on. Only necessary # if the current port depends on other node ports. MODNODE_DEPENDS ?= # Link all dependencies first so that npm will install without complaining. # Then rebuild the distfile, since it may contain local patches. # Then use npm install to install the package to a local node_modules dir. MODNODE_BUILD_TARGET = \ cd ${WRKDIST} && find . -type f -name '*.orig' -print0 | \ xargs -r0 rm; \ for dep in ${MODNODE_DEPENDS}; do \ cd ${WRKDIR} && ${MODNODE_BIN_NPM} link $$dep; \ done; \ cd ${WRKDIR} && tar -zcf ${NPM_INSTALL_FILE} ${NPM_TAR_DIR}; \ cd ${WRKDIR} && HOME=${WRKDIR} ${MODNODE_BIN_NPM} install \ ${NPM_INSTALL_FILE} # Move just this package from the local node_modules dir to the global # node_modules dir. If there are any binaries in the package, create # symlinks in the default PATH that point to them. MODNODE_INSTALL_TARGET = \ mkdir ${PREFIX}/lib/node_modules; \ mv ${WRKDIR}/node_modules/${NPM_NAME} ${PREFIX}/lib/node_modules; \ chown -R ${SHAREOWN}:${SHAREGRP} ${PREFIX}/lib/node_modules; \ if [ -d ${PREFIX}/lib/node_modules/${NPM_NAME}/bin ]; then \ cd ${PREFIX}/lib/node_modules/${NPM_NAME}/bin && \ for bin in *; do \ ln -s ${TRUEPREFIX}/lib/node_modules/${NPM_NAME}/bin/$$bin \ ${PREFIX}/bin/$${bin%.js}; \ done; \ fi; . if !target(do-build) do-build: ${MODNODE_BUILD_TARGET} . endif . if !target(do-install) do-install: ${MODNODE_INSTALL_TARGET} . endif .endif