# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.15 2012/09/12 10:54:57 jasper Exp $ COMMENT= interactive electronics designing software V= 0.7.7 DISTNAME= fritzing-$Vb.source PKGNAME= fritzing-$V CATEGORIES= cad HOMEPAGE= http://fritzing.org/ # Code: GPLv3+ # Rest: CreativeCommons:BY-SA PERMIT_PACKAGE_CDROM = Yes PERMIT_PACKAGE_FTP = Yes PERMIT_DISTFILES_CDROM =Yes PERMIT_DISTFILES_FTP = Yes MASTER_SITES= ${HOMEPAGE}download/$Vb/source-tarball/ EXTRACT_SUFX= .tar.bz2 WANTLIB += QtGui QtNetwork QtSql QtSvg QtXml c m pthread stdc++ z WANTLIB += ICE SM X11 Xext Xi Xinerama Xrender fontconfig freetype MODULES= x11/qt4 NO_REGRESS= Yes BUILD_DEPENDS= devel/boost RUN_DEPENDS= devel/desktop-file-utils # XXX: Sigh...words fail me. WRKDIST= ${WRKDIR}/fritzing-0.7.6b.source pre-configure: ${SUBST_CMD} ${WRKSRC}/phoenix.pro ${WRKSRC}/src/fapplication.cpp cd ${WRKSRC} && rm -r src/lib/boost_1_43_0 # -DLINUX_32 gets added to CFLAGS, though it's only used to figure out # if there is a newer version of the 32-bit Linux binary on the upstream # webpage. So it's safe to set it on all arches (for now). do-configure: cd ${WRKSRC} && \ ${LOCALBASE}/bin/qmake4 -o Makefile phoenix.pro do-install: ${SUBST_CMD} -o ${BINOWN} -g ${BINGRP} -c ${FILESDIR}/fritzing.sh \ ${PREFIX}/bin/fritzing chmod ${BINMODE} ${PREFIX}/bin/fritzing ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/Fritzing ${PREFIX}/bin ${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${PREFIX}/share/fritzing/ cd ${WRKSRC}; tar cf - bins parts resources sketches tools translations | \ tar xf - -C ${PREFIX}/share/fritzing/ ${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${PREFIX}/share/applications/ ${SUBST_CMD} -o ${SHAREOWN} -g ${SHAREGRP} -c ${FILESDIR}/fritzing.desktop \ ${PREFIX}/share/applications/fritzing.desktop .include