$OpenBSD: patch-ghc_mk,v 1.7 2012/09/02 19:53:46 kili Exp $ Include utf8-string and xhtml for now, because of dependencies. Including *any* of those INTREE_ONLY_PACKAGES in the ghc packages wasn't the brightest idea I had (see mtl library hell). The two libraries left can and will be replaced by separate ports when needed. Fix the bindist-list (for building the bootstrapper); without this, gtar creates an archive which our tar can't extract. --- ghc.mk.orig Wed Feb 1 19:10:32 2012 +++ ghc.mk Sat Jun 9 20:44:38 2012 @@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ endif # They do not say "this package will be built"; see $(PACKAGES_xx) for that # Packages that are built but not installed -PKGS_THAT_ARE_INTREE_ONLY := haskeline mtl terminfo utf8-string xhtml +PKGS_THAT_ARE_INTREE_ONLY := haskeline mtl terminfo PKGS_THAT_ARE_DPH := \ dph/dph-base \ @@ -973,6 +973,8 @@ unix-binary-dist-prep: echo "GHC_CABAL_INPLACE = utils/ghc-cabal/dist-install/build/tmp/ghc-cabal" >> $(BIN_DIST_MK) cd $(BIN_DIST_PREP_DIR) && autoreconf $(call removeFiles,$(BIN_DIST_PREP_TAR)) + sed 's@/\./@/@g' ${BIN_DIST_LIST} | sort -u > ${BIN_DIST_LIST}.new + mv ${BIN_DIST_LIST}.new ${BIN_DIST_LIST} # h means "follow symlinks", e.g. if aclocal.m4 is a symlink to a source # tree then we want to include the real file, not a symlink to it cd bindistprep && "$(TAR_CMD)" hcf - -T ../$(BIN_DIST_LIST) | bzip2 -c > ../$(BIN_DIST_PREP_TAR_BZ2)