# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.47 2019/06/03 16:06:53 sthen Exp $ COMMENT= quickly ping N hosts w/o flooding the network DISTNAME= fping-4.2 CATEGORIES= net HOMEPAGE= https://fping.org/ MAINTAINER= Stuart Henderson # BSD PERMIT_PACKAGE= Yes # uses pledge() WANTLIB += c MASTER_SITES= https://fping.org/dist/ CONFIGURE_STYLE= gnu SEPARATE_BUILD= Yes CONFIGURE_ARGS= --bindir=${PREFIX}/sbin # some dependent programs want fping/fping6 separation e.g. net/zabbix, # net/smokeping, net/librenms; with this symlink fping6 is v6-only, # fping is dual-stack, or fping -4/-6 can be used to force it. # see https://github.com/schweikert/fping/pull/139 post-install: ln -s fping ${PREFIX}/sbin/fping6 .include