# $OpenBSD: gnome.port.mk,v 1.23 2009/10/10 12:38:33 jasper Exp $ # # Module for GNOME related ports # .if !defined(GNOME_PROJECT) || !defined(GNOME_VERSION) ERRORS+= "Fatal: using GNOME module, but missing GNOME_PROJECT and/or GNOME_VERSION" .endif CATEGORIES+= x11/gnome DISTNAME= ${GNOME_PROJECT}-${GNOME_VERSION} VERSION?= ${GNOME_VERSION} .if ${NO_BUILD:L} == "no" USE_LIBTOOL?= Yes MODULES+= textproc/intltool .endif # Set to 'yes' if there are .desktop files in the package list. .if defined(DESKTOP_FILES) && ${DESKTOP_FILES:L} == "yes" MODGNOME_RUN_DEPENDS+= :desktop-file-utils-*:devel/desktop-file-utils .endif # Set to 'yes' if there are .xml GNOME help files under # share/gnome/help/ in the package list. .if defined(MODGNOME_HELP_FILES) && ${MODGNOME_HELP_FILES:L} == "yes" MODGNOME_BUILD_DEPENDS+= ::x11/gnome/doc-utils MODGNOME_RUN_DEPENDS+= :yelp-*:x11/gnome/yelp .endif .if defined(MODGNOME_BUILD_DEPENDS) BUILD_DEPENDS+= ${MODGNOME_BUILD_DEPENDS} .endif .if defined(MODGNOME_RUN_DEPENDS) RUN_DEPENDS+= ${MODGNOME_RUN_DEPENDS} .endif MASTER_SITES?= ${MASTER_SITE_GNOME:=sources/${GNOME_PROJECT}/${GNOME_VERSION:C/^([0-9]+\.[0-9]+).*/\1/}/} EXTRACT_SUFX?= .tar.bz2 USE_GMAKE?= Yes # Disable "silent rules" aka clean build output (CC $FILE) .if defined(CONFIGURE_STYLE) . if ${CONFIGURE_STYLE:L} == "gnu" || ${CONFIGURE_STYLE:L} == "autoconf" CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-silent-rules . endif .endif