# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.15 2017/03/07 21:21:20 pascal Exp $ ONLY_FOR_ARCHS = amd64 arm i386 mips64 mips64el powerpc sparc64 BROKEN-arm = missing atomic ops (both AO_* and gcc builtin) BROKEN-sparc64 = undefined reference to `AO_fetch_compare_and_swap_full' COMMENT = virtual machine for nqp/rakudo V = 2017.02 DISTNAME = MoarVM-$V PKGNAME = moarvm-$V SHARED_LIBS = moar 7.0 CATEGORIES = lang HOMEPAGE = http://moarvm.org/ MAINTAINER = Pascal Stumpf # Artistic2 PERMIT_PACKAGE_CDROM = Yes WANTLIB = atomic_ops c ffi kvm m pthread MASTER_SITES = http://moarvm.org/releases/ BUILD_DEPENDS = math/libtommath LIB_DEPENDS = devel/libffi \ devel/boehm-gc,-atomic MAKE_FLAGS = NOISY=1 CONFIGURE_STYLE = simple CONFIGURE_SCRIPT = /usr/bin/perl Configure.pl CONFIGURE_ARGS += --cc="${CC}" --ld="${CC}" \ --prefix="${PREFIX}" \ --has-libtommath \ --has-libffi \ --has-libatomic_ops CONFIGURE_ENV = SO_VERSION="${LIBmoar_VERSION}" \ CFLAGS="-I${LOCALBASE}/include" NO_TEST = Yes .include