diff --git a/textproc/mupdf/Makefile b/textproc/mupdf/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..aa57f31f2cf --- /dev/null +++ b/textproc/mupdf/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 2009/06/02 22:15:08 sthen Exp $ + +COMMENT = graphic library, pdf parser, viewer and utilities + +DISTNAME = fitz-0.0.20090601 +PKGNAME = mupdf-0.0.20090601 + +CATEGORIES = textproc x11 + +HOMEPAGE = http://ccxvii.net/fitz/ + +MAINTAINER = Stuart Henderson + +# Code: GPLv2 but XXX missing copyright information and license headers +# Fonts: Adobe/Apache license +PERMIT_PACKAGE_CDROM = not yet +PERMIT_PACKAGE_FTP = not yet +PERMIT_DISTFILES_CDROM =not yet +PERMIT_DISTFILES_FTP = not yet + +WANTLIB = X11 Xext c freetype m z + +# from darcs checkout +MASTER_SITES = http://spacehopper.org/mirrors/ + +BUILD_DEPENDS = ::devel/jam + +LIB_DEPENDS = jasper::graphics/jasper \ + jpeg.>=62::graphics/jpeg + +USE_X11 = Yes + +NO_REGRESS = Yes + +JAMDEBUG = -d x # display command-lines +JAMDEBUG += -q # die quickly on build failure +MAKE_ENV += CC=${CC} CXX=${CXX} + +JAMFLAGS = \ + -sALL_LOCATE_TARGET=${WRKBUILD} \ + -sBUILD= \ + -sHAVE_JASPER=yes \ + -sOPTIM="${CFLAGS}" \ + -sOS=LINUX \ + -sTHIRDPARTYINC="`freetype-config --cflags` -I${LOCALBASE}/include" \ + -sTHIRDPARTYLIB="`freetype-config --libs` -L${LOCALBASE}/lib" + +# built-in CJK fonts and data files use way too much compiler +# memory, even with -O0. +.if (${MACHINE_ARCH} != "i386" && ${MACHINE_ARCH} != "sparc64" && \ + ${MACHINE_ARCH} != "amd64" && ${MACHINE_ARCH} != "hppa") +JAMFLAGS += -sDEFINES=NOCJK +.else +VMEM_WARNING = Yes +.endif + +SEPARATE_BUILD = concurrent + +do-build: + cd ${WRKSRC} && ${SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} jam ${JAMDEBUG} ${JAMFLAGS} + +do-install: + ${INSTALL_MAN} ${FILESDIR}/mupdf.1 ${PREFIX}/man/man1 + ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKBUILD}/mupdf ${PREFIX}/bin +.for x in cmapdump fontdump pdfclean pdfdraw pdfextract pdfinfo pdfshow + ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKBUILD}/$x ${PREFIX}/bin/mu_$x +.endfor + +.include diff --git a/textproc/mupdf/distinfo b/textproc/mupdf/distinfo new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..10240c641e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/textproc/mupdf/distinfo @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +MD5 (fitz-0.0.20090601.tar.gz) = CXFYKzEv5eNgmseMPlb1WA== +RMD160 (fitz-0.0.20090601.tar.gz) = w1xmUHWC7843locSCm6FSl/mMnU= +SHA1 (fitz-0.0.20090601.tar.gz) = iSnN++5ivzwzDB/fAKFUn0nkNQg= +SHA256 (fitz-0.0.20090601.tar.gz) = OsX+C+XtqdPNtdf57fE0EkC79HeID8lXs8tYRW7VZ5s= +SIZE (fitz-0.0.20090601.tar.gz) = 12191689 diff --git a/textproc/mupdf/files/mupdf.1 b/textproc/mupdf/files/mupdf.1 new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..1ea52cd3d42 --- /dev/null +++ b/textproc/mupdf/files/mupdf.1 @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +.\" $OpenBSD: mupdf.1,v 2009/06/02 22:15:08 sthen Exp $ +.Dd $Mdocdate: June 2 2009 $ +.Dt MUPDF 1 +.Os +.Sh NAME +.Nm mupdf +.Nd "display PDF files" +.Sh SYNOPSIS +.Nm mupdf +.Bk -words +.Op Fl d Ar password +.Op Fl p Ar pagenumber +.Op Fl z Ar zoom +.Ar file.pdf +.Sh DESCRIPTION +.Nm +is a viewer for Portable Document Format (pdf) files. +.Pp +The options are as follows: +.Bl -tag -width Ds +.It Fl d Ar password +Use +.Ar password +as the password to open the document. +.It Fl p Ar pagenumber +Open the document at page +.Ar pagenumber . +.It Fl z Ar zoom +Open the document zoomed by +.Ar zoom +times. +The value is taken as a multiplier, not a percentage. +.El +.Sh KEY BINDINGS +The following key bindings are available. +.Pp +.Bl -tag -width xxxxxxxxxxxx -compact +.It l < +rotate left +.It r > +rotate right +.It u +scroll up +.\" .It up +.\" scroll up +.It d +scroll down +.\" .It down +.\" scroll down +.It + = +zoom in +.It - +zoom out +.It w +shrinkwrap +.It b backspace +previous page +.\" .It pgup left +.\" previous page +.It n space +next page +.\" .It pgdn right +.\" next page +.It N F +forward 10 pages +.It B +back 10 pages +.It m +mark page for snap back +.It t +pop back to last mark +.It 123g +move to page 123 +.El +.Pp +.Sh SEE ALSO +.Xr xpdf 1 diff --git a/textproc/mupdf/pkg/DESCR b/textproc/mupdf/pkg/DESCR new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..44a5389908d --- /dev/null +++ b/textproc/mupdf/pkg/DESCR @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +Fitz is a project to create a new and modern graphics library. +At the core of Fitz is the display tree: a scene graph of vector +graphics, images and text making up the contents of a page. + +The standard components of Fitz are: + + * Base runtime (thin memory and error handling layer) + * Streams and filters (standard postscript, pdf and tiff filters) + * World model (display trees and resources) + * Drawing (draw the tree to a bitmap raster) + +MuPDF is a PDF parser that reads PDF files and creates Fitz trees. + +MuPDF also has an API to modify internal objects in the PDF files +and write PDF files. For instance, it is possible to use the MuPDF +library to encrypt existing PDF files, or to rearrange the pages. + +pdftool is a commandline demo of this functionality; it is a portable +pdf swiss army knife for fixing broken pdf files, changing permissions, +merging and extracting pages, and examining the internal object +structure of a PDF file. + +The mupdf binary (aka pdfview) is a bare bones PDF viewer. diff --git a/textproc/mupdf/pkg/PLIST b/textproc/mupdf/pkg/PLIST new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..b13302be189 --- /dev/null +++ b/textproc/mupdf/pkg/PLIST @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +@comment $OpenBSD: PLIST,v 2009/06/02 22:15:08 sthen Exp $ +@bin bin/mu_cmapdump +@bin bin/mu_fontdump +@bin bin/mu_pdfclean +@bin bin/mu_pdfdraw +@bin bin/mu_pdfextract +@bin bin/mu_pdfinfo +@bin bin/mu_pdfshow +@bin bin/mupdf +@man man/man1/mupdf.1