This file documents some of the problems you may encounter when upgrading your ports. We try our best to minimize these disruptions, but sometimes they are unavoidable. You should get into the habit of checking this file for changes each time you update your ports collection, before attempting any port upgrades. 20191226: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/dsbmd AUTHOR: With version 1.10 dsbmd now uses sysutils/fusefs-jmtpfs for mounting MTP devices. Please adjust your dsbmd.conf or recreate it from the new dsbmd.conf.sample. 20191225: AFFECTS: multimedia/libva-intel-media-driver AUTHOR: As of libva 2.6.0 iHD driver is automatically enabled, so you no longer need to adjust LIBVA_DRIVER_NAME in ~/.profile or ~/.login. 20191221: AFFECTS: users of misc/openhab2 AUTHOR: If you upgrade from a pevious version, make a backup of /var/db/openhab2 read about the breaking changes in the release notes at and run %%PREFIX%%/libexec/openhab2/runtime/bin/update.freebsd which takes care about changes for: - Textual Configuration - Next Generation Rule Engine 20191216: AFFECTS: users of python AUTHOR: Default version of python3 and python was switched to 3.7. For ports users wanting to keep version 3.6 as default, add DEFAULT_VERSIONS+= python=3.6 python3=3.6 to make.conf This may ease the upgrade for users of pre-build packages: # sh # for i in $(pkg query -g %n 'py36-*'); do pkg set -yn ${i}:py37-${i#py36-}; done # pkg upgrade For portmaster users: # portmaster -o lang/python37 python36 # REINSTALL="$(pkg info -o py36-\* | awk '{printf "%s ", $2}')" # pkg delete -f py36-\* # portmaster $REINSTALL # REBUILD=$(pkg query -g "%n:%dn" '*' | grep py3 | grep -v py37 | cut -d : -f 1 | sort -u) # portmaster $REBUILD 20191204 AFFECTS: users of mail/nextcloud-mail AUTHOR: Version 0.20.0 removed the default mail configuration via config.php. All users will be prompted to enter account and SMTP- and IMAP-server details for sending and reading email. 20191126: AFFECTS: consumers of net/py-urllib3 AUTHOR: Since version 1.25 HTTPS connections are now verified by default which is done via "cert_reqs = 'CERT_REQUIRED'". While certificate verification can be disabled via "cert_reqs = 'CERT_NONE'", it's highly recommended to leave it on. Various consumers of net/py-urllib3 already have implemented routines that either explicitly enable or disable HTTPS certificate verification (e.g. via configuration settings, CLI arguments, etc.). Yet it may happen that there are still some consumers which don't explicitly enable/disable certificate verification for HTTPS connections which could then lead to errors (as is often the case with self-signed certificates). In case of an error one should try first to temporarily disable certificate verification of the problematic urllib3 consumer to see if this approach will remedy the issue. 20191125: AFFECTS: users of emulators/qemu AUTHOR: emulators/qemu31 has been updated to 4.1.1. Previous 3.1.X branch has been repocopied to emulators/qemu31. If someone wants to stick with 3.1.X branch please use one of the following command: # pkg install emulators/qemu31 or # portmaster -o emulators/qemu31 emulators/qemu or # portupgrade -o emulators/qemu31 emulators/qemu 20191124: AFFECTS: users of irc/eggdrop AUTHOR: The irc/eggdrop port has been updated to 1.8.4 and its config is not backward compatible with 1.6.21. A new port was created to keep 1.6.21 version available at irc/eggdrop16 and it will be available for 3 months until users have time to upgrade their configuration. More information at: If you would like to keep using 1.6.21, please run the following command to update pkg database: pkg set -n eggdrop:eggdrop16 pkg set -o irc/eggdrop:irc/eggdrop16 20191108: AFFECTS: users of databases/redis[-devel] AUTHOR: The databases/redis port has been updated to the recent stable release. Users wanting to stay on v4.x can replace databases/redis with databases/redis4 with one of the following commands: # pkg install databases/redis4 or # portmaster -o databases/redis4 databases/redis or # portupgrade -o databases/redis4 databases/redis 20191103: AFFECTS: users of www/node AUTHOR: The www/node port has been updated to Node.js v13.0.0, the latest upstream release. A new port, www/node12, has been created for the v12.x LTS branch. Users wanting to stay on v12.x can replace www/node with www/node12 with one of the following commands: # pkg install www/node12 or # portmaster -o www/node12 www/node or # portupgrade -o www/node12 www/node 20191029: AFFECTS: users of emulators/open-vm-tools[-nox11] AUTHOR: open-vm-tools 11.0.1 has removed the vmxnet driver. This driver has been in tree for quite some time and hopefully everyone is using the in tree version, however if you had removed device vmx from your kernel, or are running an unsupported version of FreeBSD which didn't have the driver included in the base system, updating your open-vm-tools version will leave you without networking. 20191026: AFFECTS: users of www/qt5-webengine AUTHOR: Users that upgrade www/qt5-webengine without using pkg/poudriere might experience failures due to conflicts with the installed version of 5.12.2. In that case, pkg delete -f the qt5-webengine package before building the updated version. 20191025: AFFECTS: users of x11/nvidia-driver (and slave ports) AUTHOR: x11/nvidia-driver* ports no longer install Linux programs and libraries, which had been moved to their own ports (x11/linux-nvidia-libs*). When updating the driver package next time, remember to install them manually if you need to run Linux OpenGL programs. 20191016: AFFECTS: users of KDE Plasma Desktop (x11/plasma5*) AUTHOR: With Plasma 5.17 the startup script has been renamed. People who use the .xinitrc method to start Plasma have to call the new binary. Previously: exec ck-launch-session startkde Change to: exec ck-launch-session startplasma-x11 20191014: AFFECTS: users of mail/rspamd, mail/rspamd-devel AUTHOR: Sample configuration files has been removed as default configuration files are NOT intended for modification by users and SHOULD be overwritten on port upgrade. Make sure the default configuration files are unmodified and migrate all configuration changes to the proper places, before you continue. 20191002: AFFECTS: users of textproc/groff AUTHOR: with groff 1.2.4_3, groff does not depend anymore on ghostscript and netpbm. In order to be able to properly use the html backend the user can install ghostscript and netpbm from ports without the need of reinstalling the package. Also note that the X11 option has been removed. 20190930: AFFECTS: users of net-mgmt/netbox AUTHOR: Since the 2.6 release a running Redis server instance is required for caching objects to run. Also the following settings like below need to be added (or modified) in the existing REDIS = { 'HOST': 'localhost', 'PORT': 6397, 'PASSWORD': '' 'DATABASE': 0, 'CACHE_DATABASE': 1, 'DEFAULT_TIMEOUT': 300, 'SSL': False, } Note that if you were using these settings in a prior release with webhooks, the DATABASE setting remains the same but an additional CACHE_DATABASE settings has been added with a default value of 1 to support the caching backend. The DATABASE setting will be renamed in a future release of NetBox to better relay the meaning of the setting. It is highly recommended to keep the webhook and cache databases separate. Using the same database number for both may result in webhook processing data being lost during cache flushing events. Please also check the pkg-message and the changelogs for further info. 20190927: AFFECTS: users of emulators/qemu-devel AUTHOR: qemu-devel has been updated to 4.1.0 and 4.0.0 has been merged into a new port emulators/qemu40. If you want to stick with 4.0.X branch, simply use: # portmaster -o emulators/qemu-devel emulators/qemu40 20190927: AFFECTS: users of XFCE desktop (x11-wm/xfce4) AUTHOR: Due to changes in the XFCE 4.14 metaport, systems could end up with both xscreensaver and xfce4-screensaver installed and enabled simultaneously. This can cause conflicts and problems unlocking the screen. To avoid problems, please make sure to have only one enabled by going to the Application Autostart tab of the Session and Startup settings applet and enable only one Screensaver there. Some further information can be found in the xfce4-session pkg-message displayed on installation and upgrade. 20190920: AFFECTS: users of net-mgmt/pushgateway AUTHOR: The persistent storage format used by pushgateway in the latest version is not backwards compatible. See the pushgateway changelogs for details. 20190911: AFFECTS: users of security/bastillion AUTHOR: The datastore of bastillion needs to be updated: java -jar $PREFIX/jetty_bastillion/upgrade/bastillion-upgrade-3.08.00.jar \ $PREFIX/jetty_bastillion/bastillion/WEB-INF/classes/ 20190909: AFFECTS: users of lang/ruby25 AUTHOR: The default ruby version has been updated from 2.5 to 2.6. If you compile your own ports you may keep 2.5 as the default version by adding the following lines to your /etc/make.conf file: # # Keep ruby 2.5 as default version # DEFAULT_VERSIONS+=ruby=2.5 If you wish to update to the new default version, you need to first stop any software that uses ruby. Then, you will need to follow these steps, depending upon how you manage your system. If you use pkgng, simply upgrade: # pkg upgrade If you do not use pkg, please check entry 20190420. The description there should also work for this version. 20190906: AFFECTS: users of devel/py-fabric AUTHOR: Fabric (devel/py-fabric) was upgraded to 2.5.0, Fabric (2+) represents a near-total reimplementation and reorganization of the software. Fabric 2 is not at 100% feature parity with 1.x! Some features have been explicitly dropped, but others simply have not been ported over yet, either due to time constraints or because said features need to be re-examined in a modern context. More information at: If you would like to keep using 1.x, please run the following command to update pkg database: pkg set -n py27-fabric:py27-fabric1 pkg set -o devel/py-fabric:devel/py-fabric1 20190830: AFFECTS: users of www/gitlab-ce AUTHOR: Make sure you upgrade your PostgreSQL to version 11 as described in 20190829, before you upgrade your gitlab-ce version. Gitlab-ce 12.1 needs at least PostgreSQL version 9.6. After this you can follow the usual upgrade guide: 20190829: AFFECTS: users of database/postgresql* and other software using PostgreSQL to run AUTHOR: The default version of PostgreSQL has been switched from 9.5 to 11. The upgrade procedure can use up twice the space the databases currently needs. If you have a big amount of stored data take a closer look at the manpage of pg_upgrade for avoidance and/or speedup of the upgrade. The upgrade instructions consider a basic usage and do not match complex scenarios like replication, sharding, or similar. Upgrade instructions: First stop your PostgreSQL, create PostgreSQL-binaries and backup your data. If you have another Version of PostgreSQL installed, for example 9.5.19, your files are named according to this. # service postgresql stop # pkg create postgresql95-server postgresql95-contrib # mkdir /tmp/pg-upgrade # tar xf postgresql95-server-9.5.19.txz -C /tmp/pg-upgrade # tar xf postgresql95-contrib-9.5.19.txz -C /tmp/pg-upgrade # pkg delete -f databases/postgresql95-server databases/postgresql95-contrib databases/postgresql95-client Now update PostgreSQL: pkg user: # pkg install databases/postgresql11-server databases/postgresql11-contrib # pkg upgrade Portmaster users: # portmaster databases/postgresql11-server databases/postgresql11-contrib # portmaster -a Portupgrade users: # portinstall databases/postgresql11-server databases/postgresql11-contrib # portupgrade -a After installing the new PostgreSQL version you need to convert all your databases to new version: # su -l postgres -c "/usr/local/bin/initdb --encoding=utf-8 --lc-collate=C -D /var/db/postgres/data11 -U pgsql" # chown -R postgres /usr/local/pgsql/data/ # su -l postgres -c "pg_upgrade -b /tmp/pg-upgrade/usr/local/bin/ -d /usr/local/pgsql/data/ -B /usr/local/bin/ -D /var/db/postgres/data11/ -U pgsql " Now the migration is finished. You can start PostgreSQL again with: # service postgresql start ATTENTION: 1) The default user changed from "pgsql" to "postgres". The migration steps above preserve the "pgsql" database user while the database daemon is now executed as the "postgres" FreeBSD user. 2) The default data dir changed from "/usr/local/pgsql/data/" to "/var/db/postgres/data11/" 3) If you use non-default initdb options, you have to adjust the initdb-command accordingly 20190816: AFFECTS: users of net-im/ejabberd AUTHOR: Riak support has been removed by upstream. For update instructions from 19.05, please refer to: 20190812: AFFECTS: users of lang/perl5* AUTHOR: The default Perl version has been switched to Perl 5.30. If you are using binary packages to upgrade your system, you do not have anything to do, pkg upgrade will do the right thing. For the other people, follow the instructions in entry 20161103, it should still be the same. 20190801: AFFECTS: users of www/ot-recorder AUTHOR: The data directory has moved from /var/spool/owntracks to /var/db/owntracks Be sure to stop otrecorder, move the directory, and start otrecorder. service ot-recorder stop cd /var/spool mv owntracks /var/db service ot-recorder start 20190728: AFFECTS: users of net-im/py-matrix-synapse AUTHOR: The support for Python 2.7 has been dropped with the 1.1.0 release of net/py-matrix-synapse. Users that still use the Python 2.7 version of net-im/py-matrix-synapse should switch to a newer Python version, e.g. 3.6, which is the default Python version since April 2019. 20190717: AFFECTS: users of net-p2p/zetacoin and net-p2p/zetacoin-nox11 AUTHOR: Zetacoin will default to using modern versions of BDB (5.x or 6.x) when the WALLET option is selected. See pkg-help for explanation. The zetacoin-nox11 slave port was renamed to zetacoin-daemon to align with the net-p2p/bitcoin format. The zetacoin-cli and zetacoin-tx utilities have been re-packaged into a separate port. If you require these programs, or use the zetacoin-cli program to access the daemon or the GUI, install net-p2p/zetacoin-utils to reinstall them. 20190717: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/py-borgmatic AUTHOR: The default location for borgmatic's configurations changed. We moved it from '/etc/borgmatic' to '/usr/local/etc/borgmatic' in order to follow recommended standards used on FreeBSD. 20190710: AFFECTS: users with DEFAULT_VERSIONS+=linux=c6 or c6_64 in /etc/make.conf AUTHOR: On amd64 adding DEFAULT_VERSIONS+=linux=c6 to /etc/make.conf made Linux infrastructure ports (linux_base-c6 and linux-c6*) install i386 CentOS 6 packages. Using c6_64 instead of c6 made them install mixed amd64/i386 CentOS 6 packages and allowed Linux application ports to install amd64 binaries when available. The i386-only configuration was only useful for users of x11/nvidia-driver* which didn't provide Linux amd64 emulation until recently. With x11/nvidia-driver* now supporting Linux amd64 there's no longer a need for i386-only Linux on amd64 so DEFAULT_VERSIONS+=linux=c6 has been changed to make Linux infrastructure ports install mixed amd64/i386 CentOS 6 packages, like c6_64 before, and support for c6_64 has been removed. Users with DEFAULT_VERSIONS+=linux=c6 should reinstall linux_base-c6 and all packages that depend on it. A list of dependent packages can be obtained with the following command: pkg info -r linux_base-c6 Users with DEFAULT_VERSIONS+=linux=c6_64 only need to replace c6_64 with c6 in /etc/make.conf. Users of x11/nvidia-driver* should upgrade to FreeBSD 11.3 or 12.0 if they want to run Linux amd64 OpenGL programs. If you are running an older version you may want to postpone installing or updating Linux application ports until you find the time to upgrade because application ports may install amd64 binaries now. Infrastructure ports are safe to reinstall, and so is x11/nvidia-driver*. On i386 nothing has changed. 20190707: AFFECTS: users of www/gitlab-ce AUTHOR: You must at first upgrade to version 11.11.5 before you can upgrade to version 12. Support for MySQL will be dropped with next version. Make sure you use at least PostgreSQL version 9.6. Follow the normal upgrade manual that can be found here: 20190705: AFFECTS: users of net/serviio which bought a license for the non-free features AUTHOR: Version 2 of serviio needs a new license file. Updating without a new license file will disable the non-free features. 20190701: AFFECTS: users of databases/mysql56-(server|client) AUTHOR: The default MySQL version has been updated from 5.6 to 5.7. If you compile your own ports you may keep 5.6 as the default version by adding the following lines to your /etc/make.conf file: # # Keep MySQL 5.6 as default version # DEFAULT_VERSIONS+=mysql=5.6 If you wish to update to the new default version, you need to first stop any running server instance. Then, you will need to follow these steps, depending on installed packages. # pkg set -o databases/mysql56-client:databases/mysql57-client # pkg set -o databases/mysql56-server:databases/mysql57-server # pkg upgrade 20190630: AFFECTS: users of net/samba410 AUTHOR: If you used Samba in AD/DC mode with the previous versions of the port on UFS2 backed storage you have to add usage of vfs_freebsd VFS module for at least SYSVOL share and configure it to use 'legacy' mode(see manpage). The reason behind this is that previous versions Samba port used a hack to workaround broken mapping of Linux security and trusted extended attributes into FreeBSD namespace. In particular, essential security.NTACL attribute was replaced with the user.NTACL and placed in a insecure USER namespace. This port dropped this hack in favor of vfs_freebsd module, which should provide more controlled way of such a mapping. To maintain the compatibility with the previous installations on UFS2 storage (as ZFS uses it's own way of mapping SYSVOL, thanks to the iXsystems patches) the vfs_freebsd module provides 'legacy' mode that implements old functionality. For the fresh installations it is recommended to use 'secure' mode of operations for this module and use it as a global vfs objects. Caution: The given module is still considered EXPERIMENTAL. 20190630: AFFECTS: users of net/samba410, net/samba4[6-8] and devel/talloc?, devel/tevent?, databases/tdb?, databases/ldb* AUTHOR: The port of the new version of Samba 4.10 is introduced. Due necessarily to keep backwards compatibility for the legacy samba4[6-8] ports the upgrade procedure is a bit convoluted. You are safe to perform fresh new install of samba410 port. In case you are upgrading from the previous versions of Samba, please use the following procedure: 0. Take backups of all the relevant files, in particular PREFIX/etc/smb4.conf and /var/db/samba4/ subdirectory. Keep in mind that files there (may) have extended attributes, so use appropriate tools to preserve them. 1a. If you haven't updated Samba between 20190619 and 20190630 then next step should be as simple as: portmaster -o net/samba410 net/samba48 1b. If you have been affected by the archiving legacy versions of Samba-related libraries for legacy versions of Samba, which happened in the given time frame, then you need to reverse operation from the 20190619 entry: for users of portmaster: portmaster -o devel/talloc devel/talloc1 portmaster -o devel/tevent devel/tevent1 portmaster -o databases/tdb databases/tdb1 portmaster -o net/samba410 net/samba48 for users of portupgrade: portupgrade -o devel/talloc devel/talloc1 portupgrade -o devel/tevent devel/tevent1 portupgrade -o databases/tdb databases/tdb1 portupgrade -o net/samba410 net/samba48 20190619: AFFECTS: users of samba4[6-8] and devel/talloc, devel/tevent, databases/tdb, databases/ldb* AUTHOR: To introduce samba410(we deliberately skip samba49 due the complexity of handling) and to drop dependency on deprecated Python 2.7, Samba supplementary libraries talloc, tevent and tdb were split into current Python 3 compatible versions and legacy ones, with the suffix "1". Old versions of Samba were changed to depend on the legacy supplementary libraries, so if you need to install samba46, samba47 or samba48 over previous Samba installations you need to downgrade supplementary libs with the following commands: for users of portmaster: portmaster -o devel/talloc1 devel/talloc portmaster -o devel/tevent1 devel/tevent portmaster -o databases/tdb1 databases/tdb portmaster -r talloc1 for users of portupgrade: portupgrade -o devel/talloc1 devel/talloc portupgrade -o devel/tevent1 devel/tevent portupgrade -o databases/tdb1 databases/tdb portupgrade -fr devel/talloc1 20190613: AFFECTS: users of www/qt5-webengine AUTHOR: Users that upgrade www/qt5-webengine without using pkg/poudriere might experience failures due to conflicts with the installed version of 5.12.2. In that case, pkg delete -f the qt5-webengine package before building the updated version. 20190611: AFFECTS: users of net/routinator AUTHOR: Release 0.4.0 fundamentally changes the command line options for running the server and introduces a new way to initialize the local RPKI repository used by Routinator. If you have been using previous releases, you will likely have to adjust your tooling. We apologize for this, but we also feel that the new commands are more intuitive and logical. 20190604: AFFECTS: users of net/samba47 AUTHOR: The default version of samba has been switched from 4.7 to 4.8. Upgrade instructions: For package users having samba47 installed indirectly (as a dependency): # pkg upgrade For package users having samba47 installed directly (leaf port): # pkg upgrade # pkg install samba48 For ports users: If you want to keep samba47, add DEFAULT_VERSIONS+= samba=4.7 to make.conf If you want to upgrade to samba48, remove samba47: # pkg delete -f samba47 Portmaster users: # portmaster net/samba48 # portmaster -a Portupgrade users: # portinstall net/samba48 # portupgrade -a 20180601: AFFECTS: www/tt-rss AUTHOR: tt-rss now uses php intl for extension; a web server reload will be required if intl extension isn't already loaded. 20190522: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/graylog AUTHOR: The port has been updated to the latest stable version 3.0.2, which includes more plugins by default, but also requires manual changes to graylog's configuration files, possibly port and URL changes, such as X-Graylog-Server-URL settings, and elasticsearch must be >= 5. The location of configuration files has been amended to align with the official distribution files and locations. After upgrading, manually review and merge changes from your /usr/local/etc/graylog/server/server.conf into /usr/local/etc/graylog/graylog.conf Consult for further details. 20190506: AFFECTS: users of www/gitea AUTHOR: Gitea requires the addition of another secret to the config file in order to start up. Either manually add JWT_SECRET to the ${PREFIX}/etc/gitea/conf/app.ini config file (see app.ini.sample), or allow Gitea to make the change for you by making the config file writable to the git user. 20190424: AFFECTS: users of www/node AUTHOR: The www/node port has been updated to Node.js v12.0.0, the latest upstream release. This is a major release, including many significant changes. Users are encouraged to read the release announcements before upgrading: 20190423: AFFECTS: users of www/gitlab-ce AUTHOR: The directory where all repositories and ssh permissions are stored was changed from /usr/home/git back to /usr/local/git, to match again the recommended standards on FreeBSD. This will cause now some other git management packages to collide with gitlab. Make sure you migrate all you git repositories to gitlab first, before you continue. Make sure /usr/local/git/repositories and /usr/local/git/.ssh are not existing! Otherwise the next commands can break your installation for managing git repositories within gitlab and with your other gitlab management software! You must move the old files to the new location with: # service gitlab stop # mv /usr/home/git /usr/local/ # pkg upg Make sure you update your config files, diff shows you what you maybe must change: # cd /usr/local/www/gitlab-ce # git diff config/gitlab.yml.sample config/gitlab.yml # cd /usr/local/share/gitlab-shell/ # git diff config.yml.sample config.yml # cd /usr/local/share/gitaly # git diff config.toml.sample config.toml # Change home directory of user git back to /usr/local/git # vipw The line should now looks like: git:*:211:211::0:0:gitosis user:/usr/local/git:/bin/sh If you do an upgrade of gitlab follow the upgrade guide. If not, just start gitlab again with: # service gitlab start 20190422: AFFECTS: users of security/libressl AUTHOR: The port has been updated to the latest stable version 2.9 of LibreSSL. The shared library versions of the libraries have been bumped. After upgrading, manually update all packages that depend on any of the libraries provided by LibreSSL (libssl, libcrypto and libtls) since the versions of these libraries have changed. Normally, you can obtain the list of dependent software by running the following command: # pkg info -r libressl Then you should rebuild all ports depending on libressl to avoid dangling shared library dependencies. Poudriere and pkg handle this correctly, portmaster and portupgrade users can use the following to rebuild all dependent ports. Portmaster users: portmaster -r libressl Portupgrade users: portupgrade -fr security/libressl 20190421: AFFECTS: users of databases/cego AUTHOR: To upgrade from cego 2.39.16 to 2.44.1, you need to export to xml before the upgrade and import from xml after the upgrade, because the internal storage has changed for some types. Use these steps: - export your database while it runs, see§ion=cgdoc_database_running.html#tsimpexp_mode for details. - stop the database service cego stop - upgrade the port/package - re-create the database cego --mode=create --tableset= --dbxml=.xml - import the database cego --mode=xmlimport --tableset= \ --dbxml=.xml --impfile=export.xml --doLogging - modify /etc/rc.conf by adding cego__cpdump="YES" cego__cleanup="YES" - start the database service cego start 20190420: AFFECTS: users of lang/ruby24 AUTHOR: The default ruby version has been updated from 2.4 to 2.5. If you compile your own ports you may keep 2.4 as the default version by adding the following lines to your /etc/make.conf file: # # Keep ruby 2.4 as default version # DEFAULT_VERSIONS+=ruby=2.4 If you wish to update to the new default version, you need to first stop any software that uses ruby. Then, you will need to follow these steps, depending upon how you manage your system. If you use pkgng, simply upgrade: # pkg upgrade If you use portmaster, install new ruby, then rebuild all ports that depend on ruby: # portmaster -o lang/ruby25 lang/ruby24 # portmaster -R -r ruby-2.5 If you use portupgrade, install new ruby, then rebuild all ports that depend on ruby: # pkg delete -f ruby portupgrade # make -C /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/portupgrade install clean # pkg set -o lang/ruby24:lang/ruby25 # portupgrade -x ruby-2.5.\* -fr lang/ruby25 20190419: AFFECTS: users of emulators/qemu AUTHOR: qemu 2.X version has been moved to qemu2. If you would like to use 2.X you should use qemu2. Otherwise you can use the new stable upstream branch of 3.0.X. Portmaster users will need to run this command: portmaster -o emulators/qemu2 emulators/qemu 20190410: AFFECTS: users of python AUTHOR: Default version of python was switched to 3.6. For ports users wanting to keep version 2.7 as default, add DEFAULT_VERSIONS+= python=2.7 to make.conf 20190328: AFFECTS: www/firefox-i18n, www/firefox-esr-i18n, mail/thunderbird-i18n, www/seamonkey-i18n AUTHOR: Separate packages for localization packs are no longer supported. Firefox 65+ has in-browser menu while Firefox ESR60, Thunderbird 60 or SeaMonkey 2.49 should download preferred .xpi manually. Refer to the following article (including previous revisions) how to do this. 20190328: AFFECTS: users of www/qt5-webengine AUTHOR: Users that upgrade www/qt5-webengine without using pkg/poudriere might experience failures due to conflicts with the installed version of 5.9.5. In that case, pkg delete -f the qt5-webengine package before building the updated version. 20190314: AFFECTS: users of mail/rspamd, mail/rspamd-devel AUTHOR: User and group that rspamd run as are changed from nobody:nobody to rspamd:rspamd. Unless it is clean install you need to execute following command. # chown -R rspamd:rspamd /var/db/rspamd /var/log/rspamd /var/run/rspamd 20190311: AFFECTS: users of x11/xorg, x11-fonts/mkfontscale, x11-fonts/mkfontdir AUTHOR: The x11-fonts/mkfontdir port has been removed and the functionality has been merged into x11-fonts/mkfontscale. This might cause issues with upgrading. If you get conflicts between mkfontscale and mkfontdir please remove mkfontdir before upgrading. To do this, simply run the following: pkg delete -f mkfontdir 20190311: AFFECTS: users of www/igal2 AUTHOR: www/igal2 2.2-1 is now built with graphics/ImageMagick6-nox11 and don't install the ImageMagick X11 dependencies anymore. A build option allows you to restore the previous behaviour. 20190303: AFFECTS: users of x11-fonts/noto* AUTHOR: Google Noto Fonts family has been converted to several ports. x11-fonts/noto is a meta port which includes 1 old port and 5 new ports as follows: - x11-fonts/noto-basic (was noto-lite): basic fonts set with emoji - x11-fonts/noto-extra: extra fonts set - x11-fonts/noto-jp: Japanese fonts set - x11-fonts/noto-kr: Korean fonts set - x11-fonts/noto-sc: Simplified Chinese fonts set - x11-fonts/noto-tc: Traditional Chinese fonts set 20190302: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/paladin AUTHOR: Ryan Westlund The way paladin parses its config file has changed, please check the provided sample config. 20190227: AFFECTS: users of security/softether, security/softether-devel AUTHOR: These ports' bridge, client, server daemon unintendedly had spit out chain_certs (certificate chain) directory on libexec directory until r494024. If your ${PREFIX}/libexec/softether/chain_certs directory is empty, you can remove the directory safely. If the directory is not empty, move it to ${SE_DBDIR} when upgrading softether. Following commands should help: service softether_(bridge|client|server) stop (portmaster, portupgrade or pkg upgrade) mv ${PREFIX}/libexec/softether/chain_certs ${SE_DBDIR}/ service softether_(bridge|client|server) start With the default Makefile settings, ${SE_DBDIR} is set to /var/db/softether. 20190224: AFFECTS: users of security/gnutls AUTHOR: GnuTLS now looks for its configuration files in PREFIX/etc (/usr/local/etc) instead of /etc. If the following files exist they have to be moved. On a default installation these files do not exist. /etc/gnutls/default-priorities /etc/gnutls/pkcs11.conf /etc/tpasswd /etc/tpasswd.conf 20190215: AFFECTS: users of net-im/ejabberd AUTHOR: If you've mod_mam enabled with compress_xml set to true, then you're affected by bug where the XML namespace, and tag elements get interchanged in the MAM cache which results in invalid XML, and causing XMPP clients to disconnect. For more details, please refer to: This upgrade contains the patch that fixes the problem going forward. For fixing already affected users, you'll need to wipe off the MAM cache for the affected users: sudo -u ejabberd -H ejabberdctl remove_mam_for_user 20190207: AFFECTS: users of net-mgmt/mk-livestatus AUTHOR: The default Nagios version supported by net-mgmt/mk-livestatus changed from Nagios 3 to Nagios 4 - the respective Nagios package was added to net-mgmt/mk-livestatus' runtime dependencies. If you still need support for Nagios 3 you just need to change the options for net-mgmt/mk-livestatus and compile the port yourself. 20190202: AFFECTS: users of archivers/urbackup-server AUTHOR: Some of the port's sources previously included absolute references to /etc/urbackup. The upgrade now changes these references to ${PREFIX}/etc/urbackup. If you have placed any configuration files within /etc/urbackup, these should be relocated to ${PREFIX}/etc/urbackup. 20190130: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/password-store AUTHOR: password-store now stores plugins in ${PREFIX}/libexec instead of ${PREFIX}/lib. Ensure to move your own extensions there too and update your scripts to avoid breakage. 20190124: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/rubygem-fluentd, sysutils/fluent-bit AUTHOR: The fluentd port has been upgraded from the 0.12 line to 1.3.3. The upgrade is mostly non-disruptive since there is a backward compatibility with 0.12 plugins and configuration files, but care should be taken about the order of server upgrades since fluentd 1.x is unable to send it's data to version 0.12 instances. You should carefully read before performing any upgrade activities. 20190120: AFFECTS: users of mail/fetchmail AUTHOR: The fetchmail port no longer offers the X11 option and no longer depends on Python. The corresponding fetchmailconf Python program has now been split out into a separate port or package, so that fetchmail itself will no longer require Python. Users who wish to use fetchmailconf should install the new fetchmailconf port or package. 20190119: AFFECTS: users of german/webalizer2, japanese/webalizer, polish/webalizer2, portuguese/webalizer-pt_BR, portuguese/webalizer-pt_PT, ukrainian/webalizer, www/geolizer, www/webalizer AUTHOR: The option GEOIP has been changed to used the new database. Either copy GeoLite2-Country.mmdb in the working directory, or set the GeoIPDatabase option to the location of the file. 20190114: AFFECTS: users of graphics/qgis AUTHOR: GIS 3.4 LTR, the first long-term release (LTR) of QGIS 3, has landed in the FreeBSD ports tree. It will also replace the previous 2.18 LTR in the QGIS package repositories in February 2019 [1]. Beside, the latest Qt4 version 4.8.7 has been EOL since December 2015 and its expiration date on FreeBSD is set to March, 15th 2019. Because QGIS 2 is based on Qt4 and Python2, it was decided to not create a legacy port for QGIS 2, after graphics/qgis changed to QGIS 3. For users moving over from the 2.18 LTR there is a huge list of new features and impactful changes in this new 3.4 LTR version. Most notably 3.x plugins are incompatible with 2.x plugins, so please review your plugin usage carefully. Before moving over, if you have not already done so, take a look at the changelogs from versions 3.0, 3.2, and 3.4 [2][3][4] to understand the full scope of changes in the 3.x release. [1] [2] [3] [4] 20190114: AFFECTS: x11-wm/sway AUTHOR: swayidle and swaylock split out into x11/swayidle and x11/swaylock. Check your sway config and install those if required. 20190113: AFFECTS: users of net/GeoIP AUTHOR: Maxmind no longer provides geolocation data in the legacy format used by net/GeoIP. All GEOIP-related OPTIONS have been removed, and all GeoIP-dependent ports will be removed soon. Where possible, you must switch to net/libmaxminddb, which uses the newer (and fully supported) GeoIP 2 format. Unfortunately, this is not a drop-in replacement. To fetch the GeoIP 2 geolocation databases, whether the free or paid versions, you must use net/geoipupdate (pkg install geoipupdate). The legacy database is no longer available, and we cannot distribute it by the Maxmind license, so the legacy GeoIP format is essentially dead. 20190108: AFFECTS: users of databases/mysql-connector-java AUTHOR: The databases/mysql-connector-java port has been updated to 8.0.13, which requires a minimum of Java 1.8, so dropping support for Java 1.6 and 1.7. Users of those versions of Java should substitute the databases/mysql-connector-java51 port which remains at version 5.1.47 20190103: AFFECTS: users of multimedia/vlc* AUTHOR: The multimedia/vlc port has been upgraded to 3.0.5, the latest upstream release. Subsequently, multimedia/vlc-qt4 and multimedia/vlc3 have been retired and removed from the ports tree. Users who previously used multimedia/vlc3 might want to switch to multimedia/vlc with the following commands: # pkg install multimedia/vlc or # portmaster -o multimedia/vlc multimedia/vlc3 or # portupgrade -o multimedia/vlc multimedia/vlc3 20190102: AFFECTS: users of net/serviio AUTHOR: If you have customized your etc/serviio/profile.xml you need to review and merge changes from the profile.xml.sample file, else you may not be able to watch mkv files. 20181228: AFFECTS: users of devel/trio AUTHOR: Since trio 1.16-1, the shared lib previously misnamed is now named and the symlink is created. 20181222: AFFECTS: users of net/ntopng AUTHOR: Since ntopng 3.7, for security reasons, the default setting for the data directory has been changed to "/var/db/ntopng", and the default user has been changed to "ntopng". This new directory is created automatically by the port/package with correct permissions. In order to maintain backward compatibility, if you are already using "/var/tmp/ntopng" as data directory, ntopng keeps using that folder, owned by "nobody". This said, using the old defaults is not recommended and a manual action is required in order to migrate to the new settings, unless you are already using a custom directory: # service ntopng stop # mv /var/tmp/ntopng/* /var/db/ntopng/ # chown -R ntopng:ntopng /var/db/ntopng # service ntopng start Please check the upstream FAQ for reference: 20181218: AFFECTS: users of misc/openhab2 AUTHOR: If you upgrade from a previous version, make a backup of /var/db/openhab2 and run %%PREFIX%%/libexec/openhab2/runtime/bin/update.freebsd Config specific info (changes from 2.3.0 to 2.4.0): Astro Binding: The 'kilometer' and 'miles' channels have been replaced by a new 'distance' channel Jeelink Binding: The 'currentWatt' and 'maxWatt' channels have been replaced with 'currentPower' and 'maxPower' channels WeatherUnderground Binding: A bridge has been added on top of the current things, you need to add a bridge containing your api-key. ZWave Binding: Major changes have been merged to support features such as security. All things must be deleted and re-added. Refer to for further information. Synop Binding is now using UoM. 'wind-speed-ms' and 'wind-speed-knots' channels have been replaced by a single 'wind-speed' channel. Amazonechocontrol Binding: The account thing does not have settings anymore. You have to login at amazon once again through the proxy server http(s):///amazonechocontrol Milight Binding: The various available bulb types do not appear in the Paper UI Inbox anymore. The correct bulb need to be added manually. The bulb "zone" is now a configuration. Bulb Things need to be recreated to apply this change. Hue emulation: The item to hue ID mapping is no longer stored in files, but in the openHAB storage service. You need to rediscover "devices" in all services that use the hue emulation (Amazon Echo, Google Home, etc). 20181215: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/graylog AUTHOR: The dependent ports for ElasticSearch and MongoDB have both changed, and upstream changes to the configuration file may require minor changes to work correctly. Refer to the new sample files installed alongside the port for reference: server.conf log4j.xml graylog_logging.xml 20181213: AFFECTS: users of lang/perl5* AUTHOR: The default Perl version has been switched to Perl 5.28. If you are using binary packages to upgrade your system, you do not have anything to do, pkg upgrade will do the right thing. For the other people, follow the instructions in entry 20161103, it should still be the same. 20181212: AFFECTS: users of net-im/ejabberd AUTHOR: There are some new features added in ejabberd 18.12, esp. related to bookmarks, and XML compression in message archive storage. Please refer to: 20181211: AFFECTS: users of news/inn when upgrading to FreeBSD 12 AUTHOR: When upgrading from FreeBSD 11 to 12, a change in the size of the ino_t type causes a binary incompatibility in the overview database if the default tradindexed format is used. After upgrading the inn package, remove the overview/group.index file and regenerate the history and overview database with makehistory(8) before starting innd. # echo '. /usr/local/news/lib/innshellvars && \ rm -f $OVERVIEWDIR/group.index && \ $NEWSBIN/makehistory -O -s `wc -l <$HISTORY`' | \ su -fm news -c '/bin/sh -s' 20181209: AFFECTS: users of DRM ports other than graphics/drm-kmod AUTHOR: In order to facilitate future porting efforts and help in supporting multiple FreeBSD versions, the DRM ports other than drm-kmod (graphics/drm-stable-kmod, graphics/drm-next-kmod, graphics/drm-devel-kmod) have been renamed to include the FreeBSD version they are designed for. drm-stable-kmod is drm-fbsd11.2-kmod drm-next-kmod is drm-fbsd12.0-kmod drm-devel-kmod is drm-current-kmod 20181209 AFFECTS: users of devel/geany and devel/geany-plugins AUTHOR: Geany and its plugins port have been moved to gtk3 and a new gtk2 flavor has been added. The gtk2 flavor has a -gtk2 suffix added to the package name. If you want to stay with the gtk2 version you need to use "pkg install" to install the new gtk2 flavor, pkg will automatically deinstall the gtk3 flavors. If using port, to maintain the gtk2 version, you will need to deinstall geany and its plugins and reinstall specifying the gtk2 flavor. Note that the following plugins are not available if using the new gtk3 flavor: * geany-plugin-debugger * geany-plugin-devhelp * geany-plugin-geanypy * geany-plugin-multiterm * geany-plugin-scope 20181208: AFFECTS: users of misc/openhab2 AUTHOR: If you upgrade from a previous version, make a backup of /var/db/openhab2 and run %%PREFIX%%/libexec/openhab2/runtime/bin/update.freebsd Config specific info (changes from 2.2.0 to 2.3.0): Nest Binding: The 'camera' Thing Type now has channel groups. Add 'camera#' before the channel ID in the channel UID of existing camera channels. The 'time_to_target_mins' channel of the 'thermostat' Thing Type is renamed to 'time_to_target' Oceanic Binding: The 'softener' Thing Type no longer exists and is replaced by the 'serial' and 'ethernet' Thing Types Yamaha Receiver Binding: The configuration parameter names now use lower camel case convention. Change 'HOST' to 'host', 'PORT' to 'port' etc 20181124: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/munin-master, sysutils/munin-node, www/owncloud, mail/mailman, net/ntpa AUTHOR: The newsyslog.conf(5) filename installed by the port has been changed: OLD: ${PREFIX}/etc/newsyslog.conf.d/${PORTNAME} NEW: ${PREFIX}/etc/newsyslog.conf.d/${PORTNAME}.conf Any file found at the old location will be automatically moved to the new location. This will ensure log rotation will continue to work after change r340318 to FreeBSD base, where the default newsyslog configuration now only includes filenames that end with '.conf' and do not begin with '.'. If you use provisioning/configuration management tools to create or edit this file, you will need to change their configuration to use the new filename. 20181111 AFFECTS: users of graphics/mesa-libs AUTHOR: Wayland support has been enabled in ports where it doesn't exclude X11 support in order to make the binary packages usable with Wayland compositors. If you get strange build failures re-run "make config" to pick up the new defaults. If the extra dependencies are not desired add the following to make.conf: OPTIONS_UNSET += WAYLAND 20181109 AFFECTS: users of security/ossec-hids-server AUTHOR: The "ossechids_enable" rc variable has been renamed to "ossec_hids_enable". If using database output, you need to recreate database using new schema provided in /usr/local/share/doc/ossec-hids. 20181109 AFFECTS: users of security/ossec-hids-local AUTHOR: The "ossechids_enable" rc variable has been renamed to "ossec_hids_enable". If using database output, you need to recreate database using new schema provided in /usr/local/share/doc/ossec-hids. 20181109 AFFECTS: users of security/ossec-hids-client AUTHOR: The ossec-hids-client port has been renamed to ossec-hids-agent. Portmaster users will need to run this command: portmaster -o security/ossec-hids-agent security/ossec-hids-client If the switch doesn't happen automatically for you, just delete the ossec-hids-client package and install ossec-hids-agent. The "ossechids_enable" rc variable has been renamed to "ossec_hids_enable". 20181104: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/ansible* AUTHOR: Default Ansible configuration location changed to LOCALBASE/etc/ansible instead of a per-flavor directory. If you use system-wide Ansible configuration, please migrate from a flavored directory to a common one: # mv /usr/local/etc/py27-ansible /usr/local/etc/ansible 20181031: AFFECTS: users of www/node AUTHOR: The www/node port has been updated to Node.js v11.0.0, the latest upstream release. A new port, www/node10, has been created for the v10.x LTS branch. Users wanting to stay on v10.x can replace www/node with www/node8 with one of the following commands: # pkg install www/node10 or # portmaster -o www/node10 www/node or # portupgrade -o www/node10 www/node 20181022: AFFECTS: users of lang/php71 AUTHOR: The default version of PHP has been switched from 7.1 to 7.2. If you use binary packages you should make a list of php packages before running 'pkg upgrade': # pkg info php7\* > ~/installed-php-ports-list After the upgrade, check with such list if all your php extensions are still installed, and reinstall them if needed. If you use mod_php71 you need to deinstall it and install mod_php72. 20181020: AFFECTS: users of security/libressl AUTHOR: The port has been updated to the latest stable version 2.8 of LibreSSL. The shared library versions of the libraries have been bumped. After upgrading, manually update all packages that depend on any of the libraries provided by LibreSSL (libssl, libcrypto and libtls) since the versions of these libraries have changed. Normally, you can obtain the list of dependent software by running the following command: # pkg info -r libressl Then you should rebuild all ports depending on libressl to avoid dangling shared library dependencies. Poudriere and pkg handle this correctly, portmaster and portupgrade users can use the following to rebuild all dependent ports. Portmaster users: portmaster -r libressl Portupgrade users: portupgrade -fr security/libressl 20181018: AFFECTS: users of security/hitch AUTHOR: Hitch has been updated to run as the hitch user/group, instead of the previous default of nobody/nobody. You should review your hitch configuration to ensure that everything has been updated to reflect this change. 20181014: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/ansible AUTHOR: Ansible has been updated to 2.7.0. Please follow the porting guide to update the rulesets: If you wish to stay with 2.6 version, you can switch to new sysutils/ansible2.6 port, which tracks stable 2.6 branch: # pkg set -n ansible:ansible26 20181010: AFFECTS: users of mail/courier-imap and other courier ports AUTHOR: Courier-IMAP 5.0.0 added IMAP UTF8 support, and converted maildir folders' names to Unicode. Updating an existing system to Courier-IMAP 5.0, and later, requires a manual one-time conversion of all existing maildirs using the maildirmake command. See the maildirmake(1) manual page for more information. All other courier ports accessing maildirs also need to be updated at the same time. 20181009: AFFECTS: users of devel/pecl-xdebug* AUTHOR: xdebug 2.6.1 (devel/pecl-xdebug) is the new default version and it supports PHP from 7.0 to 7.2 included. If you're using PHP 5.6, the previous compatible xdebug version is still available in devel/pecl-xdebug25 If you're using PHP 7.3, the only compatible xdebug version is available in devel/pecl-xdebug-devel 20180930: AFFECTS: users of DRM components AUTHOR: A metaport, graphics/drm-kmod, was introduced for users of both the LinuxKPI- based DRM components as well as the legacy ones. It is recommended to use the metaport from now on, which will select a recommended DRM version based on the FreeBSD version. 20180924: AFFECTS: www/libresonic-standalone AUTHOR: HTTPS support has been removed from the port, as it will be removed upstream: In order to avoid strange behavior for users who are using this feature, the rc.d script will fail fast if libresonic_ssl="YES". You should remove the following variables from rc.conf(5): libresonic_ssl libresonic_ssl_keystore libresonic_ssl_password. # sed -i '' /libresonic_ssl/d /etc/rc.conf Users needing SSL are encouraged to use an HTTP reverse-proxy. Example configurations can be found here: 20180922: AFFECTS: users of graphics/ilmbase, graphics/OpenEXR AUTHOR: The IlmBase package has been updated to 2.3.0. The OpenEXR package has been renamed to openexr and updated to 2.3.0. The PORTREVISION of all ports requiring either has been bumped to ease the rebuilds, and where there were versions in the file names, these have been removed from the *_DEPENDS lines for easier maintenance. A full ports or package upgrade should just work. If you are doing partial updates, be sure to rebuild and reinstall all packages that require either of OpenEXR or ilmbase. Normally, these can be listed by running: # pkg info -q -r OpenEXR ilmbase | sort -u | xargs pkg info -q -o 20180905: AFFECTS: users of lang/php56 AUTHOR: The default version of PHP has been switched from 5.6 to 7.1. If you use binary packages you should make a list of php packages before running 'pkg upgrade': # pkg info php5\* > ~/installed-php-ports-list After the upgrade, check with such list if all your php extensions are still installed, and reinstall them if needed. If you use mod_php56 you need to deinstall it and install mod_php71. 20180901: AFFECTS: net/samba48 AUTHOR: Samba ports from now on are not dependent from the databases/ldb* ports, as the link between Samba and LDB is too tight and each next major Samba release requires it's own major LDB release. Please, remove installed version of databases/ldb13 from your system with: # pkg delete -f databases/ldb13 20180901: AFFECTS: net-mgmt/librenms AUTHOR: As of version 1.42, to conform with man hier, logs and rrd files have relocated outside the WWW directory. When upgrading from < 1.42 to more recent versions, the following steps are required. You must update config.php and manually relocate the rrd and log files. Before upgrading, please stop librenms, update the configuration, and relocate the files. If you find graphs are not updating, fping >= 4.0 requires an IPv6 address. Adding an IPv6 address should fix graphing. Please add these entries to config.php: $config['installed_from_package'] = true; $config['log_dir'] = '/var/log/librenms'; $config['rrd_dir'] = '/var/db/librenms/rrd'; To relocate the files: mkdir /var/log/librenms /var/db/librenms chown www:ww: /var/log/librenms /var/db/librenms cd /usr/local/www/librenms mv rrd /var/db/librenms/ mv logs/librenms.log /var/log/librenms/ rmdir logs An application key is required. Please follow these steps to generate it: cd /usr/local/www/librenms cp -i .env.sample .env You might need to set your database details in that file. Then run: php artisan key:generate The output should look something like this: ************************************** * Application In Production! * ************************************** Do you really wish to run this command? (yes/no) [no]: > y Application key [base64:P62La9V........qw=] set successfully. 20180901: AFFECTS: users of samba46 AUTHOR: The default version of samba has been switched from 4.6 to 4.7. Upgrade instructions: For package users having samba46 installed indirectly (as a dependency): # pkg upgrade For package users having samba46 installed directly (leaf port): # pkg upgrade # pkg install samba47 For ports users: If you want to keep samba46, add DEFAULT_VERSIONS+= samba=4.6 to make.conf If you want to upgrade to samba47, remove samba46: # pkg delete -f samba46 Portmaster users: # portmaster net/samba47 # portmaster -a Portupgrade users: # portinstall net/samba47 # portupgrade -a 20180813: AFFECTS: net/geoipupdate AUTHOR: There have been some breaking changes to the GeoIP.conf in version 3.0.0. Read about the changes at and either edit your GeoIP.conf as needed, or recreate it from GeoIP.conf.sample. 20180810: AFFECTS: databases/postgresql??-server AUTHOR: The PostgreSQL server packages are no longer built with support for the XML datatype per default. To retain support for the XML datatype you should build the port and check the XML option in the option dialog. The reason for this is the bad security reputation of libxml2. 20180806: AFFECTS: www/tt-rss AUTHOR: tt-rss now uses pdo_mysql/pgsql for database access; a web server reload will be required if pdo ext. isn't installed. 20180804: AFFECTS: net-mgmt/zabbix*-server AUTHOR: The JAVAGW option was removed from the Zabbix Server and an additional slave port was created, zabbix*-java, it installs only Zabbix Java Gateway files, this way is possible to deploy a Zabbix Java Gateway without the need to install Zabbix Server components. If you are using the JAVAGW option on Zabbix Server, please, install now the new zabbix*-java port. 20180803 AFFECTS: users of net/openntpd AUTHOR: The numerical ID of the "_ntp" user had to be moved after 12.0-CURRENT (revision 336525) took over its value for a user "ntpd" that uses a different privilege model. To avoid clashes between the two users, please remove the openntpd package, delete the old UID with # pw userdel _ntp and re-install openntpd. 20180731: AFFECTS: users of audio/sndio AUTHOR: sndiod(8) will now use the default audio device /dev/dsp instead of /dev/dsp0 if no device was specified. The location of ~/.aucat_cookie has moved to ~/.sndio/cookie. If you share audio devices via sndiod(8) on the network or between local users, please migrate it manually to the new location to guarantee a smooth upgrade. 20180731: AFFECTS: users of x11/xorg and all ports with USE_XORG=*proto AUTHOR: The xorg *proto packages have all been merged into one package, x11/xorgproto. This might cause issues with upgrading. If you get conflicts between xorgproto and old *proto packages, please remove the old package and install xorgproto again. In order to remove all orphaned ports, including all *proto port, the following can be used after the ports tree has been updated: pkg version -l \? | cut -f 1 -w | grep -v compat | xargs pkg delete -fy 20180728: AFFECTS: users who upgrade from security/kc to security/kc24 AUTHOR: The ondisk format changes from kc 2.3 to kc 2.4, so please read the kc24 pkg-message file before the upgrade. It describes how to create a backup, the xml dump and how to import the xml dump afterwards. 20180725: AFFECTS: users of textproc/ibus-typing-booster AUTHOR: Due to a migration from IBusConfig to GSettings, the old settings are unfortunately lost, so one has to open the setup tool and recreate ones favourite settings. 20180714: AFFECTS: users of dns/dnsdist AUTHOR: After discussing with several users, we noticed that quite a lot of them were not aware that enabling the dnsdist's console without a key, even restricted to the local host, could be a security issue and allow privilege escalation by allowing an unprivileged user to connect to the console and execute Lua code as the dnsdist user. We therefore decided to refuse any connection to the console until a key has been set, so please check that you do set a key before upgrading if you use the console. For further details read: 20180704: AFFECTS: users of www/gitlab AUTHOR: The gitlab port uses the package from instead of For this the port was renamed from gitlab to gitlab-ce. Please follow the instructions very carefully to not lose your data! Not only the package was renamed, also the directory name changed. You can find the current instruction here: Please note the update was only tested for an update from 10.8.5 to 11.0.2. If your version of gitlab was released before 2014-03-13 you cannot update to this version. You need to make an intermediate update to an earlier version before. 20180701: AFFECTS: users of devel/bats AUTHOR: The devel/bats port has been renamed to devel/bats-core to match the new upstream project. 20180630: AFFECTS: users of net-im/ejabberd AUTHOR: In version 18.06, upstream has removed support for IRC transport. 20180625: AFFECTS: users of PHP based applications like drush AUTHOR: Flavors are being added to PHP applications. If you use PHP 5.6 you need: # pkg set -n drush:drush-php56 For more details see 20180611. 20180612: AFFECTS: users of the nox flavor of editors/emacs-devel AUTHOR: The package name for the nox flavor of editors/emacs-devel changed from emacs-devel_nox to emacs-devel-nox. To install the new package, run # pkg install emacs-devel-nox pkg should remove the old and install the new package. 20180612: AFFECTS: users of packages that depend on Emacs AUTHOR: With the release of Emacs version 26.1, the major version of editors/emacs changed from 25 to 26, so the names of packages that depend on Emacs have also changed. For example, pdf-tools-emacs25-0.80.79_1 is now called pdf-tools-emacs26-0.80.79_1. The name change means simply running `pkg upgrade` will not upgrade foo-emacs25-x to foo-emacs26-x. To list the packages to upgrade, use # pkg info \*emacs25\* then install the new version for each with # pkg install foo-emacs26 pkg should remove the old and install the new packages. 20180611: AFFECTS: users of PHP based applications AUTHOR: Flavors are being added to PHP applications. When a port is flavorized, pkg needs to be told about the name change, for example, if PHP 5.6 is the one you need: # pkg set -n squirrelmail:squirrelmail-php56 Most port will have packages for all PHP versions present in the ports tree, but some may not be compatible with a specific version. To get the available flavors, pkg rquery can be used: # pkg rquery %n mail/squirrelmail squirrelmail-php56 squirrelmail-php70 squirrelmail-php71 squirrelmail-php72 20180602: AFFECTS: users of net/frr AUTHOR: Due to regression detected in FRR version 4.0, port was renamed to frr4 to prepare re-introduction of frr3 port version. To rename the installed package to match the new naming scheme, run: # pkg set -n frr:frr4 20180529: AFFECTS: users of textproc/ibus-typing-booster AUTHOR: Attention, this release merges all engines into one. Therefore, the engine names had to change. The old engine names like "German - DE (Typing Booster)", "Hindi - HI (Typing Booster)" don't exist anymore! If one has entries for them in the Gnome Control Center or in ibus-setup, one needs to remove these old entries and add the new engine name "Other (Typing Booster)". 20180518: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/ansible* AUTHOR: Ansible ports are now flavored. Package names for Ansible changed to include python version. Poudriere and package users don't need to do anything. To rename an installed package to match the new naming scheme, for example, for ansible24, run: # pkg set -n ansible24:py27-ansible24 20180514: AFFECTS: users of www/gitlab AUTHOR: Gitlab-pages support was removed as new version does not compile. If you require gitlab-pages do not update to version 10.7.3 till it is fixed upstream. You can find the bug report here: 20180513: AFFECTS: users of net/xrdp AUTHOR: net/xrdp has been updated from 0.6.2 to 0.9.6. There are significant changes between these versions. You should consider backing up your configuration files such as xrdp.ini and sesman.ini, and then migrate configuration files by hand. Regarding km-*.ini, don't use the old files. They can be safely replaced with new ones. 20180507: AFFECTS: users of math/suitesparse who build it locally AUTHOR: The suitesparse needs to be uninstalled before math/suitesparse can be correctly built. This is true for the version 5.2.0 and prior versions. 20180505: AFFECTS: users of www/gitea AUTHOR: The www/gitea port no longer requires shell/bash. If you want to stop using bash and deinstall the package, make sure to set the configuration in etc/gitea/conf/app.ini, section [repository], SCRIPT_TYPE to "sh". See app.ini.sample for an example. 20180501: AFFECTS: users of www/node AUTHOR: The www/node port has been updated to Node.js v10.0.0, the latest upstream release. This is a major release, including many significant changes. Users are encouraged to read the release announcements before upgrading: In particular, Node.js now depends on OpenSSL 1.1.0h, so the BUNDLED_SSL option is enabled by default. Users can disable this option when using security/openssl-devel as their default SSL library. 20180430: AFFECTS: users of news/nntp AUTHOR: The option INETD was removed. If you used inetd, please change the path in /etc/inetd.conf from /usr/local/sbin/nntpd to /usr/local/libexec/nntpd. 20180428: AFFECTS: users of security/libressl AUTHOR: The port has been updated to the latest stable version 2.7 of LibreSSL. The shared library versions of the libraries have been bumped. After upgrading, manually update all packages that depend on any of the libraries provided by LibreSSL (libssl, libcrypto and libtls) since the versions of these libraries have changed. Normally, you can obtain the list of dependent software by running the following command: # pkg info -r libressl Then you should rebuild all ports depending on libressl to avoid dangling shared library dependencies. Poudriere and pkg handle this correctly, portmaster and portupgrade users can use the following to rebuild all dependent ports. Portmaster users: portmaster -r libressl Portupgrade users: portupgrade -fr security/libressl 20180427: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/zrepl AUTHOR: The zrepl update to 0.0.3 includes the following breaking changes: - Snapshots are automatically bookmarked and pruning of bookmarks must be configured by adding the keep_bookmarks parameter to the prune policy section of the zrepl configuration file (source side only). Be sure to understand the meaning bookmarks have for maximum allowable replication downtime. - The ssh+stdinserver transport protocol has changed, requiring zrepl to be updates on both the sending and receiving side, and the daemon restarted on both sides. - The first outlet in the global.logging section of the configuration file is now used for logging meta-errors (e.g. problems encountered when writing to other logging outlets). 20180425: AFFECTS: users of databases/pecl-redis AUTHOR: pecl-redis 4.0.0 breaks backwards compatibility, users not aware if you are using the changed functionality or not should swap to databases/pecl-redis3 20180417: AFFECTS: users of dns/dnscrypt-proxy2 AUTHOR: DNSCrypt-Proxy 2 has been updated to 2.0.10 and the configuration file has changed from ${PREFIX}/etc/dnscrypt-proxy.toml to ${PREFIX}/etc/dnscrypt-proxy/dnscrypt-proxy.toml. 20180416: AFFECTS: users of mail/postgrey AUTHOR: If you use any of the optional make.conf variables to specify the postgrey user, group, db dir, or run dir when building the port, you will need to change the prefix from PG_ to POSTGREY_*. The variables were renamed to solve a namespace collision with the PostgreSQL ports. 20180412: AFFECTS: users of devel/php-composer AUTHOR: Flavors have been added to the composer port with the update to 1.6.3. Due to the change in PKGNAME pkg(and other tools) will not notice the update. It is required to tell pkg about the name change, for example: # pkg set -n php-composer:php56-composer 20180410: AFFECTS: users of KDE SC4 AUTHOR: Most of KDE Applications 17.12.3 have now landed in the ports tree. There are still some missing pieces, that will follow soon. As mentioned in the commit messages, users of KDE SC4 should stick with the -kde4 named package. As the MOVED entries for ports like databases/akonadi-kde4 have been removed in the process of updating (as there now is again a databases/akonad), there might be issues for people that update from a too old installed package list with portmaster. These should be fixable by issuing a command à la # pkg set --change-origin databases/akonadi:databases/akonadi-kde4 akonadi 20180409: AFFECTS: users of net-im/matterircd AUTHOR: Matterircd has been updated to 0.17.0 and mattermost configuration settings need to be migrated to [mattermost] section. See matterircd.toml.sample. 20180404: AFFECTS: users of www/nextcloud AUTHOR: With the 13.0.1 update the path for Apps bundled with the package has changed from "apps" to "apps-pkg". You must add an entry to the "apps_paths" array in config/config.php of your nextcloud installation, a patch for the default installation can be applied with: # cd /usr/local/www/nextcloud # su -m www -c "php ./occ config:import < /usr/local/share/nextcloud/fix-apps_paths.json" 20180401: AFFECTS: users of mail/dovecot and mail/dovecot-pigeonhole AUTHOR: Dovecot has been upgraded to 2.3.1, and pigeonhole to 0.5.1. Most existing dovecot installations MUST be modified for 2.3, but for most users the modifications are simple. Modify your Dovecot conf.d/ files before spinning up 2.3.1. The upgrading instructions are detailed here: 20180330: AFFECTS: users of lang/perl5* AUTHOR: The default Perl version has been switched to Perl 5.26. If you are using binary packages to upgrade your system, you do not have anything to do, pkg upgrade will do the right thing. For the other people, follow the instructions in entry 20161103, it should still be the same. 20180325: AFFECTS: users of net/samba48 AUTHOR: New Samba 4.8 upgrades the relevant database files in the way, that doesn't allow easy fallback to the previous versions of Samba. So, before upgrading to the new version make a backup of the /var/db/samba4/ directory. Full list of changes, new features and upgrade procedure is available at: Please, read it carefully before upgrading!. 20180320: AFFECTS: users of x11/sterm AUTHOR: The user-defined options in config.h have changed. You should compare your config.h file with the default one and change appropriately. 20180319: AFFECTS: users of dns/dnsmasq AUTHOR: Note that with dnsmasq 2.79, some parts of the interface have changed in an incompatible way versus previous versions. This comprises changed recursion behaviour, signature support, a change for SIGINT (vs. SIGHUP) behaviour. Note especially that dnsmasq will no longer answer non-recursive queries unless it is marked authoritative! Be sure to see the manual page for the various --auth-* options, such as --auth-zone. Please see the CHANGELOG that ships with dnsmasq for details. 20180317: AFFECTS: users of multimedia/plexpy AUTHOR: Plexpy project has been renamed to Tautulli due to copyright infringement. The software also has received a major update. Please see the following upgrade instructions: - Install multimedia/tautulli - Create /var/db/tautulli, owned by the user you will run the daemon as (default: nobody). - Copy your config.ini and plexpy.db to /var/db/tautulli - Enable the service and start the software Tautulli should automatically find your database file, rename it to tautulli.db, and perform the required updates. 20180310: AFFECTS: users of security/openssl AUTHOR: The EXPCIPHERS option has been removed from the security/openssl port. Use the security/openssl-unsafe port if you require this feature. 20180309: AFFECTS: users of net/unison AUTHOR: Unison has been upgraded to version 2.51, which uses a different wire protocol than 2.48 did. In order to support synchronization with other computers where Unison is still at version 2.48, a new port net/unison248 has been created. It provides unison248 and, for the x11 flavor, also unison248-text. This unison248 port can be installed in parallel with the existing net/unison port. 20180308: AFFECTS: */php* */pecl* */pear* AUTHOR: PHP extensions and modules have been flavored. People using Poudriere 3.2+ and binary packages do not have to do anything if they are using PHP applications. PHP modules and extensions may have change their names from php5- or php7- to fully versionned phpXY-. PECL extensions and PEAR modules package names have changed from pecl- and pear- to phpXX-pecl and phpXX-pear-. To rename an installed package to match the new naming scheme, for example, for the imagick pecl extension, run: # pkg set -n pecl-imagick:php56-pecl-imagick For other people, to build the PHP 7.2 version of, for example, databases/php-memcached, you need to run: # make FLAVOR=php72 install 20180220: AFFECTS: users of www/nextcloud AUTHOR: The file and directory permissions of Nextcloud have changed. Write permissions have been removed from all directories except `data' and `config'. For the updater to work, the app store of your installation must be disabled. To disable the app-store prior to updating the package: # cd /usr/local/www/nextcloud # su -m www -c "php ./occ config:system:set appstoreenabled --value=false --type=boolean" If you've already updated your nextcloud package, you must manually edit the configuration of nextcloud (config/config.php) and add 'appstoreenabled' => false, to the CONFIG array before the updater will run. 20180214: AFFECTS: users of lang/ruby23 AUTHOR: The default ruby version has been updated from 2.3 to 2.4. If you compile your own ports you may keep 2.3 as the default version by adding the following lines to your /etc/make.conf file: # # Keep ruby 2.3 as default version # DEFAULT_VERSIONS+=ruby=2.3 If you wish to update to the new default version, you need to first stop any software that uses ruby. Then, you will need to follow these steps, depending upon how you manage your system. If you use pkgng, simply upgrade: # pkg upgrade If you use portmaster, install new ruby, then rebuild all ports that depend on ruby: # portmaster -o lang/ruby24 lang/ruby23 # portmaster -R -r ruby-2.4 If you use portupgrade, install new ruby, then rebuild all ports that depend on ruby: # pkg delete -f ruby portupgrade # make -C /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/portupgrade install clean # pkg set -o lang/ruby23:lang/ruby24 # portupgrade -x ruby-2.4.\* -fr lang/ruby24 20180209: AFFECTS: users of japanese/lookup AUTHOR: japanese/lookup is update to This version is not compatible with previous version 1.4.1 and incompatibility includes how to setup. See info of Lookup for detail. 20180209: AFFECTS: users of net-mgmt/pmacct AUTHOR: To allow separate pmacctd instances per interface, use pmacctd_enable="YES" pmacctd_interfaces="re1 re2" in /etc/rc.conf. The path to the config files will be /usr/local/etc/pmacct/ 20180208: AFFECTS: users of mail/mailman* AUTHOR: In order to overcome complaints about mismatched checksums in Mailman/, mailman now configures the DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST and DEFAULT_URL_HOST to "localhost" statically, and the rc script will check this and refuse to start on next boot. Users must configure DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST and DEFAULT_URL_HOST in Mailman/ properly and add this line below: add_virtualhost(DEFAULT_URL_HOST, DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST) A short example has been added to: ${PREFIX}/local/share/doc/mailman/FreeBSD-post-install-notes. As of 2.1.26_3, the post-install script will add back the prior default settings to (instead of if no virtual hosts have been defined, to cover the normal use cases and initial installation. 20180201: AFFECTS: users of editors/emacs* and all ports using Emacs via USES=emacs AUTHOR: The Emacs ports framework has been updated to support flavors and the editors/emacs-nox11 port has been replaced by the nox flavors of editors/emacs and editors/emacs-devel. Supported Flavors -------------------------------------------------------- editors/emacs: full canna nox editors/emacs-devel: full nox ports using Emacs: full canna nox devel_full devel_nox -------------------------------------------------------- For those using pre-built packages, if # pkg upgrade does not install the new Emacs package, use one of # pkg install emacs # pkg install emacs-canna # pkg install emacs-nox # pkg install emacs-devel # pkg install emacs-devel-nox For those building their own packages, a flavor other than the default must be specified. For example, to build the nox flavor of editors/emacs, or to build the devel_full flavor of a port using Emacs, use # poudriere bulk -j 11amd64 editors/emacs@nox # poudriere bulk -j 11amd64 print/pdf-tools@devel_full or # make FLAVOR=nox install # make FLAVOR=devel_full An alternative to the default flavor, full, for editors/emacs and editors/emacs-devel can be set in make.conf. For example, to specify nox as the default flavor for both ports, use .if ${.CURDIR:M*/editors/emacs*} FLAVOR?=nox .endif For ports using Emacs, an alternative to the default flavor, full, can be also be set in make.conf. For example, to automatically depend on emacs-nox, use DEFAULT_VERSIONS+=emacs=nox 20180117: AFFECTS: users of x11-toolkits/kf5-kirigami2 and x11/kf5-plasma-framework AUTHOR: Files that were previously installed by kf5-kirigami2 are now installed by kf5-plasma-framework. This can lead to a conflict during the upgrade of the packages. It is recommended to first remove the package kf5-kirigami2. 20180115: AFFECTS: users of net-p2p/transmission-daemon AUTHOR: The transmission-daemon port has been updated to 2.92_4 to incorporate a patch which mitigates DNS rebinding attacks. This will prevent clients from being able to connect to the transmission daemon using DNS with any hostname other than localhost, unless one of the following is done: - Enable password authentication, then any hostname is allowed. This can be achieved by either: - setting rpc-authentication-required to true, and adding credentials to the rpc-username and rpc-password fields in settings.json (must be done whilst the transmission service is stopped); or - running transmission-daemon with the following arguments (these can be set with transmission_flags in /etc/rc.conf): -t -u USERNAME -v PASSWORD OR - Add the allowed server hostnames to the rpc-host-whitelist setting in settings.json (must be done whilst the transmission service is stopped). Note that this value is NOT a list of allowed CLIENTS, but instead a list of allowed SERVER hostnames. 20180111: AFFECTS: users of editors/vim-lite AUTHOR: The vim-lite port has been renamed to vim-console, because it isn't actually any lighter. All three vim packages are built with --enable-features=huge. Portmaster users will need to run this command: portmaster -o editors/vim-console editors/vim-lite If the switch doesn't happen automatically for you, just delete the vim-lite package and install vim-console. 20180109: AFFECTS: users of www/qt5-webengine AUTHOR: The upgrade of www/qt5-webengine to 5.9.3 may fail if an older version of it is installed. It is recommended to either build the port in a builder like poudriere, or to deinstall and then doing an install. 20180107: AFFECTS: users of security/gnupg and mail/mutt and mail/neomutt AUTHOR: The invocation for gpg from mutt/neomutt changed between gnupg-2.0 (which has expired and is now removed) and gnupg-2.2 (the current version in the tree). Unless you're using gpgme, PGP-related commands may fail in (neo)mutt. In all cases, users are strongly urged to use security/gpgme to take care of the setup for you. If you prefer to roll your own, the following muttrc/neomuttrc entry has been reported to work: pgp_decrypt_command="gpg2 %?p?--passphrase-fd 0 --pinentry-mode=loopback? --no-verbose --batch --output - %f" See muttrc(5), neomuttrc(5),, and for instructions on (neo)mutt's gpg and gpgme instructions. 20180102: AFFECTS: users of devel/awscli AUTHOR: The package name for devel/awscli has changed (back) to just awscli. The introduction of flavors erroneously caused the awscli package to be renamed to py27-awscli. 20171230: AFFECTS: users of net-im/ejabberd AUTHOR: If you are building ejabberd 17.11 on a host, which already has an older version of ejabberd installed, then build process will fail with "unknown type specifier" errors. As a workaround, please uninstall ejabberd before building ejabberd. This has been reported upstream at: 20171223: AFFECTS: users of dns/dnscrypt-proxy AUTHOR: The 1.9.5_3 update of dns/dnscrypt-proxy replaces the default resolver used by dnscrypt-proxy (cisco/OpenDNS) by a random one that does not log entries and supports dnssec. 20171223: AFFECTS: users of samba44 AUTHOR: The default version of samba has been switched from 4.4 to 4.6. Upgrade instructions: For package users having samba44 installed indirectly (as a dependency): # pkg upgrade For package users having samba44 installed directly (leaf port): # pkg upgrade # pkg install samba46 For ports users: If you want to keep samba44, add DEFAULT_VERSIONS+= samba=4.4 to make.conf If you want to upgrade to samba46, remove samba44: # pkg delete -f samba44 Portmaster users: # portmaster net/samba46 # portmaster -a Portupgrade users: # portinstall net/samba46 # portupgrade -a 20171218: AFFECTS: users of devel/gogs AUTHOR: Gogs user has been changed to "git" and configuration files are now located in /usr/local/etc/gogs. Users should update ownership of the existing Gogs directories with # chown -R git:git /var/db/gogs # chown -R git:git /var/log/gogs and either move or merge the contents of /var/db/gogs/home/.ssh with /usr/local/git/.ssh. After migration, /var/db/gogs/home can be removed, and both the user "gogs" and the group "gogs" should be deleted: # rm -rf /var/db/gogs/home # pw userdel gogs # pw groupdel gogs 20171215: AFFECTS: users of finance/gnucash AUTHOR: The gnucash port has been converted too use flavors, the GUILE1 and GUILE2 options have been converted to flavors so that two separate packages can be provided. Since the next major release of gnucash will drop guile1 support, the default flavor package is compiled against guile2, switching the previous default. Users who intend to stay on the guile1 version should deinstall the default gnucash package and install the gnucash-guile1 package. 20171214: AFFECTS: all ports users AUTHOR: Support for some deprecated variables is going to be removed soon. If you use any of the following constructs (usually in /etc/make.conf), you must switch to the new incantations: OLD NEW ------------------------------- ------------------------------ WITH_[...] OPTIONS_SET= [...] WITHOUT_[...] OPTIONS_UNSET= [...] WITHOUT_NLS OPTIONS_UNSET= NLS NOPORTDOCS OPTIONS_UNSET= DOCS NOPORTEXAMPLES OPTIONS_UNSET= EXAMPLES WITH_BDB_VER=[...] DEFAULT_VERSIONS+= bdb=[...] OVERRIDE_LINUX_BASE_PORT=[...] DEFAULT_VERSIONS+= linux=[...] WITH_OPENSSL_BASE DEFAULT_VERSIONS+= ssl=base WITH_OPENSSL_PORT DEFAULT_VERSIONS+= ssl=port 20171205: AFFECTS: users of dns/powerdns AUTHOR: Recursor passthrough removal: This will impact many installations. Previously, the PowerDNS Authoritative Server contained a facility for sending recursion desired queries to a resolving backend, possibly after first consulting its local cache. This feature (‘recursor=’) was frequently confusing and also delivered inconsistent results, for example when a query ended up referring to a CNAME that was outside of the Authoritative Server’s knowledge. 20171203: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/dsbmd AUTHOR: Due to new configuration variables and new features, users of dsbmd version 0.4.1 and earlier should consider recreating their dsbmd.conf from the new dsbmd.conf.sample. 20171130: AFFECTS: all ports users AUTHOR: The ports tree has gained "flavors," which are a way to produce multiple variations of a port. Some intended examples of this are language modules being produced for multiple language versions, and lite/nox11 packages, without needing separate ports for each variation. Python ports have already been flavored (see the below entry). Flavor support must be added to individual ports. Flavors are already supported by make, pkg, poudriere, and synth; see the manpages for those tools for usage instructions. Portmaster and portupgrade don't support flavors yet, but community work on those tools is in progress. Some bumps and breakages are inevitable for a major change such as this. Please report breakages and monitor the ports@ list for solutions as they become available. 20171130: AFFECTS: */py* AUTHOR: Ports using Python via USES=python are now flavored. All the py3-* ports have been removed and folded into their py-* master ports. People using Poudriere 3.2+ and binary packages do not have to do anything. For other people, to build the Python 3.6 version of, for example, databases/py-gdbm, you need to run: # make FLAVOR=py36 install 20171126: AFFECTS: users of security/p5-openxpki AUTHOR: OpenXPKI has been updated to 1.19.4, some important changes were made, please see the upgrading documentation for more details: 20171126: AFFECTS: users of mail/sympa AUTHOR: Web's static dirs have moved to a single dedicated directory. Users should review webserver's /static configuration (examples in share/examples/sympa). 20171119: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/zrepl AUTHOR: Zrepl has been updated to 0.0.2, which introduces two changes that will require existing users to change their zrepl.yml config file: - global.logging is no longer a dictionary but a list. Refer to the new format here: - source job field datasets renamed to filesystems. Refer to the new format here: 20171117: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/terraform AUTHOR: Terraform has been updated to 0.11, which introduces several incompatible changes. Please follow upgrading guide when updating the package. 20171114: AFFECTS: users of ports-mgmt/poudriere AUTHOR: "poudriere options" now respects the -p flag while it did not before. This means that it may create an empty directory when used now rather than continue to use your existing options set. You may want to not use -p or move your existing options directory, in /usr/local/etc/poudriere.d/*-options, to the new format with the ports tree name in it. Otherwise "poudriere bulk" will use the new empty directory. This behavior will likely change in 3.2.1 to be more backwards-compatible. 20171112: AFFECTS: consumers of devel/oniguruma* AUTHOR: Outdated versions of oniguruma have been removed from the ports tree; devel/oniguruma is the only supported version, currently replacing devel/oniguruma6. pkg should handle this automatically while users of portmaster or portupgrade might need to take additional manual steps: for users of portmaster: portmaster -o devel/oniguruma devel/oniguruma6 portmaster -r devel/oniguruma for users of portupgrade: portupgrade -o devel/oniguruma devel/oniguruma6 portupgrade -fr devel/oniguruma 20171107: AFFECTS: users of www/node AUTHOR: The www/node port has been updated to node.js v9.0.0, the latest upstream release. A new port, www/node8, has been created for the v8.x LTS branch. Users wanting to stay on v8.x can replace www/node with www/node8 with one of the following commands: # pkg install www/node8 or # portmaster -o www/node8 www/node or # portupgrade -o www/node8 www/node 20171107: AFFECTS: users of security/libressl AUTHOR: The port has been updated to the latest stable version 2.6 of LibreSSL. The shared library versions of the libraries have been bumped. After upgrading, manually update all packages that depend on any of the libraries provided by LibreSSL (libssl, libcrypto and libtls) since the versions of these libraries have changed. Normally, you can obtain the list of dependent software by running the following command: # pkg info -r libressl Then you should rebuild all ports depending on libressl to avoid dangling shared library dependencies. Poudriere and pkg handle this correctly, portmaster and portupgrade users can use the following to rebuild all dependent ports. Portmaster users: portmaster -r libressl Portupgrade users: portupgrade -fr security/libressl 20171105: AFFECTS: users of www/mod_auth_cas AUTHOR: The configuration of mod_auth_cas has changed since the previous version. Visit the page for an overview of all configuration parameters 20171105: AFFECTS: users of www/mod_rpaf2 AUTHOR: The configuration of mod_rpaf2 has been heavily modified since version 0.6. Have a look at to determine what you need to change in your configuration. 20171031: AFFECTS: users of editors/vim AUTHOR: The default vim language bindings have changed. Python 2 and 3 bindings may now be enabled independently (the default vim package will continue to depend on python-2.7). Lua and Tcl bindings have been disabled by default. If you need these bindings, you'll need to compile vim yourself. Note that bindings are only for plugins written in those languages, and for interactive debugging. Editing, indenting, linting, completing, and syntax-highlighting those languages is NOT affected. 20171026: AFFECTS: users of devel/universal-ctags AUTHOR: Due to conflicts with emacs ctag (editors/emacs-devel, editors/emacs-nox11, editors/emacs), the installed files will be prefixed with the 'u' character. The new binaries will de named uctags and ureadtags. 20171015: AFFECTS: people using WITHOUT_DEBUG AUTHOR: The WITHOUT_DEBUG flag has been retired. It's only purpose was to override a global WITH_DEBUG, if that was defined, but many ports were ignoring such flag even if honouring WITH_DEBUG. The same effect can be obtained using ".undef WITH_DEBUG" without any special support in port Makefiles. 20171012: AFFECTS: users of security/openssh-portable AUTHOR: OpenSSH has been upgraded to 7.6p1 which has removed several deprecated features: - SSH version 1 support dropped. - Dropped support for hmac-ripemd160 MAC. - Dropped support for the ciphers arcfour, blowfish and CAST. - RSA keys less than 1024 bits are refused. The HPN option is currently disabled by default, and does not build, in the package. This follows what happened in base as well. 20171004: AFFECTS: users of security/krb5-appl AUTHOR: Configuration options to rename kerberos ftp, telnet, rlogin, rsh, and rcp are now default to avoid conflicting with net/bsdrcmds packages (in poudriere). Deselect the options to use the original command names and also uninstall net/bsdrcmds to avoid the conflict. 20171002: AFFECTS: users of x11-wm/cwm AUTHOR: Configuration options were renamed and you need to update your ~/.cwmrc accordingly. Make sure to check cwmrc(5) for the new option names. can help in migrating your ~/.cwmrc. 20171001: AFFECTS: users of mail/isync using Maildir sub-folders AUTHOR: If you have Maildir sub-folders, you need to update the configuration to specify the naming style. Please refer to the mbsync(1) man page section 'SubFolders Verbatim|Maildir++|Legacy' on how to make the apropriate changes. 20170930: AFFECTS: users of PHP and its modules AUTHOR: All lang/php* ports switched to depend on devel/oniguruma6 instead of previous oniguruma version some time ago. If you have not moved from devel/oniguruma5 before and have troubles updating PHP, for users of portmaster: portmaster -o devel/oniguruma6 devel/oniguruma5 portmaster -r devel/oniguruma6 for users of portupgrade: portupgrade -o devel/oniguruma6 devel/oniguruma5 portupgrade -fr devel/oniguruma6 pkg should handle this automatically. 20170928: AFFECTS: users of security/courier-authlib and its modules AUTHOR: The affected ports have been modified to follow the upstream suggested best practice to use the sysconftool on installation. Please make sure your configuration files include all the comments that tool uses to correctly update the configuration on update. You can use the ".sample" or ".dist" files as templates for missing comments if needed. 20170915: AFFECTS: users of devel/cargo AUTHOR: Starting with version 1.19.0, Cargo is provided with Rust. Therefore, devel/cargo was merged into lang/rust. 20170914: AFFECTS: users of CMake & CMake Modules AUTHOR: The devel/cmake-modules port has been merged into devel/cmake. The benefit of being able to update the modules without the binary is outweighed by the issues caused by having the binary out-of-sync with the modules. Users should delete the devel/cmake-modules package and then upgrade or reinstall devel/cmake. All ports have been updated to depend only on CMake. 20170904: AFFECTS: users of net-mgmt/seafile-server AUTHOR: Users using MySQL updating to 6.1.2 need to verify table's collation are utf8_unicode_ci. Upstream has set collation type to be implicit and will cause all libraries to disappear if set to incorrect collation. 20170828: AFFECTS: users of security/gnupg AUTHOR: security/gnupg has become the new stable version of GnuPG. This is an LTS branch. gnupg20 will reach EOL at the end of the year, and all gnupg20 users should migrate to gnupg22. See for important changes. 20170820: AFFECTS: users of www/uwsgi AUTHOR: The default socket owner and mode had been changed from www:www 600 to uwsgi:www 660. This should resolve issue #1471[1] on github. [1] 20170808: AFFECTS: users of lang/ghc and */hs-* AUTHOR: The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compiler has been updated to version 8.0.2. Hence it is recommended to rebuild or reinstall all the dependent ports and the lang/ghc port itself in one of the following ways: # portmaster -w -r ghc or # portupgrade -fr lang/ghc In case of pkg(8), it is probably safer to remove all the GHC-dependent packages along with GHC and reinstall everything from scratch. For example: # pkg query "%ro" ghc > ghc-pkgs.txt # pkg delete -y lang/ghc In ghc-pkgs.txt, check and remove all the packages that have been moved on the update, then use this command: # pkg install -y `cat ghc-pkgs.txt` 20170807: AFFECTS: users of mail/dovecot2 and mail/dovecot2-pigeonhole AUTHOR: Now that dovecot1 has been removed from the ports tree, dovecot2 and dovecot2-pigeonhole have been renamed to simply dovecot and dovecot-pigeonhole. pkg should handle the rename automatically, but if you run into trouble, you can point pkg at the new origin via: # pkg set -o mail/dovecot2:mail/dovecot # pkg set -o mail/dovecot2-pigeonhole:mail/dovecot-pigeonhole Similarly, you can point portmaster at the new location via: # portmaster -o mail/dovecot mail/dovecot2 If all else fails, just remove and reinstall the package: # pkg delete dovecot2 # pkg install dovecot 20170806: AFFECTS: users of mail/dovecot2-antispam-plugin AUTHOR: Development of the antispam plugin ceased years ago, and upstream recommends using pigeonhole (mail/dovecot2-pigeonhole) instead. See for a recipe to replicate the antispam plugin's behaviour. 20170803: AFFECTS: users of net/guacamole-client AUTHOR: As of version 0.9.13, the configuration directory for guacamole-client has changed from /usr/local/etc/guacamole to /usr/local/etc/guacamole-client. 20170803: AFFECTS: users of net/guacamole-server AUTHOR: As of version 0.9.13, the configuration directory for guacamole-server has changed from /usr/local/etc/guacd to /usr/local/etc/guacamole-server. 20170803: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/terraform AUTHOR: Terraform was updated to version 0.10.0, which split out provider plugins. Provider plugins are now installed in the project directory the next time "terraform init" is run. Please see the complete upgrading guide: 20170729: AFFECTS: users of net-p2p/bitcoin AUTHOR: Bitcoin data directory has been changed from /var/db/bitcoind to /var/db/bitcoin. Users of previous versions may want to migrate data to new location or specify bitcoind_data. 20170729: AFFECTS: users of mail/mailscanner AUTHOR: Version 5.0.3 of MailScanner introduced a serious bug in packaging. Unfortunately if it is installed, your configuration has been deleted. If you have managed to get it working, please back up /usr/local/etc/MailScanner as it will also be deleted on deinstall of the same package. 20170726: AFFECTS: users of www/luakit AUTHOR: Luakit was updated to version 2017.07.26, which is incompatible to the previous release from 2012. Please remove old configuration files from the following directories: ${PREFIX}/etc/xdg/luakit ${HOME}/.config/luakit ${HOME}/.local/share/luakit 20170721: AFFECTS: users of security/sshguard* AUTHOR: security/sshguard was updated to 2.0.0, and security/sshguard-pf, security/sshguard-ipfw, and security/sshguard-null have been merged into security/sshguard. Configuration of the service is now handled in ${PREFIX}/etc/sshguard.conf. Please select the desired backend, -null is selected by default. In order to upgrade from 1.7.1 change the origin to security/sshguard # pkg set -o security/sshguard-ipfw:security/sshguard # pkg set -o security/sshguard-null:security/sshguard # pkg set -o security/sshguard-pf:security/sshguard 20170717: AFFECTS: users of devel/p5-Log-Any and devel/p5-Log-Any-Adapter-Syslog AUTHOR: devel/p5-Log-Any-Adapter-Syslog functionality have been merged into devel/p5-Log-Any and from now devel/p5-Log-Any must be used. devel/p5-Log-Any-Adapter-Syslog will be marked as deprecated and removed. 20170712: AFFECTS: users of devel/apr1 AUTHOR: APR was updated to 1.6.0 and APR-util was updated to 1.6.2 The Apache Portable Runtime project removed support for FreeTDS from the APR Utilities in version 1.6. Users of FreeTDS will have to migrate configurations to use the newly added ODBC support in conjunction with FreeTDS using FreeTDS' ODBC capabilities. Please rebuild all ports which are using functions from APR/APR-util such as Apache, Subversion, etc. Normally, you can obtain the list of dependent software by running the following command: # pkg info -r apr Then you should rebuild all ports depending on APR(-util) to avoid dangling shared library dependencies. Poudriere and pkg handle this correctly, portmaster and portupgrade users can use the following to rebuild all dependent ports. Portmaster users: portmaster -r apr Portupgrade users: portupgrade -fr devel/apr1 20170710: AFFECTS: users of net-im/ejabberd AUTHOR: After update to 17.07, there is an issue[1] expected related to certificate verification with TLS connections. [1] - 20170628: AFFECTS: users of www/node AUTHOR: The www/node port has been updated to Node.js v8.1.2, the latest upstream release. This is a major release, including many significant changes. Users are encouraged to read the release announcements before upgrading: 20170626: AFFECTS: users of net-mgmt/zabbix24* AUTHOR: Zabbix 2.4 has reached end of life and net-mgmt/zabbix24* ports have been removed. Users that have not yet moved to a newer version, should use now net-mgmt/zabbix3-* (LTS release) or net-mgmt/zabbix32-* (Standard release). See more info about Zabbix releases here: 20170624: AFFECTS: users of mail/dcc-dccd AUTHOR: The ALT_HOME option was removed in 1.3.159_1. If this option is being used, please be sure to move the old home directory, /var/dcc to ${PREFIX}/dcc. 20170624: AFFECTS: users of net/rabbitmq AUTHOR: The rabbitmq-3.6.10_1 port has been changed to use version 19 of the Erlang runtime, because RabbitMQ is not yet compatible with version 20. Upgrades to the previous rabbitmq-3.6.10 must be avoided as they can lead to data corruption due to changes in Erlang 20. 20170622: AFFECTS: users of database/postgresql* and other software using PostgreSQL to run AUTHOR: The default version of PostgreSQL has been switched from 9.3 to 9.5. The upgrade procedure can use up twice the space the databases currently needs. If you have a big amount of stored data take a closer look at the manpage of pg_upgrade for avoidance and/or speedup of the upgrade. The upgrade instructions consider a basic usage and do not match complex scenarios like replication, sharding, or similar. Upgrade instructions: First stop your PostgreSQL, create PostgreSQL-binaries and backup your data. If you have another Version of PostgreSQL installed, for example 9.3.12, your files are named according to this. # service postgresql stop # pkg create postgresql93-server postgresql93-contrib # mkdir /tmp/pg-upgrade # tar xf postgresql93-server-9.3.17.txz -C /tmp/pg-upgrade # tar xf postgresql93-contrib-9.3.17.txz -C /tmp/pg-upgrade # mv /usr/local/pgsql/data /usr/local/pgsql/data93 # pkg delete -f databases/postgresql93-server databases/postgresql93-contrib databases/postgresql93-client Now update PostgreSQL: pkg user: # pkg install databases/postgresql95-server databases/postgresql95-contrib # pkg upgrade Portmaster users: # portmaster databases/postgresql95-server databases/postgresql95-contrib # portmaster -a Portupgrade users: # portinstall databases/postgresql95-server databases/postgresql95-contrib # portupgrade -a After installing the new PostgreSQL version you need to convert all your databases to new version: # service postgresql initdb # su -l pgsql -c "pg_upgrade -b /tmp/pg-upgrade/usr/local/bin/ -d /usr/local/pgsql/data93/ -B /usr/local/bin/ -D /usr/local/pgsql/data/" Now the migration is finished. You can start PostgreSQL again with: # service postgresql start 20170614: AFFECTS: users of editors/calligra AUTHOR: Calligra has been updated to 3.0.1, which is a KDE Frameworks 5 (KF5) based application. Calligra now uses Qt5 and KF5. The translations have been merged (upstream) into the application, so separate language / translation ports are no longer provided. Krita has been split out (upstream) into a separate application, which is packaged as graphics/krita. Kexi, the visual database applications creator, is packaged separately as databases/kexi. Users of Calligra are encouraged to install Krita and Kexi separately, and to report issues with the upgrade to kde@. 20170613: AFFECTS: users of net-im/ejabberd AUTHOR: After update to 17.04, there is an issue[1] expected with S2S connections, which can be resolved by adding 'mod_s2s_dialback: {}' to 'modules' section of configuration file. [1] - 20170603: AFFECTS: users of www/kanboard AUTHOR: After update to 1.0.44, there are following breaking changes: * Move calendar to external plugin: * Move Gantt charts to external plugin: * Move Gravatar to external plugin: 20170602: AFFECTS: users of Qt 5 in presence of binutils AUTHOR: gold linker from binutils 2.28 may produce duplicate library symbols, which makes shared libraries created with it not usable with conventional ld linker. This affects Qt, as qt5-qmake will detect gold and use it to build Qt libraries. Broken libQt5Core will be produced and ports which depend on it will then fail to link with the following errors: ...lib/ multiple definition of `__bss_start at Qt_5' ...lib/ first defined here ...lib/ multiple definition of `_edata at Qt_5' ...lib/ first defined here ...lib/ multiple definition of `_end at Qt_5' Qt5 was fixed to ignore gold. If you see these errors, you need to rebuild qt5-qmake, then all qt5-* ports. 20170529: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/dsbmd AUTHOR: Due to new configuration variables and semantic changes, users of dsbmd version 0.2 and earlier should consider recreating their dsbmd.conf from the new dsbmd.conf.sample. 20170518: AFFECTS: users of www/yarn AUTHOR: The default node backend for yarn has switched to www/node. Binary package users should expect the node backend to be switched during the upgrade. To keep the node6 (LTS) backend, rebuild www/yarn with the NODE6 backend option enabled. 20170517: AFFECTS: users of security/pecl-ssh2 AUTHOR: The security/pecl-ssh2 has been upgraded to version 1.0, and the new version is not compatible with PHP5. If you need PHP5 support, you can find version 0.13 in security/pecl-ssh2-0. 20170412: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/ansible AUTHOR: The default value for ansible_python_interpreter has been changed to match the upstream /usr/bin/python. If managing FreeBSD systems, adjust the hosts database to explicitly set a valid python interpreter: [freebsd] host1 [freebsd_vars] ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/local/bin/python2.7 20170411: AFFECTS: users of security/libressl AUTHOR: The port has been updated to the latest stable version 2.5 of LibreSSL. The shared library versions of the libraries have been bumped. After upgrading, manually update all packages that depend on any of the libraries provided by LibreSSL (libssl, libcrypto and libtls) since the versions of these libraries have changed. Normally, you can obtain the list of dependent software by running the following command: # pkg info -r libressl Then you should rebuild all ports depending on libressl to avoid dangling shared library dependencies. Poudriere and pkg handle this correctly, portmaster and portupgrade users can use the following to rebuild all dependent ports. Portmaster users: portmaster -r libressl Portupgrade users: portupgrade -fr security/libressl 20170411: AFFECTS: www/firefox AUTHOR: Firefox 53 or later may fail to build if sem(4) is present (see below) because sysconf(3) still consults the old limits. If you don't plan to run FreeBSD 8.x or older binaries make sure sem(4) isn't loaded during boot or built statically into the kernel. Creating config.status Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 124, in sys.exit(main(sys.argv)) File "", line 34, in main return config_status(config) File "", line 119, in config_status return config_status(args=[], **encode(sanitized_config, encoding)) File "python/mozbuild/mozbuild/", line 136, in config_status reader = BuildReader(env) File "python/mozbuild/mozbuild/frontend/", line 886, in __init__ self._gyp_worker_pool = ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) File "python/futures/concurrent/futures/", line 274, in __init__ _check_system_limits() File "python/futures/concurrent/futures/", line 263, in _check_system_limits raise NotImplementedError(_system_limited) NotImplementedError: system provides too few semaphores (30 available, 256 necessary) 20170410: AFFECTS: users of x11-wm/awesome AUTHOR: Awesome Window Manager (x11-wm/awesome) was upgraded to 4.1 and its config is not backward compatible with 3.5. A new port was created to keep 3.5 version available at x11-wm/awesome3 and it will be available for 6 months until users have time to upgrade configuration. There are references about what has changed in 4.0 at: And configuration porting tips at: If you would like to keep using 3.x, please run the collowing command to update pkg database: # pkg set -n awesome:awesome3 # pkg set -o x11-wm/awesome:x11-wm/awesome3 20170404: AFFECTS: users of Xapian 1.2.x and www/ikiwiki AUTHOR: Xapian has been updated to 1.4.3. The 1.2.x series has been renamed with suffix "12". The Perl binding for Xapian 1.4.x is databases/p5-Xapian. Since www/ikiwiki depends on Search::Xapian, it stays with Xapian 1.2. If you would like to keep using 1.2, please run the following commands to update pkg database: xapian-core: # pkg set -n xapian-core:xapian-core12 # pkg set -o databases/xapian-core:databases/xapian-core12 p5-Search-Xapian: # pkg set -n p5-Search-Xapian:p5-Search-Xapian12 # pkg set -o databases/p5-Search-Xapian:databases/p5-Search-Xapian12 xapian-bindings: # pkg set -n xapian-bindings:xapian-bindings12 # pkg set -o databases/xapian-bindings:databases/xapian-bindings12 xapian-omega: # pkg set -n xapian-omega:xapian-omega12 # pkg set -o databases/xapian-omega:databases/xapian-omega12 20170401: AFFECTS: net/samba44, net/samba45, net/samba46 and devel/p5-Parse-Pidl* AUTHOR: It turned out that arbitary versions of p5-Parse-Pidl may lead to the hard to explain crashes of the Samba server and utilities(in particular we suspect it was responsible for the troubles with the DC provisioning). So, from now on net/samba* ports use bundled version of Pidl. You need to remove external package from the system: pkg delete -f p5-Parse-Pidl p5-Parse-Pidl44 20170331: AFFECTS: users of security/openssh-portable AUTHOR: The format of several log messages emitted by the packet code has changed to include additional information about the user and their authentication state. Software that monitors ssh/sshd logs may need to account for these changes. For example: Connection closed by user x port 1234 [preauth] Connection closed by authenticating user x port 1234 [preauth] Connection closed by invalid user x port 1234 [preauth] Affected messages include connection closure, timeout, remote disconnection, negotiation failure and some other fatal messages generated by the packet code. 20170326: AFFECTS: users of samba43 AUTHOR: The default version of samba has been switched from 4.3 to 4.4. Upgrade instructions: For package users having samba43 installed indirectly (as a dependency): # pkg upgrade For package users having samba43 installed directly (leaf port): # pkg upgrade # pkg install samba44 For ports users: If you want to keep samba43, add DEFAULT_VERSIONS+= samba=4.3 to make.conf If you want to upgrade to samba44, remove samba43 and obsolete packages: # pkg delete -f samba36-libsmbclient samba36-nmblookup samba36-smbclient samba36 samba43 p5-Parse-Pidl Portmaster users: # portmaster net/samba44 # portmaster -a Portupgrade users: # portinstall net/samba44 # portupgrade -a 20170325: AFFECTS: net/samba46 and devel/p5-Parse-Pidl AUTHOR: New version of Samba port from 4.6 branch is added. Before upgrading please read upgrade notes: For the vfs_fruit users: Users on *BSD must rename the metadata xattr used by vfs_fruit when using the default setting "fruit:metadata = netatalk". Due to a glitch in the Samba xattr API compatibility layer for FreeBSD and a mistake in vfs_fruit, vfs_fruit ended up using the wrong xattr name when configured with "fruit:metadata = netatalk" (default). Instead of the correct org.netatalk.Metadata it used netatalk.Metadata Starting with Samba 4.6 vfs_fruit will use the correct "org.netatalk.Metadata" which means existing installations must rename this xattrs. For this purpose Samba now includes a new tool `mvxattr`. 20170325: AFFECTS: net/samba45, net/samba46 and devel/p5-Parse-Pidl AUTHOR: While new Uses/ dosen't work well with slave ports to compile devel/p5-Parse-Pidl for net/samba45 or net/samba46 you need explicitly set in the /etc/make.conf: SAMBA4_PORT=net/samba46 explicitly. In the future that shouldn't be necessary. 20170321: AFFECTS: users of samba36-libsmbclient, samba36-nmblookup samba36-smbclient and samba36 AUTHOR: The obsolete samba36-libsmbclient, samba36-nmblookup, samba36-smbclient and samba36 packages/ports were removed and USES=samba was introduced. Upgrade instructions: For package users having those ports installed indirectly (as dependencies): # pkg upgrade For package users having those ports installed directly (leaf ports): # pkg upgrade # pkg install samba43 For ports users: Choose you samba version, for instance add DEFAULT_VERSIONS+= samba=4.3 to make.conf Remove obsolete packages: # pkg delete -f samba36-libsmbclient samba36-nmblookup samba36-smbclient samba36 Portmaster users: # portmaster net/samba43 # portmaster -a Portupgrade users: # portinstall net/samba43 # portupgrade -a 20170319: AFFECTS: users of mail/pecl-mailparse AUTHOR: The mail/pecl-mailparse has been upgraded to version 3.0.2, and the new version is not compatible with PHP5. If you need PHP5 support, you can find version 2.1.6 in mail/pecl-mailparse2. 20170319: AFFECTS: users of textproc/pecl-yaml AUTHOR: The pecl-yaml has been upgraded to version 2.0.0, and the new version is not compatible with PHP5. If you need PHP5 support, you can find version 1.3.0 in textproc/pecl-yaml1. 20170316: AFFECTS: users of python setuptools AUTHOR: The python setuptools ports have been renamed to better match other python ports. Ports users need to rename them so that portupgrade and portmaster do not get confused. For example: pkg set -n py27-setuptools27:py27-setuptools pkg set -o devel/py-setuptools27:devel/py27-setuptools or pkg set -n py35-setuptools35:py35-setuptools pkg set -o devel/py-setuptools35:devel/py35-setuptools 20170312: AFFECTS: users of textproc/ack AUTHOR: ack has been renamed back to p5-ack to match our perl naming. You could run the following to update pkg database: # pkg set -n ack:p5-ack # pkg set -o textproc/ack:textproc/p5-ack 20170311: AFFECTS: users of games/tome4 with paid DLCs AUTHOR: The Ashes of Urh'Rok and Embers of Rage DLCs have been updated to be compatible with changes introduced in ToME 1.5.0. Users of these DLCs will need to redownload nd place these in $HOME/.t-engine/4.0/addons. 20170302: AFFECTS: users of mail/thunderbird with Lightning AUTHOR: After changes in the packaging of the Lightning extension, profiles using this extension have to be re-created. 20170223: AFFECTS: users of devel/mtbl AUTHOR: There is a libmtbl shared library version bump in mtbl version 1.0.0. The affected dependent ports have had PORTREVISION bumps, but you will need to rebuild any applications that link to libmtbl. 20170220: AFFECTS: sysutils/filebeat sysutils/metricbeat sysutils/packetbeat AUTHOR: The three elasticsearch beats ports have merged into one single port systuils/beats that installs all of the above and some more. The reason is to make the port more maintainable and also that the new heartbeat beat would conflict with sysutils/heartbeat. 20170220: AFFECTS: devel/libevent2 AUTHOR: libevent2 has been renamed back to libevent as the default version. If you manage out of tree ports make sure to run the following: # pkg set -n libevent2:libevent # pkg set -o devel/libevent2:devel/libevent 20170218: AFFECTS: users of Qt 4 and Qt 5 AUTHOR: Following what is already done in Qt 5, the Qt 4 ports no longer install their binaries into ${LOCALBASE}/bin (which is "/usr/local/bin" in most cases). Additionally, the "-qt4" suffix has been dropped from the file names of the binaries that had it, such as "qmake-qt4". The new misc/qtchooser port is now used to choose whether a Qt 4 or Qt 5 version of a binary such as "moc", "qmake" or "designer" will be used. By default, the Qt 5 versions are preferred, but that can be changed by setting the QT_SELECT environment variable to "qt4". qtchooser also allows one to seamlessly use other Qt installations for those binaries, which is particularly beneficial to people working on Qt itself or who need their own checkouts. See qtchooser(1) for more information on how to configure qtchooser. 20170213: AFFECTS: users of www/node* AUTHOR: The BUNDLED_SSL option is now enabled by default on FreeBSD 10, since Node.js requires OpenSSL 1.0.2, and FreeBSD 10 is shipped with 1.0.1. 20170213: AFFECTS: users of graphics/libGL, graphics/libEGL, graphics/libglesv2 AUTHOR: The workaround for handling conflicting libraries between the nvidia-driver, libGL, libEGL and libglesv2 ports was removed. If the nvidia-driver port is updated before the other ports, it will remove the libraries of said ports. This is a side effect of how the workaround worked. If this happens reinstalling the affected port is enough. pkg users can run: pkg install -f libGL libEGL libglesv2 20170211: AFFECTS: users of x11-server/xorg-server AUTHOR: Xorg server has been updated to 1.18.4 and autodetection has changed. The order in which drivers are now attempted is: 1) vendor/model specific driver according to PCI IDs 2) generic modesetting driver which requires a drm driver with KMS 3) scfb, the generic framebuffer driver 4) vesa (only if arch is x86) This should minimize the need for xorg.conf files. It is recommended to load the correct KMS driver (i915kms.ko or radeonkms.ko) via rc.conf, i.e. kld_list="i915kms.ko", to ensure correct functionality. Although the vendor drivers may attempt to load the correct drm driver, which does not always work, the modesetting driver assumes the required KMS driver is already loaded and will fail if there is none. The modesetting driver is now recommended as an alternative to the Intel driver; the performance is comparable and stability is better with modesetting. The ATI driver continues to offer better performance than modesetting. 20170203: AFFECTS: users of security/libressl-devel AUTHOR: The version 2.5.1 bumps the libcrypto, libssl and libtls shared library versions. You will have to rebuild all packages that depend on libressl-devel. Check the 20160811 libressl entry for more detailed guidance on rebuilding. 20170202: AFFECTS: users of www/uwsgi AUTHOR: The previous disruptive changes to uwsgi for security have been remediated through creation of a dedicated uwsgi user/group and utilizing the uwsgi feature to set socket ownership. The uwsgi daemon by default now has the following properties: * Process runs as uwsgi user and group (UID/GID 165) * Socket mode is 660, still protecting unauthorized access from "other" * Socket ownership is www:www, restoring compatibility 20170130: AFFECTS: users of devel/ice, devel/py-ice, devel/php5-ice AUTHOR: Since __WORDSIZE as defined by always reports 32 when using C++98/03 (unless __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS is set explictly), Ice 3.6.3 used "long long" for Int64 instead of "long" on 64-bit platforms by mistake. A workaround has been added in version 3.6.3_2 of these three ports, requiring to upgrade all of them at the same time and to rebuild all custom code that links against them. 20170129: AFFECTS: users of multimedia/motion AUTHOR: Version 3.x expected the configuration files to reside in: ${LOCALBASE}/etc Version 4.x expects the configuration files to reside in: ${LOCALBASE}/etc/motion This was unfortunately overlooked when the port was updated to 4.x, but it has now been fixed to install the default configuration file in the new location. The rc script now checks for motion.conf in the new location. While you may be able to simply copy your old motion.conf to the new location, it is recommended to review ${LOCALBASE}/etc/motion/motion.conf and make changes to it based on your old ${LOCALBASE}/etc/motion.conf as some options have been added and removed. Further, if you use motion with multiple cameras and have ${LOCALBASE}/etc/thread[0-9].conf files, they should be moved to ${LOCALBASE}/etc/motion as well. These files are deprecated and should be renamed to camera[0-9].conf and in motion.conf, lines like: thread /usr/local/etc/thread1.conf Should be converted to: camera /usr/local/etc/motion/camera1.conf 20170127: AFFECTS: users of www/uwsgi AUTHOR: The default socket mode for uwsgi as 777 is a severe security concern. This has been remediated by changing the rc script to default to 600. The mode is configurable with rc.conf values: uwsgi_socket_mode="600" or for a profile named "www", uwsgi_www_socket_mode="600". 20170121: AFFECTS: users of security/tinc AUTHOR: this version of tinc requires all nodes in the VPN to be linked with a version of OpenSSL or LibreSSL that supports the AES256 and SHA256 algorithms. 20170120: AFFECTS: users of databases/mysql56-server AUTHOR: databases/mysql56-server was updated to 5.6.35 which included backported rc script changes from the mysql57-server port. This broke mysql_optfile in rc.conf and also forced a sample my.cnf if none existed. MySQL has some parameters which cannot be changed after a database has been created, so this caused MySQL to fail to start. This change was reverted in mysql56-server-5.6.35_1 An additional change was made in mysql56-server-5.6.35_2 to prevent automatic loading of a sample my.cnf which was causing issues for users who were running without a my.cnf. 20170117: AFFECTS: users of EoL'ed FreeBSD versions (<10.3, 11 prior to 11.0) AUTHOR: The ports system will now refuse to build anything if it's run on outdated system version. This protects users from unexpected build failures after code to support EoL'ed systems is removed from the tree. You may define ALLOW_UNSUPPORTED_SYSTEM to override this and allow builds, but no support will be provided in case of failures. 20170116: AFFECTS: users of java/wildfly10 AUTHOR: The java/wildfly10 port has been updated to 10.1.0. To complete the migration you must copy your existing configuration (directories "appclient", "standalone", and "domain") from /usr/local/wildfly-10.0.0 to /usr/local/wildfly10. 20170115: AFFECTS: users of net-mgmt/librenms AUTHOR: The following is recommended for /var/db/mysql/my.cnf NOTE: these are global settings. Please read this first: [mysqld] innodb_file_per_table=1 sql-mode="" 20170109: AFFECTS: users of lang/ruby22 AUTHOR: The default ruby version has been updated from 2.2 to 2.3. If you compile your own ports you may keep 2.2 as the default version by adding the following lines to your /etc/make.conf file: # # Keep ruby 2.2 as default version # DEFAULT_VERSIONS+=ruby=2.2 If you wish to update to the new default version, you need to first stop any software that uses ruby. Then, you will need to follow these steps, depending upon how you manage your system. If you use pkgng, simply upgrade: # pkg upgrade If you use portmaster, install new ruby, then rebuild all ports that depend on ruby: # portmaster -o lang/ruby23 lang/ruby22 # portmaster -R -r ruby-2.3 If you use portupgrade, install new ruby, then rebuild all ports that depend on ruby: # pkg delete -f ruby portupgrade # make -C /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/portupgrade install clean # pkg set -o lang/ruby22:lang/ruby23 # portupgrade -x ruby-2.3.\* -fr lang/ruby23 20170102: AFFECTS: multimedia/ffmpeg AUTHOR: OPTIMIZED_CFLAGS switched to only use vendor optimizations which means -ffast-math -fno-finite-math-only are no longer applied. If you did like the former behavior consider adding # multimedia/ffmpeg/Makefile.local OPTIMIZED_CFLAGS_CFLAGS += -ffast-math -fno-finite-math-only or # /etc/make.conf .if ${.CURDIR:M*/multimedia/ffmpeg} CFLAGS += -ffast-math -fno-finite-math-only .endif 20161230: AFFECTS: users of x11/xfce4-terminal AUTHOR: The port has been updated to the latest stable version 0.8.2. Please, don't active the hidden 'MiscSlimTabs' option in ~/.config/xfce4/terminal/terminalrc, it requires Gtk+ > 3.20. 20161228: AFFECTS: users of multimedia/mlt AUTHOR: MLT Qt plugins have been moved to their own ports, mlt-qt4 and mlt-qt5. Please, uninstall multimedia/mlt before you update: # pkg delete mlt 20161227: AFFECTS: users of security/openvpn, security/openvpn-polarssl AUTHOR: Matthias Andree The OpenVPN ports have been updated to the new upstream release v2.4, and their predecessors preserved as openvpn23 and openvpn23-polarssl, respectively. Note that for the new v2.4 release, the openvpn-polarssl port has been renamed to openvpn-mbedtls to match the upstream library's new name. 20161218: AFFECTS: users of www/nghttp2 AUTHOR: nghttp2 has been split into 2 ports: www/libnghttp2 for core library and www/nghttp2 for the rest. Please uninstall nghttp2 before you update this port. 20161216: AFFECTS: mail/thunderbird, www/seamonkey AUTHOR: ENIGMAIL is no longer provided as part of the ports after upstream dropped binary components in 1.9. Go to Tools -> Add-ons Manager then type "enigmail" in the search box to install. 20161213: AFFECTS: users of devel/skalibs, lang/execline, sysutils/s6 AUTHOR: Colin Booth skalibs has undergone a major version bump and compatibility is not guaranteed for software with a runtime dependency on This will not affect lang/execline or sysutils/s6 as those are statically linked against libskarnet.a. execline has undergone a major version bump and compatibility is not guaranteed for software with a runtime dependency on This will not affect sysutils/s6 as all s6 programs are statically linked against libexecline.a. s6 has undergone a major version bump and compatibility is not guaranteed for software with a runtime dependency on Additionally, s6-applyuidgid and s6-setuidgid have moved from $PREFIX/sbin to $PREFIX/bin. Any scripts calling those utilities that are not relying on $PATH resolution to find them will need to be rewritten. 20161207: AFFECTS: users of www/node AUTHOR: The www/node port has been updated to node.js v7.2.0, the latest upstream release. A new port, www/node6, has been created for the v6.x LTS branch. Users wanting to stay on v6.x can replace www/node with www/node6 with one of the following commands: # pkg set -o www/node:www/node6 or # portmaster -o www/node6 www/node or # portupgrade -o www/node6 www/node 20161202: AFFECTS: users of textproc/p5-Search-Elasticsearch AUTHOR: As of the 5.01 release of ths package, the client libraries for older versions of Elasticsearch have started to be shipped seperately. If you are using this library to access a none 5.X server you will need to install one of the textproc/p5-Search-Elasticsearch-Client-* ports. 20161126: AFFECTS: users of security/gpgme-* AUTHOR: Gpgme has been updated to 1.8.0. With it comes the removal of in favor of using itself as the thread-safe library. Ports that may have linked to -lgpgme-pthread will now just link to -lgpgme. PORTREVISION has been bumped on all ports with a dependency on security/gpgme. The Python module provided by security/py-gpgme has been renamed from pyme3 to gpg, as well. Portmaster users: portmaster -r gpgme Portupgrade users: portupgrade -fr security/gpgme 20161121: AFFECTS: users of graphics/tiff AUTHOR: The tiff port was updated to 4.0.7. The following tools are removed from this release: bmp2tiff, gif2tiff, ras2tiff, rgb2ycbcr and thumbnail. 20161116: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/bareos-* AUTHOR: Bareos v1.6.x changed the configuration scheme, from one configuration file per Bareos component (file daemon, storage daemon, and director) to several configuration files, in several directories, for each component. See The new scheme will use all files named *.conf in the directory hierarchies for each component: /usr/local/etc/bareos/bareos-dir.d/ /usr/local/etc/bareos/bareos-fd.d/ /usr/local/etc/bareos/bareos-sd.d/ To retain the old configuration scheme of one file per component add appropriate lines such as these to your /etc/rc.conf: bareos_dir_config="/usr/local/etc/bareos/bareos-dir.conf" bareos_fd_config="/usr/local/etc/bareos/bareos-fd.conf" bareos_sd_config="/usr/local/etc/bareos/bareos-sd.conf" 20161113: AFFECTS: users of devel/libosinfo AUTHOR: The libosinfo port was separated into three different ports to follow the upstream split: - sysutils/osinfo-db-tools: contains the CLI tools - misc/osinfo-db: contains database with OS data - devel/libosinfo: the library As osinfo-db-tools now ships binaries that previously were part of libosinfo, it's required to delete the old libosinfo package to prevent conflict because of same files installation: # pkg delete libosinfo And then install the new version. 20161112: AFFECTS: users of security/heimdal AUTHOR: Heimdal in the base system and security/heimdal <= 1.5.3_6 use Berkeley DB to store principals into /var/heimdal/heimdal.db and the database format is version 3 by default. On the other hand, security/heimdal 1.5.3_7 or newer use the newer version of Berkeley DB and the database format is version 9. These two versions are not compatible with each other. If there is a mismatch between Heimdal utilities and its database format, you will get an error like the following: # /usr/local/sbin/kadmin -l dump BDB0641 __db_meta_setup: /var/heimdal/heimdal.db: unexpected file type or format kadmin: hdb_open: opening /var/heimdal/heimdal: Invalid argument This mismatch can occur in the following three cases: 1. You used Heimdal in the base system and switch to use security/heimdal after creating /var/db/heimdal.db. 2. You used security/heimdal >= 1.5.3_7 and switch to use one in the base system. 3. You used security/heimdal < 1.5.3_7 and upgrade it to 1.5.3_7 or later. To fix this mismatch, you need to dump contents of heimdal.db and rebuild the database by using kadmin(8) utility. If you use Heimdal in the base system or older versions of security/heimdal, and plan to switch to use security/heimdal >= 1.5.3_7, execute the following command *after* creating a backup copy of /var/heimdal and installing security/heimdal: # /usr/bin/kadmin -l dump /var/heimdal/heimdal.db.dump # rm /var/heimdal/heimdal.db # /usr/local/sbin/kadmin -l load /var/heimdal/heimdal.db.dump # rm /var/heimdal/heimdal.db.dump The above example assumes security/heimdal is installed into /usr/local. If your base system is compiled with WITHOUT_KERBEROS use the following instead: # db_dump185-5 /var/heimdal/heimdal.db | db_load-5 /var/heimdal/ # chown 0600 /var/heimdal/ # mv /var/heimdal/ /var/heimdal/heimdal.db db_dump and db_load utilitites are installed by database/db5 as dependency of security/heimdal. If you want to switch from security/heimdal to Heimdal in the base system, use the following: # /usr/local/sbin/kadmin -l dump /var/heimdal/heimdal.db.dump # rm /var/heimdal/heimdal.db # /usr/bin/kadmin -l load /var/heimdal/heimdal.db.dump # rm /var/heimdal/heimdal.db.dump 20161105: AFFECTS: users of security/heimdal AUTHOR: kadmin(8) in heimdal-1.5.3_5 and prior did not create a database in /var/heimdal in Berkeley DB format which kdc(8) required. This problem has been fixed in heimdal-1.5.3_6. 20161104: AFFECTS: users of mail/mu4e and mail/mu4e-maildirs AUTHOR: The package name of mail/mu4e* have been changed from mu4e* to mu4e*-emacsNN. When upgrading the older versions, this change can cause the following error which prevents it from upgrading: pkg-static: mu4e-emacs25-0.9.16 conflicts with mu4e-0.9.16 (installs files into the same place). If this error occurs, please remove the old packages by using "pkg delete" manually: # pkg delete mu4e-0.9.16 mu4e-maildirs-0.8.20160126_1 20161103: AFFECTS: users of lang/perl5* AUTHOR: The default Perl version has been switched to Perl 5.24. If you are using binary packages to upgrade your system, you do not have anything to do, pkg upgrade will do the right thing. For the other people, assuming you are migrating from 5.20 to 5.24, do: First, add to /etc/make.conf: DEFAULT_VERSIONS+= perl5=5.24 Portupgrade users: portupgrade -o lang/perl5.24 -f lang/perl5.20 You can now remove the DEFAULT_VERSIONS line added earlier from /etc/make.conf Then you will need to rebuild everything that uses, you can do so with: portupgrade -f `pkg shlib -qR` If, for some reason, this command fails at one point, it is safe to run it again, it will not rebuild what it already rebuilt, as the ports that have been rebuilt no longer depend on but on Portmaster users: portmaster -o lang/perl5.24 lang/perl5.20 You can now remove the DEFAULT_VERSIONS line added earlier from /etc/make.conf Then you will need to rebuild everything that uses, you can do so with: portmaster -f `pkg shlib -qR` If, for some reason, this command fails at one point, it is safe to run it again, it will not rebuild what it already rebuilt, as the ports that have been rebuilt no longer depend on but on 20161102: AFFECTS: users of security/acme-client AUTHOR: The default configuration paths have changed from 'letsencrypt' to 'acme'. Rename the directories used accordingly mv /usr/local/etc/letsencrypt /usr/local/etc/acme mv /usr/local/etc/ssl/letsencrypt /usr/local/etc/ssl/acme mv /usr/local/www/letsencrypt /usr/local/www/acme Check your scripts to ensure proper operation. 20161030: AFFECTS: users of mail/squirrelmail AUTHOR: For better php70 support, the squirrelmail port has switched from PEAR database access to PDO. If you are using squirrelmail with a database backend, you'll need to install a corresponding PDO database module, such as php56-pdo_sqlite. 20161030: AFFECTS: users of security/srm AUTHOR: srm has been updated from 1.2.12 to 1.2.15. Since version 1.2.14, srm defaults to using its "simple" mode to overwrite files (one pass writing 0x00 to the files) instead of the 35-pass Gutmann method. 20161029: AFFECTS: users of irc/quassel AUTHOR: Quassel is now split into two ports / packages; one for providing the server backend (irc/quassel-core), and one for providing the client front-end (irc/quassel). Alternatively, the irc/quassel port can be built with the MONO option enabled to also install the client and server combined into a single monolithic binary. 20161028: AFFECTS: users of security/openssl and security/openssl-devel AUTHOR: The shared library versions of OpenSSL have been bumped to avoid issues with ports' and base's OpenSSL not being binary compatible. Please rebuild all ports that depend on OpenSSL if you use OpenSSL from ports. If you use portmaster: portmaster -r openssl If you use portupgrade: portupgrade -fr security/openssl 20161026: AFFECTS: users of net-p2p/deluge AUTHOR: Deluge port has been split out onto CLI part and GUI part. So if user only needs deluged, net-p2p/deluge-cli should be installed. For full deluge installation, including GTK+ GUI client, net-p2p/deluge should be installed as a usual. Old deluge package should be removed manually first: # pkg delete deluge After that install preferred deluge package as usual. 20161018: AFFECTS: users of x11/xfce4-terminal AUTHOR: The port has been updated to the latest stable version 0.8.0. A warning appears each time we open new tab: Gtk-WARNING **: gtk_widget_size_allocate(): attempt to allocate widget with... This issue will disappear with Gtk > 3.21. 20161014: AFFECTS: users of lang/python3 AUTHOR: The default version of python3 has changed from 3.4 to 3.5. If you wish to stick with older version, add "python3=3.4" to your DEFAULT_VERSIONS variable in /etc/make.conf. To upgrade: If using portupgrade: # portupgrade -o lang/python35 lang/python34 If using portmaster: # portmaster -o lang/python35 lang/python34 20161011: AFFECTS: users of net-im/ejabberd AUTHOR: Before upgrading ejabberd to 16.09, please make sure to backup your ejabberd data using: % sudo -u ejabberd -H ejabberdctl backup /path/to/backup/file In some cases, ejabberd may fail to start, for which a workaround is to remove the schema.DAT file from /var/spool/ejabberd before starting, and then restoring everything from the backup using: % sudo -u ejabberd -H ejabberdctl restore /path/to/backup/file For more details: 20161005: AFFECTS: users of audio/squeezeboxserver (now audio/logitechmediaserver) AUTHOR: With the rename of the audio/squeezeboxserver port to audio/logitechmediaserver, the server and database are now installed in different locations by default (/usr/local/share/logitechmediaserver and /var/db/logitechmediaserver respectively). If you were an existing user of audio/squeezeboxserver, you should consider backing up you server configuration files and database before upgrading to audio/logitechmediaserver. If you wish to override the default locations for storing the server and database, you can set the SLIMDIR and SLIMDBDIR variables in your /etc/make.conf when building the audio/logitechmediaserver port. 20161004: AFFECTS: mail/roundcube-carddav AUTHOR: There is no upgrade path from the 1.0 version. You'll need to: 1. Log off from Roundcube. 2. Manually drop all carddav_* tables from your db backend. 3. Upgrade the mail/roundcube-carddav port. The new tables will be created upon login. The CardDAV plugin will need to be reconfigured. If you are running php < 7.0.0, you'll need to set the plugin option: $prefs['_GLOBAL']['suppress_version_warning'] = true; See for details. 20160927: AFFECTS: emulators/ppsspp AUTHOR: Qt* GUI was split into separate ports: emulators/ppsspp-qt4 emulators/ppsspp-qt5 20160927: AFFECTS: sysutils/android-file-transfer AUTHOR: Qt* GUI was split into separate ports: sysutils/android-file-transfer-qt4 sysutils/android-file-transfer-qt5 20160922: AFFECTS: users of databases/pglogical, databases/pglogical-output AUTHOR: As of version 1.2.0, databases/pglogical-output has been merged into databases/pglogical. portmaster or portupgrade users should delete pglogical-output manually before upgrading. 20160921: AFFECTS: users of mail/sieve-connect AUTHOR: Version 0.88 contains two breaking changes: 1. If the Sieve server does not offer STARTTLS, then connections should now fail. 2. When deriving a remote script name from the local filename, use the basename and strip off directories. For additional information see: 20160919: AFFECTS: users of net/vtun AUTHOR: The VTUN_EXTENDED_MODE option has been replaced by -e command line option. 20160914: AFFECTS: users of www/nginx-devel AUTHOR: Nginx now creates logs under /var/log/nginx/ and changes default log names from "nginx-access.log" and "nginx-error.log" to "access.log" and "error.log" respectively. This is important for the error log because the location is encoded and touched by nginx during startup regardless of the configured location for the error log. See for additional information on why this happens. 20160914: AFFECTS: users of deskutils/xfce4-volumed-pulse AUTHOR: The port has been updated to the latest stable version 0.2.2. Support of xfce4-mixer has been removed, so you can delete its properties with the following command: xfconf-query -c xfce4-mixer -p / -rR 20160910: AFFECTS: users of security/ AUTHOR: The config filename has been changed upstream from "" to "config". Users must rename the current config file manually. In addition, the default WELLKNOWN location has been changed to %%PREFIX%%/www/letsencrypt. In order to use the previous default location, the config file must be updated manually as well. 20160907: AFFECTS: users of math/galculator AUTHOR: galculator now uses GTK3 by default. An option exists in the port to revert to GTK2 if desired. 20160906: AFFECTS: uses of www/nginx AUTHOR: Nginx now creates logs under /var/log/nginx/ and changes default log names from "nginx-access.log" and "nginx-error.log" to "access.log" and "error.log" respectively. This is important for the error log because the location is encoded and touched by nginx during startup regardless of the configured location for the error log. See for additional information on why this happens. 20160905: AFFECTS: users of databases/postgresql96-server AUTHOR: The default unix user used by the PostgreSQL daemon has changed to `postgres' to reflect the long time upstream's convention. Any scripts you have using the old `pgsql' unix user should be modified when upgrading to PostgreSQL version 9.6. Older versions of PostgreSQL will continue using `pgsql' until their end-of-life. For users with UTF-8 locales in the database: The ICU patch is *activated by default* for the PostgreSQL-9.6 server. For previous versions it was optional and default off, but this has changed. Please read the entry here below from 20160811 and understand the consequences of changing between ICU and system locale for database collation (short version: don't). pg_upgrade requires the collation method to be the same (or a reindex), while pg_dump/restore does not. Also, the default home directory for the postgres user is now /var/db/postgres, and the default data directory for PostgreSQL 9.6 is /var/db/postgres/data96. 20160829: AFFECTS: users of x11/nvidia-driver AUTHOR: The NVidia driver has been updated to version 367.35. Starting with version 358.09, new kernel module was added, nvidia-modeset.ko. This new driver component works in conjunction with the nvidia.ko kernel module to program the display engine of the GPU. Users that experience hangs when starting X11 server, or observe (II) NVIDIA(0): Validated MetaModes: (II) NVIDIA(0): "NULL" messages in their /var/log/Xorg.0.log file should replace ``nvidia'' with ``nvidia-modeset'' in /boot/loader.conf or /etc/rc.conf files, depending on how they prefer to load NVidia driver kernel module. 20160829: AFFECTS: users of security/sshguard AUTHOR: Sshguard has been updated to 1.7.0. There have been several changes to this release. Notably the hosts and ipfilter backends are no longer supported. If you need these backends to be supported and you missed the survey sent out by upstream I urge you to contact upstream. The hosts backend was previously served by security/sshguard directly. The additional backends were slave ports with package name suffixes. I have opted to keep the master/slave port relationship but not choose a specific backend for security/sshguard. Instead it is now a metaport which will prompt you for which backend you prefer. If no backend is configured it will depend on security/sshguard-ipfw, which is the native FreeBSD firewall. This my be surprising to users who depended on security/sshguard which only provided hosts/TCP Wrappers blocking, but there is no replacement at this time. I would also like to document that sshguard no longer accepts the -e argument which allowed external scripts to run when sshguard finds a match. As a result the null backend can no longer be used to create custom blocking functionality; it only serves as a detection backend. If the removed backends return due to user demand they will be added as slave ports for consistency. I apologize for any inconvenience and lack of notice on the deprecation of these features. 20160815: AFFECTS: users of mail/rspamd* AUTHOR: Rspamd users should update Rspamd to 1.3.3 version as soon as possible and ensure that '/usr/local/etc/rspamd/module.d/fuzzy_check.conf` has the line `algorithm = "mumhash";` for the "" rule. The more detailed information could be found on 20160815: AFFECTS: users of dns/powerdns* AUTHOR: PowerDNS Authoritative Server and Recursor 4.0.0+ introduce significant changes to the configuration files, which need to be handled before restarting the services. As from the Recursor changelog, "The Lua hook infrastructure was redone using LuaWrapper; old scripts will no longer work, but new scripts are easier to write under the new interface." 20160811: AFFECTS: users of security/libressl AUTHOR: The port has been updated to the latest stable version 2.4 of LibreSSL. The shared library versions of the libraries have been bumped. With this update, the patch for the OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER has been removed. This causes issues with a number of ports. Patches for all ports for which this issues is known can be found on After upgrading, manually update all packages that depend on any of the libraries provided by LibreSSL (libssl, libcrypto and libtls) since the versions of these libraries have changed. Normally, you can obtain the list of dependent software by running the following command: # pkg info -r libressl Then you should rebuild all ports depending on libressl to avoid dangling shared library dependencies. Poudriere and pkg handle this correctly, portmaster and portupgrade users can use the following to rebuild all dependent ports. Portmaster users: portmaster -r libressl Portupgrade users: portupgrade -fr security/libressl 20160811: AFFECTS: users of databases/postgresqlNN-server with ICU patch AUTHOR: The ICU patch is added to the PostgreSQL-9.5 server. Please note that you must never change between using the ICU patch and using system locale for the same database cluster without REINDEXing all TEXT/VARCHAR columns, or dump and restore your database. Failing to do so will result in corrupted indexes due to the differences between the locale definitions. ICU will always be the better choice for speed and correctness. Also, the ICU patch used to support other Unicode encodings than UTF-8, but that has been removed due to lack of demand and the complicated testing required. If you use another Unicode encoding and rely on ICU for collation, please refrain from upgrading the postgresql server and instead contact the author named above. 20160722: AFFECTS: users of emulators/virtualbox-ose AUTHOR: VirtualBox has been updated to 5.0.26 and it is incompatible with old kernel modules. You should upgrade emulators/virtualbox-ose-kmod and load new kernel modules before starting new version, e.g., # service vboxnet restart 20160722: AFFECTS: users of games/stonesoup-* AUTHOR: The WIZARD option has been renamed to NOWIZARD and is now an opt-out to better reflect the upstream. If you run a shared game server and would like the Wizard mode support disabled, please update port options. 20160718: AFFECTS: users of www/awstats AUTHOR: The directory containing icons has changed from ".../icons" to ".../icon". awstats has, in its suggested configuration file, contained an alias from /awstatsicons. After applying the awstats-7.5 update, you must update that alias to point to /usr/local/www/awstats/icon (just remove the "s" at the end). 20160708: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/screen AUTHOR: GNU Screen was updated to version 4.4.0 (r417201). Note that there was fix to screen message structure field responsible for $TERM handling, making it impossible to attach to older versions. 20160704: AFFECTS: users of databases/mysql57-* AUTHOR: The default location for my.cnf has changed from "/var/db/mysql/my.cnf" to "/usr/local/etc/mysql/my.cnf". Existing my.cnf files must be merged manually with the new default and moved to the new location. To continue using the my.cnf file at the old location, set "mysql_optfile" in /etc/rc.conf to point to the location of the existing my.cnf file. 20160701: AFFECTS: users of www/node5 AUTHOR: Node.js v5.x has reached end of life and has been removed. Users that have not yet moved to v6.x should do so now by switching to the www/node port. 20160627: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/rsyslog7 AUTHOR: Rsyslog 7.x has reached end of life status and is being marked as depreciated. Rsyslog 8 has been made the default. 20160626: AFFECTS: users of www/calendarserver AUTHOR: Please note that updating from the previous version (5.1) to the current version (8.0) requires manual steps. Please consult the pkg-message for details. 20160624: AFFECTS: users of shells/zsh AUTHOR: zsh now looks for system-wide conf files in ${PREFIX}/etc, instead of /etc. If you have files like zshrc, zshenv, zprofile, zlogin, or zlogout in /etc, either move them to /usr/local/etc or rebuild zsh with the ETCDIR option on. Note that this change only affects system-wide conf files, which are not installed or created by a default installation. 20160621: AFFECTS: users of www/redmine AUTHOR: Redmine was updated from 2.6.9 to 3.2.3. Since this an update over major versions be careful with your update. For further update instructions please have a look at: 20160621: AFFECTS: users of ftp/wget AUTHOR: Wget 1.18 fixes a security vulnerability (CVE-2016-4971) and the fix introduces a backward-incompatibility for HTTP->FTP redirects. Any script that relies on the old behaviour must use --trust-server-names in order to trust the HTTP response and redirect to the new filename. 20160619: AFFECTS: users of databases/py-apsw AUTHOR: SQLite 3.12 completely changed the semantics of VFS.xGetLastError() in an incompatible way. This required a rewrite of the relevant C, Python and test code. If you implement or use this method then you have to rewrite your code too. Also note that running the test suite from an earlier version of APSW against this or future SQLite versions will result in consuming all memory, swap or address space (an underlying integer changed meaning). 20160616: AFFECTS: users of security/openssl*, security/libressl* AUTHOR: Previously, to tell the ports tree, you needed to set: WITH_OPENSSL_PORT=yes And if you wanted a port that was not security/openssl, you needed to add, for example: OPENSSL_PORT= security/libressl Now, all you need to do is: DEFAULT_VERSIONS+= ssl=libressl Valid values are base, openssl, openssl-devel, libressl, and libressl-devel. 20160614: AFFECTS: users of www/node, www/node5, and www/node4 AUTHOR: node now prefers a few libraries from ports to the versions bundled with node. However, node cannot use the libssl from LibreSSL. If you are using LibreSSL as your SSL provider, you must enable the "BUNDLED_SSL" option when building node. 20160611: AFFECTS: users of textproc/xmlroff AUTHOR: The library part of xmlroff has been separated into textproc/libfo. Remove the installed xmlroff first when upgrading it because older xmlroff than 0.6.2_6 have files which libfo installs. A typical error message is the following: pkg-static: libfo-0.6.2 conflicts with xmlroff-0.6.2_5 (installs files into the same place). Problematic file: /usr/local/include/libfo-0.6/libfo/area/fo-area.h 20160610: AFFECTS: users of databases/postgresql-repmgr AUTHOR: The port has been repocopied to databases/postgresql-repmgr2 and current post has been updated to 3.x series. If anyone is still looking forward to use the 2.x please upgrade as following. # portmaster -o databases/postgresql-repmgr2 databases/postgresql-repmgr or # portupgrade -o databases/postgresql-repmgr2 databases/postgresql-repmgr Otherwise if you want to move on with 3.x series just use # portmaster -r databases/postgresql-repmgr or # portupgrade -fr databases/postgresql-repmgr 20160605: AFFECTS: users of www/h2o AUTHOR: File paths no longer have a trailing / appended to them. This enables directing specific paths to a file but may break existing configurations. Refer to and revise your yaml config appropriately. 20160601: AFFECTS: users of security/libressl-devel AUTHOR: The port has been updated to the latest "unstable" version of LibreSSL. The shared library versions of the libraries have been bumped. With this update, the patch for the OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER has been removed. This causes issues with a number of ports. Patches for many of these issues can be found on After upgrading to 2.4.0, manually update all packages that depend on any of the libraries provided by LibreSSL (libssl, libcrypto and libtls) since the versions of these libraries have changed. Normally, you can obtain the list of dependent software by running the following command: # pkg info -r libressl-devel Then you should rebuild all ports depending on libressl-devel to avoid dangling shared library dependencies. Poudriere and pkg handle this correctly, portmaster and portupgrade users can use the following to rebuild all dependent ports. Portmaster users: portmaster -r libressl-devel Portupgrade users: portupgrade -fr security/libressl-devel 20160527: AFFECTS: users of mail/opensmtpd-extras (any of them) AUTHOR: The invocation for extras has changed. Some extras might fail unless you pass all options/arguments separated by quotes: filter myfilter dnsbl "-c /var/chroot/dnsbl" "-h" Additionally, extras now run in a chroot. Either pass "-C" to skip the chroot entirely (not recommended), or put all required config files, resolv.conf, and external binaries into the chroot. For example: # mkdir -p /var/chroot/dnsbl/etc # cp /etc/resolv.conf /var/chroot/dnsbl/etc And pass "-c /var/chroot/dnsbl" to the filter. 20160526: AFFECTS: users of mail/opensmtpd AUTHOR: Due to changes to the rc-script you must stop smtpd prior to upgrading mail/opensmtpd to version 5.9.2 # service smtpd stop Then upgrade OpenSMTPD to version 5.9.2. Additionally version 5.9.2 changes the file mode bits for two directories. To allow existing installations to start successfully you must apply the following changes # chown -R root:_smtpq /var/spool/smtpd/offline # chmod -R 770 /var/spool/smtpd/offline # chmod -R 700 /var/spool/smtpd/purge After applying the changes, the smtpd daemon can successfully be started. 20160525: AFFECTS: users of devel/qtcreator AUTHOR: QBS (Qt Build System) was previously shipped as part of qtcreator, now it is independently available as devel/qbs. However, on upgrading qtcreator to 3.6.1, the depends will detect qbs through a previously installed qtcreator port and will not build/install correctly (devel/qbs won't be installed automatically as depends) The solution is to pkg remove qtcreator, then building works correctly. 20160523: AFFECTS: users of databases/db6 AUTHOR: The databases/db6 port has been updated to release 6.2.23. This requires manual action in two places: 1. dependent applications need to be recompiled, 2. SQL databases, if any, need to be reindexed. To obtain a list of ports needing a recompilation, the following command should provide it: # pkg info -r db6 Then rebuild db6 and the dependent ports. For pkg users, this should be transparent. Portmaster users: # portmaster -r databases/db6 Portupgrade users: # portupgrade -fr databases/db6 In order to reindex SQL databases, a script is provided in ${PREFIX}/bin, if and only if the port's SQL option is enabled. For detailed reindexing instructions, see and note that the FreeBSD port installs the script with a db6- prefix that you need to add. 20160511: AFFECTS: users of audio/clementine-player AUTHOR: The audio/clementine-player port has been updated to v1.3.1, the latest upstream release. The music database code now has a hard dependency on databases/sqlite having the FTS3_TOKENIZER option enabled. This has been made the default option in databases/sqlite. Without this option, clementine-player will crash on startup. 20160510: AFFECTS: users of biology/seqan AUTHOR: The biology/seqan port has been split into biology/seqan (only the library) and biology/seqan-apps for the programs based on SeqAn. Both ports are based on version 2.1.1 of the SeqAn repository. There is a new biology/seqan1 port with version 1.3 of SeqAn for backwards compatibility, but this port will likely be deprecated in the next year so please update your software to SeqAn2. 20160505: AFFECTS: users of www/node AUTHOR: The www/node port has been updated to node.js v6.0.0, the latest upstream release. Users of node.js v5.x are encouraged to upgrade as soon as possible, as upstream support will end two months from now. The www/node5 port has been created to aid users transition. Use one of the following commands to continue using node.js v5.x: # pkg install node5 or # portmaster -o www/node5 www/node or # portupgrade -o www/node5 www/node 20160503: AFFECTS: users of security/libressl AUTHOR: LibreSSL 2.3 has removed SSLv3 support completely which leads to issues with a number of ports. Patches for many of these issues can be found on After upgrading to 2.3.4, manually update all packages that depend on any of the libraries provided by LibreSSL (libssl, libcrypto and libtls) since the versions of these libraries have changed. Normally, you can obtain the list of dependent software by running the following command: # pkg info -r libressl Then you should rebuild all ports depending on libressl to avoid dangling shared library dependencies. Poudriere and pkg handle this correctly, portmaster and portupgrade users can use the following to rebuild all dependent ports. Portmaster users: portmaster -r libressl Portupgrade users: portupgrade -fr security/libressl 20160501: AFFECTS: users of mail/dspam AUTHOR: dspam has been modified to no longer run as root:mail by default. Existing configuration must be adjusted to reflect using a non-privileged port and the /var/run/dspam directory for PID and socket files. If you need dspam to run as root for your mail setup, you can use the SETUID config option to enable the old insecure behavior. 20160229: AFFECTS: users of www/nginx and www/nginx-devel AUTHOR: The ${MODULESDIR}, default directory for dynamic modules, has been changed from ${ETCDIR}/modules to ${PREFIX}/libexec/${PORTNAME}. It's highly recommended to review existing configuration files of nginx, i.e. ${PREFIX}/etc/nginx/nginx.conf. 20160424: AFFECTS: users of net-mgmt/icinga2 AUTHOR: The creation of Icinga2 directories and files in /var is now controlled by the /etc/rc.conf variable icinga2_mkvar. Earlier ports always created the /var entries, but could slow startup significantly when /var was a normal disk rather than a RAM disk. icinga2_mkvar defaults to "NO". 20160415: AFFECTS: users of audio/chromaprint AUTHOR: chromaprint has been updated to version 1.3.1 and includes a shared library bump. PORTREVISIONS have been bumped on affected ports. If you are using binary pkg, 'pkg upgrade' will do the right thing. Users of portmaster/portupgrade must rebuild all ports which depend on chromaprint. Portmaster users: portmaster -w -r chromaprint Portupgrade users: portupgrade -fr audio/chromaprint 20160414: AFFECTS: users of www/tt-rss AUTHOR: Tiny Tiny RSS can use a database running on a separate server. Previously, in this case, you had to set the option DBLOCAL; this option has been removed and replaced by a settable run-time flag: now you should set ttrssd_local_db="NO" in your /etc/rc.conf . 20160414: AFFECTS: users of graphics/kipi-plugin-googledrive and graphics/kipi-plugin-picasaweb AUTHOR: DigiKam and its related ports have been updated to 4.14.0, the latest stable upstream release. The graphics/kipi-plugin-googledrive and graphics/kipi-plugin-picasaweb have both been merged into the new graphics/kipi-plugin-googleservices following a move done upstream. Those two ports must be removed, and graphics/kipi-plugin-googleservices should be used instead. 20160413: AFFECTS: users of www/node-devel AUTHOR: www/node-devel was outdated and has been removed. Upstream no longer releases a development version. You can use the www/node port to get node.js 5.x by running one of the following commands: # pkg install node or # portmaster -o www/node www/node-devel or # portupgrade -o www/node www/node-devel 20160413: AFFECTS: multimedia/x264 AUTHOR: LSMASH replaced GPAC by default. If you use BATCH=y in /etc/make.conf and hit below error make sure to re-run "make config". ====> You cannot select multiple options from the MP4 radio *** Error code 1 20160412: AFFECTS: users of net/samba42 and net/samba/43 AUTHOR: Samba 4.2.x and 4.3.x ports have been updated to address BadLock( vulnerability, as well as few other discovered. Please note that Samba 4.1.x and older versions are also affected by the issues fixed with this release but are not supported anymore. It is strongly recommend to upgrade to a recent version at your earliest convenience. The security updates include new smb.conf options and a number of stricter behaviours to prevent Man in the Middle attacks. Between these changes, compatibility with a large number of older software versions has been lost in the default configuration. For more information about the related behaviour changes and the security issues please visit: 20160411: AFFECTS: users of databases/influxdb AUTHOR: To upgrade to InfluxDB 0.12, you must be on version 0.10 and all shards must be in TSM format (the default storage engine starting with InfluxDB 0.10). See the 0.10 documentation [1] for how to convert b1 and bz1 shards to TSM. If any b1 or bz1 shards are present, InfluxDB 0.12 will not start. Next, you need to update your metastore *before updating to 0.12.* [2] [1] [2] 20160406: AFFECTS: users of www/pecl-http AUTHOR: www/pecl-http has been updated to the latest 3.x stable release, which supports php70+ and a new port www/pecl-http2 has been created for the 2.x branch. Should users want to continue to use version 2.x, replace www/pecl-http with www/pecl-http2 as follows: Using packages: # pkg delete pecl-http # pkg install pecl-http2 Using ports: # portupgrade -o www/pecl-http2 www/pecl-http OR # portmaster -o www/pecl-http2 www/pecl-http 20160404: AFFECTS: users of lang/ruby21 AUTHOR: The default ruby version has been updated from 2.1 to 2.2. If you compile your own ports you may keep 2.1 as the default version by adding the following lines to your /etc/make.conf file: # # Keep ruby 2.1 as default version # DEFAULT_VERSIONS+=ruby=2.1 If you wish to update to the new default version, you need to first stop any software that uses ruby. Then, you will need to follow these steps, depending upon how you manage your system. If you use pkgng, simply upgrade: # pkg upgrade If you use portmaster, install new ruby, then rebuild all ports that depend on ruby: # portmaster -o lang/ruby22 lang/ruby21 # portmaster -R -r ruby-2.2 If you use portupgrade, install new ruby, then rebuild all ports that depend on ruby: # pkg delete -f ruby portupgrade # make -C /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/portupgrade install clean # pkg set -o lang/ruby21:lang/ruby22 # portupgrade -x ruby-2.2.\* -fr lang/ruby22 20160404: AFFECTS: mail/spamassassin AUTHOR: Support for SSLv3 has been removed from SpamAssassin, because SSLv3 is a Bad Idea. No direct option is provided to re-enable it. If your setup requires use of SSLv3, some instructions are available in FreeBSD PR 208225. 20160331: AFFECTS: security/clamav-unofficial-sigs AUTHOR:, This version of clamav-unofficial-sigs is eXtremeSHOK's fork. Configuration file location has changed from %PREFIX%/clamav-unofficial-sigs.conf to %PREFIX%/clamav-unofficial-sigs/ master.conf and os.conf hold default values, local changes should be placed in user.conf. 20160324: AFFECTS: print/ghostscript9-base AUTHOR: The default Ghostscript port has changed from print/ghostscript9-base, which is no longer developed, to print/ghostscript9-agpl-base. Package users will upgrade automatically. Ports users can stick with the old port by adding "DEFAULT_VERSIONS+=ghostscript=9" to /etc/make.conf, or move to the new port with: portmaster -o print/ghostscript9-agpl-base ghostscript9-base or: portupgrade -o print/ghostscript9-agpl-base print/ghostscript9-base And if you have ghostscript9-x11 installed: portmaster -o print/ghostscript9-agpl-x11 ghostscript9-x11 or: portupgrade -o print/ghostscript9-agpl-x11 print/ghostscript9-x11 Note that print/ghostscript9-agpl-base is licensed under the AGPLv3 while print/ghostscript9-base is licensed under the GPLv3. 20160317: AFFECTS: security/openvas-client AUTHOR: The OpenVAS ports have been updated from version 2 to version 8. All components have been renamed and rearranged. The old OpenVAS client no longer exists. Instead there is a web interface provided by security/greenbone-security-assistant or a command-line interface provided by security/openvas-cli. 20160311: AFFECTS: print/hplip AUTHOR: HPLIP has been updated to verion 3.16.2. As part of the update support for the hpijs/foomatic-rip filter has been dropped. This has long been unsupported upstream. If you used this filter with your printer you'll have to remove the printer with HP Device Manager and then add it back as a new device. 20160311: AFFECTS: print/cups-base, print/cups-client, print/cups-image AUTHOR: The cups-base, cups-client and cups-image packages have been combined into one cups package. If you build your own ports the easiest way to update is to delete these packages first and then build and install print/cups. If you are using binary packages, depending on the packages installed on your system, pkg(8)'s solver might get confused. In this case do not proceed with the upgrade but delete first the packages: pkg delete -fg "cups*" Then usual upgrade process: pkg upgrade The device URI of USB printers has changed so you have to adjust the printer configuration. Go to http://localhost:631/printers/. Click on your printer and select "Modify Printer" in the Administration drop-down. You should then be able to select the new URI of the printer. The web interface requires cookies and JavaScript to function properly so make sure your browser does not block them. The package also installs a devd(8) configuration file now that gives cups access to USB printers. Unless you have any special needs you can remove any devd(8), devfs.conf(5) or devfs.rules(5) configuration related to cups that you may have added in the past. 20160306: AFFECTS: net-mgmt/yaf AUTHOR: YAF is updated to version 2.8.1 with many new OPTIONS. Please use the default options to get same behavior as previous version. 20160302: AFFECTS: audio/alsa-utils, www/firefox, www/firefox-esr, www/seamonkey AUTHOR: ALSA backend in libcubeb as used by Firefox has an unresolved issue with the OSS patch in audio/alsa-plugins. To avoid excessive CPU usage when playing HTML5 videos rebuild the port with BUFSZ_P2 option enabled or reset options to default. However, with BUFSZ_P2 enabled alsa-utils may crash: $ aplay test.wav Playing WAVE 'test.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 48000 Hz, Stereo Assertion failed: (err >= 0), function set_params, file aplay.c, line 1289. Aborted by signal Abort trap... 20160229: AFFECTS: users of security/openssh-portable-devel AUTHOR: openssh-portable-devel has been removed since it is stale, insecure and not worth maintaining any longer. Users should switch back to openssh-portable. Using packages: # pkg delete openssh-portable-devel # pkg install openssh-portable Using ports: # portmaster -o security/openssh-portable openssh-portable-devel OR # portupgrade -o security/openssh-portable security/openssh-portable-devel 20160228: AFFECTS: users of mail/postfix AUTHOR: Postfix has been updated to version 3.1, VDA and native SPF is no longer supported. - if VDA support is needed, users should stay on mail/postfix211 - SPF support can be added to postfix via one of the mail/*spf* ports The Dovecot SASL OPTION was removed, Dovecot SASL support is always given from now on. In addition, for each mail/postfix* port there is now a mail/postfix*-sasl slave port providing Cyrus SASL as default. To stay on postfix-2.11.x run the command: # pkg set -o mail/postfix:mail/postfix211 20160217: AFFECTS: users of www/nginx-devel AUTHOR: Dynamic modules support has been enabled for the following third-party modules, in case of usage of these modules please update nginx configuration file for load these modules: load_module "modules/"; load_module "modules/"; 20160214: AFFECTS: users of www/nginx-devel AUTHOR: Dynamic modules support has been enabled for the following third-party modules, in case of usage of these modules please update nginx configuration file for load these modules: load_module "modules/"; load_module "modules/"; load_module "modules/"; load_module "modules/"; load_module "modules/"; 20160213: AFFECTS: users of www/nginx-devel AUTHOR: Dynamic modules support has been enabled. In case of usage following modules please update nginx configuration file for load these modules: load_module "modules/"; load_module "modules/"; load_module "modules/"; load_module "modules/"; load_module "modules/"; See for details. 20160127: AFFECTS: users of net-im/uTox AUTHOR: Before upgrading uTox port, please set maximum font scale in the program options. 20160119: AFFECTS: users of security/tor, security/tor-devel AUTHOR: The tor ports now create /var/log/tor subdirectory for tor logs. If you've used /var/log/tor as a log _file_, you'll need to update your torrc and move the file before updating the port. 20160118: AFFECTS: users of mail/rspamd and mail/rmilter AUTHOR: Rspamd has been updated to the version 1.1.0. If you have used per user statistics, then please consult changelog for details: your configuration should be changed. Rmilter has been updated to the version 1.7.0. Support of SPF and Spamassassin has been dropped from this project completely. You might also consider migration from memcahched to redis in this version. 20160113: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/ansible AUTHOR: Ansible 2.0.0 introduces a number of incompatible configuration changes. Please read changelog and migrate current configuration: Ansible 1.9.* will be provided as sysutils/ansible1 until the next update of 2.0 branch. 20160111: AFFECTS: users of security/easy-rsa AUTHOR: The port has been upgraded to version 3. This incurs major changes, please see ${PREFIX}/share/doc/easy-rsa/doc/ for details. The old version 2.2.2 has been retained as security/easy-rsa2. 20151227: AFFECTS: users of games/nethack34 AUTHOR: The port name and installation location of games/nethack34 have changed to allow for a port of NetHack 3.6.0. To preserve your save and bones files do the following after updating: # sudo cp -p ${LOCALBASE}/share/nethack/save/* ${LOCALBASE}/share/nethack34/save/ # sudo cp -p ${LOCALBASE}/share/nethack/bon* ${LOCALBASE}/share/nethack34/ After verifying the files were copied correctly, remove the playground directory (as these files are incompatible with NetHack 3.6.0). # sudo rm -r ${LOCALBASE}/share/nethack 20151219: AFFECTS: users of net/samba4, net/samba41 AUTHOR: Given version of Samba were marked as deprecated. Please, consider to upgrade. Samba4 was giving wrong builds with recent version of p5-Parse-Pidl. It was converted to use bundled version instead and to conflict with the given package. If you still intend to build net/samba4 - remove p5-Parse-Pidle first. 20151217: AFFECTS: users of security/tor, security/tor-devel AUTHOR: Tor rc.d script no longer overrides or forces logfile configuration, you now need to setup logging by hand. To preserve old behavior, add the following line to /usr/local/etc/tor/torrc: Log notice file /var/log/tor 20151215: AFFECTS: all users of www/node AUTHOR: www/node has been updated to the latest 5.x stable release, and a new port www/node4 has been created for the 4.x LTS branch. Should users want to continue to use version 4.x, replace www/node with www/node4 as follows: Using packages: # pkg delete node # pkg install node4 Using ports: # portupgrade -o www/node4 www/node OR # portmaster -o www/node4 node 20151210: AFFECTS: users of comms/gammu AUTHOR: The python binding of comms/gammu were split from the main port. To get them you need to install comms/py-gammu. 20151206: AFFECTS: users of mail/postfixadmin AUTHOR: Caveat when updating to version 2.93: If you have an existing configuration and are NOT using the recommended practice of putting your settings changes in config.local.php: Copy to config.local.php prior to upgrading, then revise config.local.php for the current version afterward. Postfixadmin will not function correctly unless correct and complete data structures are placed in Therefore the file must be upgraded as part of the package and any changes to will be overwritten. Detailed information regarding this procedure is provided in step 3 of the installation instructions in ${DATADIR}/INSTALL.TXT (by default /usr/local/share/postfixadmin/INSTALL.TXT). 20151205: AFFECTS: users of devel/ncurses AUTHOR: ncurses has been updated to 6.0. If you are using binary pkg, 'pkg upgrade' will do the right thing. Users of portmaster/portupgrade must rebuild all ports which depend on ncurses. Portmaster users: portmaster -w -r ncurses Portupgrade users: portupgrade -fr devel/ncurses 20151203: AFFECTS: users of x11-toolkits/qt4-gui or x11-toolkits/qt5-gui AUTHOR: Back in mid-2012, pkg-message was added to the port suggesting changes to the default shared memory limits in loader.conf(5). Since then, the default limits have been changed and the values suggested by the port are no longer sensible. If you have changed the following values in loader.conf(5) due to qt4-gui's or qt5-gui's pkg-message, please considering removing them and using the default settings: * kern.ipc.shmall * kern.ipc.shmmni * kern.ipc.shmseg See base r209037 and ports PR 202927 for more context. 20151203: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/logstash AUTHOR: Logstash has been updated to the 2.1.0 release. The embedded ElasticSearch instance is no longer supported. If in use, end users must update logstash.conf to point to the URL of an ElasticSearch instance. 20151130: AFFECTS: users of net/samba43 AUTHOR: A new version of Samba server that has better integration with Windows 10. This is still experimental and there were reports that rolling upgrade from previous version of Samba fails to work. Please, backup all relevant files from /var/db/samba4/ directory, as well as configuration files. Follow for the upgrade path. 20151130: AFFECTS: users of net/samba4, net/samba41, net/samba42 AUTHOR: Recent versions of devel/talloc, devel/tevent, database/tdb, database/ldb contained infinit recursive call to the strtol* set of replacement functions, which lead to coredumps. Unofficial patch was added meanwhile, but now official version of the fixed libs were released. If your version of net/samba4 works fine you don't need to recompile it. Other ports were also upgraded and some bugs were fixed in upstream. 20151122: AFFECTS: users of audio/audacity AUTHOR: Audacity has been upgraded to version 2.1.1. Changes in its settings processing may prevent it from starting. If this happens, removing its user-specific configuration directory ~/.audacity-data resolves this. 20151118: AFFECTS: users of mail/rmilter AUTHOR: Rmilter now has switched from user postfix to user _rmilter for security and sanity purposes. You might want to fix the ownership of /var/run/rmilter to user _rmilter and group mail. 20151105: AFFECTS: users of deskutils/egroupware AUTHOR: EGroupware 1.8 was deprecated and removed from To upgrade to the new version (14.3), make a backup of all files and database, remove all files from ${PREFIX}/www/eg: # pkg remove egroupware # rm -rf ${PREFIX}/www/eg Install the new egroupware: # pkg install egroupware or # make -C /usr/ports/deskutils/egroupware install clean Access the setup page on your browser and run the upgrade process (eg: http:///eg/setup). 20151101: AFFECTS: users of www/codeigniter AUTHOR: CodeIgniter has been updated to the 3.0.x release branch. End users must ensure their web applications are compliant with the guidance in the "Upgrading From a Previous Version" document. CodeIgniter 2.2.x has reached EOL as of 31 October 2015 but may be installed in the interim from the www/codeigniter22 port. 20151020: AFFECTS: users of security/keepassx2 Due to a package name change, first remove the existing package and then reinstall it: # pkg delete security/keepassx2 # portmaster security/keepassx2 20151019: AFFECTS: users of www/varnish4 AUTHOR: Varnish has been updated to 4.1.0. As part of the update an effort has been made to increase the security of the varnish daemons by utilizing separate UIDs. Users who upgrade will likely run into a permissions issue as a result. The simplest solution is to delete files varnish will recreate with the correct permissions and to adjust permissions of existing log files. The following changes will allow you to start varnishd, varnishlog, and varnishncsa successfully: # rm -r /usr/local/varnish/$(hostname) # rm /var/run/ # rm /var/run/ # chown varnishlog /var/log/varnish.log # chown varnishlog /var/log/varnishncsa.log Please also note that the syntax for binding to additional IPs has changed in 4.1.0. Multiple listening addresses are now specified by using multiple -a arguments. In rc.conf it would look like this: varnishd_listen="x.x.x.x:80 -a y.y.y.y:80" 20151015: AFFECTS: users of devel/subversion, its bindings and www/mod_dav_svn AUTHOR: The subversion upgdate to 1.9 branch introduces new "old" subversion port devel/subversion18. If you don't want to update your subversion installation, run pkg set -n subversion:subversion18 and add WITH_SUBVERSION_VER=18 to your /etc/make.conf 20151013: AFFECTS: users of security/sshguard-ipfw AUTHOR: The sshguard update to 1.6.2 introduces a rewritten IPFW backend. The previous approach was to insert individual block rules with a predefined numbered range. This does not scale well and is not flexible so the design was scrapped. The new approach utilizes IPFW tables. The sshguard IPFW backend now inserts offenders into hardcoded table 22. To continue blocking the attackers effectively you will need to add a block rule like the following: ipfw add deny all from 'table(22)' to any The release announcement can be found here: 20151011: AFFECTS: users of emulators/qemu-sbruno, emulators/qemu-user-static AUTHOR: The Jemalloc update at svn r286871 introduced some TLS enhancements for MIPS targets that require a bit of workaround. Users who want to build MIPS packages should update their host systems past r286871 prior to upgrading their qemu-user-static/qemu-sbruno ports. Discussion about this can be found here: 20151006: AFFECTS: users of www/firefox, www/seamonkey AUTHOR: Firefox since 41.0 and SeaMonkey since 2.38 require databases/sqlite3 port built with DBSTAT option enabled (default). Re-run "make config" if the port(s) fail to build as described in ports/200853. 20150921: AFFECTS: users of mail/rspamd AUTHOR: rspamd has been updated to the version 1.0. For migration from the previous releases, please read the following document: 20150919: AFFECTS: users of multimedia/ffmpeg AUTHOR: ffmpeg has been updated to the version 2.8. If you are using binary pkg, 'pkg upgrade' will do the right thing. Users of portmaster/portupgrade must rebuild all ports which depend on ffmpeg. Portmaster users: portmaster -w -r ffmpeg Portupgrade users: portupgrade -fr multimedia/ffmpeg 20150916: AFFECTS: users of graphics/jpeg AUTHOR: Default implementation of jpeg has been switched from graphics/jpeg to graphics/jpeg-turbo. To perform the upgrade, use instructions below. If using binary packages: 'pkg upgrade' will do the right thing. If it doesn't and complains about 'Cannot solve problem using SAT solver', run 'pkg delete -f jpeg' before 'pkg upgrade'. If using portmaster: # portmaster -o graphics/jpeg-turbo jpeg If using portupgrade: # portupgrade -f -o graphics/jpeg-turbo graphics/jpeg If you compile your ports and want to keep using IJG's jpeg implementation, add this line to your /etc/make.conf file: JPEG_PORT=graphics/jpeg 20150914: AFFECTS: users of lang/perl5* AUTHOR: Binary package users can ignore this. The way lang/perl5* ports install themselves has changed. From now on, only the default Perl port (currently 5.20), or the version listed in DEFAULT_VERSIONS, will install /usr/local/bin/perl. If you are NOT using the default version of Perl (as of right now, it is 5.20) you MUST add a line setting the version you are using to your /etc/make.conf, to preserve /usr/local/bin/perl: DEFAULT_VERSIONS+= perl5=5.xx If your Perl package name is not called perl5-5.xx.y but perl5.xx-5.xx.y, you will need to rename it so that portupgrade and portmaster do not get confused: pkg set -n perl5.xx:perl5 After this date, to migrate from one Perl version to the other, you must first put the DEFAULT_VERSIONS line in your make.conf, and then, for example, if you want to move from 5.20 to 5.22, do: pkg set -o lang/perl5.20:lang/perl5.22 portmaster `pkg shlib -qR` If you do not do that, you will replace your default Perl 5.20 installation (one that has /usr/local/bin/perl) with an installation that does not have /usr/local/bin/perl, and it will break everything. 20150908: AFFECTS: users of print/texlive-base AUTHOR: pdfclose and pdfopen utilities in print/texlive-base are now in a separate port print/xpdfopen. While upgrading print/texlive-base, a conflict may occur between pdfclose utility installed by an old print/texlive-base and one being installed by print/xpdfopen. If it occurred on your system, remove the installed print/texlive-base first by using the following command: # pkg delete -f texlive-base 20150901: AFFECTS: users of editors/libreoffice AUTHOR: editors/libreoffice has been updated to 5.0.1. However, FreeBSD 9.x is no longer supported because it requires C++11-capable library installed in the base. If you cannot upgrade your system or still want 4.3.x for some reason, use editors/libreoffice4. 20150822: AFFECTS: users of print/ghostscript* AUTHOR: print/ghostscript{7,8,9,9-agpl} have been split into print/ghostscript{7,8,9,9-agpl}-{base,x11}. print/ghostscript*-nox11 ports have been removed. The -base installs Ghostscript binaries, libgs, and other data files and it depends on no X11 library. The -x11 installs a small shared library to enable x11* devices in the installed -base package. In most cases, Ghostscript is installed as a dependency. A port/package which requires Ghostscript will automatically pick up -base, and when x11* devices required it will pick up -x11 in addition. If one wants to install Ghostscript manually and full compatibility with the previous versions, just install -x11 because it installs -base as a dependency. Combination of the two provides the same functionality as before. 20150821: AFFECTS: users of security/openssh-portable AUTHOR: OpenSSH 7.0 disables support for: * SSH protocol 1 * 1024-bit diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 key exchange * ssh-dss, ssh-dss-cert-* host and user keys * legacy v00 cert format See for more information and for how to re-enable some of these algorithms. 20150820: AFFECTS: users of lang/ghc and */hs-* AUTHOR: The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compiler has been updated to version 7.10.2 and Haskell Platform has been removed. As a result, it is recommended to rebuild or reinstall all the dependent ports and the lang/ghc port itself in one of the following ways: # portmaster -w -r ghc or # portupgrade -fr lang/ghc In case of pkg(8), it is probably safer to remove all the GHC-dependent packages along with GHC and reinstall everything from scratch. For example: # pkg query "%ro" ghc > ghc-pkgs.txt # pkg delete -y lang/ghc In ghc-pkgs.txt, check and remove all the packages that have been moved, then: # pkg install -y `cat ghc-pkgs.txt` 20150818: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/s6 AUTHOR: Colin Booth s6-notifywhenup has been removed as of v2.2.0.0. Any run scripts using readyness notification must be updated to use a notification fd instead. s6-svc options have changed for sending syncronous up/down timeouts. Any management or wrapper scripts using those options will need to be updated. 20150817: AFFECTS: everybody who still uses _SET/UNSET in make.conf AUTHOR: The use of _SET/UNSET has been deprecated for a long time, replaced by _SET/UNSET. It is now not supported any more. A warning will be issued telling you what to do, for example: $ make /!\ WARNING /!\ You are using perl_SET which is not supported any more, use: lang_perl5.20_SET= DEBUG 20150816: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/s6 AUTHOR: Colin Booth s6-notifywhenup is deprecated and will be removed in the next version of s6. Any run scripts depending on that program should be updated to use an in-servicedir notification-fd file as described under "Readyness notification support" in s6-supervise.html. 20150812: AFFECTS: users of net-mgmt/icinga and net-mgmt/icinga2 AUTHOR: The Icinga port has been split into two ports: net-mgmt/icinga-core which contains the Icinga 1.x backend and net-mgmt/icinga-classicweb which contains the Icinga classic web (CGI) interface. The latter can be both used with Icinga 1.x and the Icinga 2 port (net-mgmt/icinga2). A new meta-port net-mgmt/icinga was added which depends on both new ports, so updating the Icinga port should be transparent. 20150812: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/moosefs-master and other moosefs packages AUTHOR: MooseFS ports have been updated to 2.0.72-1. Upstream has been providing a private package repository to distribute newer releases of MooseFS. These changes have now made it into the ports tree. This has resulted in splitting up the sysutils/moosefs-master port into several new ports: sysutils/moosefs-cli sysutils/moosefs-cgi sysutils/moosefs-cgiserv sysutils/moosefs-metalogger sysutils/moosefs-netdump You may need to install these additional ports/packages to restore the complete functionality of your MooseFS cluster. Please review the upstream documentation. 20150809: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/xfce4-power-manager AUTHOR: After upgrading to 1.5.2, by default a label is displayed next to the panel icon (it shows percentage and remaining time). To hide this label, a new property /xfce4-power-manager/show-panel-label must be created: xfconf-query -c xfce4-power-manager \ -p /xfce4-power-manager/show-panel-label -n -t int -s 0 Possible values are: - 0 -> does not display label - 1 -> displays only percentage - 2 -> displays only remaining time - 3 -> displays only percentage and remaining time (default value) 20150806: AFFECTS: users of security/libressl AUTHOR: After upgrading to 2.2.2, manually update all packages that depend on any of the libraries provided by LibreSSL (libssl, libcrypto and libtls) since the versions of these libraries have changed. Normally, you can obtain the list of dependent software by running the following command: # pkg info -r libressl Then you should rebuild all ports depending on libressl to avoid dangling shared library dependencies. Poudriere and pkg handle this correctly, portmaster and portupgrade users can use the following to rebuild all dependent ports. Portmaster users: portmaster -r libressl Portupgrade users: portupgrade -fr security/libressl 20150805: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/tracker AUTHOR: The new tracker version does not build if the old version is installed. # pkg delete -f tracker After use your upgrade tool of choice. 20150802: AFFECTS: users of mail/opensmtpd AUTHOR: After upgrading, you will need to review all your configuration, as there are some configuration changes between 5.4.x and 5.7.1. 20150726: AFFECTS: users of ukrainian/monacofonts AUTHOR: The destination-directory used by monacofonts port was altered. The fonts-location changed from koi8u-monaco/ to koi8-u-monaco/ Users are advised to modify the path set in their xorg.conf files. 20150720: AFFECTS: users of print/texlive-base and other TeXLive packages AUTHOR: TeXLive in Ports Collection has been updated to TL2015. To upgrade installed old packages, upgrading of "tex-*" packages is required. If you have a problem with upgrading, please send it to and/or file a PR. 20150711: AFFECTS: users of graphics/gdal AUTHOR: Due to changes in header files, please deinstall gdal first while updating from 1.x to 2.0. 20150708: AFFECTS: users of security/libressl AUTHOR: After upgrading to 2.2.1, manually update all packages that depend on any of the libraries provided by LibreSSL (libssl, libcrypto and libtls) since the versions of these libraries have changed. Normally, you can obtain the list of dependent software by running the following command: pkg query -e '%n = libressl' %ro Then you should rebuild all ports depending on libressl to avoid dangling shared library dependencies. 20150707: AFFECTS: users of net-mgmt/netmagis-* AUTHOR: Netmagis-* ports have been upgraded to 2.3.0. Upgrading from previous version require a database schema upgrade. See 20150702: AFFECTS: users of multimedia/ffmpeg AUTHOR: ffmpeg has been updated to the latest version from the 2.7 branch. If you are using binary pkg, 'pkg upgrade' will do the right thing. Users of portmaster/portupgrade must rebuild all ports that depend on it. Portmaster users: portmaster -w -r ffmpeg Portupgrade users: portupgrade -fr multimedia/ffmpeg 20150702: AFFECTS: users of net/ptpd2-devel AUTHOR: net/ptpd2 has been upgraded to version 2.3.1 net/ptpd2-devel is now deprecated and has been removed If using portupgrade: # portupgrade -o net/ptpd2 net/ptpd2-devel If using portmaster: # portmaster -o net/ptpd2 net/ptpd2-devel 20150628: AFFECTS: users of www/varnish, www/pecl-varnish, www/varnish-libvmod-header, www/varnish-nagios AUTHOR: Varnish 3.x has reached End of Life status and has been removed from the ports tree. If you were using www/varnish we urge you to to update to www/varnish4. The upgrade guide can be found here: www/varnish-libvmod-header and www/varnish-nagios have been updated to versions that work with Varnish 4.x. You should not lose access to this software. www/pecl-varnish was updated to the latest release which has added support for Varnish 4.x. Please note that it appears some functionality has been lost. This is unfortunate but out of our control. Details can be found here: If for some reason you need www/varnish to exist in your ports tree for a bit longer you may consider instead following the 2015Q2 branch. Do note however that Varnish 3.x will not be receiving updates or security patches from upstream. 20150624: AFFECTS: users of devel/p5-Test-Tester and devel/p5-Test-use-ok AUTHOR: The Test::Tester and Test::use::ok modules have been rolled into devel/p5-Test-Simple, and are included in perl 5.22. The p5-Test-Tester and p5-Test-use-ok modules will be removed in one month. If you use either of those ports and have perl-5.22 installed: pkg delete p5-Test-Tester p5-Test-use-ok If you use either of those ports and have perl-5.20 or lower installed: portmaster -o devel/p5-Test-Simple p5-Test-Tester portmaster -o devel/p5-Test-Simple p5-Test-use-ok 20150615: AFFECTS: users of security/libressl AUTHOR: After upgrading libressl, manually update all packages that depend on this library since its version has changed. Normally, you can obtain the list of dependent software by running the following command: pkg query -e '%n = libressl' %ro Then you should rebuild all ports depending on libressl to avoid dangling shared library dependencies. 20150614: AFFECTS: users of audio/libmusicbrainz5 AUTHOR: libmusicbrainz5 has been updated to 5.1.0. Please rebuild all ports that depend on it. PORTREVISIONS have been bumped on dependent ports. If you use portmaster: portmaster -w -r libmusicbrainz5 If you use portupgrade: portupgrade -fr audio/libmusicbrainz5 20150613: AFFECTS: users of multimedia/avidemux26-* AUTHOR: avidemux26 has been renamed to avidemux If you are using binary pkg, 'pkg upgrade' will do the right thing. Users of portmaster/portupgrade have to take a manual step: Portmaster users: portmaster -o multimedia/avidemux multimedia/avidemux26 Portupgrade users: portupgrade -o multimedia/avidemux multimedia/avidemux26 20150610: AFFECTS: users of databases/postgresql84-server AUTHOR: PostgreSQL-8.4 EOL was reached in July 2014. To upgrade to a later version of choice, you need to do a dump+restore of the database. Please follow the instructions at: 20150527: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/xfce4-power-manager AUTHOR: Before upgrading, you must stop xfce4-power-manager daemon: xfce4-power-manager --quit 20150519: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/webmin and sysutils/usermin AUTHOR: After upgrading to Perl 5.20 the /usr/bin/perl link will no longer be available. You will have to check your perl-path files and change the path of the Perl interpreter to "/usr/local/bin/perl": /usr/local/etc/webmin/perl-path /usr/local/etc/usermin/perl-path 20150513: AFFECTS: users of lang/perl5* AUTHOR: The default Perl version has been switched to Perl 5.20. If you are using binary packages to upgrade your system, you do not have anything to do, pkg upgrade will do the right thing. For the other people, assuming you are migrating from 5.18 to 5.20, do: Portupgrade users: portupgrade -o lang/perl5.20 -f lang/perl5.18 portupgrade -f `pkg shlib -R|tail +2` Portmaster users: portmaster -o lang/perl5.20 lang/perl5.18 portmaster -f `pkg shlib -R|tail +2` NOTE: Perl has been removed from base more than ten years ago, so it was way past time for the /usr/bin/perl symlink to be removed from the port. If for some strange reason, you still need it, you will have to create it manually. IMPORTANT: In case you have not updated your system in a while, and specifically, followed the 20141126 instructions regarding the new Perl layout, you should follow those more extensive instructions rather than the conservative presented here. 20150510: AFFECTS: users of mail/postfix mail/postfix-current AUTHOR: The following OPTIONS where renamed to match the default used in most all other ports - SASL2 -> SASL - OPENLDAP -> LDAP If any of the old OPTIONS was enabled before, please re-run "make config". 20150508: AFFECTS: users of www/iojs AUTHOR: iojs has been updated to 2.0.0. The binary modules may need to be rebuilt due to V8 version ABI change. 20150506: AFFECTS: users of net/asterisk13 with PJSIP (default on) and SRTP (default off) options enabled AUTHOR: This applies ONLY TO USERS COMPILING FROM PORTS: To avoid dependency problems, you must remove the pjsip port before upgrading asterisk13. # pkg delete pjsip # portmaster -a These steps are unnecessary for those using binary packages. Please see the 20150323 entry for background about this problem. 20150501: AFFECTS: users of graphics/qgis AUTHOR: Following OPTIONS have been renamed in 2.8.1_1 to match upstream: - MAPSERVER to SERVER 20150427: AFFECTS: users of mail/opensmtpd AUTHOR: Following OPTIONS are being removed in 5.4.5p1: - LDAP - SQLITE - MYSQL - PGSQL - REDIS They are disabled/removed in upstream since 5.4.4p1, but did not get removed from port. 20150420: AFFECTS: users of devel/icu AUTHOR: icu has been updated to 55.1. Please rebuild all ports that depends on it If you use portmaster: portmaster -w -r icu If you use portupgrade: portupgrade -fr devel/icu 20150419: AFFECTS: users of emulators/wine-devel AUTHOR: The COMPHOLIO option in emulators/wine-devel has been renamed to STAGING to align with the upstream evolution of that project. 20150417: AFFECTS: users of audio/bcg729 AUTHOR: The Mediastreamer plugin included in this package has been separated into a new port audio/msbcg729. 20150409: AFFECTS: users of security/sguil AUTHOR: security/sguil was erroneously provisioned a UID that conflicted with the dns/dnscrypt-proxy port. A new UID and GID of 991 has been issued. Existing users will be able to upgrade the sguil packages without issue. The existing UID will continue to be used. If you do a clean install of security/sguil on a new server and migrate files or intentionally delete the sguil user and group and reinstall you may run into permissions issues. Examples include the /var/run/sguild and /usr/local/etc/sguild directories. 20150406: AFFECTS: users of emulators/xen emulators/xl and sysutils/xen-tools AUTHOR: sysutils/xen-tools has been renamed sysutils/xen-guest-tools emulators/xl has been renamed sysutils/xen-tools emulators/xen has been renamed emulators/xen-kernel A new emulators/xen has been introduced, it is a metaport that depends on emulators/xen-kernel and sysutils/xen-tools 20150403: AFFECTS: users of irc/rbot AUTHOR: Ruby Bot now has a new upstream maintainer. The project has been updated to work with Ruby 2.0+. Some migration is needed to move away from BDB regristry files. The guide for that is at rbotdb can be used to backup a BDB database and then restore it to a working format for the new rbot. Update your conf.yaml after with 'core.db: tc' once converted. 20150331: AFFECTS: users of www/mod_dav_svn AUTHOR: Subversion modules are no longer activated in httpd.conf! To activate the subversion apache modules a dedicated file will be installed as modules.d/220_subversion.conf 20150324: AFFECTS: users of dns/bind9* AUTHOR: This is only for FreeBSD 10.0+. BIND auto chroot has been added back to the named rc script. As enabling it by default would most certainly break people's setup, it is not. To enable it, and chroot it in /var/named, add the following line to your rc.conf file: named_chrootdir="/var/named" On first launch, the rc script will move the /usr/local/etc/namedb directory into the chroot, and create a symlink to it. Note that, if you're running from within a jail, you need to have a /var/named/dev devfs created beforehand, with the null and random devices. 20150323: AFFECTS: users of net/asterisk* and net/pjsip ports AUTHOR: Due to conflicts between base OpenSSL and ports provided OpenSSL library, which is required by net/libsrtp, the srtp support has to be removed from the default asterisk13 port configuration, otherwise a not working binary would be generated. To get SRTP support working in the asterisk ports make sure all dependencies are linked against the same SSL library implementation to avoid runtime conflicts. On 10.1 everything will work fine unless ports SSL libraries are explicitly installed. On older OS versions(10.0 and earlier) you will need to compile all ports with WITH_OPENSSL_PORT=yes. To get working SRTP support in asterisk13 with the pjsip backend it is also needed to enable the EXTSRTP option in the pjsip port. If the CURL option is enabled also make sure the ftp/curl port is using a GSSAPI implementation linking to the same SSL implementation the other ports are using (BASE or NONE if you're using base OpenSSL, GSSAPI_HEIMDAL GSSAPI_MIT otherwise). If an incompatible option is being used the curl module will cause asterisk to fail on startup due to mixing calls to OpenSSL from base and from ports. 20150322: AFFECTS: users of security/openssh-portable AUTHOR: The port now uses VersionAddendum for the port version string. Setting the value to "none" in your sshd_config and restarting openssh will allow removing the version from the banner. 20150321: AFFECTS: users of x11-servers/xorg-server and other X servers AUTHOR: All fonts ports have been modified to respect XDG and install in share/fonts The Xorg servers now are looking there by default If you experience font related issues, view the output of # fc-list If the list appears incomplete or has fonts still pointing to /usr/local/lib/X11/fonts you may forcibly update the font cache: # fc-cache -fs 20150317: AFFECTS: users of editors/openoffice-4 and editors/openoffice-devel AUTHOR: Contrary to what is stated in pkg-message, openoffice-4 and openoffice-devel have stored user settings in ~/ since r325370 (2013-08-25). This update expects user settings to reside in the more standard ~/ To preserve your user settings, rename or copy them from ~/ to ~/ when installing this update to apache-openoffice-4.1.1_7 or apache-openoffice-devel-4.2.1652526_2,3. 20150313: AFFECTS: users of net/serviio AUTHOR: The Java Polling Watch Service used in Serviio 1.5.1 is fixed. If you unchecked "Keep library automatically updated" with 1.5 (as recommended in the 20150206 entry) you can enable it again. 20150309: AFFECTS: users of net-mgmt/netdisco AUTHOR: netdisco version has been upgraded to netdisco2 After upgrading, you will need to review all your configuration, as this new version won't read old config files. You'll be able to keep your data though netdisco-deploy command 20150305: AFFECTS: users of x11-wm/xfce4 and multimedia/xfce4-parole AUTHOR: Xfce 4.12 has been imported. Please use the following instructions to upgrade. For package users: # pkg upgrade For ports users: # portmaster -a # portmaster x11-wm/xfce4 GStreamer 1.0 is enabled by default in Parole media player. Xfce 4.12 now depends of Adwaita icon theme. If you are upgrading from Xfce 4.10 you probably still have the Tango or GNOME theme selected. Open the Settings Manager and select Appearance. Inside dialog box switch to the Icons tag and select the "Adwaita" entry in the list. 20150304: AFFECTS: users of security/libressl AUTHOR: After upgrading of libressl you should manually update all packages that depending on this library since its version has been changed. Normally, you could obtain the list of dependent software by running the following command: pkg query -e '%n = libressl' %ro Then you should rebuild all ports depending on libressl to avoid dangling shared library dependencies. 20150301: AFFECTS: users of lang/ruby20 AUTHOR: The default ruby version has been updated from 2.0 to 2.1. If you compile your own ports you may keep 2.0 as the default version by adding the following lines to your /etc/make.conf file: # # Keep ruby 2.0 as default version # DEFAULT_VERSIONS+=ruby=2.0 If you wish to update to the new default version, you need to first stop any software that uses ruby. Then, you will need to follow these steps, depending upon how you manage your system. If you use pkgng, simply upgrade: # pkg upgrade -f If you use portmaster, install new ruby, then rebuild all ports that depend on ruby: # portmaster -o lang/ruby21 lang/ruby20 # portmaster -R -r ruby-2.1 If you use portupgrade, install new ruby, then rebuild all ports that depend on ruby: # pkg delete -f ruby portupgrade # make -C /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/portupgrade install clean # pkg set -o lang/ruby20:lang/ruby21 # portupgrade -x ruby-2.1.\* -fr lang/ruby21 20150227: AFFECTS: users of games/trigger AUTHOR: games/trigger has been split and renamed to games/trigger-rally and games/trigger-data ports. Deinstall previous version before upgrading. 20150224: AFFECTS: users of devel/qt4-linguist AUTHOR: Linguist tools have been moved from qt4-linguist port to new devel/qt4-linguisttools port. Deinstall qt4-linguist before upgrading. 20150224: AFFECTS: users of lang/ruby19 lang/ruby19 has reached its end-of-life and has been removed. The default version has been 2.0 for a while. Other available versions are Ruby 2.1 and Ruby 2.2. Users who have DEFAULT_VERSIONS=ruby=1.9 in their /etc/make.conf are encouraged to remove it or change it to an available version. 20150224: AFFECTS: users of net-p2p/bitcoin (cli utilities) The bitcoin-cli and bitcoin-tx utilities have been re-packaged into a separate port. If you require these programs, or use the bitcoin-cli program to access the daemon or the GUI, install net-p2p/bitcoin-utils to reinstall them. 20150220: AFFECTS: users of PHP The default PHP version has been updated from 5.4 to 5.6. If you use binary packages you should make a list of php packages before running 'pkg upgrade': # pkg info php5\* > ~/installed-php-ports-list After the upgrade, check with such list if all your php extensions are still installed, and reinstall them if needed. 20150213: AFFECTS: users who upgraded from FreeBSD 7.x or older with "make world" but never ran "make delete-old" AUTHOR: Dependency registration has been reworked. If you encounter the following error, you may have stale magic files for file(1): ===> bar-x depends on shared library: - not found You can remove the stale /usr/share/misc/magic.mime{,.mgc} files manually or run "make delete-old" in ${SRCDIR}. 20150207: AFFECTS: users of mail/opensmtpd-devel AUTHOR: MYSQL, PGSQL, LDAP, and REDIS options are removed from port, as they're moved upstream to a separate project, which is yet to release snapshots. If you need those options, then please install "mail/opensmtpd" port instead. To do that: If using portupgrade: # portupgrade -o mail/opensmtpd mail/opensmtpd-devel If using portmaster: # portmaster -o mail/opensmtpd mail/opensmtpd-devel 20150206: AFFECTS: users of net/serviio AUTHOR: The java dependency changed from java 7 (java/openjdk7 if you haven't installed another java 7 implementation) to java 8 (e.g. java/openjdk8). If serviio is the only reason that java 7 is installed, you can delete java 7 after the update to serviio 1.5.0. The Java Polling Watch Service used in Serviio 1.5 aggressively searches for file system updates. Until the Serviio poller is re-enabled in 1.5.1, consider unchecking "Keep library automatically updated" if you have a large media collection or are concerned about CPU/disk usage. 20150204: AFFECTS: users of databases/mysql55-(server|client) AUTHOR: The default MySQL version has been updated from 5.5 to 5.6. If you compile your own ports you may keep 5.5 as the default version by adding the following lines to your /etc/make.conf file: # # Keep MySQL 5.5 as default version # DEFAULT_VERSIONS+=mysql= 5.5 If you wish to update to the new default version, you need to first stop any running server instance. Then, you will need to follow these steps, depending on installed packages. # pkg set -o databases/mysql55-client:databases/mysql56-client # pkg set -o databases/mysql55-server:databases/mysql56-server # pkg upgrade 20150118: AFFECTS: users of www/thttpd AUTHOR: thttpd was updated to version 2.26, which brings several user-noticeable changes to the port: - Default WWW root was changed from ${PREFIX}/www/data to more expected (and standard) ${WWWDIR} (${PREFIX}/www/thttpd), be sure to check and adjust your thttpd configuration file and/or web layout accordingly; - Default CGI pattern was changed to "/cgi-bin/*"; this goes better in line with default installation; - Default data MIME type was changed to "application/octet-stream"; - thttpd's own htpasswd(1) program, which was previously installed as thttpdpasswd(1) to avoid conflict with other webservers, is now being renamed to thtpasswd(1); this not just makes it shorter, but is more consistent with popular GNU/Linux distributions; - Index pages for directories are not generated by default from now on for security reasons; an option (INDEXES) is provided to turn them back on if they are wanted; - IPREAL option (to respect (pass on) "X-Forwarded-For" header) is now turned on by default: it is often required when thttpd is used as a CGI server behind nginx ( 20150113: AFFECTS: users of www/pecl-http AUTHOR: The pecl-http has been upgraded to version 2.1.4, and the new version is not compatible with the old one. If you need the "old" 1.7.6, you can find it in www/pecl-http1. 20150111: AFFECTS: users of lang/python3 AUTHOR: The default version of python3 has changed from 3.3 to 3.4. If you wish to stick with older version, add "python3=3.3" to your DEFAULT_VERSIONS variable in /etc/make.conf. To upgrade: If using portupgrade: # portupgrade -o lang/python34 lang/python33 If using portmaster: # portmaster -o lang/python34 lang/python33 20150109: AFFECTS: users of audio/speex AUTHOR: The audio/speex port has been updated to 1.2rc2 and one of the libraries it installed has been split off into a new port audio/speexdsp. Before you can update audio/speex you must first delete the old package using "pkg del -f speex". 20150101: AFFECTS: users of net/unison and net/unison-nox11 AUTHOR: Unison has been upgraded to version 2.48, which uses a different wire protocol than 2.40 did. In order to support synchronization with other computers where Unison is still at version 2.40, a new port net/unison240 has been created. It provides unison240 and if that is GTK2-enabled, also unison240-text. This unison240 port can be installed in parallel with the existing net/unison port. 20141230: AFFECTS: users of deskutils/xpad AUTHOR: deskutils/xpad has been moved to deskutils/xpad3, since 4.x has been around for a while. Should you wish to stick with legacy branch at this time; # portmaster -o deskutils/xpad deskutils/xpad3 20141225: AFFECTS: users of graphics/png AUTHOR: The PNG library has been updated to version 1.6.16. Please rebuild all ports that depend on it. If you use portmaster: portmaster -r png If you use portupgrade: portupgrade -fr graphics/png 20141224: AFFECTS: users of lang/neon29 AUTHOR: The port www/neon29 was renamed to www/neon and updated to version 0.30.1 If you use pkg, simply upgrade: # pkg upgrade If you use portmaster, rebuild ports that depend on neon: # portmaster -o www/neon www/neon29 # portmaster -R -r neon 20141219: AFFECTS: users of x11/xorg and all xorg ports AUTHOR: The X.Org server (x11-servers/xorg-server) is updated to 1.14. All ports which provide X.Org drivers must be updated simultaneously, i.e. x11-drivers/xf86-*, emulators/virtualbox-ose-additions, net/tigervnc, etc. The input device autodetection backend is switched from HAL to devd. If you configure your keyboard layout through HAL .fdi files, you need to migrate this configuration to plain X.Org configuration files. Up-to-date instructions and a description of the changes brought by this update are detailed in a blog post: 20141219: AFFECTS: users of net-mgmt/xymon-server AUTHOR: Xymon has been updated to 4.3.18. A major change is the replacement of the individual cgi shell scripts with symlinks to a cgi program written in C. This is to mitigate shellshock on Linux systems where the /bin/sh -> /bin/bash. FreeBSD users were not exposed except in the most unusual and unsupported circumstances. However, this is an important update for security. This change could break your configuration as Henrik describes here: > NOTE: Replacing the shell script wrappers means that the cgioptions.cfg > file is no longer processed as a shell script. The new wrapper works > fine with the default version of cgioptions.cfg, but it you have > modified it in a way that it relies on being processed by a shell, then > it will break. 20141219: AFFECTS: users of audio/abcde AUTHOR: In audio/abcde dependency has been changed from audio/py-eyed3-06 to audio/py-eyed3. Before updating audio/abcde to 2.6 you must manually deinstall audio/py-eyed-06: # pkg delete -f py\*-eyed3-06 20141218: AFFECTS: users of security/openssh-portable AUTHOR: OpenSSH 6.7 disables some insecure ciphers by default, such as arcfour and blowfish. You may have clients using these over LAN where security is considered less important for the connection. For these cases you may need to update your Ciphers entry in your sshd_config to enable them again. See 20141217: AFFECTS: users of lang/perl5.* AUTHOR: Perl now links all .so it builds with, it makes upgrading from one Perl major version to another way easier. For binary package users, it means pkg upgrade will detect the change, and reinstall the affected packages. For users using ports, it will save rebuild time as it's easier to detect what ports really need to be rebuilt. Ports users are encouraged to rebuild ports that install files in SITE_ARCH. If using Perl 5.18, run: With portupgrade: portupgrade -f `find /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/mach/5.18 -name '*.so'|xargs pkg which -qo|sort -u` With portmaster: portmaster `find /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/mach/5.18 -name '*.so'|xargs pkg which -qo|sort -u` 20141216: AFFECTS: users of security/openssh-portable, security/openssh-portable66 AUTHOR: All patches have been fixed for version 6.7. It is no longer required to use the security/openssh-portable66 port. The LPK option was removed from security/openssh-portable as it has been deprecated since May 2013. Use AuthorizedKeysCommand as a replacement. 20141215: AFFECTS: users of comms/spandsp-devel AUTHOR: comms/spandsp has been upgraded to version 0.0.6 comms/spandsp-devel is now deprecated and set for removal, all ports using it were converted to use newer comms/spandsp. Before upgrade you must remove comms/spandsp-devel so that ports can pick up new dependency: # pkg delete -f spandsp-devel 20141215: AFFECTS: users of emulators/linux_base-f10 and emulators/linux_base-c6 AUTHOR: The CentOS ports are now the default for stable/10 (after revision 275807). See UPDATING entry 20141209 for details on migration of systems. 20141214: AFFECTS: users of TeXLive AUTHOR: Several scripts in print/texlive-base have been moved to devel/tex-kpathsea. Upgrading them can fail because texlive-base depends on tex-kpathsea, and the new tex-kpathsea tries to install files which were installed by the old texlive-base. The following error message indicates this situation: pkg-static: tex-kpathsea-6.2.0_1 conflicts with texlive-base-20140525_3 (installs files into the same place). Problematic file: /usr/local/bin/kpsewhere To solve this problem, remove both of tex-kpathsea and texlive-base first and install the new versions: # pkg delete -f tex-kpathsea texlive-base 20141209: AFFECTS: users of emulators/linux_base-f10 and emulators/linux_base-c6 AUTHOR: The CentOS ports infrastructure has replaced Fedora 10 as default. 1. Please delete all remaining f10 ports/packages: # pkg delete -f linux_base-f10 linux-f10-\* 2. Persistently update the Linux kernel version in /etc/sysctl.conf: compat.linux.osrelease=2.6.18 This step is necessary on all FreeBSD versions, apart from 11.0-CURRENT (after revision 271982). 3. Reinstall all software depending on Linux emulation. As an example, reinstall linux-firefox: # portmaster -r linux-firefox or # portupgrade -f www/linux-firefox or # pkg install linux-firefox If difficulties are encountered, please follow the UPDATING entry 20140922 but skip step 2 (OVERRIDE_LINUX_BASE_PORT and OVERRIDE_LINUX_NONBASE_PORTS in /etc/make.conf). In case these steps do not fix the issues, please submit an issue report in Bugzilla and send an email to FreeBSD's emulation@ mailing list. Users who need to continue using Fedora 10 base and userland should do the following instead: 1. Add these lines to /etc/make.conf: OVERRIDE_LINUX_BASE_PORT=f10 OVERRIDE_LINUX_NONBASE_PORTS=f10 2. Downgrade the Linux kernel version in /etc/sysctl.conf on FreeBSD versions newer than and including 11.0-CURRENT (after revision 271982). compat.linux.osrelease=2.6.16 This is all that is needed to continue using an existing Fedora 10 Linux base and userland. 20141208: AFFECTS: users of ports-mgmt/poudriere, ports-mgmt/poudriere-devel AUTHOR: 8.4 jails created with Poudriere 3.1, or poudriere-devel- should be recreated with 'jail -d' and 'jail -c'. This fixes pkg(8) crashes. 20141208: AFFECTS: users of databases/postgresql??-(server|client) AUTHOR: PostgreSQL version 9.3 is now the default. To upgrade from a version lower than 9.3, follow the instructions on the website. Please note that the pg_upgrade program is installed by the databases/postgresql93-contrib port When using binary packages, if you only use the client port, you can issue the following command to follow the default version: # pkg set -o databases/postgresql92-client:databases/postgresql93-client 20141205: AFFECTS: users of polish/kadu AUTHOR: Before running kadu 1.x for the first time upstream developers advise to backup your ~/.kadu directory. 20141203: AFFECTS: users of ports-mgmt/poudriere AUTHOR: Poudriere has been updated to 3.1.0. See the release notes at for information on changed features and required setup. 20141130: AFFECTS: users of devel/gettext (close to everyone) AUTHOR: The devel/gettext port has been split up in devel/gettext-runtime, a lightweight package containing runtime libraries, and devel/gettext-tools, a package containing developer tools. The devel/gettext port still exists as a metaport. You must first delete the existing installation of gettext and then reinstall it. This will break sudo, so you *must* do this in a root shell (sudo -i) if you use sudo. # pkg delete -f gettext # portmaster devel/gettext Or for portupgrade users: # pkg delete -f gettext # portinstall devel/gettext Or for binary users: # pkg delete -f gettext # pkg upgrade 20141127: AFFECTS: users of lang/perl5.* AUTHOR: There was a nasty bug introduced in the update below, it was introduced in SVN revision 373476 and corrected in 373485. If you get errors looking like this one: ===> Registering installation for p5-Params-Util-1.07_1 as automatic pkg-static: lstat(/usr/ports/devel/p5-Params-Util/work/stage/usr/local/./usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/mach/5.16/auto/Params/Util/.packlist): No such file or directory *** [fake-pkg] Error code 74 You will have to wipe your ports tree clean. If using portsnap, with: portsnap extract If using subversion: svn revert -R 20141127: AFFECTS: users of lang/perl5.* AUTHOR: The .packlist files are back, if you upgraded all your p5- ports yesterday and need them, you will need to reinstall them again, see yesterday's update for instructions. 20141126: AFFECTS: users of multimedia/x264 AUTHOR: With the recent split of multimedia/x264 in library and binary and library components, if an application that uses libx264 is updated before x264 itself, multimedia/libx264 will conflict with the existing x264 package. Delete this package before continuing any update that depends on it: # pkg delete -f x264 Install the updated x264 and/or upgrade the other applications that depend on libx264, such as ffmpeg. 20141126: AFFECTS: users of lang/perl5.* AUTHOR: The directories where Perl modules are installed has changed. All affected ports' PORTREVISION have been bumped, so upgrading should be as painless as possible. The old directories have been kept in the default Perl @INC to make it even more painless. The default Perl has been switched to lang/perl5.18. These examples are for switching from lang/perl5.16, if you are running a different version, replace lang/perl5.16 with the origin of the Perl you have installed. Binary package users: # pkg upgrade -f Portupgrade users: 0) Fix pkgdb.db (for safety): pkgdb -Ff 1) Reinstall new version of Perl (5.18): portupgrade -o lang/perl5.18 -f lang/perl5.16 2) Reinstall everything that depends on Perl: portupgrade -fr lang/perl5.18 Portmaster users: portmaster -o lang/perl5.18 lang/perl5.16 Conservative: portmaster p5- Comprehensive (but perhaps overkill): portmaster -r perl5- Note: If the "perl5-" glob matches more than one port you will need to specify the name of the installed Perl package explicitly. You can get its name by running: pkg info perl5 20141125: AFFECTS: users of EFL libraries AUTHOR: EFL libraries has been merged into one port. Before installing devel/efl you must deinstall old EFL libraries: # pkg delete -f eina eet evas evas-\* ecore\* eio efreet embryo edje \ ethumb emotion # make -C /usr/ports/devel/efl install clean 20141125: AFFECTS: users of x11-wm/e17-module* AUTHOR: Enlightenment has been updated to 0.19.1. Some of e-modules can't be build with updated Enlightenment, these modules has been marked as broken. E-modules which work with new Enlightenment has been renamed to x11-wm/e-module-*. To update these modules you must call the following commands (substituting the name of module in place *): # portmaster -o x11-wm/e-module-* x11-wm/e17-module-* # portmaster -o x11-wm/e-modules x11-wm/e17-modules or # portupgrade -fo x11-wm/e-module-* x11-wm/e17-module-* # portupgrade -fo x11-wm/e-modules x11-wm/e17-modules 20141123: AFFECTS: users of security/heimdal AUTHOR: The header and library files have been moved from PREFIX/{include,lib} to PREFIX/{include,lib}/heimdal at r373047 to fix a library dependency confusion when software attempts to link a Heimdal library in base and an external library in LOCALBASE/lib at the same time. All of packages which depend on security/heimdal have to be recompiled and reinstalled because of this library location change. 20141119: AFFECTS: users of x11/gnome2, graphics/clutter and lang/vala AUTHOR: GNOME 3.14 was imported. Because this is a big change some manual help is needed. Please use the following instructions to update. Make a list of the installed ports: # pkg info > ~/installed-ports-list Delete the old and conflicting packages: # pkg delete clutter gnome-utils gnome-panel gnome-keyring vala-vapigen \ guile gcalctool gnome-media libgnomekbd gnome-themes at-spi # pkg delete gnome-screensaver gnome-applets bug-buddy \ evolution-exchange evolution-webcal gnome-system-tools \ seahorse-plugins gnome-control-center For package users the following lines will be enough: # pkg upgrade # pkg install gnome3 For ports users should do the following: # portmaster -a # portmaster x11/gnome3 After these steps, check with the list we made earlier if your favorite ports are still installed, and reinstall them if needed. 20141117: AFFECTS: users of security/openssh-portable AUTHOR: Most of the optional patches for OpenSSH do not apply to the 6.7 update yet. The 6.6 version has been copied to security/openssh-portable66 if you require the use of one of the optional ports. 20141109: AFFECTS: users of multimedia/mediabrowser AUTHOR: The default MediaBrowser database/configuration/logs/media metadata storage directory has moved from /usr/local/mediabrowser to /var/db/mediabrowser. Users are advised either to move the contents of the old directory to the new location, or to add a mediabrowser_data_dir entry to /etc/rc.conf. 20141029: AFFECTS: users of devel/libvirt AUTHOR: Application state and resource information has been changed from older path of /usr/local/var to /var. Users are advised to copy over contents of old var directory to new location if they wish to preserve resources from the old setup. 20141019: AFFECTS: users of x11/kde4-runtime AUTHOR: KDE SC ports have been updated to 4.14.2. Several files have been moved between packages, therefore the following action is required before running any pkg/port upgrade utility: # pkg delete -f kde-runtime-4\* 20141008: AFFECTS: users of lang/ruby19 AUTHOR: The default ruby version has been updated from 1.9 to 2.0. If you compile your own ports you may keep 1.9 as the default version by adding the following lines to your /etc/make.conf file: # # Keep ruby 1.9 as default version # DEFAULT_VERSIONS+=ruby=1.9 If you wish to update to the new default version, you need to first stop any software that uses ruby. Then, you will need to follow these steps, depending upon how you manage your system. If you use pkgng, simply upgrade: # pkg upgrade If you use portmaster, install new ruby, then rebuild all ports that depend on ruby: # portmaster -o lang/ruby20 lang/ruby19 # portmaster -R -r ruby-2.0 If you use portupgrade, install new ruby, then rebuild all ports that depend on ruby: # pkg delete -f ruby ruby-iconv portupgrade # make -C /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/portupgrade install clean # pkg set -o lang/ruby19:lang/ruby20 # portupgrade -x ruby-2.0.\* -fr lang/ruby20 20141003: AFFECTS: xorg users AUTHOR: The WITH_NEW_XORG setting has been activated by default on all versions of FreeBSD, which allows us to have packages for xorg 1.12 and kde4. Please be aware that on systems that only support syscons switching virtual terminals or exiting X results in a black screen or the last image of their desktop (like a screenshot) being presented. Commands can still be typed blindly. Most, if not all, systems should be using vt(4) and this can be enabled by setting kern.vty=vt in /boot/loader.conf and reboot to activate. 20141001: AFFECTS: xorg users AUTHOR: The WITH_NEW_XORG setting has been activated by default on FreeBSD 10.0 and above, which allows us to have packages for xorg 1.12 and kde4. Please be aware that on systems that only support syscons switching virtual terminals or exiting X results in a black screen or the last image of their desktop (like a screenshot) being presented. Commands can still be typed blindly. Most, if not all, systems should be using vt(4) and this can be enabled by setting kern.vty=vt in /boot/loader.conf and reboot to activate. 20140930: AFFECTS: users of mail/maildrop AUTHOR: Due to the way pkg works please note that the configuration variables MAILDROP_SUID and MAILDROP_SGID, despite keeping their old names, are now required to contain a valid username and groupname existing on the system in which the package will be installed, while in the past numeric uids and gids worked fine. Wrong values will cause pkg to skip installing the setuid binaries on the system. Please check your configuration. 20140929: AFFECTS: users of comms/usbmuxd AUTHOR: was split from comms/usbmuxd into comms/libusbmuxd. Remove usbmuxd before upgrading to avoid conflicts: # pkg delete -f usbmuxd If you need the daemon usbmuxd(1), you can reinstall the package after the upgrade. 20140928: AFFECTS: users of deskutils/calibre AUTHOR: The dependency on graphics/py-imaging in calibre has been changed to using the graphics/py-pillow port. Due to this change automatic updating of the port will not work correctly. It is suggested to remove calibre and py-imaging from the system and then reinstall calibre again using binary packages or ports. 20140927: AFFECTS: users of net/foreman-proxy AUTHOR: In version 1.6 Foreman Smart Proxy splits its configuration into multiple ruby files located in PREFIX/etc/foreman-proxy/settings.d. The configuration of each service (dhcp, dhs, bmc, etc.) has been moved into a dedicated file. You can use a bundled script to convert your old settings to new settings: PREFIX/share/foreman/extra/migrate_settings.rb 20140926: AFFECTS: users of shells/bash AUTHOR: Bash supports a feature of exporting functions in the environment with export -f. Running bash with exported functions in the environment will then import those functions into the environment of the script being ran. This resulted in security issues CVE-2014-6271 and CVE-2014-7169, commonly known as "shellshock". It also can result in poorly written scripts being tricked into running arbitrary commands. To fully mitigate against this sort of attack we have applied a non-upstream patch to disable this functionality by default. You can execute bash with --import-functions to allow it to import functions from the environment. The default can also be changed in the port by selecting the IMPORTFUNCTIONS option. 20140926: AFFECTS: users of net/asterisk and net/asterisk11 AUTHOR: The asterisk ports have been modified to have the LUA option turned on by default to make such functionality available to users of binary packages. Some care should be taken before upgrading by people not using Lua to avoid the sample extensions.lua file from being loaded on reload after updating the asterisk port/pkg. Users compiling from ports not interested in LUA support are advised to disable the option before updating. People using binary packages(or not wanting to disable the LUA option in the port) not using the Lua functionality should add: noload => to the PREFIX/etc/asterisk/modules.conf file, if using the autoload=yes option in that same file. People not autoloading modules don't need to perform any special action. If asterisk is rebooted and the pbx_lua module gets loaded on a system were it should not, it will load the example extensions.lua configuration file adding unexpected logic to your dialplan. In such a case following the above steps and reloading asterisk will fix the problem. 20140922: AFFECTS: users of emulators/linux_base-f10 and emulators/linux_base-c6 AUTHOR: The complete drop-in replacement linux-c6 port infrastructure is in ports and will shortly replace the current linux-f10- ports as default. To switch to the linux-c6 infrastructure: 0. Back up all your vital information! 1. Remove the current linux base port and all linux-f10- ports: # pkg delete -f linux_base-f10 linux-f10-\* 2. Add these lines to /etc/make.conf: OVERRIDE_LINUX_BASE_PORT=c6 OVERRIDE_LINUX_NONBASE_PORTS=c6 3. Make sure no Linux application is running. 4. Update the Linux kernel version in /etc/sysctl.conf: compat.linux.osrelease=2.6.18 Make it take effect immediately: # sysctl compat.linux.osrelease=2.6.18 5. Install emulators/linux-c6. These steps are usually sufficient. If there are difficulties, expand step 1 to: 1a. Remove all ports which depend on the linux base port. 1b. Remove the linux base port. 1c. Clean the /compat/linux/ directory. If there are any other difficulties not fixed by these extended steps, please submit an issue report in Bugzilla and send an email to FreeBSD's emulation@ mailing list. 20140909: AFFECTS: users seeing build errors about missing *.la files AUTHOR: We are in the process of adjusting or, if possible, removing libtool archives (*.la files) from all ports because they can otherwise cause overlinking between packages. This is the problem where in the dependency chain A->B->C an extra link is added from A to C even if A does not use C directly. This makes some updates to port C expensive because then both A and B have to be rebuilt instead of just B. This is mostly behind the scenes work that you won't notice. In fact most ports have already been converted. You may however run into build errors about missing *.la files if a port update in the past went wrong and left behind *.la files with references to other *.la files that are no longer there. In this case, please run the following command: find /usr/local/lib -name '*.la' | xargs grep -l 'libfoo\.la' | xargs pkg which (Replace libfoo\.la with the *.la file that is missing.) This command will print a list of *.la files that refer to the missing *.la file and what package they belong to. First, where it says "not found in the database", remove the *.la file. After removing all such files, where it says "installed by package X", rebuild X. Eventually the list printed by that command will be empty and the build error should be gone. 20140826: AFFECTS: users of ports-mgmt/pkg, ports-mgmt/pkg-devel AUTHOR: Pkg has been updated to 1.3.7. This fixes registration and tracking of shared libraries. All earlier versions of Pkg incorrectly marked some shared libraries and used the wrong name for some. Please note announcement for special instructions at: - Users need to run 'pkg update -f' and 'pkg check -Ba' after upgrading to pkg-1.3.7 and before updating any other packages. This avoids needing to reinstall anything not needed due to changed shlibs. For binary package users: # pkg install ports-mgmt/pkg # pkg update -f # pkg check -Ba # pkg upgrade For port users: # make -C /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg build deinstall install clean # pkg check -Ba - People building packages for serving to other systems need to rebuild all packages with 1.3.7. 20140823: AFFECTS: users of graphics/libjpeg-turbo AUTHOR: libjpeg-turbo installs its own unique library ( and a drop-in replacement for The drop-in replacement has been split off into graphics/jpeg-turbo; libjpeg-turbo now installs only If you were using the from graphics/libjpeg-turbo, you should install graphics/jpeg-turbo AFTER upgrading the libjpeg-turbo port. 20140823: AFFECTS: users of TeXLive AUTHOR: TeXLive in Ports Collection has been updated to TL2014. When upgrading print/texlive-base on a system which has TL2012 packages, the following error may occur: pkg-static: texlive-base-20140525 conflicts with texlive-texmf-20120701_4 Please remove texlive-texmf-20120701_4 first in that case. If you still get a similar "conflict of install files" error, please remove all of tex-* and texlive-* packages and then see if ${PREFIX}/share/texmf-dist directory are empty. If not, installing TeXlive can fail. Removing files in the directory manually will fix the installation problem. 20140821: AFFECTS: users of databases/db4, databases/db4[1-7]* AUTHOR: HEADS UP: for some applications that store their data in Berkeley DB databases, you may have to export the data before the upgrade and reload it afterwards. Detailed instructions are at . The older databases/db4* ports providing versions 4.0 to 4.7 inclusively have been removed, and 4.8 has been deprecated. The default Berkeley DB version is now 5.3. (6.x has a different license, but will be eligible as default on systems that build ports from source and have db6 installed.) All enabled and working ports have been changed such that they use Berkeley DB 4.8 or newer, and an -exp run has been made. After you have performed the first steps from the Wiki documentation, and have arrived at a step that reads "build all applications", then type as privileged user and without the hash sign: # Tools/scripts/ The helper script requires that ports-mgmt/portmaster or .../portupgrade is installed, will try to upgrade your applications with either of these tools (portmaster preferred), and if that succeeds, it will attempt to delete the packages if confirmed interactively. 20140815: AFFECTS: users of graphics/ilmbase and graphics/OpenEXR AUTHOR: The OpenEXR and ilmbase (Industrial Light and Magic) shared object names have changed. You must rebuild all packages that require either of these libraries, by using one of these commands: # portmaster -r ilmbase -r OpenEXR or # portupgrade -fr graphics/ilmbase graphics/OpenEXR The PORTREVISIONs of all ports that require ilmbase and/or OpenEXR have been bumped. 20140810: AFFECTS: users of lang/ghc and */hs-* AUTHOR: The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compiler has been updated to version 7.8.3 and Haskell Platform to 2014.2.0.0. Hence it is recommended to rebuild or reinstall all the dependent ports and the lang/ghc port itself by one of the following commands: # portmaster -w -r ghc or # portupgrade -fr lang/ghc If you use pkg(8) then it is just safer to remove all the GHC-dependent packages along with GHC and reinstall everything from scratch. Something alone these lines may work: # pkg query "%ro" > ghc-pkgs.txt # pkg delete -y lang/ghc # pkg install -y `cat ghc-pkgs.txt | grep -Ev "/hs-(haskeline|terminfo|transformers|xhtml)" 20140803: AFFECTS: users of security/p5-openxpki AUTHOR: The following ports have been integrated into security/p5-openxpki: security/p5-openxpki-client security/p5-openxpki-client-scep security/p5-openxpki-deployment Before update make sure to remove the old packages: # pkg remove security/p5-openxpki-client # pkg remove security/p5-openxpki-client-scep # pkg remove security/p5-openxpki-deployment 20140802: AFFECTS: users of astro/stellarium AUTHOR: Stellarium was updated to version 0.13.0. It's a new major release, and it is based on Qt version 5 now. For those who are not comfortable with upgrading to the new Qt, previous Stellarium version (0.12.4) was copied over to `astro/stellarium-qt4' port. 20140731: AFFECTS: users of www/ajaxplorer AUTHOR: The ajaxplorer project was renamed to pydio. Due to this update some manual steps will need to be performed after updating the port. IMPORTANT: Perform a backup of the ajaxplorer installation and the databases backing it(if you're using that feature). First manually remove the ajaxplorer port and install www/pydio afterwards. Further steps will be available in the pkg-message, which can be shown with these commands: # pkg info -D pydio Please also read the upgrading notes at: 20140728: AFFECTS: users of net/GeoIP AUTHOR: GeoIP no longer ships with the GeoIP database. To continue using GeoIP, you MUST fetch the database after upgrading by running 20140727: AFFECTS: users of comms/qpage AUTHOR: The default configure file location has changed from ${LOCALBASE}/etc/ to ${LOCALBASE}/etc/qpage.conf You will likely want to move the old configure file to the new location after updating if it contains custom settings. 20140725: AFFECTS: users of cad/netgen AUTHOR: Before you update this port the old one should be removed. (This is because the build may try to link to libraries that are in ${LOCALBASE}/lib rather than in ${WRKSRC}.) 20140724: AFFECTS: users of dns/mydns-ng AUTHOR: The dns/mydns-ng port no longer has the suffix (-mysql|-pgsql). Before you update this port the old one must be removed: pkg remove mydns-ng-mysql or pkg remove mysql-ng-pgsql 20140723: AFFECTS: users of devel/libevent libevent1 has been replaced by libevent2 via the compatibility layer. All applications that used libevent1 must be rebuilt. Please remove libevent1 before upgrading, by running: pkg delete -f libevent 20140723: AFFECTS: users of security/scanlogd AUTHOR: The security/scanlogd port now creates scanlogd user and group. Previous scanlogd user and group must be removed before updating to not conflict with the one created by the port: pw userdel scanlogd pw groupdel scanlogd 20140723: AFFECTS: users of TeX AUTHOR: TeXLive is now the default teX provider. Please remove all TeX-related packages based on teTeX. 20140722: AFFECTS: users of mail/exim AUTHOR: The behaviour of expansion of arguments to math comparison functions (<, <=, =, =>, >) was unexpected, expanding the values twice. Please update your configuration if you have relied on such an expansion. 20140722: AFFECTS: users of multimedia/mediainfo AUTHOR: mediainfo has been split into 3 ports: libzen, libmediainfo and mediainfo. Please uninstall mediainfo before you update this port. 20140722: AFFECTS: users of games/bsdgames AUTHOR: Please disregard any prior instructions about moving your game data to /usr/local/var/games. If you have done this, please move it back to /var/games. 20140714: AFFECTS: users of databases/db6 AUTHOR: Oracle Berkeley DB 6 has been upgraded to version 6.1.19. Since the previous 6.0 version, the log file format has changed in 6.1. Depending on applications used, you may need to take action BEFORE you upgrade. For details, please see the online upgrade manual at Note: if you've got Apache installed and depending on db6, you may need to upgrade it separately BEFORE upgrading other ports, such as Apache modules. After that, you must rebuild all applications that link to db6 because the shared library name has changed with the upgrade. To do that: If you use portmaster: portmaster -w -r db6- If you use portupgrade: portupgrade -fr databases/db6 20140714: AFFECTS: users of net/linphone-base AUTHOR: Linphone has been updated to version 3.7.0 and the linphone-base port has been split into separate components. You must first delete the linphone-base package before you can update ports that depend on it. pkg del -f linphone-base or pkg_delete -f linphone-base\* 20140713: AFFECTS: users of mail/postfix-current AUTHOR: This is a significant update; so, please carefully review the RELEASE_NOTES to identify which incompatible changes impact your environment. Of particular note are changes to the Postfix build/install procedure. Please backup, and any other important files associated with your Postfix setup before updating. 20140713: AFFECTS: users of www/apache22 AUTHOR: The default version was changed from www/apache22 to www/apache24, pre-build apache modules and web applications will also reflect this! In case ports are build by yourself and apache22 is required use the following command to keep apache22 as default. # echo "DEFAULT_VERSIONS+=apache=2.2" >> /etc/make.conf 20140710: AFFECTS: users of lang/rust AUTHOR: The lang/rust port was updated to 0.11 and is now only working on FreeBSD versions 10 and 11 -- the 9.x support has been removed by upstream. 20140709: AFFECTS: users of security/pam-pgsql AUTHOR: The module is now installed in PREFIX/lib (/usr/local/lib) instead of /usr/lib. 20140627: AFFECTS: users of Java AUTHOR: The default version of OpenJDK has been updated from 1.6 to 1.7. To update, users of Java will need to rebuild all ports that depend on Java: If you use pkg (regardless of if you build ports from source or install binary packages): # pkg set -o java/openjdk6:java/openjdk7 If you use portmaster to build ports from source: # portmaster -o java/openjdk7 openjdk6 # portmaster -R -r openjdk If you use portupgrade to build ports from source: # portupgrade -fo java/openjdk7 java/openjdk6 If you use pkg to install prebuilt binary packages: # pkg install -fR java/openjdk7 If you wish to keep the 1.6 version as default, add the following lines to your /etc/make.conf file: # # Keep OpenJDK 1.6 as default version. # JAVA_PREFERRED_PORTS=JAVA_PORT_NATIVE_OPENJDK_JDK_1_6 20140627: AFFECTS: users of security/amavisd-milter AUTHOR: The default working directory of security/amavisd-milter have been changed to /var/run/amavis/. Users will have to adjust path to the milter socket. 20140627: AFFECTS: users of editors/emacs21 and editors/emacs22 AUTHOR: editors/emacs21, and editors/emacs22 are removed as they were unmaintained upstream for a while. Their dependent ports are removed as well. Please switch to editors/emacs (Emacs 24 release), or editors/emacs23 (Emacs 23 release), or editors/emacs-devel (Emacs development branch) ports. 20140626: AFFECTS: users of mail/qmail-spamcontrol AUTHOR: Spamcontrol has been updated to the 2.7 release. It is advised to read the release notes as some features were removed and others reworked. 2.7 manual: 20140626: AFFECTS: users of comms/smstools3 AUTHOR: The smstools3 startup screen has been modified to allow smsd to change uid/gid by itself. The rc options smsd_logfile, smsd_user and smsd_group are not supported anymore, user, group and log filename should be specified in the configuration file. The sample configuration file has been updated to have defaults equivalent to the old ones. 20140624: AFFECTS: users of databases/p5-Bucardo AUTHOR: The bucardo_ctl script has been renamed to bucardo, so, to follow the naming, the bucardo_ctl_enable rc variable has been renamed to bucardo_enable. 20140622: AFFECTS: users of security/gpgme AUTHOR: If you have both security/gnupg AND security/gnupg1 installed, gpgme will now automatically detect and use security/gnupg. Specifically, it will search for gpgconf(1) first and use the paths for the binaries provided by it. Failing that, it will search for a binary named "gpg". It is no longer possible to specify the location of the gpg binary at buildtime to differentiate between version 1.x and version 2.x. The port options GNUPG1 and GNUPG2 now merely add their respective versions of gnupg as build and runtime dependencies. 20140618: AFFECTS: users of devel/m17n-* textproc/*m17n* AUTHOR: Nikola Lecic devel/m17n-db now incorporates a set of user-contributed input methods and a conversion script, formerly available through textproc/m17n-contrib. Delete textproc/m17n-contrib first and then update/install devel/m17n-db. 20140616: AFFECTS: users of devel/subversion AUTHOR: The subversion port has been overhauled. Some optional parts were extracted into separate ports. These ports are: www/mod_dav_svn instead of option MOD_DAV_SVN. security/subversion-gnome-keyring instead of option GNOME_KEYRING. security/subversion-kwallet instead of option KDE_KWALLET. If you used devel/subversion with one (or more) of these non-standard options, you should install the appropriate port(s) after upgrading subversion. "mod_dontdothat" is installed unconditionally by www/mod_dav_svn port (it depended on the TOOLS option before), but is not activated by default, you may need to edit apache's configuration file. The devel/subversion port now installs svndiff, svndiff3 and svndiff4 commands if TOOLS option is enabled. They was skipped before. The official names "diff", "diff3" and "diff4" are prefixed with "svn" to avoid conflicts with base and other diff versions. All libraries and binaries are now stripped if the MAINTAINER_DEBUG option is not selected (including all sub-ports, like bindings and mod_dav_svn). 20140611: AFFECTS: users of devel/icu AUTHOR: icu has been updated to 53.1. Please rebuild all ports that depend on it If you use portmaster: portmaster -w -r icu If you use portupgrade: portupgrade -fr devel/icu 20140610: AFFECTS: users of www/firefox, www/seamonkey, mail/thunderbird, www/libxul AUTHOR: Gecko ports were switched to use more system libraries. Some of them must be built with certain options unset (default). `audio/soundtouch' has to be installed with INTEGER_SAMPLES option disabled. 20140604: AFFECTS: users of dns/dnscrypt-proxy AUTHOR: The 1.4.0 update to dns/dnscrypt-proxy introduced a privilege separation capability utilizing the new _dnscrypt-proxy user. The home directory for this user was misconfigured as /nonexistent. The dnscrypt-proxy server will try to chroot to _dnscrypt-proxy's home directory and fail to start. If you are affected you will need to change _dnscrypt-proxy's home directory to /var/empty: # pw usermod _dnscrypt-proxy -d /var/empty 20140603: AFFECTS: users of net-p2p/zetacoin AUTHOR: The zetacoind process now runs as the zetacoin user. Please make sure that this user has appropriate permissions to the blockchain database and wallet directory. If you are using the default path, run: # chown -R zetacoin:zetacoin /var/db/zetacoin # chown -R zetacoin:zetacoin /.zetacoin 20140529: AFFECTS: users of databases/postgresql??-(server|client) AUTHOR: PostgreSQL version 9.2 is now the default. To upgrade from a version lower than 9.2, follow the instructions on the website. When using binary packages, if you only use the client port, you can issue the following command to follow the default version: # pkg set -o databases/postgresql90-client:databases/postgresql92-client 20140528: AFFECTS: users of security/calife & security/calife-devel AUTHOR: Calife 2.8.x is now officially EoL. Replace it with 3.0 (formerly calife-devel). For port builds system please follow the following instructions: Please delete old version: # pkg delete -f security/calife-devel or # pkg_delete security/calife-devel and install security/calife. Change origin if you had the old one: # pkg set -o security/calife-devel:security/calife 20140527: AFFECTS: users of databases/db6 AUTHOR: Oracle BerkeleyDB 6.0 was upgraded to version 6.0.30. Databases that use BLOBs need to be upgraded using db_upgrade-6.0 before they can be accessed again. See the manual for details: Databases that do not use BLOBs are unaffected. 20140526: AFFECTS: users of lang/lua lang/lua has been replaced by lang/lua51. For port builds system please follow the following instructions: # portmaster -o lang/lua51 lang/lua or # portupgrade -fo lang/lua51 lang/lua or # pkg set -o lang/lua:lang/lua51 20140525: AFFECTS: users of devel/py-gobject3 and devel/py-dbus AUTHOR: py-gobject3 and py-dbus where split up in a common port (*-common), python2 port (py-*) and python3 port (py3-*) port. For port builds systems please follow the next following instructions: Please delete the existing version to avoid conflicts. # pkg delete -f py27-gobject3 py27-dbus or # pkg_delete devel/py-gobject3 devel/py-dbus followed by: # portmaster devel/py-gobject3 devel/py-dbus or # portinstall devel/py-gobject3 devel/py-dbus 20140521: AFFECTS: users of databases/mariadb55* AUTHOR: The mariadb55-client and mariadb55-server port have been changed to respect hier(7) and behave like the mysql ports. Therefore mysql-server and mysql monitor will refuse to start if my.cnf exists in /etc or /etc/mysql. In case you're affected, please move /etc/my.cnf to /usr/local/etc and/or /etc/mysql/my.cnf to /usr/local/etc/mysql. 20140520: AFFECTS: users of security/dropbear AUTHOR: security/dropbear port separator syntax was changed (again), now using host^port instead of host%port. You may need to update your config files while updating to 2014.63 from the previous versions. 20140511: AFFECTS: users of databases/firebird* AUTHOR: The default version of databases/firebird* have been changed to support DEFAULT_VERSIONS variable DEFAULT_VERSIONS=firebird=2.5 20140507: AFFECTS: users of lang/open-cobol AUTHOR: lang/open-cobol was moved to lang/gnu-cobol to match the new package name. Please do the following according to package manager used. # portmaster -o lang/gnu-cobol lang/open-cobol or # portupgrade -fo lang/gnu-cobol lang/open-cobol or # pkg set -o lang/open-cobol:lang/gnu-cobol 20140506: AFFECTS: users of ports-mgmt/portshaker AUTHOR: ports-mgmt/portshaker was updated to avoid creating an aditional 'ports' subdirectory when merging to a poudriere_tree without ZFS, so that portshaker's default location matches poudriere's default location. Users of poudriere on non-ZFS systems should not anymore have to pass extra options to poudriere for it to find the ports tree. 20140506: AFFECTS: users of security/yassl AUTHOR: security/yassl was moved to security/cyassl to match the original package name. Please do the following according to package manager used. # portmaster -o security/cyassl security/yassl or # portupgrade -fo security/cyassl security/yassl or # pkg set -o security/yassl:security/cyassl 20140505: AFFECTS: users of databases/libiodbc AUTHOR: libiodbc no longer provide the odbc compatibility Rebuild all ports that are linked to libiodbc # portmaster -r libiodbc or # portupgrade -r databases/libiodbc 20140503: AFFECTS: users of science/hdf5* and science/netcdf* AUTHOR: There are major version changes in HDF5 and NetCDF ports: - science/hdf5: updated from 1.6.9 to 1.8.12 - science/hdf5-18: replaced by science/hdf5 - science/netcdf: updated from 3.6.3 to 4.3.2 C++/Fortran binding moved into new ports (by upstream) - science/netcdf-cxx: new port for C++ binding of NetCDF - science/netcdf-fortran: new port for Fortran binding of NetCDF - science/netcdf-ftn: replaced by science/netcdf-fortran - science/netcdf3-ftn: replaced by science/netcdf-fortran - science/netcdf4: replaced by science/netcdf Please deinstall them before building the new versions. 20140428: AFFECTS: users of java/openjdk7 AUTHOR: The previous version of openjdk7 had a bug that will prevent it from being able to bootstrap itself. Please deinstall openjdk7 before building the new version. 20140427: AFFECTS: users of graphics/gdal AUTHOR: Due to changes in header files, please deinstall gdal first while updating from 1.9.x/1.10.x to 1.11.x. 20140420: AFFECTS: users of net/samba4 AUTHOR: Samba4 port now re-uses the same logic and startup script as Samba41. So, to get net/samba4 runing you need to rename samba4_enable in /etc/rc.conf to the samba_sever_enable. samba_server_enable="YES" Startup script tries it's best to guess which out of samba/nmbd/smbd/winbindd daemons have to be started, but you can fine tune this by specifying them in rc.conf, just make sure that samba_server_enable is enabled(see entry for 20121022). 20140416: AFFECTS: users of x11/xorg graphics/dri graphics/libGL and related ports AUTHOR: The default xorg version has been switched on FreeBSD 10-STABLE and FreeBSD 9-STABLE. To upgrade graphics/libGL, graphics/dri and related MESA ports, it is necessary to first remove the old versions of those ports. No special upgrade procedure is needed for xorg ports but it is necessary to recompile all xorg drivers (xf86-*) and other ports that depend on the xserver version, including emulators/virtualbox-ose-additions. Portrevisions have been bumped where needed, but users of drivers not in the ports tree will need to recompile those. If it is important to stay on the old versions, it is possible to specify WITHOUT_NEW_XORG= in /etc/make.conf to get the old xorg distribution. For users in need of working console when using KMS drivers (intel and radeon graphics cards) please use the new vt(9) console driver. For more information, see and . To update: # pkg_delete -f libGL-\* dri-\* or # pkg delete -f libGL dri followed by # portmaster graphics/dri graphics/libGL or # portupgrade graphics/dri graphics/libGL and then # portmaster -a or # portupgrade -a 20140416: AFFECTS: users of print/freetype2 textproc/libxml2 x11/pixman x11/libxcb and graphics/freeglut AUTHOR: and The library version of the above libraries has been brought in line with what upstream expects. To do this all users of these ports need to be rebuilt. Portrevisions have been bumped as a consequence. # portmaster -r freetype2 -r libxml2 -r pixman -r freeglut -r libxcb or # portupgrade -rf freetype2 libxml2 pixman freeglut libxcb 20140415: AFFECTS: users of mod_python3 AUTHOR: www/mod_python3 was renamed to www/mod_python33, additional www/mod_python35 with support for apache24 was added to the portstree. To reflect the new port location use: pkgng users: # pkg set -o www/mod_python3:www/mod_python33 portmaster users: # portmaster -o www/mod_python33 www/mod_python3 portupgrade users: # portupgrade -o www/mod_python33 www/mod_python3 20140414: AFFECTS: users of dmd 1.X and dmd 2.x. AUTHOR: lang/dmd and lang/dmd2 have switched places. Dmd 1.x is no longer supported by and is now the secondary dmd port in the collection. Dmd2 is the primary port. What this means to dmd users is that dmd1 is now used to invoke dmd 1.x and the dmd command (instead of dmd2) now invokes dmd 2.x. 20140413: AFFECTS: users of Python and pkg >= 1.2.7_1 AUTHOR: There have been reports of the following error when upgrading Python ports: pkg-static: Plist error, directory listed as a file: .egg-info The cause is an outdated or unpatched version of setuptools or distribute installed by the user, or leftover from previous upgrades being used during the ` install` phase. pkg >= 1.2.7_1 now generates an error where previously it did not. Users should inspect their ${LOCALBASE}/lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages directory, and remove any entries that reference versions of setuptools or distribute *not* provided by ports or packages. Examples of entries that may be removed are: 1) distribute-0.6.35-py2.7.egg 2) setuptools-0.6c11-py2.7.egg 3) *Any* version of setuptools directly from PyPI via pip or easy_install More information is available here: 20140410: AFFECTS: users of mail/vpopmail AUTHOR: If you are storing limits in MySQL, the following schema changes must be made: ALTER TABLE `limits` ADD `disable_maildrop` TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL AFTER `disable_spamassassin`; ALTER TABLE `limits` MODIFY `diskquota` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0; ALTER TABLE `limits` MODIFY `maxmsgcount` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0; ALTER TABLE `limits` MODIFY `defaultquota` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0; ALTER TABLE `limits` MODIFY `defaultmaxmsgcount` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0; 20140403: AFFECTS: users of net/rabbitmq AUTHOR: This release changes the behaviour of the default "guest" user. Previously the guest user could be accessed from any network location. In RabbitMQ 3.3.0 and later, the guest user can only be accessed via localhost by default. Any other users you create will not (by default) be restricted in this way. See for more information. 20140403: AFFECTS: users of net/kdnssd AUTHOR: KDE SC ports have been updated to 4.12.4. kdnssd package has been renamed to match upstream naming. pkgng users need to update package origin manually: # pkg set -o net/kdnssd:net/zeroconf-ioslave 20140402: AFFECTS: users of textproc/elasticsearch AUTHOR: Elasticsearch has been updated to version 1.1.0. If you are updating from a version prior to 1.0.0 you will need to do a full cluster shutdown for this update as it cannot be performed in a rolling fashion. 20140401: AFFECTS: users of security/gnutls3 AUTHOR: Libdane support is no longer enabled by default. Rebuild the port with the LIBDANE option if danetool is desired. 20140331: AFFECTS: users of print/cups-client and print/cups-image AUTHOR: CUPS ports have been updated to version 1.7.1. A file has migrated from cups-image port to cups-client. Before upgrading you should force the removal of cups-image port, otherwise it will conflict with the new one. pkg users: # pkg delete -f cups-image\* other users: # pkg_delete -f cups-image\* 2. Install/upgrade other cups* packages. If cups-filters complains about a missing cups/raster.h include, try reinstalling the cups-client package. 20140327: AFFECTS: users of lang/php5 and lang/php55 with Apache module AUTHOR: The Apache PHP module has been separated from the main PHP port. If you had the APACHE OPTION selected, you have to perform the following steps: 1) update your lang/php* options (i.e. 'make config') 2) rebuild lang/php* port 3) install www/mod_php* port It is *mandatory* to build both ports with the same DEBUG and ZTS options, so if you have a threaded Apache (i.e. worker or event MPM) you have to select the ZTS option in lang/php* port. 20140322: AFFECTS: users of devel/apr1 AUTHOR: APR was updated to 1.5.0, BDB requirement was bumped to 48+ It is necessary to first remove the old version of devel/apr1. Please rebuild all ports which are using functions from APR/APR-util such as Apache, Subversion, etc. # portmaster -r apr or # portupgrade -r devel/apr1 20140318: AFFECTS: users of net/openldap24-server AUTHOR: Please note that Berkeley DB backend is now deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Existing users should migrate data to the new MDB backend when possible. 20140317: AFFECTS: users of misc/ossp-uuid-perl AUTHOR: misc/ossp-uuid-perl was replaced by misc/p5-OSSP-uuid. Please do the following according to package manager used. # portmaster -o misc/p5-OSSP-uuid misc/ossp-uuid-perl or # portupgrade -fo misc/p5-OSSP-uuid misc/ossp-uuid-perl or # pkg set -o misc/p5-OSSP-uuid:misc/ossp-uuid-perl 20140312: AFFECTS: users of net/openistgt AUTHOR: Between istgt supporting target reload, and iscsid using CTL there is no point to this port. As such it has been deleted without warning, since the support for it is as best questionable. pkgng users: # pkg set -o net/openistgt:net/istgt portmaster users: # portmaster -o net/istgt net/openistgt # portmaster -r istgt portupgrade users: # portupgrade -o net/istgt -f net/openistgt # portupgrade -fr net/istgt 20140310: AFFECTS: users of mail/p5-Mail-SpamAssassin and japanese/p5-Mail-SpamAssassin AUTHOR: The port mail/p5-Mail-SpamAssassin was renamed to mail/spamassassin and the port japanese/p5-Mail-SpamAssassin was renamed to japanese/spamassassin. To ease upgrading run the following set of commands: pkgng users: # pkg set -o mail/p5-Mail-SpamAssassin:mail/spamassassin # pkg set -o japanese/p5-Mail-SpamAssassin:japanese/spamassassin portmaster users: # portmaster -o mail/spamassassin mail/p5-Mail-SpamAssassin # portmaster -o japanese/spamassassin japanese/p5-Mail-SpamAssassin 20140307: AFFECTS: users of devel/py-setuptools dependent ports AUTHOR: devel/py-setuptools is being used for every python ports (if USE_PYDISTUTILS defined) since r336553. Due to PKGORIGIN limitation, we cannot build one python port with python27 and the other with python33 since they require different setuptools versions which have same PKGORIGIN. With the addition of py-setuptools{27,32,33}, we could now have py27-foo and py33-bar coexist in one system. Note that this is only a short-term solution. It does not help if you need coexistence of one port with different python versions, e.g. py27-foo and py33-foo. Please rebuild all ports that depend on devel/py-setuptools and use devel/py-setuptools{27,32,33} instead. XX represents python version (27, 32 or 33) in the following steps. pkgng users: # pkg set -o devel/py-setuptools:devel/py-setuptoolsXX portmaster users: # portmaster -o devel/py-setuptoolsXX devel/py-setuptools # portmaster -r py\*setuptools portupgrade users: # portupgrade -o devel/py-setuptoolsXX -f devel/py-setuptools # portupgrade -fr devel/py-setuptools 20140304: AFFECTS: users of security/kwallet AUTHOR: KDE SC ports have been updated to 4.12.3. kwallet package has been renamed to match upstream naming. pkgng users need to update package origin manually: # pkg set -o security/kwallet:security/kwalletmanager 20140302: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/ansible AUTHOR: This is an major update and changes were introduced in ansible 1.5, that are not backward compatible. Please refer changelog there before update: 20140223: AFFECTS: users of net-mgmt/mk-livestatus AUTHOR: livecheck was removed in 1.2.3.i5. It never was really stable, Nagios4 has something similar built in. Please remove the "livecheck=..." directive from etc/nagios/nagios.cfg. 20140222: AFFECTS: users of mail/courier-imap AUTHOR: When using SSL and updating from an older version, run mkdhparams(8) to create the new TLS_DHPARAMS file which is needed for Courier IMAP 4.15 and up. 20140222: AFFECTS: users of net-im/turpial AUTHOR: Turpial has been updated to 3.0, due to changes in net-im/turpial port it will be necessary to remove it before updating. 20140220: AFFECTS: users of editors/vim AUTHOR: The editors/vim port has been reworked to simplify option handling. In UI option group, a new option (CONSOLE) was added for users who do not need GUI support. This option is off by default. You might encounter install or package failures with "old" option setting. Please run "make config" to modify your setting. 20140219: AFFECTS: users of textproc/docbook* AUTHOR: The textproc/docbook-* ports have been consolidated into two ports textproc/docbook-sgml and textproc/docbook-xml. Before upgrading you should force the removal of the existing ports, they will conflict with the new ones. pkg users can run: pkg delete -f docbook-xml\* docbook-sk\* docbook\[2345\]\?\?-\* docbook-4\* the other users can run: pkg_delete -f docbook-xml\* docbook-sk\* docbook\[2345\]\?\?-\* docbook-4\* 20140218: AFFECTS: users of KDE SC 4 AUTHOR: KDE SC ports have been updated to 4.12.2. kdeadmin, kdenetwork, kdesdk, and kdetoys ports have been split due to upstream changes. KDE Workspace port has been updated to 4.11.6. It requires modern Mesa libraries, provided by WITH_NEW_XORG knob. To update Xorg ports to newer version follow instructions at 20140218: AFFECTS: users of misc/kdehier4 AUTHOR: KDE4_PREFIX has been changed from /usr/local/kde4 to /usr/local. All ports that depends on kdehier4 must be reinstalled. PORTREVISION for affected ports has been increased, upgrading tools (portmaster, pkg) should handle this update without manual intervention. Please check /usr/local/kde4 for leftovers after upgrade. If you don't have locally modified files, e.g. under /usr/local/kde4/etc, you may safely remove /usr/local/kde4. 20140214: AFFECTS: users of lang/perl5.12 AUTHOR: Perl 5.12 has been removed. The default Perl is lang/perl5.16. pkg(8) users: 1) Update the origin to point to 5.16: pkg set -o lang/perl5.12:lang/perl5.16 2) Upgrade perl and all dependencies: pkg install -Rf lang/perl5.16 Portupgrade users: 0) Fix pkgdb.db (for safety): pkgdb -Ff 1) Reinstall new version of Perl (5.16): portupgrade -o lang/perl5.16 -f lang/perl5.12 2) Reinstall everything that depends on Perl: portupgrade -fr lang/perl5.16 Portmaster users: portmaster -o lang/perl5.16 lang/perl5.12 Conservative: portmaster p5- Comprehensive (but perhaps overkill): portmaster -r perl- Note: If the "perl-" glob matches more than one port specify the name of the Perl directory in /var/db/pkg explicitly. Also, depending on when perl 5.12 was installed last, the prefix may be perl-, perl5- or perl5.12-. 20140211: AFFECTS: users of lang/php* database/postgresql* database/mysql* www/apache* AUTHOR: The default versions of lang/php*, databases/postgresql*, databases/mysql* and www/apache* have been changed to support the new DEFAULT_VERSIONS variable. DEFAULT_APACHE_VER, DEFAULT_MYSQL_VER, DEFAULT_PGSQL_VER, DEFAULT_FPC_VER and DEFAULT_PHP_VER are now deprecated. You can use the new DEFAULT_VERSIONS variable like this: DEFAULT_VERSIONS=php=5.5 mysql=5.6 apache=2.4 20140208: AFFECTS: users of spamdyke AUTHOR: Spamdyke has been updated to 5.0.0. The behavior has changed from 4.x. Please see the upgrading notes at: 20140208: AFFECTS: users of icu AUTHOR: icu has been updated to 52.1. Please rebuild all ports that depend on it if you have the glib20 port built with COLLATION_FIX option activated If you use portmaster: portmaster -w -r icu If you use portupgrade: portupgrade -fr devel/icu If you use pkgng with binary packages: pkg install -fR devel/icu 20140201: AFFECTS: users of net-mgmt/zabbix* AUTHOR: The login shell for the zabbix user in UIDs was changed from /usr/sbin/nologin to /bin/sh to fix the zabbix-agent UserParameter feature. To update the existing user on your system, run: # pw usermod zabbix -s /bin/sh 20140114: AFFECTS: users of www/mod_authnz_external AUTHOR: www/mod_authnz_external was moved to www/mod_authnz_external22 Please do the following according to package manager used. # portmaster -o www/mod_authnz_external22 www/mod_authnz_external or # portupgrade -fo www/mod_authnz_external22 www/mod_authnz_external or # pkg set -o www/mod_authnz_external:www/mod_authnz_external22 20140113: AFFECTS: users of net/samba41 AUTHOR: With the introduction of Samba 4.1 corresponding port lost SWAT support and made WINBIND support mandatory. As samba4 introduced additional 'samba' daemon to the tripplet of nmbd/smbd/winbindd to avoid confusion startup script for samba41 was renamed to 'samba_server'. To start the whole band up it's enough to add to the rc.conf: samba_server_enable="YES" Startup script tries it's best to guess which out of samba/nmbd/smbd/winbindd daemons have to be started, but you can fine tune this by specifying them in rc.conf, just make sure that samba_server_enable is enabled(see entry for 20121022). 20140112: AFFECTS: users of devel/libical AUTHOR: The libical port was updated to 1.0.0. Due to the shared library bump and the removal of the .la file, all ports that use libical need to be rebuilt. # portmaster -r libical or # portupgrade -fr libical or # pkg install -fR libical 20140111: AFFECTS: users of lang/go AUTHOR: Third party Go packages installed via the ports tree are no longer installed in GOROOT (PREFIX/go) but in a specific path: PREFIX/share/go Affected ports had their PORTREVISION bumped. To reinstall these packages via the ports tree, it is needed to deinstall them first (the build will fail if the `go` command detects that they already exists in GOROOT). If you are using these third party Go packages for local Go development, you have to add this new path to your GOPATH environment variable. 20140107: AFFECTS: users of Qt 4 ports AUTHOR: Qt 4 ports framework has been reworked, several ports have been renamed. To ease upgrading run the following set of commands: # pkg set -o devel/qt4-declarative:x11-toolkits/qt4-declarative # pkg set -o devel/qt4-qtestlib:devel/qt4-testlib # pkg set -o textproc/qt4-clucene:textproc/clucene-qt4 # pkg set -o www/qt4-webkit:www/webkit-qt4 # pkg set -o x11/qt4-opengl:graphics/qt4-opengl 20140102: AFFECTS: users of archivers/p7zip AUTHOR: The MINIMAL and MODULES options have been removed from archivers/p7zip, which now unconditionally installs the 7z, 7za and 7zr, as if the MINIMAL option was previously unset. The RAR decompression codec, whose source code has a more restrictive license that forbids its use for creating RAR archives, has been moved to a separate port, archivers/p7zip-codec-rar. 20131230: AFFECTS: ports using Apache Software License 2.0 AUTHOR: The acronym for Apache Software License 2.0 was renamed to APACHE20 20131226: AFFECTS: users of security/cyrus-sasl2 AUTHOR: The SASL GSSAPI authentication plugin was removed from security/cyrus-sasl2 port and divided into new security/cyrus-sasl2-gssapi port. If you are using the SASL GSSAPI authentication, please install security/cyrus-sasl2-gssapi port, in addition to upgrading security/cyrus-sasl2 port. 20131218: AFFECTS: users of news/cnews AUTHOR: The default path for overview files has changed. Rebuild your overview files after the update with: su - news /usr/local/libexec/cnews/nov/initov 20131217: AFFECTS: users of databases/ruby-bdb or ports-mgmt/portupgrade and databases/db5 or databases/db6 AUTHOR: databases/db5 and databases/db6 have recently been updated to fix bugs. This changed their patchlevel version. However, ruby-bdb used to break during the db[56] upgrade due to a bug described in . THEREFORE, YOU MUST MANUALLY UPGRADE databases/ruby-bdb INDIVIDUALLY TO 0.6.6_2 OR NEWER WHEN USING portupgrade AGAINST databases/db[56] PORTS. To achieve that, type: # portupgrade databases/ruby-bdb or # portmaster -x 'db*' databases/ruby-bdb before proceeding with other upgrades. Should you have corrupted the portupgrade databases, or if ruby-bdb refuses to work with the upgraded db* port with errors such as "DB needs compatible versions of libdb & db.h", then rebuild the ruby-bdb port manually, and fix the portupgrade databases: # make -C /usr/ports/databases/ruby-bdb all deinstall install clean # pkgdb -fu # portupgrade -f db5 db6 This should return portupgrade to normal operation. 20131216: AFFECTS: users of x11/xorg, graphics/libGL, graphics/dri, all xorg ports AUTHOR: The default xorg version has been switched on FreeBSD CURRENT. To upgrade graphics/libGL, graphics/dri and related MESA ports, it is necessary to first remove the old versions of those ports. No special upgrade procedure is needed for xorg port but it is necessary to recompile all xorg drivers (xf86-*) and other ports that depend on the xserver version, including emulators/virtualbox-ose-additions. Portrevisions have been bumped where needed, but users of drivers not in the ports tree will need to recompile those. If it is important to stay on the old versions, it is possible to specify WITHOUT_NEW_XORG= in /etc/make.conf to get the old xorg distribution. To update: # pkg_delete -f libGL-\* dri-\* or # pkg delete -f libGL dri followed by # portmaster graphics/dri graphics/libGL or # portupgrade graphics/dri graphics/libGL and then # portmaster -a or # portupgrade -a 20131216: AFFECTS: users of databases/db4* AUTHOR: Berkeley DB versions before and excluding 4.8 have been marked deprecated. New port installations should be based on Berkeley DB 5 or 6. Note that Oracle Berkeley DB 6 is under the more restrictive Affero GPL v3 license, be sure to review if using that fits your requirements. You can add WITH_BDB_VER=5 or WITH_BDB_VER=6 to /etc/make.conf to have all applications that get rebuilt use Oracle Berkeley DB 5 or 6, respectively. DO NOT FORCE DELETE older BerkeleyDB packages, that breaks the upgrade tools. Instead, first rebuild the ports that depend on it, then remove the old Berkeley DB versions. Berkeley DB ports should be able to build/install with an older and a newer version version both installed if WITH_BDB_VER is set. If a port then grabs the old Berkeley DB version, that is an issue with the port that requires Berkeley DB, and should be reported to the maintainer. If you are interested in upgrading now already, we have instructions at . 20131209: AFFECTS: users of dns/bind96, dns/bind98 and bind99 on FreeBSD 10.0 AUTHOR: Bind versions before, 9.8.6_2, and 9.9.4_2 on FreeBSD 10.0 will replace named.conf on upgrade. Make sure to backup any local changes before upgrading to the _2 versions. 20131208: AFFECTS: users of java/subversion-java AUTHOR: java/subversion-java was moved to java/java-subversion. Please do the following according to package manager used. # portmaster -o java/java-subversion java/subversion-java or # portupgrade -fo java/java-subversion java/subversion-java or # pkg set -o java/subversion-java:java/java-subversion 20131208: AFFECTS: users of x11-toolkits/vte AUTHOR: The gnome-pty-helper program has been split off from the vte package to allow both vte and vte3 to be installed at the same time. To update after this change please do the following: # pkg_delete -f vte\* or # pkg delete -fg vte\* followed by # portmaster x11-toolkits/vte or # portupgrade x11-toolkits/vte 20131207: AFFECTS: users of mail/opensmtpd AUTHOR: There has been changes to the OpenSMTPD configuration. Please refer to smtpd.conf(5), and use "smtpd -nf smtpd.conf" to validate. 20131203: AFFECTS: users of graphics/opencv, graphics/opencv-core AUTHOR: OpenCV has been updated to 2.4.7. Due to movement of files between the opencv port and the opencv-core port, it will be necessary to remove both packages before updating. # pkg_delete -f opencv\* or # pkg delete -fg opencv\* followed by # portmaster -a or # portupgrade -a 20131127: AFFECTS: users of devel/py-distribute (i.e you) AUTHOR: devel/py-distribute was replaced with devel/py-setuptools. Please do the following according to package manager used. py-distribute port will be removed shortly. # portmaster -o devel/py-setuptools devel/py-distribute or # portupgrade -fo devel/py-setuptools devel/py-distribute or # pkg set -o devel/py-distribute:devel/py-setuptools # pkg install -f devel/py-setuptools 20131125: AFFECTS: users of www/mod_wsgi AUTHOR: The port www/mod_wsgi moved to www/mod_wsgi2 to reflect the port version. # portmaster -o www/mod_wsgi2 www/mod_wsgi or # portupgrade -fo www/mod_wsgi2 www/mod_wsgi or # pkg set -o www/mod_wsgi:www/mod_wsgi2 20131120: AFFECTS: users of lang/perl5.12 lang/perl5.14 lang/perl5.16 and lang/perl5.18 AUTHOR: The THREADS option has been enabled by default in all Perl. If you're using binary packages you need to do : # pkg install -Rf perl5 If you're not using binary packages, and want to switch from non threaded Perl to threaded Perl, you need to recompile and reinstall most ports depending on Perl. Supposing you have Perl 5.16, you would do: Portupgrade users: 0) Fix pkgdb.db (for safety): pkgdb -Ff 1) Change the option in lang/perl5.16: make -C /usr/ports/lang/perl5.16 config 2) Reinstall everything that depends on Perl: portupgrade -fr lang/perl5.16 Portmaster users: 1) Change the option in lang/perl5.16: make -C /usr/ports/lang/perl5.16 config 2) Reinstall everything that depends on Perl: portmaster -r perl5- Note: The installed Perl package was named perl and is now named perl5, if you have not updated your installation in a long time, you may need to use "perl-" here. 20131112: AFFECTS: users of dns/nsd AUTHOR: dns/nsd was updated to the new 4.0.0 major release. This version replaces the nsdc control program with nsd-control. This requires some manual setup with nsd-control-setup and editing of the config files. nsd-control is incompatible with nsdc so when that is used in scripts, these should be adapted. More information: NSD version 3 is still supported in dns/nsd3. To keep the old version: # portmaster -o dns/nsd3 dns/nsd or # portupgrade -fo dns/nsd3 dns/nsd or # pkg set -o dns/nsd:dns/nsd3 20131112: AFFECTS: users of dns/bind9* AUTHOR: All bind9 ports have been updated to support FreeBSD 10.x after BIND was removed from the base system. It is now self-contained in ${PREFIX}/etc/namedb, and chroot and symlinking options are no longer supported out of the box. For users of FreeBSD 9.x and earlier, the LINKS option is no longer enabled by default, but still supported. No other changes should affect those users, and updating without changing already set options will keep the system in the same state. 20131103: AFFECTS: users of security/libtasn1 and any port that depends on it AUTHOR: libtasn1 has been updated to 3.3 and all shared libraries versions have been bumped. So you need to rebuild all applications that depend on libtasn1. # portmaster -r libtasn1 or # portupgrade -fr security/libtasn1 or # pkg install -fR security/libtasn1 20131031: AFFECTS: users of multimedia/rtmpdump AUTHOR: The library part of multimedia/rtmpdump is split into multimedia/librtmp. multimedia/rtmpdump now depends on the library port. A build error can occur if you built and installed old rtmpdump by using stock OpenSSL, and then install security/openssl and try to build multimedia/rtmpdump without deinstalling the installed one. Please make sure if the old rtmpdump is removed before building the new version. 20131028: AFFECTS: users of comms/dcf77pi AUTHOR: As of version 1.0.5 the configuration file was renamed from hardware.txt to config.txt and the format has been made more flexible. If you have customized any parameters, be sure to copy them to config.txt after which hardware.txt can be removed. 20131028: AFFECTS: users of multimedia/ffmpeg1 and multimedia/ffmpeg-devel AUTHOR: The port ffmpeg was updated, ffmpeg1 and ffmpeg-devel were removed in favor of ffmpeg. # portmaster -o multimedia/ffmpeg multimedia/ffmpeg1 or # portupgrade -fo multimedia/ffmpeg multimedia/ffmpeg1 or # pkg set -o multimedia/ffmpeg1:multimedia/ffmpeg and # portmaster -o multimedia/ffmpeg multimedia/ffmpeg-devel or # portupgrade -fo multimedia/ffmpeg multimedia/ffmpeg-devel or # pkg set -o multimedia/ffmpeg-devel:multimedia/ffmpeg 20131023: AFFECTS: users of lang/perl5.12 lang/perl5.14 AUTHOR: The default Perl has been switched to lang/perl5.16. These examples are for switching from lang/perl5.14, if you are running another version, replace lang/perl5.14 with the origin of the Perl you have installed. Pkgng users: # pkg set -o lang/perl5.14:lang/perl5.16 # pkg install -Rf lang/perl5.16 Portupgrade users: 0) Fix pkgdb.db (for safety): pkgdb -Ff 1) Reinstall new version of Perl (5.16): portupgrade -o lang/perl5.16 -f lang/perl5.14 2) Reinstall everything that depends on Perl: portupgrade -fr lang/perl5.16 Portmaster users: portmaster -o lang/perl5.16 lang/perl5.14 Conservative: portmaster p5- Comprehensive (but perhaps overkill): portmaster -r perl- Note: If the "perl-" glob matches more than one port you will need to specify the name of the Perl directory in /var/db/pkg explicitly. 20131020: AFFECTS: users of mail/squirrelmail AUTHOR: The default location for user data files and attachments has changed. This will only affect new installations, and upgrading SquirrelMail WILL NOT break your current installation. To make use of the new locations, do the following: # cp -rp /var/spool/squirrelmail/pref/* /usr/local/www/squirrelmail/data # cp -rp /var/spool/squirrelmail/attach/* /usr/local/www/squirrelmail/attach and then run /usr/local/www/squirrelmail/configure and tell SM about it ("Data Directory" and "Attachment Directory" under "General Options"). This version of SquirrelMail is a SNAPSHOT that brings in PHP 5.4 and 5.5 compatibility. 20131020: AFFECTS: users of security/gpgme AUTHOR: The library version of security/gpgme has changed, and PORTREVISION has been bumped in all dependent ports. If you have external software that depends on gpgme, this software needs to be recompiled. To recompile all software dependent on gpgme, run: # portmaster -r gpgme or # portupgrade -rf gpgme 20131008: AFFECTS: all users AUTHOR: A new USES has been added:, this uses allows porters to select a compiler for a given port based on the features the port needs By default this will always try to find Clang > 3.3. If the user prefers using GCC then the following macro should be added to user's make.conf: FAVORITE_COMPILER=gcc 20131004: AFFECTS: users of net-mgmt/nrpe2 AUTHOR: The port nrpe2 was updated and moved to nrpe # portmaster -o net-mgmt/nrpe net-mgmt/nrpe2 or # portupgrade -fo net-mgmt/nrpe net-mgmt/nrpe2 or # pkg set -o net-mgmt/nrpe2:net-mgmt/nrpe 20131003: AFFECTS: users of lang/python* and ports AUTHOR: The default versions of lang/python* have been changed to support the new DEFAULT_VERSIONS variable. PYTHON_DEFAULT_VERSION, PYTHON2_DEFAULT_VERSION and PYTHON3_DEFAULT_VERSION are deprecated. If you have set them in your make.conf, you should change them something like DEFAULT_VERSIONS=python=2.7 python2=2.7 python3=3.3 20130929: AFFECTS: users of x11/pixman AUTHOR: The library version of x11/pixman has changed, and PORTREVISION has been bumped in all dependent ports. If you have external software that depends on pixman, this software needs to be recompiled. To recompile all software dependent on pixman, run: # portmaster -r pixman or # portupgrade -rf pixman 20130929: AFFECTS: users of graphics/libGL, graphics/dri and other MESA ports AUTHOR: The graphics/libGL, graphics/dri and related MESA ports have been updated to 9.1 when compiled with WITH_NEW_XORG= set. It is necessary to remove the old versions of both ports before updating. # pkg_delete -f libGL-\* dri-\* or # pkg delete -f libGL dri followed by # portmaster -a 20130925: AFFECTS: users of print/qpdf AUTHOR: Due to the changes in, please deinstall qpdf first if you are updating from 4.0.0 to 4.0.1+ 20130920: AFFECTS: users of ptlib, opal and/or ekiga AUTHOR: The ptlib26, opal3 and ekiga3 ports where updated to the latest version and moved to the location of the old ports. If the ekiga (2.0) port is installed the same line as for ekiga3 can be used except without the 3 at the end. # portmaster -o devel/ptlib devel/ptlib26 # portmaster -o net/opal net/opal3 # portmaster -o net/ekiga3 net-im/ekiga or # portupgrade -fo devel/ptlib devel/ptlib26 # portupgrade -fo net/opal net/opal3 # portupgrade -fo net/ekiga3 net-im/ekiga or # pkg set -o devel/ptlib26 devel/ptlib # pkg set -o net/opal3 net/opal # pkg set -o net/ekiga3 net-im/ekiga 20130920: AFFECTS: users of ports AUTHOR: New way to override the default version of a language in the ports tree. The make variable, DEFAULT_VERSIONS, allows users to override the default version defined by the ports tree. For example, to declare specific versions for Perl, Ruby and Tcl/Tk, it would be defined as: DEFAULT_VERSIONS= perl5=5.18 ruby=2.0 tcltk=8.6 Today, this only is supported by Perl, Ruby, and Tcl/Tk. 20130920: AFFECTS: users of ports AUTHOR: Optional Stack Protector [1] support has been added with the WITH_SSP_PORTS knob. WITH_SSP_PORTS= yes This currently is only supported on FreeBSD 10 amd64/i386 and earlier releases on amd64. The default SSP_CLFAGS is -fstack-protector, but -fstack-protector-all may optionally be set instead. To enable support, add WITH_SSP_PORTS=yes to your make.conf and rebuild all ports. # portmaster -af or # portupgrade -af [1] 20130904: AFFECTS: 10-CURRENT users with any port depending on converters/libiconv AUTHOR: 10-CURRENT after r254273 (committed on August 13, 2013) has an implementation of iconv enabled by default in libc. NOTE: after r341775 (committed on January 29, 2014) and other following commits, a few ports, including devel/glib20, depend on the converters/libiconv again due to missing functionality in the base iconv implementation. Due to this change some major overhauling of the ports tree has been necessary to move the ports to using that implementation. People using pkgng binary packages should have little problems, "pkg upgrade" will update all software to not depend on libiconv anymore, once updated packages are available. Please make sure to perform a "pkg autoremove" after that and check that libiconv is correctly removed by it. If you are using ports the update requires some manual intervention. The following procedure should be followed: # pkg query %ro libiconv >ports_to_update # pkg delete -f libiconv # cat ports_to_update | xargs portmaster or: # pkg query %ro libiconv >ports_to_update # pkg delete -f libiconv # cat ports_to_update | xargs portupgrade -f 20130831: AFFECTS: users of graphics/gdal AUTHOR: Due to changes in header files, please deinstall gdal first while updating from 1.9.x to 1.10.x. 20130830: AFFECTS: users of mail/meta1 AUTHOR: The on disk format has changed. Please make sure that queue is empty before you update. 20130817: AFFECTS: users of lang/python* AUTHOR: The lang/python* ports do not install links to 2to3, idle, pydoc, python and other binaries anymore. Those were moved into the lang/python2 and lang/python3 ports respectively. This change brings us closer to the goal of making Python ports usable with different Python versions at the same time. If you have lang/python2* or lang/python3* installed, please also install the associated lang/python2 or lang/python3 port. 1. update lang/python2* and/or lang/python3* 2. install lang/python2 and/or lang/python3 3. install/update lang/python 20130816: AFFECTS: users of graphics/opendx and math/octave-forge-octcdf AUTHOR: These two ports have changed the science/netcdf dependency to science/netcdf4. It is recommended that the science/netcdf package be deinstalled before rebuilding these ports, otherwise you are likely to face port conflicts when building future ports. 20130806: AFFECTS: users of devel/eric4 AUTHOR: Since PKGVERSION=4.5.13_1 the default file destination has changed from ${PYTHON_SITELIBDIR}/eric4 to ${DATADIR}. 20130731: AFFECTS: users of glib20 AUTHOR: The devel/gio-fam-backend port was removed in the glib 2.36 update. Since the gio-fam-backend port was used in USE_GNOME=glib20, all dependencies need to be rebuilt. The removal of gio-fam-backend isn't critical, glib20 using programs should work just fine if the port is still installed. It is not clear however, if glib20 will use the new kqueue backend or the old fam backend. Note that users of pkg packages can just run the pkg delete command after their next update. # portmaster -r gio-fam-backend # pkg_delete gio-fam-backend-\* (for pkgng: pkg delete gio-fam-backend) # portmaster -a or # portupgrade -rf gio-fam-backend # pkg_delete gio-fam-backend-\* (for pkgng: pkg delete gio-fam-backend) # portupgrade -a 20130726: AFFECTS: users of Qt 3 and KDE 3 AUTHOR: All ports based on Qt 3 (including KDE 3 but also ports which used Qt 3 as a graphical toolkit) expired on 20130701 because Qt 3 and KDE 3 were no longer maintained upstream. These ports have been removed today. Users of KDE 3 are advised to switch to another desktop environment provided in the Ports Collection, e.g. KDE 4 or Xfce. Users of Qt 3 are advised to upgrade to the Qt 4 counterpart(s). 20130725: AFFECTS: users of net/openafs AUTHOR: The OpenAFS 1.6.5 release is a security release which requires substantial configuration changes to the AFS servers in addition to the software update, in order to be fully protected. The entry for OPENAFS-SA-2013-003 on has links to the upgrade documentation. The procedure involves rekeying the cell to a non-DES krb5 key, stored in a krb5 keytab named rxkad.keytab in PREFIX/etc/openafs/server/. 20130720: AFFECTS: users of japanese/mozc-server and japanese/mozc-el AUTHOR: The bin/mozc_emacs_helper program is now built and installed by japanese/mozc-server because the build processes are heavily overlapped with each other and the helper program does not depend on most of what mozc-server does actually. To upgrade them, please remove mozc-el first to prevent a conflict with the installed bin/mozc_emacs_helper. 20130719: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/bacula-server, sysutils/bacula-client, sysutils/bacula-bat AUTHOR: The configuration files for bacula have been moved to PREFIX/etc/bacula. Move your existing configuration files to this directory after upgrading. 20130718: AFFECTS: users of security/logcheck AUTHOR: The logcheck port now provides a configuration option controlling installation of the crontab file. When installing the port interactively, the port option is enabled by default to mimic previous behavior. When the port is installed non-interactively (BATCH=yes) the crontab file *will not* be installed automatically. If the EXAMPLES port option is enabled, the crontab file can be installed manually at a later time from EXAMPLESDIR/ 20130718: AFFECTS: users of www/zend-framework AUTHOR: zend-framework has been updated to 2.2.1 and old 1.12.0 has been copied to www/zend-framework1. If you wish to stay with the older version run: # portmaster -o www/zend-framework1 www/zend-framework or # portupgrade -fo www/zend-framework1 www/zend-framework or # pkg set -o www/zend-framework:www/zend-framework1 20130714: AFFECTS: users of net/avahi-gtk AUTHOR: Avahi was updated to 0.6.31, due to changes in the avahi-gtk port it will be necessary to remove the avahi-gtk port before updating. Users of pkg packages can skip this step. # pkg_delete -f avahi-gtk\* or # pkg delete -f avahi-gtk followed by # portmaster net/avahi-gtk or # portupgrade net/avahi-gtk 20130711: AFFECTS: users of dns/py-ldns AUTHOR: The dns/py-ldns port now only installs the Python bits, and depends on dns/ldns. Because of that, you cannot just do a regular upgrade, it would install dns/ldns overwriting existing files and removing them when removing the old version of dns/py-ldns. # pkg_delete -f py-ldns-\* # cd /usr/ports/dns/py-ldns && make clean && make install clean or # pkg delete -fg py-ldns-\* # pkg install -f dns/py-ldns 20130707: AFFECTS: users of www/ajaxplorer AUTHOR: Ajaxplorer was updated to 5.0.1. This is a major update and some manual intervention may be needed. Before upgrading you should preserve the following files in WWWDIR (defaults to PREFIX/www/ajaxplorer) if you have customized them: conf/bootstrap_conf.php conf/bootstrap_context.php conf/bootstrap_plugins.php conf/bootstrap_repositories.php and put them back after the upgrade. If you are using a database backend you will need to manually update your database table using the sql script the port will install at WWWDIR/conf/conf/4.2.3-5.0.0-db-upgrade.sql Don't forget to check the documentation about upgrading from version 4.x at: 20130706: AFFECTS: users of devel/apr1 AUTHOR: APR was updated to 1.4.8 and APR-util was updated to 1.5.2. Please rebuild all ports which are using functions from APR/APR-util such as Apache, Subversion, etc. # portmaster -r apr or # portupgrade -r devel/apr1 or # pkg install -fR devel/apr1 20130705: AFFECTS: users of x11/kdelibs4 AUTHOR: The KDE Software Compilation 4.10.4 was committed a few days ago, and version 4.10.5 was committed today. They include better support for using clang as the compiler, but that requires recompiling all KDE ports which depend on x11/kdelibs4. Most ports which fall into this category are already part of the KDE Software Compilation and have been updated to version 4.10.5, but those released separately need to be rebuilt manually. If you are building your KDE ports with clang, doing the following is recommended: # portmaster -r kdelibs-4\* or # portupgrade -fr x11/kdelibs4 or # pkg install -fR x11/kdelibs4 Alternatively, to avoid rebuilding the ports which are part of the 4.10.5 update: # portmaster -x \*-4.10.5\* -r kdelibs-4\* or # portupgrade -x \*-4.10.5\* -fr x11/kdelibs4 20130703: AFFECTS: users of comms/trustedqsl and comms/tqsllib AUTHOR: Upstream have removed the need for a separate port for the library formerly found in comms/tqsllib. Please remove tqsllib before installing trustedqsl 20130627: AFFECTS: users of ports-mgmt/portmaster AUTHOR: Since June 22nd, portmaster no longer relies on 'WITH_PKGNG' to be defined, or ports to be checked out to enable pkgng support. It now considers whether or not pkg is installed and registered with itself. I.e., if this returns data, pkgng is considered in use: # pkg info pkg It's possible that you may have tested pkgng in the past, ran pkg2ng, and never fully committed to it by setting WITH_PKGNG. If this is the case, uninstall pkg with pkg_info/pkg_delete and also remove the stale database, rm /var/db/pkg/local.sqlite. This could manifest itself as portmaster -L showing the wrong versions, or portmaster no longer detecting installed packages correctly. Note that PORTS still require WITH_PKGNG=yes in make.conf if you are not running CURRENT. 20130627: AFFECTS: users of net/samba36 AUTHOR: Samba has updated format of it's printing tdbs (ntprinting.tdb, ntforms.tdb, ntdrivers.tdb) to include character encoding. When updating from Samba 3.5 or earlier to Samba 3.6 or 4.0 these tdbs need to be migrated to new registry based printing management. This implies also character conversion. You have to specify the correct code page for the conversion, see iconv -l. The mostly used one is Windows Latin1 which is CP1252. You can correctly view the tdb with: # net printing dump encoding=CP1252 /path/to/ntprinters.tdb or migrate it with e.g.: # net printing migrate encoding=CP1252 /path/to/ntprinters.tdb If you migrate printers it is suggest to do it in the following order: ntforms.tdb ntdrivers.tdb ntprinting.tdb Don't forget to rename, move or delete these files in /var/db/samba after the migration. 20130623: AFFECTS: users of net-im/mikutter003 AUTHOR: net-im/mikutter003 has been removed from the ports tree because the Twitter API version 1.0 was deprecated on 2013-05-07 and mikutter003, which uses the API 1.0, won't work. Please consider using net-im/mikutter instead of this. 1. deinstall mikutter003 2. upgrade Ruby to 1.9( or later) (see the entry 20130527) 3. install net-im/mikutter 20130623: AFFECTS: users of www/magento AUTHOR: Magento has been updated to on 2013-06-03. With it a stricter file system policy is enforced on the port. If you (or your customer) rely heavily on Magento Connect via the backend to install extensions, your quickfix is: # chown -R www: ${PREFIX}/www/magento # chmod -R u+w ${PREFIX}/www/magento The more conservative approach: # chown -R www: ${PREFIX}/www/magento/app/code/{local,community} \ ${PREFIX}/www/magento/app/{design,locale} \ ${PREFIX}/www/magento/{downloader,skin} # chmod -R u+w ${PREFIX}/www/magento/app/code/{local,community} \ ${PREFIX}/www/magento/app/{design,locale} \ ${PREFIX}/www/magento/{downloader,skin} The conservative approach will alert you to extensions that try to write in Magento core, while allowing clean extensions to install properly (corner cases may exist). 20130619: AFFECTS: users of devel/subversion AUTHOR: devel/subversion has been upgraded from 1.7.10 to 1.8.0 If you want to upgrade, and use http/https access to repositories, please check, that the SERF option is enabled, as NEON support is gone. Also, mod_dontdothat and svnauthz_validate are now enabled with one option TOOLS, among other new tools and SVNMUCC is enabled always. subversion-1.7.x is available as devel/subversion17 To stay on subversion-1.7.x set in /etc/make.conf WITH_SUBVERSION_VER=17 and use the following command # pkg set -o devel/subversion:devel/subversion17 or # portmaster -o devel/subversion17 devel/subversion 20130614: AFFECTS: users who set port options in make.conf AUTHOR: Configuring options in make.conf using variables like OPTIONS_SET and OPTIONS_UNSET now also suppresses the option dialog for those options. This means that when building a port the option dialog will only appear if there are truly new options that have not been configured before using either the dialog or make.conf. This allows you to set options like DOCS, NLS, X11, etc. once for all ports and not have option dialogs pop up if those are the only options. For a list of variables you can set in make.conf to control options see Mk/ 20130612: AFFECTS: users of lang/perl* and any port that depends on it AUTHOR: lang/perl5.12 has been upgraded from version 5.12.4 to 5.12.5 lang/perl5.14 has been upgraded from version 5.14.2 to 5.14.4 lang/perl5.16 has been upgraded from version 5.16.2 to 5.16.3 The directory structure where Perl is installed has also been modified: "major.minor" is now used instead of "major.minor.patchlevel". The "perl-after-upgrade" script has been removed. Please rebuild all Perl ports and all ports that depend on it: # portmaster -r perl or # portupgrade -rf perl or # pkg install -fR perl 20130609: AFFECTS: users of audio/flac and any port that depends on it AUTHOR: FLAC has been updated to 1.3.0 and the shared library versions have been bumped. Please rebuild all ports that depend on it: # portmaster -r flac or # portupgrade -fr audio/flac or # pkg install -fR audio/flac 20130607: AFFECTS: Nobody AUTHOR: FreeBSD 8.4 released. 20130604: AFFECTS: users of lang/ghc and */hs-* AUTHOR: The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compiler has been updated to version 7.6.3 and Haskell Platform to 2013.2.0.0. Hence it is recommended to rebuild or reinstall all the dependent ports by one of the following commands: # portmaster -w -r ghc or # portupgrade -fr lang/ghc or # pkg install -fR lang/ghc Note that prefixes used for hs- ports (Cabal packages) have been changed to PREFIX/{lib,share,share/doc}/cabal/ghc-GHC_VERSION to enable more seamless upgrades in the future. 20130603: AFFECTS: users of dns/opendnssec AUTHOR: Some database changes have been made between version 1.3 and 1.4, upgrading needs to be done manually by running the following scripts: For MySQL users: PREFIX/share/opendnssec/migrate_adapters_1.mysql For SQLite users: PREFIX/share/opendnssec/migrate_adapters_1.sqlite3 For the full migration explanation see: PREFIX/share/doc/opendnssec/MIGRATION opendnssec 1.3 version was preserved as dns/opendnssec13 port. 20130601: AFFECTS: users of textproc/ack AUTHOR: ack has been updated to version 2.04. It is slightly incompatible with some options present in ack1. For more information, see 20130530: AFFECTS: users of irc/inspircd AUTHOR: The irc/inspircd port has been updated to 2.0.12. Some of the config option names in the rc script have been changed. Check the script for more detail. 20130527: AFFECTS: users of lang/ruby18 AUTHOR: The default ruby version has been updated from 1.8 to 1.9. First, stop any software that uses ruby. Then, you'll need to rebuild all ports that depend on ruby: If you use portmaster: # portmaster -o lang/ruby19 lang/ruby18 # portmaster -R -r ruby-1.9 If you use portupgrade: # portupgrade -f lang/ruby18 # portupgrade -f lang/ruby19 # if you have it installed # portupgrade -f ports-mgmt/portupgrade # portupgrade -x ruby-1.8.\* -fr lang/ruby18 After these steps are complete, you can pkg_delete ruby 1.8 if you no longer need it. If you use pkgng: # pkg set -o lang/ruby18:lang/ruby19 # pkg install -fR lang/ruby19 If you wish to keep the 1.8 version as default, add the following lines to your /etc/make.conf file: # # Keep ruby 1.8 as default version. # RUBY_DEFAULT_VER=1.8 20130525: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/rsyslog5* AUTHOR: Rsyslog 5.x has reached end of life status and has therefore been removed. While sysutils/rsyslog6* exists, please consider migrating to sysutils/rsyslog7 as that is the currently supported release. 20130525: AFFECTS: users of mail/postgrey AUTHOR: Darren Pilgrim The RC script for postgrey has been modified. If you use the default value for postgrey_flags this does not affect you. If you have postgrey listening on a Unix socket or set any optional values, please read the comments in the RC scripts and check your settings in rc.conf prior to restarting postgrey. 20130525: AFFECTS: users of x11/xorg and all xorg ports AUTHOR: X.Org, including libraries and some drivers, was updated. If you are running the default X.Org distribution, no special upgrade procedure should be necessary. If you are running with WITH_NEW_XORG= make sure to update and rebuild all installed drivers since xorg-server has been updated. 20130520: AFFECTS: users of textproc/elasticsearch AUTHOR: This is the first stable release based on Lucene 4. We recommend testing the upgrade before doing it in production. Upgrading from 0.20 requires a full cluster restart. In order to be able to downgrade, stop indexing new data, issue a flush request, do the upgrade and only enable indexing of new data once you are certain that you no longer need to downgrade. Once new data has been indexed, downgrading is no longer possible. To be extra safe, back up your data before upgrading. 20130519: AFFECTS: users of net/activemq AUTHOR: The JVM used by activemq has changed to OpenJDK 7. You will need to make sure javavmwrapper is configured to use the installed java/openjdk7 JVM. 20130512: AFFECTS: users of devel/hs-git-annex AUTHOR: On FreeBSD, git-annex incorrectly calculated SHA256 hashes for files added to the annex repository due to the BSD-style output of /sbin/sha256. The result of this is silent data corruption. This problem has been fixed, but every file stored in an annex repository will fail a `git-annex fsck` after the upgrade. Thus, before updating, it is wise to issue the command below and restore the files. $ git-annex uninit Corruptions can then be found by finding all files with the same hash. Note that only files that were mishashed to the same location are a problem. 20130511: AFFECTS: users of TeX AUTHOR: One can now choose TeXLive or teTeX by using TEX_DEFAULT. Specifying TEX_DEFAULT=texlive, almost all of ports which use TeX will install and depend on TeXLive-based ones. Note that the default value is still "tetex" and the two cannot coexist. You need to remove all of the TeX-related packages based on teTeX to try TeXLive. 20130507: AFFECTS: users of comms/usbmuxd or comms/libimobiledevice AUTHOR: libusbmuxd and libimobiledevice versions have changed. Please, rebuild all the ports that depend on them: # portmaster -r usbmuxd or # portupgrade -fr comms/usbmuxd or # pkg install -fR comms/usbmuxd 20130507: AFFECTS: users of devel/libplist AUTHOR: libplist Python bindings were split from the main port. To get them you need to install devel/py-libplist. 20130506: AFFECTS: users of TeX AUTHOR: TeXLive ports have been imported. Although most of ports still depend on teTeX at this moment, they will be converted to use TeXLive. The directory layout of them is as follows. Please use print/texlive-full if you are not familiar with how each component works. Finer-grained ports will be added (specifically, meta ports for smaller installation and so on). Note that the full installation needs around 3GB of disk space. teTeX-based ports and TeXLive are mutually exclusive. This means TeXLive ports cannot be installed when teTeX is already installed. You need to remove all of the TeX-related packages based on teTeX to try TeXLive. Migration procedure will be announced when conversion of the port dependency is completed. * Meta port - print/texlive-full: meta port to install all of the TeXLive components * Libraries - devel/tex-kpathsea: kpathsea library - devel/tex-web2c: WEB2C toolchain and TeX engines - print/tex-ptexenc: character code conversion library for pTeX * Base part of the TeXLive - print/texlive-base: binary programs in TeXLive - print/texlive-texmf: macro and font data in TeXLive - print/texlive-infra: tlmgr dependency (Perl modules) - print/tex-formats: * TeX Formats - print/tex-formats: TeX, LaTeX, PDFTeX, AMSTeX, ConTeXT, CSLaTeX, EplainTeX, METAFONT, MLTeX, PDFTeX, TeXsis - print/tex-aleph: Aleph/Lambda - print/tex-xetex: XeTeX - print/tex-luatex: LuaTeX - print/tex-jadetex: JadeTeX - print/tex-xmltex: XMLTeX - japanese/tex-ptex: pTeX * DVI ware - print/tex-xdvik: XDvi 20130503: AFFECTS: users of security/libgcrypt and any port that depends on it AUTHOR: The libgcrypt port has been updated to 1.5.2 and all shared libraries versions have been bumped. So you need to rebuild all applications that depend on libgcrypt. Do something like: # portmaster -r libgcrypt or # portupgrade -rf libgcrypt Alternatively, you may install sysutils/bsdadminscripts, run pkg_libchk and rebuild all detected ports: # pkg_libchk | tee /tmp/rebuild # awk -F':' '/ {print $1}' /tmp/rebuild | sort | uniq \ | xargs portmaster -D 20130502: AFFECTS: users of ports-mgmt/pkg, ports-mgmt/poudriere, ports-mgmt/tinderbox AUTHOR: This only affects people who are _building_ binary packages for pkgng. If you are building from ports please ignore this. This step is optional. It is recommended to rebuild all packages and then have your users run 'pkg check -Ba' and 'pkg upgrade' on their servers once. This will allow the new shlib tracking to reinstall packages that have changed shlib requirements. 20130427: AFFECTS: users of print/a2ps-{a4,letter}, print/c2ps-{a4,letter}, print/lprps-{a4,letter}, or graphics/jpeg2ps-{a4,letter} AUTHOR: The affected ports have been converted to use libpaper for the default paper size as print/psutils did. For more detail, see 20130424 below. 20130424: AFFECTS: users of print/psutils-a4 or print/psutils-letter AUTHOR: print/psutils-a4 and print/psutils-letter have been merged into a single port print/psutils. The default paper size in psnup(1), psresize(1), and pstops(1) is now selected via an environment variable and/or a configuration file of libpaper(3). For more detail, see papersize(5) and paperconfig(8) manual page. If you prefer A4 or letter size by default as the old version did, please install print/papersize-default-a4 or print/papersize-default-letter, which installs a papersize configuration file without manual configuration. 20130423: AFFECTS: users of mail/postfix AUTHOR: This is a significant update; so, please carefully review the RELEASE_NOTES to identify which incompatible changes impact your environment. 20130408: AFFECTS: users of astro/libkgeomap, graphics/digikam-kde4, graphics/kipi-plugins-kde4 AUTHOR: Digikam ports have been updated and split. Previous versions have to be deinstalled before upgrade: # pkg_delete -f digikam-2\* kipi-plugins-2\* libkgeomap-2\* or # pkg delete -fg digikam-2\* kipi-plugins-2\* libkgeomap-2\* 20130403: AFFECTS: users of mail/thunderbird-esr* AUTHOR: Mozilla stopped providing 2 versions of thunderbird. The only one lives in mail/thunderbird if you are using thunderbird-esr please switch to thunderbird by running on of the following commands. # portupgrade -o mail/thunderbird mail/thunderbird-esr # portupgrade -o mail/thunderbird-i18n \ mail/thunderbird-esr-i18n (if installed) or # portmaster -o mail/thunderbird mail/thunderbird-esr # portmaster -o mail/thunderbird-i18n \ mail/thunderbird-esr-i18n (if installed) 20130331: AFFECTS: users of */hs-* AUTHOR: Due to some unexpected dynamic linking problems, Haskell Cabal ports with binaries that link to their own libraries may not work. With default configuration, the following ports are known to have this problem: Agda, BNFC, pandoc, and uuagc. (Their port revision are now bumped.) In general, it is recommended to rebuild the port if you are experiencing that the corresponding binary will not start, e.g.: % agda Shared object "" not found, required by "agda" 20130329: AFFECTS: users of ports-mgmt/portmaster AUTHOR: Portmaster 3.15 should be skipped if you are not using pkgng and are on 9.1, 8-STABLE, 9-STABLE, or CURRENT. It may require manual upgrading to 3.16: # make -C /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/portmaster build deinstall install clean 20130329: AFFECTS: users of net/kio-upnp-ms AUTHOR: A wrong setting in x11/kdelibs4 was causing some unlisted files to be installed. Remember to delete them after updating x11/kdelibs4 to 4.10.1_1: # rm /usr/local/kde4/bin/upnpmstest # rm /usr/local/kde4/bin/stattest # rm /usr/local/kde4/bin/recursive_upnp 20130327: AFFECTS: users of mail/opensmtpd AUTHOR: Privilege separation is enabled in OpenSMTPD port from 5.3,1. Users upgrading from version 201303011853 or earlier are required to follow the instructions in pkg-message to fix the filesystem permissions on OpenSMTPD spool directories. 20130327: AFFECTS: users of KDE SC 4 AUTHOR: KDE SC ports have been updated to 4.10.1. kdelibs4 does no longer directly use aspell or hspell, to regain their functionality enable corresponding option in textproc/enchant. A number of ports have been split and must be deinstalled before upgrading: # pkg_delete -f kdegames-4\* kde-workspace-4\* kde-wallpapers-4\* or # pkg delete -fg kdegames-4\* kde-workspace-4\* kde-wallpapers-4\* 20130326: AFFECTS: users of deskutils/strigi AUTHOR: Strigi port has been split on libraries, client, daemon, and utilities. Manual update is required: # cd /usr/ports/deskutils/strigi && make deinstall && \ make clean && make install clean or # pkg delete -f strigi && pkg upgrade && pkg install deskutils/strigi 20130323: AFFECTS: users of archivers/libarchive AUTHOR: The archivers/libarchive port has been updated to 3.1.2. The shared library version has changed from 12 to 14. Please rebuild all ports that depend on it: # portmaster -r libarchive or # portupgrade -fr archivers/libarchive or # pkg install -fR archivers/libarchive 20130319: AFFECTS: users of ports AUTHOR: Ports now use ports-mgmt/dialog4ports to render and interact with the options dialog in 'make config'. This will be automatically built and installed on the first use. dialog4ports provides a new UI able to represent all the features provided by the new options framework. 20130319: AFFECTS: users of net/freerdp AUTHOR: The net/freerdp package was changed API and require to deinstall previous version first to avoid build conflicts. 20130317: AFFECTS: users of graphics/poppler AUTHOR: The graphics/poppler has been updated to 0.22.2. The shared library version has changed from 18 to 34. Please rebuild all ports that depends on it: # portmaster -r poppler-0 or # portupgrade -fr graphics/poppler or # pkg install -fR graphics/poppler 20130317: AFFECTS: users of devel/protobuf AUTHOR: The devel/protobuf has been updated to 2.5.0. The shared library version has changed from 7 to 8. Please rebuild all ports that depends on it: # portmaster -r protobuf or # portupgrade -fr devel/protobuf or # pkg install -fR devel/protobuf 20130316: AFFECTS: users of converters/libiconv and devel/gettext AUTHOR: libiconv now handles the lib/charset.alias file instead of devel/gettext. If you are using pkgng 'and' upgrading from source with portupgrade or portmaster, first delete gettext, upgrade libiconv, then reinstall gettext. This will break sudo, so you *must* do this in a root shell (sudo -i) if you use sudo. # pkg delete -f devel/gettext # portmaster converters/libiconv devel/gettext or # pkg delete -f devel/gettext # portupgrade converters/libiconv devel/gettext 20130308: AFFECTS: users of net-im/folks and devel/libgee AUTHOR: folks and libgee have been repocopied net-im/folks04 and devel/libgee06 respectively. Please do the following according to package manager used. # portmaster -o devel/libgee06 devel/libgee # portmaster -o net-im/folks04 net-im/folks or # portupgrade -fo devel/libgee06 devel/libgee # portupgrade -fo net-im/folks04 net-im/folks or # pkg set -o devel/libgee:devel/libgee06 # pkg set -o net-im/folks:net-im/folks04 20130307: AFFECTS: users of textproc/elasticsearch AUTHOR: textproc/elasticsearch has been updated to 0.20.5. This update also changes the required JDK to OpenJDK 7 as there are known issues when running on a Java 1.6 JDK. 20130307: AFFECTS: users of audio/liblastfm AUTHOR: The audio/liblastfm has been updated to 1.0.6. The shared library version has changed from 0 to 1. Please rebuild all ports that depends on it: If you use portmaster: portmaster -r liblastfm If you use portupgrade: portupgrade -fr audio/liblastfm If you use pkgng with binary packages: pkg install -fR audio/liblastfm 20130305: AFFECTS: users of devel/py-setuptools (i.e you) AUTHOR: devel/py-setuptools was replaced with devel/py-distribute. Please do the following according to package manager used. py-setuptools port will be removed shortly. # portmaster -o devel/py-distribute devel/py-setuptools or # portupgrade -fo devel/py-distribute devel/py-setuptools or # pkg set -o devel/py-setuptools:devel/py-distribute # pkg install -f devel/py-distribute 20130226: AFFECTS: users of textproc/apache-solr AUTHOR: textproc/apache-solr has been repocopied to textproc/apache-solr3. If you need to continue with the old stable version please run # portmaster -o textproc/apache-solr3 textproc/apache-solr or # portupgrade -fo textproc/apache-solr3 textproc/apache-solr or # pkg set -o textproc/apache-solr:textproc/apache-solr3 20130218: AFFECTS: users of net/samba4-devel AUTHOR: The port was renamed into net/samba4 and is going to replace older development version of Samba4. You can upgrade it with: # portmaster -o net/samba4 net/samba4-devel In case you want to upgrade from net/samba36 make sure, that you've made backup of /usr/local/etc/smb.conf and the content of /var/db/samba/ directory. There is no direct upgrade path from Samba3 to Samba4, but you can always try: # portmaster -o net/samba4 net/samba36 Make sure you've read instructions from the supplied README.FreeBSD file and read all the relevant pages on We still miss necessary support for Samba4 from base ntpd and bind9, port versions are also are not ready yet, but been worked on. Please note, that Samba4 is still in it's early days, so there are bugs both from my side and it's own, so be careful with placing it into production. 20130206: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/boxbackup AUTHOR: The default location of the configuration files changed from /usr/local/etc/box to /usr/local/etc/boxbackup. Move your configuration after upgrading: mv /usr/local/etc/box /usr/local/etc/boxbackup 20130206: AFFECTS: users of x11/wbar AUTHOR: wbar has been updated to 2.3.4. The new version uses a different icon for the dock background, so you have to replace the old one in your config file ~/.wbar Replace i: /usr/local/share/pixmaps/wbar/osxbarback.png with i: /usr/local/share/pixmaps/wbar/dock.png 20130206: AFFECTS: users of security/libtasn1 and any port that depends on it AUTHOR: libtasn1 has been updated to 2.14 and all shared libraries versions have been bumped. So you need to rebuild all applications that depend on libtasn1. If you use portmaster: portmaster -r libtasn1 If you use portupgrade: portupgrade -fr security/libtasn1 If you use pkgng with binary packages: pkg install -fR security/libtasn1 20130206: AFFECTS: users of Tcl/Tk AUTHOR: The following ports have been removed, as threads and modules are now included in the main ports: - lang/tcl84-thread - lang/tcl85-thread - lang/tcl86-thread - lang/tcl-modules - x11-toolkits/tk84-thread - x11-toolkits/tk85-thread - x11-toolkits/tk86-thread Please remove them ... If you use pkgng: pkg delete -f If you use pkg_* tools pkg_delete -f ... before rebuilding all ports that depend on them: If you use portmaster: portmaster -w -r If you use portupgrade: portupgrade -Ofr If you use pkgng with binary packages: pkg install -fR 20130205: AFFECTS: users of lang/ghc and */hs-* AUTHOR: Note that the recent devel/libffi update caused some breakage in the Haskell ports with the DYNAMIC option enabled. The problem has been identified and fixed since then. All Haskell ports have been updated to their latest stable versions or bumped as DYNAMIC is enabled by default. Hence it is recommended to rebuild or reinstall all ports depending on GHC by one of the following commands: # portmaster -w -r ghc or # portupgrade -fr lang/ghc or # pkg install -fR lang/ghc 20130205: AFFECTS: users of editors/libreoffice AUTHOR: LibreOffice has been updated to 3.6.5 with a bundle version of libcmis. The build will fail if you sill have net/libcmis 0.1 installed. Before upgrading LibreOffice you should either first remove libcmis from your system or upgrade it to version 0.3. 20130205: AFFECTS: users of security/gnutls and any port that depends on it AUTHOR: gnutls has been updated to 2.12.23 and all shared libraries versions have been bumped. So you need to rebuild all applications that depend on gnutls. If you use portmaster: portmaster -r gnutls If you use portupgrade: portupgrade -fr security/gnutls If you use pkgng with binary packages: pkg install -fR security/gnutls 20130204: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/zfstools AUTHOR: The zfstools package has dropped the 'rubygem-' prefix and now installs its binary files to PREFIX/sbin instead of PREFIX/bin. 20130204: AFFECTS: users of multimedia/qt4-phonon, multimedia/qt4-phonon-gst AUTHOR: qt4-phonon has been deprecated in favour of multimedia/phonon. Remove WITH_QT_PHONON from your make.conf and replace qt4-phonon with multimedia/phonon: # portmaster -o multimedia/phonon multimedia/qt4-phonon # portmaster -o multimedia/phonon-gstreamer multimedia/qt4-phonon-gst 20130204: AFFECTS: users of lang/perl5.8 and lang/perl5.10 AUTHOR: lang/perl5.8 and lang/perl5.10 have been removed since they've been EOL by upstream. You will have to recompile all perl dependant ports after updating your ports tree. Please see entry 20110517 for help. 20130204: AFFECTS: users of dns/poweradmin AUTHOR: Edmondas Girkantas Some database changes have been made between version 2.1.5 and 2.1.6, upgrading needs to be done manually by running the following SQL: For MySQL users: ALTER TABLE users MODIFY username VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'; ALTER TABLE users MODIFY password VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'; For PostgreSQL users: ALTER TABLE users ALTER COLUMN username TYPE VARCHAR(64); ALTER TABLE users ALTER COLUMN password TYPE VARCHAR(128); 20130203: AFFECTS: users of KDE SC 4 AUTHOR: KDE SC ports have been updated to 4.9.5. kdemultimedia4, kdenetwork4, kde-runtime and kde-workspace ports have been split, they must be deinstalled before running any port upgrade tool: # pkg_delete -f kdemultimedia-4\* kdenetwork-4\* \ kde-workspace-4\* kde-runtime-4\* 20130202: AFFECTS: users of net-p2p/deluge AUTHOR: deluge port had switched to using libtorrent-rasterbar 0.16 as backend. Since both of the versions of libtorrent are conflicting with each other, you need to deinstall libtorrent-rasterbar-15 and libtorrent-rasterbar-15-python first and then update deluge as usual. Please also keep in mind, that deluge does not work via http-proxy when libtorrent-rasterbar 0.16 is used. 20130131: AFFECTS: users of devel/boost-libs AUTHOR: boost has been updated to 1.52.0. Please rebuild all ports that depends on it: If you use portmaster: portmaster -w -r boost-libs If you use portupgrade: portupgrade -fr devel/boost-libs If you use pkgng with binary packages: pkg install -fR devel/boost-libs 20130129: AFFECTS: users of textproc/elasticsearch AUTHOR: elasticsearch has been updated to 0.20.4. This upgrade requires a full cluster restart after installation. Upgrade steps: 1) Shutdown all cluster nodes 2) Install elasticsearch update 3) Start all cluster nodes 20130128: AFFECTS: users of libffi AUTHOR: libffi has been updated to 3.0.11. Please rebuild all ports that depends on it: If you use portmaster: portmaster -w -r libffi If you use portupgrade: portupgrade -fr devel/libffi If you use pkgng with binary packages: pkg install -fR devel/libffi 20130121: AFFECTS: users of mail/opensmtpd AUTHOR: Please flush your mail queue before updating to version 201301191220. 20130116: AFFECTS: users of games/py-anki AUTHOR: games/py-anki has been removed upstream and merged with games/anki. Users of games/py-anki, from now must use games/anki. 20130114: AFFECTS: users of www/hiawatha AUTHOR: php-fcgi has been removed upstream from hiawatha and is not supported anymore. It is recommended to move to another FastCGI implementation, e.g. PHP-FPM (lang/php5). 20130113: AFFECTS: users of security/openvpn* AUTHOR: security/openvpn has been upgraded to the IPv6-capable v2.3.0. This upgrade moves easy-rsa into a separate package in security/easy-rsa that is pre-selected as default run-time dependency, and changes installed file layout a bit. security/openvpn22 retains the prior OpenVPN 2.2.2 version. If you want to continue using this version, use one of these commands: # portmaster -o security/openvpn22 security/openvpn or # portupgrade -o security/openvpn22 security/openvpn or # pkg set -o security/openvpn:security/openvpn22 security/openvpn20 has been marked deprecated and to be removed in half a year's time. Please migrate to a newer version soonish. 20130110: AFFECTS: everyone using csup(1), net/cvsup, or cvs(1) to update the ports tree AUTHOR: On February 28, 2013, the CVSup and CVS services will end: csup(1), net/cvsup, and cvs(1) will no longer be able to update the ports tree. Please switch to one of the alternate update methods of portsnap(8) or devel/subversion before that time. The Handbook has information on using these update methods: 20130108: AFFECTS: users of devel/libvanessa_socket, mail/perdition AUTHOR: The update of devel/libvanessa_socket to 0.0.12 (used by Perdition) adds IPv6 support. If the hostname in bind_address has both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses in DNS, then Perdition will ONLY listen on IPv6. If you prefer to continue to use IPv4, you need to change the bind_address in /usr/local/etc/perdition/perdition.conf to use an explicit IPv4 address. This can be in addition to, or instead of, the current hostname, depending on whether you want to use IPv6 or not. If your Perdition server does not have an IPv6 address listed in DNS, this change does not affect you. 20130108: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/cfengine* AUTHOR: sysutils/cfengine has been created as a master port for the set of sysutils/cfengine* ports. Users interested in tracking the latest stable branch of cfengine should update their port origins to use the new port, for example: # portmaster -o sysutils/cfengine sysutils/cfengine33 or # portupgrade -fo sysutils/cfengine sysutils/cfengine33 or # pkg set -o sysutils/cfengine33:sysutils/cfengine Users that switch their port origin and later wish to remain on a particular cfengine release can override the default version by adding CFENGINE_VERSION to /etc/make.conf, where CFENGINE_VERSION is a value from: # make -V VERSIONS 20130103: AFFECTS: users of textproc/docproj* AUTHOR: textproc/docproj no longer requires WITH_JADETEX to be set to 'yes' or 'no', and by default, will enable the JADETEX dependencies. The textproc/docproj-jadetex port has been removed as a result of this change. Users that have installed textproc/docproj and have set WITH_JADETEX=no during compile time should update the package origin to use textproc/docproj-nojadetex: # portmaster -o textproc/docproj textproc/docproj-nojadetex or # portupgrade -fo textproc/docproj textproc/docproj-nojadetex or # pkg set -o textproc/docproj-nojadetex:textproc/docproj Users that have installed textproc/docproj-jadetex should update the package origin to use the textproc/docproj port: # portmaster -o textproc/docproj textproc/docproj-jadetex or # portupgrade -fo textproc/docproj textproc/docproj-jadetex or # pkg set -o textproc/docproj-jadetex:textproc/docproj Users that have installed textproc/docproj and have set WITH_JADETEX=yes will not need to make any changes. 20130103: AFFECTS: users of audio/baresip AUTHOR: Baresip is tightly linked to the versions of audio/re and audio/rem, and will not build against different versions. To update without problems, the -R flag for portupgrade is mandatory, or build will fail. Portmaster and pkgng will handle this correctly. 20130103: AFFECTS: users of emulators/virtualbox-ose AUTHOR: VirtualBox has been updated and does now depend on devel/kBuild instead of devel/kBuild-devel. Both are in conflict with each other so this has to be resolved manually. kBuild is only a build dependency so it is safe to remove installed kBuild before updating. # pkg_delete -f kBuild-\* 20130102: AFFECTS: users of mail/opensmtpd AUTHOR: OpenSMTPD port has been updated to the latest portable snapshot. There has been several changes to the configuration between the last version and this version, which requires configuration file need to be reviewed. 20121230: AFFECTS: Nobody AUTHOR: FreeBSD 9.1 released. 20121229: AFFECTS: users of devel/libical AUTHOR: The devel/libical has been updated to 0.48. The shared library version has been changed from 44 to 0. Please rebuild all ports that depends on it: If you use portmaster: portmaster -r libical If you use portupgrade: portupgrade -fr devel/libical If you use pkgng with binary packages: pkg install -fR devel/libical 20121228: AFFECTS: users of databases/innotop, multimedia/zoneminder net-mgmt/netdot, ports-mgmt/tinderbox, ports-mgmt/tinderbox-devel sysutils/watchmen, www/MT The above mentioned ports were converted to depend on databases/p5-DBD-mysql. That will cause messages like ===> p5-DBD-mysql-4.021 conflicts with installed package(s): p5-DBD-mysql55-4.021 To prevent this run one of the following commands to fix the dependencies. # portmaster -o databases/p5-DBD-mysql databases/p5-DBD-mysql55 or # portupgrade -fo databases/p5-DBD-mysql databases/p5-DBD-mysql55 or # pkg set -o databases/p5-DBD-mysql55:databases/p5-DBD-mysql 20121220: AFFECTS: users of lang/ghc and */hs-* AUTHOR: Note that the Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compiler has been updated to version 7.4.2. Please rebuild or reinstall all dependent ports by issuing one of the following commands, depending on the tool used: # portmaster -w -r ghc or # portupgrade -fr lang/ghc or # pkg install -fR lang/ghc 20121218: AFFECTS: users of icu AUTHOR: icu has been updated to 50.1. Please rebuild all ports that depend on it: If you use portmaster: portmaster -w -r icu If you use portupgrade: portupgrade -fr devel/icu If you use pkgng with binary packages: pkg install -fR devel/icu 20121212: AFFECTS: users of openldap24-client who uses SASL AUTHOR: Xin Li There is a change in the openldap24-client port which removes the SASL option. If the user previously install openldap24-client, but enabled SASL from the config menu, the user would have to replace it with openldap24-sasl-client. Note that this only affects those who manually set SASL from the menu, most of the users are not affected. If you use portmaster: portmaster -o net/openldap24-sasl-client openldap24-client If you use portupgrade: portupgrade -fo net/openldap24-sasl-client openldap24-client If you use pkgng with binary packages: pkg set -o net/openldap24-client:net/openldap24-sasl-client 20121212: AFFECTS: users of horde-* applications AUTHOR: Martin Matuska Horde3 has reached EOL and to make place for new horde application versions all old horde3 applications have been renamed to use the "horde3-" prefix. 20121211: AFFECTS: users of graphics/ImageMagick AUTHOR: The ImageMagick library has been updated to version 6.8.0-7. Please rebuild all ports that depend on it. If you use portmaster: portmaster -w -r ImageMagick If you use portupgrade: portupgrade -fr graphics/ImageMagick If you use pkgng with binary packages: pkg install -fR graphics/ImageMagick 20121211: AFFECTS: users of devel/pcre AUTHOR: The pcre library has been updated to version 8.32. Please rebuild all ports that depend on it. If you use portmaster: portmaster -w -r pcre If you use portupgrade: portupgrade -fr devel/pcre If you use pkgng with binary packages: pkg install -fR devel/pcre 20121210: AFFECTS: users of security/cyrus-sasl2 AUTHOR: The cyrus-sasl2 library has been updated to version 2.1.26. Please rebuild all ports that depend on it. If you use portmaster: portmaster -w -r cyrus-sasl- If you use portupgrade: portupgrade -fr security/cyrus-sasl2 20121202: AFFECTS: users of www/owncloud AUTHOR: www/owncloud includes the entire WWWDIR directory structure in pkg-plist. This means that if you upgrade it, your config files are added to pkg-plist, and are then removed on the next deinstall. This issue has been fixed, but you must back up your install of owncloud and reinstall to avoid data loss; # cd /usr/ports/www/owncloud # tar cfC /tmp/owncloud.tar `make -VWWWDIR` . # make deinstall # tar xfC /tmp/owncloud.tar `make -VWWWDIR` # make install clean && rm /tmp/owncloud.tar 20121201: AFFECTS: users of www/typo3 AUTHOR: Helmut Ritter www/typo3 has been repocopied to www/typo347. If you need to continue with the old stable version please run # portmaster -o www/typo347 www/typo3 or # portupgrade -fo www/typo347 www/typo3 or # pkg set -o www/typo3:www/typo347 20121128: AFFECTS: users of irc/znc AUTHOR: znc has been updated to 1.0. This introduces some major changes to its functionality. As a result, if you are upgrading from a previous version you need to be aware that znc will automatically modify your configuration file to incorporate support for the new functionality. Users are recommended to take a backup of their configuration file before running this new version. The SASL option has been renamed to CYRUS following a rename of the associated module. Additionally, a number of modules have been removed or renamed in this release. Modules that were classed as Extra modules in previous versions are now built as standard. The EXTRA option has been removed accordingly. Please refer to the following URL for detailed information regarding all changes in this release: 20121128: AFFECTS: users of www/opera AUTHOR: If you are running KDE and you are using KDE's File dialog toolkit, and if your Opera crashes on start with a 'libpng error: incorrect data check' you can work around it by setting 'Dialog Toolkit=4' in your .opera/operaprefs.ini [File Selector] section. 20121112: AFFECTS: users of devel/git AUTHOR: The git-daemon(1) process now runs as the git_daemon user. Please make sure that this user has appropriate permissions to the repositories. 20121109: AFFECTS: FreeBSD < 9.1 users of syslog-ng >= 3.3.6 AUTHOR: Syslog-ng version 3.3.6 changed the way how /dev/kmsg is read. If you don't use the system() source (which configures it automatically), please make sure, that in the kmsg related line follow-freq(1) is used instead of the previously default follow-freq(0). 20121109: AFFECTS: users of devel/py-liblarch_gtk deskutils/gtg AUTHOR: Code of py-liblarch_gtk has been merged into py-liblarch 2.1.0. To avoid any conflicts, user need to remove py-liblarch_gtk before the update of py-liblarch. 20121105: AFFECTS: users of mail/postfix-current AUTHOR: With this version of Postfix, the default now uses "unix" instead of "fifo" for the pickup and qmgr services. In addition, a new smtpd_relay_restrictions feature has been introduced for mail relay control. For sites that do not define this parameter in, the upgrade process will add an entry to Please read the RELEASE_NOTES to understand this new feature, how it may affect your site, and backwards compatibility options. 20121104: AFFECTS: users of lang/perl5.16 AUTHOR: lang/perl5.16 has been updated to 5.16.2. You should update everything that depends on perl. The easiest way to do that is to use "perl-after-upgrade" script supplied with lang/perl5.16. Please see its manual page for details. If you are using binary packages with pkgng, not ports, do this instead of "perl-after-upgrade": # pkg install -fR perl 20121102: AFFECTS: users of shells/bash-completion AUTHOR: The bash completion library has been updated to 2.0, and the mechanism for activating the library has changed. To use the library, you must: source /usr/local/share/bash-completion/ from your .bashrc file. See the pkg-message or README for a more graceful invocation. 20121101: AFFECTS: users of graphics/tesseract AUTHOR: The trained English and OSD language data that were distributed in graphics/tesseract have been moved to graphics/tesseract-data. The latter port includes all available trained language data by default; as before, users who desire a subset of languages may build smaller packages by defining TESSERACT_LANGS during a build. 20121031: AFFECTS: users of dns/ldns AUTHOR: There is a binary incompatibility in ldns 1.6.14 which is fixed with an emergency release of ldns 1.6.15. Warning! If you have compiled ldns using software with ldns-1.6.14, then this new version will be binary incompatible with your installed version. You will have to recompile the software together with ldns-1.6.15. Was the software compiled with ldns-1.6.13 or earlier, then you will not have this problem and can safely install ldns-1.6.15. 20121030: AFFECTS: users of www/squid31 AUTHOR: The WITH_SQUID_ECAP option was removed from the port. If you use ECAP you need to update to www/squid32, you can do so by running one of the following commands: # portmaster -o www/squid32 www/squid31 or # portupgrade -fo www/squid32 www/squid31 20121025: AFFECTS: users of net/activemq AUTHOR: After reinstalling the port, if you wish to use the datastore used before or have any undelivered persistent messages add the following to rc.conf: activemq_data=/usr/local/activemq 20121022: AFFECTS: users of net/samba36 AUTHOR: Startup rc.d/samba script was modified to address some problems with the fine control of supplementary daemons. As a side effect now it's always necessary to specify in rc.conf: samba_enable=YES to get the script working. You can still control each of the daemons individually, by disabling/enabling them with: nmbd_enable=NO smbd_enable=NO winbindd_enable=YES 20121015: AFFECTS: users of ports-mgmt/portmaster AUTHOR: Portmaster now supports pkgng. To use pkgng, enable the patch in the port, enable pkgng in your make.conf, and convert your existing /var/db/pkg database. Also see UPDATING entry 20121010 if you are on a recent CURRENT and do not want to use pkg. This is optional and not currently required. # make -C /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg install clean # make -C /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/portmaster config build deinstall install clean # echo 'WITH_PKGNG=yes' >> /etc/make.conf # pkg2ng 20121015: AFFECTS: users of ports-mgmt/portupgrade AUTHOR: Portupgrade now supports pkgng. To use pkgng, enable it in your make.conf, and convert your databases. This is optional and not currently required. # make -C /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg install clean # echo 'WITH_PKGNG=yes' >> /etc/make.conf # pkg2ng # pkgdb -fu 20121010: AFFECTS: users of mail/enigmail* AUTHOR: Enigmail has been integrated into the Thunderbird / SeaMonkey build and is available as option ENIGMAIL (enabled by default) Before upgrading Thunderbird or SeaMonkey delete all installed enigmail ports by running e.g. # pkg_delete -f seamonkey-enigmail-1.4.3 thunderbird-esr-enigmail-1.4.3 \ thunderbird-enigmail-1.4.3 20121010: AFFECTS: users of CURRENT (OSVERSION >= 1000017) AUTHOR: The ports tree is now using pkgng as the default package manager for HEAD. This only affects users of CURRENT -- users of other branches need not take any action. To keep pkg_install as the default package manager, use the new WITHOUT_PKGNG knob in make.conf To make the switch: 1) Set WITHOUT_PKGNG=yes in make.conf and upgrade all your ports to the latest available versions using your favourite tools. 2) Install ports-mgmt/pkg 3) Remove WITHOUT_PKGNG from make.conf and run: # pkg2ng 20121009: AFFECTS: users of multimedia/vdpau-video AUTHOR: vdpau-video has been renamed upstream to libva-vdpau-driver. The port has been changed accordingly. Please update the port origins as follows: # portmaster -o multimedia/libva-vdpau-driver multimedia/vdpau-video or # portupgrade -fo multimedia/libva-vdpau-driver multimedia/vdpau-video or # pkg set -o multimedia/vdpau-video:multimedia/libva-vdpau-driver 20121008: AFFECTS: users of mail/squirrelmail AUTHOR: The locale data, including translations and associated help files, have been moved to mail/squirrelmail-translations. If you or your users are using Squirrelmail in anything other than en_US, you should install that port. 20121007: AFFECTS: users of lang/mit-scheme AUTHOR: The lang/mit-scheme port was converted to OptionsNG, and now uses the standard PGSQL knob rather than POSTGRESQL. Be sure to check your configuration before rebuilding. 20121006: AFFECTS: users of devel/geany-plugins AUTHOR: devel/geany-plugins has been updated to 1.22 and split into numerous devel/geany-plugin-* ports. geany-plugins must be deinstalled before running any port upgrade utility. 20121002: AFFECTS: users of devel/clanlib AUTHOR: devel/clanlib has been updated to 2.3.6 and the legacy version has been moved to devel/clanlib1 and updated to 1.0.0. Although both versions may be installed at the same time, you should update your port origins first since many ports that depend on clanlib will not work with the new version. Update your port origins as follows: # portmaster -o devel/clanlib1 devel/clanlib or # portupgrade -fo devel/clanlib1 devel/clanlib or # pkg set -o devel/clanlib:devel/clanlib1 20120928: AFFECTS: users of mail/maildrop AUTHOR: With the update to 2.6.0 of mail/maildrop the following executable files: bin/deliverquota -> bin/maildrop-deliverquota bin/maidirmake -> bin/maildrop-maildirmake have been renamed to avoid colliding with files installed from other ports. Man pages and HTML files in DOCSDIR relating to these files have also been renamed accordingly. 20120925: AFFECTS: users of www/linux-f10-flashplugin11 AUTHOR: After reinstalling the port make sure to run nspluginwrapper -v -a -u for each user that uses the plugin. 20120924: AFFECTS: users of textproc/aspell AUTHOR: textproc/aspell no longer installs the English dictionary. If you need it please install textproc/en-aspell. 20120919: AFFECTS: users of net-mgmt/better-cacti-templates AUTHOR: Bryan Drewery better-cacti-templates has been renamed as the upstream has merged with Percona Monitoring Plugins. Update your port origins as follows: # portmaster -o net-mgmt/percona-monitoring-plugins net-mgmt/better-cacti-templates or # portupgrade -fo net-mgmt/percona-monitoring-plugins net-mgmt/better-cacti-templates or # pkg set -o net-mgmt/better-cacti-templates:net-mgmt/percona-monitoring-plugins 20120916: AFFECTS: users of german/webalizer2, japanese/webalizer, polish/webalizer2, portuguese/webalizer-pt_BR, portuguese/webalizer-pt_PT, ukrainian/webalizer, www/geolizer, www/webalizer AUTHOR: The default Berkeley DB has changed, so existing DNS caches needs to be rebuild or choose the option BDB1 in the port. 20120913: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/bacula-server, sysutils/bacula-client AUTHOR: If you have both sysutils/bacula-server and sysutils/bacula-client installed, you need to pkg_delete them both prior to this update. 20120910: AFFECTS: users of www/libxul AUTHOR: The www/libxul has been updated to 10.0 and the older version 1.9.2 has moved to www/libxul19. If you want to stay with 1.9.2 please run the following command: # portmaster -o www/libxul19 www/libxul or # portupgrade -o www/libxul19 www/libxul or # pkg set -o www/libxul:www/libxul19 20120909: AFFECTS: users of www/testlink AUTHOR: Testlink 1.9.4 was released. Before updating, you should read carefully the included README file or go to (Forum: TestLink 1.9.4 News, changes, etc) because this release requires a manual update of the database scheme. 20120908: AFFECTS: users of irc/bitlbee, irc/irssi-otr, net-im/climm, net-im/mcabber, net/kdenetwork4, security/kopete-otr, security/py-otr AUTHOR: Doug Barton The libotr library has been bumped in version 4.0.0, and the new version is not compatible with the old. In order to make it possible for both versions to coexist in the short term the old version has been moved to a new port. If you are currently using pidgin-otr: # pkg_delete -f pidgin-otr\* Then: # portmaster -o security/libotr3 security/libotr # portmaster -r libotr or # portupgrade -o security/libotr3 security/libotr # portupgrade -r libotr or # pkg set -o security/libotr:security/libotr3 20120902: AFFECTS: users of www/apache22, www/apache22-event-mpm, www/apache22-itk-mpm, www/apache22-peruser-mpm, www/apache22-worker-mpm AUTHOR: The port use now the options NG framework, this means WITH_xxx directives are no longer valid. Additional: - APR only specific options like THREADS, MYSQL, PGSQL, SQLITE, BDB and IPV6 where removed. - PKGNAME has changed from apache-2... to apache22-2... - PROXY is now a MULTI directive which means at last one additional PROXY_(AJP|BALANCER|CONNECT|FTP|HTTP|SCGI) module is required. - CGI is only a valid option for MPM prefork, peruser and itk. 20120902: AFFECTS: users of devel/apr1 AUTHOR: APR was updated to 1.4.6 and APR-util was updated to 1.4.1. Please rebuild all ports which are using functions from APR/APR-util such as apache, subversion ... # portmaster -r apr or # portupgrade -r devel/apr1 or # pkg install -fR devel/apr1 20120902: AFFECTS: users of math/cantor and math/kalgebra AUTHOR: If you have both cantor and kalgebra installed, chances are that your cantor installation is corrupted. If the file ${KDE4_PREFIX}/lib/kde4/ is missing on your system, rebuild cantor after updating kalgebra to 4.8.4_1 (or later). 20120822: AFFECTS: users of net/asterisk16, net/asterisk16-addons AUTHOR: Florian Smeets asterisk16 has been unsupported upstream for a while now and has known security vulnerabilities, therefore it was removed from the ports tree. People still running net/asterisk16 should upgrade to net/asterisk. First delete the asterisk addons, as they are part of asterisk now. # pkg_delete -f asterisk16-addons\* after that you can run one of the following # portmaster -o net/asterisk net/asterisk16 or # portupgrade -o net/asterisk net/asterisk16 or # pkg set -o net/asterisk16:net/asterisk After that you need to update your configuration. Take a look at the following URL for the changes between 1.6 and 1.8 20120820: AFFECTS: users of ports-mgmt/portupgrade-devel AUTHOR: Due to a bug introduced in 20120601, portupgrade is unable to upgrade itself on FreeBSD 7.x. This has been fixed in 20120820. ports-mgmt/portupgrade is not affected. To upgrade, execute the following: # make -C /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/portupgrade-devel all deinstall install clean 20120817: AFFECTS: users of games/unnethack AUTHOR: The place for variable files has changed from $PREFIX/share/unnethack to $PREFIX/var/games/unnethack. To keep your saved files and game records, please manually move the following files and directories to the new directory after upgrading. logfile perm record xlogfile bones/ level/ saves/ 20120816: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/cfengine* AUTHOR: The sysutils/cfengine* ports have been renamed as follows: o sysutils/cfengine -> sysutils/cfengine22 o sysutils/cfengine3-legacy -> sysutils/cfengine32 o sysutils/cfengine3 -> sysutils/cfengine33 Users are reminded to update the port origins, for example: # portmaster -o sysutils/cfengine22 sysutils/cfengine or # portupgrade -fo sysutils/cfengine22 sysutils/cfengine or # pkg set -o sysutils/cfengine:sysutils/cfengine22 20120815: AFFECTS: users of lang/erlang AUTHOR: The lang/erlang port was updated to R15B01. Some port options were updated, so be sure to run "make config" in the port directory and check your configuration before upgrading. To upgrade Erlang and rebuild all of the dependent ports under the new environment: # portmaster -r erlang or # portupgrade -r lang/erlang 20120815: AFFECTS: users of lang/erlang-lite AUTHOR: The lang/erlang-lite port uses the same default options as lang/erlang, which were changed some time ago. The couchdb, rabbitmq, freeswitch-core and freeswitch-core-devel ports have been updated to use lang/erlang rather than lang/erlang-lite. Please check that your lang/erlang options are configured as you wish (especially X11 support), then follow the instructions below to update your dependencies. # portmaster -o lang/erlang lang/erlang-lite or # portupgrade -fo lang/erlang erlang-lite 20120810: AFFECTS: users of net-p2p/transmission-gtk2 AUTHOR: Unfortunately Transmission 2.61 moved the requirement for GTK to version 3.2.0, which is not yet in our tree. Those who wish to have a graphical client can either choose transmission-qt4 in the meantime, or switch to the transmission25 ports. A script to generate appropriate commands can be found at: 20120808: AFFECTS: users of www/libmicrohttpd AUTHOR: libmicrohttpd has been updated to version 0.9.21, with a shared library bump. This requires dependent ports to be rebuilt. # portmaster -r libmicrohttpd or # portupgrade -r www/libmicrohttpd or # pkg install -fR www/libmicrohttpd 20120804: AFFECTS: users of graphics/libglut AUTHOR: The libglut library is replaced by the freeglut library. Due to shlib version bump all glut users should be rebuild. Please follow the instructions below to upgrade. # portmaster -o graphics/freeglut graphics/libglut # portmaster -r freeglut or # env DISABLE_CONFLICTS=1 portupgrade -fo graphics/freeglut libglut\* # portupgrade -frx freeglut freeglut or # pkg set -o graphics/libglut:graphics/freeglut # pkg install -Rf graphics/freeglut 20120801: AFFECTS: users of editors/emacs AUTHOR: GNU Emacs port is updated to 24.1. Emacs 23 is moved to editors/emacs23. If you prefer to stick with Emacs 23, please specify EMACS_PORT_NAME=emacs23 in /etc/make.conf, and do: # portmaster -o editors/emacs23 editors/emacs or # env DISABLE_CONFLICTS=1 portupgrade -fo editors/emacs23 editors/emacs or # pkg set -o editors/emacs:editors/emacs23 20120726: AFFECTS: users of www/firefox, www/seamonkey, mail/thunderbird, www/libxul AUTHOR: Gecko ports were switched to use system libraries. Some of them must be built with certain options set (default). - graphics/png has to be installed with APNG option - databases/sqlite3 has to be installed with SECURE_DELETE, THREADSAFE, FTS3, UNLOCK_NOTIFY options 20120726: AFFECTS: users of devel/pkg-config AUTHOR: devel/pkg-config has been replaced by devel/pkgconf # portmaster -o devel/pkgconf devel/pkg-config or # portupgrade -fo devel/pkgconf pkg-config-\* pkgng: # pkg set -o devel/pkg-config:devel/pkgconf # pkg install -f devel/pkgconf 20120725: AFFECTS: users of chinese/fcitx AUTHOR: The textproc/fcitx-keyboard port is merged into chinese/fcitx. Before updating, be sure to # pkg_delete -f fcitx-keyboard-\* And make sure you have at least one keyboard layout based input method enabled in fcitx-configtool, to keep the activation/deactivation of IM panel working. And, since chinese/fcitx-sunpinyin depends on an update to chinese/sunpinyin 20120725: AFFECTS: users of www/py-beautifulsoup AUTHOR: Current www/py-beautifulsoup has been moved to www/py-beautifulsoup32, since 4.1.1 is now current stable version. If you prefer to stick with 3.2.0 do: # portmaster -o www/py-beautifulsoup32 www/py-beautifulsoup 20120723: AFFECTS: users of security/snort AUTHOR: The database output modules have been deprecated. If you need this functionality please look at the security/barnyard2 port. 20120723: AFFECTS: users of graphics/ImageMagick and graphics/ImageMagick-nox11 AUTHOR: The options for ImageMagick have been changed to match commonly used option names. If you are using a customized build, please reconfigure your port options with "make config". 20120720: AFFECTS: users of net/spread and net/spread4 AUTHOR: The ports net/spread and net/spread4 are using now the reserved UID/GID 282 instead (user|group)next. 20120722: AFFECTS: users of mail/mutt AUTHOR: mail/mutt-devel has been moved to mail/mutt, since 1.5 has been around for a while. Should you wish to stick with version 1.4 at this time; # portmaster -o mail/mutt14 mutt 20120721: AFFECTS: users of audio/libogg AUTHOR: There is a new version of libogg (1.3.0) and the shared library version has been bumped (ogg.7 to ogg.8). All ports that have an identifiable direct dependency on this library have had their PORTREVISIONs bumped. However, some ports that pull in the library indirectly may continue to look for the old version. To ensure that all are updated, perform this step: # portmaster -r libogg or # portupgrade -rf libogg 20120717: AFFECTS: users of ftp/proftpd AUTHOR: The options of ProFTPD have been made much more user-friendly. As the modules are all shared libraries, all possible modules are built and installed. The following modules are now in separate slave ports: databases/proftpd-mod_sql_odbc: mod_sql_odbc databases/proftpd-mod_sql_sqlite: mod_sql_sqlite databases/proftpd-mod_sql_tds: mod_sql_tds net/proftpd-mod_ldap: mod_ldap and mod_quotatab_ldap 20120716: AFFECTS: users of www/lighttpd AUTHOR: The following port options have been reorganized: The OPENLDAP option has been renamed to LDAP. The MAGNET and CML options have been withdrawn in favor of new LUA option. 20120716: AFFECTS: users of mail/postfix-current AUTHOR: The postscreen-to-smtpd protocol has changed. To avoid "cannot receive connection attributes" warnings and dropped connections, execute the command "postfix reload". 20120716: AFFECTS: Nobody AUTHOR: The FreeBSD ports tree switched from CVS to Subversion. A Subversion to CVS exporter is in place to continue the support of CVSup. 20120709: AFFECTS: users of math/metis AUTHOR: The older version of metis has been moved to math/metis4, and math/metis has been updated to 5.0.2. Dependent ports still use the old API, and the different versions of metis cannot coexist, so most users should update with: # portmaster -o math/metis4 math/metis # portmaster -r math/metis4 or the equivalent. 20120702: AFFECTS: users of databases/couchdb AUTHOR:, Adam Strohl The couchdb port has an unfortunate side effect; versions before 1.2.0 will clobber local.ini. The port will refuse to build if that file is present and an earlier version is installed, however no such protection can be afforded to package installation. To upgrade from 1.1.0 and earlier, simply move PREFIX/etc/couchdb/local.ini out of the way until the upgrade is complete. 20120702: AFFECTS: users of net-im/mikutter AUTHOR: The net-im/mikutter has been updated to which is required Ruby 1.9.2 or later. Before upgrading this port, please see the entry 20110822 in this file to upgrade Ruby to 1.9. If you want to stay with 0.0.3 (requires Ruby 1.8.7, 1.9.2 or later), please run the following command: # portmaster -o net-im/mikutter003 net-im/mikutter or # portupgrade -o net-im/mikutter003 net-im/mikutter 20120630: AFFECTS: users of lang/perl* AUTHOR: lang/perl5.16 is out. If you want to switch to it from, for example lang/perl5.12, that is: Portupgrade users: 0) Fix pkgdb.db (for safety): pkgdb -Ff 1) Reinstall new version of Perl (5.16): env DISABLE_CONFLICTS=1 portupgrade -o lang/perl5.16 -f perl-5.12.\* 2) Reinstall everything that depends on Perl: portupgrade -fr perl Portmaster users: portmaster -o lang/perl5.16 lang/perl5.12 Conservative: portmaster p5- Comprehensive (but perhaps overkill): portmaster -r perl- Note: If the "perl-" glob matches more than one port you will need to specify the name of the Perl directory in /var/db/pkg explicitly. The default version for Perl has also been changed from 5.12 to 5.14. 20120623: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/xfce4-utils AUTHOR: The port has been discontinued, and installs files that conflict with the new versions of misc/xfce4-appfinder and x11-wm/xfce4-session. # pkg_delete -f xfce4-utils-\* # portmaster misc/xfce4-appfinder x11-wm/xfce4-session 20120618: AFFECTS: users of databases/db5 AUTHOR: The databases/db5 port has been upgraded to BerkeleyDB 5.3. This entails a shared library bump. Before upgrading this port, check if your applications use transactional data bases, and if they do, prepare them for a log file format upgrade. YOU MUST DO THIS BEFORE YOU UPGRADE THE DB5 PORT! See: All packages that depend on db5 need to be rebuilt due to the shared library version change. The full changelog is at To upgrade the packages that need Berkeley DB 5, please issue one of the following commands (depending on your preferred tool): # portmaster -r db5-5 or # portupgrade -fr databases/db5 20120616: AFFECTS: users of www/lighttpd AUTHOR: The lighttpd startup script has been changed and is now compatible to the apache startup script. The "reload" subcommand now sends a SIGHUP to the process and triggers cycling of log files. The new command "graceful" performs a graceful restart (similar to former "reload") and "gracefulstop" performs a graceful stop. The "check" command has been replaced with the "configtest" command. 20120615: AFFECTS: users of databases/akonadi AUTHOR: The latest Akonadi update includes critical bug fixes. Manual intervention is required for people using local MySQL database (the default configuration) as backend: $ akonadictl stop Wait a bit, and make sure that akonadiserver and akonadi_control are not running. Kill them if needed. Then, you have two alternatives: $ mysql_install_db --force \ --defaults-file=~/.local/share/akonadi/mysql.conf \ --datadir=~/.local/share/akonadi/db_data \ --basedir=$(dirname `dirname $(which mysql_install_db)`) $ rm ~/.local/share/akonadi/mysql.conf ...or... $ rm -r ~/.local/share/akonadi In the latter case, Akonadi will have to recache your personal data (might take a while). Akonadi is only a cache, no data will be lost. Then: $ akonadictl start 20120613: AFFECTS: users of graphics/djvulibre and graphics/djvulibre-nox11 AUTHOR: DjVuLibre been updated to The Qt 3.x GUI support that was in graphics/djvulibre has been removed (users of this GUI should consider switching to the new Qt 4.x GUI in graphics/djview4), and graphics/djvulibre-nox11 has been merged back into graphics/djvulibre. To update DjVuLibre, you can use: # pkg_delete djvulibre-\?.\* # portmaster -o graphics/djvulibre djvulibre-nox11 You should then update any installed ports that link to the djvulibre shared library: converters/pdf2djvu, graphics/djview4, graphics/okular, and -- if optional djvulibre support was enabled -- graphics/ImageMagick, graphics/apvlv, and graphics/evince. 20120612: AFFECTS: users of databases/postgresql-libpqxx AUTHOR: postgresql-libpqxx has been updated to 4.0. If you want to stick with version 3, install postgresql-libpqxx30: # portmaster -o databases/postgresql-libpqxx30 postgresql-libpqxx 20120612: AFFECTS: users of graphics/gdal AUTHOR: Language bindings (Perl, PHP, Python, and Ruby) were moved to separate ports. Please install them if required. The new ports are: Perl binding: graphics/p5-Geo-GDAL PHP binding: graphics/php-gdal Python binding: graphics/py-gdal Ruby binding: graphics/ruby-gdal 20120605: AFFECTS: users of net/p5-ZConf AUTHOR: Please append '.set' to all sets for the FS backend. This was done to prevent collisions between config and set names. Previously the config "someConfig/default" would collide with the set "default" for "someConfig". 20120603: AFFECTS: users of lang/ghc and */hs-* AUTHOR: Note that The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compiler and the Haskell Platform have been updated to versions 7.4.1 and 2012.2.0.0, respectively. At the same time, all Haskell ports have been updated to their latest working versions. To follow the changes, please issue one of the following commands (depending on the tool used): # portmaster -r ghc or # portupgrade -fr lang/ghc 20120531: AFFECTS: users of graphics/png AUTHOR: The PNG library has been updated to version 1.5.10. Please rebuild all ports that depend on it. If you use portmaster: portmaster -r png- If you use portupgrade: portupgrade -fr graphics/png 20120531: AFFECTS: users of editors/koffice-kde4 AUTHOR: KOffice 2 has been replaced by Calligra. You are encouraged to deinstall any KOffice port and install equivalent Calligra ones: # pkg_delete \*koffice\* # portmaster editors/calligra 20120530: AFFECTS: users of databases/postgresql*-server AUTHOR: Affected users are those who use the crypt(text, text) function with DES encryption in the optional pg_crypto module. Passwords affected are those that contain characters that cannot be represented with 7-bit ASCII. If a password contains a character that has the most significant bit set (0x80), and DES encryption is used, that character and all characters after it will be ignored. 20120530: AFFECTS: users of net/nss-pam-ldapd AUTHOR: The net/nss-pam-ldapd port no longer provides an option for SASL. This has been sourced out to the new net/nss-pam-ldapd-sasl port, to accommodate users using packages (see ports/162240). Users with openldap-sasl-client installed are encouraged to change the port's origin to: net/nss-pam-ldapd-sasl using their favorite ports management tool. Example for portmaster: portmaster -o net/nss-pam-ldapd-sasl nss-pam-ldapd 20120527: AFFECTS: users of x11-toolkits/qt4-gui AUTHOR: Qt started using the raster graphics system engine, which relies on shared memory. Be sure to check pkg-message. 20120525: AFFECTS: users of deskutils/kdepim4, deskutils/kdepim4-runtime AUTHOR: kdepim4 has been updated to 4.8.3. For those who prefer old kdepim- deskutils/kdepim44* ports have been added. To stay with kdepim- run the following commands: # portmaster -o deskutils/kdepim44-runtime kdepim-runtime-4\* # portmaster -o deskutils/kdepim44 kdepim-4\* 20120525: AFFECTS: users of KDE SC 4 AUTHOR: KDE SC ports have been updated to 4.8.3. Several ports were split, thus manual intervention into update procedure is required: # pkg_delete -f kde-runtime-\* ruby\*-kdebindings-korundum\* \ kalgebra-4\* kdeaccessibility-4\* kdeutils-4\* kde-baseapps-\* \ plasma-applet-icontasks\* # portmaster -a 20120518: AFFECTS: users of dns/poweradmin AUTHOR: Edmondas Girkantas Some database changes have been made between version 2.1.4 and 2.1.5, upgrading needs to be done manually by running the following SQL: For MySQL users: ALTER TABLE `zones` ADD `zone_templ_id` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE zones ENGINE = InnoDB; ALTER TABLE zone_templ ENGINE = InnoDB; ALTER TABLE zone_templ_records ENGINE = InnoDB; For PostgreSQL users: ALTER TABLE zones ADD zone_templ_id INT DEFAULT NULL; Source: 20120516: AFFECTS: users of lang/php5 AUTHOR: PHP has been updated to 5.4. Suhosin patch has been disabled until the new version will be released (soon). Suhosing extension will take more time. LINKTHR option is now enabled by default, be sure to flag it if you are updating using an old saved configuration. sqlite2 extension has been permanently removed. If you want to remain at PHP 5.3, a new port (lang/php53) has been created for such purpose. 20120513: AFFECTS: users of net-mgmt/smokeping AUTHOR: Smokeping has been updated to 2.6.7, and the web server configuration has changed. FastCGI is now preferred. Please check the documentation that your web server configuration is OK. 20120512: AFFECTS: users of textproc/p5-XML-SAX AUTHOR: p5-XML-SAX (X-S) was split into p5-XML-SAX-Base (X-S-B) and p5-XML-SAX for version 0.99. Since X-S-B now installs some files formerly installed by X-S the package for X-S must be deinstalled before updating X-S. # pkg_delete -fx p5-XML-SAX # portmaster textproc/p5-XML-SAX (users of pkgng can substitute pkg_delete with pkg delete) 20120511: AFFECTS: users of graphics/xpdf AUTHOR: In order to allow graphics/xpdf and graphics/poppler-utils to coexist, graphics/xpdf binaries have been moved from ${LOCALBASE}/bin to ${LOCALBASE}/lib/xpdf. The symlink ${LOCALBASE}/bin/xpdf points to ${LOCALBASE}/lib/xpdf/xpdf. However the other utilities installed by the xpdf port conflict with poppler-utils, no symlinks are maintained. Applicaions and scripts which use the pdf* utilities provided by graphics/xpdf must reference them using their new location, specify ${LOCALBASE}/lib/xpdf in $PATH, or use the same utilities provided by graphics/poppler-utils. 20120510: AFFECTS: users of devel/gitolite AUTHOR: gitolite has been split into two ports: devel/gitolite for 3.x and devel/gitolite2 for 2.x gitolite 3.x is NOT "API" compatible with gitolite 2.x and requires additional manual migration steps which can be found in the online documentation. Current users wishing to continue using gitolite 2.x should run: # portmaster -o devel/gitolite2 gitolite or # portupgrade -o devel/gitolite2 gitolite 20120508: AFFECTS: users of www/node and www/node-devel AUTHOR: npm is a package manager for node. Starting with node 0.6.17 (www/node) and node 0.7.8 (www/node-devel), we do not install bundled npm but provide a separate port (www/npm). Please install www/npm if you need it. 20120430: AFFECTS: users of www/py-google-api-python-client AUTHOR: The port has been updated to 1.0.b8. This new version has important changes which might break your code: * apiclient.anyjson has moved to oauth2client.anyjson. * Some calls, for example, taskqueue().lease() used to require a parameter named body. In this new release only methods that really need to send a body require a body parameter, and so you may get errors about an unknown 'body' parameter in your call. The solution is to remove the unneeded body={} parameter See for more information. 20120426: AFFECTS: users of editors/libreoffice AUTHOR: LOCALIZED_LANG option has gone, localized packages are now available separately, you can also use editors/libreoffice-i18n to pick the localization you want. 20120425: AFFECTS: users of mail/postfix, mail/postfix2[6-8] AUTHOR: The latest update to these ports adds support to turn off the TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2 protocols introduced in OpenSSL 1.0.1. These protocols are known to cause inter-operability issues with certain services, e.g. hotmail. If using TLS with Postfix, please consult the RELEASE_NOTES for information about possible workarounds. 20120423: AFFECTS: users of astro/boinc-astropulse AUTHOR: Astropulse has been updated to 6.01, which is a different application than version 5.06. You need to have Astropulse v6 enabled in your account under SETI@home preferences. It is also advisable to finish and report existing Astropulse units before updating. 20120421: AFFECTS: users of x11/xorg AUTHOR: The default mesa has been updated to 7.6.1 and the default xorg-server to 1.7.7. A switch is available for people that want to use mesa 7.11.x and xorg-server 1.10.6. This requires an nvidia card or Intel+KMS support. If you have an intel card and can try these experimental KMS support patches: 10/head with a patch: FreeBSD stable/9 and releng/9.0: 20120419: AFFECTS: users of security/openssl AUTHOR: The OpenSSL port has been updated to 1.0.1a. Please rebuild all ports that depend on it. If you use portmaster: portmaster -r openssl Or, if you would prefer a more gradual approach: portmaster -w openssl (check the man page for more information) If you use portupgrade: portupgrade -fr security/openssl 20120418: AFFECTS: Nobody AUTHOR: FreeBSD 8.3 released. 20120418: AFFECTS: users of www/firefox and mail/thunderbird AUTHOR: Firefox and Thunderbird have been updated to 11.0. If you want to stay with the Extended Support Release please use the new -esr ports. Firefox: # portupgrade -o www/firefox-esr www/firefox # portupgrade -o www/firefox-esr-i18n www/firefox-i18n (if installed) or # portmaster -o www/firefox-esr www/firefox # portmaster -o www/firefox-esr-i18n www/firefox-i18n (if installed) Thunderbird: # portupgrade -o mail/thunderbird-esr mail/thunderbird # portupgrade -o mail/thunderbird-esr-i18n \ mail/thunderbird-i18n (if installed) or # portmaster -o mail/thunderbird-esr mail/thunderbird # portmaster -o mail/thunderbird-esr-i18n \ mail/thunderbird-i18n (if installed) 20120418: AFFECTS: users of www/chpasswd AUTHOR: Previous version of the chpasswd port put the configuration file in the pkg-plist, causing it to be removed on deinstall. Users are advised to make a backup copy of the configuration file before upgrading. This has been fixed and will not happen anymore in future updates. 20120415: AFFECTS: users of irc/ircd-ratbox AUTHOR: Ircd-ratbox has been updated to follow the current stable release branch (3.0.x). All previous branches are no longer supported by the ratbox team. Users of ircd-ratbox are advised to create new ircd configuration files based on the examples provided. 20120404: AFFECTS: users of net-mgmt/net-snmp AUTHOR: The net-snmp startup script now specifies a new pid_file to avoid a conflict that existed with bsnmpd. As a result, the startup script cannot find currently running versions of snmpd. You will need to either stop the daemon before upgrading or locate the PID of snmpd and manually kill it after upgrade. Then, start the daemon as you normally would. 20120326: AFFECTS: users of www/tomcat7 AUTHOR: Tomcat 7 startup script now uses 'jsvc' to monitor the daemon's process. A few rc.conf variables has been changed, be sure to adapt your configuration, if needed. 20120318: AFFECTS: users of mail/dbmail AUTHOR: dbmail 3.0 is now available. There are a number of significant changes including Dependencies, Config, Schema and Server changes. Without required modifications, dbmail will not run and you will no longer have access to your emails. See UPGRADING for details. Don't forget to backup and fully test before upgrading. To stick with version 2.2.x run: # portupgrade -o mail/dbmail22 mail/dbmail or # portmaster -o mail/dbmail22 mail/dbmail 20120313: AFFECTS: users of x11-toolkits/qt4-gui AUTHOR: MIT-SHM problem (blank windows in Marble and KDE-Games) has been fixed, kern.ipc.shm_allow_removed=1 is not needed anymore to workaround it. 20120311: AFFECTS: users of lang/perl5.8 and lang/perl5.10 AUTHOR: lang/perl5.8 and lang/perl5.10 have been restored from the Attic in order to give a FreeBSD-style deprecation cycle. However, users are advised to upgrade to perl5.12 as soon as feasible. 20120308: AFFECTS: users of lang/perl5.8 and lang/perl5.10 AUTHOR: lang/perl5.8 and lang/perl5.10 have been removed since they've been EOL upstream for 3yrs and 2yrs respectively. The default of lang/perl5.12 has not changed (yet). Conditional checks for perl < 5.12 have been removed. UNLESS you have PERL_VERSION=5.8.x or PERL_VERSION=5.10.x in /etc/make.conf you need take no action. If you do, you will have to recompile all perl dependant ports after updating your ports tree. Please see entry 20110517 for help. 20120225: AFFECTS: users of archivers/libarchive AUTHOR: libarchive has been updated to version 3.0.3, with a shared library bump. This requires dependent ports to be rebuilt. # portmaster -r libarchive or # portupgrade -r archivers/libarchive 20120221: AFFECTS: users of emulators/virtualbox-ose AUTHOR: virtualbox-ose has been updated to 4.1.8 and requires the latest devel/kBuild-devel now. It is only a build dependency so it is safe to remove it before updating. # pkg_delete -f kBuild-\* 20120220: AFFECTS: users of graphics/libungif AUTHOR: libungif is obsolete, please deinstall it and rebuild all ports using it with graphics/giflib. # portmaster -o graphics/giflib graphics/libungif # portmaster -r giflib or # portupgrade -o graphics/giflib graphics/libungif # portupgrade -rf giflib 20120216: AFFECTS: users of multimedia/libvpx AUTHOR: libvpx has been updated to version 1.0.0, with a shared library bump. This requires dependencies to be rebuilt. # portmaster -r libvpx or # portupgrade -r multimedia/libvpx 20120214: AFFECTS: users of net/libexosip2 AUTHOR: libexosip2 has been updated with a shared library bump. This requires dependencies to be rebuilt. # portmaster -r libexosip2 or # portupgrade -rf libexosip2-3.\* 20120214: AFFECTS: users of devel/pcre AUTHOR: Until all dependent ports have been updated you should update pcre in a manner that will preserve its old shared library. For example: # portmaster -w devel/pcre or # portupgrade devel/pcre 20120213: AFFECTS: users of lang/ghc and */hs-* AUTHOR: GHC has been updated to version 7.0.4, and Haskell Platform to version 2011.4.0.0, and other Haskell ports are also updated to their Haskell Platform versions or latest versions. To update all affected ports: # portmaster -r lang/ghc or # portupgrade -r lang/ghc 20120210: AFFECTS: users of mail/postfix AUTHOR: Sahil Tandon Postfix 2.9.0 contains several major changes, some of which could result in incompatible or unexpected behavior. Regardless of the version from which you are upgrading, please carefully review the RELEASE_NOTES before proceeding. 20120126: AFFECTS: users of ftp/proftpd and ftp/proftpd-mysql AUTHOR: Martin Matuska The proftpd port has been updated to 1.3.4 and changed to use dynamically loadable modules. Please add corresponding LoadModule directives to your configuration file, like in the following example: LoadModule mod_tls.c The modules mod_sql_mysql and mod_sql_postgres are now outside of the main proftpd port: databases/proftpd-mod_sql_mysql databases/proftpd-mod_sql_postgres The proftpd-mysql port has been removed, use the alternative port: databases/proftpd-mod_sql_mysql 20120121: AFFECTS: users of multimedia/vdr AUTHOR: Juergen Lock The vdr ports have been updated to 1.7.22 which involves at least two changes: - is now called svdrpsend. - The ttxtsubs channels.conf format has changed so if you use that plugin you need to edit /usr/local/etc/vdr/channels.conf for the channels you want to receive teletext subtitles on - see: /usr/local/share/doc/vdr-plugin-ttxtsubs/HISTORY 20120116: AFFECTS: users of mail/postfix-current AUTHOR: Sahil Tandon From the upstream RELEASE_NOTES: Instead of terminating immediately with a "fatal" message when a database file can't be opened, a Postfix daemon program now logs an "error" message, and continues execution with reduced functionality. Specify "daemon_table_open_error_is_fatal = yes" to get the historical behavior (immediate termination with "fatal" message). Logfile-based alerting systems may need to be updated to look for "error" messages in addition to "fatal" messages. By default the Postfix SMTP server no longer reports transcripts of sessions where a client command is rejected because a table is unavailable. To receive such reports, add the new "data" class to the notify_classes parameter value. The reports will be sent to the error_notice_recipient address as before. This class is also used by the Postfix SMTP client to report about sessions that fail because a table is unavailable. 20120116: AFFECTS: users of x11/xcb-util AUTHOR: x11/xcb-util was updated to 0.3.8 and was split in new modules. Dependencies were adjusted but main port symbols were moved to a single library, For this reason, all dependent ports must be recompiled.If you use portmaster, run: # portmaster -R -r xcb-util-0 Or for portupgrade: # portupgrade -r xcb-util-0\* 20120112: AFFECTS: Nobody AUTHOR: FreeBSD 9.0 released. 20120109: AFFECTS: users of www/p5-WWW-GitHub-Gist AUTHOR: gist command was moved into new www/p5-App-gist port. 20120109: AFFECTS: ports using Apache Software License 2.0 AUTHOR: The correct acronym for Apache Software License 2.0 is really AL2. 20120109: AFFECTS: users of graphics/inkscape: AUTHOR: Before updating graphics/inkscape to version 0.48.2 one should deinstall the port graphics/libwpg01. 20120108: AFFECTS: users of devel/p5-CPAN-Meta and devel/p5-Version-Requirements AUTHOR: Author of Version::Requirements (devel/p5-Version-Requirements) merged its function to CPAN::Meta::Requirements (part of devel/p5-CPAN-Meta). As a result, devel/p5-Version-Requirements is marked DEPRECATED. Please run the following commands to update p5-CPAN-Meta and remove p5-Version-Requirements: # portmaster -o devel/p5-CPAN-Meta devel/p5-Version-Requirements # pkg_delete p5-Version-Requirements-\* 20120104: AFFECTS: users of devel/thrift, py-thrift, php5-thrift, p5-thrift AUTHOR: Users upgrading thrift from 0.6.1, please take note: library structure and versions have changed, and are not compatible with 0.7.0+ 20111231: AFFECTS: users of lang/newlisp AUTHOR: In lang/newlisp, the MYSQL5 and MYSQL51 options have been unified into MYSQL, which will pick the correct MySQL version using the standard MySQL selection logic. MySQL users will have to run "make config" and select the MYSQL option. Tinderbox users will have to update their options files with the new MYSQL option, and possibly change their Tinderbox environment to select a specific MySQL version. 20111229: AFFECTS: users of ftp/proftpd{-devel,-mysql} AUTHORS:, Due to the nature of the way FreeBSD-SA-11:07.chroot is implemented, users have to update to latest -STABLE, -CURRENT, or supported security branch to use the chroot functionality in these ports. Please see the security advisory for more details. 20111219: AFFECTS: users of lang/perl5.14 AUTHOR: lang/perl5.14 has been updated to 5.14.2. You should update everything that depends on perl. The easiest way to do that is to use "perl-after-upgrade" script supplied with lang/perl5.14. Please see its manual page for details. If you want to switch to lang/perl5.14 from lang/perl5.{8,10,12} please follow instructions in the entry 20110517 in this file. 20111205: AFFECTS: users of ruby-gnome ports AUTHOR: ruby-gnome has been updated to 1.0.3. Some of them have been removed since they are no longer included upstream. The meta port is now x11/ruby-gnome2. To update run the following command: # portmaster -o x11/ruby-gnome2 x11/ruby-gnome2-all You may also wish to remove the old ports using: # portmaster -s 20111130: AFFECTS: users of dns/nsd AUTHOR: The database format of nsd.db has changed as of version 3.2.9. Before you run nsd, you must convert the existing database: # nsdc rebuild 20111123: AFFECTS: users of net-im/kopete or net-im/libjingle AUTHOR: kopete and libjingle are now depending on a newer oRTP from linphone-base. To correctly switch to the new port, you need to deinstall ortp prior to the update: # pkg_delete -f ortp-\* 20111123: AFFECTS: users of databases/redis AUTHOR: The redis configuration file, redis.conf, have been changed, some options removed in newer versions (>=2.4). In some cases, redis-server with older configuration might does not run at startup. If you run into startup problems, re-edit configuration file. 20111101: AFFECTS: users of x11/kde4-workspace AUTHOR: If your KDM fails with the message 'X server "/usr/bin/X" cannot be executed' you need to delete its configuration file and restart it: # rm /usr/local/kde4/share/config/kdm/kdmrc # service kdm4 restart 20111101: AFFECTS: users of graphics/poppler-gtk AUTHOR: Koop Mast Poppler was update to 0.18.0, and the gtk slave port was renamed to match the library it installs. Please run the following command to migrate. # portmaster -o graphics/poppler-glib poppler-gtk-0.16.7 20111031: AFFECTS: users of textproc/py-creole AUTHOR: Stanislav Svirid Some API is changed: replace 'parser_kwargs' and 'emitter_kwargs' with separate arguments. More information on new API: 20111025: AFFECTS: users of print/flpsed or www/dillo2 AUTHOR: The new versions of flpsed and dillo have switched from x11-toolkits/fltk2 to the new fltk 1.3.0 from x11-toolkits/fltk. Users who have customizations specific to fltk2 may need to consult the fltk 1.3 documents in order to adjust their local settings. For dillo, some commonly-used key bindings have changed, and new configuration options are available: consult dillorc.dist and keysrc.dist for details. 20111019: AFFECTS: users of mail/thunderbird or www/seamonkey with lightning plugin installed. AUTHOR: To get an up to date version of lightning you should use the new LIGHTNING option in mail/thunderbird or www/seamonkey. This option is not enabled by default so you have to run "make config" prior to the build. The old deskutils/lightning-thunderbird and deskutils/lightning ports should no longer be used and will be removed very soon. Like other XPIs ports, lightning now registers itself as a global extension and doesn't create the XPI to be installed manually. Upgrading users should remove lightning from their profile before installing Thunderbird or SeaMonkey the first time with the new LIGHTNING option enabled. 20111018: AFFECTS: users of mail/postfix-current AUTHOR: Sahil Tandon The default smtp_address_preference value is now "any" instead of "ipv6", meaning choose randomly between IPv6 and IPv4. With this the Postfix SMTP client will have more success delivering mail to sites that have problematic IPv6 configurations. 20111016: AFFECTS: users of devel/p5-subversion-freebsd AUTHOR: devel/p5-subversion-freebsd has been removed as it is no longer necessary. If you have it installed please run the following to switch to devel/p5-subversion: portmaster -o devel/p5-subversion p5-subversion-freebsd Please also see the second entry below (20111016) if haven't upgraded subversion yet. 20111016: AFFECTS: users of KDE SC 4 AUTHOR: KDE SC has been updated to 4.7.2. A number of files were moved between packages and several ports were split, thus manual intervention into update procedure is required: # pkg_delete -f raptor-1\* kdelibs-4\* kdebase-\*4\* \ kdeaccessibility-4\* kdeedu-4\* kdegames-4\* kdegraphics-4\* \ kdesdk-4\* kdeutils-4\* konq-plugins-4\* ktts\* nepomukcontroller\* \ ruby\*-kdebindings\* kdebindings-smoke\* # pkg_delete -f kdehier4\* # mv /usr/local/kde4/etc/pam.d/* \ /usr/local/etc/pam.d/ # mv /usr/local/kde4/etc/rc.d/* \ /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ # mv /usr/local/kde4/share/dbus-1/services/* \ /usr/local/share/dbus-1/services/ # mv /usr/local/kde4/share/dbus-1/system-services/* \ /usr/local/share/dbus-1/system-services/ # rmdir /usr/local/kde4/etc/pam.d /usr/local/kde4/etc/rc.d \ /usr/local/kde4/share/dbus-1/*services # rm -r /var/tmp/kdecache-* # portmaster misc/kdehier4 If you have - or plan to install - net/kdenetwork4, also run: # portmaster -o net/linphone-base ortp Finally: # portmaster -a Also, remove /usr/local/kde4/etc/rc.d from local_startup in rc.conf(5). Failure to do this will cause all enabled scripts in /usr/local/etc/rc.d to be started twice. Remember to check for missing ports, bearing in mind that x11/kdebase4* ports were replaced by x11/kde4-* ones, ktts was replaced by jovie, while konq-plugins-kde4 and nepomukcontroller were removed. Then: # portmaster --check-depends You're also encouraged to run `pkg_cutleaves` or similar to check for orphaned ports. Please, note that `pkg_add -r kde4` will not install Plasma scriptengines and printer utilities by default anymore, and `pkg_add -r kdegames4` will not install Kajongg. This was made to avoid depending by default on kdebindings. 20111016: AFFECTS: users of devel/subversion, devel/subversion-freebsd, devel/p5-subversion, devel/py-subversion, devel/ruby-subversion and java/subversion-java and all dependand ports. AUTHOR: Lev Serebryakov Subversion was updated to version 1.7.0 and port was reworked. Now there is no "devel/subversion-freebsd" port. All FreeBSD-specific patches are incorporated into main subversion port as options, which are turned ON by default. These options are: P4_STYLE_MARKERS -- change conflict markers to P4 style, established for FreeBSD projects. This is not mandatory for working with FreeBSD sources. ENHANCED_KEYWORD -- Support for custom keywords, like $ FreeBSD $ in sources. This is MANDATORY for working with FreeBSD sources. FREEBSD_TEMPLATE -- Standard FreeBSD commit template. It is RECOMMENDED for working with FreeBSD sources. Also, subversion 1.7.0 changes the working copy format, and a working copy cannot be shared between subversion 1.7.0 and 1.6.x. Please, think twice before upgrading. Additional the port "devel/subversion16" was created to support subversion 1.6.x. Subversion 1.7.x and 1.6.x cannot be installed simultaneously! Binding ports can be built with Subversion 1.7.0 (Default) or with Subversion 1.6.x. To build bindings with subversion 1.6.x you should set variable WITH_SUBVERSION_VER to "16". There are several ways to upgrade, depending on what you used before and what you want to get after upgrade. (a) You use devel/subversion without FreeBSD patches and, maybe, some bindings. You want fresh'n'new subversion 1.7.0. Please, run: # cd /usr/ports/devel/subversion && make config # portupgrade -r devel/subversion or # portmaster -R -r subversion-1.6 (b) You use devel/subversion-freebsd and, maybe, some bindings. You want fresh'n'new subversion 1.7.0, again with FreeBSD patches. Please, run: # cd /usr/ports/devel/subversion && make config # portupgrade -o devel/subversion devel/subversion-freebsd # portupgrade -r devel/subversion or # portmaster -o devel/subversion devel/subversion-freebsd # portmaster -R -r subversion-1.7 (c) You use devel/subversion without FreeBSD patches and, maybe, some bindings. You want good old subversion 1.6.x, again without again. Please, run: # cd /usr/ports/devel/subversion16 && make config # portupgrade -o devel/subversion16 devel/subversion # portupgrade -m "WITH_SUBVERSION_VER=16" -r devel/subversion16 or # portmaster -o devel/subversion16 devel/subversion # portmaster -m "WITH_SUBVERSION_VER=16" -R -r subversion-1.6 (d) You use devel/subversion-freebsd and, maybe, some bindings. You want good old subversion 1.6.x, with FreeBSD patches. Please, run: # cd /usr/ports/devel/subversion16 && make config # portupgrade -o devel/subversion16 devel/subversion-freebsd # portupgrade -m "WITH_SUBVERSION_VER=16" -r devel/subversion16 or # portmaster -o devel/subversion16 devel/subversion-freebsd # portmaster -m "WITH_SUBVERSION_VER=16" -R -r subversion-1.6 20111005: AFFECTS: users of lang/erlang AUTHOR: Jimmy Olgeni Following the R14B04 upgrade the JAVA, X11, WX and ODBC port options have been set to OFF by default; this will allow to replace lang/erlang-lite with lang/erlang for headless operation in the near future. If you need any of these options, run "make config" in lang/erlang before upgrading, or set your make.conf accordingly. 20111003: AFFECTS: users of math/qhull AUTHOR: Stephen Montgomery-Smith The port math/qhull has been moved to math/qhull5, and math/qhull has been updated to a version that is incompatible with all ports previously using math/qhull. If you are upgrading a port that has math/qhull as a dependency, please delete the port math/qhull first, so that math/qhull5 is properly made as a dependency. 20110929: AFFECTS: users of net/py-zope.proxy, devel/py-zope.testing and devel/py-zope.interface AUTHOR: Ruslan Mahmatkhanov Several Zope ports have been renamed for consistency with their upstream distributions. Please run the following commands to update your local installations: If you use portmaster run: # portmaster -o devel/py-zope.interface devel/py-zopeInterface # portmaster -o net/py-zope.proxy net/py-zopeproxy # portmaster -o devel/py-zope.testing devel/py-zopetesting If you use portupgrade run: # portupgrade -o devel/py-zope.interface devel/py-zopeInterface # portupgrade -o net/py-zope.proxy net/py-zopeproxy # portupgrade -o devel/py-zope.testing devel/py-zopetesting 20110928: AFFECTS: users of 10-current AUTHOR: There are known issues installing ports on FreeBSD 10+ due to bogus assumptions by various build scripts. This will not be fixed until 9-RELEASE is released. There are two workarounds: 1) Set UNAME_r=9.9-CURRENT in your environment 2) Set REVISION="9.9" in ${SRCDIR}/sys/conf/ 20110928: AFFECTS: users of www/nginx-devel AUTHOR: Note: 1.1.4 release introduces several API changes which may affect third-party modules. 20110925: AFFECTS: users of lang/python* AUTHOR: The HUGE_STACK_SIZE option has been removed, now Python will use default thread stack size of the system. If you want to change it, specify it with -DTHREAD_STACK_SIZE= in CFLAGS. 20110925: AFFECTS: users of net/openldap* AUTHOR: The security/cyrus-sasl2 was updated to 2.1.25. If the SASL option is enabled (disabled by default), net/openldap* must be recompiled after upgrading cyrus-sasl2. 20110921: AFFECTS: users of devel/maven2 and devel/maven3 AUTHOR: The devel/maven2 and devel/maven3 now rely on a wrapper port: devel/maven-wrapper. If you plan to upgrade the devel/maven[23] ports, you will have to uninstall all of them before reinstalling them. 20110917: AFFECTS: users of misc/tvbrowser AUTHOR: From version 3.0.2 on TV-Browser doesn't include any plugins any longer. You are supposed to download the plugins manually, this also means that you need to download the appropriate channel sources plugin for your country. After installing it your previously configured channels are visible again. To do so, select "Tools -> Install / Update Plugins..." and choose the plugins you need. 20110915: AFFECTS: users of dns/unbound AUTHOR: unbound supports GOST from version 1.4.12 but only if dns/ldns was build with GOST support too. There is no way to check the option when unbound builds, so you should make sure the option is on in both unbound and lds. 20110914: AFFECTS: users of www/asterisk-stat AUTHOR: asterisk-stat depends on asterisk16 now, you will need to update asterisk and asterisk-addons to 1.6. Instructions on upgrading your configuration files are here: If you use portmaster run: # portmaster -o net/asterisk16 net/asterisk14 # portmaster -o net/asterisk16-addons net/asterisk14-addons If you use portupgrade run: # portupgrade -o net/asterisk16 net/asterisk14 # portupgrade -o net/asterisk16-addons net/asterisk14-addons 20110909: AFFECTS: users of net/p5-SOAP-Lite AUTHOR: SOAP::Transport::TCP is not a part of net/p5-SOAP-Lite distribution since version 0.714. If you need SOAP::Transport::TCP you should install net/p5-SOAP-Transport-TCP manually. 20110901: AFFECTS: users of databases/db51 AUTHOR: The databases/db51 port (Oracle Berkeley DB version 5.1) has been removed. Version 5.2 of the package is available in databases/db5. Users of ports that depend on the removed 5.1 versions are advised to rebuild the affected ports. 20110830: AFFECTS: users of lang/racket AUTHOR: Racket has been upgraded to version 5.1.3. Due to the recent rewrite of the Racket graphics handling code, it is no longer possible to build this port without X11. The WITHOUT_X11 switch now controls if X11 is brought in as USE_GNOME/LIB_DEPENDS or BUILD_DEPENDS. In the latter case you will be able to build a Racket package that can then be deployed on a headless server. 20110829: AFFECTS: users of security/maia AUTHOR: Janky Jay, III There have been many changes to the maia port, including renaming the rc script and variables from maia to maiad. You will need to replace any instances of maia with maiad in /etc/rc.conf, as well as renaming /var/amavisd to /var/maiad. The 'vscan' user's home directory also needs to be changed to /var/maiad. These can be done by: # mv /var/amavisd /var/maiad # sed -i.bak -e "s/^maia_/maiad_/" /etc/rc.conf # pw usermod vscan -d /var/maiad 20110828: AFFECTS: users of print/cups-{base,client,image} AUTHOR: During the update to 1.4.8, the GNUTLS option was changed from ON to OFF by default. Because old configuration options are saved, users should re-run 'make config' and explicitly deselect the GNUTLS option before upgrading. 20110823: AFFECTS: users of lang/ruby AUTHOR: The default ruby version has been reverted from 1.9 to 1.8. If you followed the procedure in the 20110822 entry, you may need to follow these steps: If you use portmaster: # portmaster -o lang/ruby18 lang/ruby19 # portmaster -R -r ruby-1.8 If you use portupgrade: # portupgrade -f lang/ruby19 # portupgrade -f lang/ruby18 # if you have it installed # portupgrade -f ports-mgmt/portupgrade # portupgrade -x ruby-1.9.\* -fr lang/ruby19 If you wish to keep the 1.9 version as default, add the following lines to your /etc/make.conf file: # # Keep ruby 1.9 as default version. # RUBY_DEFAULT_VER=1.9 20110823: AFFECTS: users of devel/libnotify and net/libproxy AUTHOR: libnotify and libproxy are updated with shared library bumps. This requires dependancies to be rebuild. # portmaster -r libnotify-0 # portmaster -r libproxy-0 # portmaster -a or # portupgrade -rf libnotify-0.\* libproxy-0.\* # portupgrade -aR 20110822: AFFECTS: users of lang/ruby AUTHOR: The default ruby version has been updated to 1.9. Please rebuild all ports that depends on it. If you use portmaster: # portmaster -o lang/ruby19 lang/ruby18 # portmaster -R -r ruby-1.9 If you use portupgrade: # portupgrade -f lang/ruby18 # portupgrade -f lang/ruby19 # if you have it installed # portupgrade -f ports-mgmt/portupgrade # portupgrade -x ruby-1.8.\* -fr lang/ruby18 After these steps are complete, you can pkg_delete ruby 1.8 if you no longer need it. If you wish to keep the 1.8 version as default, add the following lines to your /etc/make.conf file, and rebuild lang/ruby18 after that. # # Keep ruby 1.8 as default version. # RUBY_DEFAULT_VER=1.8 20110822: AFFECTS: users of graphics/opencv AUTHOR: OpenCV python module was moved to own port: graphics/py-opencv 20110820: AFFECTS: users of www/apache* and depending ports AUTHOR: The default apache version changed from www/apache13 to www/apache22. Users who will continue with apache13 should create the following entry in /etc/make.conf APACHE_PORT= www/apache13 20110818: AFFECTS: users of mail/enigmail-* ports AUTHOR: Like other XPIs ports, enigmail now registers itself as a global extension and doesn't create the XPI to be installed manually. Upgrading users should remove enigmail from their profile before installing the new port. 20110815: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/swapexd AUTHOR: swapexd used to clobber its config file on deinstall, unfortunately this will not be fixed in installed packages. Back up your config before updating, or you will lose it! # cp /usr/local/etc/swapexd/swapexd.conf ~/swapexd.conf.bak 20110808: AFFECTS: users of net-mgmt/zenoss AUTHOR: Some functionality of zenoss requires a valid shell. The FreeBSD port until now was installing a user account without a shell. To fix your existing installation, please run the following command as root: # pw usermod zenoss -s /bin/sh -d /usr/local/zenoss 20110808: AFFECTS: users of dns/powerdns AUTHOR: The port has been updated to PowerDNS 3.0, which includes support for DNSSEC. Before upgrading please read the following: Make sure to read the documentation and wiki on on how to enable DNSSEC mode in the configuration-file and for the necessary database changes. Take note that not all backends support DNSSEC. The ones that do are BIND, SQLite3 and Generic MySQL and PgSQL. 20110808: AFFECTS: users of security/amavisd-new AUTHOR: Along with new features and bug fixes, amavisd-new 2.7.0 introduces some incompatibilities with previous releases. Several variable defaults, SQL schemas, and other changes warrant a careful review of the RELEASE_NOTES. Also note that helper programs amavis.c and amavis-milter.c are no longer distributed with this package; for milter functionality, please shift to the dedicated security/amavisd-milter port. 20110731: AFFECTS: users of lang/guile AUTHOR: guile has been updated to version 1.8.8. Please rebuild all ports that depends on it. If you use portmaster: # portmaster -r guile If you use portupgrade: # portupgrade -fr lang/guile 20110731: AFFECTS: users of www/typo3 AUTHOR: Helmut Schneider www/typo3 has been repocopied to www/typo345. If you need to continue with the old stable version please run # portmaster -o www/typo345 www/typo3 or # portupgrade -o www/typo345 www/typo3 Please remember to change the path of your config files too. 20110730: AFFECTS: users of x11-toolkits/gtk20 AUTHOR: The gtk-update-icon-cache utility has been split out of the gtk20 port. Use the following instructions to update your system. # pkg_delete -f gtk-2.\* # portmaster x11-toolkits/gtk20 # portmaster -a 20110726: AFFECTS: users of devel/msp430-gcc AUTHOR: msp430-gcc was updated to lates gcc-4.5.3 version. If you want to use old gcc-3.4.4, run command: # portmaster -o devel/msp430-gcc3 devel/msp430-gcc or # portupgrade -o devel/msp430-gcc3 devel/msp430-gcc before updating devel/msp430-libc port. 20110721: AFFECTS: users of games/megaglest AUTHOR: If you upgraded from version 3.4.0, your personal settings are stored in ~/.megaglest3.4.0. If you copy glestuser.ini and glestuserkeys.ini to ~/.megaglest, you will have your old settings again. 20110721: AFFECTS: users of security/gpgme AUTHOR: gpgme has been updated to version 1.3.1. Please rebuild all ports that depends on it. If you use portmaster: # portmaster -r gpgme If you use portupgrade: # portupgrade -fr security/gpgme 20110718: AFFECTS: users of hungarian/hunspell AUTHOR: The hunspell port has been moved to textproc/hunspell. To update the installed port run the command # portmaster -o textproc/hunspell hungarian/hunspell or # portupgrade -o textproc/hunspell hungarian/hunspell 20110711: AFFECTS: users of java/openjdk6 AUTHOR: java/openjdk6 has been updated to b23 and "WEB" option (for web browser plug-in and Java Web Start) has been deprecated. If you need the same functionality, rebuild the port with "ICEDTEA" option first, then install a new port java/icedtea-web with "PLUGIN" option (default). Also, if you have a symlink to the previous in ~/.mozilla/plugins, for example, you need to remove it. Note system-wide symlinks are now automatically created by java/icedtea-web for your convenience. 20110711: AFFECTS: users of www/p5-libwww AUTHOR: portmaster cannot process the upgrade of www/p5-libwww from version 5 to version 6. To upgrade p5-libwww, use portupgrade instead, or deinstall p5-libwww before reinstalling: If you use portmaster: # pkg_delete -f 'p5-libwww-5*' ; portmaster www/p5-libwww If you use portupgrade, no special treatment is necessary. 20110711: AFFECTS: users of devel/icu AUTHOR: icu has been updated to version 4.8. Please rebuild all ports that depends on it. If you use portmaster: # portmaster -r icu If you use portupgrade: # portupgrade -fr devel/icu 20110706: AFFECTS: users of multimedia/zoneminder AUTHOR: RC script was renamed from zm to zoneminder. So do variables at /etc/rc.conf[.local]. One should fix the latter file. 20110705: AFFECTS: users of security/libgcrypt and any port that depends on it AUTHOR: The libgcrypt port has been updated to 1.5.0 and all shared libraries versions have been bumped. So you need to rebuild all applications that depend on libgcrypt. Do something like: # portmaster -r libgcrypt or # portupgrade -rf libgcrypt 20110703: AFFECTS: users of print/lyx and print/lyx-devel AUTHOR: print/lyx has been updated to 2.0. print/lyx16 has been added to ports tree for those who prefers to stick with the last stable in lyx-1.6.x series. 20110630: AFFECTS: users of math/octave-forge* and benchmarks/octave-forge-benchmark AUTHOR: The octave-forge* port structure has been completely redesigned. This was to make them compatible with portmaster and other port installation tools. Before using the new octave-forge* ports, the old octave-forge* ports must be completely removed with, for example, the command: # pkg_delete "octave-forge*" 20110630: AFFECTS: users of mail/thunderbird AUTHOR: The mail/thunderbird port has been updated to 5.0. If you want to stay with Thunderbird 3.1 please run: # portupgrade -o mail/thunderbird3 mail/thunderbird # portupgrade -o mail/thunderbird3-i18n mail/thunderbird-i18n (if installed) or # portmaster -o mail/thunderbird3 mail/thunderbird # portmaster -o mail/thunderbird3-i18n mail/thunderbird-i18n (if installed) Do not select the OPTIMIZED_CFLAGS option on a system with less then 2 GB of RAM otherwise you will run out of memory during the build. Please make sure all your addons are compatible with Thunderbird 5.0 and backup your ~/.thunderbird directory prior to the first launch of Thunderbird 5.0. 20110630: AFFECTS: users of x11/wbar AUTHOR: x11/wbar has been updated to 2.2.2. Before launching the program, please backup your configuration file (~/.wbar), and then use the command wbar-config to set your preferences and change the path of the old icons (in particular the Bar image). 20110629: AFFECTS: users of graphics/opencv AUTHOR: OpenCV was updated to version 2.3.0rc and to avoid circular dependencies split into two ports: graphics/opencv-core and graphics/opencv Before updating please uninstall the graphics/opencv port first because the new dependency graphics/opencv-core contains conflicting files with the old port graphics/opencv. 20110626: AFFECTS: users of mail/p5-Mail-SpamAssassin AUTHOR: mail/p5-Mail-SpamAssassin has been updated to version 3.3.2. Prior to starting spamd you must run sa-update, or spamd will fail to start. 20110624: AFFECTS: users of deskutils/opengoo AUTHOR: desktutils/opengoo has been renamed to deskutils/fengoffice, because The OpenGoo name was changed to Feng Office Community Edition. If you want migrate from opengoo to fengoffice, please see upgrading section at: 20110623: AFFECTS: users of databases/py-sqlalchemy AUTHOR: The version 0.6 of SQLAlchemy has been moved to databases/py-sqlalchemy06, while the port databases/py-sqlalchemy now holds the series 0.7.X. To update the installed port run the command # portmaster -o databases/py-sqlalchemy06 databases/py-sqlalchemy or # portupgrade -o databases/py-sqlalchemy06 databases/py-sqlalchemy 20110622: AFFECTS: users of lang/perl5.12 AUTHOR: lang/perl5.12 has been updated to 5.12.4. You should update everything that depends on perl. The easiest way to do that is to use "perl-after-upgrade" script supplied with lang/perl5.12. Please see its manual page for details. If you want to switch to lang/perl5.12 from lang/perl5.{8,10} please follow instructions in the entry 20100715 in this file. 20110620: AFFECTS: users of net/samba35 AUTHOR: A bug, introduced by local patch to, that made it coredump was spotted by Martin Minkus. It is fixed in the 3.5.9 version of the port. So, if started to work for you - send him kudos. 20110619: AFFECTS: users of irc/ezbounce and irc/ezbounce-devel AUTHOR: irc/ezbounce-devel was moved to irc/ezbounce as the version previously in irc/ezbounce has been broken for some time and the distfile is not available anymore. If you are upgrading from a 1.0X version make sure to verify that your config still works. There is basic compatibility for old config files but a lot has changed, see If you run irc/ezbounce-devel you need to run one of the following commands: # portmaster -o irc/ezbounce irc/ezbounce-devel or # portupgrade -o irc/ezbounce irc/ezbounce-devel 20110619: AFFECTS: users of lang/perl5.14 AUTHOR: lang/perl5.14 has been updated to 5.14.1. You should update everything that depends on perl. The easiest way to do that is to use "perl-after-upgrade" script supplied with lang/perl5.14. Please see its manual page for details. If you want to switch to lang/perl5.14 from lang/perl5.{8,10,12} please follow instructions in the entry 20110517 in this file. 20110618: AFFECTS: users of mail/mailscanner AUTHOR: mail/mailscanner no longer requires running of any renew-* targets to update the config files / wrapper scripts; it is now automatically performed as the port is installed -- these targets have been removed. As an added bonus, the binary package now performs these steps as well, in case you don't have a portstree handy. Before upgrading, please backup your PREFIX/etc/MailScanner, PREFIX/share/MailScanner and PREFIX/libexec/MailScanner if you have customised any of these directories, just in case. 20110608: AFFECTS: users of security/amavisd-milter AUTHOR: A change have been made to rc.d script for amavisd-milter makes it to specify -s explicitly. If you used to override the location of listening socket by specifying -s, please migrate to the new way (specify amavisd_milter_socket in /etc/rc.conf). 20110607: AFFECTS: users of devel/p5-Moose and devel/p5-Class-MOP AUTHOR: p5-Moose has been updated to 2.0007. Now p5-Class-MOP is a part of the p5-Moose distribution. Manual intervention of the update procedure is required: # portmaster -o devel/p5-Moose devel/p5-Class-MOP # portmaster -R -r p5-Moose-\* or do the same things with portupgrade. To check everything went fine you can run: # perl -Moose\ 999 and # perl -MClass::MOP\ 999 in both cases you should see output: version 999 required--this is only version 2.0007 20110606: AFFECTS: users of mail/sympa AUTHOR: Sympa previously used to install to ${PREFIX}/sympa, which goes against the general rules for hierarchy. Most files which were previously found in ${PREFIX}/sympa should now be found in ${PREFIX}/libexec/sympa. Any configuration in httpd.conf files etc will need to be updated to the new directory. Before upgrade, it is advisable to back up configuration files ${PREFIX}/etc/sympa.conf and wwsympa.conf since previous versions wipe these out on deinstall. 20110606: AFFECTS: users of databases/mariadb AUTHOR: The mariadb port has been split into -client, -scripts, and -server ports ala mysql. You can now install only the parts that you need. If you have devel/libevent installed along with mariadb you should do something like: pkg_delete mariadb\* portmaster devel/libevent 20110605: AFFECTS: users of security/gnutls and any port that depends on it AUTHOR: gnutls has been updated to and all shared libraries versions have been bumped. So you need to rebuild all applications that depend on gnutls. Do something like: portupgrade -rf gnutls portmaster -r gnutls 20110605: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/zfsnap AUTHOR: Aldis Berjoza There is an issue with zpool v28 (currently only on 9-CURRENT, or 8-STABLE systems that have been manually patched) that affects zfSnap. If you are using v28 make sure to use the -zpool28fix flag with zfsnap to work around the problem. For more information please see: 20110602: AFFECTS: users of net/freeradius AUTHOR: Sevan Janiyan Freeradius no longer runs as nobody. It now runs as the freeradius user. Please ensure that the following paths are owned by freeradius: /var/run/radiusd /var/log/radacct /var/log/radius.log 20110529: AFFECTS: users of textproc/*kmfl* AUTHOR: KMFL keyboard ports are now shared between IBus and SCIM KMFL IMEngines (textproc/ibus-kmfl and textproc/scim-kmfl-imengine). Thus, the prefix 'scim-' is dropped from keyboard ports names. Similar to m17n, both engines now search engine-neutral locations, ${LOCALBASE}/share/kmfl/ and ~/.kmfl/. Users have to move their local keyboard files from ~/.scim/kmfl/ to ~/.kmfl/. 20110523: AFFECTS: users of www/mod_perl2 AUTHOR: mod_perl2 was updated to version 2.0.5, this version includes p5-Apache-Reload again. The ports p5-Apache-Reload is now marked as conflict for mod_perl2. To update your mod_perl2 with portmaster use the commands # portmaster -o www/mod_perl2 www/p5-Apache-Reload # portmaster -R -r mod_perl2 20110522: AFFECTS: users of emulators/virtualbox-ose AUTHOR: The emulators/virtualbox-ose port has been updated to 4.0.8. If you want to stay with VirtualBox 3.2.x please run: # portmaster -o emulators/virtualbox-ose-kmod-legacy emulators/virtualbox-ose-kmod # portmaster -o emulators/virtualbox-ose-legacy emulators/virtualbox-ose or # portupgrade -o emulators/virtualbox-ose-kmod-legacy emulators/virtualbox-ose-kmod # portupgrade -o emulators/virtualbox-ose-legacy emulators/virtualbox-ose The emulators/virtualbox-ose-legacy port will always include the latest legacy version as a fallback if you hit a serious regression in the latest version. 20110517: AFFECTS: users of lang/perl* AUTHOR: lang/perl5.14 is out. If you want to switch to it from, for example lang/perl5.12, that is: Portupgrade users: 0) Fix pkgdb.db (for safety): pkgdb -Ff 1) Reinstall new version of Perl (5.14): env DISABLE_CONFLICTS=1 portupgrade -o lang/perl5.14 -f perl-5.12.\* 2) Reinstall everything that depends on Perl: portupgrade -fr perl Portmaster users: portmaster -o lang/perl5.14 lang/perl5.12 Conservative: portmaster p5- Comprehensive (but perhaps overkill): portmaster -r perl- Note: If the "perl-" glob matches more than one port you will need to specify the name of the Perl directory in /var/db/pkg explicitly. 20110516: AFFECTS: users of net/skype, net/skype-devel, net-im/skype, net-im/skype-devel AUTHOR: Ion-Mihai Tetcu All skype ports were moved to net-im/: - skype12: unchanged, very old version (for FreeBSD 6) - skype20: last version with OSS support, that used to live in net/skype; the DISTFILE is gone from the vendor but if you happen to have it, it would be a way of having sound w/o needing to upgrade your base OS - [RECOMMENDED] skype: currently at and the best supported - skype-devel: currently at, sounds is OK, video doesn't work To run either skype or skype-devel with fully working sound you need: - to run fc10 (most probably, please report what you can do with fc4): (OVERRIDE_LINUX_BASE_PORT=f10,OVERRIDE_LINUX_NONBASE_PORTS=f10 in /etc/make.conf for systems that doesn't have it as default) - In order for Skype to work OK, you need your kernel and modules to be: - post 2011-05-03 in on HEAD - post 2011-05-08 in on 7,8-STABLE The port tries to catch if your system version is too old, but there's a ~3months window where because of a lack of OSVERSION bump, this is not possible. So please check; and PLEASE READ THE PKGMESSAGE for setup details. For how to update your kernel/world, see: IF YOUR OSVERSION IS NOT NEW ENOUGH, SOUND (ESPECIALLY MIC) WON'T WORK. If you run into problems, at very least we need to know the output of: $ uname -a; sysctl compat.linux | head -2; \ grep OVERRIDE_LINUX_ /etc/make.conf; \ cat /compat/linux/etc/alsa/pcm/pcm-oss.conf the skype version you are using and hardware details (eg. webcam, if related) I most probably will ignore any mail not containing this info since without it it's impossible to help. Please test your sound /video setup outside skype before blaming skype / mailing me. 20110516: AFFECTS: users of audio/musicpd AUTHOR: Chris Rees Musicpd now installs the binary for the server as bin/musicpd, rather than mpd, to remove a conflict with net/mpich2; before upgrade you should run: # /usr/local/etc/rc.d/musicpd stop Likewise, mpd.conf has been renamed musicpd.conf-- if you want to keep it as mpd.conf then place MPDCONF="mpd.conf" into /etc/make.conf, otherwise after upgrade run: # mv /usr/local/etc/mpd.conf /usr/local/etc/musicpd.conf 20110514: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/gksu, sysutils/libgksu, sysutils/libgksuui AUTHOR: sysutils/gksu has been updated to 2.0.2. sysutils/libgksuui has been deprecated since it has become a part of sysutils/libgksu. Before upgrading remove sysutils/libgksuui. 20110511: AFFECTS: users of editors/emacs AUTHOR: Due to a bug when upgrading from 23.2 or later versions, everything installed by other ports in "${PREFIX}/share/emacs" gets removed. Before upgrading: * Please backup custom configurations in "${PREFIX}/share/emacs". * After upgrading reinstall any ports that may have had files in the "${PREFIX}/share/emacs" directory. 20110509: AFFECTS: users of lang/ghc and */hs-* AUTHOR: GHC has been updated to version 7.0.3 and other Haskell ports are also updated to their Haskell Platform versions or latest versions. To update all affected ports: # portmaster -r lang/ghc or # portupgrade -r lang/ghc 20110506: AFFECTS: users of lang/perl* AUTHOR: Default version of Perl was bumped to 5.12. If you already have lang/perl5.10 or lang/perl5.8 installed, and want to switch to lang/perl5.12 please follow instructions in the entry 20100715 in this file. 20110503: AFFECTS: users of www/codeigniter and www/codeigniter-devel AUTHOR: www/codeigniter has been renamed to www/codeigniter17 to track the legacy 1.7.* branch of Codeigniter development. www/codeigniter-devel has been renamed to www/codeigniter to track the recommended 2.0.* branch of Codeigniter development. If you have Codeigniter 1.7.x installed and would like to continue using it, please run one of the following commands to update its origin: # portmaster -o www/codeigniter17 www/codeigniter or # portupgrade -o www/codeigniter17 www/codeigniter If you have Codeigniter 2.0.x installed, please run one of the following commands to update its origin: # portmaster -o www/codeigniter www/codeigniter-devel or # portupgrade -o www/codeigniter www/codeigniter-devel 20110427: AFFECTS: users of mail/ezmlm-idx AUTHOR: 1) Please consult the instructions for upgrading to version 7.1.1 from the earlier 0.444 version in the ports tree: Online: Local: /usr/local/share/doc/ezmlm-idx/UPGRADE 2) SQLite3 has been added as a supported database plugin. Note that the MySQL, PgSQL and SQLite options are mutually exclusive, and the first selected option takes precedence if multiple options are selected. 20110421: AFFECTS: users of multimedia/webcamd AUTHOR: Webcamd now creates device nodes with 0660 permission and webcamd:webcamd ownership. To get access to the webcamd devices just add yourself to the webcamd group. 20110409: AFFECTS: users of japanese/asterisk-sounds AUTHOR: The japanese/asterisk-sounds has been updated to 1.8. If you want to stay with ja-asterisk14-sounds, please run: # portmaster -o japanese/asterisk14-sounds japanese/asterisk-sounds or # portupgrade -o japanese/asterisk14-sounds japanese/asterisk-sounds See also 20101128 net/asterisk entry. 20110406: AFFECTS: users of lang/ocaml and related libraries/applications AUTHOR: Ocaml compiler and libraries suite has been updated to 3.12. There appears to be an ABI incompatibility with .cmi files generated by previous compiler versions. Though these should only affect the linking process, if some application you're using start to misbehave after the lang/ocaml updated you're advised to rebuild this applications using the new ocaml version. 20110402: AFFECTS: users of net-mgmt/xymon-client and net-mgmt/xymon-server AUTHOR: Loginname, path, scripts and config files have been renamed in 4.3.0 Steps to update: 1. Stop and deinstall the old version. 2. Copy the remaining config files to the new location. 3. Read the instructions 4. merge your old config with the script 5. fix the hobbit_*_enable lines in /etc/rc.conf # /usr/local/etc/rc.d/hobbit-server stop # /usr/local/etc/rc.d/hobbit-client stop # pkg_delete /var/db/pkg/xymon-* # pkg_add xymon-client-4.3.0.tbz # pkg_add xymon-server-4.3.0.tbz # cp /usr/local/www/hobbit/server/etc/* /usr/local/www/xymon/server/etc/ # less /usr/local/www/xymon/server/www/help/upgrade-to-430.txt # /usr/local/www/xymon/server/bin/bbcmd /usr/local/www/xymon/server/bin/ # sed -i '' -e 's|hobbit|xymon' /etc/rc.conf # /usr/local/etc/rc.d/xymon-client start # /usr/local/etc/rc.d/xymon-server start 20110328: AFFECTS: users of net/openldap24-client AUTHOR: OpenLDAP has been upgraded to 2.4.25. In this version, certain library routines were moved from liblutil to libldap. If you previously built the library with "FETCH" support, this would cause libldap to depend on FreeBSD's library. As of 20110402, a local change have been introduced so OpenLDAP libraries link against when FETCH is enabled. Normally, no further user interaction would be required. For new installations, the FETCH option have been turned off by default. 20110324: AFFECTS: users of KDE SC 4 AUTHOR: KDE SC ports have been updated to 4.6.1. As usual a number of files were moved between packages, manual intervention into update procedure is required: # pkg_delete -f kdehier4\* kdebase-runtime-4\* kdebase-workspace-4\* # pkg_delete -f kdeedu-4\* kdeutils-4\* # portmaster -a 20110322: AFFECTS: users of www/firefox AUTHOR: The www/firefox port has been updated to 4.0. If you want to stay with Firefox 3.6 please run: # portupgrade -o www/firefox36 www/firefox # portupgrade -o www/firefox36-i18n www/firefox-i18n (if installed) or # portmaster -o www/firefox36 www/firefox # portmaster -o www/firefox36-i18n www/firefox-i18n (if installed) Do not select the OPTIMIZED_CFLAGS option on a system with less then 2 GB of RAM otherwise you will run out of memory during the build. Please make sure all your addons are compatible with Firefox 4.0 and backup your ~/.mozilla directory prior to the first launch of Firefox 4.0. The startup script has been renamed from firefox3 to firefox. 20110319: AFFECTS: users of databases/mysql55-client AUTHOR: The shared library version of the client library was increased to reflect ABI changes, and avoid compatibility problems with the client library in MySQL 5.1, so client programs that use the 5.5 client library should be recompiled against the 5.5.10 client library. This can be achieved with: # portmaster -r mysql-client-5.5 or # portupgrade -fr mysql-client-5.5 20110318: AFFECTS: users of www/node and www/node-devel AUTHOR: The port www/node was merged with www/node-devel since there is no longer a development version. Also www/node has not followed the stable upstream prior to this update. To keep www/node updated in your applications, from now on you must use www/node instead of www/node-devel. If you have been using the www/node-devel, you must run one of the following commands to upgrade: # portmaster -o www/node www/node-devel or # portupgrade -o www/node www/node-devel 20110317: AFFECTS: users of www/uzbl AUTHOR: Klaus Aehlig The port has been updated to version as of 2011/02/15. This introduces the following incompatabilities. - $UZBL_FIFO, $UZBL_TITLE are available to scripts as environment variables, but not as command-line arguments. - environment variables are no longer expanded by the config parser - download handling has changed - cookie daemons are no longer supported Users are advised to change their personal configuration files/scripts accordingly. 20110316: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/duplicity AUTHOR: sysutils/duplicity has been upgraded to 0.6.11. The old version (0.5.20) is retained as sysutils/duplicity05. Duplicity 0.6 should be generally compatible, but pay special attention to the new meaning of the --archive-dir command. In particular, the archive dir is now mandatory and defaults to ~/.cache/duplicity. You may have to --exclude accordingly. In addition, it is recommended you consult the CHANGELOG, specifically the "New in v0.6.00 (2009/06/08)" section which details the checkpoint/restore feature (enabled by default) and its implications. 20110313: AFFECTS: users of astro/boinc-setiathome-enhanced AUTHOR: The setiathome client has been updated to version 6.12. Before you update, finish and report your current workunits to avoid losing them. 20110304: AFFECTS: users of lang/python* and py-* AUTHOR: The default version of Python has been changed from 2.6.x to 2.7.x. If you have 2.6.x installed, perform an upgrade of lang/python26 to lang/python27 with one of the following commands: If using portupgrade: # portupgrade -o lang/python27 lang/python26 If using portmaster: # portmaster -o lang/python27 lang/python26 If you want to retain 2.6.x as default Python version, set the PYTHON_DEFAULT_VERSION variable to 'python2.6' (without quotes) in /etc/make.conf, then go to lang/python and perform the following command: # portupgrade -R python Once the installed Python has been updated to 2.7, by using the method above, it is required to run the upgrade-site-packages target in lang/python to assure that site-packages are made available to the new Python version. If using portupgrade: # cd /usr/ports/lang/python && make upgrade-site-packages If using portmaster: # cd /usr/ports/lang/python && make upgrade-site-packages -DUSE_PORTMASTER The portmaster case can take quite some time to complete due to the lack of cached information that the portupgrade suite uses (specifically pkg_which). This is not the fault of portmaster. 20110301: AFFECTS: users of databases/jasperserver AUTHOR: (taken from release notes of 4.0 from vendor) If you are upgrading from an older JasperServer version such as 3.5 then you must first upgrade to JasperServer 3.7 before upgrading to 4.0. Upgrading directly from JasperServer 3.5 to 4.0 is not a "certified" (i.e. fully QA tested) procedure. The steps to carry out this operation are fully documented in the JasperReports Server Installation Guide for the 3.7 release. You will need to download the JasperServer 3.7 release package to get the relevant files and documentation. To download the JasperServer 3.7 WAR file distribution zip package, go to the website and to the JasperServer project. 20110228: AFFECTS: users of devel/ccache AUTHOR: Emanuel Haupt ccache now allows the use of non-default compilers such as clang. This requires adjustments of the ccache make glue. Please (re)read the following document after updating ccache to ccache-3.1.4_1: /usr/local/share/doc/ccache/ccache-howto-freebsd.txt 20110227: AFFECTS: users of net/unison and net/unison-devel AUTHOR: Unison has been upgraded to version 2.40, which uses a different wire protocol than 2.32 did. In order to support synchronization with other computers where Unison is still at version 2.32, a new port net/unison232 has been created. It provides unison232 and if that is GTK2-enabled, also unison232-text. This unison232 port can be installed in parallel with the existing net/unison port. 20110224: AFFECTS: users of x11-drivers/xf86-video-ati AUTHOR: X.Org has been updated to 7.5.1. For all ATI users the driver was updated to 6.14.0 but the old one is still available in x11-drivers/xf86-video-ati613. See radeon(5) for options available. 20110224: AFFECTS: users of net/openldap24-{client,server} AUTHOR: OpenLDAP has been upgraded to 2.4.24, which requires a shared library version bump. Therefore, you need to reinstall all ports that depend on it. Please do something like: # portupgrade -fr net/openldap24-client or # portmaster -r net/openldap24-client 20110224: AFFECTS: Nobody AUTHOR: FreeBSD 8.2 and 7.4 released. 20110209: AFFECTS: users of www/testlink AUTHOR: Testlink 1.9.1 was released. Before updating, you should read carefully the included README file because this release requires a manual update of the database scheme. 20110125: AFFECTS: users of lang/perl5.12 AUTHOR: lang/perl5.12 has been updated to 5.12.3. You should update everything that depends on perl. The easiest way to do that is to use "perl-after-upgrade" script supplied with lang/perl5.12. Please see its manual page for details. If you want to switch to lang/perl5.12 from lang/perl5.{8,10} please follow instructions in the entry 20100715 in this file. 20110124: AFFECTS: users of mail/postfix AUTHOR: Postfix 2.8 introduces minor incompatibilities with previous versions. Alias expansion, dns lookups, TLS support, milters and other features are affected. To avoid surprises, carefully review the RELEASE_NOTES. If you upgrade from Postfix 2.6 or earlier, you must execute "postfix stop" and "postfix start" before you can use the postscreen(8) daemon. This is needed because the Postfix 2.6 "pass" master service type did not work reliably on some systems. If you upgrade from Postfix 2.7, or from Postfix 2.8 before July 25, 2010, you must "postfix reload" (or "postfix stop" followed by "postfix start"). This is needed because the queue manager to delivery agent protocol has changed. Also note that the optional SPF and VDA patches have not been updated for Postfix 2.8; as a result, they are currently disabled. 20110111: AFFECTS: users of www/redmine AUTHOR: If you use 3rd party plugins that are incompatible with i18n >= 0.5.0 (eg. variables in yml files as {{variable}}) then you need to install an older i18n version manually. # gem install -v=0.4.2 i18n Then upgrade the database as usual: # rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production 20110107: AFFECTS: users of mail/exim AUTHOR: [POSSIBLE CONFIG BREAKAGE] The default value for system_filter_user is now the Exim run-time user, instead of root. [POSSIBLE CONFIG BREAKAGE] ALT_CONFIG_ROOT_ONLY is no longer optional and is forced on. This is mitigated by the new build option TRUSTED_CONFIG_LIST which defines a list of configuration files which are trusted; one per line. If a config file is owned by root and matches a pathname in the list, then it may be invoked by the Exim build-time user without Exim relinquishing root privileges. [POSSIBLE CONFIG BREAKAGE] The Exim user is no longer automatically trusted to supply -D overrides on the command-line. Going forward, we recommend using TRUSTED_CONFIG_LIST with shim configs that include the main config. As a transition mechanism, we are temporarily providing a work-around: the new build option WHITELIST_D_MACROS provides a colon-separated list of macro names which may be overriden by the Exim run-time user. The values of these macros are constrained to the regex ^[A-Za-z0-9_/.-]*$ (which explicitly does allow for empty values). Upgrading users are encouraged to fully study and 20110103: AFFECTS: users of textproc/libwpd and graphics/libwpg AUTHOR: LibWPD and LibWPG is now using new API, partially incompatible with previous versions. For correct upgrade procedure please upgrade LibWPD and LibWPG first as described, than follow usual upgrade procedure # portmaster -o textproc/libwpd08 libwpd # portmaster -o graphics/libwpg01 libwpg substitute 'portupgrade' for 'portmaster' accordingly if that's your your upgrade tool of choice. 20101230: AFFECTS: users of databases/postgresql??-(server|client) AUTHOR: PostgreSQL version 8.4 is now the default. To upgrade from a version lower than 8.4, follow the instructions on the website. 20101230: AFFECTS: users of net-mgmt/pnp AUTHOR: Starting from 0.6.10_1 config.php is no longer preserved across upgrades; PNP way is to put all modifications into config_local.php. Existing config.php will be saved as config.php.orig and you should review your deviations from defaults and place them into config_local.php. 20101227: AFFECTS: users of databases/mysql55-server AUTHOR: MySQL 5.5 has been updated to 5.5.8 GA release. Since layout is changed you should remove mysql55-{client/server/scripts} ports before upgrading. The build system is changed too, so expect failures. 20101227: AFFECTS: users of security/opensc AUTHOR: opensc has been updated to 0.12.0 release. Only one backend can be choosen at compile-time: PC/SC is now the default one. opensc doesn't export anymore its internal library, PKCS#11 is the recommended interface. 20101220: AFFECTS: users of net-mgmt/flowd AUTHOR: flowd use now a fix UID/GID (id 542) instead the next free UID. Before updating the port use the command "pw userdel _flowd" 20101216: AFFECTS: users of security/libksba AUTHOR: libksba has been updated to 1.1.0, and the shared library version has increased from .17 to .18. Directly- and indirectly-dependent ports have had their PORTREVISION bumped to facilitate rebuilding. Please rebuild the dependent ports with your preferred upgrading tool: # portupgrade -rf security/libksba -or- # portmaster -w -r security/libksba If there are still ports on your system that require (either in ${LOCALBASE}/lib/compat/pkg, or non-existent), _please_ file a PR so that a correct direct dependency can be added. Once you are satisfied that no ports still depend on the old shared library version (, you can safely delete it from the ${LOCALBASE}/lib/compat/pkg directory if it is present there. 20101216: AFFECTS: users of databases/akonadi AUTHOR: With SQLite 3 installed, Akonadi used to build its plugin and install it in a wrong place, without it being listed in plist. To remove the orphaned file, run the following commands PRIOR TO the Akonadi upgrade: # cd /usr/ports/databases/akonadi # rm `make -V KDE4_PREFIX`/`make -V QT_PLUGINDIR_REL`/sqldrivers/ # rmdir `make -V KDE4_PREFIX`/`make -V QT_PLUGINDIR_REL`/sqldrivers \ `make -V KDE4_PREFIX`/`make -V QT_PLUGINDIR_REL` \ `make -V KDE4_PREFIX`/`make -V QT_LIBDIR_REL` 20101214: AFFECTS: users of devel/icu AUTHOR: icu has been updated to version 4.6. Please rebuild all ports that depends on it. If you use portmaster: # portmaster -r icu If you use portupgrade: # portupgrade -fr devel/icu Note that devel/icu4 is now deprecated consider replacing it by devel/icu # portmaster -o devel/icu devel/icu4 or # env DISABLE_CONFLICTS=1 portupgrade -o devel/icu -f icu-4\* 20101211: AFFECTS: users of devel/bugzilla, japanese/bugzilla and russian/bugzilla-ru AUTHOR: Bugzilla and its language packs are installed to WWWDIR (defaults to PREFIX/www/bugzilla). BUGZILLADIR (that defaulted to PREFIX/www/data/bugzilla) is deprecated. 20101211: AFFECTS: users of databases/mysql-proxy AUTHOR: Florian Smeets The parameters --admin-username and --admin-password are mandatory now. Add something like the following to rc.conf mysql_proxy_args="--admin-username admin --admin-password somepassword" 20101210: AFFECTS: users of multimedia/avidemux2 AUTHOR: The port has been updated to 2.5.4 which now installs plugins separately and I had to make a slave port for them, multimedia/avidemux2-plugins. So you'll now have to install that port too for the app to become useful. 20101208: AFFECTS: autotools AUTHOR: Another stage in the autotools cleanup that reduces tree churn whilst updating components, a number of ports have now moved to non-versioned locations since there is now only the concept of legacy and current versions. # portmaster -o devel/autoconf devel/autoconf268 # portmaster -o devel/automake devel/automake111 # portmaster -o devel/libtool devel/libtool22 # portmaster -o devel/libltdl devel/libltdl22 substitute 'portupgrade' for 'portmaster' accordingly if that's your your upgrade tool of choice. 20101205: AFFECTS: users of www/py-flexget AUTHOR: Database schema changes. Please run: $ sqlite3 db-config.sqlite "ALTER TABLE thetvdb_favorites ADD series_id VARCHAR;" $ sqlite3 db-config.sqlite "ALTER TABLE imdb_movies ADD updated DateTime;" $ sqlite3 db-config.sqlite "ALTER TABLE imdb_movies ADD mpaa_rating VARCHAR;" inside flexget configuration directory (~/.flexget) for each sqlite database you might have. Replace "db-config.sqlite" with the appropriate name for your sqlite database file. 20101204: AFFECTS: users of audio/libmpcdec AUTHOR: audio/libmpcdec has been removed in favor of audio/musepack; which has a higher shared library version. You will have to rebuild all ports that depend on audio/libmpcdec. Do this: Portmaster users: # portmaster -o audio/musepack audio/libmpcdec # portmaster -r musepack- Portupgrade users: # env DISABLE_CONFLICTS=1 portupgrade -o audio/musepack -f libmpcdec-\* # pkgdb -Ff # portupgrade -rf musepack-\* 20101204: AFFECTS: autotools AUTHOR: The next stage in the ongoing cleanup of autotools-using ports is a refactoring of so that version numbers are no longer needed within the USE_AUTOTOOLS stanza. There is either autoconf213/autoconf or automake14/automake (for the legacy versions, and the currently available versions). This will considerably reduce the amount of tree-wide patching in future on an update. IMPORTANT: if you have either devel/autoconf-wrapper or devel/automake-wrapper installed on your system (and you most likely do) PLEASE update these ports to their new versions before updating anything else -- Bad Things[tm] are likely to happen otherwise. 20101202: AFFECTS: users of multimedia/gstreamer-plugins AUTHOR: If during the upgrade of gstreamer-plugins the following error happens: GstAudio-0.10.gir: Incompatible version 1.0 (supported: 1.2) Use the following command to upgrade: cd ports/multimedia/gstreamer-plugins && make deinstall clean install 20101202: AFFECTS: users of www/wordpress AUTHOR: WordPress is now installed to WWWDIR (defaults to PREFIX/wordpress) instead of WORDPRESS (defaults to PREFIX/www/data/wordpress). 20101129: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/radmind AUTHOR: The radmind user and group is created automatically during installation. The owner of $RADMIND_BASE_DIR changes from root to radmind. 20101128: AFFECTS: users of net/asterisk, net/asterisk-addons AUTHOR: Florian Smeets If you want to upgrade to 1.8.0 first remove asterisk-addons by running # pkg_delete -f asterisk-addons\* after that you can run one of the following # portmaster asterisk or # portupgrade asterisk You need to update your config files as the step from 1.4.x to 1.8.x is quite big. First you need to look at what changed between 1.4 and 1.6 After that you also need to take into account what chagne between 1.6 and 1.8 If you want to stay with asterisk 1.4.x please run # portmaster -o net/asterisk14 net/asterisk # portmaster -o net/asterisk14-addons net/asterisk-addons or # portupgrade -o net/asterisk14 net/asterisk # portupgrade -o net/asterisk14-addons net/asterisk-addons 20101127: AFFECTS: users of mail/postfix, mail/postfix2[56] AUTHOR: As of Postfix 2.7.2, 2.6.8, 2.5.11: Postfix no longer automatically appends the system default CA (certificate authority) certificates, when it reads the CA certificates specified with {smtp, lmtp, smtpd}_tls_CAfile or with {smtp, lmtp, smtpd}_tls_CApath. This prevents third-party certificates from getting mail relay permission with the permit_tls_all_clientcerts feature. Unfortunately, this change may cause compatibility problems with configurations that rely on certificate verification for other purposes. To get the old behavior, specify "tls_append_default_CA = yes". 20101124: AFFECTS: users of www/py-flexget AUTHOR: metainfo_series is no longer a builtin. This should only affect you if you aren't using one of the series plugins (series, all_series, thetvdb_favorites, or series_premiere.) If you need to enable metainfo_series manually for a feed it can be done like so: metainfo_series: yes 20101120: AFFECTS: users of x11-toolkits/gtk20 and x11-toolkits/gtkmm24 AUTHOR: FreeBSD GNOME Team In the GNOME 2.32 release. gdk-pixbuf2 has been split off from gtk20, and atkmm has been split off from gtkmm24. To upgrade please use the following instructions: Portmaster users: # pkg_delete -f gtkmm-2.20\* gtk-2.20\* # portmaster -a Portupgrade users: # pkgdb -fF # pkg_deinstall -fO gtkmm-2.20\* gtk-2.20\* # portupgrade -aOW 20101118: AFFECTS: users of editors/emacs-devel AUTHOR: Ashish SHUKLA Due to a bug when upgrading from, everything installed by other ports in "${PREFIX}/share/emacs" gets removed. Before upgrading: * Please backup custom configurations in "${PREFIX}/share/emacs". * After upgrading reinstall any ports that may have had files in the "${PREFIX}/share/emacs" directory. Apologies for this inconvenience. 20101117: AFFECTS: users of net-p2p/transmission-cli and net-p2p/transmission-gtk AUTHOR: Mezz Transmission has been updated to 2.12. The following name of binaries and manpages have been renamed: transmissioncli -> transmission-cli transmission -> transmission-gtk 20101117: AFFECTS: users of devel/ccache AUTHOR: Emanuel Haupt Updated instructions on how to workaround a buildworld failure have been committed. Please (re)read the following document after updating ccache to 3.1.1_1: /usr/local/share/doc/ccache/ccache-howto-freebsd.txt 20101110: AFFECTS: users of databases/mysql55-server AUTHOR: Alex Dupre If you are upgrading from a previous MySQL release, the server will exit during startup after finding that the proxies_priv table is missing. To create the table, start the server with the --skip-grant-tables option to cause it to skip the normal grant table checks, then run mysql_upgrade. Then stop the server and restart it normally. You can do this by temporarly setting the following line in rc.conf: mysql_args="--skip-grant-tables --skip-networking" 20101108: AFFECTS: users of databases/py-bsddb3 AUTHOR: py-bsddb3 update to 5.1.0. This release drops support for Berkeley DB 4.1, and adds support for Berkeley DB version 5.1, brand new. If you need Berkeley DB 4.1 support, keep using pybsddb 5.0.0. If you want support for Berkeley DB 5.1, remember to install the BDB library before installing these bindings. 20101030: AFFECTS: users of www/xshttpd-devel AUTHOR: The default XS-httpd configuration file locations have changed: The main configuration file is now $PREFIX/etc/xshttpd/httpd.conf and other configuration file are stored in that same directory. Existing configurations should be moved over manually. Log files now appear in /var/log/xshttpd/ by default. 20101029: AFFECTS: users of ports-mgmt/portmaster AUTHOR: Doug Barton The changes to in 1.652 require all portmaster users to upgrade to version 3.1 or later. The best method to do this will be to use the port, rather than portmaster itself: # pkg_delete -f portmaster\* # cd /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/portmaster && make clean && make install clean 20101026: AFFECTS: users of net/samba35 AUTHOR: Timur Bakeyev This is the latest stable release of the Samba3 distribution. It has been extended with the experimental support of the NFS4-like ACLs on ZFS partitions, thanks to the sysutils/libsunacl library by Edward Tomasz Napierala(trasz). This support haven't been tested thoroughly, so try it on your own risk. This port reverted back to the pre- net/samba34 layout of the directories and now they are again $PREFIX/etc/samba, /var/run/samba, /var/log/samba, /var/db/samba and /var/spool/samba respectively. In case, you are upgrading from net/samba34, please rename corresponding samba34/ subdirectories into samba/ ones. Upgrades from older versions of Samba and fresh installations should be seamless. 20101015: AFFECTS: users of devel/llvm-devel who use clang AUTHOR: Brooks Davis The clang portion of devel/llvm-devel has been split out and now resides in lang/clang-devel. If you have devel/llvm-devel installed in order to use clang, you will need to install the clang-devel port when upgrading. 20101003: AFFECTS: users of www/typo3 AUTHOR: Helmut Schneider www/typo3 has been repocopied to www/typo343. If you need to continue with the old stable version please run # portmaster -o www/typo343 www/typo3 or # portupgrade -o www/typo343 www/typo3 Please remember to change the path of your config files too. 20101003: AFFECTS: users of net-mgmt/kismet AUTHOR: This update includes major changes in how Kismet works and is configured. Clients, servers, drones, and configuration files must be updated to work with the new version. Map support has not yet been added. See the kismet README for details. 20100929: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/zfsnap AUTHOR: Aldis Berjoza Since timestamp format changed you need to use -o option with -d option in order to be able to delete old snapshots. Note however that you don't need -o when creating new snapshots, unless you want to keep using the old timestamp format. See for more info. 20100927: AFFECTS: users of mail/postfix-current AUTHOR: Incompatibility with snapshot 20100912 ====================================== - If your DNSBL queries have a "secret" in the domain name, you must now censor this information from the postscreen(8) SMTP replies. - The postscreen "continue" action is now called "ignore". The old name is still supported but no longer documented. - The postscreen_hangup_action parameter was removed. Postscreen now always behaves as if "postscreen_hangup_action = drop". - The postscreen_cache_retention_time default was increased from 1d to 7d, to avoid deleting results from expensive deep SMTP protocol tests too quickly. Incompatibility with snapshot 20100827 ====================================== - The Postfix SMTP client no longer appends the local domain when looking up a DNS name without ".". Specify "smtp_dns_resolver_options = res_defnames" to get the old behavior, which may produce unexpected results. 20100924: AFFECTS: users of x11/nvidia-driver AUTHOR: nvidia-driver does not install vdpau library and headers anymore, they are now provided by multimedia/libvdpau port. To avoid conflict, please rebuild nvidia-driver port before upgrading your ports and before installing multimedia/libvdpau. 20100921: AFFECTS: users of p5-Compress-Zlib, p5-IO-Compress-* AUTHOR: The p5-Compress-Zlib, p5-IO-Compress-Base, p5-IO-Compress-Zlib and p5-IO-Compress-Bzip2 ports have been replaced by p5-IO-Compress. Users of Perl 5.10 and higher do not need to install this module because it is already included in the standard perl distribution. 20100920: AFFECTS: users of security/stunnel AUTHOR: In stunnel-4.34, the DH support is no longer configurable by the user, but always enabled when OpenSSL supports it instead. This means that it will now most probably be enabled on the supported versions of FreeBSD. If this leads to problems with old SSL clients, I will look into making it configurable at build time again. 20100917: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/cdrtools-cjk AUTHOR: sysutils/cdrtools-cjk port has been removed, as the required functionality is now available in cdrtools 3.0.0 in the standard sysutils/cdrtools port. 20100915: AFFECTS: autoconf, automake AUTHOR: autoconf has been updated from 2.62 to 2.67 -- all ports depending on autoconf-2.62 have had their PORTREVISIONs update, so a standard port updating method will suffice. USE_GETTEXT has been extended to also accept 'build' and 'run' for ports which need devel/gettext as a BUILD- or RUN-time dependency only. No port should now be directly depending on devel/gettext in Makefiles. 20100915: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/cdrtools-cjk AUTHOR: Version 3.00 of sysutils/cdrtools breaks but at the same time also obsoletes sysutils/cdrtools-cjk as mkisofs now employs iconv for character conversion. Consequently sysutils/cdrtools-cjk is marked BROKEN and the use of USE_CDRTOOLS=cjk as well as USE_CDRTOOLS together with the WITH_CJK knob left in a broken state until is updated by portmgr@ accordingly. Once USE_CDRTOOLS is updated to no longer refer to sysutils/cdrtools-cjk the latter will be removed. Previous users of sysutils/cdrtools-cjk should switch to using sysutils/cdrtools instead, which might require not using the WITH_CJK knob until said update of has happened. 20100915: AFFECTS: users of lang/perl5.12 AUTHOR: lang/perl5.12 has been updated to 5.12.2. You should update everything that depends on perl. The easiest way to do that is to use "perl-after-upgrade" script supplied with lang/perl5.12. Please see its manual page for details. If you want to switch to lang/perl5.12 from lang/perl5.{8,10} please follow instructions in the entry 20100715 in this file. 20100912: AFFECTS: ftp/curl AUTHOR: With version 7.21.1, the cURL port is built with stricter compiler checking by default (the -Werror flag is passed to the C compiler, making it treat any warnings as fatal errors). If you experience problems building cURL, re-run "make config" in the ftp/curl directory and disable the WERROR knob. 20100912: AFFECTS: www/tdiary-devel, japanese/tdiary-devel AUTHOR: The stable tDiary ports, www/tdiary and japanese/tdiary, have been updated to 3.0.0. The development versions of tDiary have been merged from www/tdiary-devel to www/tdiary and from japanese/tdiary-devel to japanese/tdiary, respectively. If you have been using the www/tdiary-devel or japanese/tdiary-devel, you run one of the following commands to upgrade: - www/tdiary-devel # portmaster -o www/tdiary www/tdiary-devel or # portupgrade -o www/tdiary www/tdiary-devel - japanese/tdiary-devel # portmaster -o japanese/tdiary japanese/tdiary-devel or # portupgrade -o japanese/tdiary japanese/tdiary-devel Before upgrading, please read the following for more details: (written in Japanese) 20100907: AFFECTS: sysutils/pecl-fileinfo AUTHOR: If you are using php 5.3 (lang/php5) and fileinfo extension, you should switch to sysutils/php5-fileinfo port: portmaster -o sysutils/php5-fileinfo sysutils/pecl-fileinfo 20100904: AFFECTS: net/netcat AUTHOR: Rename nc to netcat to prevent /usr/bin/nc shadowing /usr/local/bin/nc 20100902: AFFECTS: users of KDE 4 AUTHOR: KDE SC ports has been updated to 4.5.1. A number of files were moved between packages, manual intervention into update procedure is required: # pkg_delete -f kdehier4\* kdelibs-4\* kdebase-4\* kdebase-runtime-4\* kdebase-workspace-4\* # rm -rf /usr/local/kde4/share/PolicyKit/policy # cd /usr/ports/misc/kdehier4 && make install clean # portmaster -a 20100901: AFFECTS: users of www/rubygem-rails AUTHOR: Rails has been updated to 3.0.0. As always, make sure you check the changes at 20100817: AFFECTS: users of www/lighttpd AUTHOR: The modules mod_geoip and mod_h264_streaming have been moved into slave ports: www/lighttpd-mod_geoip and www/lighttpd-mod_h264_streaming 20100818: AFFECTS: users of www/lighttpd AUTHOR: The default lighttpd configuration file locations have changed. The main configuration file is now: $PREFIX/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf and includes other configuration files from $PREFIX/etc/lighttpd/ For compatibility with old-style configurations, if the lighttpd_conf variable is not set in /etc/rc.conf, $PREFIX/etc/lighttpd.conf takes precedence over $PREFIX/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf 20100815: AFFECTS: users of databases/redis and databases/redis-devel AUTHOR: The redis configuration file, redis.conf, have been changed, some options removed in newer versions (>=2.0). In some cases, redis-server with older configuration might does not run at startup. If you run into startup problems, re-edit configuration file. 20100813: AFFECTS: www/opera AUTHOR: If you run opera without gtk or kde4, the browser might crash on shutdown. In this case go to about:config and change "Dialog Toolkit" from 0 to 4. 20100811: AFFECTS: multimedia/mpeg4ip-libmp4v2 AUTHOR: multimedia/mpeg4ip-libmp4v2, which is not maintained upstream, has been replaced with new port, multimedia/mp4v2. The shared library version has been changed with this update, thus all ports that depends on mp4v2 library must be rebuilt: portmaster -o multimedia/mp4v2 multimedia/mpeg4ip-libmp4v2 portmaster -a 20100731: AFFECTS: users of devel/ccache AUTHOR: Users upgrading from 2.4 release should clear the old cache directory with: # ccache --clear 20100730: AFFECTS: users of www/neon28 and www/neon29 AUTHOR: Makes neon29 our default neon library in the ports tree. The www/neon28 has been removed and www/neon29's shared library version has been changed. You will have to rebuild all ports that depend on www/neon29. Do this: Portmaster users: portmaster -o www/neon29 www/neon28 portmaster -r neon29- Portupgrade users: env DISABLE_CONFLICTS=1 portupgrade -o www/neon29 -f neon28-\* pkgdb -Ff portupgrade -rf neon29-\* 20100728: AFFECTS: users of textproc/nltk AUTHOR: Nltk has been upgraded to 2.0b8 which depends on devel/py-yaml now. You need to deinstall nltk before upgrading, since the previous port will delete files installed from py-yaml during its deinstall phase. Use, for example: # pkg_delete nltk-2.0b7,1 # portsnap fetch update # cd /usr/ports/textproc/nltk/ # make install clean 20100727: AFFECTS: users of security/libgcrypt AUTHOR: libgcrypt has been upgraded to 1.4.6 which has a shared library version bump. You need to reinstall all ports that depend on it. Use something like this: portupgrade -rf libgcrypt portmaster -r libgcrypt 20100722: AFFECTS: users of net/rabbitmq AUTHOR: Phillip The database schema and the format in which persistent messages are stored have both changed since the last release (1.7.2). When starting, the RabbitMQ server will detect the existence of an old database and will move it to a backup location, before creating a fresh, empty database, and will log a warning. 20100715: AFFECTS: users of lang/perl* AUTHOR: lang/perl5.12 is out. If you want to switch to it from, for example lang/perl5.10, that is: Portupgrade users: 0) Fix pkgdb.db (for safety): pkgdb -Ff 1) Reinstall new version of Perl (5.12): env DISABLE_CONFLICTS=1 portupgrade -o lang/perl5.12 -f perl-5.10.\* 2) Reinstall everything that depends on Perl: portupgrade -fr perl Portmaster users: portmaster -o lang/perl5.12 lang/perl5.10 Conservative: portmaster p5- Comprehensive (but perhaps overkill): portmaster -r perl- Note: If the "perl-" glob matches more than one port you will need to specify the name of the Perl directory in /var/db/pkg explicitly. 20100626: AFFECTS: users of japanese/ibus-mozc AUTHOR: The japanese/ibus-mozc port has been updated to version 0.11.383.102, and separated into 5 ports to cope with upcoming new port japanese/scim-mozc. o japanese/mozc-server o japanese/mozc-tool o japanese/mozc-additions o japanese/ibus-mozc o devel/py-gyp-devel You cannot upgrade with portupgrade or portmaster. To upgrade, you must deinstall japanese/ibus-mozc first and then install the new japanese/ibus-mozc. For example: # pkg_delete ja-ibus-mozc-0.11.365.102_1 # portsnap fetch update # cd /usr/ports/japanese/ibus-mozc/ # make install clean 20100617: AFFECTS: users of security/{dirmngr|gnupg} AUTHOR: The security/libassuan port has been updated to version 2.0.0, and the applications listed above have been updated to use it as of versions 1.1.0 and 2.0.15 respectively. If you HAVE NOT updated your libassuan port as described in the 20100613 entry, you can simply update all 3 ports together (libassuan, dirmngr if installed, and gnupg) using your normal upgrade path. If you HAVE updated to libassuan-1, then you need to do the following before upgrading dirmngr and gnupg. If you use portupgrade: portupgrade -f -o security/libassuan security/libassuan-1 If you use portmaster: portmaster -o security/libassuan libassuan-1 If you use neither: pkg_delete -f libassuan* Please note, libassuan version 2.0.0 is now a shared library, so unlike the previous version it is now a runtime dependency and cannot be deleted after you are done building dirmngr and/or gnupg. 20100613: AFFECTS: users of deskutils/kdepim4, and security/{gpa|opensc} AUTHOR: The security/libassuan port has been updated to version 2.0.0, however, the applications listed above are not yet compatible with it. Therefore security/libassuan-1 has been created until they can be updated, and the ports listed above have been updated to depend on it. You must first replace your existing libassuan with version 1 in the new location, then you can update the ports listed above normally. If you use portupgrade: portupgrade -f -o security/libassuan-1 security/libassuan If you use portmaster: portmaster -o security/libassuan-1 libassuan If you use neither: pkg_delete -f libassuan* 20100609: AFFECTS: users of audio/libogg and audio/libao AUTHOR: There are new versions of libogg (1.2.0) and libao (1.0.0) and the shared library versions have been bumped (ogg.6 to ogg.7, ao.3 to ao.4). All ports that have an identifiable direct dependency on these libraries have had their PORTREVISIONs bumped. However, some ports that pull in the libraries indirectly may continue to look for the old versions. To ensure that all are updated, perform this step: If you use portupgrade: portupgrade -rf libogg libao If you use portmaster: portmaster -r libogg libao 20100605: AFFECTS: users of multimedia/gstreamer-plugins-good and multimedia/gstreamer-plugins-bad AUTHOR: Certain plugins were moved from the -bad port to the -good port. Please follow instructions below before proceeding with normal update steps: If you use portmaster: portmaster gstreamer-plugins-bad If you use portupgrade: portupgrade -R multimedia/gstreamer-plugins-bad 20100602: AFFECTS: users of lang/mono AUTHOR: Starting with Mono 2.6, the Moonlight compiler and assemblies are not installed by the lang/mono port anymore. They are however provided by the multimedia/moonlight port. If you are doing some Silverlight development, install multimedia/moonlight after updating lang/mono. 20100530: AFFECTS: users of devel/gettext (i.e.: YOU) AUTHOR: Another version of gettext (0.18), and another shared library version bump (from intl.8 to intl.9), so: All ports that have an identifiable known direct dependency on gettext have had their PORTREVISIONs bumped. If after upgrading: # portupgrade -rf gettext # portmaster -w -r gettext The upgrade of devel/gobject-introspection may fail because it is looking for In this case, do the following: # cd /usr/ports/devel/gobject-introspection # make clean # make deinstall # make install clean Then continue your upgrade procedure normally. If there are still ports on your system that are looking for (either in ${LOCALBASE}/lib/compat/pkg, or non-existent), _please_ file a PR so that a correct direct dependency can be added. Once you are satisfied that no ports still depend on the old versions (such as and you can safely delete them from the ${LOCALBASE}/lib/compat/pkg directory if they are present there. 20100524: AFFECTS: users of devel/darcs, ports-mgmt/porte, textproc/pandoc, x11/xmobar, x11-wm/xmonad, x11-wm/xmonad-contrib AUTHOR: The following ports have been renamed to improve consistency among Haskell Cabal ports: - devel/darcs -> devel/hs-darcs - ports-mgmt/porte -> ports-mgmt/hs-porte - textproc/pandoc -> textproc/hs-pandoc - x11/xmobar -> x11/hs-xmobar - x11-wm/xmonad -> x11-wm/hs-xmonad - x11-wm/xmonad-contrib -> x11-wm/hs-xmonad-contrib Please follow these steps below to update Haskell ports that you have installed: 1) Reinstall the renamed Haskell port dependencies (see previous entry). Note that this will possibly require that you remove the affected leaf (aforementioned) ports as well; 2) Reinstall the renamed application(s) you use. 20100524: AFFECTS: users of hs-* ports AUTHOR: The following Haskell ports have been renamed in order to bring them in sync with the naming scheme used at HackageDB. Please follow these steps below to update your installation: 1) Delete the following ports (if you have any of them installed): - hs-zip-archive-ghc - hs-binary-ghc - hs-language-c-ghc - hs-lazysmallcheck-c-ghc - hs-pcre-light-ghc - hs-utf8-string-ghc - hs-HGL-ghc - hs-digest-ghc - hs-haxml - hs-highlighting-kate-ghc - hs-polyparse-ghc - hs-x11-ghc - hs-x11-xft-ghc - hs-opengl-ghc - hs-OpenGLRaw-ghc - hs-OpenGLURaw-ghc - hs-glut-ghc 2) Rebuild the renamed ports and all ports that depend on them. 20100518: AFFECTS: users of devel/pylint AUTHOR: The pylint user configuration files have been changed slightly in newer versions (>=0.20.0). In some cases, older configurations might crash pylint at startup. If you run into startup problems, make sure you remove the .pylintrc configuration settings and the .pylint.d directory from your home directory: $ rm ~/.pylintrc $ rm -rf ~/.pylint.d 20100518: AFFECTS: users of devel/apr0, devel/apr1, www/apache20, www/apache22 AUTHOR: devel/apr port has been renamed to devel/apr1. WITH_APR_FROM_PORTS=yes for www/apache22 has been dissolved and may be removed from your configuration files; devel/apr1 is always used now. Please manually delete apache-2.\* if installed _before_ updating using either portmaster or portupgrade: pkg_delete -f apache-2.\* Then, if you use portmaster: portmaster -o devel/apr1 devel/apr If you use portupgrade: portupgrade -f -o devel/apr1 devel/apr Finally, reinstall Apache port if you deleted it earlier and update ports as usual (`XX' below is either 20 or 22): portinstall www/apacheXX 20100512: AFFECTS: users of www/apache20 AUTHOR: The rc.d script has been renamed: -> apache2 You'll need to update any crons wrappers, etc. for the new paths. 20100511: AFFECTS: users of KDE SC 4 AUTHOR: KDE SC ports have been updated from 4.3.5 to 4.4.3. A number of libraries was moved between packages. The recommended update procedure is to delete kdelibs-experimental*, kdebase-4*, kdebase-workspace-4*, kdebase-runtime-4*, kdepim-4*, kdepim-runtime-4*, and then update ports as usual and install desired KDE 4 ports: # pkg_delete -f kdebase-\*4\* kdepim-\*4\* kdelibs-experimental-\*4\* # portmaster -a (or portupgrade -aR) In order to enabled Nepomuk semantic desktop search you have to install databases/virtuoso (you don't need to manually configure or run virtuoso server). 20100511: AFFECTS: users of textproc/redland RDF engine AUTHOR: Redland RDF engine has been split into redland itself and rasqal engine. The recommended update procedure is to delete redland, then update ports as usual and install desired RDF ports: # pkg_delete -f redland-\* # portmaster raptor (or portupgrade -r raptor) 20100511: AFFECTS: users of multimedia/qt4-phonon, multimedia/qt4-phonon-gst, multimedia/phonon, and multimedia/phonon-gstreamer AUTHOR: WITH_QT_PHONON global knob has been introduced to allow selection between multimedia/qt4-phonon* ports (a bit outdated Phonon, which is shipped with Qt 4) and multimedia/phonon* ports. Since KDE SC 4.4 now requires fresh Phonon, multimedia/phonon* ports are installed by default. If you don't use KDE, you may set WITH_QT_PHONON=yes in /etc/make.conf and continue to use Qt 4 Phonon implementation ports. If you want to use KDE SC 4.4 (or if you want the latest Phonon), do not define WITH_QT_PHONON, delete multimedia/qt4-phonon* ports, and install multimedia/phonon*: If you use portmaster: portmaster -o multimedia/phonon multimedia/qt4-phonon portmaster -o multimedia/phonon-gstreamer multimedia/qt4-phonon-gst If you use portupgrade: portupgrade -f -o multimedia/phonon multimedia/qt4-phonon portupgrade -f -o multimedia/phonon-gstreamer multimedia/qt4-phonon-gst 20100510: AFFECTS: users of security/gnome-keyring AUTHOR: libgnome-keyring was split out of the gnome-keyring package. Perform the following before doing your normal upgrade steps: pkg_delete -f "gnome-keyring-*" portmaster security/gnome-keyring or pkgdb -Ff portupgrade -R -x gnome-keyring -x libgnome-keyring gnome-keyring pkg_deinstall -fO gnome-keyring portinstall security/gnome-keyring 20100506: AFFECTS: users of mail/nullmailer on FreeBSD 6.X AUTHOR: The nullmailer port was recently updated with an rc.d script to correctly daemonize nullmailer-send with daemon(8). On FreeBSD 6.X, daemon(8) does not support "[-u user]" command-line switch, causing the nullmailer rc.d script failure to start nullmailer-send. Support for "[-u user]" command-line switch was recently MFC'd to 6-STABLE ( FreeBSD 6.X users should patch and install daemon(8) by one of the methods described below. If /usr/src is not yet populated, csup the 6-STABLE sources and run these commands: cd /usr/src/usr.sbin/daemon make install /usr/local/etc/rc.d/nullmailer start If /usr/src is already populated with sources from a previous 6.X release, use these commands: cd /usr/src/usr.sbin/daemon fetch '' fetch '' patch -p0 daemon.c < patch-daemon.c patch -p0 daemon.8 < patch-daemon.8 make install /usr/local/etc/rc.d/nullmailer start 20100502: AFFECTS: users of www/squid* AUTHOR: Starting with squid* the directory containing the default cache and log directory was changed from $PREFIX/squid/ to /var/squid/. The default values for the following Squid configuration parameters have changed as shown below: cache_log from $PREFIX/squid/logs/cache.log to /var/squid/logs/cache.log cache_store_log from $PREFIX/squid/logs/store.log to /var/squid/logs/store.log pid_filename from $PREFIX/squid/logs/ to /var/squid/logs/ coredump_dir from $PREFIX/squid/cache to /var/squid/cache Please check whether you need to define any of these variables in your squid.conf to the old defaults explicitly before updating, especially if you have set up automated log processing or automated log rotation. If you define pid_filename in your squid.conf, you should also set squid_pidfile to the same value in /etc/rc.conf, cf. $PREFIX/etc/rc.d/squid. 20100419: AFFECTS: users of math/libgmp4 AUTHOR: The default gmp version in FreeBSD is now 5.0.x. The port directory changed from math/libgmp4 to math/gmp. An entry has been added to MOVED and all depending ports revisions have been bumped, so the update should be handled correctly by usual port management tools such as portupgrade. Portmaster users, please do the following before upgrading ports that depend on gmp: portmaster -o math/gmp math/libgmp4 20100409: AFFECTS: users of lang/php5 AUTHOR: As of PHP 5.3, a few extensions were removed from or included into the core PHP5 package. Follow the steps below to update your installation. 1) Delete the following packages (if installed): - php5-dbase - php5-ncurses - php5-pcre - php5-spl - php5-ming - php5-mhash 2) Rebuild lang/php5 and all ports that depend on it. 20100403: AFFECTS: users of net/dgd AUTHOR: The kernel library has been separated from the main net/dgd port into its own net/dgd-kernel port so that all libraries are on an equal footing. This also reflects the split of the kernel library out from the main DGD distribution. If you wish to continue to use the kernel library you'll need to install net/dgd-kernel after updating to dgd-1.4.1_2. 20100330: AFFECTS: users of gstreamer-plugins-bad and gstreamer-plugins-good AUTHOR: Plugin moved from the -bad port to the -good port. Please follow the instructions below before proceeding with normal update steps. If you use portmaster: portmaster gstreamer-plugins-bad If you use portupgrade: portupgrade -R multimedia/gstreamer-plugins-bad 20100328: AFFECTS: users of graphics/png AUTHOR: The PNG library has been updated to version 1.4.1. Please rebuild all ports that depend on it. If you use portmaster: make sure you update to portmaster version 2.20 or newer, then do: portmaster -r png- If you use portupgrade: portupgrade -fr graphics/png 20100221: AFFECTS: users of rblibtorrent-devel AUTHOR: The port name has changed to libtorrent-rasterbar-14. If you use portmaster: portmaster -o net-p2p/libtorrent-rasterbar-14 net-p2p/rblibtorrent-devel If you use portupgrade: portupgrade -o net-p2p/libtorrent-rasterbar-14 net-p2p/rblibtorrent-devel 20100216: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/bacula-server, sysutils/bacula-client AUTHOR: Bacula 5.x uses new shared objects which conflict with the shared objects from previous versions. You should delete all existing Bacula packages from your system before compiling Bacula 5.x, otherwise you'll encounter compilation errors. /usr/local/etc/rc.d/bacula-dir stop /usr/local/etc/rc.d/bacula-sd stop /usr/local/etc/rc.d/bacula-fd stop pkg_delete 'bacula-*' After upgrading, remember to run the database upgrade script supplied with the port. 20100214: AFFECTS: users of japanese/roundcube AUTHOR: If you switch mail/roundcube to japanese/roundcube, please re-check configuration files like ${PREFIX}/www/roundcube/config/ At least, please add following settings: $rcmail_config['message_charset_languages'] = array('en_US' => 'ISO-8859-1', ... $rcmail_config['transfer_encoding_languages'] = array('en_US' => 'quoted-printable', ... See also: ${PREFIX}/www/roundcube/config/ 20100207: AFFECTS: users of www/firefox AUTHORS:, (Java plugin) The www/firefox port has been updated to 3.6. From now on www/firefox will contain the most recent version of Firefox. Older but still supported releases will be available in www/firefox3 and www/firefox35. In order to update to Firefox 3.6 please delete your older installed version of Firefox first and install www/firefox afterwards. Please make sure all your addons are compatible with Firefox 3.6 and backup your ~/.mozilla directory prior to the first launch of Firefox 3.6. Note that in order to use Java with Firefox 3.6, you need to install java/openjdk6, build it with the "WEB" option enabled and use the Iced Tea plugin. To achieve the latter, each user needs to create a symlink to the Icedtea plugin as described in the Browsers/Firefox and Java[tm] Plugin section in the handbook: ln -s /usr/local/openjdk6/jre/lib/ \ $HOME/.mozilla/plugins 20100207: AFFECTS: users of Mesa3D libraries and x11-drivers/xf86-video-nouveau AUTHOR: If you want to use Mesa3D 7.6.1 and libdrm 2.4.17 rather than 7.4.4 and 2.4.12, you must define WITHOUT_NOUVEAU global macro, at least, enabled on graphics/libGL*, graphics/libglut, graphics/dri, graphics/mesa-demos, and graphics/libdrm. And please give up using x11-drivers/xf86-video-nouveau. At this time, I cannot enable latest Mesa3D and libdrm, because they break xf86-video-nouveau. But old (current?) Mesa3D and libdrm do not break any drivers. AMD Radeon HD 2xxx/3xxx/4xxx users: If you use AMD Radeon HD [234]xxx series, please define WITHOUT_NOUVEAU global macro. You can then use OpenGL Hardware Accelerator feature on these series. 20100206: AFFECTS: users of net/samba4-devel AUTHOR: Default configuration file was moved to ${LOCALBASE}/etc/smb4.conf to avoid conflicts with the installed net/samba3?. Also, userland utils are not installed by default, which should also help with the parallel setup of Samba3 and Samba4. 20100205: AFFECTS: users of Qt 3 and KDE 3 AUTHOR: When building qt33 and kdelibs3 (at least), while they are installed, because of -L/usr/local/lib being passed too soon, the currently installed libraries are used instead of the ones from the build. This makes the build fail if you updated any of the libraries these Qt/KDE libraries are linked against (e.g. libjpeg). For the moment the workaround, when you get to this, is to move the old lib out of the way, e.g.: mv /usr/local/lib/ /usr/local/lib/ && \ cd /usr/ports/x11-toolkits/qt33/ && make && \ mv /usr/local/lib/ /usr/local/lib/ && \ portmaster -C x11-toolkits/qt33 (or portupgrade -w qt-33\*) ... 20100205: AFFECTS: users of lang/perl* AUTHOR: Default version of Perl was bumped to 5.10. If you already have lang/perl5.8 installed, and want to switch to lang/perl5.10 please follow instructions in the entry 20090328 in this file. 20100205: AFFECTS: users of net/samba34 AUTHOR: This port was developed with the generous help of Florent Brodin. The default passdb backend has been changed to `tdbsam'! That breaks existing setups using the `smbpasswd' backend without explicit declaration! Please use `passdb backend = smbpasswd' if you would like to stick to the `smbpasswd' backend or convert your smbpasswd entries using e.g. `pdbedit -i smbpasswd -e tdbsam'. The `tdbsam' backend is much more flexible concerning per user settings like `profile path' or `home directory' and there are some commands which do not work with the `smbpasswd' backend at all. 20100130: AFFECTS: users of audio/sdl_mixer and graphics/sdl_image AUTHOR: The SDL_mixer and SDL_image libraries have new shared library versions. Please rebuild all ports that depend on them. If you use portmaster: portmaster -r sdl_mixer- portmaster -r sdl_image- If you use portupgrade: portupgrade -fr audio/sdl_mixer portupgrade -fr graphics/sdl_image 20100125: AFFECTS: users of audio/openal and graphics/openal-soft AUTHOR: The default OpenAL implementation was switched to audio/openal-soft. To update all ports correctly, the following steps have to be performed. pkg_delete -f openal-\* If you use portmaster: portmaster -o audio/openal-soft audio/openal portmaster -r audio/openal-soft If you use portupgrade: portupgrade -ro audio/openal audio/openal-soft If you want to stick with audio/openal, please specify the following ports make flag within /etc/make.conf (or an appropriate configuration file for your ports): WANT_OPENAL=si 20100122: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/policykit and sysutils/polkit AUTHOR: Due to a recent change in sysutils/policykit, both sysutils/policykit, and sysutils/polkit need to be rebuilt, but in a certain order. First, upgrade sysutils/policykit to 0.9_6. Then, force rebuild and reinstall of sysutils/polkit. If you do not do this, applications which depend on polkitd will fail. 20100113: AFFECTS: users of emulators/virtualbox AUTHOR: Port has been renamed to emulators/virtualbox-ose to reflect that we are using the OSE version. A separate port for the kernel modules has been created: emulators/virtualbox-ose-kmod. Please see for update instructions. 20100107: AFFECTS: users of security/openvpn* AUTHOR: security/openvpn has been moved to security/openvpn20 and upgraded to 2.0.9. security/openvpn has been upgraded to 2.1.1, and security/openvpn-devel has been removed. Regular upgrades of the security/openvpn port should succeed without manual intervention, but if you want to stick to openvpn 2.0 or if you had been using openvpn-devel, manual intervention is needed, as follows: If you'd been using the security/openvpn-devel port, please use one of these commands for upgrading: portmaster -m-DDISABLE_CONFLICTS -o security/openvpn security/openvpn-devel portupgrade -m-DDISABLE_CONFLICTS -o security/openvpn security/openvpn-devel If you want to stick to openvpn 2.0, please use one of these two upgrade commands: portmaster -m-DDISABLE_CONFLICTS -o security/openvpn20 security/openvpn portupgrade -m-DDISABLE_CONFLICTS -o security/openvpn20 security/openvpn 20100106: AFFECTS: users of devel/websvn AUTHOR: The default install directory for websvn has changed from ${PREFIX}/www/data/websvn to ${PREFIX}/www/websvn. If you are updating from a previous version, to preserve your settings and data, please do the following: mv /usr/local/www/data/websvn /usr/local/www Then update as usual. 20091227: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/grok AUTHOR: Wesley Shields The sysutils/grok port has been completely re-written. Configuration files will need to be reviewed. Also, the RC script has been removed until it can be made to work with the new version. 20091226: AFFECTS: users of net-mgmt/ndoutils AUTHOR: When upgrading you'll need to run ./upgradedb; see UPGRADING file. 20091214: AFFECTS: users of net/grdc AUTHOR: Grdc has been renamed to Remmina upstream, and the port was also renamed to reflect this. After installing remmina port you will need to download the ``'' script and run it as your normal user(s) that have ~/.grdc. The script will only create ~/.remmina directory and move grdc config files to the new path; it does not affect anything else. $ fetch $ sh 20091213: AFFECTS: users of net-mgmt/zabbix, net-mgmt/zabbix-agent AUTHOR: Jim Riggs In order to simplify configuration and better separate the different components of Zabbix, the former zabbix port has been split into three: zabbix-server, zabbix-proxy, and zabbix-frontend. Each component has distinct functionality and may be installed independently on separate systems. The existing zabbix-agent port remains. Additionally, the new zabbix-frontend port now (correctly) installs the PHP frontend in PREFIX/www/zabbix. The old zabbix port installed the files in PREFIX/share/zabbix/php. Web server configurations must be updated accordingly. Finally, Zabbix has been updated to version 1.8. Not everyone may be able to upgrade from version 1.6 immediately, though, so 1.6.8 versions of the ports are also available as zabbix16-server, zabbix16-proxy, zabbix16-agent, and zabbix16-frontend. 20091206: AFFECTS: users of emulators/qemu AUTHOR: The port has been updated to 0.11.1, which no longer enables kqemu by default (if built with KQEMU knob on), now you also have to explicitly pass -enable-kqemu (or -kernel-kqemu as with the previous versions) if you want to use it. Also note the 0.11 stable branch is the last qemu branch that still supports kqemu, so if you depend on reasonably fast emulation on FreeBSD you should start looking for alternatives some time soon. (VirtualBox?) 20091120: AFFECTS: users of mail/postfixadmin AUTHOR: Terry Sposato Due to a bug in the previous postfixadmin port, existing users need to backup their before they upgrade to postfixadmin-2.3 or later and put it in place after the upgrade is complete. 20091120: AFFECTS: users of security/f-prot AUTHOR: Tim Bishop The main f-prot command is now named fpscan. Virus definitions are updated using the fpupdate command. fpupdate will automatically run from periodic every day. To disable set the following option in /etc/periodic.conf: fpupdate_enable="NO" The f-prot port now only works on i386. 20091118: AFFECTS: users of java/jboss5 AUTHOR: Jonathan Chen The JBoss directory structure has been reorganised to follow hier(7) guidelines more closely; in particular, transient and deployment files were moved to /var/jboss5, thus allowing /usr to be read-only. 20091118: AFFECTS: users of www/redmine AUTHOR: Bernhard Froehlich After the upgrade you need to generate a session secret before restarting the application. This is to protect you from cross-site request forgery. From your Redmine directory, simply run the following command once: # rake config/initializers/session_store.rb then upgrade as usual: # rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production 20091114: AFFECTS: users of emulators/win4bsd AUTHOR: Mario S F Ferreira The new port now depends on emulators/kqemu-kmod instead of installing its own version. Therefore, you should make sure that no other kqemu.ko modules are installed: # pkg_delete -f win4bsd\* # rm -f /boot/kernel/kqemu.ko # pkg_delete -f kqemu-kmod\* # portinstall emulators/win4bsd Do not forget to enable kqemu on rc.conf since win4bsd will not work without it. 20091018: AFFECTS: users of databases/mysql54-server AUTHOR: Alex Dupre After the upgrade the server may fail to start due to changes in the default values of innodb_log_files_in_group and innodb_log_file_size, which differ from those in earlier 5.4 releases. You should discard the old InnoDB log files and let MySQL 5.4.3 create new ones. It is necessary to shut down your current server cleanly so that no outstanding transaction information remains in the log. See here: 20091014: AFFECTS: users of mail/heirloom-mailx AUTHOR: Alexander Logvinov Since SourceForge switched to the new File Release System, mail/heirloom-mailx has wrong package name. All users who have mail/heirloom-mailx installed after 22 August 2009 should run the following commands: # pkg_delete "\-mailx-12.4_1" or # rm -r /var/db/pkg/-mailx-12.4_1 # rm -r /var/db/ports/-mailx # cd /usr/ports/mail/heirloom-mailx && make install clean 20090921: AFFECTS: users of archivers/lzmautils, archivers/lzmautils-devel AUTHOR: Christian Weisgerber The XZ Utils distribution has superseded LZMA Utils, so the xz port has been added and the lzmautils ports have been removed. To perform the move, run one of the following commands: If using portupgrade: # portupgrade -o archivers/xz lzmautils\* If using portmaster: # portmaster -o archivers/xz archivers/lzmautils or # portmaster -o archivers/xz archivers/lzmautils-devel as applicable. 20090919: AFFECTS: users of mail/postfix-postfwd AUTHOR: Sahil Tandon The recipient rate-limiting feature is now called via rcpt() command instead of with mrcpt() as in previous versions. Make sure to update your postfwd.conf if you use this feature. 20090917: AFFECTS: users of www/epiphany, x11/yelp, graphics/librsvg2, x11/toolkits/py-gnome-extras, and www/epiphany-extensions AUTHOR: The default Gecko provider has been changed from www/firefox to www/libxul. Firefox 2.x is now marked FORBIDDEN for security reasons, and libxul is new, stable, and preferred Gecko provider. Libxul uses the same Gecko engine as Firefox 3.0.x. Some ports may fail to upgrade or run when both www/firefox and libxul are installed on the same system. To make sure everything runs smoothly, uninstall www/firefox, then install libxul, then upgrade the affected ports. 20090915: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/gosa AUTHOR: Denis Shaposhnikov Please read the following: before upgrading this port. And don't forget to check your slapd.conf because gosa scheme files were changed. Should you have any problems during LDAP migration step, try to restart your PHP process. 20090913: AFFECTS: users of www/ikiwiki AUTHOR: Henrik Brix Andersen In order to fix a performance bug, all wikis need to be rebuilt on upgrade to version 3.1415926. 20090912: AFFECTS: users of ports that have set USE_FORTRAN=yes AUTHOR: Ports that are built using the Fortran frontend of GCC (aka gfortran) will now use lang/gcc44 as the default compiler. 20090911: AFFECTS: users of lang/perl5.10 AUTHOR: lang/perl5.10 has been updated to 5.10.1. You should update everything that depends on perl. The easiest way to do that is to use "perl-after-upgrade" script supplied with lang/perl5.10. Please see its manual page for details. If you want to switch to lang/perl5.10 from lang/perl5.8 please follow instructions in the entry 20090328 in this file. 20090910: AFFECTS: users of www/rubygem-rails AUTHOR: Rails has been updated to 2.3.4. As always, make sure you check the changes at 20090909: AFFECTS: users of gstreamer-plugins-bad gstreamer-plugins-good AUTHOR: Due to the move of several plugins from gstreamer-plugins-bad to gstreamer-plugins-good, it is necessary to update gstreamer-plugins-bad first: portupgrade -R gstreamer-plugins-bad or, using portmaster: portmaster gstreamer-plugins-bad After this step, the normal upgrade procedure can be used. 20090831: AFFECTS: users of emulators/linux-systemsimcell AUTHOR: The port emulators/linux-systemsimcell has been updated to 3.1.25. Systemsimcell emulator now has a new dependency: x11-toolkits/linux-f10-blt. So you need to switch to linux-f10 ports in order to use 3.1.25 version. 20090828: AFFECTS: users of mail/dovecot and mail/dovecot-sieve AUTHOR: dovecot-sieve has been updated to a new implementation compatible with dovecot 1.2.x. For details of what this means please refer to: 20090827: AFFECTS: users of www/mediawiki AUTHOR: www/mediawiki version is 1.15.1 now. 1.14.1 version was preserved as www/mediawiki114 port. 20090818: AFFECTS: users of security/gnutls and any port that depends on it AUTHOR: GnuTLS has been updated to 2.8.3 and all shared libraries versions have been bumped. So you need to rebuild all applications that depend on gnutls. Do something like: portupgrade -rf gnutls 20090816: AFFECTS: users of astro/celestia and KDE AUTHOR: Celestia can now be compiled with KDE 3 frontend (you can enable it with CELESTIA_UI=kde when building). It is very feature-rich, as it offers contextual menus, toolbars, KDE integration, internationalization, bookmarks, etc. If you use Celestia and KDE as your desktop, you might want to rebuild the port so it integrates into your environment better. 20090815: AFFECTS: users of mail/dovecot AUTHOR: Dovecot has been updated to version 1.2.3. The configuration file has changed significantly. Please see for details of what this means. 20090804: AFFECTS: users of multimedia/phonon*, x11/kdebase4*, deskutils/kdepim4 AUTHOR: KDE 4 has been updated to version 4.3.0. KDE now uses qt4-phonon; multimedia/phonon and multimedia/phonon-gstreamer are deprecated in favor of their qt4 equivalents. You can still use multimedia/phonon-xine however. A number of files have been moved between packages. The recommended update procedure is to delete phonon, phonon-gstreamer, kdebase-*4*, kdepim-4*, then update ports as usual and install desired KDE 4 ports: # pkg_delete -f phonon-4\* phonon-gstreamer\* kdebase-\*4\* kdepim-4\* # portmaster -a (or portupgrade -a) # cd ${PORTSDIR}/x11/kde4 && make config && make install clean 20090804: AFFECTS: users of devel/dbus-qt4, devel/qt4-designer AUTHOR: Qt 4 ports have been updated to 4.5.2. The recommended update procedure is to delete qt4-dbus and qt4-designer, then update ports as usual. Install qt4-designer if needed. 20090802: AFFECTS: users of devel/libtool15 and devel/libltdl15 AUTHOR: The devel/libtool15 and devel/libltdl15 ports have been moved to libtool22 and libltdl22, respectively, then updated to 2.2.6a. You will need to run portmaster or portupgrade to properly perform the upgrade: If using portmaster: portmaster -o devel/libtool22 devel/libtool15 portmaster -o devel/libltdl22 devel/libltdl15 If using portupgrade: portupgrade -o devel/libtool22 libtool-1.5\* portupgrade -o devel/libltdl22 libltdl-1.5\* After that, you will need to rebuild all ports that depend on libltdl. Since all dependent ports' PORTREVISIONs have been bumped, you can run portupgrade or portmaster with `-a' option to complete the upgrade. 20090801: AFFECTS: users of x11-drivers/xf86-video-nouveau AUTHOR: An updated libdrm and xf86-video-nouveau have been committed. These update the API version to 0.0.14 and if you are using DRM you will need to update your kernel patch. See pkg-message in xf86-video-nouveau for details. 20090730: AFFECTS: users of www/tomcat6 AUTHOR: Tomcat has been updated to 6.0.20 release and the installation directory is changed from apache-tomcat6.0 to apache-tomcat-6.0. Backup your configuration files before updating Tomcat, since the previous port will delete them on deinstall. 20090729: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/heartbeat AUTHOR: Heartbeat has been upgraded to the 2.1.4 release. Older configurations based on version 1 should still work. Read more about the new features and possible configuration changes at the following URLs: (Configuration 0.6 Explained) 20090724: AFFECTS: users of www/rubygem-rails AUTHOR: Rails has been updated to 2.3.3. As always, make sure you check the changes at 20090720: AFFECTS: users of net/openldap24-{client,server} AUTHOR: OpenLDAP has been upgraded to 2.4.17, which requires a shared library version bump. Therefore, you need to reinstall all ports that depend on it. Please do something like: # portupgrade -fr net/openldap24-client or # portmaster -r net/openldap24-client 20090719: AFFECTS: users of graphics/jpeg AUTHOR: The IJG jpeg library has been updated to version 7.0. Please rebuild all ports that depend on it. If you use portmaster: portmaster -r jpeg- Or, if you would prefer a more gradual approach: portmaster -w jpeg- (Check the man page for more information) If you use portupgrade: portupgrade -fr graphics/jpeg 20090704: AFFECTS: users of www/yaws AUTHOR: The default configuration file path was changed to ${LOCALBASE}/etc/yaws in version 1.83. Please remember to update your configuration before upgrading. 20090628: AFFECTS: users of www/firefox3-devel AUTHOR: If your Firefox crashes with the following message while viewing a HTML5 page: "Bad system call (core dumped)" you need to load the sem module (kldload sem). To load sem module on every boot, put the following into your /boot/loader.conf: sem_load="YES" 20090624: AFFECTS: users of mail/crm114 AUTHOR: The new version of crm uses a new format for css files. Old files should be rebuilt or started from scratch. If not done, crm114 will lose any mail processed via it. 20090620: AFFECTS: users of gstreamer-plugins-bad, gstreamer-plugins-good, and gstreamer-plugins-ugly ports AUTHOR: Due to the move of several plugins from gstreamer-plugins-bad to gstreamer-plugins-good and gstreamer-plugins-ugly, it is necessary to update gstreamer-plugins-bad first: portupgrade -R gstreamer-plugins-bad or, using portmaster: portmaster gstreamer-plugins-bad 20090619: AFFECTS: users of net-p2p/transmission-daemon AUTHOR: The UID/GID of transmission has been changed from 919 to 921. The data configure has been changed from ${PREFIX}/etc/transmission/home/.config to ${PREFIX}/etc/transmission/home. To update the UID/GID: # pw groupmod transmission -g 921 # pw usermod transmission -u 921 -g 921 20090618: AFFECTS: users of www/p5-Catalyst AUTHOR: Most applications and plugins should run unaltered on Catalyst 5.80. However, a lot of refactoring work has taken place, and several changes have been made which could cause incompatibilities. If your application or plugin is using deprecated code, or relying on side effects, then you could have issues upgrading to this release. 20090617: AFFECTS: users of emulators/virtualbox AUTHOR: The GID of virtualbox has changed due to a conflict with databases/couchdb. Update GID of vboxusers after updating the port: # pw groupmod vboxusers -g 920 20090617: AFFECTS: users of math/fftw3 math/fftw3-long math/fftw3-float AUTHOR: The Fortran option has removed from fftw3 and moved into slave ports, math/fftw3-fortran math/fftw3-long-fortran and math/fftw3-float-fortran. 20090615: AFFECTS: users of x11-wm/enlightenment and x11-wm/enlightenment-devel AUTHOR: The development version of the Enlightenment window manager, a.k.a. E17, was moved from x11-wm/enlightenment-devel to x11-wm/enlightenment. The DR16 branch now resides in x11-wm/e16. 20090615: AFFECTS: users of multimedia/mlt++ AUTHOR: The multimedia/mlt++ port was incorporated into multimedia/mlt since version 0.4.2. Delete multimedia/mlt++ first and then install/update multimedia/mlt. 20090613: AFFECTS: users of www/hudson AUTHOR: Hudson is now running as a standalone process and no longer relies on Apache Tomcat. As such, it should now be configured by defining hudson_* variables in rc.conf. See comments from rc.d script for further details. The default setup is using the same port numbers and HTTP URL prefix as before in order to reduce the effort of upgrading the port. Hence, it may conflict with some running Apache Tomcat instance. To fix this problem, you may either deinstall www/tomcat6, or use the following settings in hudson_args from /etc/rc.conf: --httpPort=??? --ajp13Port=??? 20090611: AFFECTS: users of www/apache22 AUTHOR: Two rc.d scripts have been renamed: -> apache22 -> htcacheclean You'll need to update any crons wrappers, etc. for the new paths. 20090608: AFFECTS: users of lang/python* and py-* AUTHOR: The default version of Python has been changed from 2.5.x to 2.6.x. If you have 2.5.x installed, perform an upgrade of lang/python25 to lang/python26 with one of the following commands: If using portupgrade: # portupgrade -o lang/python26 lang/python25 If using portmaster: # portmaster -o lang/python26 lang/python25 If you want to retain 2.5.x as default Python version, set the PYTHON_DEFAULT_VERSION variable to 'python2.5' (without quotes) in /etc/make.conf, then go to lang/python and perform the following command: # portupgrade -R python Once the installed Python has been updated to 2.6, by using the method above, it is required to run the upgrade-site-packages target in lang/python to assure that site-packages are made available to the new Python version. If using portupgrade: # cd /usr/ports/lang/python && make upgrade-site-packages If using portmaster: # cd /usr/ports/lang/python && make upgrade-site-packages -DUSE_PORTMASTER The portmaster case can take quite some time to complete due to the lack of cached information that the portupgrade suite uses (specifically pkg_which). This is not the fault of portmaster. 20090606: AFFECTS: users of java/eclipse AUTHOR: The update to 3.4.2 changes the location of the metadata for eclipse to be more in line with what is used on other platforms. This means that after the update plugins that have been installed by a user with the built in Update Manager will need to be reinstalled. 20090605: AFFECTS: users of mail/postfix AUTHOR: Version 2.6.1 introduced a POLA violation by expecting aliases.db to be in /etc/mail/aliases.db (not /etc/aliases.db). With this version the location is reverted to the right place. If you updated your installation to 2.6.1 you need to run newaliases(1) again after you installed 2.6.2. 20090603: AFFECTS: users of japanese/font-mplus-ipa (and old japanese/ipa-ttfonts) AUTHOR: IPAUIGothic has been updated to a version included in IPA font version 002.03 and added as a separated port "japanese/font-ipa-uigothic". And the font-mplus-ipa has been updated to remove the old IPAUIGothic. Thus the old ipa-ttfonts is almost equivalent to font-ipa + font-ipa-uigothic + font-mplus-ipa. Note that these three packages have different licenses from each other. 20090601: AFFECTS: users of devel/cvs-devel AUTHOR: cvs-devel no longer installs /bin/cvs and /bin/cvsbug. These are now installed into ${PREFIX}/bin. If you wish to use these please be aware of this change with respect to your path. 20090531: AFFECTS: users of devel/viewvc AUTHOR: viewvc.conf and templates are not compatible to 1.0.x version, even the database scripts have changed. For details see:*checkout*/viewvc/trunk/docs/upgrading-howto.html 20090530: AFFECTS: users of Japanese and Chinese fonts AUTHOR: Ports for Japanese fonts have been reorganized in the following way: japanese/ipa-ttfonts -> japanese/font-mplus-ipa japanese/ipa-ttfonts -> japanese/font-ipa japanese/kochi-ttfonts -> japanese/font-kochi japanese/mplusfonts -> japanese/font-mplus japanese/sazanami-ttf -> japanese/font-sazanami japanese/shinonome -> japanese/font-shinonome japanese/umefont -> japanese/font-ume japanese/vlgothic -> japanese/font-vlgothic While basically these are port name changes for consistency, installation directories are also changed: font files -> ${PREFIX}/share/${PORTNAME}/* symlinks -> ${PREFIX}/share/fonts/{TTF,OTF,fontname,...}/* symlinks -> ${PREFIX}/lib/X11/fonts/{TTF,OTF,misc,fontname,...}/* A user-visible one is that the directory name "TrueType" is replaced with "TTF". Also, japanese/font-std and chinese/font-std have been added as standard fonts used in the Ports Collection. Currently they contain: std.ja_JP/Mincho std.ja_JP/Gothic std.ja_JP/Ryumin-Light std.ja_JP/GothicBBB-Medium std.zh_CN/STHeiti-Regular std.zh_CN/STSong-Light std.zh_CN/MSung-Light std.zh_CN/MHei-Medium under ${PREFIX}/share/fonts/. They are just symlinks to corresponding font files. The symlink names are based on popular PostScript font names. Applications should refer the font files via XLFD or fontconfig first. If they need a direct reference to the font file, please use files in std.*/*. This is because direct reference to a specific font name in an application configuration file makes the maintenance difficult when the font file name is changed, for example. 20090516: AFFECTS: users of devel/viewvc AUTHOR: OPTION APACHE2 has been changed to APACHE (WITH_APACHE) WITH_APACHE2 is deprecated and is being removed. APACHE_PORT will be pulled in when WITH_APACHE is selected 20090516: AFFECTS: users of print/cups-base and portupgrade AUTHOR: The print/cups port has been split into multiple ports. If upgrading from 1.3.10_1 and below, you must remove the installed version first. 20090412: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/bacula-server AUTHOR: sysutils/bacula-server now uses a new catalog format. If upgrading from the old version please use the update_bacula_tables script provided with the port before restarting bacula. 20090410: AFFECTS: users of www/trac-email2trac AUTHOR: bin/ and bin/ are now installed without the .py extension to make the suid run_email2trac work and match the online documentation. If you were using them in scripts or alias entries, you will need to update paths accordingly. 20090401: AFFECTS: users of Fedora 8 Linux infrastructure ports AUTHOR: ATTENTION! Those ports are not default for any version of FreeBSD for now and may be used with FreeBSD versions 7.2 and above (8-CURRENT is better) using compat.linux.osrelease=2.6.16 and linux_base-f8. Please, note that 2.6.16 is not fully supported on 7.x (ex., some syscalls are missing and cannot be MFCed due to a native FreeBSD ABI breakage). For more information about transition please read item "20070327: AFFECTS: users of emulators/linux_base-fc6". That note may be used for upgrading to linux_base-f8 and Fedora 8 Linux infrastructure ports as well. If you want to switch to linux-f8 ports, please define at /etc/make.conf: OVERRIDE_LINUX_BASE_PORT=f8 OVERRIDE_LINUX_NONBASE_PORTS=f8 20090328: AFFECTS: users of lang/perl* AUTHOR: lang/perl5.10 is out. If you want to switch to it from, for example lang/perl5.8, that is: Portupgrade users: 0) Fix pkgdb.db (for safety): pkgdb -Ff 1) Reinstall new version of Perl (5.10): env DISABLE_CONFLICTS=1 portupgrade -o lang/perl5.10 -f perl-5.8.\* 2) Reinstall everything that depends on Perl: portupgrade -fr perl Portmaster users: env DISABLE_CONFLICTS=1 portmaster -o lang/perl5.10 lang/perl5.8 portmaster -r perl- Note: If the "perl-" glob matches more than one port you will need to specify the name of the Perl directory in /var/db/pkg explicitly. 20090327: AFFECTS: users of security/clamav AUTHOR: After version 0.95 clamav-milter does not accept parameters by command line. If you are using $clamav_milter_flags on rc.conf to set its parameters you will need to move to new ${PREFIX}/etc/clamav-milter.conf. 20090319: AFFECTS: users of shells/bash3 AUTHOR: With the addition of shells/bash version 4.x, people wanting to stick with bash 3.x should perform the following update: $ portupgrade -f -o shells/bash3 bash 20090318: AFFECTS: users of www/suphp AUTHOR: The suPHP port has been upgraded to 0.7.x. This new version of suPHP has some new features and changes for the configuration file: - Multiple path (with patterns) & variable substitution support for docroots - Double-quoted strings at section '[handlers]' ex. application/x-httpd-php="php:/usr/local/bin/php-cgi" These changes may lead to internal server error if without modifications of the configuration file from previous version. 20090316: AFFECTS: users of www/geeklog AUTHOR: To follow the standards this port has received a small reworking. WWW_DIR (that defaulted to PREFIX/www/data/geeklog) is deprecated, use WWWDIR (defaults to PREFIX/www/geeklog). 20090316: AFFECTS: users of net-im/ejabberd AUTHOR: ejabberd's UID and GID have changed (PR ports/105122). Users are advised to check all configuration files and data in /var/spool/ejabberd to ensure everything has the correct owner/group. 20090316: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/lire AUTHOR: Lire now requires DBD::SQLite, which uses SQLite 3.0. This means that the Lire database format has changed. If you have one or more old Lire stores, you will need to convert each of them from SQLite2 format to SQLite3 like this: $ sqlite oldstore.db .dump | sqlite3 newstore.db This assumes that you have both SQLite2 and SQLite3 installed on your system, and that the names of the command line interface for the old and new version are `sqlite' and `sqlite3' respectively (this is at least correct for Fedora). 20090310: AFFECTS: users of multimedia/mythtv AUTHOR: The upgrade from version 0.20 to version 0.21 should be transparent. Any changes to the database structure should be applied automatically. However, it is strongly recommended that you back up your database before installing a new version of MythTV. For example: $ mysqldump -u mythtv -pmythtv mythconverg -c > mythtv_backup.sql To restore (assuming that you've dropped the database): $ mysql -u root mysql>create database mythconverg; mysql>exit $ mysql -u mythtv -pmythtv mythconverg < mythtv_backup.sql 20090309: AFFECTS: users of devel/libusb on CURRENT AUTHOR: FreeBSD libusb20 was renamed to libusb in r189585 and thus, being fully compatible with libusb20, replaces devel/libusb on HEAD. devel/libusb should not be used on these systems. Users of libusb-dependent ports are advised to remove libusb package from their systems, and rebuild all libusb dependencies. One of the possible ways to achieve this is listed below: # set tempfile=`mktemp /tmp/usbports.XX` # pkg_info -qR /var/db/pkg/libusb-* > ${tempfile} # pkg_delete -f /var/db/pkg/libusb-* # cat ${tempfile} | xargs portupgrade -f # rm -f ${tempfile} 20090309: AFFECTS: users of multimedia/phonon AUTHOR: multimedia/phonon port has been split into phonon itself, phonon-xine, and phonon-gstreamer backends. After updating phonon port you have to install at least one backend; phonon-xine backend is recommended for KDE. 20090308: AFFECTS: users of emulators/qemu AUTHOR: The port has been updated to 0.10.0, which now uses the newer (incompatible) kqemu-kmod-devel port that now also works for the 32 bit "qemu" executable on amd64. If you upgrade emulators/qemu with the KQEMU knob on, you have to # pkg_delete kqemu-kmod-1\* the old kqemu version first if it is installed. 20090304: AFFECTS: users of comms/py-gammu AUTHOR: The port comms/py-gammu was incorporated into comms/gammu since 1.23.0. Delete comms/py-gammu first and then deinstall/reinstall comms/gammu with option WITH_PYTHON_GAMMU=YES. 20090304: AFFECTS: users of x11-wm/xfce4 AUTHOR: When upgrading from Xfce 4.4 to 4.6 make sure you uninstall the following ports: x11/libxfce4mcs sysutils/xfce4-mcs-manager sysutils/xfce4-mcs-plugins x11-themes/xfce4-icon-theme You may uninstall them before you start the upgrade procedure (preferred) or even afterwards when the upgrade went fine. Please also note that Xfce 4.6 does not come with an icon theme any more. Xfce 4.6 now depends on the Tango theme which is now installed by default. The default installation of Xfce is also adjusted to use this icon theme instead of the Xfce 4.4 standard Rodent theme. If you are upgrading from Xfce 4.4 to 4.6 you probably still have the Rodent theme selected. This will lead to several "missing" icons when starting up Xfce. Make sure to switch as well to the Tango theme. To do this just open the Settings Manager and select Appearance. Inside the Appearance dialog switch to the Icons tab and select the "Tango" entry in the list on the left side of the Icons tab. For enabling the Reboot/Shutdown functionality of Xfce's logout dialog please read the note which gets printed out after the installation of x11-wm/xfce4 about how to configure PolicyKit. 20090223: AFFECTS: users of Tcl/Tk AUTHOR: The default version of Tcl/Tk has been changed from 8.4 to 8.5. To restore old behavior and prefer using Tcl 8.4 with supported ports set WITH_TCL_VER=84 in /etc/make.conf. This has no effect on ports that have USE_TCL=yes or USE_TK=yes. They stick to the new default version and have to be updated by their maintainers to support other versions than default. 20090218: AFFECTS: users of www/zend-framework AUTHOR: A local file inclusion (LFI) vulnerability was fixed in Zend Framework 1.7.5. The LFI was present in the Zend_View::render() method, and allowed inclusion of scripts with relative path names, e.g. "../../../my/script/dir/myscript.php". If the script path name is hard-coded into the application and is not generated by user input, the vulnerability does not apply. Because of this exception, the Zend Framework team has added a flag to disable the LFI protection in the render() method. Full details of the vulnerability, whether it applies to your application and how to disable the LFI protection in the render() method can be found here: 20090216: AFFECTS: users of net/openldap24-{client,server} AUTHOR: OpenLDAP has been upgraded to 2.4.14, which requires a shared library version bump. Therefore you need to reinstall all ports that depend on it. Please do something like: # portupgrade -fr net/openldap24-client 20090209: AFFECTS: users of multimedia/phonon, x11/kdelibs4, x11/kdebase4*, deskutils/kdepimlib4, deskutils/kdepim4, devel/automoc4 AUTHOR: KDE 4 has been updated from 4.1.4 to 4.2.0. A number of applications have been moved between packages. The easiest way to avoid various problems during update is to delete all KDE-4.1.4 ports and install KDE-4.2.0: # pkg_delete -f kde\*4.1.4\* automoc4-\* # portmaster -a (or portupgrade -a) # cd ${PORTSDIR}/x11/kde4 && make config && make install clean 20090207: AFFECTS: users of devel/libslang and devel/libslang2 AUTHOR: devel/libslang has been removed in favor of devel/libslang2 after not being released during last five years. WITH_SLANG2 is no longer a valid ports KNOB. All ports that depend on devel/libslang should be recompiled, e.g.: # portupgrade -o devel/libslang2 devel/libslang 20090130: AFFECTS: users of www/httptunnel AUTHOR: The startup script has been converted to new rc.d style and split into two scripts: htc (client) and hts (server). Please check the scripts for how to set variables in /etc/rc.conf. 20090127: AFFECTS: users of gstreamer-plugins AUTHOR: The gstapp library moved from the gstreamer-plugins-bad package to gstreamer-plugins. It will be necessary to rebuild the gstreamer-plugins port. After updating your installed ports please do (if you are using portupgrade): # portupgrade -f gstreamer-plugins 20090127: AFFECTS: users of www/xpi-deepestsender AUTHOR: www/xpi-deepestsender has been updated to version 0.9.0. This version is *only* for Firefox version 3.x. 20090124: AFFECTS: users of x11-servers/xorg-server, sysutils/hal AUTHOR: sysutils/hal has been updated and should now properly detect mice for in X.Org. Use of AllowEmptyInput should no longer be needed for most users and moused should now work fine. 20090123: AFFECTS: users of x11-servers/xorg-server AUTHOR: If you are using an older xorg.conf several config lines are no longer needed and will generate warnings when X is started. RgbPath will cause X to fail to start, remove it from your config. Server 1.5.3 also really wants to configure its input devices via hald. This is causing some issues with moused and /dev/sysmouse. There are couple of options for how to deal with it: 1. Add Option "AllowEmptyInput" "off" to your ServerLayout section. This will cause X to use the configured kbd, mouse, and vmmouse sections from your xorg.conf 2. Don't use moused. If you want it to work with addon USB mice set this in rc.conf: moused_enable="NO" moused_nondefault_enable="NO" I'm working on fixing hald or the mouse driver or both. 20090123: AFFECTS: users of x11/libxcb AUTHOR: Libxcb shared library version was bumped from 1 to 2. You need to rebuild any consumer of or some applications will be linked against two versions of libxcb once libX11 is upgraded. For portupgrade users: # portupgrade -rf libxcb 20090121: AFFECTS: users of devel/linux-glib2, emulation/linux_base-f4 AUTHOR: Glib2 now is incorporated to emulation/linux_base-fc4 (it has always been a part of more recent Linux base ports). All users should deinstall devel/linux-glib2 and then deinstall/reinstall emulation/linux_base-f4. 20090119: AFFECTS: users of mail/claws-mail, mail/claws-mail-smime AUTHOR: The claws-mail port includes the S/MIME plugin itself now, it is not distributed as a separate plugin anymore. It can be enabled with the GPGME option in the port (disabled by default). If you use the S/MIME plugin, you should remove the mail/claws-mail-smime port before enabling GPGME and updating the mail/claws-mail port. People which already updated mail/claws-mail with GPGME enabled and a non-working S/MIME plugin need to deinstall mail/claws-mail-smime and reinstall mail/claws-mail. 20090118: AFFECTS: users of net-p2p/deluge AUTHOR: The Deluge has been updated from 0.5.x to 1.x. The 1.x has been rewritten, so it is recommend for you to make the back up of your ~/.config/deluge. The configuration and plugins of 0.5.x do not work in 1.x. Deluge will picking up the old configuration and try to convert it to the newer format, but I wouldn't trust it to do it without the back up. If you prefer to stick with 0.5.x, you can use portmaster: # portmaster -o net-p2p/deluge05 net-p2p/deluge or if you use portupgrade: # portupgrade -o net-p2p/deluge05 net-p2p/deluge 20090118: AFFECTS: users of www/ikiwiki AUTHOR: IkiWiki has been upgraded from 2.x to 3.x. Instructions for migrating existing IkiWiki configurations to 3.x format can be found at 20090118: AFFECTS: users of devel/apr-svn devel/apr AUTHOR: devel/apr-svn has been removed and devel/apr now handles its role. devel/apr now defaults to building with Berkeley database support (bdb) APR_UTIL_* tunables have been renamed to comply with ports/KNOBS names. 20090114: AFFECTS: users of x11/kdebase4-workspace, x11/kdebase4-runtime AUTHOR: KDE 4 has been updated from 4.1.1 to 4.1.4. A number of files have been moved between packages. You should deinstall kdebase4-runtime package before updating: pkg_delete -f kdebase-runtime-4.1\* portmaster -a After successful update you could install kdebase4-runtime if it has not been installed during update process. 20090114: AFFECTS: users of GNOME and GTK+ AUTHOR: GNOME has been updated to 2.24.x. You have to deinstall a few ports first before using portupgrade or portmaster in order to successfully upgrade your GNOME installation. After successful upgrade, you have to reinstall gnome-session so the gnome.desktop session file is properly installed. Portupgrade users: # pkgdb -Ff (Answer "yes" to unregister gail while keeping gtk20.) (Answer "yes" to unregister fast-user-switch-applet while keeping gdm.) # pkg_deinstall -fO gtkmm-2.12\* # portupgrade -aOW # portupgrade -f gnome-session Portmaster users: # pkg_delete -f gtkmm-2.12\* # portmaster -a # portmaster gnome-session 20090113: AFFECTS: users of lang/perl5.8 AUTHOR: lang/perl5.8 has been updated to 5.8.9. You should update everything that depends on perl. The easiest way to do that is to use perl-after-upgrade script supplied with lang/perl5.8. Please see its manual page for details. 20090112: AFFECTS: users of mail/claws-mail* AUTHOR: claws-mail has been updated to 3.7.0, with this update OpenSSL support has been removed by upstream in favour of GnuTLS. GnuTLS is now enabled by default. Themes were have also been split to an extra port which your can find under x11-themes/claws-mail-themes. Menu was rewritten entirely in version 3.6.0 using modern GTK interface; as a consequence, all your custom shortcuts will be lost after upgrade. 20090109: AFFECTS: users of any Mozilla and Opera products AUTHOR: The Java plugins now will no longer be picked up by automatically from these browsers. Because all Java ports share the name of plugins file, I am thinking about someone or maybe me will need to write something similar to nspluginwrapper (but in shell script) that can add Java plugin in ~/.*/plugins/ when user requests one specific version of Java plugin if this user has more than one version of Java installed. However, for now, you will have to add Java plugin in ~/.*/plugins/ manually. 20090107: AFFECTS: users of databases/unixODBC AUTHOR: The databases/unixODBC port has been updated to 2.2.14. While containing many bug fixes and minor feature adjustments, this version no longer ships with the (obsolete) MySQL ODBC driver. MySQL ODBC driver users will probably want to use databases/mysql-connector-odbc instead. The text-backed/flatfile driver (libtxtodbc) has also been removed by the developers but due to some demand may make a return in a future version or as a separate port. 20090107: AFFECTS: users of security/libgcrypt AUTHOR: libgcrypt has been upgraded to 1.4.3 which has a shared library version bump. You need to reinstall all ports that depend on it. Use something like this: portupgrade -rf libgcrypt portmaster -r libgcrypt 20090104: AFFECTS: users of net/openldap24-{client,server} AUTHOR: OpenLDAP has been upgraded to 2.4.13, which requires a shared library version bump. Therefore, you need to reinstall all ports that depend on it. Please do something like: # portupgrade -fr net/openldap24-client 20081230: AFFECTS: users of net/rabbitmq AUTHOR: The database schema has changed between RabbitMQ-1.4.0 and this release. When the RabbitMQ server detects the presence of an old database, it moves it to a backup location, creates a fresh, empty database, and logs a warning. 20081226: AFFECTS: users of www/rt38 AUTHOR: www/rt38 now respects the FreeBSD directory layout, see hier(7). With this change, p5-RT-* and p5-RTx-* should be much simpler to use in the ports collection. Please note that www/p5-RTx-Shredder is included in www/rt38. This port will be deprecated and removed. 20081228: AFFECTS: users of astro/boinc-setiathome-enhanced AUTHOR: The setiathome client has been updated to version 6.03 and version 5.00 of the astropulse client has been added. Before you update, finish and report your current workunits to avoid losing them. The port now also includes the client screensavers. 20081228: AFFECTS: users of japanese/kinput2 AUTHOR: The Wnn backend of japanese/kinput2 port now uses unix domain socket to communicate the server by default. If $JSERVER environment variable is defined, the value is used as the server host name. In In short, the server name is determined in the following way: $JSERVER --(if null)--> CcWnn.Jserver --(if null)--> "localhost" If the server host name is null or matches "^unix$", unix domain socket is used. Note that the default server name in CcWnn.Jserver is "unix" now. 20081226: AFFECTS: users of www/rt* AUTHOR: www/rt2 www/rt3 www/rt32 www/rt34 are now deprecated and will expire 2009-02-01. All ports now depend on www/rt38 If you cannot update to www/rt38, www/rt36 is still around. 20081224: AFFECTS: users of www/phpSysInfo AUTHOR: The www/phpSysInfo port has been split into www/phpsysinfo and www/phpsysinfo-dev ports. 20081217: AFFECTS: users of mail/policyd2 AUTHOR: The RC script for mail/policyd2 has been renamed to avoid a conflict. If you use this port please change the setting in rc.conf to be policyd2_enable. 20081211: AFFECTS: users of lang/php5 AUTHOR:,, As of PHP 5.2.7, pcre extension is distributed with the core PHP5 package, and not as a standalone module anymore. Follow the steps below to update your installation. Portupgrade users: pkg_delete -f php5-pcre-5.2.6 pkgdb -F portupgrade as usual Portmaster users: pkg_delete -f php5-pcre\* portmaster php5 If you are using pecl ports you might need to force an update on them: portupgrade -f pecl\* or portmaster pecl If you have the pecl hash, json and/or zip extensions you need to replace them with the PHP5 bundled ones, e.g.: portmaster/portupgrade -o archivers/php5-zip archivers/pecl-zip portmaster/portupgrade -o devel/php5-json devel/pecl-json portmaster/portupgrade -o security/php5-hash security/pecl-hash If you build your INDEX locally and you tried to build it after the PHP update commit, you need to rebuild it _after_ you updated lang/php5: cd /usr/ports && make index or (if you use ports-mgmt/p5-FreeBSD-Portindex): cd /usr/ports && cache-init && portindex -o `make -V INDEXFILE` 20081207: AFFECTS: users of games/mkgichessclub AUTHOR: After the update to the version 2.2.0, please, alter the SQL tables with the command: mysql _mkgichessclub_ < /usr/local/share/mkgichessclub/db_migrate_2.1_to_2.2.sql where _mkgichessclub_ is the database name chosen during the installation of the port. 20081205: AFFECTS: users of net-p2p/ktorrent AUTHOR: ktorrent has been updated to 3.1.5 for KDE 4. The last release of ktorrent for KDE 3 is available under net-p2p/ktorrent2. 20081121: AFFECTS: users of comms/smstools3 AUTHOR: The startup script of comms/smstools3 has changed. For increased security smstools now runs as user uucp / group dialer by default. The script commands like sendsms etc. should be executed as user uucp. To restore the old behaviour, set smsd_user="root" and smsd_group="wheel" in your /etc/rc.conf. Hint: use security/sudo for running smsd scripts as user uucp. 20081108: AFFECTS: users of editors/tamago AUTHOR: The Wnn backend of editors/tamago port now uses unix domain socket to communicate the server by default. If $[CJKT]SERVER environment variable is defined, the value is used as the server host name. In JSERVER case, for example, the server name is determined in the following way: $JSERVER --(if null)--> wnn-jserver --(if null)--> "unix" If the server host name is null or matches "^unix$", unix domain socket is used. The path name of the socket can be specified in wnn-[cjkt]udpath custom variable. 20081105: AFFECTS: users of french/pluxm-devel AUTHOR: Please, use to migrate. It's strongly advised to backup your blog before updating. 20081102: AFFECTS: users of devel/git AUTHOR: The location of git-shell has changed to ${PREFIX}/libexec/git-core/git-shell. Please remove the old entry from /etc/shells. 20081030: AFFECTS: users of japanese/FreeWnn-server AUTHOR: The jserver daemon in japanese/FreeWnn-server port now uses "" as the default listen address for security reason. If you need the wildcard address (INADDR_ANY), you have to explicitly set "listenaddr" to in ${PREFIX}/lib/wnn/ja_JP/jserverrc or add "-a" to ${wnn_flags} in /etc/rc.conf. 20081026: AFFECTS: users of www/asterisk-gui AUTHOR: The upgrade to version 2.0 will modify your asterisk dialplan when login to the page. Hardware autodetection will not work, pending update of misc/zaptel. 20081028: AFFECTS: users of www/codeigniter AUTHOR: For certain installations, the following steps should be performed after the CodeIgniter 1.7.0 upgrade (taken from: >>> Update your Session Table If you are using the Session class in your application, AND if you are storing session data to a database, you must add a new column named user_data to your session table. Here is an example of what this column might look like for MySQL: user_data text NOT NULL To add this column you will run a query similar to this: ALTER TABLE `ci_sessions` ADD `user_data` text NOT NULL You'll find more information regarding the new Session functionality in the Session class page: >>> Update your Validation Syntax This is an optional, but recommended step, for people currently using the Validation class. CI 1.7 introduces a new Form Validation class ( which deprecates the old Validation library. We have left the old one in place so that existing applications that use it will not break, but you are encouraged to migrate to the new version as soon as possible. Please read the user guide carefully as the new library works a little differently, and has several new features. 20081026: AFFECTS: users of japanese/sj3-server AUTHOR: The sj3serv daemon in japanese/sj3-server port now uses "localhost" as the default listen address for security reason. If you need the wildcard address (INADDR_ANY), you have to explicitly set "servername" to in ${PREFIX}/etc/sj3/serverrc. 20081026: AFFECTS: users of japanese/Canna and japanese/sj3 AUTHOR: The japanese/Canna and japanese/sj3 port have been split into japanese/canna-server and japanese/canna-lib, and japanese/sj3-server and japanese/sj3-lib, respectively for more fine-grained dependency management in the Ports Collection. 20080926: AFFECTS: users of www/squid30 AUTHOR: The Squid developers decided to disable COSS support in 3.0, cf. the discussion starting here: The corresponding port configuration option WITH_SQUID_COSS is still available but is a no-op for now. If you currently use COSS storage with Squid 3.0 you need to disable it in squid.conf. 20080924: AFFECTS: users of ftp/proftpd AUTHOR: proftpd now stores its .delay and .scoreboard files in /var/run/proftpd instead of /var/run. If you are updating an existing installation, adjust the following in /usr/local/etc/proftpd.conf: ScoreboardFile /var/run/proftpd/proftpd.scoreboard Also of note: The third party modules, mod_codeconv, mod_comb, and mod_sql_tds are not compatible with this release and have been removed. They will be re-added when the respective authors provide updated versions. 20080909: AFFECTS: users of security/logcheck AUTHOR: logcheck now stores its configuration files in /usr/local/etc/logcheck instead of /usr/local/etc. If you are upgrading the port from version 1.1.1 to version 1.2.54, copy the following files to a temporary location, in case they are removed during the upgrade: /usr/local/etc/logcheck.hacking /usr/local/etc/logcheck.ignore /usr/local/etc/logcheck.violations /usr/local/etc/logcheck.violations.ignore e.g.: cd /usr/local/etc mkdir /tmp/logcheck.saveconf cp logcheck.hacking logcheck.ignore logcheck.violations* \ /tmp/logcheck.saveconf After the upgrade, integrate your local changes to the files listed above into the new configuration files found in the following directories: /usr/local/etc/logcheck/cracking.d /usr/local/etc/logcheck/ignore.d.paranoid /usr/local/etc/logcheck/ignore.d.server /usr/local/etc/logcheck/ignore.d.workstation /usr/local/etc/logcheck/violations.d /usr/local/etc/logcheck/violations.ignore.d Please consult the following files for more information about logcheck rules and reporting levels: /usr/local/share/doc/logcheck/README.logcheck /usr/local/share/doc/logcheck/README.logcheck-database Also note that the upgraded port installs a crontab file for user "logcheck" that executes the logcheck script every hour and emails the results to root. If the installation process cannot install the crontab file, it can be installed manually from /usr/local/share/examples/logcheck/, e.g.: crontab -u logcheck /usr/local/share/examples/logcheck/ 20080907: AFFECTS: users of www/mediawiki AUTHOR: www/mediawiki version is 1.13 now. 1.12 version was preserved as www/mediawiki12 port. 20080902: AFFECTS: users of net-mgmt/nagios and net-mgmt/nagios-devel AUTHOR: Jarrod Sayers The stable Nagios port has now been updated to version 3.0.3. Upgrading to this version shouldn't require any configuration changes, but note that most sample configuration files were moved into objects/ directory. Nagios 2.12 is still available as net-mgmt/nagios2, use the following to remain on this legacy stable branch: portmaster -o net-mgmt/nagios2 net-mgmt/nagios or, if you're using portupgrade: portupgrade -o net-mgmt/nagios2 net-mgmt/nagios Nagios 3.x development continues in net-mgmt/nagios-devel, users of this port in production use should consider switching to the stable branch: portmaster -o net-mgmt/nagios net-mgmt/nagios-devel or, if you're using portupgrade: portupgrade -o net-mgmt/nagios net-mgmt/nagios-devel 20080902: AFFECTS: users of math/ploticus AUTHOR: This is a major update. Deprecated: server-side image maps (use client-side instead); definition of categories within proc areadef (use proc categories instead); proc print. Discontinued attributes: proc processdata's stack; proc usedata's element, proc getdata's rotate, and proc defineunits (use the $changeunits() function instead). proc rangebar has been renamed proc boxplot and there are major functionality changes. Any script that uses proc rangebar will need maintenance. See for more information. 20080901: AFFECTS: users of mail/pine4 and editors/pico AUTHOR: These two ports have been removed in favor of the new mail/alpine and editors/pico-alpine ports. UW discontinued work on Pine in September 2005 and is focusing on Alpine now. You should be able to directly replace pine with alpine. See for more information. 20080831: AFFECTS: users of net-mgmt/smokeping AUTHOR: Smokeping has been updated to 2.4.1, and the example web server configuration has changed. Please read pkg-message and check that your server configuration is OK. 20080827: AFFECTS: users of devel/git AUTHOR: With the default Makefile settings, most of the programs are now installed outside your $PATH, except for "git", "gitk", and some server side programs that need to be accessible for technical reasons. Invoking a git subcommand as "git-xyzzy" from the command line has been deprecated since early 2006 (and officially announced in 1.5.4 release notes); use of them from your scripts after adding output from "git --exec-path" to the $PATH is still supported in this release, but users are again strongly encouraged to adjust their scripts to use "git xyzzy" form, as we will stop installing "git-xyzzy" hardlinks for built-in commands in later releases. Please see this URL for more information: 20080827: AFFECTS: users of mail/qmhandle AUTHOR: A qmHandle.conf file was created, for now, is not needed to edit ${PREFIX}/bin/qmHandle to change stopqmail and startqmail variables. Just remember to edit configuration file after upgrade. 20080820: AFFECTS: users of www/p5-Apache-DBI AUTHOR: www/p5-Apache-DBI has been forked into a MASTER and SLAVE setup www/p5-Apache-DBI-mp1 and www/p5-Apache-DBI-mp2 so as to work with www/rt38 among possibly other ports. 20080820: AFFECTS: users of net/rabbitmq AUTHOR: The database schema has changed in this version of RabbitMQ. If you attempt to start RabbitMQ-1.4.0 over top of a previous installation, it will fail, citing "schema_integrity_check_failed". To correct this, delete your mnesia directory (/var/db/rabbitmq/mnesia) and restart the server. Note that this will destroy all your durable exchanges and queues, and all your persisted messages! 20080816: AFFECTS: users of mail/assp AUTHOR: J.R. Oldroyd The periodic(8) script no longer outputs to files in the assp directory. You should remove /var/db/assp/nightly.log and nightly.log.old by hand once you are done with them. The information that was stored there will now come in your nightly system email. 20080815: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/rdiff-backup AUTHOR: sysutils/rdiff-backup has been upgraded from 1.0.5 to 1.2.0. This is an incompatible upgrade. If you need the "old" 1.0.5, you can find it in sysutils/rdiff-backup10. 20080813: AFFECTS: users of www/ikiwiki AUTHOR: The layout of the ikiwiki.setup file has changed in a significant way in this release. Old setup files will continue to work, but new features, like the new websetup interface, require a new format setup file. You can convert old setup files into the new format by running the following command for all your ikiwiki.setup files: ikiwiki-transition setupformat ikiwiki.setup 20080812: AFFECTS: users of mail/spamdyke AUTHOR: The spamdyke port has been updated to 4.0.2. The new version is not backwards compatible with previous versions. Please examine the new configuration file for the changes. 20080812: AFFECTS: users of databases/pgbouncer AUTHOR: Starting with port version 1.2.3, pgbouncer does not run as root anymore. If you are upgrading from earlier versions, please update your configuration in ${PREFIX}/etc/pgbouncer.ini to use log and pid file paths owned by the newly created pgbouncer user (or customize for a different user yourself). Default logfile: /var/log/pgbouncer/pgbouncer.log Default pidfile: /var/run/pgbouncer/ 20080808: AFFECTS: users of chinese/phpbb-tw AUTHOR: The default install directory for phpbb-tw has changed from ${PREFIX}/www/data/phpBB2 to ${PREFIX}/www/phpBB2. If you are updating from a previous version, to preserve your settings and data, please do the following: mv /usr/local/www/data/phpBB2 /usr/local/www Then update as usual. 20080806: AFFECTS: users of net-p2p/transmission AUTHOR: Update to 1.3x, the net-p2p/transmission now is a meta-port. It depends on cli, daemon, and gtk2. If you don't want that, uninstall transmission and install net-p2p/transmission-cli by doing: portmaster -o net-p2p/transmission-cli net-p2p/transmission or, if you're using portupgrade: portupgrade -o net-p2p/transmission-cli net-p2p/transmission 20080805: AFFECTS: users of devel/qt4 AUTHOR: The Qt 4 ports has been updated to 4.4.1. With this update several ports specific problems have been fixed. Qt 4 headers and libraries have been moved to include/qt4 and lib/qt4. defines QT_INCDIR and QT_LIBDIR now, which could be used in qt4-dependent ports if required. Before you start to update your ports, please force update of qmake4 and qt4-corelib ports. Portmaster users can do: portmaster devel/qmake4 devel/qt4-moc devel/qt4-corelib or, if you're using portupgrade: portupgrade -f devel/qmake4 devel/qt4-moc devel/qt4-corelib 20080804: AFFECTS: users of devel/git AUTHOR: Git's cvsps dependency has been switched from cvsps-devel to cvsps. The two are incompatible, so you will need to do the following before upgrading git: portmaster -o devel/cvsps devel/cvsps-devel 20080728: AFFECTS: users of net/freeradius2 AUTHOR: David Wood Upgrading the FreeRADIUS port used to replace all unmodified files in your configuration with the latest version from the sample configuration. This strategy has two disadvantages; over time your configuration became based on different versions of the sample configuration, also major changes to the sample configuration could leave your configuration in a confusing state. From version 2.0.5, your configuration is not touched if any configuration files have been modified. You are recommended to track changes in the sample configuration and keep your configuration in a version control system. I use Subversion (see the devel/subversion port) to track my changes. Keeping the sample configuration in a 'vendor branch' (see the Subversion book for more details) allows easy merging of changes from the sample configuration. *** IMPORTANT *** You are urged to move your configuration out of the default location (/usr/local/etc/raddb) before upgrading from 2.0.4 (or earlier) to 2.0.5 (or later). Once this upgrade is complete, remove the sample configuration that has been installed in the default location and move your configuration back to the default location. This is a one time procedure that will prevent unmodified files in your configuration from being deleted from your configuration and not restored during the upgrade. No customised files will be lost in any circumstances. The sample configuration in 2.0.5 has been reorganised: the configuration of most modules is now in the modules directory rather than in radiusd.conf. You are urged to rearrange your configuration to match this layout. There are several improvements in this version of the port, including a new pkg-message that will help new FreeRADIUS users to get started with the port, also new 'reload' and 'debug' commands for the rc.d script. Enjoy! 20080725: AFFECTS: users of x11-fm/nautilus and misc/shared-mime-info AUTHOR: In order to properly update x11-fm/nautilus and misc/shared-mime-info, do the following using portupgrade: # pkg_deinstall -fO nautilus # portupgrade shared-mime-info # portinstall -O nautilus Once misc/shared-mime-info has been updated, each user will need to run the following command: $ update-mime-database ~/.local/share/mime/ 20080725: AFFECTS: users of www/ojs2 AUTHOR: Greg Larkin If you are upgrading from a prior version of ojs2, please backup your database, uploaded files directory, and your before the upgrade. Read /usr/local/share/docs/ojs2/UPGRADE or visit for additional upgrade information. 20080721: AFFECTS: users of net/freenet6 AUTHOR: Edwin Groothuis Please note that there has been a major update of this port (from version 2.x to 5.x) and that the name of the binaries and configuration files has changed from "tpsc" to "gw6c". The configuration files have to be copied from ${PREFIX}/share/examples/freenet6 to ${PREFIX}/etc again. 20080719: AFFECTS: users of x11-fm/gprename AUTHOR: Martin Tournoij GPRename configuration files now live ~/.config/gprename instead of ~/, to upgrade use the following commands: % mkdir -p ~/.config/gprename % mv ~/.gprename ~/.config/gprename/gprename % mv ~/.gprename_log ~/.config/gprename/gprename_log 20080717: AFFECTS: users of devel/anjuta AUTHOR: Anjuta's neon dependency has been switched from neon26 to neon28. The two are incompatible, so you will need to do the following to upgrade: portupgrade -o www/neon28 neon26 portupgrade anjuta 20080714: AFFECTS: users of www/squid AUTHOR: Thomas-Martin Seck www/squid has been updated to Squid 2.7.STABLE3. The update should be rather straightforward. The only noticeable change in the port is that the ICAP patch is no longer included; this is because this patch was unmaintained for a long time and its use was not really recommended. Please consider moving to Squid-3 (currently available as www/squid30) if you need ICAP support. Squid 2.6 is still available as www/squid26 and will probably be removed from the Ports Tree by the end of 2008. 20080712: AFFECTS: users of databases/rrdtool AUTHOR: If you use language bindings, like the Perl's RRDs, please upgrade this port *twice* in order to get the library dependency right. 20080711: AFFECTS: users of x11-toolkits/gtkdatabox2 AUTHOR: Beech Rintoul The port has been deprecated and gtkdatabox has been updated. This was done so the port tracks vendor name. Please update by doing: portupgrade -o x11-toolkits/gtkdatabox x11-toolkits/gtkdatabox2 20080709: AFFECTS: users of www/ikiwiki AUTHOR: Henrik Brix Andersen The IkiWiki editpage form now uses the raw page name, not the page title, in its `page' CGI parameter. You will need to rebuild any existing IkiWiki installations in order to update their `edit' links to the new format. 20080708: AFFECTS: users of emulators/qemu-devel AUTHOR: The port has been updated to a 20080620 SVN snapshot, which uses the new (incompatible) kqemu-kmod-devel port that now also works for the 32 bit "qemu" executable on amd64. If you upgrade qemu-devel with the KQEMU knob on, you have to # pkg_delete kqemu-kmod-1\* the old kqemu version first if it is installed. 20080705: AFFECTS: users of www/ikiwiki AUTHOR: Henrik Brix Andersen The IkiWiki search plug-in now uses www/xapian-omega as backend instead of textproc/hyperestraier. You will need to update the configuration of any search enabled IkiWiki installations and rebuild them since the search form has changed. 20080704: AFFECTS: users of misc/shared-mime-info AUTHOR: FreeBSD GNOME Team The misc/shared-mime-info has been updated to 0.40. The Mime Types caches have been changed a bit. If you have created any custom MIME types, you will need to run update-mime-database to update your local Mime Types caches: $ update-mime-database ~/.local/share/mime/ 20080702: AFFECTS: users of irc/ratbox-services AUTHOR: Beech Rintoul Configuration file and database changes have been made between the 1.1.x series and the current release version of ratbox-services. It is highly recommended that services are stopped, and the proper upgrade procedure is followed as described in port's documentation, before restarting newly updated ratbox-services again. Please remember to backup the database before attempting an upgrade, as incorrectly upgraded database may be rendered unusable. The ratbox-services-1.2.x branch implements multi-language support. However, an inconsistency in the language indexing may result in errors. It is therefore recommended that the English default to be used until the next version release. 20080702: AFFECTS: users of mail/nocc AUTHOR: Alex Dupre The Nocc configuration file has been moved into 'config' subdir. When updating, remove the old conf.php file and reconfigure Nocc. 20080701: AFFECTS: users of devel/subversion* AUTHOR: Lev Serebryakov subversion now uses neon-0.28.x (www/neon28) port, and automatic portupgrade will fail because www/neon28 will conflict with installed www/neon26 port. You should upgrade neon library before subversion with the command: # portupgrade -o www/neon28 neon26 Also, if you use any special subversion ports with bindings, you should upgrade these ports to clean subversion port with # portupgrade -o devel/subversion subversion-\* and install needed bindings (p5-subversion, py-subversion and/or ruby-subversion) after that. If you use subversion with bindings installed from devel/subversion with custom options, don't forget to install separate bindings ports after subversion upgrade. 20080630: AFFECTS: users of graphics/cairo, graphics/poppler*, and future users of www/firefox3 AUTHOR: FreeBSD GNOME Team The poppler* ports have been updated to 0.8.3 and the shared libraries have changed. Firefox 3.0 has been added to the tree as www/firefox3. These changes require that all dependent ports be updated. You can do this in one of two ways: # portmaster pixman # portmaster \*cairo\* # portmaster -r poppler-0 or: # pkgdb -Ff # portupgrade pixman\* \*cairo\* # portupgrade -r poppler-0.\* 20080627: AFFECTS: users of x11-drivers/xf86-video-ati AUTHOR: Jung-uk Kim mach64 and r128 drivers are now separated out from the ati driver. These video cards are supported by x11-drivers/xf86-video-mach64 and x11-drivers/xf86-video-r128 respectively. If you have one of the affected video cards and xorg.conf contains the following line: Driver "ati" you must specify "mach64" or "r128". Alternatively, you may install x11-drivers/xf86-video-ati to get a wrapper driver. 20080626: AFFECTS: users of science/gramps AUTHOR: Anders Troback Before you upgrade from 2.x to 3.x you need to export your existing databases to a GRAMPS XML file. After the upgrade you can import them into the new version. 20080624: AFFECTS: users of irc/ircd-ratbox-devel AUTHOR: Beech Rintoul Upgrading between different beta releases can cause problems when changes to the ban database schema have occurred. The 'bantool' utility now comes with a -u switch that will check and update the ban database as necessary. Issuing 'bantool -u' is required when upgrading between beta releases and must not be done while the ircd is running. 20080624: AFFECTS: users of www/mod_security AUTHOR: Marcelo Araujo The mod_security port has been updated from 1.9.4 to 2.5.5. Branch 1.9.x will not receive any further updates; all users must update mod_security port to versions 2.1 or 2.5. You can get more information about update issues at: 20080624: AFFECTS: users of www/opera and www/opera/devel AUTHOR: Ion-Mihai Tetcu The Opera port has been updated from 9.2x to 9.5x. A lot of things have been changed such as keyboard shortcuts[1]; new storage and indexing formats for mail and feeds; new search.ini; native amd64 binaries; no 4.x support. You will be asked whether to convert mail and feeds to new format during start up. Warning: there is no way to downgrade back to the old format. Be sure to see the Changelog[2]. [1] [2] 20080622: AFFECTS: users of devel/subversion, subversion-devel and subversion-freebsd with apr from www/apache22 AUTHOR: Clement Laforet apr and apr-util bundled with apache 2.2.9 have been upgraded to 1.3.x, so shared libraries versions have been bumped. If you are using subversion with apache22 apr, you must rebuild subversion after the update. 20080617: AFFECTS: users of editors/nvi-devel AUTHOR: Wesley Shields editors/nvi-devel has been changed to install nvi, nex, and nview as to not conflict with editors/2bsd-vi. Please note the new names if you use this port. 20080616: AFFECTS: users of mail/dkim-milter AUTHOR: Hirohisa Yamaguchi Most of the command line options can now be set in configure files. So the default values (such as milterdkim_socket) are changed to blank. Upgrading users should check the values both in rc.conf and dkim-filter.conf. 20080612: AFFECTS: users of www/linux-opera AUTHOR: The Opera port has been updated from 9.2x to 9.5x. A lot of things have been changed such as keyboard shortcuts[1]; new storage and indexing formats for mail and feeds; new search.ini; probably more that I have missed. I do not know if the keyboard shortcuts and search.ini will be overwritten. You will be asked whether you want mail and feeds to be converted to new format during start up. Warning: there is no way to downgrade back to the old format. Be sure to see the Changelog[2]. [1] [2] It is probably best for you to back up your linux-opera directory in case until you have no problem with new Opera for a while. Also, you might have to re-configure search and keyboard shortcuts if these were overwritten: # cp -Rp ~/.linux-opera ~/.linux-opera-bak If you are seeing an error of undefined symbols related to GTK+, it is because it needs newer linux-gtk2 that ports doesn't have. You can enter 'opera:config#FileSelector|DialogToolkit' in the address bar and change from 0 to 1 in 'Dialog Toolkit' if it annoys you. 0 = auto detection, 1 = QT, and 2 = GTK+. 20080610: AFFECTS: users of mail/svnmailer AUTHOR: Some of the config directives and sections allowed have changed. You will have to edit your config file when updating to 1.1.0-dev-r1373 version of the port. Please see the following URL for more information: 20080609: AFFECTS: users of devel/pear-Date_Holidays AUTHOR: pear-Date_Holidays has been split into multiple subports. If you want a specific geographic region, look at devel/pear-Date_Holidays_* 20080605: AFFECTS: users of audio/paman and audio/pavucontrol AUTHOR: paman was renamed to pavucontrol, which are two different projects. paman is a GTK frontend to PulseAudio, while pavucontrol is a GTK-based volume control tool to PulseAudio. 20080605: AFFECTS: users of devel/gettext (i.e.: YOU) AUTHOR: As a result of the upgrade to gettext-0.17, the shared library version of libintl has changed, so you will need to rebuild all ports that depend on gettext: # portupgrade -rf gettext # portmaster -r gettext Given the scope and sheer number of dependent ports, it may be more advisable to simply blow away all existing install ports (after keeping any local configuration changes), and rebuilding from scratch. 20080603: AFFECTS: users of editors/emacs AUTHOR: Yasuhiro KIMURA The port (editors/emacs) is updated to 22.2 and some of Emacs Lisp directories had changed. So you should reinstall all ports that depend on it. Please do something like: # portupgrade -fr emacs 20080601: AFFECTS: users of www/ikiwiki AUTHOR: If password based logins is enabled in IkiWiki, those passwords were stored in cleartext in the userdb. To guard against exposing users' passwords, IkiWiki 2.48 and later use strong (blowfish) hashes for storing passwords. To hash existing passwords, update to ikiwiki-2.48 and run the following command for each of your IkiWiki src dirs: ikiwiki-transition hashpassword /path/to/your/wiki/srcdir 20080524: AFFECTS: users of net-im/jabberd AUTHOR: Starting with version 2.2.0, resolver is now built in the S2S component. Jabberd configuration files require updating: jabberd.cfg: resolver component must be removed s2s.xml: section must be added (see s2s.xml.dist) resolver.xml: may be deleted (file not required anymore) 20080519: AFFECTS: users of www/nginx and www/nginx-devel AUTHOR: Nginx version lines have been changed: 0.5 -> 0.6 for stable and 0.6 -> 0.7 for development version. Make sure your configuration files are compatible with the new version(s). 20080519: AFFECTS: users of irc/bitlbee AUTHOR: The default installation is now configured for running bitlbee as user 'bitlbee'. Make sure any existing configuration files are readable by that user. 20080517: AFFECTS: users of multimedia/smplayer-* AUTHOR: The slave port multimedia/smplayer-qt4 has been removed with the upgrade of multimedia/smplayer to 0.6.0, qt3 is no longer supported. They are now fully integrated into multimedia/smplayer. Please uninstall multimedia/smplayer-qt4 port before upgrading multimedia/smplayer to version 0.6.0 or higher. 20080513: AFFECTS: users of security/amavisd-new AUTHOR: Amavisd-new 2.6.0 introduces several incompatibilities with prior versions. If you are upgrading from 2.5.4 or earlier, you will need to update your SQL schema. If you have third party programs that access SQL tables, you will need to update those also. COMPATIBILITY WITH 2.5.4: - when using SQL for logging (e.g. for a pen pals feature) or for quarantining, SQL tables maddr, msgs, msgrcpt and quarantine need to be extended by a new field 'partition_tag'; see below for details; - when SQL logging (pen pals) or SQL lookups are used, one can choose a binary or a character data type for fields,, and; now may be a good opportunity to change a data type to binary (string of bytes); see below for details; - when using SQL for logging, a default for $sql_clause{'upd_msg'} has changed, so if a configuration file replaces this SQL clause by a non-default setting, it needs to be updated; Full information in /usr/local/share/doc/amavisd-new/RELEASE_NOTES. 20080513: AFFECTS: users of audio/ampache AUTHOR: Ampache 3.4 uses a different config parser. Unfortunately the new parser is unable to read old config files. In order to migrate your current configuration, you should run `php ${WWWDIR}/bin/' from the command line. 20080508: AFFECTS: users of databases/ptop AUTHOR: The authors have changed the name of this utility to `pg_top'. To avoid conflict with another port in the Tree with the same name we have retained `ptop' as the portname. Note that binary has also changed to `pg_top'. Please start the utility with that name after updating. 20080507: AFFECTS: Perl interface users of audio/gramofile AUTHOR: Perl support is removed due to devel/swig11 removal in ports. If you use the Perl interface, you are encouraged to use the new Audio::Gramofile found on CPAN (contact me for the ports). 20080506: AFFECTS: users of net-mgmt/collectd AUTHOR: Previously, net-mgmt/collectd used to remove the config file even if it was changed by the user. This has now been fixed. To upgrade without losing your configuration, copy ${PREFIX}/etc/collectd.conf away to a safe place before upgrading net-mgmt/collectd. In addition, the default location of the data files changed from ${PREFIX}/var/lib/collectd to /var/db/collectd; you may want to move your data files and edit your configuration accordingly. 20080503: AFFECTS: users of net/skype-devel AUTHOR: Skype-devel port has been removed in favor and by upading of net/skype. If you are running skype-devel, please do the following: portupgrade -o net/skype net/skype-devel 20080426: AFFECTS: users of www/phpgedview AUTHOR: The install location of phpgedview has changed from www/data/phpGedView to www/phpgedview. If you are updating from a previous version please do the following: mv /usr/local/www/data/phpGedView /usr/local/www You will also need to adjust the paths in your web server to reflect the new location. 20080416: AFFECTS: users of security/clamav AUTHOR: Clamav 0.93 does not support the and directories format for virus databases. You need to remove these directories manually and force freshclam to get new cvd format files before starting clamd: portupgrade clamav /usr/local/etc/rc.d/clamav-clamd stop /usr/local/etc/rc.d/clamav-freshclam stop rm -rf /var/db/clamav/ /var/db/clamav/ freshclam /usr/local/etc/rc.d/clamav-freshclam start /usr/local/etc/rc.d/clamav-clamd start 20080408: AFFECTS: users of www/p5-Apache-Test AUTHOR: www/p5-Apache-Test doesn't actually need www/mod_perl{1,2}. If you would like to test a mod_perl, than please install www/mod_perl2 or www/mod_perl as well. The ports infrastructure doesn't support this (yet) but you can use it to test www/apache13, www/apache20, and/or www/apache22 without chaining www/p5-Apache-Test. 20080405: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/tracker AUTHOR: The sysutils/tracker port is now a meta port and tracker is now split into separate ports to allow non-GNOME users to install tracker without pulling in GNOME components. To upgrade please use the directions below. Portmaster users: portmaster -o sysutils/tracker-client tracker portmaster sysutils/tracker Portupgrade users: portupgrade -o sysutils/tracker-client tracker portupgrade -u sysutils/tracker 20080405: AFFECTS: users and maintainers of ports that depend on databases/sqlite3 AUTHOR: Port databases/sqlite3 was updated to 3.5.6 and now has threads enabled by default. If you encounter any problem with it, you can rebuild SQLite3 without threads and test or change Makefile of affected port with this: sed -i.bak -E -e "s|USE_SQLITE=.*|USE_SQLITE=34|g" \ -e "s|databases/sqlite3|databases/sqlite34|g" Makefile Please report success or failure to port maintainer and to me. 20080403: AFFECTS: users of emulators/qemu and emulators/qemu-devel AUTHOR: The default configuration location (qemu-ifup script etc.) has been changed from /etc to ${PREFIX}/etc (usually /usr/local/etc). Move your files accordingly. 20080330: AFFECTS: users of www/mediawiki AUTHOR: www/mediawiki version is 1.12 now. 1.11 version was preserved on www/mediawiki111 port. 20080329: AFFECTS: users of www/phpadsnew AUTHOR: Phpadsnew has been replaced with www/openx. To upgrade please do the following: 1. Install www/openx 2. Copy the configuration file from phpadsnew to the var directory of www/openx 3. Copy your banner images from phpadsnew/www/images to openx/www/images 4. Access openx on your browser and follow the instructions for upgrading 5. When you are satisfied with everything working properly you can remove www/phpadsnew 20080326: AFFECTS: users of emulators/linux_base-f8 AUTHOR: The new port is used just like emulators/linux_base-fc6. Please, read carefully entry 20070327 about emulators/linux_base-fc6. 20080323: AFFECTS: users of multimedia/gstreamer AUTHOR: Gstreamer port was updated. Due to the move of some plugins between ports, you will have to rebuild the gstreamer-plugins-good port after upgrading. Portupgrade users: # portupgrade -a # portupgrade -f gstreamer-plugins-good Portmaster users: # portmaster -a # portmaster gstreamer-plugins-good 20080323: AFFECTS: all GNOME users and ports depend on misc/gnomehier AUTHOR: GNOME has been updated to 2.22.0. You have to deinstall a few ports first before using portupgrade or portmaster in order to successfully upgrade your GNOME installation. Portupgrade users: # pkgdb -Ff # pkg_deinstall -fO gnome-applets\* totem\* gnome-control-center\* # portupgrade -aOW Portmaster users: # pkg_delete -f gnome-applets\* totem\* gnome-control-center\* \ gnome-keyring-manager\* # portmaster -a Be sure to read in our known issues and solutions: 20080323: AFFECTS: users of devel/glib20 and future users of devel/gio-fam-backend AUTHOR: In order to update to glib 2.16 or higher, you must first update the glib20 port on its own or you will get a failure trying to install devel/gio-fam-backend saying it cannot find -lgio-2.0. Portmaster users can do: portmaster glib-2 or, if you're using portupgrade: portupgrade glib-2\* 20080318: AFFECTS: users of audio/gnump3d AUTHOR: The layout of gnump3d 3.0 is changed, please read documentation and the manual pages of gnump3d. 20080318: AFFECTS: users of net/skype net/skype-devel AUTHOR: For FreeBSD versions 7.0 and above: It is required with both skype and skype-devel to update to linux_base-fc6. Please do the following: 1. Make sure there are no running Linux applications. 2. Unmount linprocfs (umount /compat/linux/proc) 3. Uninstall your current linux_base port 4. Set appropriate sysctl (sysctl compat.linux.osrelease=2.6.16) 5. Install emulators/linux_base-fc6 6 Remount linprocfs (mount /compat/linux/proc) 7. Add compat.linux.osrelease=2.6.16 to etc/sysctl.conf 8. Add OVERRIDE_LINUX_BASE_PORT=fc6 to /etc/make.conf Note: These instructions also apply to linux_base-f8, please use the same osrelease. For FreeBSD versions 5.X and 6.X: Please use the legacy version net/skype12: portupgrade -o net/skype12 net/skype 20080316: AFFECTS: users of net/iscsi-target AUTHOR: The default configuration location has been changed from /etc to ${PREFIX}/etc. Move your files accordingly. 20080314: AFFECTS: users of security/nmapfe AUTHOR: nmapfe has been renamed to zenmap upstream. The port has also been renamed. If you haven't already installed nmapfe, you need to: portupgrade -o security/zenmap nmapfe\* 20080313: AFFECTS: users of mail/ezmlm-web AUTHOR: The layout of ezmlm-web 3.2 is changed, please read documentation and the manual page of ezmlm-web.cgi. 20080312: AFFECTS: users of x11-wm/enlightenment-devel, x11/ecore and grephics/evas AUTHOR: Evas and ecore ports have been split to separate modules to simplify dependency tracking. Thus, portupgrade in many cases won't be able to correctly update these ports. The easiest upgrade path would be to remove all EFL ports and install them from scratch. At least, you should reinstall ecore and evas. Please note that your old $HOME/.e is no longer compatible with new snapshot version. You will need to remove this directory and let e17 create it automatically on the next startup. 20080306: AFFECTS: users of mail/dovecot AUTHOR: The update to version 1.0.12 will require manual change to the active configuration file. mail_extra_groups setting was commonly used insecurely. This setting is now deprecated. Most users should switch to using mail_privileged_group setting, but if you really need the old functionality use mail_access_groups instead. 20080303: AFFECTS: users of security/gnutls and any port that depends on it AUTHOR: gnutls has been updated to 2.2.2 and all shared libraries versions have been bumped. So you need to rebuild all applications that depend on gnutls. Do something like: portupgrade -rf gnutls 20080223: AFFECTS: users of www/instiki AUTHOR: The default installation directory for instiki has changed from /usr/local/instiki to /usr/local/share/instiki. If you are updating from a previous version, to preserve your settings and data, please do the following: mv /usr/local/instiki /usr/local/share Then update as usual. 20080219: AFFECTS: users of x11-wm/xmonad AUTHOR: From now XMonad uses a new configuration file system, so you don't have to edit Config.hs anymore. Instead, create a custom configuration file ~/.xmonad/xmonad.hs. You can take a look at some samples on Xmonad's website. Note that you can be interested in x11-wm/xmonad-contrib. 20080218: AFFECTS: users of devel/poco and devel/poco-ssl AUTHOR: The HashFunction class template has been changed in an incompatible way. The member function formerly named hash() is now the function call operator. If you have defined your own HashFunction classes, then you have to update your code. 20080216: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/symon AUTHOR: The symon port has been updated from 2.75 to 2.78. It changes the wire protocol again. You should update your symux(8) and symon(8) installations simultaneously, as: - new symon clients will make old symux servers exit, and - new symux servers don't understand the old symon client's if() and mem() probes. 20080208: AFFECTS: users of ports-mgmt/portupgrade AUTHOR: As was claimed in the entry 20070301 below in this file, you should fill ALT_DEPENDS section of pkgtools.conf for portupgrade to work correctly with your alternative dependencies. Now it is an obligatory requirement. It was done as a compromise between speed and complexity. 20080203: AFFECTS: users of www/xshttpd AUTHOR: www/xshttpd now uses ${PREFIX}/www/xshttpd/ as a root directory for its data files. The xshttpd configuration files have been moved to ${PREFIX}/www/xshttpd/conf/. Please move the appropriate local files manually if you are upgrading from 3.4 or older versions. 20080202: AFFECTS: users of www/punbb AUTHOR: Install paths have changed. Please do the following prior to upgrade: cd /usr/local/www mv punbb punbb.old cp -R punbb.old/upload punbb It is now safe to update as usual. Notes: * You will probably get uninstall errors regarding files not found. It's safe to ignore them * Your webserver path has changed from www/punbb/upload to www/punbb, please adjust your webserver configuration and restart it * When you are satisfied with everything working properly you may remove the punbb.old directory: rm -r /usr/local/www/punbb.old 20080201: AFFECTS: users of www/ziproxy AUTHOR: The configuration file was moved from /usr/local/etc to /usr/local/etc/ziproxy. 20080126: AFFECTS: users of net-p2p/deluge AUTHOR: Deluge was updated to version If you are using blocklist plugin, you have to remove blocklist.conf first before you can run it, or it will crash upon start up. $ rm -f ~/.config/deluge/blocklist.conf 20080125: AFFECTS: users of www/mod_security2 AUTHOR: Update of mod_security2 is a dramatic change, because there is a need to completely rewrite their obsolete rules and migrate for capacity to use new syntax. You are advised to make a complete backup of your configuration files before you can perform an update. 20080120: AFFECTS: users of www/apache20 AUTHOR: BDB framework provided by is now used by www/apache20 port. WITH_BERKELEYDB knob is deprecated in favor of WITH_BDB and WITH_BDB_VER/WITH_BDB_BASE, see documentation for more details ('make show-options'). 20080120: AFFECTS: users of www/apache22 AUTHOR: BDB framework provided by is now used by www/apache22 port. WITH_BERKELEYDB knob is deprecated in favor of WITH_BDB and WITH_BDB_VER/WITH_BDB_BASE, see documentation for more details. ('make show-options'). 20080118: AFFECTS: users of net/freeradius AUTHOR: David Wood FreeRADIUS 2.0 is now available as the net/freeradius2 port. All FreeRADIUS users are advised to consider upgrading to 2.0. It is the FreeRADIUS team's intention to put the 1.x server into 'maintenance' mode with just critical bug fixes.[1] 2.0 has many improvements including numerous bug fixes that were too difficult for the 1.x server, as well as many new features. Before uninstalling 1.x, it is recommended that you backup your configuration, which is typically in /usr/local/etc/raddb, then move it out of the way. It is also worth backing up the default configuration, which is typically in /usr/local/share/examples/freeradius/raddb. 1.x configurations should work with the 2.0 server [2]. However the port automatically upgrades any unedited files in the configuration when you install a new version of FreeRADIUS. Installing 2.0 with the residue of a 1.x configuration in the default location will result in a mixed 1.x and 2.0 configuration that may not work. The recommended approach is to diff your 1.x configuration against the default 1.x configuration, then make corresponding changes to a copy of the default 2.0 configuration. If you moved your 1.x configuration out of the way before upgrading, you will have a 2.0 configuration ready to edit in the default location. It is worth reading man 5 unlang for details of the new FreeRADIUS 'un-language' before starting. Alternatively, you can move your 1.x configuration to another location, such as /usr/local/etc/raddb_v1, then edit /etc/rc.conf to point the rc.d script to that location. For example: radiusd_flags="-d /usr/local/etc/raddb_v1" I cannot guarantee that all 1.x configurations will work with the 2.0 server, and I only recommend using a 1.x configuration as an interim measure. [1] - [2] - 20080114: AFFECTS: users of devel/perforce AUTHOR: Perforce has been updated to version 2007.3. Upgrading is fairly straightforward, but it is still highly recommended to follow the upgrading instructions in the release notes: 20080108: AFFECTS: users of irc/bitlbee AUTHOR: irc/bitlbee now stores saved user settings in /var/db/bitlbee/, not $PREFIX/etc/bitlbee/. You will have to manually move any existing user settings to the new location (or override the user settings directory using -d if you wish to keep the old behavior). Other configuration files are still kept in $PREFIX/etc/bitlbee/ by default. The default installation is now configured for running bitlbee as user 'nobody' by default. Make sure any existing configuration files are readable by that user. $FreeBSD$