# $FreeBSD$ # COMMENT = Ports related to the World Wide Web SUBDIR += R-cran-RgoogleMaps SUBDIR += R-cran-Rook SUBDIR += R-cran-crosstalk SUBDIR += R-cran-downloader SUBDIR += R-cran-htmlwidgets SUBDIR += R-cran-httpuv SUBDIR += R-cran-httr SUBDIR += R-cran-rvest SUBDIR += R-cran-scrapeR SUBDIR += R-cran-selectr SUBDIR += R-cran-servr SUBDIR += R-cran-shiny SUBDIR += Stikked SUBDIR += UniversalFeedCreator SUBDIR += adguardhome SUBDIR += adzap SUBDIR += alef-webfont SUBDIR += amphetadesk SUBDIR += analog SUBDIR += annie SUBDIR += anyremote2html SUBDIR += anyterm SUBDIR += apache-mode.el SUBDIR += apache24 SUBDIR += apt-cacher-ng SUBDIR += aquatone SUBDIR += archiva SUBDIR += aria2 SUBDIR += asql SUBDIR += authelia SUBDIR += awffull SUBDIR += aws SUBDIR += aws-demos SUBDIR += awstats SUBDIR += axis2 SUBDIR += bacula-web SUBDIR += baikal SUBDIR += bareos-webui SUBDIR += bareos16-webui SUBDIR += bareos17-webui SUBDIR += bareos18-webui SUBDIR += bkmrkconv SUBDIR += blastbeat SUBDIR += bluefish SUBDIR += bolt SUBDIR += bozohttpd SUBDIR += browsh SUBDIR += bugzilla2atom SUBDIR += buku SUBDIR += butterfly SUBDIR += c-icap SUBDIR += c-icap-modules SUBDIR += cadaver SUBDIR += caddy SUBDIR += calamaris SUBDIR += calamaris-devel SUBDIR += caldavzap SUBDIR += calendarserver SUBDIR += carbonapi SUBDIR += castget SUBDIR += cgi-lib SUBDIR += cgi-lib.pl SUBDIR += cgicc SUBDIR += cgichk SUBDIR += cgiwrap SUBDIR += checkbot SUBDIR += chems SUBDIR += choqok SUBDIR += chpasswd SUBDIR += chrome-gnome-shell SUBDIR += chromium SUBDIR += ckeditor SUBDIR += cl-lml SUBDIR += cl-lml-sbcl SUBDIR += clearsilver SUBDIR += cliqz SUBDIR += closure-compiler SUBDIR += cntlm SUBDIR += codeigniter SUBDIR += colly SUBDIR += coppermine SUBDIR += cplanet SUBDIR += cpp-httplib SUBDIR += cpr SUBDIR += crawl SUBDIR += crp SUBDIR += css-mode.el SUBDIR += cssed SUBDIR += csso SUBDIR += csstidy SUBDIR += ctemplate SUBDIR += cutelyst SUBDIR += davical SUBDIR += davix SUBDIR += dddbl SUBDIR += ddgr SUBDIR += decss SUBDIR += demoroniser SUBDIR += devd SUBDIR += dfileserver SUBDIR += dhttpd SUBDIR += dillo2 SUBDIR += dojo SUBDIR += dojo-shrinksafe SUBDIR += dokuwiki SUBDIR += dolibarr SUBDIR += domoticz SUBDIR += drupal7 SUBDIR += drupal7-wysiwyg SUBDIR += drupal8 SUBDIR += drush SUBDIR += dtse SUBDIR += e107 SUBDIR += e2guardian SUBDIR += edbrowse SUBDIR += eden SUBDIR += efront SUBDIR += elgg SUBDIR += elinks SUBDIR += elixir-html_entities SUBDIR += elixir-html_sanitize_ex SUBDIR += elixir-httpoison SUBDIR += elixir-httpotion SUBDIR += elixir-joken SUBDIR += elixir-maru SUBDIR += elixir-phoenix SUBDIR += elixir-phoenix_ecto SUBDIR += elixir-phoenix_html SUBDIR += elixir-phoenix_pubsub SUBDIR += elixir-webassembly SUBDIR += emacs-w3m SUBDIR += encode-explorer SUBDIR += envoy SUBDIR += ephemera SUBDIR += epiphany SUBDIR += erlang-cowboy SUBDIR += erlang-cowlib SUBDIR += erlang-hackney SUBDIR += erlang-ibrowse SUBDIR += erlang-mochiweb SUBDIR += erlang-mochiweb-basho SUBDIR += erlang-webmachine SUBDIR += fabio SUBDIR += falkon SUBDIR += fancybox SUBDIR += faup SUBDIR += fcgi SUBDIR += fcgiwrap SUBDIR += ffproxy SUBDIR += ffsend SUBDIR += fgallery SUBDIR += filtron SUBDIR += firefox SUBDIR += firefox-esr SUBDIR += flashplayer SUBDIR += flat-frog SUBDIR += flickcurl SUBDIR += fnord SUBDIR += formication SUBDIR += foswiki SUBDIR += fpc-fastcgi SUBDIR += fpc-googleapi SUBDIR += fpc-httpd22 SUBDIR += fpc-httpd24 SUBDIR += fpc-libmicrohttpd SUBDIR += free-sa-devel SUBDIR += fswiki SUBDIR += fusionpbx SUBDIR += g-cows SUBDIR += g-gcl SUBDIR += gallery2 SUBDIR += gatling SUBDIR += gauche-makiki SUBDIR += gecko-mediaplayer SUBDIR += geckodriver SUBDIR += geeknote SUBDIR += geneweb SUBDIR += geolizer SUBDIR += geronimo SUBDIR += get_flash_videos SUBDIR += getleft SUBDIR += gist SUBDIR += gitea SUBDIR += gitlab-ce SUBDIR += gitlab-pages SUBDIR += gitlab-workhorse SUBDIR += glassfish SUBDIR += glassfish4 SUBDIR += glpi SUBDIR += gnome-user-share SUBDIR += go-appengine-sdk SUBDIR += go-www SUBDIR += gobuffalo SUBDIR += gohugo SUBDIR += google-appengine SUBDIR += googlebook_dl SUBDIR += googler SUBDIR += goose SUBDIR += gophernicus SUBDIR += gopherus SUBDIR += gotty SUBDIR += gpx2map SUBDIR += grafana SUBDIR += grafana4 SUBDIR += grafana5 SUBDIR += grafana6 SUBDIR += grafana7 SUBDIR += grails SUBDIR += gregarius SUBDIR += groupoffice SUBDIR += grr SUBDIR += gstreamer-plugins-neon SUBDIR += gstreamer1-plugins-neon SUBDIR += gtkhtml3 SUBDIR += gtkhtml4 SUBDIR += guacamole-client SUBDIR += guile-www SUBDIR += h2o SUBDIR += h2o-devel SUBDIR += habari SUBDIR += halberd SUBDIR += helma SUBDIR += hiawatha SUBDIR += hiawatha-monitor SUBDIR += horde-ansel SUBDIR += horde-base SUBDIR += horde-passwd SUBDIR += horde-trean SUBDIR += horde-wicked SUBDIR += hotcrp SUBDIR += hs-DAV SUBDIR += hs-hjsmin SUBDIR += hs-postgrest SUBDIR += hs-wai-app-static SUBDIR += hs-yesod-bin SUBDIR += htdigest SUBDIR += htdump SUBDIR += html2hdml SUBDIR += html2wml SUBDIR += htmlcompressor SUBDIR += htmlcxx SUBDIR += httest SUBDIR += http-parser SUBDIR += http_get SUBDIR += http_load SUBDIR += http_post SUBDIR += httpasyncclient SUBDIR += httpclient SUBDIR += httpcore SUBDIR += httptunnel SUBDIR += httrack SUBDIR += hypermail SUBDIR += igal2 SUBDIR += ikiwiki SUBDIR += ilias SUBDIR += ilias6 SUBDIR += interchange SUBDIR += iridium SUBDIR += itop SUBDIR += jericho-html SUBDIR += jesred SUBDIR += jetty8 SUBDIR += jetty9 SUBDIR += jitsi-meet SUBDIR += jmeter SUBDIR += joomla3 SUBDIR += jspwiki SUBDIR += jwt-cli SUBDIR += kanboard SUBDIR += kannel SUBDIR += kannel-sqlbox SUBDIR += kcgi SUBDIR += kdsoap SUBDIR += kf5-kdewebkit SUBDIR += kf5-khtml SUBDIR += kf5-kjs SUBDIR += kf5-kjsembed SUBDIR += kiwix-tools SUBDIR += kohana SUBDIR += kurly SUBDIR += larbin SUBDIR += libapreq2 SUBDIR += libdom SUBDIR += libecap SUBDIR += libepc SUBDIR += libevhtp SUBDIR += libgtkhtml SUBDIR += libhpack SUBDIR += libhubbub SUBDIR += libjwt SUBDIR += libmicrohttpd SUBDIR += libnghttp2 SUBDIR += libnghttp3 SUBDIR += libresonic-standalone SUBDIR += librespeed SUBDIR += librtcdcpp SUBDIR += libwpe SUBDIR += libwww SUBDIR += lightsquid SUBDIR += lighttpd SUBDIR += lighttpd-mod_h264_streaming SUBDIR += limesurvey SUBDIR += linklint SUBDIR += links SUBDIR += links1 SUBDIR += linux-c7-qtwebkit SUBDIR += linux-flashplayer SUBDIR += linux-opera SUBDIR += litmus SUBDIR += ljdeps SUBDIR += logswan SUBDIR += logtools SUBDIR += lua-resty-core SUBDIR += lua-resty-lrucache SUBDIR += luakit SUBDIR += luakit-devel SUBDIR += lynx SUBDIR += lynx-current SUBDIR += madsonic SUBDIR += man2web SUBDIR += mathjax SUBDIR += mathopd SUBDIR += matomo SUBDIR += mattermost-server SUBDIR += mattermost-webapp SUBDIR += mediawiki131 SUBDIR += mediawiki133 SUBDIR += mediawiki134 SUBDIR += mergelog SUBDIR += mhonarc SUBDIR += micro_httpd SUBDIR += middleman SUBDIR += midori SUBDIR += mimetex SUBDIR += mini_httpd SUBDIR += miniflux SUBDIR += minio SUBDIR += minio-client SUBDIR += miniserve SUBDIR += mitmproxy SUBDIR += mkapachepw SUBDIR += mknmz-wwwoffle SUBDIR += mnogosearch SUBDIR += mod_amazon_proxy SUBDIR += mod_asn SUBDIR += mod_auth_cas SUBDIR += mod_auth_cookie_mysql2 SUBDIR += mod_auth_gssapi SUBDIR += mod_auth_kerb2 SUBDIR += mod_auth_mellon SUBDIR += mod_auth_mysql2 SUBDIR += mod_auth_mysql_another SUBDIR += mod_auth_openid SUBDIR += mod_auth_openidc SUBDIR += mod_auth_pam2 SUBDIR += mod_auth_pgsql2 SUBDIR += mod_auth_pubtkt SUBDIR += mod_auth_tkt SUBDIR += mod_auth_xradius SUBDIR += mod_authnz_crowd SUBDIR += mod_authnz_external24 SUBDIR += mod_backtrace SUBDIR += mod_cfg_ldap SUBDIR += mod_cloudflare SUBDIR += mod_dav_svn SUBDIR += mod_dnssd SUBDIR += mod_evasive SUBDIR += mod_fastcgi SUBDIR += mod_fcgid SUBDIR += mod_fileiri SUBDIR += mod_gnutls SUBDIR += mod_h264_streaming SUBDIR += mod_jk SUBDIR += mod_limitipconn2 SUBDIR += mod_line_edit SUBDIR += mod_log_sql2 SUBDIR += mod_maxminddb SUBDIR += mod_memcache SUBDIR += mod_memcache_block SUBDIR += mod_mono SUBDIR += mod_mpm_itk SUBDIR += mod_pagespeed SUBDIR += mod_perl2 SUBDIR += mod_php72 SUBDIR += mod_php73 SUBDIR += mod_php74 SUBDIR += mod_proxy_xml SUBDIR += mod_python35 SUBDIR += mod_qos SUBDIR += mod_realdoc SUBDIR += mod_reproxy SUBDIR += mod_rivet SUBDIR += mod_rpaf2 SUBDIR += mod_scgi SUBDIR += mod_security SUBDIR += mod_setenvifplus SUBDIR += mod_tidy SUBDIR += mod_umask SUBDIR += mod_webauth SUBDIR += mod_webkit SUBDIR += mod_wsgi4 SUBDIR += mod_xmlns SUBDIR += mod_xsendfile SUBDIR += mohawk SUBDIR += moinmoin SUBDIR += moinmoincli SUBDIR += mongoose SUBDIR += mongrel2 SUBDIR += monolith SUBDIR += moodle35 SUBDIR += moodle37 SUBDIR += moodle38 SUBDIR += moodle39 SUBDIR += morty SUBDIR += mozplugger SUBDIR += multisort SUBDIR += multiwatch SUBDIR += mybb SUBDIR += myfaces SUBDIR += mysqlphp2postgres SUBDIR += mythplugin-mythweb SUBDIR += nanoblogger SUBDIR += nanoblogger-extra SUBDIR += neon SUBDIR += netrik SUBDIR += netstiff SUBDIR += netsurf SUBDIR += newsboat SUBDIR += nextcloud SUBDIR += nextcloud-calendar SUBDIR += nextcloud-circles SUBDIR += nextcloud-contacts SUBDIR += nextcloud-deck SUBDIR += nextcloud-notes SUBDIR += nextcloud-tasks SUBDIR += nghttp2 SUBDIR += nginx SUBDIR += nginx-devel SUBDIR += nginx-full SUBDIR += nginx-lite SUBDIR += nginx-naxsi SUBDIR += nginx-prometheus-exporter SUBDIR += nginx-ultimate-bad-bot-blocker SUBDIR += nginx-vts-exporter SUBDIR += nibbleblog SUBDIR += nift SUBDIR += node SUBDIR += node10 SUBDIR += node12 SUBDIR += nostromo SUBDIR += novnc SUBDIR += novnc-websockify SUBDIR += npapi-xine SUBDIR += npc SUBDIR += npm SUBDIR += npm-node10 SUBDIR += npm-node12 SUBDIR += nspluginwrapper SUBDIR += obhttpd SUBDIR += oneshot SUBDIR += onionbalance SUBDIR += onionshare SUBDIR += opencart SUBDIR += opera SUBDIR += opera-linuxplugins SUBDIR += orangehrm SUBDIR += osrm-backend SUBDIR += ot-recorder SUBDIR += otrs SUBDIR += otter-browser SUBDIR += owncloud SUBDIR += p5-AMF-Perl SUBDIR += p5-Acme-Monta SUBDIR += p5-Amon2 SUBDIR += p5-Amon2-Lite SUBDIR += p5-Amon2-Plugin-LogDispatch SUBDIR += p5-Amon2-Plugin-Web-CSRFDefender SUBDIR += p5-Amon2-Plugin-Web-MobileAgent SUBDIR += p5-Any-Template SUBDIR += p5-Any-URI-Escape SUBDIR += p5-AnyEvent-HTTP SUBDIR += p5-AnyEvent-HTTP-LWP-UserAgent SUBDIR += p5-AnyEvent-HTTPD SUBDIR += p5-AnyEvent-ReverseHTTP SUBDIR += p5-AnyEvent-SCGI SUBDIR += p5-AnyEvent-WebSocket-Client SUBDIR += p5-Apache-ASP SUBDIR += p5-Apache-Admin-Config SUBDIR += p5-Apache-AuthCookie SUBDIR += p5-Apache-AuthTicket SUBDIR += p5-Apache-Clean2 SUBDIR += p5-Apache-Config-Preproc SUBDIR += p5-Apache-ConfigFile SUBDIR += p5-Apache-ConfigParser SUBDIR += p5-Apache-DB SUBDIR += p5-Apache-DBI SUBDIR += p5-Apache-Defaults SUBDIR += p5-Apache-Htgroup SUBDIR += p5-Apache-LogFormat-Compiler SUBDIR += p5-Apache-MP3 SUBDIR += p5-Apache-ParseFormData SUBDIR += p5-Apache-Profiler SUBDIR += p5-Apache-Session SUBDIR += p5-Apache-Session-PHP SUBDIR += p5-Apache-Session-SQLite3 SUBDIR += p5-Apache-Session-SharedMem SUBDIR += p5-Apache-Session-Wrapper SUBDIR += p5-Apache-SessionX SUBDIR += p5-Apache-Singleton SUBDIR += p5-Apache2-SiteControl SUBDIR += p5-ApacheBench SUBDIR += p5-App-Nopaste SUBDIR += p5-App-gist SUBDIR += p5-Ark SUBDIR += p5-Bigtop SUBDIR += p5-Blog-Spam SUBDIR += p5-Browser-Open SUBDIR += p5-Business-PayPal SUBDIR += p5-CGI SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Ajax SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Application SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Application-Dispatch SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Application-Dispatch-Server SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Application-PSGI SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-AnyTemplate SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-Apache SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-Authentication SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-Authorization SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-AutoRunmode SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-Config-YAML SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-ConfigAuto SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-DBH SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-DebugScreen SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-DevPopup SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-Forward SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-HTDot SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-HTMLPrototype SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-HtmlTidy SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-JSON SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-LinkIntegrity SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-LogDispatch SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-MessageStack SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-Redirect SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-Session SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-Stream SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-TT SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-ValidateRM SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-ViewCode SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Application-Server SUBDIR += p5-CGI-ArgChecker SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Builder SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Builder-TT2 SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Cache SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Compile SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Compress-Gzip SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Cookie-Splitter SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Cookie-XS SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Deurl-XS SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Emulate-PSGI SUBDIR += p5-CGI-EncryptForm SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Enurl SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Ex SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Expand SUBDIR += p5-CGI-ExtDirect SUBDIR += p5-CGI-FCKeditor SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Fast SUBDIR += p5-CGI-FastTemplate SUBDIR += p5-CGI-FormBuilder SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Framework SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Kwiki SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Lite SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Minimal SUBDIR += p5-CGI-PSGI SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Pager SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Prototype SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Response SUBDIR += p5-CGI-SSI SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Session SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Session-ExpireSessions SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Simple SUBDIR += p5-CGI-SpeedyCGI SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Struct SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Thin SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Untaint SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Untaint-date SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Untaint-email SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Upload SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Utils SUBDIR += p5-CGI-XMLApplication SUBDIR += p5-CIF-Client SUBDIR += p5-CSS-DOM SUBDIR += p5-CSS-Inliner SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Action-REST SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Action-RenderView SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Action-Serialize-XML-Hash-LX SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-ActionRole-ACL SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-HTTP SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-OpenID SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Authentication-Store-DBIx-Class SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Authentication-Store-LDAP SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Component-ACCEPT_CONTEXT SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Component-InstancePerContext SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Controller-ActionRole SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Controller-BindLex SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Controller-FormBuilder SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Controller-HTML-FormFu SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Controller-RateLimit SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Controller-RequestToken SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Controller-SOAP SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Devel SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-DispatchType-Regex SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Engine-Apache SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Engine-HTTP-Prefork SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Engine-PSGI SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Enzyme SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Helper-Controller-Scaffold SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Manual SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Model-Adaptor SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Model-CDBI SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Model-CDBI-Plain SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Model-CDBI-Sweet SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Model-DBIC-Plain SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Model-DBIC-Schema SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Model-DynamicAdaptor SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Model-LDAP SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Model-Memcached SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Model-Oryx SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Model-Tarantool SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Model-XML-Feed SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Model-Xapian SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-AtomServer SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-CDBI SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-OpenID SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Store-Htpasswd SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authorization-ACL SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authorization-Roles SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-AutoCRUD SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Browser SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-C3 SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Cache SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Cache-FastMmap SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Cache-Memcached SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Cache-Memcached-Fast SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Captcha SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-ConfigLoader SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-ConfigLoader-Environment SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-CookiedSession SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-DateTime SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-DefaultEnd SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Email SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-ErrorCatcher SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-FillInForm SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-FormBuilder SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-FormValidator SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-I18N SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Log-Dispatch SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Log-Handler SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-LogWarnings SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-PageCache SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Params-Nested SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Pluggable SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Prototype SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-RunAfterRequest SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Scheduler SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Server SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-FastMmap SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-PerUser SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-State-Cookie SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-State-URI SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-Cache SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-DBI SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-DBIC SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-Delegate SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-FastMmap SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-File SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-Memcached SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-Memcached-Fast SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Setenv SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-SmartURI SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-StackTrace SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Static SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Static-Simple SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-StatusMessage SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-SubRequest SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Textile SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Unicode SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-XMLRPC SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Runtime SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-TraitFor-Controller-DBIC-DoesPaging SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-TraitFor-Request-BrowserDetect SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-View-ClearSilver SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-View-Email SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-View-GraphViz SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-View-HTML-Template SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-View-HTML-Template-Compiled SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-View-JSON SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-View-Jemplate SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-View-Mason SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-View-REST-XML SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-View-RRDGraph SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-View-TT SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-View-TT-Alloy SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-View-TT-ControllerLocal SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-View-Template-Declare SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-View-Templated SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-View-XML-Feed SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-View-XML-Simple SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-View-XSLT SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-View-vCard SUBDIR += p5-CatalystX-AppBuilder SUBDIR += p5-CatalystX-Component-Traits SUBDIR += p5-CatalystX-InjectComponent SUBDIR += p5-CatalystX-LeakChecker SUBDIR += p5-CatalystX-Profile SUBDIR += p5-CatalystX-REPL SUBDIR += p5-CatalystX-RoleApplicator SUBDIR += p5-CatalystX-SimpleLogin SUBDIR += p5-CatalystX-VirtualComponents SUBDIR += p5-Class-DBI-FromForm SUBDIR += p5-ClearSilver SUBDIR += p5-Compress-LeadingBlankSpaces SUBDIR += p5-Continuity SUBDIR += p5-Cookie-Baker SUBDIR += p5-Corona SUBDIR += p5-Dancer SUBDIR += p5-Dancer-Logger-Log4perl SUBDIR += p5-Dancer-Plugin-CORS SUBDIR += p5-Dancer-Plugin-ExtDirect SUBDIR += p5-Dancer-Plugin-Feed SUBDIR += p5-Dancer-Plugin-FlashMessage SUBDIR += p5-Dancer-Plugin-Lexicon SUBDIR += p5-Dancer-Plugin-Memcached SUBDIR += p5-Dancer-Plugin-REST SUBDIR += p5-Dancer-Plugin-RPC SUBDIR += p5-Dancer-Plugin-SiteMap SUBDIR += p5-Dancer-Plugin-Swagger SUBDIR += p5-Dancer-Plugin-ValidationClass SUBDIR += p5-Dancer-Session-Cookie SUBDIR += p5-Dancer-Template-Xslate SUBDIR += p5-Dancer2 SUBDIR += p5-Dancer2-Plugin-Ajax SUBDIR += p5-Dancer2-Plugin-Deferred SUBDIR += p5-Dancer2-Plugin-Interchange6 SUBDIR += p5-Dancer2-Plugin-Path-Class SUBDIR += p5-Data-TreeDumper-Renderer-DHTML SUBDIR += p5-Data-Validate-URI SUBDIR += p5-Emplacken SUBDIR += p5-FAQ-OMatic SUBDIR += p5-FCGI SUBDIR += p5-FCGI-Async SUBDIR += p5-FCGI-Client SUBDIR += p5-FCGI-Engine SUBDIR += p5-FCGI-ProcManager SUBDIR += p5-FCGI-Spawn SUBDIR += p5-FEAR-API SUBDIR += p5-Facebook-Graph SUBDIR += p5-Feed-Find SUBDIR += p5-Feersum SUBDIR += p5-File-Mork SUBDIR += p5-Flea SUBDIR += p5-Flickr-API SUBDIR += p5-Flickr-Upload SUBDIR += p5-Fliggy SUBDIR += p5-Furl SUBDIR += p5-FurlX-Coro SUBDIR += p5-Gantry SUBDIR += p5-Gazelle SUBDIR += p5-Geo-Caching SUBDIR += p5-Google-Search SUBDIR += p5-Gungho SUBDIR += p5-GunghoX-FollowLinks SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Adsense SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Breadcrumbs SUBDIR += p5-HTML-CalendarMonthSimple SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Chunks SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Clean SUBDIR += p5-HTML-ContentExtractor SUBDIR += p5-HTML-DOM SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Declare SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Defaultify SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Diff SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Display SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Element-Extended SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Element-Library SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Element-Replacer SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Encoding SUBDIR += p5-HTML-ExtractContent SUBDIR += p5-HTML-ExtractMain SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Field SUBDIR += p5-HTML-FillInForm SUBDIR += p5-HTML-FillInForm-ForceUTF8 SUBDIR += p5-HTML-FillInForm-Lite SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Form SUBDIR += p5-HTML-FormFu SUBDIR += p5-HTML-FormFu-Imager SUBDIR += p5-HTML-FormFu-Model-DBIC SUBDIR += p5-HTML-FormFu-MultiForm SUBDIR += p5-HTML-FormHandler SUBDIR += p5-HTML-FromANSI SUBDIR += p5-HTML-FromText SUBDIR += p5-HTML-GenToc SUBDIR += p5-HTML-GenerateUtil SUBDIR += p5-HTML-GoogleMaps SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Gumbo SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Highlight SUBDIR += p5-HTML-LinkExtractor SUBDIR += p5-HTML-LinkList SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Lint SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Location SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Macro SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Mason SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Mason-PSGIHandler SUBDIR += p5-HTML-MobileConverter SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Pager SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Parser SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Parser-Simple SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Perlinfo SUBDIR += p5-HTML-PrettyPrinter SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Prototype SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Query SUBDIR += p5-HTML-QuickCheck SUBDIR += p5-HTML-RSSAutodiscovery SUBDIR += p5-HTML-ResolveLink SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Restrict SUBDIR += p5-HTML-RobotsMETA SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Scrubber SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Seamstress SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Selector-XPath SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Shakan SUBDIR += p5-HTML-SimpleLinkExtor SUBDIR += p5-HTML-SimpleParse SUBDIR += p5-HTML-StickyQuery SUBDIR += p5-HTML-StickyQuery-DoCoMoGUID SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Stream SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Strip SUBDIR += p5-HTML-StripScripts SUBDIR += p5-HTML-StripScripts-Parser SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Summary SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Table SUBDIR += p5-HTML-TableContentParser SUBDIR += p5-HTML-TableExtract SUBDIR += p5-HTML-TableLayout SUBDIR += p5-HTML-TableParser SUBDIR += p5-HTML-TableTiler SUBDIR += p5-HTML-TagCloud SUBDIR += p5-HTML-TagCloud-Extended SUBDIR += p5-HTML-TagParser SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Tagset SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Template SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Template-Associate SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Template-Compiled SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Template-Expr SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Template-HashWrapper SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Template-JIT SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Template-Pluggable SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Template-Pro SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Toc SUBDIR += p5-HTML-TokeParser-Simple SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Tree SUBDIR += p5-HTML-TreeBuilder-LibXML SUBDIR += p5-HTML-TreeBuilder-XPath SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Widgets-SelectLayers SUBDIR += p5-HTML-WikiConverter SUBDIR += p5-HTML-WikiConverter-DokuWiki SUBDIR += p5-HTML-WikiConverter-GoogleCode SUBDIR += p5-HTML-WikiConverter-Kwiki SUBDIR += p5-HTML-WikiConverter-Markdown SUBDIR += p5-HTML-WikiConverter-MediaWiki SUBDIR += p5-HTML-WikiConverter-MoinMoin SUBDIR += p5-HTML-WikiConverter-Oddmuse SUBDIR += p5-HTML-WikiConverter-PbWiki SUBDIR += p5-HTML-WikiConverter-PhpWiki SUBDIR += p5-HTML-WikiConverter-PmWiki SUBDIR += p5-HTML-WikiConverter-SnipSnap SUBDIR += p5-HTML-WikiConverter-Socialtext SUBDIR += p5-HTML-WikiConverter-TikiWiki SUBDIR += p5-HTML-WikiConverter-UseMod SUBDIR += p5-HTML-WikiConverter-WakkaWiki SUBDIR += p5-HTML-WikiConverter-WikkaWiki SUBDIR += p5-HTML5-DOM SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-AnyUA SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Async SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Body SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-BrowserDetect SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Cache-Transparent SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-CookieJar SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Cookies SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Cookies-Mozilla SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Cookies-iCab SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Cookies-w3m SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-DAV SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Daemon SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Daemon-SSL SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Date SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Engine SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Engine-Middleware SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Entity-Parser SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Exception SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-HeaderParser-XS SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Headers-ActionPack SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Headers-Fast SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Link-Parser SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Lite SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-MHTTP SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Message SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-MobileAgent SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-MobileAgent-Plugin-Charset SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-MobileAgent-Plugin-Locator SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-MultiPartParser SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Negotiate SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Parser SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Parser-XS SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Proxy SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-ProxyPAC SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Recorder SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Request-AsCGI SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Request-Params SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Response-Encoding SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Router SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Server-Simple SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Server-Simple-Authen SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Server-Simple-Mason SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Server-Simple-PSGI SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Server-Simple-Recorder SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Server-Simple-Static SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Session SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Session-State-MobileAgentID SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Session-Store-DBI SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Session2 SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Simple SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-SimpleLinkChecker SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Size SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Thin SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Throwable SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Tiny SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Tiny-Multipart SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Tiny-SPDY SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Tiny-UA SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-WebTest SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-XSCookies SUBDIR += p5-HTTPD-Log-Filter SUBDIR += p5-HTTPD-User-Manage SUBDIR += p5-Hijk SUBDIR += p5-I18N-AcceptLanguage SUBDIR += p5-IMDB-Film SUBDIR += p5-Image-Delivery SUBDIR += p5-Interchange6 SUBDIR += p5-JE SUBDIR += p5-JSON-API SUBDIR += p5-JSON-WebToken SUBDIR += p5-Jemplate SUBDIR += p5-Jifty SUBDIR += p5-LWP-Authen-Negotiate SUBDIR += p5-LWP-Authen-OAuth SUBDIR += p5-LWP-Authen-OAuth2 SUBDIR += p5-LWP-Authen-Wsse SUBDIR += p5-LWP-ConnCache-MaxKeepAliveRequests SUBDIR += p5-LWP-MediaTypes SUBDIR += p5-LWP-Online SUBDIR += p5-LWP-Protocol-PSGI SUBDIR += p5-LWP-Protocol-connect SUBDIR += p5-LWP-Protocol-http10 SUBDIR += p5-LWP-Protocol-https SUBDIR += p5-LWP-Protocol-socks SUBDIR += p5-LWP-UserAgent-Determined SUBDIR += p5-LWP-UserAgent-POE SUBDIR += p5-LWP-UserAgent-WithCache SUBDIR += p5-LWPx-ParanoidAgent SUBDIR += p5-LWPx-TimedHTTP SUBDIR += p5-Markup-Perl SUBDIR += p5-Mason SUBDIR += p5-MasonX-Interp-WithCallbacks SUBDIR += p5-MasonX-Profiler SUBDIR += p5-MasonX-Request-WithApacheSession SUBDIR += p5-MasonX-WebApp SUBDIR += p5-Maypole SUBDIR += p5-Maypole-Authentication-UserSessionCookie SUBDIR += p5-Maypole-Component SUBDIR += p5-McBain SUBDIR += p5-McBain-WithPSGI SUBDIR += p5-MediaWiki SUBDIR += p5-MediaWiki-API SUBDIR += p5-Mobile-UserAgent SUBDIR += p5-ModPerl-VersionUtil SUBDIR += p5-Mojo-IOLoop-ForkCall SUBDIR += p5-Mojo-Server-FastCGI SUBDIR += p5-Mojo-Weixin SUBDIR += p5-MojoMojo SUBDIR += p5-MojoX-Log-Dispatch-Simple SUBDIR += p5-MojoX-Renderer-Xslate SUBDIR += p5-Mojolicious SUBDIR += p5-Mojolicious-Plugin-Authentication SUBDIR += p5-Mojolicious-Plugin-Database SUBDIR += p5-Mojolicious-Plugin-HamlRenderer SUBDIR += p5-Mojolicious-Plugin-Mongodb SUBDIR += p5-Mojolicious-Plugin-SetUserGroup SUBDIR += p5-Mojolicious-Plugin-TtRenderer SUBDIR += p5-Mojolicious-Plugin-YamlConfig SUBDIR += p5-Monoceros SUBDIR += p5-Mozilla-CA SUBDIR += p5-Net-Akismet SUBDIR += p5-Net-Amazon-AWIS SUBDIR += p5-Net-Async-FastCGI SUBDIR += p5-Net-Async-HTTP SUBDIR += p5-Net-Curl SUBDIR += p5-Net-FastCGI SUBDIR += p5-Net-FireEagle SUBDIR += p5-Net-Flickr-API SUBDIR += p5-Net-Flickr-Backup SUBDIR += p5-Net-Flickr-RDF SUBDIR += p5-Net-FreshBooks-API SUBDIR += p5-Net-GeoPlanet SUBDIR += p5-Net-Plurk SUBDIR += p5-Net-STF-Client SUBDIR += p5-Net-Trac SUBDIR += p5-Net-UPS SUBDIR += p5-Net-YAP SUBDIR += p5-Net-eBay SUBDIR += p5-Newsletter SUBDIR += p5-Nginx-ReadBody SUBDIR += p5-Nginx-Simple SUBDIR += p5-PHP-Session SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-Client-HTTP SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-Client-UserAgent SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-Server-HTTP SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-Server-HTTPServer SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-Server-PSGI SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-Server-SOAP SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-Server-SimpleHTTP SUBDIR += p5-POE-Filter-HTTP-Parser SUBDIR += p5-POEx-Role-PSGIServer SUBDIR += p5-PSGI SUBDIR += p5-ParallelUserAgent SUBDIR += p5-Parse-HTTP-UserAgent SUBDIR += p5-Path-Class-URI SUBDIR += p5-Perlanet SUBDIR += p5-Perlbal-Plugin-PSGI SUBDIR += p5-Plack SUBDIR += p5-Plack-App-Proxy SUBDIR += p5-Plack-Builder-Conditionals SUBDIR += p5-Plack-Handler-AnyEvent-HTTPD SUBDIR += p5-Plack-Handler-AnyEvent-ReverseHTTP SUBDIR += p5-Plack-Handler-AnyEvent-SCGI SUBDIR += p5-Plack-Handler-CLI SUBDIR += p5-Plack-Handler-SCGI SUBDIR += p5-Plack-Middleware-AMF SUBDIR += p5-Plack-Middleware-AddDefaultCharset SUBDIR += p5-Plack-Middleware-Auth-Digest SUBDIR += p5-Plack-Middleware-AutoRefresh SUBDIR += p5-Plack-Middleware-ConsoleLogger SUBDIR += p5-Plack-Middleware-CrossOrigin SUBDIR += p5-Plack-Middleware-Debug SUBDIR += p5-Plack-Middleware-Deflater SUBDIR += p5-Plack-Middleware-Expires SUBDIR += p5-Plack-Middleware-ExtDirect SUBDIR += p5-Plack-Middleware-File-Sass SUBDIR += p5-Plack-Middleware-FixMissingBodyInRedirect SUBDIR += p5-Plack-Middleware-ForceEnv SUBDIR += p5-Plack-Middleware-Header SUBDIR += p5-Plack-Middleware-IEnosniff SUBDIR += p5-Plack-Middleware-InteractiveDebugger SUBDIR += p5-Plack-Middleware-JSConcat SUBDIR += p5-Plack-Middleware-MemoryUsage SUBDIR += p5-Plack-Middleware-MethodOverride SUBDIR += p5-Plack-Middleware-NoMultipleSlashes SUBDIR += p5-Plack-Middleware-Precompressed SUBDIR += p5-Plack-Middleware-RemoveRedundantBody SUBDIR += p5-Plack-Middleware-Reproxy SUBDIR += p5-Plack-Middleware-ReverseProxy SUBDIR += p5-Plack-Middleware-Rewrite SUBDIR += p5-Plack-Middleware-ServerStatus-Lite SUBDIR += p5-Plack-Middleware-Session SUBDIR += p5-Plack-Middleware-SocketIO SUBDIR += p5-Plack-Middleware-Status SUBDIR += p5-Plack-Middleware-Test-StashWarnings SUBDIR += p5-Plack-Middleware-Throttle SUBDIR += p5-Plack-Middleware-XForwardedFor SUBDIR += p5-Plack-Server-Coro SUBDIR += p5-Plack-Server-POE SUBDIR += p5-Plack-Server-ReverseHTTP SUBDIR += p5-Plack-Test-ExternalServer SUBDIR += p5-PocketIO SUBDIR += p5-Pod-Site SUBDIR += p5-PodToHTML SUBDIR += p5-Protocol-HTTP2 SUBDIR += p5-Protocol-SocketIO SUBDIR += p5-Protocol-WebSocket SUBDIR += p5-Protocol-XMLRPC SUBDIR += p5-REST-Client SUBDIR += p5-REST-Google-Apps-Provisioning SUBDIR += p5-RPC-ExtDirect SUBDIR += p5-RT-Authen-ExternalAuth SUBDIR += p5-RT-Client-REST SUBDIR += p5-RT-Extension-CommandByMail SUBDIR += p5-RT-Extension-Gravatar SUBDIR += p5-RT-Extension-LDAPImport SUBDIR += p5-RT-Extension-MandatoryOnTransition SUBDIR += p5-RT-Extension-QuickAssign SUBDIR += p5-RT-Extension-RepeatTicket SUBDIR += p5-RT-Extension-SLA SUBDIR += p5-RTx-Calendar SUBDIR += p5-Reaction SUBDIR += p5-Reddit SUBDIR += p5-Reddit-Client SUBDIR += p5-Role-REST-Client SUBDIR += p5-Rose-HTML-Objects SUBDIR += p5-Router-Boom SUBDIR += p5-Router-Simple SUBDIR += p5-Router-Simple-Sinatraish SUBDIR += p5-SCGI SUBDIR += p5-SOAP-Transport-HTTP-Plack SUBDIR += p5-SRU SUBDIR += p5-STF-Dispatcher-PSGI SUBDIR += p5-SWF-Chart SUBDIR += p5-Scrappy SUBDIR += p5-Selenium-Remote-Driver SUBDIR += p5-Session-Storage-Secure SUBDIR += p5-Squatting SUBDIR += p5-Squatting-On-PSGI SUBDIR += p5-Starlet SUBDIR += p5-Starman SUBDIR += p5-Syntax-Highlight-HTML SUBDIR += p5-Syntax-Highlight-Shell SUBDIR += p5-Task-Catalyst SUBDIR += p5-Task-Plack SUBDIR += p5-Tatsumaki SUBDIR += p5-Template-Alloy SUBDIR += p5-Template-GD SUBDIR += p5-Template-Iterator-AlzaboWrapperCursor SUBDIR += p5-Template-Multilingual SUBDIR += p5-Template-Mustache SUBDIR += p5-Template-Plugin-Class SUBDIR += p5-Template-Plugin-Clickable SUBDIR += p5-Template-Plugin-Clickable-Email SUBDIR += p5-Template-Plugin-Comma SUBDIR += p5-Template-Plugin-FillInForm SUBDIR += p5-Template-Plugin-Gettext SUBDIR += p5-Template-Plugin-JSON SUBDIR += p5-Template-Plugin-JavaScript SUBDIR += p5-Template-Plugin-MP3 SUBDIR += p5-Template-Plugin-Markdown SUBDIR += p5-Template-Plugin-Monta SUBDIR += p5-Template-Plugin-Number-Format SUBDIR += p5-Template-Plugin-StripScripts SUBDIR += p5-Template-Plugin-Subst SUBDIR += p5-Template-Plugin-VMethods SUBDIR += p5-Template-Provider-Encoding SUBDIR += p5-Template-Provider-FromDATA SUBDIR += p5-Template-Simple SUBDIR += p5-Template-Stash-AutoEscape SUBDIR += p5-Template-Timer SUBDIR += p5-Template-Toolkit SUBDIR += p5-Template-Toolkit-Simple SUBDIR += p5-Tenjin SUBDIR += p5-Test-HTTP SUBDIR += p5-Test-HTTP-LocalServer SUBDIR += p5-Test-HTTP-Server-Simple SUBDIR += p5-Test-LWP-UserAgent SUBDIR += p5-Test-Nginx SUBDIR += p5-TestGen4Web-Runner SUBDIR += p5-Text-MultiMarkdown-ApacheHandler SUBDIR += p5-Tie-TinyURL SUBDIR += p5-Toader SUBDIR += p5-Toadfarm SUBDIR += p5-Twiggy SUBDIR += p5-Twiggy-TLS SUBDIR += p5-URI-Encode SUBDIR += p5-URI-Escape-JavaScript SUBDIR += p5-URI-Escape-XS SUBDIR += p5-URI-Fetch SUBDIR += p5-URI-ParseSearchString SUBDIR += p5-URI-Sequin SUBDIR += p5-URI-Title SUBDIR += p5-URI-ToDisk SUBDIR += p5-URL-Encode SUBDIR += p5-URL-Encode-XS SUBDIR += p5-VUser-Google-ProvisioningAPI SUBDIR += p5-W3C-LinkChecker SUBDIR += p5-W3C-LogValidator SUBDIR += p5-WWW-AtMovies-TV SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Babelfish SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Baseball-NPB SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Comic SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Contact SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Curl SUBDIR += p5-WWW-DHL SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Dilbert SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Facebook-API SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Form-UrlEncoded SUBDIR += p5-WWW-FreeProxy SUBDIR += p5-WWW-GitHub-Gist SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Google-Calculator SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Google-News SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Google-News-TW SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Google-PageRank SUBDIR += p5-WWW-HatenaDiary SUBDIR += p5-WWW-HatenaLogin SUBDIR += p5-WWW-HatenaStar SUBDIR += p5-WWW-IMDb SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Instapaper-Client SUBDIR += p5-WWW-LongURL SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Mechanize SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Mechanize-CGI SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Mechanize-DecodedContent SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Mechanize-FormFiller SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Mechanize-GZip SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Mechanize-Meta SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Mechanize-Pluggable SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Mechanize-Plugin-phpBB SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Mechanize-Shell SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Mechanize-SpamCop SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Mechanize-TreeBuilder SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Mediawiki-Client SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Mixi SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Mixi-Scraper SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Myspace SUBDIR += p5-WWW-NicoVideo-Download SUBDIR += p5-WWW-NioTV SUBDIR += p5-WWW-OAuth SUBDIR += p5-WWW-OpenSVN SUBDIR += p5-WWW-OpenSearch SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Pastebin-PastebinCom-Create SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Plurk SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Robot SUBDIR += p5-WWW-RobotRules SUBDIR += p5-WWW-RobotRules-Parser SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Salesforce SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Scraper-ISBN SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Scraper-ISBN-Amazon_Driver SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Scraper-ISBN-ORA_Driver SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Scripter SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Scripter-Plugin-Ajax SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Scripter-Plugin-JavaScript SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Search SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Search-AltaVista SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Search-Google SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Search-MSN SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Shorten SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Shorten-0rz SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Shorten-Bitly SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Shorten-Googl SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Shorten-Yourls SUBDIR += p5-WWW-SourceForge SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Spinn3r SUBDIR += p5-WWW-TV SUBDIR += p5-WWW-TWSMS SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Telegram-BotAPI SUBDIR += p5-WWW-TinySong SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Tumblr SUBDIR += p5-WWW-VenusEnvy SUBDIR += p5-WWW-WebArchive SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Wikipedia SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Yandex-TIC SUBDIR += p5-WWW-iTunesConnect SUBDIR += p5-Web-Machine SUBDIR += p5-Web-Query SUBDIR += p5-Web-Scraper SUBDIR += p5-Web-Scraper-Config SUBDIR += p5-Web-Simple SUBDIR += p5-Web-oEmbed SUBDIR += p5-WebDAO SUBDIR += p5-WebDriver-Tiny SUBDIR += p5-WebService-Basecamp SUBDIR += p5-WebService-Bloglines SUBDIR += p5-WebService-BuzzurlAPI SUBDIR += p5-WebService-CIA SUBDIR += p5-WebService-GData SUBDIR += p5-WebService-Google-Reader SUBDIR += p5-WebService-Google-Sets SUBDIR += p5-WebService-IMDB SUBDIR += p5-WebService-ISBNDB SUBDIR += p5-WebService-Linode SUBDIR += p5-WebService-MoviePosterDB SUBDIR += p5-WebService-MusicBrainz SUBDIR += p5-WebService-NoPaste SUBDIR += p5-WebService-Pushover SUBDIR += p5-WebService-Rakuten SUBDIR += p5-WebService-Redmine SUBDIR += p5-WebService-Simple SUBDIR += p5-WebService-Technorati SUBDIR += p5-WebService-YouTube SUBDIR += p5-Woothee SUBDIR += p5-WordPress-XMLRPC SUBDIR += p5-Yahoo-Search SUBDIR += p5-chklinks SUBDIR += p5-jQuery-File-Upload SUBDIR += p5-libapreq2 SUBDIR += p5-libservlet SUBDIR += p5-libwww SUBDIR += p5-pQuery SUBDIR += p5-webservice-validator-css-w3c SUBDIR += p5-webservice-validator-html-w3c SUBDIR += paros SUBDIR += payara SUBDIR += pear-HTML_AJAX SUBDIR += pear-HTML_TagCloud SUBDIR += pear-HTTP SUBDIR += pear-HTTP_Client SUBDIR += pear-HTTP_Download SUBDIR += pear-HTTP_FloodControl SUBDIR += pear-HTTP_Header SUBDIR += pear-HTTP_Request SUBDIR += pear-HTTP_Request2 SUBDIR += pear-HTTP_Server SUBDIR += pear-HTTP_Session2 SUBDIR += pear-HTTP_Upload SUBDIR += pear-HTTP_WebDAV_Client SUBDIR += pear-HTTP_WebDAV_Server SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Browser SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Css_Parser SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Dav SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Editor SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Feed SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Form SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Http SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Routes SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Service_Facebook SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Service_Gravatar SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Service_Twitter SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Service_UrlShortener SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Service_Weather SUBDIR += pear-Horde_SessionHandler SUBDIR += pear-Horde_Template SUBDIR += pear-Services_Amazon SUBDIR += pear-Services_Amazon_S3 SUBDIR += pear-Services_Blogging SUBDIR += pear-Services_Compete SUBDIR += pear-Services_Delicious SUBDIR += pear-Services_Digg SUBDIR += pear-Services_Facebook SUBDIR += pear-Services_GeoNames SUBDIR += pear-Services_Google SUBDIR += pear-Services_OpenSearch SUBDIR += pear-Services_ShortURL SUBDIR += pear-Services_TinyURL SUBDIR += pear-Services_TwitPic SUBDIR += pear-Services_W3C_CSSValidator SUBDIR += pear-Services_W3C_HTMLValidator SUBDIR += pear-Services_Yadis SUBDIR += pear-Services_Yahoo SUBDIR += pear-Services_urlTea SUBDIR += pear-Structures_DataGrid_Renderer_Flexy SUBDIR += pear-Structures_DataGrid_Renderer_Pager SUBDIR += pear-Structures_DataGrid_Renderer_Smarty SUBDIR += pear-Text_Wiki SUBDIR += pear-UDDI SUBDIR += pear-XML_GRDDL SUBDIR += pear-twig SUBDIR += pecl-http SUBDIR += pecl-solr SUBDIR += pecl-yaf SUBDIR += pecl-yar SUBDIR += perlbal SUBDIR += pglogd SUBDIR += phalcon SUBDIR += phalcon4 SUBDIR += php72-opcache SUBDIR += php72-session SUBDIR += php72-tidy SUBDIR += php73-opcache SUBDIR += php73-session SUBDIR += php73-tidy SUBDIR += php74-opcache SUBDIR += php74-session SUBDIR += php74-tidy SUBDIR += phpbb SUBDIR += phpbb3 SUBDIR += phpgroupware SUBDIR += phpmustache SUBDIR += phpmyfaq SUBDIR += phprecipebook SUBDIR += phpsysinfo SUBDIR += phpvirtualbox SUBDIR += piwigo SUBDIR += plasma5-plasma-browser-integration SUBDIR += plugger SUBDIR += pmwiki SUBDIR += pnews SUBDIR += podcastamatic SUBDIR += polipo SUBDIR += pomerium SUBDIR += pound SUBDIR += privatebin SUBDIR += privoxy SUBDIR += protovis SUBDIR += pserv SUBDIR += publicfile SUBDIR += punbb SUBDIR += py-HTMLgen SUBDIR += py-MechanicalSoup SUBDIR += py-Tenjin SUBDIR += py-WebError SUBDIR += py-WebFlash SUBDIR += py-WebTest SUBDIR += py-aioh2 SUBDIR += py-aiohttp SUBDIR += py-aiohttp-middlewares SUBDIR += py-aiohttp-wsgi SUBDIR += py-aiohttp2 SUBDIR += py-aiohttp_cors SUBDIR += py-albatross SUBDIR += py-amf SUBDIR += py-apachelog SUBDIR += py-arxiv SUBDIR += py-asgiref SUBDIR += py-autobahn SUBDIR += py-aws-requests-auth SUBDIR += py-azure-common SUBDIR += py-azure-storage SUBDIR += py-beaker SUBDIR += py-beautifulsoup SUBDIR += py-beautifulsoup32 SUBDIR += py-beautifulsoup448 SUBDIR += py-betamax SUBDIR += py-biscuits SUBDIR += py-bjoern SUBDIR += py-bleach SUBDIR += py-bokeh SUBDIR += py-boto3 SUBDIR += py-bottle SUBDIR += py-bottle-cork SUBDIR += py-branca SUBDIR += py-cachecontrol SUBDIR += py-cachelib SUBDIR += py-caldav SUBDIR += py-cheroot SUBDIR += py-cherrypy SUBDIR += py-clientform SUBDIR += py-cookies SUBDIR += py-crossplane SUBDIR += py-css-parser SUBDIR += py-csscompressor SUBDIR += py-cssmin SUBDIR += py-cssselect SUBDIR += py-cssutils SUBDIR += py-django SUBDIR += py-django-allauth SUBDIR += py-django-annoying SUBDIR += py-django-appconf SUBDIR += py-django-appmedia SUBDIR += py-django-assets SUBDIR += py-django-auth-ldap SUBDIR += py-django-babel SUBDIR += py-django-bakery SUBDIR += py-django-bitfield SUBDIR += py-django-bootstrap-form SUBDIR += py-django-bootstrap3 SUBDIR += py-django-bootstrap4 SUBDIR += py-django-braces SUBDIR += py-django-bulk-update SUBDIR += py-django-cacheops SUBDIR += py-django-classy-tags SUBDIR += py-django-cms SUBDIR += py-django-common-helpers SUBDIR += py-django-compat SUBDIR += py-django-configurations SUBDIR += py-django-constance SUBDIR += py-django-contact-form SUBDIR += py-django-context-decorator SUBDIR += py-django-contrib-comments SUBDIR += py-django-cors-headers SUBDIR += py-django-countries SUBDIR += py-django-crispy-forms SUBDIR += py-django-cron SUBDIR += py-django-csp SUBDIR += py-django-debreach SUBDIR += py-django-debug-toolbar SUBDIR += py-django-dpaste SUBDIR += py-django-evolution SUBDIR += py-django-extensions SUBDIR += py-django-filer SUBDIR += py-django-filter SUBDIR += py-django-formset-js-improved SUBDIR += py-django-formtools SUBDIR += py-django-guardian SUBDIR += py-django-happenings-update SUBDIR += py-django-haystack SUBDIR += py-django-hierarkey SUBDIR += py-django-hijack SUBDIR += py-django-htmlmin SUBDIR += py-django-i18nfield SUBDIR += py-django-jquery-js SUBDIR += py-django-js-asset SUBDIR += py-django-jsonfield SUBDIR += py-django-ldapdb SUBDIR += py-django-libsass SUBDIR += py-django-markdownx SUBDIR += py-django-markwhat SUBDIR += py-django-mezzanine SUBDIR += py-django-mezzanine-filebrowser SUBDIR += py-django-mezzanine-grappelli SUBDIR += py-django-model-utils SUBDIR += py-django-modelcluster SUBDIR += py-django-modern-rpc SUBDIR += py-django-mptt SUBDIR += py-django-netfields SUBDIR += py-django-otp SUBDIR += py-django-otp-yubikey SUBDIR += py-django-pglocks SUBDIR += py-django-photologue SUBDIR += py-django-picklefield SUBDIR += py-django-pipeline SUBDIR += py-django-polymorphic SUBDIR += py-django-post_office SUBDIR += py-django-prometheus SUBDIR += py-django-pyscss SUBDIR += py-django-ranged-response SUBDIR += py-django-recaptcha SUBDIR += py-django-redis SUBDIR += py-django-registration SUBDIR += py-django-registration-redux SUBDIR += py-django-rest-swagger SUBDIR += py-django-reversion SUBDIR += py-django-sekizai SUBDIR += py-django-simple-captcha SUBDIR += py-django-simple-history SUBDIR += py-django-solo SUBDIR += py-django-sortedm2m SUBDIR += py-django-star-ratings SUBDIR += py-django-statici18n SUBDIR += py-django-staticinline SUBDIR += py-django-storages SUBDIR += py-django-sudo SUBDIR += py-django-tables2 SUBDIR += py-django-tagging SUBDIR += py-django-taggit SUBDIR += py-django-taggit-serializer SUBDIR += py-django-tastypie SUBDIR += py-django-templatetag-sugar SUBDIR += py-django-timezone-field SUBDIR += py-django-tinymce SUBDIR += py-django-treebeard SUBDIR += py-django-voting SUBDIR += py-django-webpack-loader SUBDIR += py-django-widget-tweaks SUBDIR += py-django111 SUBDIR += py-django22 SUBDIR += py-django30 SUBDIR += py-django_compressor SUBDIR += py-djangocms-admin-style SUBDIR += py-djangoql SUBDIR += py-djangorestframework SUBDIR += py-djangorestframework-csv SUBDIR += py-djangorestframework-filters SUBDIR += py-djangorestframework-xml SUBDIR += py-djangorestframework311 SUBDIR += py-draftjs_exporter SUBDIR += py-drf-yasg SUBDIR += py-dtflickr SUBDIR += py-evernote SUBDIR += py-fake-useragent SUBDIR += py-falcon SUBDIR += py-fedex SUBDIR += py-feedgenerator SUBDIR += py-flask SUBDIR += py-flask-admin SUBDIR += py-flask-api SUBDIR += py-flask-apscheduler SUBDIR += py-flask-assets SUBDIR += py-flask-babelex SUBDIR += py-flask-bootstrap SUBDIR += py-flask-cache SUBDIR += py-flask-collect SUBDIR += py-flask-compress SUBDIR += py-flask-cors SUBDIR += py-flask-flatpages SUBDIR += py-flask-json SUBDIR += py-flask-jwt-extended SUBDIR += py-flask-login SUBDIR += py-flask-marshmallow SUBDIR += py-flask-migrate SUBDIR += py-flask-moment SUBDIR += py-flask-mongoengine SUBDIR += py-flask-oauthlib SUBDIR += py-flask-peewee SUBDIR += py-flask-principal SUBDIR += py-flask-restful SUBDIR += py-flask-restx SUBDIR += py-flask-script SUBDIR += py-flask-security SUBDIR += py-flask-smorest SUBDIR += py-flask-socketio SUBDIR += py-flask-sockets SUBDIR += py-flask-uploads SUBDIR += py-flask-wtf SUBDIR += py-flexget SUBDIR += py-flup6 SUBDIR += py-folium SUBDIR += py-formalchemy SUBDIR += py-formencode SUBDIR += py-frappe-bench SUBDIR += py-freenit SUBDIR += py-frozen-flask SUBDIR += py-funkload SUBDIR += py-gandi.cli SUBDIR += py-gevent-websocket SUBDIR += py-goobook SUBDIR += py-google SUBDIR += py-google-api-core SUBDIR += py-google-api-python-client SUBDIR += py-google-cloud-bigtable SUBDIR += py-google-cloud-core SUBDIR += py-google-cloud-datastore SUBDIR += py-google-cloud-dlp SUBDIR += py-google-cloud-logging SUBDIR += py-google-cloud-speech SUBDIR += py-google-cloud-storage SUBDIR += py-google-cloud-translate SUBDIR += py-google-cloud-vision SUBDIR += py-google-resumable-media SUBDIR += py-graphite-api SUBDIR += py-graphite-web SUBDIR += py-grequests SUBDIR += py-grip SUBDIR += py-gunicorn SUBDIR += py-h2 SUBDIR += py-horizon SUBDIR += py-hpack SUBDIR += py-hstspreload SUBDIR += py-html SUBDIR += py-html5-parser SUBDIR += py-html5lib SUBDIR += py-httmock SUBDIR += py-httpcore SUBDIR += py-httpie SUBDIR += py-httplib2 SUBDIR += py-httptools SUBDIR += py-httpx SUBDIR += py-hyper SUBDIR += py-hyperframe SUBDIR += py-hyperlink SUBDIR += py-imdbpy SUBDIR += py-inlinestyler SUBDIR += py-instabot SUBDIR += py-internetarchive SUBDIR += py-jonpy SUBDIR += py-jsonfield SUBDIR += py-jsonfield2 SUBDIR += py-lektor SUBDIR += py-lesscpy SUBDIR += py-libsass SUBDIR += py-livereload SUBDIR += py-mechanize SUBDIR += py-meld3 SUBDIR += py-multidict SUBDIR += py-mwoauth SUBDIR += py-nevow SUBDIR += py-notebook SUBDIR += py-openbrokerapi SUBDIR += py-pafy SUBDIR += py-paste SUBDIR += py-pastedeploy SUBDIR += py-pastescript SUBDIR += py-path-and-address SUBDIR += py-pecan SUBDIR += py-pelican SUBDIR += py-planet SUBDIR += py-poster SUBDIR += py-praw SUBDIR += py-prawcore SUBDIR += py-priority SUBDIR += py-puppetboard SUBDIR += py-py-restclient SUBDIR += py-pySmartDL SUBDIR += py-pyjwt SUBDIR += py-pylons SUBDIR += py-pyocclient SUBDIR += py-pyquery SUBDIR += py-pyramid SUBDIR += py-pyramid_rpc SUBDIR += py-pysearch SUBDIR += py-python-digitalocean SUBDIR += py-python-dotenv SUBDIR += py-python-multipart SUBDIR += py-pywebdav SUBDIR += py-pyweblib SUBDIR += py-pywikibot SUBDIR += py-qp SUBDIR += py-qpy SUBDIR += py-qt5-webchannel SUBDIR += py-qt5-webengine SUBDIR += py-qt5-webkit SUBDIR += py-qt5-webkitwidgets SUBDIR += py-qt5-websockets SUBDIR += py-rackspace-monitoring SUBDIR += py-recaptcha SUBDIR += py-requestbuilder SUBDIR += py-requests SUBDIR += py-requests-aws4auth SUBDIR += py-requests-cache SUBDIR += py-requests-file SUBDIR += py-requests-futures SUBDIR += py-requests-mock SUBDIR += py-requests-oauthlib SUBDIR += py-requests-toolbelt SUBDIR += py-requests_ntlm SUBDIR += py-restclient SUBDIR += py-rfc3986 SUBDIR += py-rfc3987 SUBDIR += py-rollbar SUBDIR += py-routes SUBDIR += py-rules SUBDIR += py-scgi SUBDIR += py-scrapy SUBDIR += py-seafdav SUBDIR += py-seafobj SUBDIR += py-secure-cookie SUBDIR += py-selector SUBDIR += py-selenium SUBDIR += py-slimit SUBDIR += py-slimmer SUBDIR += py-slumber SUBDIR += py-sockjs-tornado SUBDIR += py-soupsieve SUBDIR += py-splinter SUBDIR += py-spyne SUBDIR += py-sseclient SUBDIR += py-starlette SUBDIR += py-surl SUBDIR += py-swapper SUBDIR += py-textile SUBDIR += py-tmdb3 SUBDIR += py-tornado SUBDIR += py-tornado4 SUBDIR += py-tornado6 SUBDIR += py-trello SUBDIR += py-treq SUBDIR += py-tuir SUBDIR += py-turbogears2 SUBDIR += py-tvdb_api SUBDIR += py-txrequests SUBDIR += py-uliweb SUBDIR += py-unit SUBDIR += py-url SUBDIR += py-urlgrabber SUBDIR += py-urlman SUBDIR += py-urlobject SUBDIR += py-urlwatch SUBDIR += py-user_agent SUBDIR += py-utidylib SUBDIR += py-uvicorn SUBDIR += py-w3lib SUBDIR += py-wagtail SUBDIR += py-waitress SUBDIR += py-webargs SUBDIR += py-webassets SUBDIR += py-webhelpers SUBDIR += py-webob SUBDIR += py-weboob SUBDIR += py-websocket-client SUBDIR += py-webunit SUBDIR += py-werkzeug SUBDIR += py-wfuzz SUBDIR += py-whitenoise SUBDIR += py-wikipedia SUBDIR += py-wikitools SUBDIR += py-ws4py SUBDIR += py-wsaccel SUBDIR += py-wsgiauth SUBDIR += py-wsgidav SUBDIR += py-yarl SUBDIR += pyblosxom SUBDIR += pyjamas SUBDIR += qdecoder SUBDIR += qhttpengine SUBDIR += qt5-webchannel SUBDIR += qt5-webengine SUBDIR += qt5-webglplugin SUBDIR += qt5-webkit SUBDIR += qt5-websockets SUBDIR += qt5-websockets-qml SUBDIR += qt5-webview SUBDIR += quark SUBDIR += qutebrowser SUBDIR += radicale SUBDIR += radicale2 SUBDIR += redmine4 SUBDIR += rejik SUBDIR += reportmagic SUBDIR += repos-style SUBDIR += resin3 SUBDIR += restbed SUBDIR += retawq SUBDIR += riot-web SUBDIR += roundup SUBDIR += rss-bridge SUBDIR += rsskit SUBDIR += rssroll SUBDIR += rsstail SUBDIR += rsstool SUBDIR += rt42 SUBDIR += rt44 SUBDIR += rt50 SUBDIR += rtv SUBDIR += rubygem-ace-rails-ap SUBDIR += rubygem-actioncable5 SUBDIR += rubygem-actioncable50 SUBDIR += rubygem-actioncable52 SUBDIR += rubygem-actioncable60 SUBDIR += rubygem-actionpack4 SUBDIR += rubygem-actionpack5 SUBDIR += rubygem-actionpack50 SUBDIR += rubygem-actionpack52 SUBDIR += rubygem-actionpack60 SUBDIR += rubygem-activeresource SUBDIR += rubygem-activeresource4 SUBDIR += rubygem-acts-as-taggable-on SUBDIR += rubygem-acts-as-taggable-on3 SUBDIR += rubygem-acts-as-taggable-on5 SUBDIR += rubygem-acts_as_taggable SUBDIR += rubygem-addressable SUBDIR += rubygem-addressable23 SUBDIR += rubygem-addressable25 SUBDIR += rubygem-adsf SUBDIR += rubygem-akami SUBDIR += rubygem-amazon-ecs SUBDIR += rubygem-anemone SUBDIR += rubygem-asana SUBDIR += rubygem-async-http SUBDIR += rubygem-async-pool SUBDIR += rubygem-async-rest SUBDIR += rubygem-async_sinatra SUBDIR += rubygem-atlassian-jwt SUBDIR += rubygem-best_in_place SUBDIR += rubygem-best_in_place-rails5 SUBDIR += rubygem-bluecloth SUBDIR += rubygem-bootstrap-sass SUBDIR += rubygem-browser SUBDIR += rubygem-cal-heatmap-rails SUBDIR += rubygem-cal-heatmap-rails-rails4 SUBDIR += rubygem-carrierwave SUBDIR += rubygem-cgi_multipart_eof_fix SUBDIR += rubygem-chosen-rails SUBDIR += rubygem-chromedriver-helper SUBDIR += rubygem-cookiejar SUBDIR += rubygem-crass SUBDIR += rubygem-cuba SUBDIR += rubygem-d3_rails SUBDIR += rubygem-d3_rails-rails4 SUBDIR += rubygem-dashing SUBDIR += rubygem-davclient SUBDIR += rubygem-deckar01-task_list SUBDIR += rubygem-domainatrix SUBDIR += rubygem-dropzonejs-rails SUBDIR += rubygem-em-http-request SUBDIR += rubygem-em-socksify SUBDIR += rubygem-em-twitter SUBDIR += rubygem-em-websocket SUBDIR += rubygem-emk-sinatra-url-for SUBDIR += rubygem-erubi SUBDIR += rubygem-erubis SUBDIR += rubygem-ethon SUBDIR += rubygem-eventmachine_httpserver SUBDIR += rubygem-faraday SUBDIR += rubygem-faraday0 SUBDIR += rubygem-faraday_middleware SUBDIR += rubygem-faraday_middleware0 SUBDIR += rubygem-faye SUBDIR += rubygem-faye-websocket SUBDIR += rubygem-fcgi SUBDIR += rubygem-feed-normalizer SUBDIR += rubygem-feedjira SUBDIR += rubygem-flowdock SUBDIR += rubygem-fuzzyurl SUBDIR += rubygem-geminabox SUBDIR += rubygem-gitlab-flowdock-git-hook SUBDIR += rubygem-gitlab-gollum-lib SUBDIR += rubygem-gitlab-gollum-rugged_adapter SUBDIR += rubygem-gitlab-grack SUBDIR += rubygem-gitlab-puma SUBDIR += rubygem-gitlab-puma_worker_killer SUBDIR += rubygem-gitlab-turbolinks-classic SUBDIR += rubygem-goldfinger SUBDIR += rubygem-gollum SUBDIR += rubygem-gollum-grit_adapter SUBDIR += rubygem-gollum-grit_adapter10 SUBDIR += rubygem-gollum-lib SUBDIR += rubygem-gollum-rugged_adapter SUBDIR += rubygem-gon-rails5 SUBDIR += rubygem-gon-rails50 SUBDIR += rubygem-gon-rails60 SUBDIR += rubygem-hackpad-cli SUBDIR += rubygem-haml SUBDIR += rubygem-haml-coderay SUBDIR += rubygem-haml-contrib SUBDIR += rubygem-haml-rails-rails4 SUBDIR += rubygem-haml4 SUBDIR += rubygem-hamlit SUBDIR += rubygem-hamlit-rails SUBDIR += rubygem-hamlit-rails-rails5 SUBDIR += rubygem-hamlit-rails-rails50 SUBDIR += rubygem-hashicorp-checkpoint SUBDIR += rubygem-heroics SUBDIR += rubygem-heroku-api SUBDIR += rubygem-heroku-nav SUBDIR += rubygem-hpricot SUBDIR += rubygem-html2haml SUBDIR += rubygem-http SUBDIR += rubygem-http-cookie SUBDIR += rubygem-http-form_data SUBDIR += rubygem-http3 SUBDIR += rubygem-http_router SUBDIR += rubygem-httparty SUBDIR += rubygem-httpclient SUBDIR += rubygem-httpi SUBDIR += rubygem-hurley SUBDIR += rubygem-innate SUBDIR += rubygem-jekyll SUBDIR += rubygem-jekyll-sanity SUBDIR += rubygem-jekyll-watch SUBDIR += rubygem-jekyll3 SUBDIR += rubygem-journey SUBDIR += rubygem-jquery-atwho-rails SUBDIR += rubygem-jquery-rails SUBDIR += rubygem-jquery-rails-rails5 SUBDIR += rubygem-jquery-rails-rails50 SUBDIR += rubygem-jquery-scrollto-rails SUBDIR += rubygem-jquery-turbolinks SUBDIR += rubygem-jquery-ui-rails-rails4 SUBDIR += rubygem-jruby-rack SUBDIR += rubygem-jsobfu SUBDIR += rubygem-json-jwt SUBDIR += rubygem-jwt SUBDIR += rubygem-jwt21 SUBDIR += rubygem-kaminari SUBDIR += rubygem-kaminari-actionview SUBDIR += rubygem-kaminari-actionview-rails5 SUBDIR += rubygem-kaminari-actionview-rails50 SUBDIR += rubygem-kaminari-actionview-rails52 SUBDIR += rubygem-kaminari-actionview-rails60 SUBDIR += rubygem-kaminari-activerecord SUBDIR += rubygem-kaminari-activerecord-rails5 SUBDIR += rubygem-kaminari-activerecord-rails50 SUBDIR += rubygem-kaminari-activerecord-rails52 SUBDIR += rubygem-kaminari-activerecord-rails60 SUBDIR += rubygem-kaminari-core SUBDIR += rubygem-kaminari-rails4 SUBDIR += rubygem-kaminari-rails5 SUBDIR += rubygem-kaminari-rails50 SUBDIR += rubygem-kaminari-rails52 SUBDIR += rubygem-kaminari-rails60 SUBDIR += rubygem-kensa SUBDIR += rubygem-kubeclient SUBDIR += rubygem-layout_yullio_generator SUBDIR += rubygem-less SUBDIR += rubygem-lighthouse-api SUBDIR += rubygem-link_header SUBDIR += rubygem-lograge SUBDIR += rubygem-lograge-rails5 SUBDIR += rubygem-lograge-rails52 SUBDIR += rubygem-lograge-rails60 SUBDIR += rubygem-maruku SUBDIR += rubygem-mechanize SUBDIR += rubygem-merb-assets SUBDIR += rubygem-merb-core SUBDIR += rubygem-merb-haml SUBDIR += rubygem-merb-helpers SUBDIR += rubygem-merb-param-protection SUBDIR += rubygem-mousetrap-rails SUBDIR += rubygem-multipart-post SUBDIR += rubygem-nanoc SUBDIR += rubygem-nested_form SUBDIR += rubygem-net-http-digest_auth SUBDIR += rubygem-net-http-persistent SUBDIR += rubygem-net-http-persistent2 SUBDIR += rubygem-net-http-pipeline SUBDIR += rubygem-nicovideo SUBDIR += rubygem-ntlm-http SUBDIR += rubygem-octopress SUBDIR += rubygem-oembed SUBDIR += rubygem-ostatus2 SUBDIR += rubygem-pagerduty SUBDIR += rubygem-passenger SUBDIR += rubygem-platform-api SUBDIR += rubygem-protocol-hpack SUBDIR += rubygem-protocol-http SUBDIR += rubygem-protocol-http1 SUBDIR += rubygem-protocol-http2 SUBDIR += rubygem-puma SUBDIR += rubygem-puma_worker_killer SUBDIR += rubygem-pusher-client SUBDIR += rubygem-rabbirack SUBDIR += rubygem-rack SUBDIR += rubygem-rack-accept SUBDIR += rubygem-rack-attack SUBDIR += rubygem-rack-cache SUBDIR += rubygem-rack-contrib SUBDIR += rubygem-rack-cors SUBDIR += rubygem-rack-mount SUBDIR += rubygem-rack-openid SUBDIR += rubygem-rack-protection SUBDIR += rubygem-rack-protection1 SUBDIR += rubygem-rack-proxy SUBDIR += rubygem-rack-ssl SUBDIR += rubygem-rack-test SUBDIR += rubygem-rack-timeout SUBDIR += rubygem-rack15 SUBDIR += rubygem-rack16 SUBDIR += rubygem-rack20 SUBDIR += rubygem-rack_csrf SUBDIR += rubygem-rails-settings-cached SUBDIR += rubygem-rails-settings-cached-rails5 SUBDIR += rubygem-rails-settings-cached-rails50 SUBDIR += rubygem-rails4 SUBDIR += rubygem-rails5 SUBDIR += rubygem-rails50 SUBDIR += rubygem-rails52 SUBDIR += rubygem-rails60 SUBDIR += rubygem-rails_12factor SUBDIR += rubygem-rails_autolink SUBDIR += rubygem-rails_serve_static_assets SUBDIR += rubygem-rails_stdout_logging SUBDIR += rubygem-railties4 SUBDIR += rubygem-railties5 SUBDIR += rubygem-railties50 SUBDIR += rubygem-railties52 SUBDIR += rubygem-railties60 SUBDIR += rubygem-raindrops SUBDIR += rubygem-ramaze SUBDIR += rubygem-raphael-rails SUBDIR += rubygem-rate_throttle_client SUBDIR += rubygem-rbovirt SUBDIR += rubygem-rdf SUBDIR += rubygem-rdf-normalize SUBDIR += rubygem-redcloth SUBDIR += rubygem-redis-rack SUBDIR += rubygem-redis-rack1 SUBDIR += rubygem-redis-rails SUBDIR += rubygem-redis-rails-rails5 SUBDIR += rubygem-redis-rails-rails50 SUBDIR += rubygem-redis-rails-rails52 SUBDIR += rubygem-redis-rails-rails60 SUBDIR += rubygem-redmine_acts_as_taggable_on SUBDIR += rubygem-responders SUBDIR += rubygem-responders-rails5 SUBDIR += rubygem-responders-rails52 SUBDIR += rubygem-responders-rails60 SUBDIR += rubygem-rest-client SUBDIR += rubygem-rfacebook SUBDIR += rubygem-rfeedfinder SUBDIR += rubygem-rinku SUBDIR += rubygem-rkelly-remix SUBDIR += rubygem-robotex SUBDIR += rubygem-robots SUBDIR += rubygem-roda SUBDIR += rubygem-rqrcode SUBDIR += rubygem-rqrcode-rails3 SUBDIR += rubygem-rss SUBDIR += rubygem-rtlit SUBDIR += rubygem-ruby-oembed SUBDIR += rubygem-ruby-readability SUBDIR += rubygem-savon SUBDIR += rubygem-sawyer SUBDIR += rubygem-select2-rails SUBDIR += rubygem-selenium-webdriver SUBDIR += rubygem-semantic-ui-sass SUBDIR += rubygem-simple-rss SUBDIR += rubygem-sinatra SUBDIR += rubygem-sinatra-contrib SUBDIR += rubygem-sinatra-contrib1 SUBDIR += rubygem-sinatra-r18n SUBDIR += rubygem-sinatra-respond_to SUBDIR += rubygem-sinatra1 SUBDIR += rubygem-smashing SUBDIR += rubygem-socksify SUBDIR += rubygem-swd SUBDIR += rubygem-task_list SUBDIR += rubygem-thin SUBDIR += rubygem-tinyatom SUBDIR += rubygem-tinymce-rails SUBDIR += rubygem-toml-rb SUBDIR += rubygem-toml-rb10 SUBDIR += rubygem-totoridipjp SUBDIR += rubygem-tumblr_client SUBDIR += rubygem-turbolinks SUBDIR += rubygem-turbolinks-source SUBDIR += rubygem-typhoeus SUBDIR += rubygem-uglifier SUBDIR += rubygem-uglifier27 SUBDIR += rubygem-underscore-rails SUBDIR += rubygem-unicorn SUBDIR += rubygem-unicorn-worker-killer SUBDIR += rubygem-url_escape SUBDIR += rubygem-url_mount SUBDIR += rubygem-vegas SUBDIR += rubygem-wasabi SUBDIR += rubygem-webdrivers SUBDIR += rubygem-webmock SUBDIR += rubygem-webpack-rails-rails60 SUBDIR += rubygem-webrick SUBDIR += rubygem-webrobots SUBDIR += rubygem-websocket SUBDIR += rubygem-websocket-driver SUBDIR += rubygem-websocket-extensions SUBDIR += rubygem-yapra SUBDIR += s SUBDIR += sabredav SUBDIR += sahi SUBDIR += sakai SUBDIR += samdruckerserver SUBDIR += sarg SUBDIR += scloader SUBDIR += script4rss SUBDIR += seahub SUBDIR += searx SUBDIR += selenium SUBDIR += serendipity SUBDIR += serf SUBDIR += servlet-api SUBDIR += sfnt2woff SUBDIR += shellinabox SUBDIR += shttpd SUBDIR += silicon SUBDIR += simple-web-server SUBDIR += sitecopy SUBDIR += slowcgi SUBDIR += slowhttptest SUBDIR += smarty2 SUBDIR += smarty3 SUBDIR += smb_auth SUBDIR += snarf SUBDIR += sogo2 SUBDIR += sogo2-activesync SUBDIR += sogo4 SUBDIR += sogo4-activesync SUBDIR += spawn-fcgi SUBDIR += spreadlogd SUBDIR += sqstat SUBDIR += squid SUBDIR += squid-devel SUBDIR += squid3 SUBDIR += squid_radius_auth SUBDIR += squidanalyzer SUBDIR += squidclamav SUBDIR += squidguard SUBDIR += squidpurge SUBDIR += squidview SUBDIR += srg SUBDIR += stagit SUBDIR += subsonic-standalone SUBDIR += suphp SUBDIR += surf SUBDIR += swiggle SUBDIR += syndigator SUBDIR += tclhttpd SUBDIR += tclwebtest SUBDIR += tdiary SUBDIR += tdom SUBDIR += template_ SUBDIR += templatelite SUBDIR += thirtybees SUBDIR += threejs SUBDIR += thttpd SUBDIR += thumbnail_index SUBDIR += thundercache SUBDIR += thundersnarf SUBDIR += tidy SUBDIR += tidy-devel SUBDIR += tidy-html5 SUBDIR += tidy-lib SUBDIR += tikiwiki SUBDIR += tinymce SUBDIR += tinyproxy SUBDIR += tivoka SUBDIR += tntnet SUBDIR += tokyopromenade SUBDIR += tomcat-devel SUBDIR += tomcat-native SUBDIR += tomcat7 SUBDIR += tomcat85 SUBDIR += tomcat9 SUBDIR += tomee SUBDIR += trac SUBDIR += trac-OhlohWidgetsMacro SUBDIR += trac-TracGoogleAnalytics SUBDIR += trac-accountmanager SUBDIR += trac-advancedticketworkflow SUBDIR += trac-autocomplete SUBDIR += trac-ccselector SUBDIR += trac-customfieldadmin SUBDIR += trac-datefield SUBDIR += trac-defaultcc SUBDIR += trac-devel SUBDIR += trac-discussion SUBDIR += trac-downloads SUBDIR += trac-email2trac SUBDIR += trac-email2trac-postfix SUBDIR += trac-estimator SUBDIR += trac-fivestarvote SUBDIR += trac-fullblog SUBDIR += trac-fullblognotification SUBDIR += trac-graphviz SUBDIR += trac-iniadmin SUBDIR += trac-keywords SUBDIR += trac-keywordsecretticket SUBDIR += trac-ldap SUBDIR += trac-ldapauthstore SUBDIR += trac-math SUBDIR += trac-mercurial SUBDIR += trac-navadd SUBDIR += trac-permredirect SUBDIR += trac-privatetickets SUBDIR += trac-pydotorgtheme SUBDIR += trac-scrumburndown SUBDIR += trac-spam-filter SUBDIR += trac-subtickets SUBDIR += trac-tags SUBDIR += trac-themeengine SUBDIR += trac-ticketimport SUBDIR += trac-tickettemplate SUBDIR += trac-timingandestimation SUBDIR += trac-tocmacro SUBDIR += trac-tweakui SUBDIR += trac-vote SUBDIR += trac-wikigoodies SUBDIR += trac-wikinotification SUBDIR += trac-wikitemplates SUBDIR += trac-wikitopdf SUBDIR += trac-wysiwyg SUBDIR += trac-xmlrpc SUBDIR += trafficserver SUBDIR += transmission-web SUBDIR += transproxy SUBDIR += tt-rss SUBDIR += ttf2eot SUBDIR += tusd SUBDIR += twiki SUBDIR += twiki-BehaviourContrib SUBDIR += twiki-BlogAddOn SUBDIR += twiki-BugzillaLinkPlugin SUBDIR += twiki-ClassicSkin SUBDIR += twiki-CommentPlugin SUBDIR += twiki-EditTablePlugin SUBDIR += twiki-EmptyPlugin SUBDIR += twiki-GluePlugin SUBDIR += twiki-InterwikiPlugin SUBDIR += twiki-JSCalendarContrib SUBDIR += twiki-LDAPPasswordChangerPlugin SUBDIR += twiki-LdapContrib SUBDIR += twiki-LdapNgPlugin SUBDIR += twiki-MailerContrib SUBDIR += twiki-MathModePlugin SUBDIR += twiki-NewUserPlugin SUBDIR += twiki-PatternSkin SUBDIR += twiki-PreferencesPlugin SUBDIR += twiki-RenderListPlugin SUBDIR += twiki-SlideShowPlugin SUBDIR += twiki-SmiliesPlugin SUBDIR += twiki-SpreadSheetPlugin SUBDIR += twiki-SubscribePlugin SUBDIR += twiki-TWikiUserMappingContrib SUBDIR += twiki-TablePlugin SUBDIR += twiki-TagMePlugin SUBDIR += twiki-TinyMCEPlugin SUBDIR += twiki-TipsContrib SUBDIR += twiki-TopicVarsPlugin SUBDIR += twiki-TwistyContrib SUBDIR += twiki-TwistyPlugin SUBDIR += twiki-WysiwygPlugin SUBDIR += twms SUBDIR += typo3-10 SUBDIR += typo3-9 SUBDIR += uchiwa SUBDIR += ufdbguard SUBDIR += unit SUBDIR += unit-perl SUBDIR += unit-php SUBDIR += uwebsockets SUBDIR += uwsgi SUBDIR += uwsgitop SUBDIR += validator SUBDIR += varnish-libvmod-awsrest SUBDIR += varnish-libvmod-digest SUBDIR += varnish-libvmod-dynamic SUBDIR += varnish-libvmod-maxminddb SUBDIR += varnish-modules SUBDIR += varnish-nagios SUBDIR += varnish4 SUBDIR += varnish6 SUBDIR += varnish_exporter SUBDIR += vdr-plugin-live SUBDIR += vdradmin-am SUBDIR += vertx SUBDIR += vimb SUBDIR += visitors SUBDIR += volta SUBDIR += w3m SUBDIR += w3m-img SUBDIR += w3mir SUBDIR += waccess SUBDIR += wadcomblog SUBDIR += webalizer SUBDIR += webbrowser SUBDIR += webcheck SUBDIR += webcopy SUBDIR += webcrawl SUBDIR += webfs SUBDIR += webgrind SUBDIR += webhook SUBDIR += webinject SUBDIR += webkit2-gtk3 SUBDIR += weblint++ SUBDIR += webpy SUBDIR += webresolve SUBDIR += websh SUBDIR += websocat SUBDIR += websocketd SUBDIR += webstone SUBDIR += webstone-ssl SUBDIR += webtrees SUBDIR += wgetpaste SUBDIR += wikicalc SUBDIR += woof SUBDIR += wordpress SUBDIR += wpebackend-fdo SUBDIR += wsdlpull SUBDIR += wsmake SUBDIR += wt SUBDIR += wt3 SUBDIR += wuzz SUBDIR += wwwoffle SUBDIR += xapian-omega SUBDIR += xapian-omega12 SUBDIR += xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin SUBDIR += xist SUBDIR += xoops SUBDIR += xshttpd SUBDIR += xshttpd-devel SUBDIR += xsp SUBDIR += yabb SUBDIR += yanopaste SUBDIR += yarn SUBDIR += yarn-node10 SUBDIR += yarn-node12 SUBDIR += yaws SUBDIR += you-get SUBDIR += yourls SUBDIR += youtube_dl SUBDIR += ytdl SUBDIR += yuicompressor SUBDIR += zend-framework SUBDIR += zend-framework1 SUBDIR += zenphoto SUBDIR += zerowait-httpd SUBDIR += zola .include