/*********************************************************************** * * MemStripChart Widget * from StripChart Widget derived * * Author: Hans-Helmut B"uhmann 20. Jan. 1996 * ***********************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include "MemStripCharP.h" #include #define MS_PER_SEC 1000 /* Private Data */ #define offset(field) XtOffsetOf(MemStripChartRec, field) static XtResource resources[] = { {XtNwidth, XtCWidth, XtRDimension, sizeof(Dimension), offset(core.width), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) 120}, {XtNheight, XtCHeight, XtRDimension, sizeof(Dimension), offset(core.height), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) 120}, {XtNupdate, XtCInterval, XtRInt, sizeof(int), offset(mem_strip_chart.update), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) 10}, {XtNminScale, XtCScale, XtRInt, sizeof(int), offset(mem_strip_chart.min_scale), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) 1}, {XtNforeground, XtCForeground, XtRPixel, sizeof(Pixel), offset(mem_strip_chart.fgpixel), XtRString, XtDefaultForeground}, {XtNhighlight, XtCForeground, XtRPixel, sizeof(Pixel), offset(mem_strip_chart.hipixel), XtRString, XtDefaultForeground}, {XtNcodecolor, XtCForeground, XtRPixel, sizeof(Pixel), offset(mem_strip_chart.codepixel), XtRString, XtDefaultForeground}, {XtNcachedcolor, XtCForeground, XtRPixel, sizeof(Pixel), offset(mem_strip_chart.cachedpixel), XtRString, XtDefaultBackground}, {XtNbuffercolor, XtCForeground, XtRPixel, sizeof(Pixel), offset(mem_strip_chart.bufferpixel), XtRString, XtDefaultForeground}, {XtNfreecolor, XtCForeground, XtRPixel, sizeof(Pixel), offset(mem_strip_chart.freepixel), XtRString, XtDefaultBackground}, {XtNswapcolor, XtCForeground, XtRPixel, sizeof(Pixel), offset(mem_strip_chart.swappixel), XtRString, XtDefaultForeground}, {XtNgetValue, XtCCallback, XtRCallback, sizeof(XtPointer), offset(mem_strip_chart.get_value), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) NULL}, {XtNjumpScroll, XtCJumpScroll, XtRInt, sizeof(int), offset(mem_strip_chart.jump_val), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) DEFAULT_JUMP}, }; #undef offset static void Initialize(), Destroy(), Redisplay(), MoveChart(MemStripChartWidget w, Boolean blit), SetPoints(); static Boolean SetValues(); static int repaint_window(); MemStripChartClassRec memStripChartClassRec = { { /* core fields */ /* superclass */ (WidgetClass) &simpleClassRec, /* class_name */ "MemStripChart", /* size */ sizeof(MemStripChartRec), /* class_initialize */ XawInitializeWidgetSet, /* class_part_initialize */ NULL, /* class_inited */ FALSE, /* initialize */ Initialize, /* initialize_hook */ NULL, /* realize */ XtInheritRealize, /* actions */ NULL, /* num_actions */ 0, /* resources */ resources, /* num_resources */ XtNumber(resources), /* xrm_class */ NULLQUARK, /* compress_motion */ TRUE, /* compress_exposure */ XtExposeCompressMultiple | XtExposeGraphicsExposeMerged, /* compress_enterleave */ TRUE, /* visible_interest */ FALSE, /* destroy */ Destroy, /* resize */ SetPoints, /* expose */ Redisplay, /* set_values */ SetValues, /* set_values_hook */ NULL, /* set_values_almost */ NULL, /* get_values_hook */ NULL, /* accept_focus */ NULL, /* version */ XtVersion, /* callback_private */ NULL, /* tm_table */ NULL, /* query_geometry */ XtInheritQueryGeometry, /* display_accelerator */ XtInheritDisplayAccelerator, /* extension */ NULL }, { /* Simple class fields */ /* change_sensitive */ XtInheritChangeSensitive } }; WidgetClass memStripChartWidgetClass = (WidgetClass) &memStripChartClassRec; /**************************************************************** * * Private Procedures * ****************************************************************/ static void draw_it(); /* Function Name: CreateGC * Description: Creates the GC's * Arguments: w - the mem strip chart widget. * which - which GC's to create. * Returns: none */ static void CreateGC(MemStripChartWidget w, unsigned int which) { XGCValues myXGCV; if (which & FOREGROUND) { myXGCV.foreground = w->mem_strip_chart.fgpixel; w->mem_strip_chart.fgGC = XtGetGC((Widget) w, GCForeground, &myXGCV); } if (which & HIGHLIGHT) { myXGCV.foreground = w->mem_strip_chart.hipixel; w->mem_strip_chart.hiGC = XtGetGC((Widget) w, GCForeground, &myXGCV); } if (which & CODE) { myXGCV.foreground = w->mem_strip_chart.codepixel; w->mem_strip_chart.codeGC = XtGetGC((Widget) w, GCForeground, &myXGCV); } if (which & SHARED) { myXGCV.foreground = w->mem_strip_chart.cachedpixel; w->mem_strip_chart.cachedGC = XtGetGC((Widget) w, GCForeground, &myXGCV); } if (which & BUFFER) { myXGCV.foreground = w->mem_strip_chart.bufferpixel; w->mem_strip_chart.bufferGC = XtGetGC((Widget) w, GCForeground, &myXGCV); } if (which & FREE) { myXGCV.foreground = w->mem_strip_chart.freepixel; w->mem_strip_chart.freeGC = XtGetGC((Widget) w, GCForeground, &myXGCV); } if (which & SWAP) { myXGCV.foreground = w->mem_strip_chart.swappixel; w->mem_strip_chart.swapGC = XtGetGC((Widget) w, GCForeground, &myXGCV); } } /* Function Name: DestroyGC * Description: Destroys the GC's * Arguments: w - the mem strip chart widget. * which - which GC's to destroy. * Returns: none */ static void DestroyGC(MemStripChartWidget w, unsigned int which) { if (which & FOREGROUND) XtReleaseGC((Widget) w, w->mem_strip_chart.fgGC); if (which & HIGHLIGHT) XtReleaseGC((Widget) w, w->mem_strip_chart.hiGC); if (which & CODE) { XtReleaseGC((Widget) w, w->mem_strip_chart.codeGC); } if (which & SHARED) { XtReleaseGC((Widget) w, w->mem_strip_chart.cachedGC); } if (which & BUFFER) { XtReleaseGC((Widget) w, w->mem_strip_chart.bufferGC); } if (which & FREE) { XtReleaseGC((Widget) w, w->mem_strip_chart.freeGC); } if (which & SWAP) { XtReleaseGC((Widget) w, w->mem_strip_chart.swapGC); } } /* Function Name: DrawMemStrip * Description: Draw a mem strip * Arguments: w - the mem strip chart widget. * x - the x-position. * Returns: none */ static void DrawMemStrip(MemStripChartWidget w, unsigned int x) { int top, bottom; bottom = w->core.height; if (w->mem_strip_chart.valuedata[x].code != 0.0) { top = (int) (w->core.height - (int)(w->core.height * w->mem_strip_chart.valuedata[x].code) / w->mem_strip_chart.scale); XFillRectangle(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), w->mem_strip_chart.codeGC, x, top, (unsigned int) 1, bottom - top); bottom = top; } if (w->mem_strip_chart.valuedata[x].cached != 0.0) { top = (int) (w->core.height - (int)(w->core.height * (w->mem_strip_chart.valuedata[x].code + w->mem_strip_chart.valuedata[x].cached)) / w->mem_strip_chart.scale); XFillRectangle(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), w->mem_strip_chart.cachedGC, x, top, (unsigned int) 1, bottom - top); bottom = top; } if (w->mem_strip_chart.valuedata[x].buffer != 0.0) { top = (int) (w->core.height - (int)(w->core.height * (1.0 - w->mem_strip_chart.valuedata[x].free)) / w->mem_strip_chart.scale); XFillRectangle(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), w->mem_strip_chart.bufferGC, x, top, (unsigned int) 1, bottom - top); bottom = top; } if (w->mem_strip_chart.valuedata[x].free != 0.0) { top = (int) (w->core.height - (int)(w->core.height) / w->mem_strip_chart.scale); XFillRectangle(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), w->mem_strip_chart.freeGC, x, top, (unsigned int) 1, bottom - top); bottom = top; } if (w->mem_strip_chart.valuedata[x].swap != 0.0) { top = (int) (w->core.height - (int)(w->core.height * (1.0 + w->mem_strip_chart.valuedata[x].swap)) / w->mem_strip_chart.scale); XFillRectangle(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), w->mem_strip_chart.swapGC, x, top, (unsigned int) 1, bottom - top); } } /* ARGSUSED */ static void Initialize (Widget greq, Widget gnew, ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args) { MemStripChartWidget w = (MemStripChartWidget)gnew; if (w->mem_strip_chart.update > 0) w->mem_strip_chart.interval_id = XtAppAddTimeOut( XtWidgetToApplicationContext(gnew), w->mem_strip_chart.update * MS_PER_SEC, draw_it, (XtPointer) gnew); CreateGC(w, (unsigned int) ALL_GCS); w->mem_strip_chart.scale = w->mem_strip_chart.min_scale; w->mem_strip_chart.interval = 0; w->mem_strip_chart.max_value = 0.0; w->mem_strip_chart.points = NULL; SetPoints(w); } static void Destroy (Widget gw) { MemStripChartWidget w = (MemStripChartWidget)gw; if (w->mem_strip_chart.update > 0) XtRemoveTimeOut (w->mem_strip_chart.interval_id); if (w->mem_strip_chart.points) XtFree((char *) w->mem_strip_chart.points); DestroyGC(w, (unsigned int) ALL_GCS); } /* * NOTE: This function really needs to recieve graphics exposure * events, but since this is not easily supported until R4 I am * going to hold off until then. */ /* ARGSUSED */ static void Redisplay(Widget w, XEvent *event, Region region) { if (event->type == GraphicsExpose) (void) repaint_window ((MemStripChartWidget)w, event->xgraphicsexpose.x, event->xgraphicsexpose.width); else (void) repaint_window ((MemStripChartWidget)w, event->xexpose.x, event->xexpose.width); } /* ARGSUSED */ static void draw_it(XtPointer client_data, XtIntervalId *id) { MemStripChartWidget w = (MemStripChartWidget)client_data; MemStripChartCallbackData value; double usedmem; if (w->mem_strip_chart.update > 0) w->mem_strip_chart.interval_id = XtAppAddTimeOut(XtWidgetToApplicationContext( (Widget) w), w->mem_strip_chart.update * MS_PER_SEC, draw_it,client_data); if (w->mem_strip_chart.interval >= (int)w->core.width) MoveChart( (MemStripChartWidget) w, TRUE); /* Get the value, stash the point and draw corresponding line. */ if (w->mem_strip_chart.get_value == NULL) return; XtCallCallbacks( (Widget)w, XtNgetValue, (XtPointer)&value ); /* * Keep w->mem_strip_chart.max_value up to date, and if this data * point is off the graph, change the scale to make it fit. */ usedmem = 1.0 + value.swap; if (usedmem > w->mem_strip_chart.max_value) { w->mem_strip_chart.max_value = usedmem; if (XtIsRealized((Widget)w) && w->mem_strip_chart.max_value > w->mem_strip_chart.scale) { XClearWindow( XtDisplay (w), XtWindow (w)); w->mem_strip_chart.interval = repaint_window(w, 0, (int) w->core.width); } } w->mem_strip_chart.valuedata[w->mem_strip_chart.interval] = value; if (XtIsRealized((Widget)w)) { /* XXX DrawMemStrip(w, w->mem_strip_chart.interval, value); */ DrawMemStrip(w, w->mem_strip_chart.interval); /* * Fill in the graph lines we just painted over. */ if (w->mem_strip_chart.points != NULL) { w->mem_strip_chart.points[0].x = w->mem_strip_chart.interval; XDrawPoints(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), w->mem_strip_chart.hiGC, w->mem_strip_chart.points, w->mem_strip_chart.scale - 1, CoordModePrevious); } XFlush(XtDisplay(w)); /* Flush output buffers */ } w->mem_strip_chart.interval++; /* Next point */ } /* draw_it */ /* Blts data according to current size, then redraws the stripChart window. * Next represents the number of valid points in data. Returns the (possibly) * adjusted value of next. If next is 0, this routine draws an empty window * (scale - 1 lines for graph). If next is less than the current window width, * the returned value is identical to the initial value of next and data is * unchanged. Otherwise keeps half a window's worth of data. If data is * changed, then w->mem_strip_chart.max_value is updated to reflect the * largest data point. */ static int repaint_window(MemStripChartWidget w, int left, int width) { int i, j; int next = w->mem_strip_chart.interval; int scale = w->mem_strip_chart.scale; int scalewidth = 0; /* Compute the minimum scale required to graph the data, but don't go lower than min_scale. */ if (w->mem_strip_chart.interval != 0 || scale <= (int)w->mem_strip_chart.max_value) scale = ((int) (w->mem_strip_chart.max_value)) + 1; if (scale < w->mem_strip_chart.min_scale) scale = w->mem_strip_chart.min_scale; if (scale != w->mem_strip_chart.scale) { w->mem_strip_chart.scale = scale; left = 0; width = next; scalewidth = w->core.width; SetPoints(w); if (XtIsRealized ((Widget) w)) XClearWindow (XtDisplay (w), XtWindow (w)); } if (XtIsRealized((Widget)w)) { Display *dpy = XtDisplay(w); Window win = XtWindow(w); width += left - 1; if (!scalewidth) scalewidth = width; if (next < ++width) width = next; /* Draw data point lines. */ for (i = left; i < width; i++) { DrawMemStrip(w, i); } /* Draw graph reference lines */ for (i = 1; i < w->mem_strip_chart.scale; i++) { j = i * ((int)w->core.height / w->mem_strip_chart.scale); XDrawLine(dpy, win, w->mem_strip_chart.hiGC, left, j, scalewidth, j); } } return(next); } /* Function Name: MoveChart * Description: moves the chart over when it would run off the end. * Arguments: w - the load widget. * blit - blit the bits? (TRUE/FALSE). * Returns: none. */ static void MoveChart(MemStripChartWidget w, Boolean blit) { double old_max; int left, i, j; int next = w->mem_strip_chart.interval; if (!XtIsRealized((Widget) w)) return; if (w->mem_strip_chart.jump_val < 0) w->mem_strip_chart.jump_val = DEFAULT_JUMP; if (w->mem_strip_chart.jump_val == DEFAULT_JUMP) j = w->core.width >> 1; /* Half the window width. */ else { j = w->core.width - w->mem_strip_chart.jump_val; if (j < 0) j = 0; } (void) memmove((char *)(w->mem_strip_chart.valuedata), (char *)(w->mem_strip_chart.valuedata + next - j), j * sizeof(MemStripChartCallbackData)); next = w->mem_strip_chart.interval = j; /* * Since we just lost some data, recompute the * w->mem_strip_chart.max_value. */ old_max = w->mem_strip_chart.max_value; w->mem_strip_chart.max_value = 0.0; for (i = 0; i < next; i++) { if (w->mem_strip_chart.valuedata[i].swap + 1.0 > w->mem_strip_chart.max_value) w->mem_strip_chart.max_value = w->mem_strip_chart.valuedata[i].swap + 1.0; } if (!blit) return; /* we are done... */ if ( ((int) old_max) != ( (int) w->mem_strip_chart.max_value) ) { XClearWindow(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w)); repaint_window(w, 0, (int) w->core.width); return; } XCopyArea(XtDisplay((Widget)w), XtWindow((Widget)w), XtWindow((Widget)w), w->mem_strip_chart.hiGC, (int) w->core.width - j, 0, (unsigned int) j, (unsigned int) w->core.height, 0, 0); XClearArea(XtDisplay((Widget)w), XtWindow((Widget)w), (int) j, 0, (unsigned int) w->core.width - j, (unsigned int)w->core.height, FALSE); /* Draw graph reference lines */ left = j; for (i = 1; i < w->mem_strip_chart.scale; i++) { j = i * ((int)w->core.height / w->mem_strip_chart.scale); XDrawLine(XtDisplay((Widget) w), XtWindow( (Widget) w), w->mem_strip_chart.hiGC, left, j, (int)w->core.width, j); } return; } /* ARGSUSED */ static Boolean SetValues (Widget current, Widget request, Widget new, ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args) { MemStripChartWidget old = (MemStripChartWidget)current; MemStripChartWidget w = (MemStripChartWidget)new; Boolean ret_val = FALSE; unsigned int new_gc = NO_GCS; if (w->mem_strip_chart.update != old->mem_strip_chart.update) { if (old->mem_strip_chart.update > 0) XtRemoveTimeOut (old->mem_strip_chart.interval_id); if (w->mem_strip_chart.update > 0) w->mem_strip_chart.interval_id = XtAppAddTimeOut(XtWidgetToApplicationContext(new), w->mem_strip_chart.update * MS_PER_SEC, draw_it, (XtPointer)w); } if ( w->mem_strip_chart.min_scale > (int) ((w->mem_strip_chart.max_value) + 1) ) ret_val = TRUE; if ( w->mem_strip_chart.fgpixel != old->mem_strip_chart.fgpixel ) { new_gc |= FOREGROUND; ret_val = True; } if ( w->mem_strip_chart.hipixel != old->mem_strip_chart.hipixel ) { new_gc |= HIGHLIGHT; ret_val = True; } if ( w->mem_strip_chart.codepixel != old->mem_strip_chart.codepixel ) { new_gc |= CODE; ret_val = True; } if ( w->mem_strip_chart.cachedpixel != old->mem_strip_chart.cachedpixel ) { new_gc |= SHARED; ret_val = True; } if ( w->mem_strip_chart.bufferpixel != old->mem_strip_chart.bufferpixel ) { new_gc |= BUFFER; ret_val = True; } if ( w->mem_strip_chart.freepixel != old->mem_strip_chart.freepixel ) { new_gc |= FREE; ret_val = True; } if ( w->mem_strip_chart.swappixel != old->mem_strip_chart.swappixel ) { new_gc |= SWAP; ret_val = True; } DestroyGC(old, new_gc); CreateGC(w, new_gc); return( ret_val ); } /* Function Name: SetPoints * Description: Sets up the polypoint that will be used to draw in * the graph lines. * Arguments: w - the MemStripChart widget. * Returns: none. */ #define HEIGHT ( (unsigned int) w->core.height) static void SetPoints(Widget widget) { MemStripChartWidget w = (MemStripChartWidget) widget; XPoint * points; Cardinal size; int i; if (w->mem_strip_chart.scale <= 1) { /* no scale lines. */ XtFree ((char *) w->mem_strip_chart.points); w->mem_strip_chart.points = NULL; return; } size = sizeof(XPoint) * (w->mem_strip_chart.scale - 1); points = (XPoint *) XtRealloc( (XtPointer) w->mem_strip_chart.points, size); w->mem_strip_chart.points = points; /* Draw graph reference lines into clip mask */ for (i = 1; i < w->mem_strip_chart.scale; i++) { points[i - 1].x = 0; points[i - 1].y = HEIGHT / w->mem_strip_chart.scale; } }