;; Copyright (C) 2019 Christian Barthel ;; Author: Christian Barthel ;; Keywords: TLA+ ;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) ;; any later version. ;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to ;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ;;; Commentary: ;; This package defines TLA+ Major Mode to manipulate TLA+ ;; specifications as invented by Leslie Lamport [1]. ;; ;; Features: ;; - Syntax Highlighting for TLA+ Specification Files ;; - Running `SANY Syntactic Analyzer' on TLA+ files ;; - Exporting TLA+ Specification files with TLATeX to ;; DVI, PS or PDF files ;; - Inserting TLA+ Operators with an easy to use menu ;; or typical Emacs keystrokes. ;; - Use templates to generate Modules ;; ;; Installation: ;; To use tla+-mode, you have to load the tla+-mode.el file ;; with ;; (load "/path/to/tla+-mode.el") ;; and use it with ;; (require tla+-mode) ;;; Code: ;; ------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Customization variables: (defcustom tla+-mode-hook '() "Normal hook run when entering TLA+ mode." :type 'hook :options '() :group 'tla+) (defcustom tla+-java-path "java" "Path to the `java' program" :type 'file :group 'tla+) (defcustom tla+-tlatools-path "/usr/home/bch/tmp/tlaplus/tlatools/dist/tla2tools.jar" "Path to the TLA+ `tlatools.jar' file" :type 'file :group 'tla+) (defcustom tla+-dvipdf-path "dvipdf" "Path to the `dvipdf' program" :type 'file :group 'tla+) (defcustom tla+-dvips-path "dvips" "Path to the `dvips' program" :type 'file :group 'tla+) ;; ------------------------------------------------------------------- (defvar tla+-mode-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)) (menu-map (make-sparse-keymap "TLA+")) (operator-map (make-sparse-keymap)) (action-operator-map (make-sparse-keymap)) (temporal-operator-map (make-sparse-keymap)) (export-map (make-sparse-keymap)) (modul-operators (make-sparse-keymap)) (modul-sequences-operators (make-sparse-keymap)) (modul-naturals-operators (make-sparse-keymap)) ) (set-keymap-parent map lisp-mode-shared-map) (define-key map "\e\t" 'ispell-complete-word) (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-t e") 'tla+-run-tlatex-dvi) (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-t o") 'tla+-open-dvi) (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-t c") 'tla+-run-sany) ;; Main TLA+ Menu: (bindings--define-key map [menu-bar tla+] (cons "TLA+" menu-map)) ;; Modul Operators (bindings--define-key menu-map [modul-operators] (cons "Insert Modul Operator.." modul-operators)) ;; Naturals Operators (bindings--define-key modul-operators [modul-naturals-operator] (cons "Naturals" modul-naturals-operators)) (bindings--define-key modul-naturals-operators [add-nat] '(menu-item "+" (lambda () (interactive) (insert "+")) :help "Addition")) (bindings--define-key modul-naturals-operators [sub-nat] '(menu-item "-" (lambda () (interactive) (insert "-") (backward-char 2)) :help "Subtraction")) (bindings--define-key modul-naturals-operators [mult-nat] '(menu-item "*" (lambda () (interactive) (insert "*")) :help "Multiplication")) (bindings--define-key modul-naturals-operators [div-nat] '(menu-item "/" (lambda () (interactive) (insert "/")) :help "Division")) (bindings--define-key modul-naturals-operators [exp-nat] '(menu-item "^" (lambda () (interactive) (insert "^")) :help "Exponentiation")) (bindings--define-key modul-naturals-operators [ft-nat] '(menu-item ".." (lambda () (interactive) (insert "..")) :help "From..To")) (bindings--define-key modul-naturals-operators [div2-nat] '(menu-item "\\div" (lambda () (interactive) (insert "\div")) :help "Integer Division")) (bindings--define-key modul-naturals-operators [mod-nat] '(menu-item "%" (lambda () (interactive) (insert "%")) :help "Modulo")) (bindings--define-key modul-naturals-operators [leq-nat] '(menu-item "\\leq" (lambda () (interactive) (insert "\\leq")) :help "Lower Equal")) (bindings--define-key modul-naturals-operators [geq-nat] '(menu-item "\\geq" (lambda () (interactive) (insert "\\geq")) :help "Greater Equal")) (bindings--define-key modul-naturals-operators [lt-nat] '(menu-item "<" (lambda () (interactive) (insert "<")) :help "Lower than")) (bindings--define-key modul-naturals-operators [gt-nat] '(menu-item ">" (lambda () (interactive) (insert ">")) :help "Greater than")) ;; Sequence Operators (bindings--define-key modul-operators [modul-sequences-operator] (cons "Sequences" modul-sequences-operators)) (bindings--define-key modul-sequences-operators [seq-s] '(menu-item "Seq(S)" (lambda () (interactive) (insert "Seq(S)") (backward-char 2)) :help "Set of all Sequences of Elements of Set `S'")) (bindings--define-key modul-sequences-operators [head-s] '(menu-item "Head(s)" (lambda () (interactive) (insert "Head(s)") (backward-char 2)) :help "Head element of sequence `s'")) (bindings--define-key modul-sequences-operators [tail-s] '(menu-item "Tail(s)" (lambda () (interactive) (insert "Tail(s)") (backward-char 2)) :help "Tail sequence of sequence `s'")) (bindings--define-key modul-sequences-operators [append-s] '(menu-item "Append(s,e)" (lambda () (interactive) (insert "Tail(S)") (backward-char 2)) :help "Tail sequence of sequence `S'")) (bindings--define-key modul-sequences-operators [circ-s] '(menu-item "s \\circ t" (lambda () (interactive) (insert "s \\circ t") (backward-char 2)) :help "concatenation of sequence s and t")) (bindings--define-key modul-sequences-operators [len-s] '(menu-item "Len(s)" (lambda () (interactive) (insert "Len(s)") (backward-char 2)) :help "length of sequence s")) ;; Operators (bindings--define-key menu-map [operator] (cons "Insert Operator.." operator-map)) ;; Action Operators (bindings--define-key operator-map [action-operator] (cons "Action Operator" action-operator-map)) (bindings--define-key action-operator-map [primed-operator] '(menu-item "e'" tla+-operator-primed :help "Value of e in final state of a step")) (bindings--define-key action-operator-map [stutter-operator] '(menu-item "[A]_e" tla+-operator-stutter :help "A \\/ (e' = e)")) (bindings--define-key action-operator-map [nonstutter-operator] '(menu-item "<>_e" tla+-operator-nonstutter :help "A /\\ (e' \\\\ = e)")) (bindings--define-key action-operator-map [enabled-operator] '(menu-item "ENABLED A" tla+-operator-enabled :help "An A step is possible")) (bindings--define-key action-operator-map [unchanged-operator] '(menu-item "UNCHANGED e" tla+-operator-unchanged :help "e = e'")) (bindings--define-key action-operator-map [composition-operator] '(menu-item "A \\cdot B" tla+-operator-composition :help "Composition of actions")) ;; Temporal operators: (bindings--define-key operator-map [temporal-operator] (cons "Temporal Operator" temporal-operator-map)) (bindings--define-key temporal-operator-map [always-temporal-operator] '(menu-item "[]F" tla+-operator-alwaystrue :help "F is always true")) (bindings--define-key temporal-operator-map [eventually-temporal-operator] '(menu-item "<>F" tla+-operator-eventually :help "F is eventually true")) (bindings--define-key temporal-operator-map [wf-temporal-operator] '(menu-item "WF_e(A)" tla+-operator-weakfairness :help "Weak fairness for action A")) (bindings--define-key temporal-operator-map [sf-temporal-operator] '(menu-item "SF_e(A)" tla+-operator-strongfairness :help "Strong fairness for action A")) (bindings--define-key temporal-operator-map [leadsto-temporal-operator] '(menu-item "F ~> G" tla+-operator-leadsto :help "F leads to G")) ;; Export Menu: (bindings--define-key menu-map [export] (cons "Export.." export-map)) (bindings--define-key export-map [export-pdf] '(menu-item "Run TLatex and create PDF" tla+-run-tlatex-pdf :help "Typeset TLaTex and create PDF Document")) (bindings--define-key export-map [export-dvi] '(menu-item "Run TLatex and create DVI" tla+-run-tlatex-dvi :help "Typeset TLaTex and create DVI Document")) (bindings--define-key export-map [export-ps] '(menu-item "Run TLatex and create PS" tla+-run-tlatex-ps :help "Typeset TLaTex and create PS Document")) (bindings--define-key export-map [export-open] '(menu-item "Open DVI Viewer" tla+-open-dvi :help "Open DVI Viewer")) ;; Main Menu (bindings--define-key map [menu-bar tla+ sep] menu-bar-separator) (bindings--define-key map [menu-bar tla+ tla+-run-sany] '(menu-item "Run Syntax Checker" tla+-run-sany :help "Run SANY2 " "(syntax checker for TLA+ specifications) ")) (bindings--define-key map [menu-bar tla+ tla+-create-module] '(menu-item "Create new Module" tla+-create-module :help "Create a new TLA+ Module")) (bindings--define-key map [menu-bar tla+ sep] menu-bar-separator) map) "Keymap for `tla+-mode'.") (defconst tla+-font-lock-keywords (list '("\\<\\(MODULE\\|CONSTANTS?\\|UNCHANGED\\|VARIABLES?\\|THEOREM\\|LOCAL\\|ASSUME\\|LET\\|EXTENDS?\\)\\>" . font-lock-builtin-face) '("\\<\\(TRUE\\|FALSE\\|OTHER\\|BOOLEAN\\|DOMAIN\\)\\>" . font-lock-type-face) '("\\<\\(CONSTANT\\|SUBSET\\|ENABLED\\|UNCHANGED\\|INSTANCE\\|WITH\\|EXCEPT\\|UNION\\|IN\\|DOMAIN\\|EXCEPT\\|IF\\|THEN\\|ELSE\\|CHOOSE\\)\\>" . font-lock-keyword-face) '("\\\\\\*.*$" . font-lock-comment-face) '("(\\*.*\\*)" . font-lock-comment-face) '("\\('\\w*'\\)" . font-lock-variable-name-face) "Highlighting for TLA+ Operators, Keywords etc.")) ;;;###autoload (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.tla\\'" . tla+-mode)) ;;;###autoload (define-derived-mode tla+-mode nil "TLA+" "Major mode for editing TLA+ specifications. In this mode, syntax highlighting is activated for TLA+ specification files. Various operators can be inserted by `tla+-operator-NAME'. \\{text-mode-map} Turning on Text mode runs the normal hook `text-mode-hook'." (setq-local font-lock-defaults '(tla+-font-lock-keywords)) (setq-local text-mode-variant t) (setq-local comment-start "\\* ") (setq-local require-final-newline mode-require-final-newline)) (defun tla+-create-module () "Insert the base template for a new Module. A new module will be created with the typical structure of a TLA+ specification file." (interactive) (let ((modulename (concat (file-name-base (buffer-file-name))))) (insert (concat "------------------- MODULE " modulename " -----------------------\n" "EXTENDS Naturals, ...\n" "VARIABLE ..\n" "------------------------------------------------------------\n" "============================================================\n" "\\* Modification History\n" "\\* Created " (current-time-string) " by " user-full-name "\n")))) (defun tla+-run-sany () "This function runs tla2sany.SANY (TLA syntax checker) The function executes the TLA+ Syntax checker and reports errors in a new frame. Errors are clickable buttons and the user can directly go to the error line. Operation: 1. execute the tla2sany.SANY program 2. the output of the shell-command is inserted into a newly created buffer 3. errors are converted into clickable buttons by using the `tla+/find-error-marks' function." (interactive) (let* ((filename (buffer-file-name)) (sanybuffer (get-buffer-create "*tla2sany.SANY*")) (output (shell-command-to-string (concat tla+-java-path " -cp " tla+-tlatools-path " tla2sany.SANY " filename)))) (save-excursion (split-window-below) (other-window 1) (switch-to-buffer sanybuffer) (erase-buffer) (insert output) (tla+/find-error-marks)))) (defun tla+-open-dvi (buffername) "Function to open a DVI file. This function starts the `xdvi' utility and opens the TLA+ specification file as DVI. It must be created beforehand with the `tla+-run-tlatex-dvi'. The argument BUFFERNAME is a TLA+ Buffer that will be opend as DVI file. " (interactive "b") (save-excursion (switch-to-buffer buffername) (let* ((filename (buffer-file-name)) (dviname (replace-regexp-in-string ".tla$" ".dvi" filename))) (shell-command (concat "xdvi " dviname " &"))))) (defun tla+-operator-alwaystrue () (interactive) (insert " []F")) (defun tla+-operator-eventually () (interactive) (insert " <>F")) (defun tla+-operator-weakfairness () (interactive) (insert " WF_e(A)")) (defun tla+-operator-strongfairness () (interactive) (insert " SF_e(A)")) (defun tla+-operator-leadsto () (interactive) (insert " F~>G ")) (defun tla+-operator-stutter () (interactive) (insert " [A]_e")) (defun tla+-operator-primed () (interactive) (insert " e'")) (defun tla+-operator-nonstutter () (interactive) (insert " <>_e")) (defun tla+-operator-enabled () (interactive) (insert " ENABLED A")) (defun tla+-operator-unchanged () "insert UNCHANGED operator. Variables declared as unchanged will have the same value when a step is taken to a new state, i.e. e' = e. " (interactive) (insert " UNCHANGED e")) (defun tla+-operator-cdot () "insert operator A \\cdot B A \\cdot B describes the composition of actions A, B." (interactive) (insert " A \\cdot B")) (defun tla+-run-tlatex (type) "Run TLaTeX and generate DVI, PDF or PS file. This function runs `pdflatex(1)' and geneartes a DVI file which can be viewed with `xdvi'. If TYPE is 'pdf or 'ps, a PDF or PostScript file will be generated as well. The function executes one or two shell commands synchronously." (interactive (list (completing-read "Format: " '(("pdf" 1) ("dvi" 2) ("ps" 3)) nil t ""))) (let* ((filename (buffer-file-name)) (output (shell-command (concat tla+-java-path " -cp " tla+-tlatools-path " tla2tex.TLA " filename))) (dvipath (replace-regexp-in-string ".tla$" ".dvi" filename)) (convert2pdf (concat tla+-dvipdf-path " " dvipath)) (convert2ps (concat tla+-dvips-path " " dvipath))) (progn (cond ((eq type 'pdf) (shell-command convert2pdf)) ((eq type 'ps) (shell-command convert2ps))) type))) ;; (save-excursion ;; (split-window-below) ;; (other-window 1) ;; (switch-to-buffer sanybuffer) ;; (insert output)))) (defun tla+-run-tlatex-pdf () "Create PDF file from TLA+ Specification. This function creates a PDF file of a TLA+ Specification by `tla+-run-tlatex'" (interactive) (tla+-run-tlatex 'pdf)) (defun tla+-run-tlatex-dvi () "Create DVI file from TLA+ Specification. This function creates a DVI file of a TLA+ Specification by `tla+-run-tlatex'" (interactive) (tla+-run-tlatex 'dvi)) (defun tla+-run-tlatex-ps () "Create PS file from TLA+ Specification. This function creates a PS file of a TLA+ Specification by `tla+-run-tlatex'" (interactive) (tla+-run-tlatex 'ps)) ;; internal functions: (define-button-type 'tla+/sany-button-pressed 'action 'tla+/sany-button-pressed 'follow-link t 'help-echo "Goto Source" 'help-args "test") ;; example: (make-button 1 12 :type 'custom-button) (defun tla+/sany-button-pressed (button) "Find the position and goto a sany error position. This function will be executed when a user clicks on a button inside the SANY error report buffer. This is done by selecting the other window and going to the line mentioned in the error message. The parameter BUTTON is currently unused. Steps done by this function: 1. get the button at the current position of the `point' 2. get the text label of the button which is usually a line like line XX, column YY 3. Get line number and column count of the error message 4. select the other-window (it is assumed that this is the *.tla specification where SANY was executed. 5. goto line and column. " (let* ((pos (point)) (the-button (button-at pos)) (text (button-label the-button)) (s (string-match (concat "line \\([0-9][0-9]*\\), " ; line XYZ "\\(column\\|col\\) " ; "column" or "col" "\\([0-9][0-9]*\\)") ; XYZ text)) (line (string-to-number (match-string 1 text))) (col (string-to-number (match-string 3 text)))) ;(message (format "Button pressed: %s" text)) (progn ;(switch-to-buffer (other-buffer)) (other-window 1) ;(switch-to-buffer (other-buffer)) ;(switch-to-buffer-other-window (current-buffer)) (goto-char (point-min)) (goto-line line) (forward-char col) ;(switch-to-buffer (other-buffer)) ;(message "%s" (buffer-name)) ))) (defun tla+/make-link-button (begin end) "Generate button from BEGIN until END This function generates a new button starting at BEGIN until END. The button will execute the `tla+/sany-button-pressed' when a user clicks on it. " (make-button begin end :type 'tla+/sany-button-pressed)) (defun tla+/find-error-marks () "find error marks reported by SANY. This function tries to find errors reported by SANY and converts them into clickable buttons. By clicking on an error, the point will be set to the other-buffer on that particular line and column. Currently supported: line XX, column YY line XX, col YY XX,YY are natural numbers. The procedure works by: 1. finding a line that may look like an error message as described above. 2. find the first offset and the last one 3. execute the `tla+/make-link-button' function to create a new button " (progn (goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward (concat "line \\([0-9][0-9]*\\), " "\\(column\\|col\\) " "\\([0-9][0-9]*\\)") (point-max) t) (let* ((rstart (match-beginning 0)) (linenum (match-beginning 1)) (colnum (match-beginning 3)) (rend (+ colnum (- (length (int-to-string colnum)) 0))) ) ;(message "%s %s" linenum colnum) ;(message "%d %d" rstart rend) (tla+/make-link-button rstart rend) )))) (provide 'tla+-mode)