--- title: 'Starting a Blog' date: 2023-12-20T13:30:00-08:00 draft: false --- This is my personal 1990s moment: I'm starting a blog. And am I writing this in a café.[^la-scala] I have a few thoughts behind this: Foremost, I like to write. I believe in the cliché that "clear writing is clear thinking". Writing helps me organize my thoughts so that they are easy for others to follow. If I can do that, then I really understand a topic. Secondly, this is a way of giving back. I have had the good fortune to learn from many people. I have struggled with technical and non-technical of topics. I am hopeful that by recording what I have learned and the perspectives that I have developed, I can be useful to others. Finally, if you have found this blog, then you have my invitation to connect with me. Share your thoughts and reactions. You can engage with me publicly on [Mastodon](https://mastodon.sdf.org/@axs) or via any of the channels listed on the contact page. I am excited to see with this goes. [^la-scala]: [Caffé La Scala](https://www.caffelascala.com/menu) in Walnut Creek, California to be precise. Highly recommended.