#! /bin/env bash CONTENT="${CONTENT:-content}" SITE_ENV="${SITE_ENV:-${CONTENT}/site-env}" curate="${curate:-about}" index="${index:-index}" # Confirm overwrite of configuration if [[ -r ${SITE_ENV} ]] then read -N 1 -p "Overwrite configuration in ${SITE_ENV} Y/N [Y]? " overwrite if [[ "${overwrite}" = "y" ]] # TODO accept upper of lower y then rm -f ${SITE_ENV} fi fi echo "List directories of curated content that will NOT be automatically indexed: " echo "(default: ${curate})" read -p "> " curate echo "CURATE_DIRS=${curate}" >> ${SITE_ENV} echo "List directories of curated content that WILL be automatically indexed: " echo "(default: ${index})" read -p "> " index echo "INDEX_DIRS=${index}" >> ${SITE_ENV} echo "Enter URL for content:" read -p "> " content_url echo "GEMINI_SITE=${content_url}" >> ${SITE_ENV} echo "Enter URL of the Gemini site:" read -p "> " gemini_url echo "GEMINI_URL=${gemini_url}" >> ${SITE_ENV} echo "\nCreated ${SITE_ENV}:\n" cat "${SITE_ENV}"