*                                                                        *
*              Star Traders: A Game of Interstellar Trading              *
*                 Copyright (C) 1990-2011, John Zaitseff                 *
*                                                                        *

Welcome to  Star Traders!  This is a  simple game of interstellar trading,
where the  objective is to create  companies, buy and  sell shares, borrow
and repay money, in order to become the wealthiest player (the winner).

@@@ To be written


Your comments, suggestions, corrections and enhancements are always warmly
welcomed!  Please send these to:

    Postal:   John Zaitseff,
              The ZAP Group,
              Unit 6, 116 Woodburn Road,
              Berala, NSW, 2141,

    E-mail:   J.Zaitseff@zap.org.au
    Web:      http://www.zap.org.au/software/trader/
    FTP:      ftp://ftp.zap.org.au/pub/trader/