diff --git a/src/intf.c b/src/intf.c
index 471581b..f52f9c0 100644
--- a/src/intf.c
+++ b/src/intf.c
@@ -33,6 +33,35 @@
 #include "utils.h"
+*                Module constants and type declarations                 *
+#define OUTBUFSIZE	(1024)	/* Output string buffer size */
+typedef struct txwin {
+    WINDOW		*win;		// Pointer to window structure
+    struct txwin	*next;		// Next window in stack
+    struct txwin	*prev;		// Previous window in stack
+} txwin_t;
+*                      Global variable definitions                      *
+WINDOW *curwin = NULL;		// Top-most (current) window
+*                           Module variables                            *
+txwin_t *topwin   = NULL;	// Top-most txwin structure
+txwin_t *firstwin = NULL;	// First (bottom-most) txwin structure
 *             Basic text input/output function definitions              *
@@ -56,6 +85,10 @@ void init_screen (void)
+    curwin = stdscr;
+    topwin = NULL;
+    firstwin = NULL;
@@ -95,9 +128,153 @@ void init_screen (void)
 void end_screen (void)
+    delalltxwin();
+    curwin = NULL;
+  Function:   newtxwin  - Create a new window, inserted into window stack
+  Arguments:  nlines    - Number of lines in new window
+              ncols     - Number of columns in new window
+              begin_y   - Starting line number (global coordinates)
+              begin_x   - Starting column number (global coordinates)
+  Returns:    WINDOW *  - Pointer to new window structure
+  This function creates a window (using the Curses newwin() function) and
+  places it top-most in the stack of windows managed by this module.  A
+  pointer to the new window is returned; the global variable "curwin"
+  also points to this new window.  Please note that wrefresh() is NOT
+  called on the new window.
+WINDOW *newtxwin (int nlines, int ncols, int begin_y, int begin_x)
+    WINDOW	*win;
+    txwin_t	*nw;
+    win = newwin(nlines, ncols, begin_y, begin_x);
+    if (win == NULL) {
+	return NULL;
+    }
+    nw = malloc(sizeof(txwin_t));
+    if (nw == NULL) {
+	delwin(win);
+	return NULL;
+    }
+    nw->win = win;
+    nw->next = NULL;
+    nw->prev = topwin;
+    if (topwin != NULL) {
+	topwin->next = nw;
+    }
+    topwin = nw;
+    curwin = win;
+    if (firstwin == NULL) {
+	firstwin = nw;
+    }
+    return win;
+  Function:   deltxwin  - Delete the top-most window in window stack
+  Arguments:  (none)
+  Returns:    int       - OK if all well, ERR if not
+  This function deletes the top-most window in the stack of windows
+  managed by this module.  ERR is returned if there is no such window, or
+  if delwin() fails.  Please note that the actual screen is NOT
+  refreshed: a call to txrefresh() should follow this one.  This allows
+  multiple windows to be deleted without screen flashing.
+int deltxwin (void)
+    txwin_t	*cur, *prev;
+    int		r;
+    if (topwin == NULL) {
+	return ERR;
+    }
+    cur = topwin;
+    prev = topwin->prev;
+    topwin = prev;
+    if (prev != NULL) {
+	prev->next = NULL;
+	curwin = prev->win;
+    } else {
+	firstwin = NULL;
+	curwin = stdscr;
+    }
+    r = delwin(cur->win);
+    free(cur);
+    return r;
+  Function:   delalltxwin  - Delete all windows in the window stack
+  Arguments:  (none)
+  Returns:    int          - OK is always returned
+  This function deletes all windows in the stack of windows managed by
+  this module.  After calling this function, the global variable "curwin"
+  points to "stdscr", the only window for which output is now permitted.
+  Please note that the screen is NOT refreshed; a call to txrefresh()
+  should follow this one if appropriate.
+int delalltxwin (void)
+    while (topwin != NULL) {
+	deltxwin();
+    }
+    return OK;
+  Function:   txrefresh  - Redraw all windows in the window stack
+  Arguments:  (none)
+  Returns:    int        - OK if all well, ERR if not
+  This function redraws (refreshes) all windows in the stack of windows
+  managed by this module.  Windows are refreshed from bottom (first) to
+  top (last).  The result of doupdate() is returned.
+int txrefresh (void)
+    txwin_t *p;
+    touchwin(stdscr);
+    wnoutrefresh(stdscr);
+    for (p = firstwin; p != NULL; p = p->next) {
+	touchwin(p->win);
+	wnoutrefresh(p->win);
+    }
+    return doupdate();
diff --git a/src/intf.h b/src/intf.h
index 2291481..38ca37d 100644
--- a/src/intf.h
+++ b/src/intf.h
@@ -54,8 +54,6 @@
 #define COL_OFFSET	((COLS - MIN_COLS) / 2)		/* Window offsets */
 #define LINE_OFFSET	(0)
-#define OUTBUFSIZE	(1024)	/* Output string buffer size */
 // Colour pairs used in Star Traders
 enum color_pairs {
@@ -68,6 +66,13 @@ enum color_pairs {
+*                     Global variable declarations                      *
+extern WINDOW *curwin;			// Top-most (current) window
 *             Basic text input/output function declarations             *
@@ -75,6 +80,12 @@ enum color_pairs {
 extern void init_screen (void);
 extern void end_screen (void);
+// Simplified panel-like window functions
+extern WINDOW *newtxwin (int nlines, int ncols, int begin_y, int begin_x);
+extern int deltxwin (void);
+extern int delalltxwin (void);
+extern int txrefresh (void);
 extern int center (WINDOW *win, const bool clrline, const char *format, ...)
     __attribute__((format (printf, 3, 4)));
diff --git a/src/trader.c b/src/trader.c
index 4174389..95849e0 100644
--- a/src/trader.c
+++ b/src/trader.c
@@ -64,56 +64,60 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[])
     // Testing...
-    printw("Program name:   %s\n", program_name());
-    printw("Home directory: %s\n", home_directory());
-    printw("Data directory: %s\n", data_directory());
-    printw("Game filename:  %s (%d)\n", game_filename(game_num), game_num);
+    wprintw(curwin, "Program name:   %s\n", program_name());
+    wprintw(curwin, "Home directory: %s\n", home_directory());
+    wprintw(curwin, "Data directory: %s\n", data_directory());
+    wprintw(curwin, "Game filename:  %s (%d)\n", game_filename(game_num), game_num);
-    printw("Cols x Lines:   %d x %d\n", COLS, LINES);
-    printw("Colours, pairs: %d, %d\n", COLORS, COLOR_PAIRS);
+    wprintw(curwin, "Cols x Lines:   %d x %d\n", COLS, LINES);
+    wprintw(curwin, "Colours, pairs: %d, %d\n", COLORS, COLOR_PAIRS);
-    refresh();
+    wrefresh(curwin);
-    WINDOW *w1, *w2;
+    newtxwin(WIN_LINES - 7, WIN_COLS, LINE_OFFSET + 7, COL_OFFSET + 0);
+    wbkgd(curwin, COLOR_PAIR(WHITE_ON_BLUE));
+    box(curwin, 0, 0);
+    wrefresh(curwin);
-    w1 = newwin(WIN_LINES - 7, WIN_COLS, LINE_OFFSET + 7, COL_OFFSET + 0);
-    wbkgd(w1, COLOR_PAIR(WHITE_ON_BLUE));
-    box(w1, 0, 0);
-    wrefresh(w1);
+    newtxwin(WIN_LINES - 9, WIN_COLS - 8, LINE_OFFSET + 8, COL_OFFSET + 4);
+    wbkgd(curwin, COLOR_PAIR(WHITE_ON_BLUE));
-    w2 = newwin(WIN_LINES - 9, WIN_COLS - 8, LINE_OFFSET + 8, COL_OFFSET + 4);
-    wbkgd(w2, COLOR_PAIR(WHITE_ON_BLUE));
+    wattrset(curwin, has_colors() ? COLOR_PAIR(WHITE_ON_RED) | A_BOLD : A_REVERSE | A_BOLD);
+    center(curwin, true, "Type some keys (^C to exit):");
+    wattrset(curwin, A_NORMAL);
-    wattrset(w2, has_colors() ? COLOR_PAIR(WHITE_ON_RED) | A_BOLD : A_REVERSE | A_BOLD);
-    center(w2, true, "Type some keys (^C to exit):");
-    wattrset(w2, A_NORMAL);
+    wrefresh(curwin);
-    wrefresh(w2);
-    scrollok(w2, true);
-    keypad(w2, true);
-    meta(w2, true);
-    wtimeout(w2, -1);
+    scrollok(curwin, true);
+    keypad(curwin, true);
+    meta(curwin, true);
+    wtimeout(curwin, -1);
     int c = 0;
-    while ((c = wgetch(w2)) != 3) {
+    while ((c = wgetch(curwin)) != 3) {
 	if ((c >= 0) && (c < 32)) {
-	    wprintw(w2, "0%03o ^%c ", c, c + '@');
+	    wprintw(curwin, "0%03o ^%c ", c, c + '@');
 	} else if ((c >= 32) && (c < 127)) {
-	    wprintw(w2, "0%03o %c  ", c, c);
+	    wprintw(curwin, "0%03o %c  ", c, c);
 	} else {
-	    wprintw(w2, "0%05o  ", c);
+	    wprintw(curwin, "0%05o  ", c);
 	if (c == 0x1C) {
 	    err_exit("You pressed ^%c!", c + '@');
-	wrefresh(w2);
+	wrefresh(curwin);
+    deltxwin();
+    txrefresh();
+    mvwprintw(curwin, 1, 2, "All OK: ");
+    wgetch(curwin);
     return EXIT_SUCCESS;