From 10c4cb2a22e5dd89165db5a0caeb05c09740a9f7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: John Zaitseff <>
Date: Mon, 4 Jul 2011 17:54:30 +1000
Subject: [PATCH] Add a "y" parameter to center(); add the COL_CENTER macro

 src/intf.c | 25 ++++++++++++-------------
 src/intf.h | 14 ++++++++------
 2 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/intf.c b/src/intf.c
index f52f9c0..30fbe05 100644
--- a/src/intf.c
+++ b/src/intf.c
@@ -106,11 +106,10 @@ void init_screen (void)
-    move(0, 0);
     attrset(has_colors() ? COLOR_PAIR(YELLOW_ON_CYAN) | A_BOLD :
 	    A_REVERSE | A_BOLD);
-    center(stdscr, true, PACKAGE_NAME);
+    center(stdscr, 0, true, PACKAGE_NAME);
@@ -281,25 +280,26 @@ int txrefresh (void)
   Function:   center   - Centre a string on the current line
   Arguments:  win      - Window to use
+              y        - Line on which to centre the string
               clrline  - True to print spaces on both sides of line
               format   - printf()-like format string
               ...      - printf()-like arguments
   Returns:    int      - Return code from wprintw()
   This function prints a string (formated with wprintw(format, ...)) in
-  the centre of the current line in the window win.  If clrline is TRUE,
-  spaces are printed before and after the line to make sure the current
-  attributes are set.  The cursor is then moved to the start of the next
-  line, or the start of the current line (if already on the last line of
-  the screen).  Please note that wrefresh() is NOT called.
+  the centre of line y in the window win.  If clrline is TRUE, spaces are
+  printed before and after the line to make sure the current attributes
+  are set; in this case, the cursor is also moved to the start of the
+  next line (or the start of the current line if already on the last line
+  of the window).  Please note that wrefresh() is NOT called.
-int center (WINDOW *win, const bool clrline, const char *format, ...)
+int center (WINDOW *win, int y, const bool clrline, const char *format, ...)
     va_list args;
     int len, ret;
-    int y, x, maxy, maxx;
+    int maxy, maxx;
     int fill;
     char *buf = malloc(OUTBUFSIZE);
@@ -313,13 +313,12 @@ int center (WINDOW *win, const bool clrline, const char *format, ...)
 	return ERR;
-    getyx(win, y, x);
     getmaxyx(win, maxy, maxx);
     fill = (maxx - len) / 2;
     if (clrline) {
 	wmove(win, y, 0);
 	if (fill > 0) {
 	    wprintw(win, "%*c", fill, ' ');
@@ -327,12 +326,12 @@ int center (WINDOW *win, const bool clrline, const char *format, ...)
 	if (maxx - len - fill > 0) {
 	    wprintw(win, "%*c", maxx - len - fill, ' ');
+	wmove(win, (y + 1 >= maxy ? y : y + 1), 0);
     } else {
 	ret = mvwprintw(win, y, fill > 0 ? fill : 0, "%s", buf);
-    wmove(win, (y + 1 >= maxy ? y : y + 1), 0);
     return ret;
diff --git a/src/intf.h b/src/intf.h
index 38ca37d..167b8de 100644
--- a/src/intf.h
+++ b/src/intf.h
@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@
 *                    Constants and type declarations                    *
-#define MIN_COLS	(80)	/* Minimum number of columns in terminal */
 #define MIN_LINES	(24)	/* Minimum number of lines in terminal */
+#define MIN_COLS	(80)	/* Minimum number of columns in terminal */
   This version of Star Traders only utilises WIN_COLS x WIN_LINES of a
@@ -48,11 +48,12 @@
   be added to each newwin() call to position the window correctly.
-#define WIN_COLS	MIN_COLS	/* Number of columns in main windows */
 #define WIN_LINES	MIN_LINES	/* Number of lines in main windows */
+#define WIN_COLS	MIN_COLS	/* Number of columns in main windows */
-#define COL_OFFSET	((COLS - MIN_COLS) / 2)		/* Window offsets */
-#define LINE_OFFSET	(0)
+#define LINE_OFFSET	(0)				/* Window offsets */
+#define COL_OFFSET	((COLS - WIN_COLS) / 2)
+#define COL_CENTER(x)	((COLS - (x)) / 2)
 // Colour pairs used in Star Traders
@@ -86,8 +87,9 @@ extern int deltxwin (void);
 extern int delalltxwin (void);
 extern int txrefresh (void);
-extern int center (WINDOW *win, const bool clrline, const char *format, ...)
-    __attribute__((format (printf, 3, 4)));
+extern int center (WINDOW *win, int y, const bool clrline,
+		   const char *format, ...)
+    __attribute__((format (printf, 4, 5)));
 #endif /* included_INTF_H */