import json from toot import App, User, api, cli from toot.entities import Account, Relationship, from_dict def test_whoami(user: User, run): result = run(cli.whoami) assert result.exit_code == 0 # TODO: test other fields once updating account is supported out = result.stdout.strip() assert f"@{user.username}" in out def test_whoami_json(user: User, run): result = run(cli.whoami, "--json") assert result.exit_code == 0 account = from_dict(Account, json.loads(result.stdout)) assert account.username == user.username def test_whois(app: App, friend: User, run): variants = [ friend.username, f"@{friend.username}", f"{friend.username}@{app.instance}", f"@{friend.username}@{app.instance}", ] for username in variants: result = run(cli.whois, username) assert result.exit_code == 0 assert f"@{friend.username}" in result.stdout def test_following(app: App, user: User, friend: User, friend_id, run): # Make sure we're not initally following friend api.unfollow(app, user, friend_id) result = run(cli.following, user.username) assert result.exit_code == 0 assert result.stdout.strip() == "" result = run(cli.follow, friend.username) assert result.exit_code == 0 assert result.stdout.strip() == f"✓ You are now following {friend.username}" result = run(cli.following, user.username) assert result.exit_code == 0 assert friend.username in result.stdout.strip() # If no account is given defaults to logged in user result = run(cli.following) assert result.exit_code == 0 assert friend.username in result.stdout.strip() result = run(cli.unfollow, friend.username) assert result.exit_code == 0 assert result.stdout.strip() == f"✓ You are no longer following {friend.username}" result = run(cli.following, user.username) assert result.exit_code == 0 assert result.stdout.strip() == "" def test_following_case_insensitive(user: User, friend: User, run): assert friend.username != friend.username.upper() result = run(cli.follow, friend.username.upper()) assert result.exit_code == 0 out = result.stdout.strip() assert out == f"✓ You are now following {friend.username.upper()}" def test_following_not_found(run): result = run(cli.follow, "bananaman") assert result.exit_code == 1 assert result.stderr.strip() == "Error: Account not found" result = run(cli.unfollow, "bananaman") assert result.exit_code == 1 assert result.stderr.strip() == "Error: Account not found" def test_following_json(app: App, user: User, friend: User, user_id, friend_id, run_json): # Make sure we're not initally following friend api.unfollow(app, user, friend_id) result = run_json(cli.following, user.username, "--json") assert result == [] result = run_json(cli.followers, friend.username, "--json") assert result == [] result = run_json(cli.follow, friend.username, "--json") relationship = from_dict(Relationship, result) assert == friend_id assert relationship.following is True [result] = run_json(cli.following, user.username, "--json") relationship = from_dict(Relationship, result) assert == friend_id # If no account is given defaults to logged in user [result] = run_json(cli.following, user.username, "--json") relationship = from_dict(Relationship, result) assert == friend_id [result] = run_json(cli.followers, friend.username, "--json") assert result["id"] == user_id result = run_json(cli.unfollow, friend.username, "--json") assert result["id"] == friend_id assert result["following"] is False result = run_json(cli.following, user.username, "--json") assert result == [] result = run_json(cli.followers, friend.username, "--json") assert result == [] def test_mute(app, user, friend, friend_id, run): # Make sure we're not initially muting friend api.unmute(app, user, friend_id) result = run(cli.muted) assert result.exit_code == 0 out = result.stdout.strip() assert out == "No accounts muted" result = run(cli.mute, friend.username) assert result.exit_code == 0 out = result.stdout.strip() assert out == f"✓ You have muted {friend.username}" result = run(cli.muted) assert result.exit_code == 0 out = result.stdout.strip() assert friend.username in out result = run(cli.unmute, friend.username) assert result.exit_code == 0 out = result.stdout.strip() assert out == f"✓ {friend.username} is no longer muted" result = run(cli.muted) assert result.exit_code == 0 out = result.stdout.strip() assert out == "No accounts muted" def test_mute_case_insensitive(friend: User, run): result = run(cli.mute, friend.username.upper()) assert result.exit_code == 0 out = result.stdout.strip() assert out == f"✓ You have muted {friend.username.upper()}" def test_mute_not_found(run): result = run(cli.mute, "doesnotexistperson") assert result.exit_code == 1 assert result.stderr.strip() == "Error: Account not found" result = run(cli.unmute, "doesnotexistperson") assert result.exit_code == 1 assert result.stderr.strip() == "Error: Account not found" def test_mute_json(app: App, user: User, friend: User, run_json, friend_id): # Make sure we're not initially muting friend api.unmute(app, user, friend_id) result = run_json(cli.muted, "--json") assert result == [] result = run_json(cli.mute, friend.username, "--json") relationship = from_dict(Relationship, result) assert == friend_id assert relationship.muting is True [result] = run_json(cli.muted, "--json") account = from_dict(Account, result) assert == friend_id result = run_json(cli.unmute, friend.username, "--json") relationship = from_dict(Relationship, result) assert == friend_id assert relationship.muting is False result = run_json(cli.muted, "--json") assert result == [] def test_block(app, user, friend, friend_id, run): # Make sure we're not initially blocking friend api.unblock(app, user, friend_id) result = run(cli.blocked) assert result.exit_code == 0 out = result.stdout.strip() assert out == "No accounts blocked" result = run(cli.block, friend.username) assert result.exit_code == 0 out = result.stdout.strip() assert out == f"✓ You are now blocking {friend.username}" result = run(cli.blocked) assert result.exit_code == 0 out = result.stdout.strip() assert friend.username in out result = run(cli.unblock, friend.username) assert result.exit_code == 0 out = result.stdout.strip() assert out == f"✓ {friend.username} is no longer blocked" result = run(cli.blocked) assert result.exit_code == 0 out = result.stdout.strip() assert out == "No accounts blocked" def test_block_case_insensitive(friend: User, run): result = run(cli.block, friend.username.upper()) assert result.exit_code == 0 out = result.stdout.strip() assert out == f"✓ You are now blocking {friend.username.upper()}" def test_block_not_found(run): result = run(cli.block, "doesnotexistperson") assert result.exit_code == 1 assert result.stderr.strip() == "Error: Account not found" def test_block_json(app: App, user: User, friend: User, run_json, friend_id): # Make sure we're not initially blocking friend api.unblock(app, user, friend_id) result = run_json(cli.blocked, "--json") assert result == [] result = run_json(cli.block, friend.username, "--json") relationship = from_dict(Relationship, result) assert == friend_id assert relationship.blocking is True [result] = run_json(cli.blocked, "--json") account = from_dict(Account, result) assert == friend_id result = run_json(cli.unblock, friend.username, "--json") relationship = from_dict(Relationship, result) assert == friend_id assert relationship.blocking is False result = run_json(cli.blocked, "--json") assert result == []