.TH man 1 "2022-03-30" "0.12.0" "Profanity XMPP client" .SH NAME /plugins .SH DESCRIPTION Manage plugins. Passing no arguments lists currently loaded plugins and global plugins which are available for local installation. Global directory for Python plugins is /usr/local/share/profanity/plugins and for C Plugins is /usr/local/lib64/profanity/plugins. .SH SYNOPSIS /plugins .LP /plugins install [] .LP /plugins uninstall [] .LP /plugins update [] .LP /plugins unload [] .LP /plugins load [] .LP /plugins reload [] .LP /plugins python_version .LP .SH ARGUMENTS .PP \fBinstall []\fR .RS 4 Install a plugin, or all plugins found in a directory (recursive). And loads it/them. .RE .PP \fBuninstall []\fR .RS 4 Uninstall a plugin. .RE .PP \fBupdate []\fR .RS 4 Updates an installed plugin .RE .PP \fBload []\fR .RS 4 Load a plugin that already exists in the plugin directory, passing no argument loads all found plugins. It will be loaded upon next start too unless unloaded. .RE .PP \fBunload []\fR .RS 4 Unload a loaded plugin, passing no argument will unload all plugins. .RE .PP \fBreload []\fR .RS 4 Reload a plugin, passing no argument will reload all plugins. .RE .PP \fBpython_version\fR .RS 4 Show the Python interpreter version. .RE .SH EXAMPLES /plugins install .LP /plugins install /home/steveharris/Downloads/metal.py .LP /plugins update /home/steveharris/Downloads/metal.py .LP /plugins uninstall browser.py .LP /plugins load browser.py .LP /plugins unload say.py .LP /plugins reload wikipedia.py .LP