.TH man 1 "2022-03-30" "0.12.0" "Profanity XMPP client" .SH NAME /log .SH DESCRIPTION Manage profanity log settings. .SH SYNOPSIS /log where .LP /log rotate on|off .LP /log maxsize .LP /log shared on|off .LP .SH ARGUMENTS .PP \fBwhere\fR .RS 4 Show the current log file location. .RE .PP \fBrotate on|off\fR .RS 4 Rotate log, default on. Does not take effect if you specified a filename yourself when starting Profanity. .RE .PP \fBmaxsize \fR .RS 4 With rotate enabled, specifies the max log size, defaults to 1048580 (1MB). .RE .PP \fBshared on|off\fR .RS 4 Share logs between all instances, default: on. When off, the process id will be included in the log filename. Does not take effect if you specified a filename yourself when starting Profanity. .RE