#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "xmpp/xmpp.h" #include "xmpp/mock_xmpp.h" #include "ui/ui.h" #include "ui/mock_ui.h" #include "config/preferences.h" #include "command/commands.h" void cmd_alias_add_shows_usage_when_no_args(void **state) { mock_cons_show(); CommandHelp *help = malloc(sizeof(CommandHelp)); help->usage = "some usage"; gchar *args[] = { "add", NULL }; expect_cons_show("Usage: some usage"); gboolean result = cmd_alias(args, *help); assert_true(result); free(help); } void cmd_alias_add_shows_usage_when_no_value(void **state) { mock_cons_show(); CommandHelp *help = malloc(sizeof(CommandHelp)); help->usage = "some usage"; gchar *args[] = { "add", "alias", NULL }; expect_cons_show("Usage: some usage"); gboolean result = cmd_alias(args, *help); assert_true(result); free(help); } void cmd_alias_remove_shows_usage_when_no_args(void **state) { mock_cons_show(); CommandHelp *help = malloc(sizeof(CommandHelp)); help->usage = "some usage"; gchar *args[] = { "remove", NULL }; expect_cons_show("Usage: some usage"); gboolean result = cmd_alias(args, *help); assert_true(result); free(help); } void cmd_alias_show_usage_when_invalid_subcmd(void **state) { mock_cons_show(); CommandHelp *help = malloc(sizeof(CommandHelp)); help->usage = "some usage"; gchar *args[] = { "blah", NULL }; expect_cons_show("Usage: some usage"); gboolean result = cmd_alias(args, *help); assert_true(result); free(help); } void cmd_alias_add_adds_alias(void **state) { mock_cons_show(); CommandHelp *help = malloc(sizeof(CommandHelp)); gchar *args[] = { "add", "hc", "/help commands", NULL }; expect_cons_show("Command alias added /hc -> /help commands"); gboolean result = cmd_alias(args, *help); char *returned_val = prefs_get_alias("hc"); assert_true(result); assert_string_equal("/help commands", returned_val); free(help); } void cmd_alias_add_shows_message_when_exists(void **state) { mock_cons_show(); CommandHelp *help = malloc(sizeof(CommandHelp)); gchar *args[] = { "add", "hc", "/help commands", NULL }; prefs_add_alias("hc", "/help commands"); expect_cons_show("Command alias /hc already exists."); gboolean result = cmd_alias(args, *help); assert_true(result); free(help); } void cmd_alias_remove_removes_alias(void **state) { mock_cons_show(); CommandHelp *help = malloc(sizeof(CommandHelp)); gchar *args[] = { "remove", "hn", NULL }; prefs_add_alias("hn", "/help navigation"); expect_cons_show("Command alias removed -> /hn"); gboolean result = cmd_alias(args, *help); char *returned_val = prefs_get_alias("hn"); assert_true(result); assert_null(returned_val); free(help); } void cmd_alias_remove_shows_message_when_no_alias(void **state) { mock_cons_show(); CommandHelp *help = malloc(sizeof(CommandHelp)); gchar *args[] = { "remove", "hn", NULL }; expect_cons_show("No such command alias /hn"); gboolean result = cmd_alias(args, *help); assert_true(result); free(help); } void cmd_alias_list_shows_all_aliases(void **state) { mock_cons_show_aliases(); CommandHelp *help = malloc(sizeof(CommandHelp)); gchar *args[] = { "list", NULL }; prefs_add_alias("vy", "/vercheck on"); prefs_add_alias("q", "/quit"); prefs_add_alias("hn", "/help navigation"); prefs_add_alias("hc", "/help commands"); prefs_add_alias("vn", "/vercheck off"); // write a custom checker to check the correct list is passed expect_cons_show_aliases(); gboolean result = cmd_alias(args, *help); assert_true(result); free(help); }