/* * database.c * vim: expandtab:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4 * * Copyright (C) 2020 - 2023 Michael Vetter * * This file is part of Profanity. * * Profanity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Profanity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Profanity. If not, see . * * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to * link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under * certain conditions as described in each individual source file, and * distribute linked combinations including the two. * * You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of the * code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this exception, you * may extend this exception to your version of the file(s), but you are not * obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception * statement from your version. If you delete this exception statement from all * source files in the program, then also delete it here. * */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "log.h" #include "common.h" #include "config/files.h" #include "database.h" #include "config/preferences.h" #include "ui/ui.h" #include "xmpp/xmpp.h" #include "xmpp/message.h" static sqlite3* g_chatlog_database; static void _add_to_db(ProfMessage* message, char* type, const Jid* const from_jid, const Jid* const to_jid); static char* _get_db_filename(ProfAccount* account); static prof_msg_type_t _get_message_type_type(const char* const type); static prof_enc_t _get_message_enc_type(const char* const encstr); static int _get_db_version(void); static gboolean _migrate_to_v2(void); static gboolean _check_available_space_for_db_migration(char* path_to_db); #define auto_sqlite __attribute__((__cleanup__(auto_free_sqlite))) static const int latest_version = 2; static void auto_free_sqlite(gchar** str) { if (str == NULL) return; sqlite3_free(*str); } static char* _get_db_filename(ProfAccount* account) { return files_file_in_account_data_path(DIR_DATABASE, account->jid, "chatlog.db"); } gboolean log_database_init(ProfAccount* account) { int ret = sqlite3_initialize(); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { log_error("Error initializing SQLite database: %d", ret); return FALSE; } auto_char char* filename = _get_db_filename(account); if (!filename) { return FALSE; } ret = sqlite3_open(filename, &g_chatlog_database); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { const char* err_msg = sqlite3_errmsg(g_chatlog_database); log_error("Error opening SQLite database: %s", err_msg); return FALSE; } char* err_msg; int db_version = _get_db_version(); if (db_version == latest_version) { return TRUE; } // ChatLogs Table // Contains all chat messages // // id is primary key // from_jid is the sender's jid // to_jid is the receiver's jid // from_resource is the sender's resource // to_resource is the receiver's resource // message is the message's text // timestamp is the timestamp like "2020/03/24 11:12:14" // type is there to distinguish: message (chat), MUC message (muc), muc pm (mucpm) // stanza_id is the ID in // archive_id is the stanza-id from from XEP-0359: Unique and Stable Stanza IDs used for XEP-0313: Message Archive Management // encryption is to distinguish: none, omemo, otr, pgp // marked_read is 0/1 whether a message has been marked as read via XEP-0333: Chat Markers // replace_id is the ID from XEP-0308: Last Message Correction // replaces_db_id is ID (primary key) of the original message that LMC message corrects/replaces // replaced_by_db_id is ID (primary key) of the last correcting (LMC) message for the original message char* query = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `ChatLogs` (" "`id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, " "`from_jid` TEXT NOT NULL, " "`to_jid` TEXT NOT NULL, " "`from_resource` TEXT, " "`to_resource` TEXT, " "`message` TEXT, " "`timestamp` TEXT, " "`type` TEXT, " "`stanza_id` TEXT, " "`archive_id` TEXT, " "`encryption` TEXT, " "`marked_read` INTEGER, " "`replace_id` TEXT, " "`replaces_db_id` INTEGER, " "`replaced_by_db_id` INTEGER)"; if (SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_exec(g_chatlog_database, query, NULL, 0, &err_msg)) { goto out; } query = "CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS update_corrected_message " "AFTER INSERT ON ChatLogs " "FOR EACH ROW " "WHEN NEW.replaces_db_id IS NOT NULL " "BEGIN " "UPDATE ChatLogs " "SET replaced_by_db_id = NEW.id " "WHERE id = NEW.replaces_db_id; " "END;"; if (SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_exec(g_chatlog_database, query, NULL, 0, &err_msg)) { log_error("Unable to add `update_corrected_message` trigger."); goto out; } query = "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS ChatLogs_timestamp_IDX ON `ChatLogs` (`timestamp`)"; if (SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_exec(g_chatlog_database, query, NULL, 0, &err_msg)) { log_error("Unable to create index for timestamp."); goto out; } query = "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS ChatLogs_to_from_jid_IDX ON `ChatLogs` (`to_jid`, `from_jid`)"; if (SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_exec(g_chatlog_database, query, NULL, 0, &err_msg)) { log_error("Unable to create index for to_jid."); goto out; } query = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `DbVersion` (`dv_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `version` INTEGER UNIQUE)"; if (SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_exec(g_chatlog_database, query, NULL, 0, &err_msg)) { goto out; } if (db_version == -1) { query = "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO `DbVersion` (`version`) VALUES ('2')"; if (SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_exec(g_chatlog_database, query, NULL, 0, &err_msg)) { goto out; } db_version = _get_db_version(); } // Unlikely event, but we don't want to migrate if we are just unable to determine the DB version if (db_version == -1) { cons_show_error("DB Initialization Error: Unable to check DB version."); goto out; } if (db_version < latest_version) { cons_show("Migrating database schema. This operation may take a while..."); if (db_version < 2 && (!_check_available_space_for_db_migration(filename) || !_migrate_to_v2())) { cons_show_error("Database Initialization Error: Unable to migrate database to version 2. Please, check error logs for details."); goto out; } cons_show("Database schema migration was successful."); } log_debug("Initialized SQLite database: %s", filename); return TRUE; out: if (err_msg) { log_error("SQLite error in log_database_init(): %s", err_msg); sqlite3_free(err_msg); } else { log_error("Unknown SQLite error in log_database_init()."); } return FALSE; } void log_database_close(void) { if (g_chatlog_database) { sqlite3_close(g_chatlog_database); sqlite3_shutdown(); g_chatlog_database = NULL; } } void log_database_add_incoming(ProfMessage* message) { if (message->to_jid) { _add_to_db(message, NULL, message->from_jid, message->to_jid); } else { auto_jid Jid* myjid = jid_create(connection_get_fulljid()); _add_to_db(message, NULL, message->from_jid, myjid); } } static void _log_database_add_outgoing(char* type, const char* const id, const char* const barejid, const char* const message, const char* const replace_id, prof_enc_t enc) { ProfMessage* msg = message_init(); msg->id = id ? strdup(id) : NULL; msg->from_jid = jid_create(barejid); msg->plain = message ? strdup(message) : NULL; msg->replace_id = replace_id ? strdup(replace_id) : NULL; msg->timestamp = g_date_time_new_now_local(); // TODO: get from outside. best to have whole ProfMessage from outside msg->enc = enc; auto_jid Jid* myjid = jid_create(connection_get_fulljid()); _add_to_db(msg, type, myjid, msg->from_jid); // TODO: myjid now in profmessage message_free(msg); } void log_database_add_outgoing_chat(const char* const id, const char* const barejid, const char* const message, const char* const replace_id, prof_enc_t enc) { _log_database_add_outgoing("chat", id, barejid, message, replace_id, enc); } void log_database_add_outgoing_muc(const char* const id, const char* const barejid, const char* const message, const char* const replace_id, prof_enc_t enc) { _log_database_add_outgoing("muc", id, barejid, message, replace_id, enc); } void log_database_add_outgoing_muc_pm(const char* const id, const char* const barejid, const char* const message, const char* const replace_id, prof_enc_t enc) { _log_database_add_outgoing("mucpm", id, barejid, message, replace_id, enc); } // Get info (timestamp and stanza_id) of the first or last message in db ProfMessage* log_database_get_limits_info(const gchar* const contact_barejid, gboolean is_last) { sqlite3_stmt* stmt = NULL; const char* jid = connection_get_fulljid(); auto_jid Jid* myjid = jid_create(jid); if (!myjid) return NULL; const char* order = is_last ? "DESC" : "ASC"; auto_sqlite char* query = sqlite3_mprintf("SELECT `archive_id`, `timestamp` FROM `ChatLogs` WHERE " "(`from_jid` = '%q' AND `to_jid` = '%q') OR " "(`from_jid` = '%q' AND `to_jid` = '%q') " "ORDER BY `timestamp` %s LIMIT 1;", contact_barejid, myjid->barejid, myjid->barejid, contact_barejid, order); if (!query) { log_error("Could not allocate memory for SQL query in log_database_get_limits_info()"); return NULL; } int rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(g_chatlog_database, query, -1, &stmt, NULL); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { log_error("Unknown SQLite error in log_database_get_last_info()."); return NULL; } ProfMessage* msg = message_init(); if (sqlite3_step(stmt) == SQLITE_ROW) { char* archive_id = (char*)sqlite3_column_text(stmt, 0); char* date = (char*)sqlite3_column_text(stmt, 1); msg->stanzaid = strdup(archive_id); msg->timestamp = g_date_time_new_from_iso8601(date, NULL); } sqlite3_finalize(stmt); return msg; } // Query previous chats, constraints start_time and end_time. If end_time is // null the current time is used. from_start gets first few messages if true // otherwise the last ones. Flip flips the order of the results GSList* log_database_get_previous_chat(const gchar* const contact_barejid, const char* start_time, char* end_time, gboolean from_start, gboolean flip) { sqlite3_stmt* stmt = NULL; const char* jid = connection_get_fulljid(); auto_jid Jid* myjid = jid_create(jid); if (!myjid) return NULL; // Flip order when querying older pages gchar* sort1 = from_start ? "ASC" : "DESC"; gchar* sort2 = !flip ? "ASC" : "DESC"; GDateTime* now = g_date_time_new_now_local(); auto_gchar gchar* end_date_fmt = end_time ? end_time : g_date_time_format_iso8601(now); auto_sqlite gchar* query = sqlite3_mprintf("SELECT * FROM (" "SELECT COALESCE(B.`message`, A.`message`) AS message, " "A.`timestamp`, A.`from_jid`, A.`to_jid`, A.`type`, A.`encryption` FROM `ChatLogs` AS A " "LEFT JOIN `ChatLogs` AS B ON (A.`replaced_by_db_id` = B.`id` AND A.`from_jid` = B.`from_jid`) " "WHERE (A.`replaces_db_id` IS NULL OR A.`replaces_db_id` = '') " "AND ((A.`from_jid` = '%q' AND A.`to_jid` = '%q') OR (A.`from_jid` = '%q' AND A.`to_jid` = '%q')) " "AND A.`timestamp` < '%q' " "AND (%Q IS NULL OR A.`timestamp` > %Q) " "ORDER BY A.`timestamp` %s LIMIT %d) " "ORDER BY `timestamp` %s;", contact_barejid, myjid->barejid, myjid->barejid, contact_barejid, end_date_fmt, start_time, start_time, sort1, MESSAGES_TO_RETRIEVE, sort2); g_date_time_unref(now); if (!query) { log_error("Could not allocate memory"); return NULL; } int rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(g_chatlog_database, query, -1, &stmt, NULL); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { log_error("SQLite error in log_database_get_previous_chat(): %s", sqlite3_errmsg(g_chatlog_database)); return NULL; } GSList* history = NULL; while (sqlite3_step(stmt) == SQLITE_ROW) { char* message = (char*)sqlite3_column_text(stmt, 0); char* date = (char*)sqlite3_column_text(stmt, 1); char* from = (char*)sqlite3_column_text(stmt, 2); char* to_jid = (char*)sqlite3_column_text(stmt, 3); char* type = (char*)sqlite3_column_text(stmt, 4); char* encryption = (char*)sqlite3_column_text(stmt, 5); ProfMessage* msg = message_init(); msg->from_jid = jid_create(from); msg->to_jid = jid_create(to_jid); msg->plain = strdup(message); msg->timestamp = g_date_time_new_from_iso8601(date, NULL); msg->type = _get_message_type_type(type); msg->enc = _get_message_enc_type(encryption); history = g_slist_append(history, msg); } sqlite3_finalize(stmt); return history; } static const char* _get_message_type_str(prof_msg_type_t type) { switch (type) { case PROF_MSG_TYPE_CHAT: return "chat"; case PROF_MSG_TYPE_MUC: return "muc"; case PROF_MSG_TYPE_MUCPM: return "mucpm"; case PROF_MSG_TYPE_UNINITIALIZED: return NULL; } return NULL; } static prof_msg_type_t _get_message_type_type(const char* const type) { if (g_strcmp0(type, "chat") == 0) { return PROF_MSG_TYPE_CHAT; } else if (g_strcmp0(type, "muc") == 0) { return PROF_MSG_TYPE_MUC; } else if (g_strcmp0(type, "mucpm") == 0) { return PROF_MSG_TYPE_MUCPM; } else { return PROF_MSG_TYPE_UNINITIALIZED; } } static const char* _get_message_enc_str(prof_enc_t enc) { switch (enc) { case PROF_MSG_ENC_OX: return "ox"; case PROF_MSG_ENC_PGP: return "pgp"; case PROF_MSG_ENC_OTR: return "otr"; case PROF_MSG_ENC_OMEMO: return "omemo"; case PROF_MSG_ENC_NONE: return "none"; } return "none"; } static prof_enc_t _get_message_enc_type(const char* const encstr) { if (g_strcmp0(encstr, "ox") == 0) { return PROF_MSG_ENC_OX; } else if (g_strcmp0(encstr, "pgp") == 0) { return PROF_MSG_ENC_PGP; } else if (g_strcmp0(encstr, "otr") == 0) { return PROF_MSG_ENC_OTR; } else if (g_strcmp0(encstr, "omemo") == 0) { return PROF_MSG_ENC_OMEMO; } return PROF_MSG_ENC_NONE; } static void _add_to_db(ProfMessage* message, char* type, const Jid* const from_jid, const Jid* const to_jid) { auto_gchar gchar* pref_dblog = prefs_get_string(PREF_DBLOG); sqlite_int64 original_message_id = -1; if (g_strcmp0(pref_dblog, "off") == 0) { return; } else if (g_strcmp0(pref_dblog, "redact") == 0) { if (message->plain) { free(message->plain); } message->plain = strdup("[REDACTED]"); } if (!g_chatlog_database) { log_debug("log_database_add() called but db is not initialized"); return; } char* err_msg; auto_gchar gchar* date_fmt; if (message->timestamp) { date_fmt = g_date_time_format_iso8601(message->timestamp); } else { GDateTime* dt = g_date_time_new_now_local(); date_fmt = g_date_time_format_iso8601(dt); g_date_time_unref(dt); } const char* enc = _get_message_enc_str(message->enc); if (!type) { type = (char*)_get_message_type_str(message->type); } // Apply LMC and check its validity (XEP-0308) if (message->replace_id) { auto_sqlite char* replace_check_query = sqlite3_mprintf("SELECT `id`, `from_jid`, `replaces_db_id` FROM `ChatLogs` WHERE `stanza_id` = %Q ORDER BY `timestamp` DESC LIMIT 1", message->replace_id); if (!replace_check_query) { log_error("Could not allocate memory for SQL replace query in log_database_add()"); return; } sqlite3_stmt* lmc_stmt = NULL; if (SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_prepare_v2(g_chatlog_database, replace_check_query, -1, &lmc_stmt, NULL)) { log_error("SQLite error in _add_to_db() on selecting original message: %s", sqlite3_errmsg(g_chatlog_database)); return; } if (sqlite3_step(lmc_stmt) == SQLITE_ROW) { original_message_id = sqlite3_column_int64(lmc_stmt, 0); const char* from_jid_orig = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(lmc_stmt, 1); // Handle non-XEP-compliant replacement messages (edit->edit->original) sqlite_int64 tmp = sqlite3_column_int64(lmc_stmt, 2); original_message_id = tmp ? tmp : original_message_id; if (g_strcmp0(from_jid_orig, from_jid->barejid) != 0) { log_error("Mismatch in sender JIDs when trying to do LMC. Corrected message sender: %s. Original message sender: %s. Replace-ID: %s. Message: %s", from_jid->barejid, from_jid_orig, message->replace_id, message->plain); cons_show_error("%s sent a message correction with mismatched sender. See log for details.", from_jid->barejid); sqlite3_finalize(lmc_stmt); return; } } else { log_warning("Got LMC message that does not have original message counterpart in the database from %s", message->from_jid->fulljid); } sqlite3_finalize(lmc_stmt); } // stanza-id (XEP-0359) doesn't have to be present in the message. // But if it's duplicated, it's a serious server-side problem, so we better track it. if (message->stanzaid) { auto_sqlite char* duplicate_check_query = sqlite3_mprintf("SELECT 1 FROM `ChatLogs` WHERE (`archive_id` = '%q')", message->stanzaid); if (!duplicate_check_query) { log_error("Could not allocate memory for SQL duplicate query in log_database_add()"); return; } sqlite3_stmt* stmt; if (SQLITE_OK == sqlite3_prepare_v2(g_chatlog_database, duplicate_check_query, -1, &stmt, NULL)) { if (sqlite3_step(stmt) == SQLITE_ROW) { log_error("Duplicate stanza-id found for the message. stanza_id: %s; archive_id: %s; sender: %s; content: %s", message->id, message->stanzaid, from_jid->barejid, message->plain); cons_show_error("Got a message with duplicate (server-generated) stanza-id from %s.", from_jid->fulljid); } sqlite3_finalize(stmt); } } auto_sqlite char* orig_message_id = original_message_id == -1 ? NULL : sqlite3_mprintf("%d", original_message_id); auto_sqlite char* query = sqlite3_mprintf("INSERT INTO `ChatLogs` " "(`from_jid`, `from_resource`, `to_jid`, `to_resource`, " "`message`, `timestamp`, `stanza_id`, `archive_id`, " "`replaces_db_id`, `replace_id`, `type`, `encryption`) " "VALUES (%Q, %Q, %Q, %Q, %Q, %Q, %Q, %Q, %Q, %Q, %Q, %Q)", from_jid->barejid, from_jid->resourcepart ? from_jid->resourcepart : "", to_jid->barejid, to_jid->resourcepart ? to_jid->resourcepart : "", message->plain ? message->plain : "", date_fmt ? date_fmt : "", message->id ? message->id : "", message->stanzaid ? message->stanzaid : "", orig_message_id, message->replace_id ? message->replace_id : "", type ? type : "", enc ? enc : ""); if (!query) { log_error("Could not allocate memory for SQL insert query in log_database_add()"); return; } log_debug("Writing to DB. Query: %s", query); if (SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_exec(g_chatlog_database, query, NULL, 0, &err_msg)) { if (err_msg) { log_error("SQLite error in _add_to_db(): %s", err_msg); sqlite3_free(err_msg); } else { log_error("Unknown SQLite error in _add_to_db()."); } } else { int inserted_rows_count = sqlite3_changes(g_chatlog_database); if (inserted_rows_count < 1) { log_error("SQLite did not insert message (rows: %d, id: %s, content: %s)", inserted_rows_count, message->id, message->plain); } } } static int _get_db_version(void) { int current_version = -1; const char* query = "SELECT `version` FROM `DbVersion` LIMIT 1"; sqlite3_stmt* statement; if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(g_chatlog_database, query, -1, &statement, NULL) == SQLITE_OK) { if (sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_ROW) { current_version = sqlite3_column_int(statement, 0); } sqlite3_finalize(statement); } return current_version; } /** * Migration to version 2 introduces new columns. Returns TRUE on success. * * New columns: * `replaces_db_id` database ID for correcting message of the original message * `replaced_by_db_id` database ID for original message of the last correcting message */ static gboolean _migrate_to_v2(void) { char* err_msg = NULL; const char* sql_statements[] = { "BEGIN TRANSACTION", "ALTER TABLE `ChatLogs` ADD COLUMN `replaces_db_id` INTEGER;", "ALTER TABLE `ChatLogs` ADD COLUMN `replaced_by_db_id` INTEGER;", "UPDATE `ChatLogs` AS A " "SET `replaces_db_id` = B.`id` " "FROM `ChatLogs` AS B " "WHERE A.`replace_id` IS NOT NULL AND A.`replace_id` != '' " "AND A.`replace_id` = B.`stanza_id` " "AND A.`from_jid` = B.`from_jid` AND A.`to_jid` = B.`to_jid`;", "UPDATE `ChatLogs` AS A " "SET `replaced_by_db_id` = B.`id` " "FROM `ChatLogs` AS B " "WHERE (A.`replace_id` IS NULL OR A.`replace_id` = '') " "AND A.`id` = B.`replaces_db_id` " "AND A.`from_jid` = B.`from_jid`;", "UPDATE `DbVersion` SET `version` = 2", "END TRANSACTION" }; int statements_count = sizeof(sql_statements) / sizeof(sql_statements[0]); for (int i = 0; i < statements_count; i++) { if (SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_exec(g_chatlog_database, sql_statements[i], NULL, 0, &err_msg)) { log_error("SQLite error in _migrate_to_v2() on statement %d: %s", i, err_msg); if (err_msg) { sqlite3_free(err_msg); err_msg = NULL; } goto cleanup; } } return TRUE; cleanup: if (SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_exec(g_chatlog_database, "ROLLBACK;", NULL, 0, &err_msg)) { log_error("[DB Migration] Unable to ROLLBACK: %s", err_msg); if (err_msg) { sqlite3_free(err_msg); } } return FALSE; } // Checks if there is more system storage space available than current database takes + 40% (for indexing and other potential size increases) static gboolean _check_available_space_for_db_migration(char* path_to_db) { struct stat file_stat; struct statvfs fs_stat; if (statvfs(path_to_db, &fs_stat) == 0 && stat(path_to_db, &file_stat) == 0) { unsigned long long file_size = file_stat.st_size / 1024; unsigned long long available_space_kb = fs_stat.f_frsize * fs_stat.f_bavail / 1024; log_debug("_check_available_space_for_db_migration(): Available space on disk: %llu KB; DB size: %llu KB", available_space_kb, file_size); return (available_space_kb >= (file_size + (file_size * 10 / 4))); } else { log_error("Error checking available space."); return FALSE; } }