.TH man 1 "2021-01-09" "0.10.0" "Profanity XMPP client" .SH NAME /prefs .SH DESCRIPTION Show preferences for different areas of functionality. Passing no arguments shows all preferences. .SH SYNOPSIS /prefs [ui|desktop|chat|log|conn|presence|otr|pgp|omemo] .LP .SH ARGUMENTS .PP \fBui\fR .RS 4 User interface preferences. .RE .PP \fBdesktop\fR .RS 4 Desktop notification preferences. .RE .PP \fBchat\fR .RS 4 Chat state preferences. .RE .PP \fBlog\fR .RS 4 Logging preferences. .RE .PP \fBconn\fR .RS 4 Connection handling preferences. .RE .PP \fBpresence\fR .RS 4 Chat presence preferences. .RE .PP \fBotr\fR .RS 4 Off The Record preferences. .RE .PP \fBpgp\fR .RS 4 OpenPGP preferences. .RE .PP \fBomemo\fR .RS 4 OMEMO preferences. .RE