/* * message.c * vim: expandtab:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4 * * Copyright (C) 2012 - 2019 James Booth * Copyright (C) 2019 - 2021 Michael Vetter * * This file is part of Profanity. * * Profanity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Profanity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Profanity. If not, see . * * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to * link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under * certain conditions as described in each individual source file, and * distribute linked combinations including the two. * * You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of the * code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this exception, you * may extend this exception to your version of the file(s), but you are not * obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception * statement from your version. If you delete this exception statement from all * source files in the program, then also delete it here. * */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include "profanity.h" #include "log.h" #include "config/preferences.h" #include "event/server_events.h" #include "pgp/gpg.h" #include "plugins/plugins.h" #include "ui/ui.h" #include "ui/window_list.h" #include "xmpp/chat_session.h" #include "xmpp/muc.h" #include "xmpp/session.h" #include "xmpp/message.h" #include "xmpp/roster.h" #include "xmpp/roster_list.h" #include "xmpp/stanza.h" #include "xmpp/connection.h" #include "xmpp/xmpp.h" #include "xmpp/form.h" #ifdef HAVE_OMEMO #include "xmpp/omemo.h" #include "omemo/omemo.h" #endif typedef struct p_message_handle_t { ProfMessageCallback func; ProfMessageFreeCallback free_func; void* userdata; } ProfMessageHandler; static int _message_handler(xmpp_conn_t* const conn, xmpp_stanza_t* const stanza, void* const userdata); static void _handle_error(xmpp_stanza_t* const stanza); static void _handle_groupchat(xmpp_stanza_t* const stanza); static void _handle_muc_user(xmpp_stanza_t* const stanza); static void _handle_muc_private_message(xmpp_stanza_t* const stanza); static void _handle_conference(xmpp_stanza_t* const stanza); static void _handle_captcha(xmpp_stanza_t* const stanza); static void _handle_receipt_received(xmpp_stanza_t* const stanza); static void _handle_chat(xmpp_stanza_t* const stanza, gboolean is_mam, gboolean is_carbon, const char* result_id, GDateTime* timestamp); static void _handle_ox_chat(xmpp_stanza_t* const stanza, ProfMessage* message, gboolean is_mam); static xmpp_stanza_t* _handle_carbons(xmpp_stanza_t* const stanza); static void _send_message_stanza(xmpp_stanza_t* const stanza); static gboolean _handle_mam(xmpp_stanza_t* const stanza); static void _handle_pubsub(xmpp_stanza_t* const stanza, xmpp_stanza_t* const event); static gboolean _handle_form(xmpp_stanza_t* const stanza); static gboolean _handle_jingle_message(xmpp_stanza_t* const stanza); static gboolean _should_ignore_based_on_silence(xmpp_stanza_t* const stanza); #ifdef HAVE_LIBGPGME static xmpp_stanza_t* _openpgp_signcrypt(xmpp_ctx_t* ctx, const char* const to, const char* const text); #endif // HAVE_LIBGPGME static GHashTable* pubsub_event_handlers; static gboolean _handled_by_plugin(xmpp_stanza_t* const stanza) { char* text; size_t text_size; xmpp_stanza_to_text(stanza, &text, &text_size); gboolean cont = plugins_on_message_stanza_receive(text); xmpp_free(connection_get_ctx(), text); return !cont; } static void _handle_headline(xmpp_stanza_t* const stanza) { xmpp_stanza_t* body = xmpp_stanza_get_child_by_name(stanza, STANZA_NAME_BODY); if (body) { char* text = xmpp_stanza_get_text(body); if (text) { cons_show("Headline: %s", text); xmpp_free(connection_get_ctx(), text); } } } static void _handle_chat_states(xmpp_stanza_t* const stanza, Jid* const jid) { gboolean gone = xmpp_stanza_get_child_by_name(stanza, STANZA_NAME_GONE) != NULL; gboolean typing = xmpp_stanza_get_child_by_name(stanza, STANZA_NAME_COMPOSING) != NULL; gboolean paused = xmpp_stanza_get_child_by_name(stanza, STANZA_NAME_PAUSED) != NULL; gboolean inactive = xmpp_stanza_get_child_by_name(stanza, STANZA_NAME_INACTIVE) != NULL; if (gone) { sv_ev_gone(jid->barejid, jid->resourcepart); } else if (typing) { sv_ev_typing(jid->barejid, jid->resourcepart); } else if (paused) { sv_ev_paused(jid->barejid, jid->resourcepart); } else if (inactive) { sv_ev_inactive(jid->barejid, jid->resourcepart); } else if (stanza_contains_chat_state(stanza)) { sv_ev_activity(jid->barejid, jid->resourcepart, TRUE); } else { sv_ev_activity(jid->barejid, jid->resourcepart, FALSE); } } static int _message_handler(xmpp_conn_t* const conn, xmpp_stanza_t* const stanza, void* const userdata) { log_debug("Message stanza handler fired"); if (_handled_by_plugin(stanza)) { return 1; } // type according to RFC 6121 const char* type = xmpp_stanza_get_type(stanza); if (type && g_strcmp0(type, STANZA_TYPE_ERROR) == 0) { _handle_error(stanza); } else if (type && g_strcmp0(type, STANZA_TYPE_GROUPCHAT) == 0) { // XEP-0045: Multi-User Chat _handle_groupchat(stanza); } else if (type && g_strcmp0(type, STANZA_TYPE_HEADLINE) == 0) { xmpp_stanza_t* event = xmpp_stanza_get_child_by_ns(stanza, STANZA_NS_PUBSUB_EVENT); // TODO: do we want to handle all pubsub here or should additionaly check for STANZA_NS_MOOD? if (event) { _handle_pubsub(stanza, event); return 1; } else { _handle_headline(stanza); } } else if (type == NULL || g_strcmp0(type, STANZA_TYPE_CHAT) == 0 || g_strcmp0(type, STANZA_TYPE_NORMAL) == 0) { // type: chat, normal (==NULL) // ignore all messages from JIDs that are not in roster, if 'silence' is set if (_should_ignore_based_on_silence(stanza)) { return 1; } // XEP-0353: Jingle Message Initiation if (_handle_jingle_message(stanza)) { return 1; } // XEP-0045: Multi-User Chat 8.6 Voice Requests if (_handle_form(stanza)) { return 1; } // XEP-0313: Message Archive Management if (_handle_mam(stanza)) { return 1; } // XEP-0045: Multi-User Chat - invites - presence xmpp_stanza_t* mucuser = xmpp_stanza_get_child_by_ns(stanza, STANZA_NS_MUC_USER); if (mucuser) { _handle_muc_user(stanza); } // XEP-0249: Direct MUC Invitations xmpp_stanza_t* conference = xmpp_stanza_get_child_by_ns(stanza, STANZA_NS_CONFERENCE); if (conference) { _handle_conference(stanza); return 1; } // XEP-0158: CAPTCHA Forms xmpp_stanza_t* captcha = xmpp_stanza_get_child_by_ns(stanza, STANZA_NS_CAPTCHA); if (captcha) { _handle_captcha(stanza); return 1; } // XEP-0184: Message Delivery Receipts xmpp_stanza_t* receipts = xmpp_stanza_get_child_by_ns(stanza, STANZA_NS_RECEIPTS); if (receipts) { _handle_receipt_received(stanza); } // XEP-0060: Publish-Subscribe xmpp_stanza_t* event = xmpp_stanza_get_child_by_ns(stanza, STANZA_NS_PUBSUB_EVENT); if (event) { _handle_pubsub(stanza, event); return 1; } xmpp_stanza_t* msg_stanza = stanza; gboolean is_carbon = FALSE; // XEP-0280: Message Carbons // Only allow `` and `` carbons // Thus ignoring `` xmpp_stanza_t* carbons = xmpp_stanza_get_child_by_name_and_ns(stanza, STANZA_NAME_SENT, STANZA_NS_CARBONS); if (!carbons) { carbons = xmpp_stanza_get_child_by_name_and_ns(stanza, STANZA_NAME_RECEIVED, STANZA_NS_CARBONS); } if (carbons) { // carbon must come from ourselves char* mybarejid = connection_get_barejid(); const char* const stanza_from = xmpp_stanza_get_from(stanza); if (stanza_from) { if (g_strcmp0(mybarejid, stanza_from) != 0) { log_warning("Invalid carbon received, from: %s", stanza_from); msg_stanza = NULL; } else { is_carbon = TRUE; // returns NULL if it was a carbon that was invalid, so that we dont parse later msg_stanza = _handle_carbons(carbons); } } free(mybarejid); } if (msg_stanza) { _handle_chat(msg_stanza, FALSE, is_carbon, NULL, NULL); } } else { // none of the allowed types char* text; size_t text_size; xmpp_stanza_to_text(stanza, &text, &text_size); log_info("Received with invalid 'type': %s", text); xmpp_free(connection_get_ctx(), text); } return 1; } void message_muc_submit_voice_approve(ProfConfWin* confwin) { xmpp_ctx_t* const ctx = connection_get_ctx(); xmpp_stanza_t* message = stanza_create_approve_voice(ctx, NULL, confwin->roomjid, NULL, confwin->form); _send_message_stanza(message); xmpp_stanza_release(message); } static gboolean _handle_form(xmpp_stanza_t* const stanza) { xmpp_stanza_t* result = xmpp_stanza_get_child_by_name_and_ns(stanza, STANZA_NAME_X, STANZA_NS_DATA); if (!result) { return FALSE; } const char* const stanza_from = xmpp_stanza_get_from(stanza); if (!stanza_from) { return FALSE; } DataForm* form = form_create(result); ProfConfWin* confwin = (ProfConfWin*)wins_new_config(stanza_from, form, message_muc_submit_voice_approve, NULL, NULL); confwin_handle_configuration(confwin, form); return TRUE; } void message_handlers_init(void) { xmpp_conn_t* const conn = connection_get_conn(); xmpp_ctx_t* const ctx = connection_get_ctx(); xmpp_handler_add(conn, _message_handler, NULL, STANZA_NAME_MESSAGE, NULL, ctx); if (pubsub_event_handlers) { GList* keys = g_hash_table_get_keys(pubsub_event_handlers); GList* curr = keys; while (curr) { ProfMessageHandler* handler = g_hash_table_lookup(pubsub_event_handlers, curr->data); if (handler->free_func && handler->userdata) { handler->free_func(handler->userdata); } curr = g_list_next(curr); } g_list_free(keys); g_hash_table_destroy(pubsub_event_handlers); } pubsub_event_handlers = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, free, free); } ProfMessage* message_init(void) { ProfMessage* message = malloc(sizeof(ProfMessage)); message->from_jid = NULL; message->to_jid = NULL; message->id = NULL; message->originid = NULL; message->stanzaid = NULL; message->replace_id = NULL; message->body = NULL; message->encrypted = NULL; message->plain = NULL; message->enc = PROF_MSG_ENC_NONE; message->timestamp = NULL; message->trusted = true; message->type = PROF_MSG_TYPE_UNINITIALIZED; return message; } void message_free(ProfMessage* message) { xmpp_ctx_t* ctx = connection_get_ctx(); if (message->from_jid) { jid_destroy(message->from_jid); } if (message->to_jid) { jid_destroy(message->to_jid); } if (message->id) { xmpp_free(ctx, message->id); } if (message->originid) { xmpp_free(ctx, message->originid); } if (message->stanzaid) { xmpp_free(ctx, message->stanzaid); } if (message->replace_id) { xmpp_free(ctx, message->replace_id); } if (message->body) { xmpp_free(ctx, message->body); } if (message->encrypted) { xmpp_free(ctx, message->encrypted); } if (message->plain) { free(message->plain); } if (message->timestamp) { g_date_time_unref(message->timestamp); } free(message); } void message_handlers_clear(void) { if (pubsub_event_handlers) { g_hash_table_remove_all(pubsub_event_handlers); } } void message_pubsub_event_handler_add(const char* const node, ProfMessageCallback func, ProfMessageFreeCallback free_func, void* userdata) { ProfMessageHandler* handler = malloc(sizeof(ProfMessageHandler)); handler->func = func; handler->free_func = free_func; handler->userdata = userdata; g_hash_table_insert(pubsub_event_handlers, strdup(node), handler); } char* message_send_chat(const char* const barejid, const char* const msg, const char* const oob_url, gboolean request_receipt, const char* const replace_id) { xmpp_ctx_t* const ctx = connection_get_ctx(); char* state = chat_session_get_state(barejid); char* jid = chat_session_get_jid(barejid); char* id = connection_create_stanza_id(); xmpp_stanza_t* message = xmpp_message_new(ctx, STANZA_TYPE_CHAT, jid, id); xmpp_message_set_body(message, msg); free(jid); if (state) { stanza_attach_state(ctx, message, state); } if (oob_url) { stanza_attach_x_oob_url(ctx, message, oob_url); } if (request_receipt) { stanza_attach_receipt_request(ctx, message); } if (replace_id) { stanza_attach_correction(ctx, message, replace_id); } _send_message_stanza(message); xmpp_stanza_release(message); return id; } char* message_send_chat_pgp(const char* const barejid, const char* const msg, gboolean request_receipt, const char* const replace_id) { xmpp_ctx_t* const ctx = connection_get_ctx(); char* state = chat_session_get_state(barejid); char* jid = chat_session_get_jid(barejid); char* id = connection_create_stanza_id(); xmpp_stanza_t* message = NULL; #ifdef HAVE_LIBGPGME char* account_name = session_get_account_name(); ProfAccount* account = accounts_get_account(account_name); if (account->pgp_keyid) { Jid* jidp = jid_create(jid); char* encrypted = p_gpg_encrypt(jidp->barejid, msg, account->pgp_keyid); if (encrypted) { message = xmpp_message_new(ctx, STANZA_TYPE_CHAT, jid, id); xmpp_message_set_body(message, "This message is encrypted (XEP-0027)."); xmpp_stanza_t* x = xmpp_stanza_new(ctx); xmpp_stanza_set_name(x, STANZA_NAME_X); xmpp_stanza_set_ns(x, STANZA_NS_ENCRYPTED); xmpp_stanza_t* enc_st = xmpp_stanza_new(ctx); xmpp_stanza_set_text(enc_st, encrypted); xmpp_stanza_add_child(x, enc_st); xmpp_stanza_release(enc_st); xmpp_stanza_add_child(message, x); xmpp_stanza_release(x); free(encrypted); } else { message = xmpp_message_new(ctx, STANZA_TYPE_CHAT, jid, id); xmpp_message_set_body(message, msg); } jid_destroy(jidp); } else { message = xmpp_message_new(ctx, STANZA_TYPE_CHAT, jid, id); xmpp_message_set_body(message, msg); } account_free(account); #else // ? message = xmpp_message_new(ctx, STANZA_TYPE_CHAT, jid, id); xmpp_message_set_body(message, msg); #endif free(jid); if (state) { stanza_attach_state(ctx, message, state); } if (request_receipt) { stanza_attach_receipt_request(ctx, message); } if (replace_id) { stanza_attach_correction(ctx, message, replace_id); } _send_message_stanza(message); xmpp_stanza_release(message); return id; } // XEP-0373: OpenPGP for XMPP char* message_send_chat_ox(const char* const barejid, const char* const msg, gboolean request_receipt, const char* const replace_id) { #ifdef HAVE_LIBGPGME xmpp_ctx_t* const ctx = connection_get_ctx(); char* state = chat_session_get_state(barejid); char* jid = chat_session_get_jid(barejid); char* id = connection_create_stanza_id(); xmpp_stanza_t* message = NULL; Jid* jidp = jid_create(jid); char* account_name = session_get_account_name(); ProfAccount* account = accounts_get_account(account_name); message = xmpp_message_new(ctx, STANZA_TYPE_CHAT, jid, id); xmpp_message_set_body(message, "This message is encrypted (XEP-0373: OpenPGP for XMPP)."); xmpp_stanza_t* openpgp = xmpp_stanza_new(ctx); xmpp_stanza_set_name(openpgp, STANZA_NAME_OPENPGP); xmpp_stanza_set_ns(openpgp, STANZA_NS_OPENPGP_0); xmpp_stanza_t* signcrypt = _openpgp_signcrypt(ctx, barejid, msg); char* c; size_t s; xmpp_stanza_to_text(signcrypt, &c, &s); char* signcrypt_e = p_ox_gpg_signcrypt(account->jid, barejid, c); if (signcrypt_e == NULL) { log_error("Message not signcrypted."); return NULL; } // BASE64_OPENPGP_MESSAGE xmpp_stanza_t* base64_openpgp_message = xmpp_stanza_new(ctx); xmpp_stanza_set_text(base64_openpgp_message, signcrypt_e); xmpp_stanza_add_child(openpgp, base64_openpgp_message); xmpp_stanza_add_child(message, openpgp); xmpp_stanza_to_text(message, &c, &s); account_free(account); jid_destroy(jidp); free(jid); if (state) { stanza_attach_state(ctx, message, state); } if (request_receipt) { stanza_attach_receipt_request(ctx, message); } if (replace_id) { stanza_attach_correction(ctx, message, replace_id); } _send_message_stanza(message); xmpp_stanza_release(message); return id; #endif // HAVE_LIBGPGME return NULL; } char* message_send_chat_otr(const char* const barejid, const char* const msg, gboolean request_receipt, const char* const replace_id) { xmpp_ctx_t* const ctx = connection_get_ctx(); char* state = chat_session_get_state(barejid); char* jid = chat_session_get_jid(barejid); char* id = connection_create_stanza_id(); xmpp_stanza_t* message = xmpp_message_new(ctx, STANZA_TYPE_CHAT, barejid, id); xmpp_message_set_body(message, msg); free(jid); if (state) { stanza_attach_state(ctx, message, state); } stanza_attach_carbons_private(ctx, message); stanza_attach_hints_no_copy(ctx, message); stanza_attach_hints_no_store(ctx, message); if (request_receipt) { stanza_attach_receipt_request(ctx, message); } if (replace_id) { stanza_attach_correction(ctx, message, replace_id); } _send_message_stanza(message); xmpp_stanza_release(message); return id; } #ifdef HAVE_OMEMO char* message_send_chat_omemo(const char* const jid, uint32_t sid, GList* keys, const unsigned char* const iv, size_t iv_len, const unsigned char* const ciphertext, size_t ciphertext_len, gboolean request_receipt, gboolean muc, const char* const replace_id) { char* state = chat_session_get_state(jid); xmpp_ctx_t* const ctx = connection_get_ctx(); char* id; xmpp_stanza_t* message; if (muc) { id = connection_create_stanza_id(); message = xmpp_message_new(ctx, STANZA_TYPE_GROUPCHAT, jid, id); stanza_attach_origin_id(ctx, message, id); } else { id = connection_create_stanza_id(); message = xmpp_message_new(ctx, STANZA_TYPE_CHAT, jid, id); } xmpp_stanza_t* encrypted = xmpp_stanza_new(ctx); xmpp_stanza_set_name(encrypted, "encrypted"); xmpp_stanza_set_ns(encrypted, STANZA_NS_OMEMO); xmpp_stanza_t* header = xmpp_stanza_new(ctx); xmpp_stanza_set_name(header, "header"); char* sid_text = g_strdup_printf("%d", sid); log_debug("[OMEMO] Sending from device sid %s", sid_text); xmpp_stanza_set_attribute(header, "sid", sid_text); g_free(sid_text); GList* key_iter; for (key_iter = keys; key_iter != NULL; key_iter = key_iter->next) { omemo_key_t* key = (omemo_key_t*)key_iter->data; xmpp_stanza_t* key_stanza = xmpp_stanza_new(ctx); xmpp_stanza_set_name(key_stanza, "key"); char* rid = g_strdup_printf("%d", key->device_id); log_debug("[OMEMO] Sending to device rid %s", rid == NULL ? "NULL" : rid); xmpp_stanza_set_attribute(key_stanza, "rid", rid); g_free(rid); if (key->prekey) { xmpp_stanza_set_attribute(key_stanza, "prekey", "true"); } gchar* key_raw = g_base64_encode(key->data, key->length); xmpp_stanza_t* key_text = xmpp_stanza_new(ctx); xmpp_stanza_set_text(key_text, key_raw); g_free(key_raw); xmpp_stanza_add_child(key_stanza, key_text); xmpp_stanza_add_child(header, key_stanza); xmpp_stanza_release(key_text); xmpp_stanza_release(key_stanza); } xmpp_stanza_t* iv_stanza = xmpp_stanza_new(ctx); xmpp_stanza_set_name(iv_stanza, "iv"); gchar* iv_raw = g_base64_encode(iv, iv_len); xmpp_stanza_t* iv_text = xmpp_stanza_new(ctx); xmpp_stanza_set_text(iv_text, iv_raw); g_free(iv_raw); xmpp_stanza_add_child(iv_stanza, iv_text); xmpp_stanza_add_child(header, iv_stanza); xmpp_stanza_release(iv_text); xmpp_stanza_release(iv_stanza); xmpp_stanza_add_child(encrypted, header); xmpp_stanza_release(header); xmpp_stanza_t* payload = xmpp_stanza_new(ctx); xmpp_stanza_set_name(payload, "payload"); gchar* ciphertext_raw = g_base64_encode(ciphertext, ciphertext_len); xmpp_stanza_t* payload_text = xmpp_stanza_new(ctx); xmpp_stanza_set_text(payload_text, ciphertext_raw); g_free(ciphertext_raw); xmpp_stanza_add_child(payload, payload_text); xmpp_stanza_add_child(encrypted, payload); xmpp_stanza_release(payload_text); xmpp_stanza_release(payload); xmpp_stanza_add_child(message, encrypted); xmpp_stanza_release(encrypted); xmpp_stanza_t* body = xmpp_stanza_new(ctx); xmpp_stanza_set_name(body, "body"); xmpp_stanza_t* body_text = xmpp_stanza_new(ctx); xmpp_stanza_set_text(body_text, "You received a message encrypted with OMEMO but your client doesn't support OMEMO."); xmpp_stanza_add_child(body, body_text); xmpp_stanza_release(body_text); xmpp_stanza_add_child(message, body); xmpp_stanza_release(body); if (state) { stanza_attach_state(ctx, message, state); } stanza_attach_hints_store(ctx, message); if (request_receipt) { stanza_attach_receipt_request(ctx, message); } if (replace_id) { stanza_attach_correction(ctx, message, replace_id); } _send_message_stanza(message); xmpp_stanza_release(message); return id; } #endif char* message_send_private(const char* const fulljid, const char* const msg, const char* const oob_url) { xmpp_ctx_t* const ctx = connection_get_ctx(); char* id = connection_create_stanza_id(); xmpp_stanza_t* message = xmpp_message_new(ctx, STANZA_TYPE_CHAT, fulljid, id); xmpp_message_set_body(message, msg); if (oob_url) { stanza_attach_x_oob_url(ctx, message, oob_url); } _send_message_stanza(message); xmpp_stanza_release(message); return id; } char* message_send_groupchat(const char* const roomjid, const char* const msg, const char* const oob_url, const char* const replace_id) { xmpp_ctx_t* const ctx = connection_get_ctx(); char* id = connection_create_stanza_id(); xmpp_stanza_t* message = xmpp_message_new(ctx, STANZA_TYPE_GROUPCHAT, roomjid, id); stanza_attach_origin_id(ctx, message, id); xmpp_message_set_body(message, msg); if (oob_url) { stanza_attach_x_oob_url(ctx, message, oob_url); } if (replace_id) { stanza_attach_correction(ctx, message, replace_id); } _send_message_stanza(message); xmpp_stanza_release(message); return id; } void message_send_groupchat_subject(const char* const roomjid, const char* const subject) { xmpp_ctx_t* const ctx = connection_get_ctx(); xmpp_stanza_t* message = stanza_create_room_subject_message(ctx, roomjid, subject); _send_message_stanza(message); xmpp_stanza_release(message); } void message_send_invite(const char* const roomjid, const char* const contact, const char* const reason) { xmpp_ctx_t* const ctx = connection_get_ctx(); xmpp_stanza_t* stanza; muc_member_type_t member_type = muc_member_type(roomjid); if (member_type == MUC_MEMBER_TYPE_PUBLIC) { log_debug("Sending direct invite to %s, for %s", contact, roomjid); char* password = muc_password(roomjid); stanza = stanza_create_invite(ctx, roomjid, contact, reason, password); } else { log_debug("Sending mediated invite to %s, for %s", contact, roomjid); stanza = stanza_create_mediated_invite(ctx, roomjid, contact, reason); } _send_message_stanza(stanza); xmpp_stanza_release(stanza); } void message_send_composing(const char* const jid) { xmpp_ctx_t* const ctx = connection_get_ctx(); xmpp_stanza_t* stanza = stanza_create_chat_state(ctx, jid, STANZA_NAME_COMPOSING); _send_message_stanza(stanza); xmpp_stanza_release(stanza); } void message_send_paused(const char* const jid) { xmpp_ctx_t* const ctx = connection_get_ctx(); xmpp_stanza_t* stanza = stanza_create_chat_state(ctx, jid, STANZA_NAME_PAUSED); _send_message_stanza(stanza); xmpp_stanza_release(stanza); } void message_send_inactive(const char* const jid) { xmpp_ctx_t* const ctx = connection_get_ctx(); xmpp_stanza_t* stanza = stanza_create_chat_state(ctx, jid, STANZA_NAME_INACTIVE); _send_message_stanza(stanza); xmpp_stanza_release(stanza); } void message_send_gone(const char* const jid) { xmpp_ctx_t* const ctx = connection_get_ctx(); xmpp_stanza_t* stanza = stanza_create_chat_state(ctx, jid, STANZA_NAME_GONE); _send_message_stanza(stanza); xmpp_stanza_release(stanza); } static void _handle_error(xmpp_stanza_t* const stanza) { const char* id = xmpp_stanza_get_id(stanza); const char* jid = xmpp_stanza_get_from(stanza); xmpp_stanza_t* error_stanza = xmpp_stanza_get_child_by_name(stanza, STANZA_NAME_ERROR); const char* type = NULL; if (error_stanza) { type = xmpp_stanza_get_type(error_stanza); } // stanza_get_error never returns NULL char* err_msg = stanza_get_error_message(stanza); GString* log_msg = g_string_new("message stanza error received"); if (id) { g_string_append(log_msg, " id="); g_string_append(log_msg, id); } if (jid) { g_string_append(log_msg, " from="); g_string_append(log_msg, jid); } if (type) { g_string_append(log_msg, " type="); g_string_append(log_msg, type); } g_string_append(log_msg, " error="); g_string_append(log_msg, err_msg); log_info(log_msg->str); g_string_free(log_msg, TRUE); if (!jid) { ui_handle_error(err_msg); } else { if (type && (strcmp(type, "cancel") == 0)) { Jid* jidp = jid_create(jid); if (jidp) { chat_session_remove(jidp->barejid); jid_destroy(jidp); } } ui_handle_recipient_error(jid, err_msg); } free(err_msg); } static void _handle_muc_user(xmpp_stanza_t* const stanza) { xmpp_ctx_t* ctx = connection_get_ctx(); xmpp_stanza_t* xns_muc_user = xmpp_stanza_get_child_by_ns(stanza, STANZA_NS_MUC_USER); const char* room = xmpp_stanza_get_from(stanza); if (!xns_muc_user) { return; } if (!room) { log_warning("Message received with no from attribute, ignoring"); return; } // XEP-0045 xmpp_stanza_t* invite = xmpp_stanza_get_child_by_name(xns_muc_user, STANZA_NAME_INVITE); if (!invite) { return; } const char* invitor_jid = xmpp_stanza_get_from(invite); if (!invitor_jid) { log_warning("Chat room invite received with no from attribute"); return; } Jid* jidp = jid_create(invitor_jid); if (!jidp) { return; } char* invitor = jidp->barejid; char* reason = NULL; xmpp_stanza_t* reason_st = xmpp_stanza_get_child_by_name(invite, STANZA_NAME_REASON); if (reason_st) { reason = xmpp_stanza_get_text(reason_st); } char* password = NULL; xmpp_stanza_t* password_st = xmpp_stanza_get_child_by_name(xns_muc_user, STANZA_NAME_PASSWORD); if (password_st) { password = xmpp_stanza_get_text(password_st); } sv_ev_room_invite(INVITE_MEDIATED, invitor, room, reason, password); jid_destroy(jidp); if (reason) { xmpp_free(ctx, reason); } if (password) { xmpp_free(ctx, password); } } static void _handle_conference(xmpp_stanza_t* const stanza) { xmpp_stanza_t* xns_conference = xmpp_stanza_get_child_by_ns(stanza, STANZA_NS_CONFERENCE); if (xns_conference) { // XEP-0249 const char* room = xmpp_stanza_get_attribute(xns_conference, STANZA_ATTR_JID); if (!room) { return; } const char* from = xmpp_stanza_get_from(stanza); if (!from) { log_warning("Message received with no from attribute, ignoring"); return; } Jid* jidp = jid_create(from); if (!jidp) { return; } // reason and password are both optional const char* reason = xmpp_stanza_get_attribute(xns_conference, STANZA_ATTR_REASON); const char* password = xmpp_stanza_get_attribute(xns_conference, STANZA_ATTR_PASSWORD); sv_ev_room_invite(INVITE_DIRECT, jidp->barejid, room, reason, password); jid_destroy(jidp); } } static void _handle_captcha(xmpp_stanza_t* const stanza) { xmpp_ctx_t* ctx = connection_get_ctx(); const char* from = xmpp_stanza_get_from(stanza); if (!from) { log_warning("Message received with no from attribute, ignoring"); return; } // XEP-0158 char* message = xmpp_message_get_body(stanza); if (!message) { return; } sv_ev_room_broadcast(from, message); xmpp_free(ctx, message); } static void _handle_groupchat(xmpp_stanza_t* const stanza) { xmpp_ctx_t* ctx = connection_get_ctx(); const char* room_jid = xmpp_stanza_get_from(stanza); if (!room_jid) { return; } Jid* from_jid = jid_create(room_jid); if (!from_jid) { return; } // handle room subject xmpp_stanza_t* subject = xmpp_stanza_get_child_by_name(stanza, STANZA_NAME_SUBJECT); if (subject) { // subject_text is optional, can be NULL char* subject_text = xmpp_stanza_get_text(subject); sv_ev_room_subject(from_jid->barejid, from_jid->resourcepart, subject_text); xmpp_free(ctx, subject_text); jid_destroy(from_jid); return; } // handle room broadcasts if (!from_jid->resourcepart) { char* broadcast; broadcast = xmpp_message_get_body(stanza); if (!broadcast) { jid_destroy(from_jid); return; } sv_ev_room_broadcast(room_jid, broadcast); xmpp_free(ctx, broadcast); jid_destroy(from_jid); return; } if (!jid_is_valid_room_form(from_jid)) { log_error("Invalid room JID: %s", from_jid->str); jid_destroy(from_jid); return; } // room not active in profanity if (!muc_active(from_jid->barejid)) { log_error("Message received for inactive chat room: %s", from_jid->str); jid_destroy(from_jid); return; } ProfMessage* message = message_init(); message->from_jid = from_jid; message->type = PROF_MSG_TYPE_MUC; const char* id = xmpp_stanza_get_id(stanza); if (id) { message->id = strdup(id); } char* stanzaid = NULL; xmpp_stanza_t* stanzaidst = xmpp_stanza_get_child_by_name_and_ns(stanza, STANZA_NAME_STANZA_ID, STANZA_NS_STABLE_ID); if (stanzaidst) { stanzaid = (char*)xmpp_stanza_get_attribute(stanzaidst, STANZA_ATTR_ID); if (stanzaid) { message->stanzaid = strdup(stanzaid); } } xmpp_stanza_t* origin = xmpp_stanza_get_child_by_name_and_ns(stanza, STANZA_NAME_ORIGIN_ID, STANZA_NS_STABLE_ID); if (origin) { char* originid = (char*)xmpp_stanza_get_attribute(origin, STANZA_ATTR_ID); if (originid) { message->originid = strdup(originid); } } xmpp_stanza_t* replace_id_stanza = xmpp_stanza_get_child_by_ns(stanza, STANZA_NS_LAST_MESSAGE_CORRECTION); if (replace_id_stanza) { const char* replace_id = xmpp_stanza_get_id(replace_id_stanza); if (replace_id) { message->replace_id = strdup(replace_id); } } message->body = xmpp_message_get_body(stanza); // check omemo encryption #ifdef HAVE_OMEMO message->plain = omemo_receive_message(stanza, &message->trusted); if (message->plain != NULL) { message->enc = PROF_MSG_ENC_OMEMO; } #endif if (!message->plain && !message->body) { log_info("Message received without body for room: %s", from_jid->str); goto out; } else if (!message->plain) { message->plain = strdup(message->body); } // determine if the notifications happened whilst offline (MUC history) message->timestamp = stanza_get_delay_from(stanza, from_jid->barejid); if (message->timestamp == NULL) { // checking the domainpart is a workaround for some prosody versions (gh#1190) message->timestamp = stanza_get_delay_from(stanza, from_jid->domainpart); } bool is_muc_history = FALSE; if (message->timestamp != NULL) { is_muc_history = TRUE; g_date_time_unref(message->timestamp); message->timestamp = NULL; } // we want to display the oldest delay message->timestamp = stanza_get_oldest_delay(stanza); // now this has nothing to do with MUC history // it's just setting the time to the received time so upon displaying we can use this time // for example in win_println_incoming_muc_msg() if (!message->timestamp) { message->timestamp = g_date_time_new_now_local(); } if (is_muc_history) { sv_ev_room_history(message); } else { sv_ev_room_message(message); } out: message_free(message); } static void _message_send_receipt(const char* const fulljid, const char* const message_id) { xmpp_ctx_t* const ctx = connection_get_ctx(); char* id = connection_create_stanza_id(); xmpp_stanza_t* message = xmpp_message_new(ctx, NULL, fulljid, id); free(id); xmpp_stanza_t* receipt = xmpp_stanza_new(ctx); xmpp_stanza_set_name(receipt, "received"); xmpp_stanza_set_ns(receipt, STANZA_NS_RECEIPTS); xmpp_stanza_set_id(receipt, message_id); xmpp_stanza_add_child(message, receipt); xmpp_stanza_release(receipt); _send_message_stanza(message); xmpp_stanza_release(message); } static void _handle_receipt_received(xmpp_stanza_t* const stanza) { xmpp_stanza_t* receipt = xmpp_stanza_get_child_by_ns(stanza, STANZA_NS_RECEIPTS); if (receipt) { const char* name = xmpp_stanza_get_name(receipt); if ((name == NULL) || (g_strcmp0(name, "received") != 0)) { return; } const char* id = xmpp_stanza_get_id(receipt); if (!id) { return; } const char* fulljid = xmpp_stanza_get_from(stanza); if (!fulljid) { return; } Jid* jidp = jid_create(fulljid); if (!jidp) { return; } sv_ev_message_receipt(jidp->barejid, id); jid_destroy(jidp); } } static void _receipt_request_handler(xmpp_stanza_t* const stanza) { if (!prefs_get_boolean(PREF_RECEIPTS_SEND)) { return; } const char* id = xmpp_stanza_get_id(stanza); if (!id) { return; } xmpp_stanza_t* receipts = xmpp_stanza_get_child_by_ns(stanza, STANZA_NS_RECEIPTS); if (!receipts) { return; } const char* receipts_name = xmpp_stanza_get_name(receipts); if ((receipts_name == NULL) || (g_strcmp0(receipts_name, "request") != 0)) { return; } const gchar* from = xmpp_stanza_get_from(stanza); if (from) { Jid* jid = jid_create(from); if (jid) { _message_send_receipt(jid->fulljid, id); jid_destroy(jid); } } } static void _handle_muc_private_message(xmpp_stanza_t* const stanza) { // standard chat message, use jid without resource ProfMessage* message = message_init(); message->type = PROF_MSG_TYPE_MUCPM; const gchar* from = xmpp_stanza_get_from(stanza); if (!from) { goto out; } message->from_jid = jid_create(from); if (!message->from_jid) { goto out; } // message stanza id const char* id = xmpp_stanza_get_id(stanza); if (id) { message->id = strdup(id); } // check omemo encryption #ifdef HAVE_OMEMO message->plain = omemo_receive_message(stanza, &message->trusted); if (message->plain != NULL) { message->enc = PROF_MSG_ENC_OMEMO; } #endif message->timestamp = stanza_get_delay(stanza); message->body = xmpp_message_get_body(stanza); if (!message->plain && !message->body) { log_info("Message received without body from: %s", message->from_jid->str); goto out; } else if (!message->plain) { message->plain = strdup(message->body); } if (message->timestamp) { sv_ev_delayed_private_message(message); } else { message->timestamp = g_date_time_new_now_local(); sv_ev_incoming_private_message(message); } out: message_free(message); } static xmpp_stanza_t* _handle_carbons(xmpp_stanza_t* const stanza) { const char* name = xmpp_stanza_get_name(stanza); if (!name) { log_error("Unable to retrieve stanza name for Carbon"); return NULL; } /* TODO: private shouldn't arrive at the client, should it? if (g_strcmp0(name, "private") == 0) { log_info("Carbon received with private element."); } */ if ((g_strcmp0(name, STANZA_NAME_RECEIVED) != 0) && (g_strcmp0(name, STANZA_NAME_SENT) != 0)) { log_warning("Carbon received with unrecognised stanza name: %s", name); return NULL; } xmpp_stanza_t* forwarded = xmpp_stanza_get_child_by_ns(stanza, STANZA_NS_FORWARD); if (!forwarded) { log_warning("Carbon received with no forwarded element"); return NULL; } xmpp_stanza_t* message_stanza = xmpp_stanza_get_child_by_name(forwarded, STANZA_NAME_MESSAGE); if (!message_stanza) { log_warning("Carbon received with no message element"); return NULL; } return message_stanza; } static void _handle_chat(xmpp_stanza_t* const stanza, gboolean is_mam, gboolean is_carbon, const char* result_id, GDateTime* timestamp) { // some clients send the mucuser namespace with private messages // if the namespace exists, and the stanza contains a body element, assume its a private message // otherwise exit the handler xmpp_stanza_t* mucuser = xmpp_stanza_get_child_by_ns(stanza, STANZA_NS_MUC_USER); xmpp_stanza_t* body = xmpp_stanza_get_child_by_name(stanza, STANZA_NAME_BODY); if (mucuser && body == NULL) { return; } const gchar* from = xmpp_stanza_get_from(stanza); if (!from) { return; } Jid* jid = jid_create(from); if (!jid) { return; } // private message from chat room use full jid (room/nick) if (muc_active(jid->barejid)) { _handle_muc_private_message(stanza); jid_destroy(jid); return; } // standard chat message, use jid without resource ProfMessage* message = message_init(); message->is_mam = is_mam; message->from_jid = jid; const gchar* to = xmpp_stanza_get_to(stanza); if (to) { message->to_jid = jid_create(to); } else if (is_carbon) { // happens when receive a carbon of a self sent message // really? maybe some servers do this, but it's not required. message->to_jid = jid_create(from); } if (mucuser) { message->type = PROF_MSG_TYPE_MUCPM; } else { message->type = PROF_MSG_TYPE_CHAT; } // message stanza id const char* id = xmpp_stanza_get_id(stanza); if (id) { message->id = strdup(id); } if (is_mam) { // MAM has XEP-0359 stanza-id as if (result_id) { message->stanzaid = strdup(result_id); } else { log_warning("MAM received with no result id"); } } else { // live messages use XEP-0359 char* stanzaid = NULL; xmpp_stanza_t* stanzaidst = xmpp_stanza_get_child_by_name_and_ns(stanza, STANZA_NAME_STANZA_ID, STANZA_NS_STABLE_ID); if (stanzaidst) { stanzaid = (char*)xmpp_stanza_get_attribute(stanzaidst, STANZA_ATTR_ID); if (stanzaid) { message->stanzaid = strdup(stanzaid); } } } // replace id for XEP-0308: Last Message Correction xmpp_stanza_t* replace_id_stanza = xmpp_stanza_get_child_by_ns(stanza, STANZA_NS_LAST_MESSAGE_CORRECTION); if (replace_id_stanza) { const char* replace_id = xmpp_stanza_get_id(replace_id_stanza); if (replace_id) { message->replace_id = strdup(replace_id); } } if (timestamp) { // timestamp provided outside like in a by MAM message->timestamp = timestamp; } else { // timestamp in the message stanza or use time of receival (now) message->timestamp = stanza_get_delay(stanza); if (!message->timestamp) { message->timestamp = g_date_time_new_now_local(); } } if (body) { message->body = xmpp_stanza_get_text(body); } #ifdef HAVE_OMEMO // check omemo encryption message->plain = omemo_receive_message(stanza, &message->trusted); if (message->plain != NULL) { message->enc = PROF_MSG_ENC_OMEMO; } #endif xmpp_stanza_t* encrypted = xmpp_stanza_get_child_by_ns(stanza, STANZA_NS_ENCRYPTED); if (encrypted) { message->encrypted = xmpp_stanza_get_text(encrypted); } xmpp_stanza_t* ox = xmpp_stanza_get_child_by_ns(stanza, STANZA_NS_OPENPGP_0); if (ox) { _handle_ox_chat(stanza, message, FALSE); } if (message->plain || message->body || message->encrypted) { if (is_carbon) { char* mybarejid = connection_get_barejid(); // if we are the recipient, treat as standard incoming message if (g_strcmp0(mybarejid, message->to_jid->barejid) == 0) { sv_ev_incoming_carbon(message); // else treat as a sent message } else { sv_ev_outgoing_carbon(message); } free(mybarejid); } else { sv_ev_incoming_message(message); _receipt_request_handler(stanza); } } // 0085 works only with resource if (jid->resourcepart) { // XEP-0085: Chat State Notifications _handle_chat_states(stanza, jid); } message_free(message); } /*! * @brief Handle incoming XMMP-OX chat message. */ static void _handle_ox_chat(xmpp_stanza_t* const stanza, ProfMessage* message, gboolean is_mam) { message->enc = PROF_MSG_ENC_OX; #ifdef HAVE_LIBGPGME xmpp_stanza_t* ox = xmpp_stanza_get_child_by_name_and_ns(stanza, "openpgp", STANZA_NS_OPENPGP_0); if (ox) { message->plain = p_ox_gpg_decrypt(xmpp_stanza_get_text(ox)); if (message->plain) { xmpp_stanza_t* x = xmpp_stanza_new_from_string(connection_get_ctx(), message->plain); if (x) { xmpp_stanza_t* p = xmpp_stanza_get_child_by_name(x, "payload"); if (!p) { log_warning("OX Stanza - no Payload"); message->plain = "OX error: No payload found"; return; } xmpp_stanza_t* b = xmpp_stanza_get_child_by_name(p, "body"); if (!b) { log_warning("OX Stanza - no body"); message->plain = "OX error: No paylod body found"; return; } message->plain = xmpp_stanza_get_text(b); message->encrypted = xmpp_stanza_get_text(ox); if (message->plain == NULL) { message->plain = xmpp_stanza_get_text(stanza); } } else { message->plain = "Unable to decrypt OX message (XEP-0373: OpenPGP for XMPP)"; log_warning("OX Stanza text to stanza failed"); } } else { message->plain = "Unable to decrypt OX message (XEP-0373: OpenPGP for XMPP)"; } } else { message->plain = "OX stanza without openpgp name"; log_warning("OX Stanza without openpgp stanza"); } #endif // HAVE_LIBGPGME } static gboolean _handle_mam(xmpp_stanza_t* const stanza) { xmpp_stanza_t* result = xmpp_stanza_get_child_by_name_and_ns(stanza, STANZA_NAME_RESULT, STANZA_NS_MAM2); if (!result) { return FALSE; } xmpp_stanza_t* forwarded = xmpp_stanza_get_child_by_ns(result, STANZA_NS_FORWARD); if (!forwarded) { log_warning("MAM received with no forwarded element"); return FALSE; } // // same as from XEP-0359 for live messages const char* result_id = xmpp_stanza_get_id(result); GDateTime* timestamp = stanza_get_delay_from(forwarded, NULL); xmpp_stanza_t* message_stanza = xmpp_stanza_get_child_by_ns(forwarded, "jabber:client"); _handle_chat(message_stanza, TRUE, FALSE, result_id, timestamp); return TRUE; } static void _handle_pubsub(xmpp_stanza_t* const stanza, xmpp_stanza_t* const event) { xmpp_stanza_t* child = xmpp_stanza_get_children(event); if (child) { const char* node = xmpp_stanza_get_attribute(child, STANZA_ATTR_NODE); if (node) { ProfMessageHandler* handler = g_hash_table_lookup(pubsub_event_handlers, node); if (handler) { int keep = handler->func(stanza, handler->userdata); if (!keep) { g_hash_table_remove(pubsub_event_handlers, node); } } } } } static void _send_message_stanza(xmpp_stanza_t* const stanza) { char* text; size_t text_size; xmpp_stanza_to_text(stanza, &text, &text_size); xmpp_conn_t* conn = connection_get_conn(); char* plugin_text = plugins_on_message_stanza_send(text); if (plugin_text) { xmpp_send_raw_string(conn, "%s", plugin_text); free(plugin_text); } else { xmpp_send_raw_string(conn, "%s", text); } xmpp_free(connection_get_ctx(), text); } /* ckeckOID = true: check origin-id * checkOID = false: check regular id */ bool message_is_sent_by_us(const ProfMessage* const message, bool checkOID) { bool ret = FALSE; // we check the for this we calculate a hash into it so we can detect // whether this client sent it. See connection_create_stanza_id() if (message) { char* tmp_id = NULL; if (checkOID && message->originid != NULL) { tmp_id = message->originid; } else if (!checkOID && message->id != NULL) { tmp_id = message->id; } if (tmp_id != NULL) { gsize tmp_len = strlen(tmp_id); // our client sents at CON_RAND_ID_LEN + identifier if (tmp_len > CON_RAND_ID_LEN) { char* uuid = g_strndup(tmp_id, CON_RAND_ID_LEN); const char* prof_identifier = connection_get_profanity_identifier(); gchar* hmac = g_compute_hmac_for_string(G_CHECKSUM_SHA1, (guchar*)prof_identifier, strlen(prof_identifier), uuid, strlen(uuid)); if (g_strcmp0(&tmp_id[CON_RAND_ID_LEN], hmac) == 0) { ret = TRUE; } g_free(uuid); g_free(hmac); } } } return ret; } #ifdef HAVE_LIBGPGME static xmpp_stanza_t* _openpgp_signcrypt(xmpp_ctx_t* ctx, const char* const to, const char* const text) { time_t now = time(NULL); struct tm* tm = localtime(&now); char buf[255]; strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%FT%T%z", tm); int randnr = rand() % 5; char rpad_data[randnr]; for (int i = 0; i < randnr - 1; i++) { rpad_data[i] = 'c'; } rpad_data[randnr - 1] = '\0'; // signcrypt xmpp_stanza_t* signcrypt = xmpp_stanza_new(ctx); xmpp_stanza_set_name(signcrypt, "signcrypt"); xmpp_stanza_set_ns(signcrypt, "urn:xmpp:openpgp:0"); // to xmpp_stanza_t* s_to = xmpp_stanza_new(ctx); xmpp_stanza_set_name(s_to, "to"); xmpp_stanza_set_attribute(s_to, "jid", to); // time xmpp_stanza_t* time = xmpp_stanza_new(ctx); xmpp_stanza_set_name(time, "time"); xmpp_stanza_set_attribute(time, "stamp", buf); xmpp_stanza_set_name(time, "time"); // rpad xmpp_stanza_t* rpad = xmpp_stanza_new(ctx); xmpp_stanza_set_name(rpad, "rpad"); xmpp_stanza_t* rpad_text = xmpp_stanza_new(ctx); xmpp_stanza_set_text(rpad_text, rpad_data); // payload xmpp_stanza_t* payload = xmpp_stanza_new(ctx); xmpp_stanza_set_name(payload, "payload"); // body xmpp_stanza_t* body = xmpp_stanza_new(ctx); xmpp_stanza_set_name(body, "body"); xmpp_stanza_set_ns(body, "jabber:client"); // text xmpp_stanza_t* body_text = xmpp_stanza_new(ctx); xmpp_stanza_set_text(body_text, text); xmpp_stanza_add_child(signcrypt, s_to); xmpp_stanza_add_child(signcrypt, time); xmpp_stanza_add_child(signcrypt, rpad); xmpp_stanza_add_child(rpad, rpad_text); xmpp_stanza_add_child(signcrypt, payload); xmpp_stanza_add_child(payload, body); xmpp_stanza_add_child(body, body_text); xmpp_stanza_release(body_text); xmpp_stanza_release(body); xmpp_stanza_release(rpad_text); xmpp_stanza_release(rpad); xmpp_stanza_release(time); xmpp_stanza_release(s_to); return signcrypt; } #endif // HAVE_LIBGPGME void message_request_voice(const char* const roomjid) { xmpp_ctx_t* const ctx = connection_get_ctx(); xmpp_stanza_t* stanza = stanza_request_voice(ctx, roomjid); log_debug("Requesting voice in %s", roomjid); _send_message_stanza(stanza); xmpp_stanza_release(stanza); } static gboolean _handle_jingle_message(xmpp_stanza_t* const stanza) { xmpp_stanza_t* propose = xmpp_stanza_get_child_by_name_and_ns(stanza, STANZA_NAME_PROPOSE, STANZA_NS_JINGLE_MESSAGE); if (propose) { xmpp_stanza_t* description = xmpp_stanza_get_child_by_ns(propose, STANZA_NS_JINGLE_RTP); if (description) { const char* const from = xmpp_stanza_get_from(stanza); cons_show("Ring ring: %s is trying to call you", from); cons_alert(NULL); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } static gboolean _should_ignore_based_on_silence(xmpp_stanza_t* const stanza) { if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_SILENCE_NON_ROSTER)) { const char* const from = xmpp_stanza_get_from(stanza); Jid* from_jid = jid_create(from); PContact contact = roster_get_contact(from_jid->barejid); jid_destroy(from_jid); if (!contact) { log_debug("[Silence] Ignoring message from: %s", from); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }