#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "log.h" #include "windows.h" #include "jabber.h" // reference to log extern FILE *logp; // window references extern WINDOW *title_bar; extern WINDOW *cmd_bar; extern WINDOW *cmd_win; extern WINDOW *main_win; // curses functions void event_loop(xmpp_ctx_t *ctx, xmpp_conn_t *conn); int main(void) { char cmd[50]; xmpp_ctx_t *ctx; xmpp_conn_t *conn; xmpp_log_t *log; start_log(); // initialise curses, and create windows initgui(); // set cursor in command window and loop on input wmove(cmd_win, 0, 0); while (TRUE) { wgetstr(cmd_win, cmd); // handle quit if (strcmp(cmd, "/quit") == 0) { break; // handle connect } else if (strncmp(cmd, "/connect ", 9) == 0) { char *user; char passwd[20]; user = strndup(cmd+9, strlen(cmd)-9); mvwprintw(cmd_bar, 0, 0, "Enter password:"); wrefresh(cmd_bar); wclear(cmd_win); noecho(); mvwgetstr(cmd_win, 0, 0, passwd); echo(); mvwprintw(cmd_bar, 0, 0, "%s", user); wrefresh(cmd_bar); wclear(cmd_win); wmove(cmd_win, 0, 0); wrefresh(cmd_win); char loginmsg[100]; sprintf(loginmsg, "User <%s> logged in", user); logmsg(PROF, loginmsg); xmpp_initialize(); log = xmpp_get_file_logger(); ctx = xmpp_ctx_new(NULL, log); conn = xmpp_conn_new(ctx); xmpp_conn_set_jid(conn, user); xmpp_conn_set_pass(conn, passwd); xmpp_connect_client(conn, NULL, 0, conn_handler, ctx); event_loop(ctx, conn); break; } else { // echo ignore wclear(cmd_win); wmove(cmd_win, 0, 0); } } endwin(); fclose(logp); return 0; } void event_loop(xmpp_ctx_t *ctx, xmpp_conn_t *conn) { int cmd_y = 0; int cmd_x = 0; wtimeout(cmd_win, 0); while(TRUE) { int ch = ERR; char command[100]; int size = 0; // while not enter while(ch != '\n') { usleep(1); // handle incoming messages xmpp_run_once(ctx, 10); // move cursor back to cmd_win getyx(cmd_win, cmd_y, cmd_x); wmove(cmd_win, cmd_y, cmd_x); // echo off, and get some more input noecho(); ch = wgetch(cmd_win); // if delete pressed, go back and delete it if (ch == 127) { if (size > 0) { getyx(cmd_win, cmd_y, cmd_x); wmove(cmd_win, cmd_y, cmd_x-1); wdelch(cmd_win); size--; } } // else if not error or newline, show it and store it else if (ch != ERR && ch != '\n') { waddch(cmd_win, ch); command[size++] = ch; } echo(); } command[size++] = '\0'; // newline was hit, check if /quit command issued if (strcmp(command, "/quit") == 0) { break; } else { // send the message prof_send(command, ctx, conn); // show it in the main window wprintw(main_win, "me: %s\n", command); wrefresh(main_win); // move back to the command window and clear it wclear(cmd_win); wmove(cmd_win, 0, 0); wrefresh(cmd_win); } } xmpp_conn_release(conn); xmpp_ctx_free(ctx); xmpp_shutdown(); }