#include <stdarg.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <setjmp.h> #include <cmocka.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <glib.h> #include "config/preferences.h" #include "ui/ui.h" #include "ui/stub_ui.h" #include "command/commands.h" void cmd_statuses_shows_usage_when_bad_subcmd(void **state) { CommandHelp *help = malloc(sizeof(CommandHelp)); help->usage = "some usage"; gchar *args[] = { "badcmd", NULL }; expect_cons_show("Usage: some usage"); gboolean result = cmd_statuses(args, *help); assert_true(result); free(help); } void cmd_statuses_shows_usage_when_bad_console_setting(void **state) { CommandHelp *help = malloc(sizeof(CommandHelp)); help->usage = "some usage"; gchar *args[] = { "console", "badsetting", NULL }; expect_cons_show("Usage: some usage"); gboolean result = cmd_statuses(args, *help); assert_true(result); free(help); } void cmd_statuses_shows_usage_when_bad_chat_setting(void **state) { CommandHelp *help = malloc(sizeof(CommandHelp)); help->usage = "some usage"; gchar *args[] = { "chat", "badsetting", NULL }; expect_cons_show("Usage: some usage"); gboolean result = cmd_statuses(args, *help); assert_true(result); free(help); } void cmd_statuses_shows_usage_when_bad_muc_setting(void **state) { CommandHelp *help = malloc(sizeof(CommandHelp)); help->usage = "some usage"; gchar *args[] = { "muc", "badsetting", NULL }; expect_cons_show("Usage: some usage"); gboolean result = cmd_statuses(args, *help); assert_true(result); free(help); } void cmd_statuses_console_sets_all(void **state) { CommandHelp *help = malloc(sizeof(CommandHelp)); gchar *args[] = { "console", "all", NULL }; expect_cons_show("All presence updates will appear in the console."); gboolean result = cmd_statuses(args, *help); char *setting = prefs_get_string(PREF_STATUSES_CONSOLE); assert_non_null(setting); assert_string_equal("all", setting); assert_true(result); free(help); } void cmd_statuses_console_sets_online(void **state) { CommandHelp *help = malloc(sizeof(CommandHelp)); gchar *args[] = { "console", "online", NULL }; expect_cons_show("Only online/offline presence updates will appear in the console."); gboolean result = cmd_statuses(args, *help); char *setting = prefs_get_string(PREF_STATUSES_CONSOLE); assert_non_null(setting); assert_string_equal("online", setting); assert_true(result); free(help); } void cmd_statuses_console_sets_none(void **state) { CommandHelp *help = malloc(sizeof(CommandHelp)); gchar *args[] = { "console", "none", NULL }; expect_cons_show("Presence updates will not appear in the console."); gboolean result = cmd_statuses(args, *help); char *setting = prefs_get_string(PREF_STATUSES_CONSOLE); assert_non_null(setting); assert_string_equal("none", setting); assert_true(result); free(help); } void cmd_statuses_chat_sets_all(void **state) { CommandHelp *help = malloc(sizeof(CommandHelp)); gchar *args[] = { "chat", "all", NULL }; expect_cons_show("All presence updates will appear in chat windows."); gboolean result = cmd_statuses(args, *help); char *setting = prefs_get_string(PREF_STATUSES_CHAT); assert_non_null(setting); assert_string_equal("all", setting); assert_true(result); free(help); } void cmd_statuses_chat_sets_online(void **state) { CommandHelp *help = malloc(sizeof(CommandHelp)); gchar *args[] = { "chat", "online", NULL }; expect_cons_show("Only online/offline presence updates will appear in chat windows."); gboolean result = cmd_statuses(args, *help); char *setting = prefs_get_string(PREF_STATUSES_CHAT); assert_non_null(setting); assert_string_equal("online", setting); assert_true(result); free(help); } void cmd_statuses_chat_sets_none(void **state) { CommandHelp *help = malloc(sizeof(CommandHelp)); gchar *args[] = { "chat", "none", NULL }; expect_cons_show("Presence updates will not appear in chat windows."); gboolean result = cmd_statuses(args, *help); char *setting = prefs_get_string(PREF_STATUSES_CHAT); assert_non_null(setting); assert_string_equal("none", setting); assert_true(result); free(help); } void cmd_statuses_muc_sets_all(void **state) { CommandHelp *help = malloc(sizeof(CommandHelp)); gchar *args[] = { "muc", "all", NULL }; expect_cons_show("All presence updates will appear in chat room windows."); gboolean result = cmd_statuses(args, *help); char *setting = prefs_get_string(PREF_STATUSES_MUC); assert_non_null(setting); assert_string_equal("all", setting); assert_true(result); free(help); } void cmd_statuses_muc_sets_online(void **state) { CommandHelp *help = malloc(sizeof(CommandHelp)); gchar *args[] = { "muc", "online", NULL }; expect_cons_show("Only join/leave presence updates will appear in chat room windows."); gboolean result = cmd_statuses(args, *help); char *setting = prefs_get_string(PREF_STATUSES_MUC); assert_non_null(setting); assert_string_equal("online", setting); assert_true(result); free(help); } void cmd_statuses_muc_sets_none(void **state) { CommandHelp *help = malloc(sizeof(CommandHelp)); gchar *args[] = { "muc", "none", NULL }; expect_cons_show("Presence updates will not appear in chat room windows."); gboolean result = cmd_statuses(args, *help); char *setting = prefs_get_string(PREF_STATUSES_MUC); assert_non_null(setting); assert_string_equal("none", setting); assert_true(result); free(help); }