.TH man 1 "2022-09-13" "0.13.0" "Profanity XMPP client" .SH NAME /subject .SH DESCRIPTION Set, modify, or clear room subject. .SH SYNOPSIS /subject set .LP /subject edit .LP /subject editor .LP /subject prepend .LP /subject append .LP /subject clear .LP .SH ARGUMENTS .PP \fBset \fR .RS 4 Set the room subject. .RE .PP \fBedit \fR .RS 4 Edit the current room subject, tab autocompletion will display the subject to edit. .RE .PP \fBeditor\fR .RS 4 Edit the current room subject in external editor. .RE .PP \fBprepend \fR .RS 4 Prepend text to the current room subject, use double quotes if a trailing space is needed. .RE .PP \fBappend \fR .RS 4 Append text to the current room subject, use double quotes if a preceding space is needed. .RE .PP \fBclear\fR .RS 4 Clear the room subject. .RE