.TH man 1 "2022-09-13" "0.13.0" "Profanity XMPP client" .SH NAME /color .SH DESCRIPTION Settings for consistent color generation for nicks (XEP-0392). Including corrections for Color Vision Deficiencies. Your terminal needs to support 256 colors. .SH SYNOPSIS /color on|off|redgreen|blue .LP /color own on|off .LP .SH ARGUMENTS .PP \fBon|off|redgreen|blue\fR .RS 4 Enable or disable nick colorization for MUC nicks. 'redgreen' is for people with red/green blindness and 'blue' for people with blue blindness. .RE .PP \fBown on|off\fR .RS 4 Enable color generation for own nick. If disabled the color from the color from the theme ('me') will get used. .RE .SH EXAMPLES /color off .LP /color on .LP /color blue .LP /color own off .LP