#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" #ifdef HAVE_LIBOTR #include #include "otr/otr.h" #endif #include "config/preferences.h" #include "command/cmd_defs.h" #include "command/cmd_funcs.h" #include "ui/window_list.h" #include "xmpp/xmpp.h" #include "ui/ui.h" #include "ui/stub_ui.h" #define CMD_OTR "/otr" #ifdef HAVE_LIBOTR void cmd_otr_log_shows_usage_when_no_args(void** state) { gchar* args[] = { "log", NULL }; expect_string(cons_bad_cmd_usage, cmd, CMD_OTR); gboolean result = cmd_otr_log(NULL, CMD_OTR, args); assert_true(result); } void cmd_otr_log_shows_usage_when_invalid_subcommand(void** state) { gchar* args[] = { "log", "wrong", NULL }; expect_string(cons_bad_cmd_usage, cmd, CMD_OTR); gboolean result = cmd_otr_log(NULL, CMD_OTR, args); assert_true(result); } void cmd_otr_log_on_enables_logging(void** state) { gchar* args[] = { "log", "on", NULL }; prefs_set_string(PREF_OTR_LOG, "off"); prefs_set_boolean(PREF_CHLOG, TRUE); expect_cons_show("OTR messages will be logged as plaintext."); gboolean result = cmd_otr_log(NULL, CMD_OTR, args); auto_gchar gchar* pref_otr_log = prefs_get_string(PREF_OTR_LOG); assert_true(result); assert_string_equal("on", pref_otr_log); } void cmd_otr_log_on_shows_warning_when_chlog_disabled(void** state) { gchar* args[] = { "log", "on", NULL }; prefs_set_string(PREF_OTR_LOG, "off"); prefs_set_boolean(PREF_CHLOG, FALSE); expect_cons_show("OTR messages will be logged as plaintext."); expect_cons_show("Chat logging is currently disabled, use '/logging chat on' to enable."); gboolean result = cmd_otr_log(NULL, CMD_OTR, args); assert_true(result); } void cmd_otr_log_off_disables_logging(void** state) { gchar* args[] = { "log", "off", NULL }; prefs_set_string(PREF_OTR_LOG, "on"); prefs_set_boolean(PREF_CHLOG, TRUE); expect_cons_show("OTR message logging disabled."); gboolean result = cmd_otr_log(NULL, CMD_OTR, args); auto_gchar gchar* pref_otr_log = prefs_get_string(PREF_OTR_LOG); assert_true(result); assert_string_equal("off", pref_otr_log); } void cmd_otr_redact_redacts_logging(void** state) { gchar* args[] = { "log", "redact", NULL }; prefs_set_string(PREF_OTR_LOG, "on"); prefs_set_boolean(PREF_CHLOG, TRUE); expect_cons_show("OTR messages will be logged as '[redacted]'."); gboolean result = cmd_otr_log(NULL, CMD_OTR, args); auto_gchar gchar* pref_otr_log = prefs_get_string(PREF_OTR_LOG); assert_true(result); assert_string_equal("redact", pref_otr_log); } void cmd_otr_log_redact_shows_warning_when_chlog_disabled(void** state) { gchar* args[] = { "log", "redact", NULL }; prefs_set_string(PREF_OTR_LOG, "off"); prefs_set_boolean(PREF_CHLOG, FALSE); expect_cons_show("OTR messages will be logged as '[redacted]'."); expect_cons_show("Chat logging is currently disabled, use '/logging chat on' to enable."); gboolean result = cmd_otr_log(NULL, CMD_OTR, args); assert_true(result); } void cmd_otr_libver_shows_libotr_version(void** state) { gchar* args[] = { "libver", NULL }; char* version = "9.9.9"; GString* message = g_string_new("Using libotr version "); g_string_append(message, version); will_return(otr_libotr_version, version); expect_cons_show(message->str); gboolean result = cmd_otr_libver(NULL, CMD_OTR, args); assert_true(result); g_string_free(message, TRUE); } void cmd_otr_gen_shows_message_when_not_connected(void** state) { gchar* args[] = { "gen", NULL }; will_return(connection_get_status, JABBER_DISCONNECTED); expect_cons_show("You must be connected with an account to load OTR information."); gboolean result = cmd_otr_gen(NULL, CMD_OTR, args); assert_true(result); } static void test_with_command_and_connection_status(char* command, void* cmd_func, jabber_conn_status_t status) { gchar* args[] = { command, NULL }; will_return(connection_get_status, status); expect_cons_show("You must be connected with an account to load OTR information."); gboolean (*func)(ProfWin * window, const char* const command, gchar** args) = cmd_func; gboolean result = func(NULL, CMD_OTR, args); assert_true(result); } void cmd_otr_gen_shows_message_when_disconnected(void** state) { test_with_command_and_connection_status("gen", cmd_otr_gen, JABBER_DISCONNECTED); } void cmd_otr_gen_shows_message_when_connecting(void** state) { test_with_command_and_connection_status("gen", cmd_otr_gen, JABBER_CONNECTING); } void cmd_otr_gen_shows_message_when_disconnecting(void** state) { test_with_command_and_connection_status("gen", cmd_otr_gen, JABBER_DISCONNECTING); } void cmd_otr_gen_generates_key_for_connected_account(void** state) { gchar* args[] = { "gen", NULL }; gchar* account_name = g_strdup("myaccount"); ProfAccount* account = account_new(account_name, g_strdup("me@jabber.org"), NULL, NULL, TRUE, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0); will_return(connection_get_status, JABBER_CONNECTED); will_return(session_get_account_name, account_name); expect_string(accounts_get_account, name, account_name); will_return(accounts_get_account, account); expect_memory(otr_keygen, account, account, sizeof(ProfAccount)); gboolean result = cmd_otr_gen(NULL, CMD_OTR, args); assert_true(result); } void cmd_otr_myfp_shows_message_when_disconnected(void** state) { test_with_command_and_connection_status("myfp", cmd_otr_myfp, JABBER_DISCONNECTED); } void cmd_otr_myfp_shows_message_when_connecting(void** state) { test_with_command_and_connection_status("myfp", cmd_otr_myfp, JABBER_CONNECTING); } void cmd_otr_myfp_shows_message_when_disconnecting(void** state) { test_with_command_and_connection_status("myfp", cmd_otr_myfp, JABBER_DISCONNECTING); } void cmd_otr_myfp_shows_message_when_no_key(void** state) { gchar* args[] = { "myfp", NULL }; will_return(connection_get_status, JABBER_CONNECTED); will_return(otr_key_loaded, FALSE); expect_win_println("You have not generated or loaded a private key, use '/otr gen'"); gboolean result = cmd_otr_myfp(NULL, CMD_OTR, args); assert_true(result); } void cmd_otr_myfp_shows_my_fingerprint(void** state) { char* fingerprint = "AAAAAAAA BBBBBBBB CCCCCCCC DDDDDDDD EEEEEEEE"; gchar* args[] = { "myfp", NULL }; GString* message = g_string_new("Your OTR fingerprint: "); g_string_append(message, fingerprint); will_return(connection_get_status, JABBER_CONNECTED); will_return(otr_key_loaded, TRUE); will_return(otr_get_my_fingerprint, strdup(fingerprint)); expect_win_println(message->str); gboolean result = cmd_otr_myfp(NULL, CMD_OTR, args); assert_true(result); g_string_free(message, TRUE); } static void test_cmd_otr_theirfp_from_wintype(win_type_t wintype) { gchar* args[] = { "theirfp", NULL }; ProfWin window; window.type = wintype; window.layout = NULL; window.urls_ac = NULL; window.quotes_ac = NULL; will_return(connection_get_status, JABBER_CONNECTED); expect_win_println("You must be in a regular chat window to view a recipient's fingerprint."); gboolean result = cmd_otr_theirfp(&window, CMD_OTR, args); assert_true(result); } void cmd_otr_theirfp_shows_message_when_in_console(void** state) { test_cmd_otr_theirfp_from_wintype(WIN_CONSOLE); } void cmd_otr_theirfp_shows_message_when_in_muc(void** state) { test_cmd_otr_theirfp_from_wintype(WIN_MUC); } void cmd_otr_theirfp_shows_message_when_in_private(void** state) { test_cmd_otr_theirfp_from_wintype(WIN_PRIVATE); } void cmd_otr_theirfp_shows_message_when_non_otr_chat_window(void** state) { gchar* args[] = { "theirfp", NULL }; ProfWin window; window.type = WIN_CHAT; window.layout = NULL; window.urls_ac = NULL; window.quotes_ac = NULL; ProfChatWin chatwin; chatwin.window = window; chatwin.memcheck = PROFCHATWIN_MEMCHECK; chatwin.pgp_send = FALSE; chatwin.is_otr = FALSE; will_return(connection_get_status, JABBER_CONNECTED); expect_win_println("You are not currently in an OTR session."); gboolean result = cmd_otr_theirfp((ProfWin*)&chatwin, CMD_OTR, args); assert_true(result); } void cmd_otr_theirfp_shows_fingerprint(void** state) { char* recipient = "someone@chat.com"; char* fingerprint = "AAAAAAAA BBBBBBBB CCCCCCCC DDDDDDDD EEEEEEEE"; gchar* args[] = { "theirfp", NULL }; GString* message = g_string_new(recipient); g_string_append(message, "'s OTR fingerprint: "); g_string_append(message, fingerprint); ProfWin window; window.type = WIN_CHAT; window.layout = NULL; window.urls_ac = NULL; window.quotes_ac = NULL; ProfChatWin chatwin; chatwin.window = window; chatwin.barejid = recipient; chatwin.memcheck = PROFCHATWIN_MEMCHECK; chatwin.pgp_send = FALSE; chatwin.is_otr = TRUE; will_return(connection_get_status, JABBER_CONNECTED); expect_string(otr_get_their_fingerprint, recipient, recipient); will_return(otr_get_their_fingerprint, strdup(fingerprint)); expect_win_println(message->str); gboolean result = cmd_otr_theirfp((ProfWin*)&chatwin, CMD_OTR, args); assert_true(result); g_string_free(message, TRUE); } static void test_cmd_otr_start_from_wintype(win_type_t wintype) { gchar* args[] = { "start", NULL }; ProfWin window; window.type = wintype; window.layout = NULL; window.urls_ac = NULL; window.quotes_ac = NULL; will_return(connection_get_status, JABBER_CONNECTED); expect_win_println("You must be in a regular chat window to start an OTR session."); gboolean result = cmd_otr_start(&window, CMD_OTR, args); assert_true(result); } void cmd_otr_start_shows_message_when_in_console(void** state) { test_cmd_otr_start_from_wintype(WIN_CONSOLE); } void cmd_otr_start_shows_message_when_in_muc(void** state) { test_cmd_otr_start_from_wintype(WIN_MUC); } void cmd_otr_start_shows_message_when_in_private(void** state) { test_cmd_otr_start_from_wintype(WIN_PRIVATE); } void cmd_otr_start_shows_message_when_already_started(void** state) { char* recipient = "someone@server.org"; gchar* args[] = { "start", NULL }; will_return(connection_get_status, JABBER_CONNECTED); ProfWin window; window.type = WIN_CHAT; window.layout = NULL; window.urls_ac = NULL; window.quotes_ac = NULL; ProfChatWin chatwin; chatwin.window = window; chatwin.barejid = recipient; chatwin.memcheck = PROFCHATWIN_MEMCHECK; chatwin.pgp_send = FALSE; chatwin.is_otr = TRUE; expect_win_println("You are already in an OTR session."); gboolean result = cmd_otr_start((ProfWin*)&chatwin, CMD_OTR, args); assert_true(result); } void cmd_otr_start_shows_message_when_no_key(void** state) { char* recipient = "someone@server.org"; gchar* args[] = { "start", NULL }; will_return(connection_get_status, JABBER_CONNECTED); will_return(otr_key_loaded, FALSE); ProfWin window; window.type = WIN_CHAT; window.layout = NULL; window.urls_ac = NULL; window.quotes_ac = NULL; ProfChatWin chatwin; chatwin.window = window; chatwin.barejid = recipient; chatwin.memcheck = PROFCHATWIN_MEMCHECK; chatwin.pgp_send = FALSE; chatwin.is_otr = FALSE; expect_win_println("You have not generated or loaded a private key, use '/otr gen'"); gboolean result = cmd_otr_start((ProfWin*)&chatwin, CMD_OTR, args); assert_true(result); } void cmd_otr_start_sends_otr_query_message_to_current_recipeint(void** state) { char* recipient = "buddy@chat.com"; char* query_message = "?OTR?"; gchar* args[] = { "start", NULL }; ProfWin window; window.type = WIN_CHAT; window.layout = NULL; window.urls_ac = NULL; window.quotes_ac = NULL; ProfChatWin chatwin; chatwin.window = window; chatwin.barejid = recipient; chatwin.memcheck = PROFCHATWIN_MEMCHECK; chatwin.pgp_send = FALSE; chatwin.is_otr = FALSE; will_return(connection_get_status, JABBER_CONNECTED); will_return(otr_key_loaded, TRUE); will_return(otr_start_query, query_message); expect_string(message_send_chat_otr, barejid, recipient); expect_string(message_send_chat_otr, msg, query_message); gboolean result = cmd_otr_start((ProfWin*)&chatwin, CMD_OTR, args); assert_true(result); } #else void cmd_otr_shows_message_when_otr_unsupported(void** state) { gchar* args[] = { "gen", NULL }; expect_cons_show("This version of Profanity has not been built with OTR support enabled"); gboolean result = cmd_otr_gen(NULL, CMD_OTR, args); assert_true(result); } #endif