/* * muc.c * * Copyright (C) 2012 - 2014 James Booth * * This file is part of Profanity. * * Profanity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Profanity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Profanity. If not, see . * * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to * link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under * certain conditions as described in each individual source file, and * distribute linked combinations including the two. * * You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of the * code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this exception, you * may extend this exception to your version of the file(s), but you are not * obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception * statement from your version. If you delete this exception statement from all * source files in the program, then also delete it here. * */ #include #include #include #include "contact.h" #include "common.h" #include "jid.h" #include "tools/autocomplete.h" #include "ui/ui.h" #include "muc.h" typedef struct _muc_room_t { char *room; // e.g. test@conference.server char *nick; // e.g. Some User muc_role_t role; muc_affiliation_t affiliation; char *password; char *subject; char *autocomplete_prefix; gboolean pending_config; GList *pending_broadcasts; gboolean autojoin; gboolean pending_nick_change; GHashTable *roster; Autocomplete nick_ac; GHashTable *nick_changes; gboolean roster_received; } ChatRoom; GHashTable *rooms = NULL; Autocomplete invite_ac; static void _free_room(ChatRoom *room); static gint _compare_occupants(Occupant *a, Occupant *b); static muc_role_t _role_from_string(const char * const role); static muc_affiliation_t _affiliation_from_string(const char * const affiliation); static char* _role_to_string(muc_role_t role); static char* _affiliation_to_string(muc_affiliation_t affiliation); static Occupant* _muc_occupant_new(const char *const nick, muc_role_t role, muc_affiliation_t affiliation, resource_presence_t presence, const char * const status); static void _occupant_free(Occupant *occupant); void muc_init(void) { invite_ac = autocomplete_new(); rooms = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, (GDestroyNotify)_free_room); } void muc_close(void) { autocomplete_free(invite_ac); g_hash_table_destroy(rooms); rooms = NULL; } void muc_invites_add(const char * const room) { autocomplete_add(invite_ac, room); } void muc_invites_remove(const char * const room) { autocomplete_remove(invite_ac, room); } gint muc_invites_count(void) { return autocomplete_length(invite_ac); } GSList * muc_invites(void) { return autocomplete_create_list(invite_ac); } gboolean muc_invites_contain(const char * const room) { GSList *invites = autocomplete_create_list(invite_ac); GSList *curr = invites; while (curr) { if (strcmp(curr->data, room) == 0) { g_slist_free_full(invites, g_free); return TRUE; } else { curr = g_slist_next(curr); } } g_slist_free_full(invites, g_free); return FALSE; } void muc_invites_reset_ac(void) { autocomplete_reset(invite_ac); } char * muc_invites_find(char *search_str) { return autocomplete_complete(invite_ac, search_str, TRUE); } void muc_invites_clear(void) { autocomplete_clear(invite_ac); } void muc_join(const char * const room, const char * const nick, const char * const password, gboolean autojoin) { ChatRoom *new_room = malloc(sizeof(ChatRoom)); new_room->room = strdup(room); new_room->nick = strdup(nick); new_room->role = MUC_ROLE_NONE; new_room->affiliation = MUC_AFFILIATION_NONE; new_room->autocomplete_prefix = NULL; if (password) { new_room->password = strdup(password); } else { new_room->password = NULL; } new_room->subject = NULL; new_room->pending_broadcasts = NULL; new_room->pending_config = FALSE; new_room->roster = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, (GDestroyNotify)_occupant_free); new_room->nick_ac = autocomplete_new(); new_room->nick_changes = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, g_free); new_room->roster_received = FALSE; new_room->pending_nick_change = FALSE; new_room->autojoin = autojoin; g_hash_table_insert(rooms, strdup(room), new_room); } void muc_leave(const char * const room) { g_hash_table_remove(rooms, room); } gboolean muc_requires_config(const char * const room) { ChatRoom *chat_room = g_hash_table_lookup(rooms, room); if (chat_room) { return chat_room->pending_config; } else { return FALSE; } } void muc_set_requires_config(const char * const room, gboolean val) { ChatRoom *chat_room = g_hash_table_lookup(rooms, room); if (chat_room) { chat_room->pending_config = val; } } /* * Returns TRUE if the user is currently in the room */ gboolean muc_active(const char * const room) { ChatRoom *chat_room = g_hash_table_lookup(rooms, room); return (chat_room != NULL); } gboolean muc_autojoin(const char * const room) { ChatRoom *chat_room = g_hash_table_lookup(rooms, room); if (chat_room) { return chat_room->autojoin; } else { return FALSE; } } void muc_set_subject(const char * const room, const char * const subject) { ChatRoom *chat_room = g_hash_table_lookup(rooms, room); if (chat_room) { free(chat_room->subject); chat_room->subject = strdup(subject); } } char * muc_subject(const char * const room) { ChatRoom *chat_room = g_hash_table_lookup(rooms, room); if (chat_room) { return chat_room->subject; } else { return NULL; } } void muc_pending_broadcasts_add(const char * const room, const char * const message) { ChatRoom *chat_room = g_hash_table_lookup(rooms, room); if (chat_room) { chat_room->pending_broadcasts = g_list_append(chat_room->pending_broadcasts, strdup(message)); } } GList * muc_pending_broadcasts(const char * const room) { ChatRoom *chat_room = g_hash_table_lookup(rooms, room); if (chat_room) { return chat_room->pending_broadcasts; } else { return NULL; } } char * muc_old_nick(const char * const room, const char * const new_nick) { ChatRoom *chat_room = g_hash_table_lookup(rooms, room); if (chat_room && chat_room->pending_nick_change) { return g_hash_table_lookup(chat_room->nick_changes, new_nick); } else { return NULL; } } /* * Flag that the user has sent a nick change to the service * and is awaiting the response */ void muc_nick_change_start(const char * const room, const char * const new_nick) { ChatRoom *chat_room = g_hash_table_lookup(rooms, room); if (chat_room) { chat_room->pending_nick_change = TRUE; g_hash_table_insert(chat_room->nick_changes, strdup(new_nick), strdup(chat_room->nick)); } } /* * Returns TRUE if the room is awaiting the result of a * nick change */ gboolean muc_nick_change_pending(const char * const room) { ChatRoom *chat_room = g_hash_table_lookup(rooms, room); if (chat_room) { return chat_room->pending_nick_change; } else { return FALSE; } } /* * Change the current nuck name for the room, call once * the service has responded */ void muc_nick_change_complete(const char * const room, const char * const nick) { ChatRoom *chat_room = g_hash_table_lookup(rooms, room); if (chat_room) { free(chat_room->nick); chat_room->nick = strdup(nick); chat_room->pending_nick_change = FALSE; g_hash_table_remove(chat_room->nick_changes, nick); } } /* * Return a list of room names * The contents of the list are owned by the chat room and should not be * modified or freed. */ GList * muc_rooms(void) { return g_hash_table_get_keys(rooms); } /* * Return current users nickname for the specified room * The nickname is owned by the chat room and should not be modified or freed */ char * muc_nick(const char * const room) { ChatRoom *chat_room = g_hash_table_lookup(rooms, room); if (chat_room) { return chat_room->nick; } else { return NULL; } } /* * Return password for the specified room * The password is owned by the chat room and should not be modified or freed */ char * muc_password(const char * const room) { ChatRoom *chat_room = g_hash_table_lookup(rooms, room); if (chat_room) { return chat_room->password; } else { return NULL; } } /* * Returns TRUE if the specified nick exists in the room's roster */ gboolean muc_roster_contains_nick(const char * const room, const char * const nick) { ChatRoom *chat_room = g_hash_table_lookup(rooms, room); if (chat_room) { Occupant *occupant = g_hash_table_lookup(chat_room->roster, nick); return (occupant != NULL); } else { return FALSE; } } /* * Add a new chat room member to the room's roster */ gboolean muc_roster_add(const char * const room, const char * const nick, const char * const role, const char * const affiliation, const char * const show, const char * const status) { ChatRoom *chat_room = g_hash_table_lookup(rooms, room); gboolean updated = FALSE; resource_presence_t new_presence = resource_presence_from_string(show); if (chat_room) { Occupant *old = g_hash_table_lookup(chat_room->roster, nick); if (!old) { updated = TRUE; autocomplete_add(chat_room->nick_ac, nick); } else if (old->presence != new_presence || (g_strcmp0(old->status, status) != 0)) { updated = TRUE; } resource_presence_t presence = resource_presence_from_string(show); muc_role_t role_t = _role_from_string(role); muc_affiliation_t affiliation_t = _affiliation_from_string(affiliation); Occupant *occupant = _muc_occupant_new(nick, role_t, affiliation_t, presence, status); g_hash_table_replace(chat_room->roster, strdup(nick), occupant); } return updated; } /* * Remove a room member from the room's roster */ void muc_roster_remove(const char * const room, const char * const nick) { ChatRoom *chat_room = g_hash_table_lookup(rooms, room); if (chat_room) { g_hash_table_remove(chat_room->roster, nick); autocomplete_remove(chat_room->nick_ac, nick); } } Occupant * muc_roster_item(const char * const room, const char * const nick) { ChatRoom *chat_room = g_hash_table_lookup(rooms, room); if (chat_room) { Occupant *occupant = g_hash_table_lookup(chat_room->roster, nick); return occupant; } else { return NULL; } } /* * Return a list of PContacts representing the room members in the room's roster * The list is owned by the room and must not be mofified or freed */ GList * muc_roster(const char * const room) { ChatRoom *chat_room = g_hash_table_lookup(rooms, room); if (chat_room) { GList *result = NULL; GHashTableIter iter; gpointer key; gpointer value; g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, chat_room->roster); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, &key, &value)) { result = g_list_insert_sorted(result, value, (GCompareFunc)_compare_occupants); } return result; } else { return NULL; } } /* * Return a Autocomplete representing the room member's in the roster */ Autocomplete muc_roster_ac(const char * const room) { ChatRoom *chat_room = g_hash_table_lookup(rooms, room); if (chat_room) { return chat_room->nick_ac; } else { return NULL; } } /* * Set to TRUE when the rooms roster has been fully received */ void muc_roster_set_complete(const char * const room) { ChatRoom *chat_room = g_hash_table_lookup(rooms, room); if (chat_room) { chat_room->roster_received = TRUE; } } /* * Returns TRUE id the rooms roster has been fully received */ gboolean muc_roster_complete(const char * const room) { ChatRoom *chat_room = g_hash_table_lookup(rooms, room); if (chat_room) { return chat_room->roster_received; } else { return FALSE; } } gboolean muc_occupant_available(Occupant *occupant) { return (occupant->presence == RESOURCE_ONLINE || occupant->presence == RESOURCE_CHAT); } const char * muc_occupant_affiliation_str(Occupant *occupant) { return _affiliation_to_string(occupant->affiliation); } const char * muc_occupant_role_str(Occupant *occupant) { return _role_to_string(occupant->role); } /* * Remove the old_nick from the roster, and flag that a pending nickname change * is in progress */ void muc_roster_nick_change_start(const char * const room, const char * const new_nick, const char * const old_nick) { ChatRoom *chat_room = g_hash_table_lookup(rooms, room); if (chat_room) { g_hash_table_insert(chat_room->nick_changes, strdup(new_nick), strdup(old_nick)); muc_roster_remove(room, old_nick); } } /* * Complete the pending nick name change for a contact in the room's roster * The new nick name will be added to the roster * The old nick name will be returned in a new string which must be freed by * the caller */ char * muc_roster_nick_change_complete(const char * const room, const char * const nick) { ChatRoom *chat_room = g_hash_table_lookup(rooms, room); if (chat_room) { char *old_nick = g_hash_table_lookup(chat_room->nick_changes, nick); if (old_nick) { char *old_nick_cpy = strdup(old_nick); g_hash_table_remove(chat_room->nick_changes, nick); return old_nick_cpy; } } return NULL; } void muc_autocomplete(char *input, int *size) { char *recipient = ui_current_recipient(); ChatRoom *chat_room = g_hash_table_lookup(rooms, recipient); if (chat_room && chat_room->nick_ac) { input[*size] = '\0'; char *search_str = NULL; gchar *last_space = g_strrstr(input, " "); if (!last_space) { search_str = input; if (!chat_room->autocomplete_prefix) { chat_room->autocomplete_prefix = strdup(""); } } else { search_str = last_space+1; if (!chat_room->autocomplete_prefix) { chat_room->autocomplete_prefix = g_strndup(input, search_str - input); } } char *result = autocomplete_complete(chat_room->nick_ac, search_str, FALSE); if (result) { GString *replace_with = g_string_new(chat_room->autocomplete_prefix); g_string_append(replace_with, result); if (!last_space || (*(last_space+1) == '\0')) { g_string_append(replace_with, ": "); } ui_replace_input(input, replace_with->str, size); g_string_free(replace_with, TRUE); g_free(result); } } } void muc_autocomplete_reset(const char * const room) { ChatRoom *chat_room = g_hash_table_lookup(rooms, room); if (chat_room) { if (chat_room->nick_ac) { autocomplete_reset(chat_room->nick_ac); } if (chat_room->autocomplete_prefix) { free(chat_room->autocomplete_prefix); chat_room->autocomplete_prefix = NULL; } } } char * muc_role_str(const char * const room) { ChatRoom *chat_room = g_hash_table_lookup(rooms, room); if (chat_room) { return _role_to_string(chat_room->role); } else { return "none"; } } void muc_set_role(const char * const room, const char * const role) { ChatRoom *chat_room = g_hash_table_lookup(rooms, room); if (chat_room) { chat_room->role = _role_from_string(role); } } char * muc_affiliation_str(const char * const room) { ChatRoom *chat_room = g_hash_table_lookup(rooms, room); if (chat_room) { return _affiliation_to_string(chat_room->affiliation); } else { return "none"; } } void muc_set_affiliation(const char * const room, const char * const affiliation) { ChatRoom *chat_room = g_hash_table_lookup(rooms, room); if (chat_room) { chat_room->affiliation = _affiliation_from_string(affiliation); } } static void _free_room(ChatRoom *room) { if (room) { free(room->room); free(room->nick); free(room->subject); free(room->password); free(room->autocomplete_prefix); if (room->roster) { g_hash_table_destroy(room->roster); } autocomplete_free(room->nick_ac); if (room->nick_changes) { g_hash_table_destroy(room->nick_changes); } if (room->pending_broadcasts) { g_list_free_full(room->pending_broadcasts, free); } free(room); } } static gint _compare_occupants(Occupant *a, Occupant *b) { const char * utf8_str_a = a->nick; const char * utf8_str_b = b->nick; gchar *key_a = g_utf8_collate_key(utf8_str_a, -1); gchar *key_b = g_utf8_collate_key(utf8_str_b, -1); gint result = g_strcmp0(key_a, key_b); g_free(key_a); g_free(key_b); return result; } static muc_role_t _role_from_string(const char * const role) { if (role) { if (g_strcmp0(role, "visitor") == 0) { return MUC_ROLE_VISITOR; } else if (g_strcmp0(role, "participant") == 0) { return MUC_ROLE_PARTICIPANT; } else if (g_strcmp0(role, "moderator") == 0) { return MUC_ROLE_MODERATOR; } else { return MUC_ROLE_NONE; } } else { return MUC_ROLE_NONE; } } static char * _role_to_string(muc_role_t role) { char *result = NULL; switch (role) { case MUC_ROLE_NONE: result = "none"; break; case MUC_ROLE_VISITOR: result = "visitor"; break; case MUC_ROLE_PARTICIPANT: result = "participant"; break; case MUC_ROLE_MODERATOR: result = "moderator"; break; default: result = "none"; break; } return result; } static muc_affiliation_t _affiliation_from_string(const char * const affiliation) { if (affiliation) { if (g_strcmp0(affiliation, "outcast") == 0) { return MUC_AFFILIATION_OUTCAST; } else if (g_strcmp0(affiliation, "member") == 0) { return MUC_AFFILIATION_MEMBER; } else if (g_strcmp0(affiliation, "admin") == 0) { return MUC_AFFILIATION_ADMIN; } else if (g_strcmp0(affiliation, "owner") == 0) { return MUC_AFFILIATION_OWNER; } else { return MUC_AFFILIATION_NONE; } } else { return MUC_AFFILIATION_NONE; } } static char * _affiliation_to_string(muc_affiliation_t affiliation) { char *result = NULL; switch (affiliation) { case MUC_AFFILIATION_NONE: result = "none"; break; case MUC_AFFILIATION_OUTCAST: result = "outcast"; break; case MUC_AFFILIATION_MEMBER: result = "member"; break; case MUC_AFFILIATION_ADMIN: result = "admin"; break; case MUC_AFFILIATION_OWNER: result = "owner"; break; default: result = "none"; break; } return result; } static Occupant* _muc_occupant_new(const char *const nick, muc_role_t role, muc_affiliation_t affiliation, resource_presence_t presence, const char * const status) { Occupant *occupant = malloc(sizeof(Occupant)); if (nick) { occupant->nick = strdup(nick); } else { occupant->nick = NULL; } occupant->presence = presence; if (status) { occupant->status = strdup(status); } else { occupant->status = NULL; } occupant->role = role; occupant->affiliation = affiliation; return occupant; } static void _occupant_free(Occupant *occupant) { if (occupant) { free(occupant->nick); free(occupant->status); free(occupant); occupant = NULL; } }