.TH Profanity 1 "August 2012" "Profanity XMPP client" .SH NAME Profanity \- a simple console based XMPP chat client for Linux, see the homepage at: .br .PP .SH SYNOPSIS .B profanity [-vhd] [-l level] .SH DESCRIPTION .B Profanity is a simple lightweight console based XMPP chat client. It's emphasis is on having a simple and configurable UI. .SH OPTIONS .TP .BI "\-v, \-\-version" Show version information. .TP .BI "\-h, \-\-help" Show help on command line arguments. .TP .BI "\-d, \-\-disable-tls" Disable TLS for servers that either don't support it, or claim to but do not complete the handshake. .TP .BI "\-l, \-\-log="LEVEL Set the logging level, .I LEVEL may be set to DEBUG, INFO (the default), WARN or ERROR. .SH USING PROFANITY The .B Profanity user interface contains 3 main elements. .PP The title bar at the top, shows various information about who you are chatting with, and your current status at the top right corner. .PP The status bar near the bottom, shows information about the user you are logged in as, and shows which windows are currently active, at the bottom right corner of the screen. .PP The input line, the last line, is where all user input goes, including commands starting with the "/" character and messages. .PP The main window holds a console window where information is given, press F1 to get back to the console window. Up to 9 chat windows may be open at any one time, to access them use the F2-F10 keys. When in a chat window, you do not need to use the "/msg" command. .SH SEE ALSO .B Profanity itself has a lot of built\-in help. Check the /help command for more information. Type "/help help" for information on how to use help itself. .SH CONFIGURATION Configuration for .B Profanity is stored in .I ~/.profanity/config , see the following example: .br .RS .PP [ui] .br beep=false .br flash=false .br showsplash=false .br notify=true .br chlog=true .br typing=true .br .PP [colours] .br away=magenta .br chat=yellow .br xa=blue .br online=white .br dnd=red .br offline=cyan .br bkgnd=default .br text=white .br online=green .br offline=red .br err=red .br inc=yellow .br bar=green .br bar_draw=black .br bar_text=black .PP [connections] .br logins=user1@server1.org;myuser@server2.com; .PP .RE The [ui] section contains basic preferences, you can find more help on these settings by typing "/help beep" for example in Profanity. .PP The [colours] section allows you to tailor the colours used in Profanity to suit your terminal preferences. Available colours are black, white, red, green, blue, yellow, cyan, magenta and default, where default is the default forground or background colour on your terminal. .PP The [connections] section is the list of users that will appear in tab completion for the /connect command. This list is automatically populated when you successfully log in as a user. .SH BUGS Bugs can either be reported by sending a mail directly to: .br .PP .br .PP or to the mailing list at: .br .PP .br .PP or with a Github account by logging issues on the issue tracker at: .br .PP .SH LICENSE Copyright (C) 2012 James Booth . License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later This is free software; you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. .SH AUTHORS/CREDITS .B Profanity was written by James Booth .B with contributions from: .br .PP Dolan O'Toole .br Colin Bradley