.TH man 1 "2022-10-12" "0.13.0" "Profanity XMPP client" .SH NAME /omemo .SH DESCRIPTION OMEMO commands to manage keys, and perform encryption during chat sessions. .SH SYNOPSIS /omemo gen .LP /omemo log on|off|redact .LP /omemo start [] .LP /omemo trust [] .LP /omemo end .LP /omemo fingerprint [] .LP /omemo char .LP /omemo trustmode manual|firstusage|blind .LP /omemo policy manual|automatic|always .LP /omemo clear_device_list .LP /omemo qrcode .LP .SH ARGUMENTS .PP \fBgen\fR .RS 4 Generate OMEMO crytographic materials for current account. .RE .PP \fBstart []\fR .RS 4 Start an OMEMO session with contact, or current recipient if omitted. .RE .PP \fBend\fR .RS 4 End the current OMEMO session. .RE .PP \fBlog on|off\fR .RS 4 Enable or disable plaintext logging of OMEMO encrypted messages. .RE .PP \fBlog redact\fR .RS 4 Log OMEMO encrypted messages, but replace the contents with [redacted]. .RE .PP \fBfingerprint []\fR .RS 4 Show contact fingerprints, or current recipient if omitted. .RE .PP \fBchar \fR .RS 4 Set the character to be displayed next to OMEMO encrypted messages. .RE .PP \fBtrustmode manual\fR .RS 4 Set the global OMEMO trust mode to manual, OMEMO keys has to be trusted manually. .RE .PP \fBtrustmode firstusage\fR .RS 4 Set the global OMEMO trust mode to ToFu, first OMEMO keys trusted automatically. .RE .PP \fBtrustmode blind\fR .RS 4 Set the global OMEMO trust mode to blind, ALL OMEMO keys trusted automatically. .RE .PP \fBpolicy manual\fR .RS 4 Set the global OMEMO policy to manual, OMEMO sessions must be started manually. .RE .PP \fBpolicy automatic\fR .RS 4 Set the global OMEMO policy to opportunistic, an OMEMO session will be attempted upon starting a conversation. .RE .PP \fBpolicy always\fR .RS 4 Set the global OMEMO policy to always, an error will be displayed if an OMEMO session cannot be initiated upon starting a conversation. .RE .PP \fBclear_device_list\fR .RS 4 Clear your own device list on server side. Each client will reannounce itself when connected back. .RE .PP \fBqrcode\fR .RS 4 Display QR code of your OMEMO fingerprint .RE .SH EXAMPLES /omemo gen .LP /omemo start odin@valhalla.edda .LP /omemo trust c4f9c875-144d7a3b-0c4a05b6-ca3be51a-a037f329-0bd3ae62-07f99719-55559d2a .LP /omemo untrust loki@valhalla.edda c4f9c875-144d7a3b-0c4a05b6-ca3be51a-a037f329-0bd3ae62-07f99719-55559d2a .LP /omemo char * .LP