diff --git a/src/command/command.c b/src/command/command.c
index bd5b903e..002aa998 100644
--- a/src/command/command.c
+++ b/src/command/command.c
@@ -196,70 +196,6 @@ static struct cmd_t main_commands[] =
           "Disconnect from the current chat service.",
           NULL  } } },
-    { "/account",
-        _cmd_account, parse_args, 0, 4,
-        { "/account [command] [account] [property] [value]", "Manage accounts.",
-        { "/account [command] [account] [property] [value]",
-          "-----------------------------------------------",
-          "Commands for creating and managing accounts.",
-          "list                       : List all accounts.",
-          "show account               : Show information about an account.",
-          "enable account             : Enable the account, it will be used for autocomplete.",
-          "disable account            : Disable the account.",
-          "add account                : Create a new account.",
-          "rename account newname     : Rename account to newname.",
-          "set account property value : Set 'property' of 'account' to 'value'.",
-          "",
-          "When connected, the /account command can be called with no arguments, to show current account settings.",
-          "The 'property' may be one of.",
-          "jid              : The Jabber ID of the account, the account name will be used if this property is not set.",
-          "server           : The chat server, if different to the domainpart of the JID.",
-          "status           : The presence status to use on login, use 'last' to use whatever your last status was.",
-          "online|chat|away",
-          "|xa|dnd          : Priority for the specified presence.",
-          "resource         : The resource to be used.",
-          "",
-          "Example : /account add work",
-          "        : /account set work jid myuser@mycompany.com",
-          "        : /account set work server talk.google.com",
-          "        : /account set work resource desktop",
-          "        : /account set work status dnd",
-          "        : /account set work dnd -1",
-          "        : /account set work online 10",
-          "        : /account rename work gtalk",
-          NULL  } } },
-    { "/prefs",
-        _cmd_prefs, parse_args, 0, 1,
-        { "/prefs [area]", "Show configuration.",
-        { "/prefs [area]",
-          "-------------",
-          "Area is one of:",
-          "ui       : User interface preferences.",
-          "desktop  : Desktop notification preferences.",
-          "chat     : Chat state preferences.",
-          "log      : Logging preferences.",
-          "conn     : Connection handling preferences.",
-          "presence : Chat presence preferences.",
-          "",
-          "No argument shows all categories.",
-          NULL } } },
-    { "/theme",
-        _cmd_theme, parse_args, 1, 2,
-        { "/theme command [theme-name]", "Change colour theme.",
-        { "/theme command [theme-name]",
-          "---------------------------",
-          "Change the colour settings used.",
-          "",
-          "command : One of the following,",
-          "list             : List all available themes.",
-          "set [theme-name] : Load the named theme.\"default\" will reset to the default colours.",
-          "",
-          "Example : /theme list",
-          "Example : /theme set mycooltheme",
-          NULL } } },
     { "/msg",
         _cmd_msg, parse_args_with_freetext, 1, 2,
         { "/msg jid|nick [message]", "Start chat with user.",
@@ -774,6 +710,71 @@ static struct cmd_t setting_commands[] =
           "value : Number between -128 and 127. Default value is 0.",
           NULL } } },
+    { "/account",
+        _cmd_account, parse_args, 0, 4,
+        { "/account [command] [account] [property] [value]", "Manage accounts.",
+        { "/account [command] [account] [property] [value]",
+          "-----------------------------------------------",
+          "Commands for creating and managing accounts.",
+          "list                       : List all accounts.",
+          "show account               : Show information about an account.",
+          "enable account             : Enable the account, it will be used for autocomplete.",
+          "disable account            : Disable the account.",
+          "add account                : Create a new account.",
+          "rename account newname     : Rename account to newname.",
+          "set account property value : Set 'property' of 'account' to 'value'.",
+          "",
+          "When connected, the /account command can be called with no arguments, to show current account settings.",
+          "The 'property' may be one of.",
+          "jid              : The Jabber ID of the account, the account name will be used if this property is not set.",
+          "server           : The chat server, if different to the domainpart of the JID.",
+          "status           : The presence status to use on login, use 'last' to use whatever your last status was.",
+          "online|chat|away",
+          "|xa|dnd          : Priority for the specified presence.",
+          "resource         : The resource to be used.",
+          "",
+          "Example : /account add work",
+          "        : /account set work jid myuser@mycompany.com",
+          "        : /account set work server talk.google.com",
+          "        : /account set work resource desktop",
+          "        : /account set work status dnd",
+          "        : /account set work dnd -1",
+          "        : /account set work online 10",
+          "        : /account rename work gtalk",
+          NULL  } } },
+    { "/prefs",
+        _cmd_prefs, parse_args, 0, 1,
+        { "/prefs [area]", "Show configuration.",
+        { "/prefs [area]",
+          "-------------",
+          "Area is one of:",
+          "ui       : User interface preferences.",
+          "desktop  : Desktop notification preferences.",
+          "chat     : Chat state preferences.",
+          "log      : Logging preferences.",
+          "conn     : Connection handling preferences.",
+          "presence : Chat presence preferences.",
+          "",
+          "No argument shows all categories.",
+          NULL } } },
+    { "/theme",
+        _cmd_theme, parse_args, 1, 2,
+        { "/theme command [theme-name]", "Change colour theme.",
+        { "/theme command [theme-name]",
+          "---------------------------",
+          "Change the colour settings used.",
+          "",
+          "command : One of the following,",
+          "list             : List all available themes.",
+          "set [theme-name] : Load the named theme.\"default\" will reset to the default colours.",
+          "",
+          "Example : /theme list",
+          "Example : /theme set mycooltheme",
+          NULL } } },
     { "/statuses",
         _cmd_set_statuses, parse_args, 1, 1,
         { "/statuses on|off", "Set notifications for status messages.",