/* _ (_ _)UDOKU Authored by abakh To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without any warranty. You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along with this software. If not, see . NOTE: This program is only made for entertainment porpuses. The puzzles are generated by randomly clearing tiles on the table and are guaranteed to have a solution , but are not guaranteed to have only one unique solution. */ #include #include #include #include //to seed random #include #include #include #include "config.h" byte _wait=0, waitcycles=0;//apparently 'wait' conflicts with a variable in a library macOS includes by default byte py,px; unsigned int filled; chtype colors[6]={0}; #ifdef NO_VLA//the Plan9 compiler can not handle VLAs #define size 3 #define s 9 #ifdef Plan9 // I hope this is approximately right int round(float x) { int y; if(x > 0) y = (int)(x + 0.5); //int will round down, so if the decimal of x is .5 or higher this will round up. else if(x < 0) y = (int)(x - 0.5); // the same but opposite return y; } #endif #else byte size=3,s=9;//s=size*size #endif void cross(byte sy,byte sx,chtype start,chtype middle,chtype end){ //to simplify drawing tables. doesn't draw a cross (why did I choose that name?) mvaddch(sy,sx,start); byte f = 2*size; for(char n=1;ns) return 1; for(byte y=0;ys) board[y][x]=int2sgn(k=1); } ++k; if(k>s) k=1; } } for(byte n=0;n4) printw(" (some of these alphabet controls maybe overridden in certain sizes)"); mvprintw(10,0,"? : Hint (not like in other games)"); mvprintw(11,0,"F1 & F2: Help on controls & gameplay"); mvprintw(12,0,"PgDn,PgUp,<,> : Scroll"); mvprintw(15,0,"Press a key to continue"); refresh(); getch(); erase(); } void gameplay(void){ erase(); header(0,0); attron(A_BOLD); mvprintw(3,0," **** THE GAMEPLAY ****"); attroff(A_BOLD); move(4,0); printw("Fill the table with digits"); if(size>3) printw(" (and characters) \n"); else addch('\n'); printw("so that all the rows, columns and smaller subregions \n"); printw("contain all of the digits from 1 to "); if(size<=3){ addch(int2sgn(s)); addch('.'); } if(size>3){ addch('9'); printw(" and all\nthe alphabet letters from 'a' to '%c'.",int2sgn(s)); } printw("\n\nPress a key to continue."); refresh(); getch(); erase(); } int main(int argc,char** argv){ signal(SIGINT,sigint_handler); bool fastgen=0; int opt; while( (opt=getopt(argc,argv,"hfs:d:"))!=-1){ switch(opt){ #ifndef NO_VLA case 's': size=atoi(optarg); if(size>7 || size<2){ printf("2 <= size <= 7\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } break; #endif //NO_VLA case 'f': fastgen=1; break; case 'h': default: printf("Usage:%s [options]\n -s size\n -h help\n -f fast (flawed) generation\n",argv[0]); return EXIT_FAILURE; break; } } fastgen= (size>4) || fastgen || !(!getenv("SUDOKU_FASTGEN")); initscr(); #ifndef NO_MOUSE mousemask(ALL_MOUSE_EVENTS,NULL); #endif //NO_MOUSE noecho(); cbreak(); keypad(stdscr,1); srand(time(NULL)%UINT_MAX); if( has_colors() ){ start_color(); use_default_colors(); init_pair(1,COLOR_YELLOW,-1); init_pair(2,COLOR_GREEN,-1); init_pair(3,COLOR_BLUE,-1); init_pair(4,COLOR_CYAN,-1); init_pair(5,COLOR_MAGENTA,-1); init_pair(6,COLOR_RED,-1); for(byte b=0;b<6;++b){ colors[b]=COLOR_PAIR(b+1); } } #ifndef NO_VLA s= size*size; #endif char board[s][s]; char empty[s][s]; char game[s][s]; int input=0; int sy,sx; Start: sy=sx=0; erase(); curs_set(0); filled =0; memset(board,0,s*s); memset(empty,0,s*s); memset(game,0,s*s); if(fastgen) just_fill(board); else fill(board); mk_puzzle(board,empty,game); py=px=0; while(1){ erase(); draw(sy+3,sx+0,empty,game); header(sy+0,sx+0); refresh(); if(filled == s*s) break; input = getch(); if( input==KEY_PPAGE && LINES< s+size+3){//the board starts in 3 sy+=10; if(sy>0) sy=0; } if( input==KEY_NPAGE && LINES< s+size+3){ sy-=10; if(sy< -(s+size+3) ) sy=-(s+size+3); } if( input=='<' && COLS< s*2){ sx+=10; if(sx>0) sx=0; } if( input=='>' && COLS< s*2){ sx-=10; if(sx< -(s*2)) sx=-(s*2); } if(input == KEY_F(1)) help(); if(input == KEY_F(2)) gameplay(); if(input == KEY_MOUSE) mouseinput(sy,sx); if(input == KEY_UP && py) --py; if(input == KEY_DOWN && py