/* _____ | |REASURE Authored by abakh To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without any warranty. You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along with this software. If not, see . compile with -lncurses */ #include "common.h" #define FOUND 9 #define UNTOUCHED -1 #define MINLEN 8 #define MINWID 8 #define MAXLEN 1000 #define MAXWID 1000 #define EMPTY_LINES 7 #define MAX_REPEATS 5 #ifdef NO_VLA //The Plan9 compiler can not handle VLAs #define len 8 #define wid 8 #else int len=8,wid=8; #endif int py,px,flags; int mscount; long scores[2]; char sides[2]={'h','h'}; chtype colors[6]={0}; int beginy,view_len; int turn=0; void setup_scroll(){ beginy=0; if(0len){ beginy-=beginy+view_len-len; } } void rectangle(int sy,int sx){ setup_scroll(); for(int y=0;y<=view_len;++y){ mvaddch(sy+y,sx,ACS_VLINE); mvaddch(sy+y,sx+wid*2,ACS_VLINE); } for(int x=0;x<=wid*2;++x){ mvaddch(sy,sx+x,ACS_HLINE); mvaddch(sy+view_len+1,sx+x,ACS_HLINE); } mvaddch(sy,sx,ACS_ULCORNER); mvaddch(sy+view_len+1,sx,ACS_LLCORNER); mvaddch(sy,sx+wid*2,ACS_URCORNER); mvaddch(sy+view_len+1,sx+wid*2,ACS_LRCORNER); } byte get_cell(byte board[len][wid],int y,int x){ return board[(y+len)%len][(x+wid)%wid]; } void logo(int sy, int sx){ mvprintw(sy,sx, "_____"); mvprintw(sy+1,sx+0, " | "); mvprintw(sy+2,sx, " |REASURE %ld:%ld",scores[0],scores[1]); if(turn==0){ attron(colors[1]); mvprintw(sy+1,sx+11,"Percent's Turn"); attroff(colors[1]); } if(turn==1){ attron(colors[2]); mvprintw(sy+1,sx+11,"Square's Turn"); attroff(colors[2]); } } //display void draw(int sy,int sx,byte board[len][wid]){ rectangle(sy,sx); chtype attr ; char prnt; int y,x; setup_scroll(); for(y=beginy;y=0 && board[ty][tx] <9)//it has been click()ed before return 0; else{ board[ty][tx]=0; } int y,x; for(y=ty-1;y=len) break; for (x=tx-1;x=wid) break; if(mines[y][x]) board[ty][tx]++; } } if(!board[ty][tx]){//there are no mines in the adjacent tiles for(y=ty-1;y=len) break; for(x=tx-1;x=wid) break; click(board,mines,y,x); } } } return 0; } //count discovered mines around the number being inspected float hit_probablity(byte board [len][wid],byte mines[len][wid],int ny,int nx){//n:number int y,x; float empty=0; float bombs=0; for(y=ny-1;y=len || x<0 || x>=wid){ continue; } if(board[y][x]==UNTOUCHED){ ++empty; if(mines[y][x]==1){ ++bombs; } } } } if(empty==0){ return 0; } return bombs/empty; } //AI algorithm byte decide(byte board[len][wid],byte mines[len][wid]){ float maxp=0; float p=0; int targety=-1, targetx=-1; int hity,hitx; int y,x; for(y=0;ymaxp){ targety=y; targetx=x; } if(p==1.0){ goto Skip; } } } } Skip: if(-1==targety){ do{ hity=rand()%len; hitx=rand()%wid; }while(board[hity][hitx]!=-1); } else{ do{ hity=targety-1+(rand()%3); hitx=targetx-1+(rand()%3); }while(board[hity][hitx]!=UNTOUCHED ||hitx<0 || hitx>=wid || hity<0 || hity>=len); } return click(board,mines,hity,hitx); } //place mines void mine(byte mines[len][wid]){ int y=rand()%len; int x=rand()%wid; mines[py][px]=1;//so it doesn't place mines where you click first for(int n=0;n : Scroll"); mvprintw(11,0,"Press a key to continue"); refresh(); getch(); erase(); } void gameplay(void){ erase(); logo(0,0); attron(A_BOLD); mvprintw(3,0," **** THE GAMEPLAY ****"); attroff(A_BOLD); mvprintw(4,0,"Like Mines but you need to find stuff\n"); printw("instead of avoiding them.\n"); refresh(); getch(); erase(); } int main(int argc, char** argv){ signal(SIGINT,sigint_handler); #ifndef NO_VLA int opt; int input; int sides_chosen=0,size_chosen=0; while( (opt=getopt(argc,argv,"hnm:l:w:"))!=-1){ switch(opt){ case '1': case '2': if(!strcmp("c",optarg) || !strcmp("h",optarg)){ sides[opt-'1']=optarg[0]; sides_chosen=1; } else{ puts("That should be either h or c\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } break; case 'm': mscount=atoi(optarg); if(mscount<0 || mscount>len*wid){ fprintf(stderr,"Too few/many mines.\n"); } break; case 'l': size_chosen=1; len=atoi(optarg); if(lenMAXLEN){ fprintf(stderr,"Length too high or low.\n"); } break; case 'w': size_chosen=1; wid=atoi(optarg); if(widMAXWID){ fprintf(stderr,"Width too high or low.\n"); } break; case 'h': default: printf("Usage:%s [options]\n -l length\n -w width\n -m number of mines\n -h help\n",argv[0]); return EXIT_FAILURE; break; } } #endif srand(time(NULL)%UINT_MAX); initscr(); #ifndef NO_MOUSE mousemask(ALL_MOUSE_EVENTS,NULL); #endif noecho(); cbreak(); keypad(stdscr,1); if(has_colors()){ start_color(); use_default_colors(); init_pair(1,COLOR_BLUE,-1); init_pair(2,COLOR_GREEN,-1); init_pair(3,COLOR_YELLOW,-1); init_pair(4,COLOR_RED,-1); init_pair(5,COLOR_RED,COLOR_YELLOW); init_pair(6,COLOR_RED,COLOR_MAGENTA); for(byte b= 0;b<6;++b){ colors[b]=COLOR_PAIR(b+1); } } #ifndef NO_VLA if(!size_chosen){ if((LINES-7) < 5){ len=5; } else{ len=15; } if((COLS-5)/2 < 20){ wid=20; } else{ wid=15; } } if(!mscount){ mscount=len*wid/8; } #else mscount=len*wid/8; #endif if(!sides_chosen){ printw("Choose type of the # player(H/c)\n" ); refresh(); input=getch(); if(input=='c'){ sides[0]='c'; printw("Computer.\n"); } else{ sides[0]='h'; printw("Human.\n"); } printw("Choose type of the %% player(h/C)\n"); refresh(); input=getch(); if(input=='h'){ sides[1]='h'; printw("Human.\n"); } else{ sides[1]='c'; printw("Computer.\n"); } } byte board[len][wid]; byte mines[len][wid]; char result[70]; int sy,sx; byte repeats; bool first_click; byte won; Start: won=-1; scores[0]=scores[1]=0; sy=sx=0; py=px=0; flags=0; curs_set(0); for(int y=0;ymscount/2){ won=0; goto End; } if(scores[1]>mscount/2){ won=1; goto End; } repeats=0; turn=!turn; if(sides[turn]=='c'){ bool first_time=1; do{ ++repeats; erase(); logo(sy,sx); draw(sy+3,sx+0,board); refresh(); if(!first_time){ usleep(500000);//it is demoralising to see it find 5 mines in a split second } else{ first_time=0; } if(scores[0]>mscount/2 || scores[1]>mscount/2){ goto Turn; } }while(decide(board,mines) && repeatsmscount/2 || scores[1]>mscount/2){ goto Turn; } ++repeats; if(repeats>=MAX_REPEATS){ goto Turn; } while(1){ erase(); logo(sy,sx); draw(sy+3,sx+0,board); refresh(); input = getch(); if( input==KEY_PPAGE && LINES< len+3){//the board starts in 3 sy+=10; if(sy>0){ sy=0; } } if( input==KEY_NPAGE && LINES< len+3){ sy-=10; if(sy< -(len+3) ){ sy=-(len+3); } } if( input=='<' && COLS< wid*2+1){ sx+=10; if(sx>0){ sx=0; } } if( input=='>' && COLS< wid*2+1){ sx-=10; if(sx< -(wid*2+1)){ sx=-(wid*2+1); } } if( input==KEY_F(1) || input=='?' ) help(); if( (input==KEY_F(2)||input=='!') ) gameplay(); if( input==KEY_MOUSE ) mouseinput(sy,sx); if( (input=='k' || (input==KEY_UP||input=='w')) && py>0) --py; if( (input=='j' || (input==KEY_DOWN||input=='s')) && py0) --px; if( (input=='l' || (input==KEY_RIGHT||input=='d')) && px