I originally made these to be added to NetBSD (but the few i talked with preferred to have games in the repositories rather than in /usr/games itself).
These include:
Jewels (A game with a gameplay kinda similiar to that of Tetris, NOT my invention)
Mines (Minesweeper)
Post Made-for-NetBSD games:
Rabbithole (A maze-exploring game where you have to gather items from all around the maze rather reaching an end,the idea maybe mine)
Pipes (Same as the famous Pipe Mania, unplayable on the environments that don't support the line characters)
* make (optional)
* A C compiler with C99 enabled
* The standard library
* libncurses (the dev package if you are on debian-based distros)
How to run
1) Download the files
2) Go to the sources directory
3) Set the environment variable PREFIX to the address you want them to be in