# Highly experimental. use it at your own risk. use strict; use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI); use Irssi 20020120; # 21/01/2002, 18:00 cvs commit # at http://juerd.nl/irssi/temporary.deb for debian sid $VERSION = "2.06"; %IRSSI = ( authors => "Juerd", contact => "juerd\@juerd.nl", name => "Scroll buffer thingy", description => "Saves the buffer for /upgrade", license => "Public Domain", url => "http://juerd.nl/irssi/", changed => "Tue Feb 28 16:22 CET 2002", changes => "+logging workaround (untested, suggested by darix)" ); # Saves the Irssi scrollbuffer and displays it after /UPGADEing. # Additionaly saves your settings and layout. # HAS TO BE in $irssidir/scripts/autorun (don't forget to load the # perl module if you have to... put /load perl in $irssidir/startup) # Q: How can I get a very smooth and clean upgrade? # A: /set -clear upgrade_separator # /set upgrade_suppress_join ON (default) # /set channel_sync OFF # Q: Can I use color in the upgrade_separator? # Q: Is it possible to save my command history? # Q: Can I prevent the screen from blinking? # Q: Can you make it faster? # A: Probably not, but if you can do it, tell me how. use Irssi::TextUI; use Data::Dumper; my %suppress; sub upgrade { open (BUF, sprintf('>%s/scrollbuffer', Irssi::get_irssi_dir())); my $logging = Irssi::settings_get_bool('autolog') || 0; print BUF join("\0", map $_->{server}->{address} . $_->{name}, Irssi::channels()), "\n"; print BUF "$logging\n"; for my $window (Irssi::windows()){ next unless defined $window; next if $window->{name} eq 'status'; my $view = $window->view(); my $line = $view->get_lines(); my $lines = 0; my $buf = ''; if (defined $line){ { $buf .= $line->get_text(1) . "\n"; $line = $line->next(); $lines++; redo if defined $line; } } printf BUF ("%s:%s\n%s", $window->{refnum}, $lines, $buf); } close BUF; unlink sprintf("%s/sessionconfig", Irssi::get_irssi_dir()); Irssi::command('/layout save'); Irssi::command('/set autolog off') if $logging; Irssi::command('/save'); } sub restore { open (BUF, sprintf('<%s/scrollbuffer', Irssi::get_irssi_dir())); my @suppress = split /\0/, <BUF>; my $logging = <BUF>; chomp $logging; if (Irssi::settings_get_bool('upgrade_suppress_join')) { chomp $suppress[-1]; @suppress{@suppress} = (2) x @suppress; } Irssi::active_win()->command('/^window scroll off'); while (my $bla = <BUF>){ chomp $bla; my ($refnum, $lines) = split /:/, $bla; next unless $lines; my $window = Irssi::window_find_refnum($refnum); unless (defined $window){ <BUF> for 1..$lines; Irssi::print("no $refnum?"); next; } my $view = $window->view(); $view->remove_all_lines(); $view->redraw(); my $buf = ''; $buf .= <BUF> for 1..$lines; my $sep = Irssi::settings_get_str('upgrade_separator'); $sep .= "\n" if $sep ne ''; $window->gui_printtext_after(undef, MSGLEVEL_CLIENTNOTICE, "$buf\cO$sep"); $view->redraw(); } Irssi::active_win()->command('/^window scroll on'); Irssi::active_win()->command('/^scrollback end'); Irssi::command('/set autolog on') if $logging; } sub suppress { my ($first, $second) = @_; return unless scalar keys %suppress and Irssi::settings_get_bool('upgrade_suppress_join'); my $key = $first->{address} . (grep { (s/^://, /^[#!+&]/) } split ' ', $second)[0]; if (exists $suppress{$key} and $suppress{$key}--) { Irssi::signal_stop(); delete $suppress{$key} unless $suppress{$key}; } } # Don't use these :P they're for testing #Irssi::command_bind('emulate_upgrade', 'upgrade'); #Irssi::command_bind('emulate_restore', 'restore'); Irssi::settings_add_str('buffer', 'upgrade_separator', '=Upgrade='); Irssi::settings_add_bool('buffer', 'upgrade_suppress_join', 1); Irssi::signal_add_first('session save', 'upgrade'); Irssi::signal_add_first('session restore', 'restore'); Irssi::signal_add('event 366', 'suppress'); Irssi::signal_add('event join', 'suppress'); unless (-f sprintf('%s/scripts/autorun/buf.pl', Irssi::get_irssi_dir())) { Irssi::print('PUT THIS SCRIPT IN ~/.irssi/scripts/autorun/ BEFORE /UPGRADING!!'); Irssi::print('And don\'t forget to /load perl using ~/.irssi/autostart'); }