%9Syntax:%9 @SYNTAX:channel@ %9Parameters:%9 LIST: Displays the list of configured channels. ADD: Adds a channel to your configuration. REMOVE: Removes a channel from your configuration. -auto: Automatically join the channel. -noauto: Don't join the channel automatically. -bots: The list of hostnames send automated commands to. -botcmd: The automated commands to perform. The channel and network to add to the configuration; you can optionally specify the password of a channel. If no parameters are given, the list of channels you have joined will be displayed. %9Description:%9 Adds, removes or displays the configuration of channels; this method is used to automate and simplify your workflow. %9Examples:%9 /CHANNEL /CHANNEL LIST /CHANNEL ADD -auto #irssi Freenode /CHANNEL ADD -auto -bots "*!@*.google.com *!bot@google.com" -botcmd "msg $0 op WzerTrzq" #hideout Freenode /CHANNEL ADD -auto -bots "Q!TheQBot@CServe.quakenet.org" -botcmd "^MSG Q op #irssi" #irssi Quakenet /CHANNEL REMOVE #hideout Freenode %9See also:%9 JOIN, TS