@SYNTAX:ignore@ -regexp: is a regular expression -full: must match to full words -pattern: must match to the message's text -replies: Ignore replies to nick in channels. For example "/IGNORE -replies *!*@*.fi PUBLIC" ignores everyone from Finland, but also anyone sending message "tofinnishnick: blahblah". -except: *DON'T* ignore - overrides an existing ignore. -network: Ignore only on this network. -ircnet: Same as -network. Deprecated. Do not use. -channels: Ignore only in channels : Either a nick mask or list of channels : List of levels to ignore. You can use - to remove levels from ignore. <^levels>: List of levels to NOT ignore (/ignore -except nick notices = /ignore nick ^notices) /IGNORE without any arguments displays list of ignores. If you want to remove some levels of the ignore, use /IGNORE - - etc The best match always wins, so you can have: /IGNORE * CTCPS /IGNORE -except *!*@host.org CTCPS Examples: /IGNORE #channel ALL -PUBLIC -ACTIONS - ignore all but public/actions /IGNORE #channel -JOINS - don't ignore joins anymore /IGNORE -replies *!user@*.host.org ALL - ignore user and all replies Some suggestions for ignoring annoying public aways: /IGNORE -regexp -pattern "is (away|gone|back)" * ACTIONS /IGNORE *zzz* NICKS /IGNORE *afk* NICKS /IGNORE *away* NICKS For regular expressions, see `man 7 regex`. See also: UNIGNORE